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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1908, p. 8

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i Januaey 301908 ii[|Min8. Carefully Corrected Er oh Week 0»t« 47 ».o 47 Po** 80 to 80 htrley 60 â-ºâ€¢j 60 WhB»» 94 to 94 H»y „.14 00 v.rl8 00 Butter 20 tc 20 EiigK, f reah 22 to 22 Potatoen per bag TR t.i 75 Oecsn f> to 9 Duckd 9 to 9 ChickcrM 5 to 7 Turkevs 1.3 to la THE FLE8HEST0K ADVAKCE FURNITURE The largest and best Htock of Furniture ever (thowii in FloHherton. Tliia without fearuf cob- trndiction. Come and see Koine of tlie nice tilings in Side Doards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor SettH, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTON WhenYou Take Cold One way is to pay no attentloa to it; at least not until it de- velops into pneumoBia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Aycr's Cherry Pec- toral. If he ctys, " The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. A W* ynbUak our fbrmoUs yers trvm •uraMdialBca W* orv* J9m to oo&saU ^eur dootor When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances sre absorbed into the blood instead of bein^daity removed front the body as nattire intended. Knowing 4his dsHKcr, doctors always inquire atwul the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. kr *h« ». 0. 17« Oc. XimraU. 1 Hon. William Puitsluy visited Colling- wood, and was the Kueat of the Roard of Trade at a banquet. Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily f 2 60 Toronto Daily News 2 80 WfeUly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire . 1 fO Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers Adroeata 2 26 Weekly Witneia.' 1 75 8i.turdayNi«ht 2 60 norris Bros Tinsmiths and ♦f Hardware Merchants Having purchased BENTH AM BROS. HARDWARE STOCK wb are now in a position (o cater to your every want in the llardwavo and Tinsmithing line. Thia week we offer at a great sacrifice our Complete Stock of Stoves Couiprisln!; the Empire Queen Irtanitcs and Garland Cook Stoves and Heaters. All will be sold at cost to make space for our New Stock To realize tlitquality uf those Stuvou you must see them. For example An Empire Queen lUuge No. 9 20, with six holes, hi«h warmini; closst and and Inriio runervoir, complete in every detail and nicely nickel plated. Regular prire was |48 00, our price to clear $39.00 Other Stoves aro marked to sell at the same great i-eduction. This is Headquarters for Paints,Oils& Varnishes Give us a Call. NORRIS BROS. « In Sleighs, Bujrgies, Waggons, « Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- « aiators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Cutters - Cutters Now is the time to place your order for your Cutter. Call and see our stock before buying. We have a good assortment for you to choose from. McTavish & Williams Flesherton Chalmers Church Businets Meeting The Presbyterian congregation held their annual buiiiness meeting on Thurs- day afternoon last, when there wa» a good representation of the congregation, and a harmonious meeting, llie opening de- votional exercises were conducted by the pastor. Rev. G. 0. Little, after which J. L. McMullen was elected chairman and T. R. McKenzie Secretary. The min- utes of former meetings were read and adopted, after which the Session report was given by the Clerk, which showed that notwithstanding considerable loss by death and removals, the membership of the church was 123, a net gaiu of one over kst year. Never before in the his- tory of the congregation had it suffered so much by death in one year as during the past twelve months, when two of the oldest and most highly esteemed elders â€" Wm. Neil and A. 8. VanDusenâ€" wore called to their reward. The auditors' re- port was very satisfactory, lowing the congregation to have had a veiy success- ful financial year. On stipend and gun- eral account, after mei.ting all liabilities a IxkUnce of 81iil.{>6 remained on hand. On building account there reniaiued a biilancc on hand of 950.44, and on manse account 1^45. The Sabbath school closed the year with a balance on hand of $84.50 and the Ladies Aid with $76 60. The following officers were elected ; Trusteesâ€" J. L. McMullen, D. McTavish, M. Ferguson. On the Managing Board â€" John olackhurn, George Cairns, Miles Thistlethwaite, M. Ferguson. Secretary- Trcas., Joseph Blackburn. Auditors, Charles Stewart, Frank Cliard. TIREDNESS MEANS DANGER. Indicates Faulty B!ood and w<.rn-out Neivesâ€" Build Up, or Total CoUapio Will Surely Follow. When you're tired all day, bothered by triflei, exhausted with nervousoeas, be sure there is sumethiiitr wrong. You neod bracing up, need wore nourishment in tha bloovl, need a power- ful medicine to vitiUze the nerves and diitribiite force and stayins; power to all over-worked origans. The most marvelous succeis is Ferro- zone, a nourishing tonic so sclent Sc as to be the admiration of every physician. Ferrozono performs wondeis for people in poor hfahli ; it actx directly on the blood, eiiiichmg It with strength and new life that is at once dispatched to all parts of the body. Ferroznou feoda the neircs and vital energii-g, supplies force, de- termination and joyous, buoyant spirits. A case where there was Usutude and lack of 8lreni;lh is told by Mr. David Bruwii, of po8t-utlice bo^ No. 30, Boeton, Ont,: ''About a year sni» my health couimeiicud to fail. JVjy hand* and feet seonied alwaya cold, i felt worn out sfd exhausted, weak as a little child. My faoe twitched. My limW and arms com- menced to lose their sense of feeling and liiially my left side was perfectly uuraK, AH iny col.T left. My appetite ran down (i'errozonc was the Brat to give me any help. I improved with it i|uijkly. It toned up the blood and started ciroulaiiuu so that the numtmi-ss gradually disappear- ed. My condition was perfectly curtd by (•"orrozono, and I been have well ov^r siiicn. (Sicnod) "David Brown." SPECIAL NOTICE.â€" To got satis- factory results be sure you get Ferniz.iuo only. Kilty ceiiM |)«r box or six bmes for $2.50, at all dealers, or N. C. Polsoi. * Co., KiogNton, Out., and Hartford, Conu., U. b. A. As the Stewart Bros., 12th con. of Arran, were Koinij homo from the bnsh with a load of logs on Monday evoiiinK last they thought they would jro up the rJviT which they had crossed with rho team and empty sleigh in the previous |ian of the day without any aigiis of th« ice giving way. As soon aa tliey struck the ice it siaitcd to crack and their big team seemed quite timid, but they iirgeit ihum on till they were about 40 feet trom the shore when tirst one runner of the sItiiKh went through the ice soon followed by the other, and in a second the horses were precipitated into water about ten feel deep. The lioys had enough presence of mind to ju>np to the horses' h.'ads and OHioh tho ball.-rs s<i as to keeii their head* above the ice, and called for help, but no one came. There were thi'oe of them anil one ran hack to iho buhh for an axe, nhilu the others with their jack knives out hame Rtrnps and others paits of the hnrneHR. When the axe was produced the Work of life began to break the ice in front of the horses to enable them to net to llio shore. It was hard work, but within an hour they had the horsos on ahore, but being so long in the water they were very weak. While the frai.tio animals wore plunging and struggling for their lives they pulled one of the boy§ into the river, but he struggled to the top again. Another was kocked flat oil the ice a:id one horae hit Ilia rieht aritl juat above the elbow, hurting liim Iwdly, which may prove troublesome for aome time.â€" Tara Leader. Not a Mirack But Medical Science Dr. T. A. Slocam, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: â€" "Some time ago I began to lose flesh and failed every day until I had to quit work. My physicians and all my friends said I hod contracted consump- tion. I failed from 165 pounds down to 119. I was advised to go to the Bockies or to the coast. I west to both places under heavy expense. I con- tinued to fail, and was advised by the 'doetorB to ccmo home as nothing more could be done for me. Hope seemed to have left me. "I tried Psycbino and since starting its use I have gained from 119 to 141 pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of the medicine. I am a well man and I cannot say too much in praise of Psy- chine. The strongest recommendation would be weak in view of the fact that I believe it has saved my life. It is without doubt the best remedy for run-down conditions and weak lungs. "I sincerely hope and trust that yon will continue your good work of saving run down people and eoummptive from the grave. Wishing you and Psychino continued sucoess, I remain, one of PsycUne's beat friends." ALEX. McKAE, Sault Stc. Marie, Ont. Almost every mail brings us letters like the above. Psychine will repeat this record in every case. It is the greatest medicine known. At all dmg- gists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo- cum, Limited, Toronto. • .^. . A Maa to Cheer for. Upon his retirement from the Muni- cipal council of the township of Trafalgar, in the county of Halton, Dr. Anson Buck was tendered a complimentary ban- quet and presented with a beautifully illuminated address and gold watch by the ratt) payers of the municipality. Dr. Buck's record in municipal afiairs is probably without a parallel in the Pro- vince. For forty consecutive years he has occupied the position of Councillor and Reeve of the township, and during that period he was absent from the council meeting only on one occasion. For 24 years he occupied a seat in the County Council, during which time he did not miss a single luaetini;. Ho was Warden of the county for the year 18iM. As a result of his administra- tion of the township affitirs Trafalgar, which is one of the wealthiest townships in tho Province, has to-day surplus funds of over ?4.i,(K)0 with no indebtedness. As the township is traversed by two streams the expenditure for bridges has been exceptionably large. Altogether Dr. Buck lias personally su]>urintended the building of 36 steel bridges, ranging from 30 feet to 120 feet long. As a rep- rosoutative of one of the large bridge coin{ianies sbited, he has a greater prac- tical engineering ability than the majority of engineers. All bridges were paid for when built, the rate for all township pur- poses seldom exceeding three mills on the dollar. Dr. Buck was one of the first to introduce the use of cement' wherever practicable for culverts, bridge floors and abutments. At the banquet, which was attended by ratepayers from all over the municipality, references were made by tho different speakers to the doctor's many-sided qual- ities. As a |>ri>fessional man he has been eminently successful, having practised over 64 years. As an agriculturist he has an all-round experience that enables him to speak with authority on all farm mat- ters. As a life-long temperance advocate be ha.s had much to do with the strong temperance sentiment of the township, in which there is total ju-ohibition. As a politician he has been an active Liberal, contesting the county in the Liberal in- terest in 188<i. Notwithstanding his strong political opinions, he hiks been supported iiiunicijmlly by both political parties. Born in 1833, educated at the old Pal- ermo Grammar School, he graduated from JetforBon Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1862, and from the Royal College of Surgeons, Lcmdon, Eng., in 1853, at the age of 19, since which time he has pi-ac- tised continuously in his native village of Palermo. In 1806 Dr Buck, with the late Dr. Freeman of Milton, visited the northern army as n voluntary surgeon to got experience in military surgery. He acconiiMinied the ambulance corps and was at Burksville field hospital when Lee surrendered, 2U miles away. Returning ho was in Washington the morning of Lincoln's death. Dr. Buck still contin- ues bis practise and enjoys excellent health. Life Will be Shortened. Those who fxil to observe tho funda- mental rules of health, caiiecially those wh<i neglect ooDStipation, â€" will h-tva short live*. Costireneaa ruins health, destioya vitality, weakvna the liliHtd, vausea dyspepsia, nnrvouvness and in- SMmnia. Why not uae Dr Hamilton'a Pills and lie cured. Take one or two pills bt-fore retiring and you're well next moriiina. No gripe or pain, no headache and nausea when yoQ uas Dr. Hamilton's Pills, â€" they cure scientiBoally- Poai- tivrly the bsst laxative known, 85o at all dealers. Winter Harness Goods I have in stock alt kinds of Harue8s> Bells, Blankets, Robes, Whips, Bnr~ oingles. Hoof OiDtmeut, Qall Cure, Plush Uiigs, Dash Aproui, Trunks, Valises, etc. Repairing done promptly and neatly. O. W. PHILLIPS FLESHKRTON, ONT. St\ortf\orn Cattle fcr Sale Levlnlaa and WImplaa, the beat ot breadlni I and qiialit". Bull, oowa aad halferi toraala i at reaaon ab)« pricea ) 1 9B,eon.S 0HA8. STAFFOBD, naabartOD BusiNE-ss Cards M'OOLLOUaH & YOUNcr â- * Banker Markdal* X)o a geoeral b»nkiDg buainoaa. Money loaned a roaaouablo rate Call on at «>*n»o P OHISLETT, * • Pofctinaacnr, Toyloo -oiumisBioiier In H. c. J . Conrevanear. aeeds, nortKaaos, leaeeii, wills etc. carefnllv drawn up oll^otioua Diadj.. charge, reasonable. AliS ?uf • """• '••'* **«• ''•P' '" "toek. Prices J J SPBOULB * Fo«tuaater, riesharton oiumiseioner in H.C J.. Auctioneer Con- .â- eyanoer. Aiipislaer and Money Lender teal EatatB and Insurance Agent. Deeds -:ortca^e«. Ie»,s» an-J wills carefully drawn •jp an 1 Taltiatloui! made on fhorteat nctice lonoy to Jo Ml at lowest rates of interoat. Col •tion» atton,l.jl to with promptneaa harpea low. Aeent for Ocean Dominion •aniebip Company. A call solicited. ^ McPHAIL, Licensed Aactioneer fof the • County of Grey. Terms moderare and atinfactmn goaranteed. The arrsogementa •irj dates of fi«le» can be made a": Thb Aovancb tfiee. Keaidonce and P.O.. Ceylon, Telephoua onnection. »-">".• Dec. 6.07. -)\VID ROBERTS, licenaed aactioneer for ' Grey County. Prompt attonriou uivun all •lea eutnisted to u,y care, AnsouemenU *n be maile at this office. 'yV ^- K AITTING. Licensod • nctloncer. Ralea conducted on lowest termsâ€" Satisfaction 'ta>aiite«d. I'everabam, P. O.. oon 1* lot 13 Hprey. ...*,/, 1 EO. 0. LUDLOW Liceoaed Aactioneer for the i County ot Orey. Prompt servioe and oaaonabla terms. Proton Station P. 0. , HARVEY PEBI(50E. FeTersbam ' luaurauce, Real estate and stocks. Cod- •eyancer. Loana and Collections. Write for ates on Fire, Life or Sick benefit insurance letter coutroota and lower rates on ftro ia- ^rance now. Medical rVB OABTBK *JV^ " C P 4 8 Ont.PbyaiclaB. Surgeon, ete Office and residenceâ€" Peter »t., Fleafaerton T P OTTEWELL * Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoIIega. residence â€" asoond door south west^o Mary street. This street raa* aoiitk Presbyterian Chorch. n WILSOK, Blacksmith . * , X, 'Graduate of the Veterinary ScieiMM Aaaoeiation Kesidonce, Durham ttreet. OD- poaita Boyd, HickUi.g'a tiardware. Dentistry r\r. B. C. MURRAY L. D. S, dental surgeon ^ honor graduate of Toronto Uoivoreltv and Ki^yal College of Dental Snrgoons of Ontario, »as adoiiQiHtered for teeth extraction, office at residence. To routo street Cloahertoo Legal r 0CA8 WRIQBT A McARDLK >-• Barrlstera Solicitora Conveyanoars, ate Offlcesâ€" Owen Soand.Ont andMarkdaleOn* W H WaiaHT, MoAasLa l B Lucas N Bâ€" Flesherton office, Mitchell'a auk averv Saturday. Societies O \r meeta ou the laat Monday in eaon month, in their lodge room^ Ohriatoe's block. Fleaberton. at 8 p.m. M.W.. Frank Chard ; Sec., T. Blakely, Finaoolar, W.J. Bellamy. Vtaiting brethreo Invited. A OKINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. »S3, A.F.* <- AM, meets in the Masonloball. Strain's block, Flesherton. every Friday oo or before the full luocn. W A.Armatroag, W M.: Herli. imith. Secretary. noUBT FLESHERTON. 99S. I. a F. rreeta In V Clayton's Block the last Wednesday evening ot each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R.. DvRon; R. S., T. Henry: Kin. Sec, C. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. befora the tttaS lav of tho month. fjHOSEN FhlENDS-PloshertoD Council oJ " Chosen Friends moots in Clayton 'b ball flrat aaid third Wednesday of e<>cb mout 8 p. m Pay assessments to the Reeonler ou or befora «t>e first (lay of each month. Chief Councillor T. Ulakeley; Recorder, W. H. Bunt. Tho mpson's Bakery My Bread is well and favorablf known. The quality is the finest. Bread drlivered regu- larly and Sold at the following places: Ceylon. R. Cinik and .). Patti- son; Kuaenia, H. Cairns. R. Parka and F. McDonald ; Kiiu- brrley, F. Weber and M. R Hammond; Maxwell, R.N. Kin- near & Son; Fovershani, Eli Robinson and Ab. Hutchin^jon. Best Manitoba Flour for sale. Ed. Thompson, Flesherton â-  WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia Stock ' > Best Stock Bells, Blankets , Robes Fur lined coats, pocket books, sntcbels, raz<ir strops and other leather go(<ds. Cutters -best makes- and everything in (he harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont

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