•*^f« â- llfMlHMpM Febbuast 6 |f08 THE PLESHERTON AD V ANCK A lii^Hi'^iiiH F. T. HILL & Co. OUR GREAT vwywyv^wyv^ February Graniteware Sale â€" 5 « ^ ON WEDNESDAY, FEBKUARy 5, we itart our Great February Graniteware sale. 6,000 pieces of all kudu of Graniteware to bo sold at one third to one half less than usual reta-l price. This is a BtirriiiK sale and of imjwliini} interest to every woman with l>i[? inducements to refurnish kitchen uteniiiU in Graniteware of all kinds; You cannoi afford to paaa it. WASH BASINS. 3000 only Granite Wash Basins in grey and white colors. MoCLiry's make, rouular 25 and .30c values anywhfre. Durinij our great Griinitewaie sale for the month of Fehruwry only, remember solliiiB at halfâ€" 2 for 25c or each 13c. TEA FOTS I quart Granite Tea Pots, rei?. 35c, Feb. price 19c. II . " •• 40o, " 22o. 14 2 3 55c, Goc, 29c. 23c. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton -•-ro STOVE POTS. Just think, 75 only Granite Siovo Pots, perfectly seamles* with steel bale and lips, sold recuUvly at 75c and 85o. During February they will be sold at each 48c. FRY PANS AND SPIDERS. Customers will plea»e note that the quantity is limited in this line, but while we have then, the pnco will b»: 45o. Fry pant or Spiders, selling for each ?3o 50o. 27c. 35o 18c. KIOE BOILERS. 3 qoart Granite Rico Boilers, reR. price «1, Feb. Sale .C8c. â- luart Granite Bice Boilers, lartje size, regular 11^25. Peoruary Sale Price 78o. BUTTER DISHES 75 only Granite Butter Dishes, Rellinir at each 10c SUGAR BOWLS 75 only Granite Susar Bowls, selling; at each 10c. PLATES eOO only Pie Plates, Dinner Plates, nnd Tea Plates, all in Graniteware, rcirular lOo and 12Jc. While wo have them your choice at each 5o. GRANITE BOWLS. lOo Granite Bowls selliDif at your choice for 5c 12Ao " " " 7.-. Ibc. " " " 8c. Durinc; February only remenih«(r Preserving Kettlvs, all et7,e!s reduced, Pudding Pans, " " Milk Pans, " " Sauce Pans, " " Coffee Pots, *' " Pail., Stove Pots, " '• Cake Pans, " " Chamber Pails, " *' Charaberf, " " GREAT VALUES IN CARPETS In lengths of from 2 to 20 yards. Clearing at a 8trait;bt discount of 20 per oont. on your choice. <^(WWWWW MARKDALE mmmm^i Ii l)nb(i^hed every Thursday at $1.00 \>e.- annum if paid in advance, 81.5c if notso paid EDITORIAL DRIFT ScDivto Reform is Btill a friiilfal thonie, although baldheaded with ago. Everything about tlio Senate ie buld- beadcd, but it aeoms to have discover- ed the fountain of life so diligently sought by Ponco de Leou and others. Its death has been prominently before the public for the past thirty years, jet there are uo signs of dissolutiou. Mr. II. H. Milltr, member for South Grey, is the latest candidate for execu- tioner. Ho proposes to appoint no - more members to the senate and when by attrition the chamber has been reduced to a few members they should be pensioned off and the i^enalo as an institution would thus die a natural death without any nudue torce being brought to bear. It's demise would not be accompanied by any prolonged agony or heartrending details for the yellow journals to gloat over. It strikei us that Mr. Miller's scheme is the best yet. It is humane, and gives the victim time to prepare for dissolution. What more could be desired in the way of an execution? The statue of Liberty in New York harbor does not stand for nothing. 8hfc evidcntlj holds out her torch to boodlers and murderers and criminals of all classes â€" provided they have enongh money. It is money that "olocutes" with that funny old L bsrty girl, as witnessed, in the case of the nnaavory Thaw trial winch came to an end in Now York last wot-k. If we could bo satisfied that Thaw would be held in Mattcawan for the balance of his unprofitable life there would be 801110 satisfaction in the ver- dict, but we are given to understand that there is such a thing as pnblio sentiment in New York (public sen- timent, forsooth!) which makes it im- perative that he should dwell for a short time between the walls of a lun- atic asylum and that he will then be returned to the bosom of his estimable family with the hon.-jrs of war all his. When that happens let us hope that the newspapers will let the Thaw fam- ily drop into black obUvion. We never want to hear the name again, unless in connection with an execution, and that the shortest kind of para- graph. One or two of our Toronto newspapers have disgraced their pages with minute details of this trial, even going so far as to tell us that Thaw's wife said "Oh, Harryl" when she heard the verdict. Such minutea does not make good reading from our standpoint, and we think we are en- dorsed by the muss of light-thinkiiig men and women. UU 15 Days Sale is over and we thank-our many customers who have responded to our many cu.>ronriers who have responded to onr advertisement. We have carried on the sale strictly as adverti.<!cd. We have had an immense turnover and in conseqHencs we are left â- with many short ends and some special lines which we will continue to sell at prices lower than ever. The next twn weeks will be stock *aking and any odds and ends which remain will be offered at prices lower than ever. After the 15th of February we open up our sprint? goods and the many lines which have been depleted during the sale will be replaced and we will be in a position to .show you as large and better assorted stock that ever before shown in Flesherton. FLOUR & FEED We harp a fu!l atock of Flour and Feed, includio^ Bnn, Sh.irts, Ffod Flour and FIVF HOSES FLOUR, mido hy iho Lake of the Wootis MiKing Co., Keewiitin. Every bap of this Flour is evranteed â€" the best Flour ill \he land. None other can etjoal it. The result of snow blockades is again emphasized this year in business stagnation Every winter wo see more or less uf it- business held np for (lays while rneichants drum their fett on counters and farmers dig out the woodpile and sit by i|ie stove with n«ver a tlion«lit of going out to see the mnohaiit. Timbering oporiilions cannot bo proceeded wi'..h, nnd every- body gels lonnBome for somcthinj' to do. tiuow rcl'Iu.i to bo our particular huid iioir in this county oivintj, per. ..-hBps, to its RtiogiBpl'ical position be tweon the In Un.i and embittciiiij th,. ''^yj",'\"',',^|, ,,,,\v;th a fo,k all th.- p >ta hiijlicsl ftltiindn in south and easlorn i („os „„ his sou h fn in «n<l this wii t r has Ontario. It seems to us that the ^:-^-:i^^tX>l:::"^^^^^''^^ The Mono Mills correspondent of the Orancavillti Banner Hiys: "While Mrs. (ieo. McManus and her daui{hter, &liss Estclla, were returning from service in the PrJwbyteiian church two neek:i ago last Sunday night, they met a horse and cutter being dnvm most furiously by a well known yuun({ man from Orangovilii-, which craihed into them, the shtft of tiie cutter pemtiHtiii); their horHesside I ehind the shoulder, breakinj; a number of its ribs and crusliiig the h^oken portions in to the lun<.>. The poor a:iiniul linuered for abi ut two days before doilh ended 'y» sufforiuys The two ladies fortunately escaped serious injury." • It is a significant fa-:! that almost every othor Sunday thus far this year has been noted for stormy weather. We beard a lady rcmiitk the other d.iy thut possilily the slorm-< were sent to try the patience of cliurch-goors, Whtther the storiiis have any religious sign:rtc"nice or not it is worthy of note that many persons who habitually make the weather an excuse for thoir non-appearance at the church will brave the severest snow btorm to attend a hockey match or a ci'ncert â€" Mejitord Mirror. What to Do When Billou&- The riKht thini? to d I when you feel bilio'ia is tu take a done of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the Ktomaeh an.l i-egulate tlie liver and boweli". Try it. Price, 25c, Samples free, at W. E. Uichardsuu's drugstore. F. Shcrratt shot a wildcat near bis farm in Melancihon on Saturday and he is on the lookout for that big lynx which was tracked by Dundalk huntera out near his place a cou]de of weeks ago, Mr. Sherratt is one of the loyal veterans of the Fenian Raid timtb and we would not care to uikUie the life of any i;aine that uaine within rangeof his musket. â€" Herald Preacher's Opinions Bev. P. E. McRae, Forks Baddeck, C. B.: "I always count It a pleasure to Tocommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies to my parishioners. I believe there is nothing better for throat and lung troubles or weakness or run-down sys- tem. For speaker's sore throat I have found Psycblne very benoAcial." Rev. W. n. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: ' ' Paychlne seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity." Rev. R. M. Browne, Amherst Head, N.8., "I have often reoommonded (i*ua» of lack of feed. Ilia not wisa to Pgychin* since taking it myself, for it .ntioipate trouble, ni>t to yell before you is a cure for the troubles you specify." hot • Rov. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I On January 5th,Johr, father of I'atrick have used PsycWns in my family; the MnOaidvof Isl con. Kldeislio, reach.d results were marvolons. I have visited msrk III th« f«ll of laat people who state that they never used - its equal. I strongly reoommcnd It. HARDWARE A full stock of Stoves, Rangos and Hea'eis, Aics, Saws and all kinds •>£ Woodmen's Supilies.Vlso Builders' Supplies. Parties contemp'atiug 'ouying should not ne::lect getting our pnces before purcitasinK eluewhero. J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. | f^cifcr €ame Ustray Ciime to tiio ureniisra of th" u intersipu- d. tot 28. con. 8, Aitemesia. ftlKHit Nov. 15. Tbeowuer is reqneBtod to prove property, pay expenses and take away. JCS. HAWKINS. R ugenla. Doc. 21. 1907 I,i.t8 E.J 8 ami 9. Con. 13. In the township of Ofiprey t^ acri)8. largo eteiirinK, goo^l f r«me barn and .*Kbie9. good dwelling an J well* Apply ou the premises or to \V. J. Bn.L4iiT, rieshartoD. FariTi for Seile H«y is sollioi? in Ayton at Jl.S.OO a ton with I'l.'iity off rims and oooatioaal load hiiing broiint liaok home for want of a puvchasor. In this connccti'.n the Ad- vaniio remarks thut throe niomhs bko it was expected that by this time all the Unisus and cown in town w..uld be piled on the bono heap, life being exiinot bo- â- to seem a jviM H8 ) of a f>!W m nv plows by out inuiii.ipa! fatliors would go a lon^ way luwaalsi iiutig'tiiiij} ciicumstanoes. Tiicnn plows, samples of wliioh are p.ivaloly owned in this township, do good work and it would not tal;o long ij opi'ii up all o'.ir ni..i;> loadd with a few of them after a heavy storm. Our township f.»thoi8 should take th's nutter into their in)3t serious oon;id- ti-fttiou. iioivini'.s ihr.s' iii'j^s and iniiilit be seen alongside the feeder cittiou I'.unls wnh I ho (textonlV of a tx'y. It i«" 'o-y ""â- '" porountaxo of p'VI'le «•'«« 1'^" ♦" '"' "»"• teiiarians and if ih-y do thoy »ro not uhu- ally enjoy inn suc'i eood h.alb as the KMoiHlie in:V'.--0he8!.'y E .turpi! o. Rev n. .1 O'O.nn.l. of St. May'* Roman O^thoVu church, Mt. Fo-at. died suddenly on ^tturd^y ni.^i'. D. tv»««.l was 64 ye»r« of a^o. Hm h »>. h .d i)h»r« . of the parish for ll • '»«< 'h.rty yes's and was we 1 known (bioaubout «o«»«'ri. O.i- Ui ll). Ho W.18 b .rn i;i L mvriok, IreUn '. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Markdale, Ont.t "I have taken two bottles of Psychins and am pleased to say that I am greatly improved in health. I was troubled with mv throat, but now I find it about restoreA to its normal condition. I find my work very much lesa taxing. I believe Fsychlne is all claimed for It.'* These nro earnest preachers of the gospel of Fsychlne. They know where- of they speak. Paychlne cures all throat, lung and stomach troubles. It is a great voice strongthener, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory ana digestive organs, thus specially adapted to public speakers. At all druggists, 50* and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo«am, Ltd., Toronto, Lots 152 anl 1. :> N. E. T. and 8. K, coQtaiulno 00 acres, more or less. About 65 acre* in good Btate of cultivsticu. £0 acrei tall ploughiug, botwcon8a--d nine acres of fall wheal, aj acres In mea.iow and balance In pasture land. Good spring creek also well at house. 'Ibis farm will be sold cheap owing to sickness. Easy terms If sjld at ouee. A snap for souiebody a: Botp, Hesherton. P. O T !•'«•> Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berkshires for Sale. I have a fine lo> of yoiiug English Bsrkshirei from two to six weeks old also some good Tau?- woiih sows ready tu breed. Ratisfactluj guaran- teed on aU .i.all orders. Write for what you wabt. U. W. HO'>S. Maxwell. Tenders Wanted. Sealed Tenders mark h1 " rooder" will b* re- calved by the uudtfslgoed up till Krlday, Feb. Slat 190.S for tbe erection and eeinpletion of a i.ew brick school in 8. 8. No. tt. Artoinesia, Port Law. P. (). riaii* and speoiticatiuns luaj be sueu tkfter Peb. let at mv house. The lowest or any teuder not ueeetsarliy ao(epte<t It' D. Mai.naiiu, Port Law P. O. Slabs (f Eddinas for sale We will sell the 4 ft. slabs and Rdgings at our mill on 0011. B, .^rtenu'sla, n» $1.00 per cord. Hv epplyingto Mr. .Ipo. fai liaineut, opix'slte tbe inilt, he will meas-ire atid receive OAsh for the wood when takeu awav. We will further pav a rewani of MMX) for proof of anvoi.e taking wood from the ei'ithi' past, or who may ta^ e wood In tlie future with- out our authority or Mr. Parllamoi't's. KBCNAN tlUOP.. r^inilted, tt Owen Bouud En'er now and Prei>are yousrelf for Busi- ness in The Three Courses:â€" Commeicial, Shorthand A Typewritinj, and Preparatory which is for tlio.i<e whose early education has been neglected. It is the must complete BusinoM College in Canada. Write to C. A. FLEMING, Principal Owen Sound Ontario Tarm for Sale Lota 171. 3 ami 3. latcop, N. P., ArteuiesU. 133 acres iu all of fltst c^&sa fariuiaR lau^Ua a good state of cultivation, situata^l %\ niiles B utS of KIe«hertoD, ahori mile from school, clean of oexious woeda and well feDC«d. ID acraaof uiarsl), 5 acres of hnnlwood buah, bat- atioe in cood state to work all kinda of uiacLin- ery, well watered, 2 orcbarda. a Rood house 18 X 96 veofordd inside, kitcbun 16 x 30, woihW abod 16 X \% new barn 50 x t'»0 stono foundation. This ia one of the best farw» in tbo towaaUip and oau be boaght right. W. J. GASWKLIv Eye Strain Be^es Character. Defectirt sight produces unnatural expres* sion. Perpetual frowns caused \yj an effort to see better often beUi character. Wear* experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortions unnecessary. ^Mamw DC«ION« ^ OorvRioHTs ae. AimM t*nflc( • Bkctcih and dnoHpllon may ^lokly aw«rtalp our optnloa tn» vhottaar aa tlonsMrlel itaatt Fat' sent tTMk gidwt amne; tnr'MOur&MrMMiit^ lijicffii^att lrlU«*tnkt«ilw*«Uji. LuKMieiiw â- 'â- T solaDiino touraaL Wron for ywur.poMawpreiMM, 6oM kr ";i:a!!afli'» . WAN TED . A Reliable .^i>ent for FLESH ERTON Old .'•urroundiin coiintry, to veil our K.tMOUj* PEKRLESS APPLE TnEES .V ).i); hardy nd wiiittr K(i|i'e 'hat sella on siyht also a nenor.^1 line of fr it and 'mama.') lal tries u.clu 'iiy other valu- i^l- k|.ec'aU>e». Gi<h1 jmy weekly, out- fi fr- '•. . X. losive terrii ry. Write new to PELUAM NURSERY 00. Orowtrs of hiKk «r«de nunrry stock TORONTO. ONT. N. B , S]>ecial terms la suit »)("â- wurkinf {«! t tinitt. . . -- -•