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Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1908, p. 1

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I JTlesf^rttei Jlteatta* "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRI^CiPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, NO 1362 Fleaherton, Ont.. Tliursday February 13 L908 W. H. THURSrON, bopkietor 1 Valentine Time Bi„' stock (if Valentino Cards, Birthday Cards, St. Patrick's Day Cards, Picture Pust Cards. The best diapl.iy of thtsa popular SouvenirH evorsliowii here. Fine J ewellery in Big Variety all the time, at lowest living prices. WatcK Repairing • Specialty. W. A. ARMSTRONG JEWELLER. VaiMleleur Miss Tillie Buchaimn visited friends at Flesherton last week. Miss Kate Davis is visitiiig her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis. Mrs. John HoJley left on Tuesday to visit her daughter, Ida, who is ill in Toronto. The members of Court Vandeleur CO. F. gave a farewell supper recently in honor of two of their numberâ€" Mr. Will Proctor, who with his family are leaving for the west, and Mr. W. Stainbourski, who leaves this week for his home in Manitoba. After tea speeches by a num- ber of the members, a recitation by Miss E. C. Boland and music by tlie Orchestra completed a very pleasant and profitable evening. â€" â-  ^> > â-  What to Do When BUious* The riRht thini< to d> when you feel bilious is to take a dose of Chauiburlain'ii Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regfulate the liver and buweU. Try it. Price, Sauiples free, at W. E. Kichardsuu's druK store. MAXWELL Wedding bells are ringing. Borii^ â€" To Mr and Mrs. Wes. Clintou, • son. Mr. R. J. Kiunear spent Sunday in Feversliam a week ago. Miss Sarah Kinnear visited with friends in Feversham last week. Quite a uuiuber of people around here are laid up with LaUrippe. The blockaded roads are opened again, but for how long remains to oe seen. The Women's Institute will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Wright. Miss Saunders, Miss Ilodgers and Mr. Burnside spent Sunday with Miss Annie Hei-ou. Mrs. Ned Linley and Mr. Sara Linley visited the former's daughter in Corbettou one day this week. We notice the young men are wearing happy smiles since the nice sunshiny Sundays have come attain. storm of the pjist week, he having to use sDowshoes in place of a horse and cutter. Miss^Ruby Cooper is still at home liav- ing started for Collingwood last week to go hack to her school in Parry Sound, but tinding the roa<ls so bad she has had to postfwne her trip till the roads get better. Mr. Wni . Park of Banks is staying in town awaiting the arrival of Mrs. ( Dr. ) P.irk from the wast, so they may bury the late Dr. J. Park, who died here on Feb. 2iid. T)ia railroads were blocketl with snow and Mrs. Park was delayed in getting hei'e until Saturday We understimd that the friends of Mrs. (Dr ) Park were dissatistied with the undertaker who had embahiied the body of the hite Dr. Park and iiad another un- dertaker come and-oxchauge coffins after the body had lain for a week. The other uudertaker had to make the change while the people were waiting for the funeral. The Coroner wjis called from Flesherton on Monday before the funeral took place. One of the coldest and heaviest storms experienced for some years visted this (xirt hkst week and no mad has reached here since last Tuesday week, the C.P.R. Ijeing snow-bound this side of Orange- villu and unable to get the maih) through The country roads are tille<l si.x feet deep in some places and are almost im|>ik.ssable. There are about three and a half feet of snow in the bush and this luis stopped the timber cutting for a time. The sawmills have a very small stock of logs, as yet. Proved Beyond Doubt. The disappointed vicfinisof poor Cat- arrh remedies should read the statement of J. R. Smith, of Laku Stream, N. B. Ill Cararrhozonu he found an absolute cure and says: "Last winter my little girl of ei^ht caught cold which lodged ih her ears in the ft>rm of Catarrh. She became sick and deaf and niithin>; helped. By inhal- ing Catarihi'Eonc she ^ot relief and grad- ually the diHchK:t(u went away. She was cured perfectly of Catafrh. Personally I can recommend Catarrhozone fur coughs and thioHt irritation; its a wonderful med- icine." Sold everywhere, 2dc. and 91. (X). SNOWBOUND For Rheumatic Sufferers. The quick relief from pain afforded by np- plyiujj' Chaiiibjrlain's I'aiii Balm inaken it a tavoritc with Ku/i'erfrs fruii- rheumatism, sciatica, l.'une back, lumbago, auJ deep seated »iul niiiacular paiua. For sale by W. E. Kic hardsuii. lUtst Mwuutaiu. Mrs. Hugh Wttltou is con Cued to ber bed at pre.-ent. Mr. Thou>as Caniack spent last Tues- day with friends hire. Mr. Geo. Allan's sale last Tuesday w»s very successful. His stock was in fair ahape and everyihiug went reasonable. The recent storms of last week drifte(i| the roadt full, C'>uipelling the people to ' cross iheir farms. In one towiiship ! of thi« county (Holland) there are wire {•â- nces along all the roaan. It would be a grand thing if that saino piiuciple was cairied out here. The people of this pait regret to learn of the suddeu death of Dr. Park which look place at Keveish'im over a week ago. The deceased had come over fr.mi the west to see Lis lUulher, who was dan- Koiuuslyill. The doctor was well known in th 8 part and leivcs a widow and one child lu luouin his loss. i^pi lotli. LSae Osprey Dr. &jnd of Maxwell has had quite a bad time making his rvvtnds during the Died In Winnipeg. The following obituary notice appcfired in tlie Winnipeg Free Press of djile Jan. 31: ;'The death of Miss Alice A. Hind, of Suite 1, Laurel block, Osborne street, aunt of Miss E. Cora Hind, commercial editor of the Free Press, occurred this worniiig. For the jjast two years Miss Hind hiis been an invalid, but her final illness was of less than twodays duraticjn. Miss Hind was born in Pittsbtirg 69 years ago and was brought to Toronto by her pax'uuts when only a baby in arms. When quite a young woman she a.ssumed the responsibility of taking charge of her brother's orphan children and to them she ! devoted her life They moved to a farm near Flesherton, Out., remaining on it until 1882, in which year Miss Hind cauie to the west, accompanied by her niece, Miss Cora Hind. She was a wom- an of beautiful character and while of a 1 retiring disposition was greatly belove<l I by her intimate friends. She was devot- ed to Works ol (juiet and unostentatious cliiirity and for tile poor and sufl'uring she had an abundant sympathy. For many yejirs she took a deep interest in the Woman's Home on McDermott aven- ue. Miss Hind leaves to mourn her death, her sister, Mrs. Jacques, widow of the Rev. George Jaccpies of Calgary, her neice. Miss Cora Hind, andanuuiljcr of nephews in various parts of Canada. " Seientsts, after puzzling for months over a pile of small heads and skulls found in the Cat.icoiuhs, have discovered that they aie the skulls of cmmon tile prow- lers dropped dcwu throUi'.h au air shaft frcjui a rustauraut which makes a special- ity of juggtd hare at popular prices The 8..ieiiti»rs have decioed (hat the fait has had no bearim; upon the name givtn to ihtj U'iderarouui place. Greatest Storm on Record. The storms of last week beat the re- cord for thii country. From Tues-lay until Sunday we were pelted by stronij wmds hittini; us from every point of the compans, making the coaiplote circle once in every twenty-four hours, while the iheremomotor danced from ten above to twenty below zero, and dense snow storms blinded the air for hours at a time. On Tuesday the railway gave up the tight and allowed the elements to do their worst. Only one of the country maila-Kimberleyâ€" came in ou Wednesday, the others called it off. The Durham stage from here gut sturinbound at Durham. Seven travellers were forcibly detained here, divided about equally be- tween the two hoteU. The merchants found it a good time to take stock as they Were not bothered with customerc. There is now^somewhere between throe and four feet of snow i.. the bush on the level, and every Imllow in the fields is tilled level, with the beautiful. It is Whittirr's "Snowbound" with the poetry left out. From Wednesday until BViday not a team could get from this vilLige to the station. Friday a i(ang of shovelers Was put on and the road o|ienod. Arm- strons; Bros, snow plow was hired by CouucUl'>r Best and put in commission with Adams' team and did splendid work on the main roads Friday and Saturday. The first mailtoariive after the storm was brought in from Markdnle on Satur- day afternoon by stage. Saturday even- in!{ a stage arrived from Oranuuvillu with Wednofday and Tliuraday's Toronto mail. The blocksds wa» raised on Sunday when a train came tlirou/h from Orangu- ville bearing the maih up to Friday. This arrived slmut 4 p. m.aiid was distri- buted by Postmaster Sproulo On Mon- day the irai:i8 were running about ou time. Since Friday the weather has been all that could be desired, with bright iun- shino. Wo dt> not hope for n repetition of the storms of last week. Let them pass ns a bxd dream. This storm wa« gpnoral over Ontario from North Bay eouthwaid, and reaching from Sackatchewan to New Brunswick. Every railway in the country was more or loss seriously affected by it. Makes a Saint Swear To h«¥e his favorite corn stepped on. Don't have corns, â€" cure them with Put- nam's Corn Extiactjr. Takes 24 hours â€" no pain â€" costsaipiarter. Try Putnam's. A Doctor's Statement Bale St. Paul, C.C., C^ue. March 27th, 1907. "Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, 0>t. G«ntl,o«nen : â€" My- many thanlts for Psychine and Oxomalsion. . I have used thorn with very great satisfaction both in »iy own case and in that of my fricadsy It af- fords me much pleasure to recommend a remedy whioh is really gooil in cases for which it is intended. I am, yours very truJv," DR. ERNEST A. ALLAKD. Doctors recognize that Psychine is one of the very best remedies for all throat, loung and stoir.nch troubles and all run down conditions, from whatever cause. It is the prescription «f one of tb« world's greatest specialists in dis- ease* of the throat, lungs, and stomaok, and aN wasting discaass. Ask your druggist <»r it, at 50c aad 1.00, or T, A. Blosom, Limited, Toronto. Aged Hermit Dies Robert Bruce, an old man who lived a hermit's life near Wiarton, is dead. For nearly sixty yeai-s he had lived his solitary life about two miles out of the town, a«- soeiating with none and tvlling no one his stmnge history. As near as can be learned, he was born in Scotland about eighty three years ago. He was tlie son of well-to-do and respectable farmers. He eslisted in the Scot's fituards, but when the Crimean war was breaking out, not caring for the dangers and hardships of war, he deserted and fled to Canada. In his desire to get as far as possible away fi-om arrest he made his way into North Bruce, building a shack near the pi-escnt Wiarton. Sum- mers he spent in railway construction, while the winter v/iui existed through in his little cabin. When the Indian land was sold Bruce secured about 30(J acres, and this he kept UHtil his death. It is also supposed that he had a considerable amount of money in an Owen Sound bank. When he grew too old to care for himself ho wii.s coin- loittcd to the Owen Sound jail, but oven there liis independence showed itself in his determination to pay for his keep. All liis years his dress was very fantas- tic -a cut and style of his own, but when his shack was searched after his death a tine suit of Engli.sli broadcloth of the pat- tern of the early 50's was discovered. It bore the stamp of a Glasgow firm of tailors. As far as known he leaves no relatives of any kind. ; A remarkable coincidence exist? in ' connection with thn family of IVIr. Wm. Monday, who resides on Princess street, ' east hill, (if a family of six nieinlnrs, oonsisting of father, mother and four children every one wa« born on a Tues- day. This Itself would lie s<miethini{ ! remaikablo, but the family naiiio makes it all the more so â€" O. S. Advertiser. 3XJRT SoeciallBt n to ass of he Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 13 Fi-o8t at. - Ovi/encSoiincl At the Markdale houae, Markdjilo,lst Fridiiy each month from 8 to 12 a. m. McFARLAND & CO. MAI^KDALE ONTA1<IO Our 10 Days' Sale Has Expired And it has proven that there was lots of moaey in. circulation amongst people who were looking for the best place to buy what they needed for; the bonie and to wear at greatly reduced prices. The immense selling during the sale has left us with a great many Hues that are incomplete in sizes, etc., that must move quickly. We want just as few remnants and broken lots as we can possibly have ^ when winding up stocktaking last of February. There are dozens of money saving chances in every department and we quote but a few as below. Regular Id and ISc Mens and Boys Sus- penders for 7o Reg 23 and 50c Puff Ties to clear,eacli . 15 Rev 25c Graduate Ties, half price. . .12io Reg 10.00 Persian Lamb drivers for. 6. 75 Reg 2U.0O Mens Bulgarian Lamb Coats for 20.50 Retl 35.00 Mens Wallaughby Coats for Reg 50c Boys Knit Top Shirts for. . . .3!)o 2t>.00 Reg 1.25 and 1.50 Men's Kait TopShirt.<i for 9oo Ri'g 50c rioefe Underwear for 38o Reg 75o Elastic Riobed Underwear for.62 Reg 15 and 25c wool Tama for 9c Reg 40 and 50o wool Caps and Hoods for 24c Reg 75 and 85c Fringed, Honey Comb Sha wis for 58c Reg 3.25 Golf Jackets for 2.25 Reg 50 and 75c Men's Cloth Caps for. 25c Reg I.OO doz. Fancy Dinner Plates for OOo Reg 7.50 Persian Lamb, wedge shape, for 4.90 Ken 28.00 Men's Siberian Dog Coats foi: 19.50 Reg 30.00 Ladies Astrachan Jackets for 14.50 Reg 35.00 Ladies Astrachan Jacket^s for 24.50 Reg 40.CO and 45.00 Ladies Astrauhan Jackets for 32.50 Ren 53.00 Near Seal Jackets fur 4<).00 Ren (i.OO Men's Overcoats for 3.95 Reg 7.50 Men's Overcoats for .5.46 Reg 85o to 1 .00 Sweaters for 69o Roini:ant8 25 to 30 per cent, less than usual. The above list is but a small portion of the many Money-Saving Jhances that are here in store for you when you come. McFARLAND & COMPANY CEYLON'S NEW STORE ^ LOOK! LOOK! LUOOK ! Big Drop In Flour! We are aelliug the retuaiudei- of our Uottr at wliolesale prices to make room for later arrivals. Ogilvies Royal Housebo'd only $6.00 a barrel. Ogilvies Glenora *5,<>0 a barrel Manitoba Patents , $5 70 a barrel Strong Bakers ,85.10a bairol 0. K. Family $1.70 u barrel Rolled Oats I ... S3.00 a saak Bian 81.35 a hundred Shoits 81-40 a hundred Oil Cake '• ^..$'2.00 a bundled GROCERIES â€" Our groceries are the freshest and cheapest in town. Fully guaranteedor money refunded. Granulated sugar only $105 a hundred.â€" BOO US, SHOES AND RUBBERS To clean out uur winter supply we are selling at coat. Ceylon's Leading Merchants COLI-INSON BBOS. John Bryant of lot. 8, con 7, Amaranth had his fine barn dcstroyi'd by tire on Siturdny last. Hd lost all hid feed and strain, six head of fat caitU, ten pi'.fi and .'ill bis iiii|ilenion'.s, Mr. Bryan and his hired iinin wero working in the buildinu. Tl.ey had lilled the hopper of the y'aio ciu.shor with grain and started.the wioduiill to d'l liiime gr.iiii crushm:;. They then wont into the stable, which is io the biisi'nient to do sunn; work. After a short time Mr. Bryan went upsiair« to see if the crusher needed more graioandho foun<l the whole of the U|)pur pan of thu barn in tl.ones. Tlio tiro is suppoeed to have hoen uajg.-f? by an iver liHated box- ing orsinno nails i.'ettiiii()into the rolls of the crusher. His low will bo heavy. Ho carried only $1 100 insuranco on the build- iiiK and J1200 OD thooontentw. The risk waa held by the Dufferin CiuueHR' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.- Grand Valley S'ar. R. J. Ball, Hanover's sooond-laigost furniture uiaiiufaoturer, is '.he now ward- en of (jroy County. Mr. B.dl lives on the Ih'uce sido of Haoovir, and his big factory is also onlhewust sideoflhecouuty liiii'. He really is a liruce man but was handed over with the r'Mt if Hanover to Gri-y County to i^ive our neiulihors to tho Enit a tew capahle pnlilic men like H H. Miller M. P., Ward«n Ball, Dr. Mo*rii», and \'«1 Kirchner.â€" Chosloy Enterprice. John .\ddia of Walkerton wa.i b'ne.l «5 and ooslu for hnrniiii^ his nt^)(lib 'r, Coliiinhus S.-hiiitzler, in eflijy, ,to the woids.ftho B.-nsar Sonj;. Coluiuf.lis roccnlly lost a leani of b uses and' a sub- scription list was pa-ised around to help hioi m 111* loHH. Addi.s ma.nia'ned that his neishhor w.^a wiidthy, had ini iie.'d of alms, and the effl, y was iultinded to bring ridicule on tho nv darn Culumbutt •^.l

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