T i£ E F L E ESHERTON AITTAirCl Febboaby 20 I9d8 nTAMJSHIO fT Mrs. Wm. Neil Dead THE SIANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office • • • - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be mmde or withdrawn by rither of the two mem ben of a household. This form of accouot is specially suitable for thosa living in the country, as either member can attend to the banking when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdnw* by the sairivor without (utay or cost. Write or call for further parlicolan. Interest added four times a year Savinss B«ik Department in Connection with all Brandies. FLESH ERTON BRANCH Georga Mitct\«ll, Manbs*r BRJ«JfCHCS ALSO AX DVRHA.M. EIAR.Kl«TOW AWT» "trrr- r'''«» "â- ^ Viciivity Chips! HeAvy and light ileiehn fur sale. D. Madill, Ceylon. Money to Loan â€" Oa good puper. R. P. Legate, Ceyon. Miss Anniu Wilnock visited Hams ton friends for a ccmple of days last week. W. A. Armstroii);, B'lesherton, issuer of Marria);e Licenses. Brown Lesitiorn Roosters for Sale, Alf Harri*>n, Fleshtrtou, P. O. We c»n supply the Canadian Poultry Review to any subscriber f.>r 3dc. F»ur deaths in this village during the y&ai seek is a sorrowful record. Ben. Hislop of Thombury visited at Dr. Ottevelt's this week. Com ! Corn ! Corn !â€" Just in, a car of corn. Prices right. P. Loucks. Mrs. (Rev.) Caldwell ia ill with a had attack of sciatica. Mrs. Lee uf Toronto is visitinit her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Tucker. Mrs. E. Paul of Eugenia is spendiug'a «eek with her daughter, Mrs. R. Ben- Ibam. Mr. Sam. Paul, who has been visiting his porents at Eugenia, has returned to La.li;, Sask. Dr. E. C. Murray left on Monday fur Tnrorito to attend the Dental Convention there this week. Rev. L. V. Ki|)p'8 subject for next Sunday morning is "The Message of :'ijunab. '' yiesherlon temperance hotel is for lease, mostly furnished. For particulars apply to F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. For rent or sale â€" General store best •tand id Fleshertou. Apply to R. J. Sproufe, Flesherton. A 1 year old improved yorkshire boar for service, imported stock, at lot 176, Toronto line. M. G. Orr. 16 Apl. Five head of youiig cattle for sale â€" 4 steers and 1 heifer. Tern>s to suit pur- chaser. Alf. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. Wanted 10 enrds 4 ft. hardwood, dry, iarcely mund wood «nd liuibs. A'so ten cords dry 2 ft. stove wood, prepared. R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. Get your choppinz done at the electric plant, Eugenia. Customers will please note that we will do no grinding after 4.30 in the afternoon. T. Lockhart. DundaJk, was iu town on Monday looking iip^iue horses, of which h4 purposes shipping a load west next Monday. Rev. G V. Hurlburt, who hss been Iivii>K ill Toronto for some time, has re- turned to the ministiy and accepted a charge at Burford. Keep your dates clear for Tuesday, March 3rd. The Flesherton Citizen's Band will hold a concert in the >own ball •n that dale. Excellent program. Particulars latter. The Eugenia Pr«>s)iyterian Ladies' Aid purp.>8e holding a Japanese flaiidkerchief •ooial ill the Urange hall, Friday the 28th Feb. 10 and 15c, 35c a couple. A short prouraro will b« uiven. Maple cream ai d fudge on sale during the evening. For Sale.â€" One bay colt, 1 brown horse, t b>«y mare, 1 cushion tired bugi>y, 1 steel tired buggy, 1 road cart. 1 cutter, 3 head if cattle. 1 park lot, four acres, to be sold at ono.e. G<>cd terms, cash or tiiue. \V. Trimble, Klcsherton. StiiiMoii â€" Radloyâ€" At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Hanion Radley, Flesherton, on Wednesday, Feb. 12, by the Rev. G. C. Little, 'r. Jamrs Stmsun of Artemesia to Miss Aianiiuta Rad'ey of Chicago. Mr. Andrew Graham of the valley was liisin;j fowl Litely and when it came <o the lo.^ of a (.'oose Andy lay for the marauder and inansited to sho >t him â€" a fine specimen of Rubo Virginianus, or horned uwl. Dr. Caldwell's sermons fur Sunday â€" raoriiing, " Jrsus at the Pool of BKihes- da, " the Sun jay school lesson; evening,. ** Does Satan Mauufucture Sorts an^ Boile?*^ Meaford Road, '*Je«us at Bethrsda's Pool. " Dr. Burt, Eye and Eur Surveoa, of Owen Sound returned home on Monday aiKht and resjmctl prsctice after spend- ii g a month in New York where he was walking the honpitals in ounnectiuii with ^fl special work... Mr. and Mrs. Will Stuart and children of PuwHssHn are visiting relatives here anj at Kiuiberley. Tht-y were oti Satur- day's train which becnme stalled this side of Shoihuriieand were stuck iu the drift for 24 hours. Fftrin for saleâ€" Lot 16, con. 10, Osprey, near Feversham, about 50 acres cleared and well ferced, frame house and bam. sione »t*ble. For price and terms apply to A. G. Campbell, box 604, Ouliin?wood. Farm for saleâ€" Lot 102, con. 11, Os- prey. 200 sere farm. Barn, 40 x 60, bou.se, 2H X 32. Will be sold cheaply and on easy terms. For particulars apply to J. D. Osborne, Feversham. Having leased the Eugenia saw raiQ fur this season I am prepared to do all kind of custom sawing. I also want any quantity of lalh timber foi which highest cash price will be paid at the mill. â€" Tho-j. E. Fenwick. As most headaches, as wall as many obscure di8ease8,are dno to eye affections, it is imp<ir)aut that all spectacles and eyeiilasses are scientifically fitted. Con- sult Chss. J. \V«!8iern, eyesight specialist in the parlor of the Munahaw House on Friday, March 6th. The regular monthly meetinc of the Women's Institute will be held in the town hall on Wed. Feb. 26 st 2 30 sharp. Subjects for discussion , Bi-st methods of preparing Hsh â€" Kitchen Uteisilx, taken by Mrs. Trimble, Mrs. S. Thompson and Mrs. J. Heard. Visitors are always welcome. Mr. L. A. Fisher received a telegram a week ago last Saturday that his father was dying at Bury, Quebec. Word was received later thi^ he died lh« same day. Mr. FisherHras unable to go on accouHt of the train buiog blocked, as he cou'd not reach there in time to attend the funeral. Chaa. J. Western, Eyesight Specialist, of Toronto, his arranged to make regular visits to Flesherton professionally. His first visit will be on Friday. March 6th, and perst.ns with defective eyesiuht may consult hint in the parlor of the Munahaw House. Read his notice oo the back page. NoTiCB â€" We have now got in a new stock of dry goods and groceries and are ready to do business, and will pay highest piice for butter and etfgs. We have some bargains in stock that we bought from Mr. Macdonald that must be got rid of. We sxll oil and flour and feed. Accom- modation for teams in shed. J. K. Large. Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright of this village suffered the loss of their twins. Cells Irene sndCo3il Raymond, last week. The former died Friday morning and the latter Saturday morning, about thirty hours apart. "The funeral Sunday morn- ing to Flei>herton cemetery was a double one. both iafants being inierrsd in one casket. Mr. and ilrs. Wri«ht have the deep sympathy of all. Both infants had suffered from indigestion for some '.ime. Their age was five months. I am now prepared to tike custom sawing of lumber, shingles Hiid lath, at my mi 1 in Flo-sherton. AUo contracts for spring and summer sawing in quantity in any location. T have a first cUss moveable mill and can guarantee satis- faction. Good facilities for sawing bitrn timber A small quantity of shinule timber, spruce and hemlock logs wanted Dry lumber and joists for sale. George Wats >n, Fleeberton. Old Boreas gave us another whiick on Saturday last. Five days of uice mild weather was followed on Friday night by a sleet storm and all day Sa'uidiiy a rag- insj snowstorm whirled over the country. As a result of llie sleet, telephone and tt-legraph wires were down. Thti Satur- day morning train from Toronto booaine stalled three miles thii side of Shtllmrne aud did not get through until 11 s. ni. Sunday. A special went down from Owen Sound Saturday a. B». and aivived in Ti>ronto on kiiiis. Mr. Frank Chard hnd a cow with a swelling, this winter, bfhiml ilie fore shouUer, the eaase o* which he could- not fathoas. The other day he calletV a r.eiKhl«>r, Mr, R. Best, in consultation, ai d together they opened the lump. In- side they discovered a hat pin eiuht inches long, wue of those with a big, round head. This was exitsotetl and the swelling is healed. The pin had been lost in the field by Mrs. Ch'vrd last summer and in Some manner the cow must have got it i«:to her stomach. The funny part ia how the big head followed the point out r.<i far as ih« hide of the animal. The pin was found to be nut even bent wheu extract- ed,. Mrs. Martha Neil, relict of the late Wm. Neil, died at her home here on Monday, after a few day's illness of paral- ysis. She was seized with the stroke Wednesd<iy of last week,whilf apparently in excellent health, and lingered totally unconscious untU 6 a. m. Mondny, when her spirit took its flight. She was 69 yeiirs of age, and was born in Darlington, her maiden name being Martha Nay. She was married to Wm. Neil 4t5 years ago this coming March aud settled with her husband on the farm now owned by Mr. R. Waller, west back line, .^rtemesia. Twenty-seven years ago they moved to thi-s village, where they hiive since resided. Mr. and Mrs. Neil were not blessed with liny family. The deceased lady was very highly respected and was a life-long member of the Presbyterian church. The funeral on Wednesday afternoon of this week was conducted by her pastor. Rev. Mr. Little, the remains being taken to the Presbyterian church, where service was held previous to interment by the side of her husband who predeceased her only a few months ago. » I i«» â- « Aunt Jerusba in Town Aunt Jerusha Dow of Toronto was in town last week and gave an exceedingly amusing exhibition of her family album to a large audience in the town hall We«b]es- day evening. The stage was so arranged that a door represented the aHnun cover and this door opened to exhibit the sub- jects, one by one. The subjects were all locail characters dressed up iu costumes of bygone days, representing individuals and groups. Aunt Jerusha exhibited these with a running fire of witty comment â€" when the cheering and laughing audience would allow her to be beard. The part of Aunt Jerusha was represented by Miss Belle Thompson of Toronto, who was all tha^ could be desired as 1 aoquacious hut warm hearted old successor of her famous " ancestors. " She also gave a reading that was thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Irene Wilson and Master Elmer Wright gave a charmingly rendered Scotch duet in costume, " When ye gang awa', Jamie. " Mr. J. Pult<m supplied violin music. The house was a good one, netting a good round sum for the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church. Receipts at the door were $46. - The ladies desire to thank those who assisted them by preparing the stage. Neglected Colds Threaten Life. [From the Chicago Tribune ] " 'IXm't tiifle with a eold,' is good advice for prudent men and woinen. It may be vital in the cr.se of a child. Proper food, (food ventilation, and dry, wshn clothing are the pro|>er safeKiiarda against colds. If they are maintained ttirmieli tbk olioiiKeuble weather of autumn, winter and spriu^, the chances irf n surprise from ordinary oolils will be a slight. But the ordinary light ciJl will become severe if neglected, and a wel( established ripe cold is to the germs of diphtheria what hiwey is to the bee. The greatest menace to child life at this season of the year is the neglected cold." Whetheiit iaa childoaadult, the cold alight or severe, the very bes"; treatment that can be adopted is to give -Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It« ia safe and sure. The great popularity and immense sale of this prepar- ation has Iwea attain^ by its remarkable cures of this ailment. A cold never results in pneumonia when it is given. For sale by W. £. Richardson. Auction Sales Wednesday, Feb. 26 â€" Farm stock, im- plemeuts and household furniture on lot 2, con. 12, the property of Mrs. Thos. Paul. D. Roberts, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 3â€" Farm stuck, iraple- meDta and household furniture, lot 32, c<m. 7, (Rock Mills,) Arteniesia. Robert W. Clark, proprietor; D. McPhail, auc- tioneer. An exteusive auction sale of farm stock and implements will be hold on lot 32, con. 6, Artemesia, on We.lnesday, Feb. 26, the properly of .Joaeph Sherwood. Sale at 1 p. m. D. MoPhail, auctioneer. Full particulars on bills. Engenia Old Mr. Turner is very low at presect. Mrs. John E. Williams has lieen laid up with a severe attack of ^rip. Our citizens have l>eeii busy putting in a supply of ice for the sum-ner. Miss Evelina Smith has re>urne<l home from the city on a visit to her parenUo. Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph Williams spent Sunday with Mrs. Paul of Ijidy E^nk. Mr. Jonathan Latimer, who was so ill for some time, is able to be nround attain. &Irs. John Walker of Fleslierton was the guest of Miss Beeoiofi fvcaft^w days. Miss Ella Pedlar, wh»hHS,been spend- ing some time in Toronto,, has returned home Mirs Bertha Willi^mis w:m the guest of friends iu the valby. for a few days ro- cently. Mv8. Btiland >â- ( Vandolcur wns the suent of her sister, Mrs. Munshaw, the pa.<t week. Miaa Annie Hislop of the «<kl)ey was .theg'jcstof the Misses Williams the past week. Mr. William Hislop of the valley had (lie misfortun* to lose one of his horses the past week from dii-temper. A iiuuiber of Vandeleur folks came on a surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. Mun- shaw, of the £u'.;enla House. .\ very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. We expect suou to hear the wedding bell ring fur one of our young bachelors. . Once the weddings SI ait the snow will •oon go. Uli, may it lie soon. ^ena of imereat is rather acarct. . TJto^ A Prized Cough Core "I have not been without a bottle ot Ooltsfoota Expectorant ia the bouse for over nine years. At that time I procur- ed it for a bad cold I had. It worked inieh wonders then that it has been a househald remedy ever since, and we will have ao other for coughs and colds â€" it is so pleasant to tako, and all of my children look for it as soon as they get a cold at all. Nearly an of tham have been subject to croup, and that's when I find Coitafoote Expectorant use- ful. Yo« are welcome ts use this testi- monial as you wish." MRS. LEWIS NIGH. Free Sain>le ef Ceksf oete Ezpectorut will be sent to any person sending their name and address and naming this paper. It has established a wonderful record as a successful cure for coughs, colds, sore throat , croup, whooping eough, bronchitis and all irritated con- ditions of the throat and chest. It ia the prescription of a great specialist in nedieine. At all good druggists, 2Sc. Dr. T. A. Sloeum, Limited, Toronto. Sand for Tim BanvU To-day. •torm king still reigns supreme, and the roads are past all records for drifts. Vis- itors to our village are scarce as it would take a man with nerves of steel to ven- ture out through the drifts. FISH W. L. Wright bat a nice lot of Salmon Trout, the kind you have always wanted. This trout will tickle those who know and like good fi.sh. Our store is wel 8t<jcked with groceries and flour. W» carry Fords Patent, Ontario Blend and Morning Glory. Also bran. Shorts aud low grade flour and feed Wheat. W. L. WRIGHT (Mnadian In The High Court of Justice In the Matter of Lot Number Thirteen in the Eleventh Concession of theTown- ship of Osprey in the County of Grey. NOTICE is hereby given tbat George Ellis of the said tewnsbip of Osproy, faimer, baa cnade an application to the Hfgh Court of Jnstice for Ontario for a certificate of title to the above mentioned property under tbe Qui* iting Titles Act. and baa produced evideoce whereby be appears to be the owner thereof in fee free from all eocmnbranceA. Wherefore any other person having or pre- tendiDg to have any title to or interest in the said land or auy part thereof, is required, oej or bef ire the 23rd day of March, 1908. to file a statement of his claim, verified by affidavit, at my chambers in tbe Court House, in tne town of Owen Sound, and to serve a copy on Uessrs. Lucas. Wrigbt A UcArdle, at their office in the town of Owen Sound, as solicitors for the said George Ellis, and in default every such claim will be barred, and the title of tbe said George BlUs will become absolute and indefeasible at law. and in equity, subject only to tbe reserva- tioas mentieued in the ^th section of the said Act. Dated the I7tb dav of Februarv. 1908. C. H. WIDDIFIELD- Local Master at Owen Sonad. Laoas, Wrfght A McArdle, Solioitors for the Fetitiooar. FOR THE Horse Breeders' Exhibition- TORONTO EXCURSION Return Tickets at SINGLE FARE GOING FEBRUARY 25- and .2ft Return Limit Feb. 27 On sale at all C P. R. Ticket Offices and Stations Towl tor Salt so (food younff' Hans and Pullets, part Brown Leghorn; also 2 s. c. Brown LeKbom Cockerels for saia. K. ALLEN, Flesherton P, O. Sl^orttiorn Cattle fcr Sale Lerlniss snd Wiaaples. tbe best of breading and quslit". Bull, cows and belters (or sala at reasooable prices t 3a.coD.5 CH A8. STAFFORD. Flesherton Xmas Otter $25.00 For three months course. Write before Dec. 21 15 years experience. British Canadian Business College, Tonga and Bloor streets, Toronto. Sbortberit Bkill The thorou(rhl>red Shorthorn Bull, "Favor' it«," 62235, is for service on lot 2r-28,2nd ran^ N. D. K, Artemesia. P>»ligre« on application •nnstl.25 A.LEX. McRAE. Ceylon. Choice Tarm for $ak« At Kimberley North half lot No. 10, Euphrasia. 100 acres. Dearly all under cultivation, Five acres old orcbaril.well watered. Three thousand will buT It on quick sale, tlOOO down, balance to suit. This is a decided barsain. Appiv InJUrs. J.U. Thurston, i31 WaUesley St., ToroiiCo, I Selling off Our ^ Winter G %!%!• In order to make room for a very large quantity of Spring and Summer Goods, we are offering all Winter Cxoods consisting of Ovex«shoe8, Rubber s» X^e^- ^in^s and JFtelt. Goods At a Genuine Big Reduction CLAYTON'S "quality^ quantity Notwithstanding the storms and bad roads we &ad veay good success with our Sale, We appreciate our customers' wisdom in taking advantage of an opportunity like this and we wiH still make il worth your while to deal with u.^ b^' giving yew Quality and Quantity. Jas. PATTISON C ^ V L O N