|i»ri»i'W Jakuary 30 1908 THE FLESH£RTOM Al^VANCK F. T. HILL & CO. MARKDALE Bis: January Clearing Sale ! Preparing For Our Annual Stock Taking This week we start one of the greatest Clearing Sales that this store haii erer bad. The price reduotions are . bif; and in a Rreat many ioitances the wholesale cost of the goods has not been considered. We have had a bi<t trade during the past iDunth and the aaaortments that are left are small alunf; with a great many regular lines that have not moved as well as we would like them, and iu order that, we shall be able to clear all out quickly to avoid taking into stock we have made the Price Reduction big. Be on hand early for the biggest bargains you ever bnught in many Tines. 60c 11 tl 76e •t M LOO 14 H l.t5 41 «• A Most Remarkable Sale of DRESS GOODS AND BILKS. This week the beginning of our Great January Sale of Dress Goods represents one of the great buying opportunities of the Week. We put on sale 'BO pieces of Dress Goods and Silks at just half regu- lar prices, 85o Dreta Goods and Bilks, Jan. claartDg •ale price ]2|c Sbo Dress Goods and Silks, Jan. price. 18c " 26c " 88c •• 60o " 63c So bs on band early. Beat always so first 1000 DOZEN CHRISTMAS ORANGES All sweet Mexican Oranges Regular selling prices 26, 30 and 36c per doMn, January sale price this week per duseo 22c 8ELUNG MANTLES AT LESS THAN THE PRICE OF THE CLOTH We have about 6fty Mantbs which are last year's style, and in order thai they ahall bo sure to sell during our January Sale wc have actually marked them awty less than the coat of the cloth and button* so if yuu want to buy a good warm coat for nearly nothing- Bee the Mantles we are uolling fur . .76o Borne hive been worth as high as $7.00 See the Mantles we are selling for. .98c Sumo are silk lined and have been worth SH high as $10.00. These prices during this sale only, BELONG FURS AT A BIO DISCOUNT Off regular price during January This weak we commonoe our big January Clearing Said by offering our immenio stock of ladicH' and gentlemen's furn in coati, caps and small fun. During Jan- uary the sale prices will bd lots than regular prices. LADIES' FINE WOOL VESTS Selling at ooe-qoarler off. 36 only Ladies' fine Wool Vests, lovelv fine quality, the kind that jroD quite wil- lingly pty $1.00 for, Jan. salo price. .75o BIG REDUCTIONS IN TRIMMED MILLINERY We hare bad a very sooceasfnl Fal' Millinery season and we still have some nice natty styles left in trimmed miUi' nery, which we do not wish to carry over into another season, so during our Janu- ary clearing sale all will be aold at Just HALF PRICE to yoo. A Clean Up in Children's and Boys' KNITTED CAPS AND TOQUES for 9c January is the month we dispose of all Winter Goods. This meek the January eale prices are un, and you can buy your boy or girl an all wool toqu«>, regular 20o •Dd 26c linss, for 9c, about ^ of value. January S»le Price ia AMONGST THE MANTLE CLOTHS This week coromeocet the slaughter among our Mantle Cloths. Every yard of mantling in our store is reduced and the reductions are such that the cost of raw material and manufacturing is not reprchented. Just to think, you can buy Eiderdowns, Beaverfl, in a great many col'.rs uf curl cloth, heavy Panamas, Frieze*, and fancy boucle effects at just half original price. 50c Mantlings 25c 1.5 Mautlirigs 75o 76o " 38c 2.00 " 1.00 1.00 " 50c 2.60 " 1.26 1.25 " 63o 3 00 " 16 During January Ctuaring Sitle only BIG SNAP IN MEN'S GLOVES 96 dozen Men's 6ne Mocha and Kid GJovis. We weru unfortunate in getting this shipment wot. While it baa nut hurt the wearing qualities of the gloves, in some casei ihey are spotted, just enough to not allow us tn ruII them in the regular way, (0 tint week you can buy 75. i(d and l.dO lines of meu'ft gloves for per pair 68o Sensational Reductions in LADIES' DREKS SKIRTS 93.00, 3.60, 4.00, 4.50 and some sell as high as 95.00 in the regular way. On sale this week your choice for ».1.98 130 Ladies' Dress Skirts in the lot, not many of any one kind bot nearly all sizes sre represented, and the price in many cases is lest thsn half. Daring our Janutry sale your choice for 1.96 BIG HOSIERY BARGAINS For Children, Oirls and Bojt This week we put on sale 600 pairs of children's, girls' and boys' besvy Worst- ed and Wool Hose in the regular way liuet that yon pay 2 and 26c per pair f3r,during our January Clearing Sale our price is . .12^ BIG REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' LEGGINGS 73 pairs onlv best quality Felt Leggings, some are knee length, others shorter, button and strap styles, regular selling value 86c and 91 00, January Sale Price per pair 68c MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Heavy Wool Underwear felt the effect of our January Clearing Sale, aetl- ing at j less than reguhir price. Tl)is week we put on sale6 pair Men's heavy wool underwear in the heavy ribbed, plain knit and unshrinkable kind representing 75c, 85g and 91.00 lines. January clear- ing tale price 63c Great opportunity tot buying GIRLS CORSET WAISTS dHo 125 pairs GirlV Corset Waistt, all sizes are in the lot. None are worth less than 4 c a |iair and some are 5c a pair and a g eat many are 76o a pair In the regular way, but owing to our Janufiry Cleating Sale your choice will be 35c GROCERY SPECIALS pounds choice Datea for S6o 3 cans ckijice Corn for 26o 3 cans choice Pears for 25ol 5 pounds choicu Raitins for 2So 3 pounds choice Currants for 25o 6 Lari fine Castile or Oatioeal Soap 26c During our January Clearing Sale It yubllthad every Thartday at 91.<W psr â- luuiu [f paid in advance, $1.5c if not to t«id E- G. Ag'l Society Meeting. The annutl meeting of East Grey Agricultural Society was held in the town hall on Friday afternoon laHt, when abou^ ^5 members were present. After] reading minutes and a statement of financial niatters by the tosretary, a lengthy discutsion occurred. The mem- bers present named to. know why it wai that the society only paid 00 per cent, of prize money this year, as coiidiiions were favorable tnd the show well attuifded. It was explained that owing to the new. laws the govornmRiit grant aiuouiited to 9182 luM thtn the previous year, a dam- age of about 9<I0 wHt paid, a thcd costing 9125 built, and these things hmught funds so low that more priae money cuulil nut b« paid No dutailrd siatumen^ nf receipts and expenditure was rcid. The t<it»l leneipls for the psHt year wero 9880.48, with diNlturainHtits of 9Hln.!l7, leaving a b«lHiic* on band of 971). 51. Aflur adiscutsiiin listing about two hciurs I he inuL'ting deoide'l to go ahead ai;d elect oHi^orx, wlieii the folhiwing gemlumun were announced as wlnnoi's; Prusideiit, .1. A. Uoyd; Ut Vice Fies., Wesley Hut- km; 2iid Vice i'ret., Donald MoMilltn. Auclitors-W. J. Bollamy, Jos Black- burn. I)iroulors-A. Muir, Win. Sliarp, ..'. Lougliuud, D. Harrow, Jaa Smart, W. 11. Bum, Wui. T-ailon, R. Alton and R. J. Spi'oule. Aftur the muoting the directiirs met and ap|»<iinted R. J. Bproule %» 8 ocret a ry- treasurer at a salary of fifty dollar* -a reduction of ten d'lll'trs. It WHS also decided to send tnio delrgiites t<> the Fairs Association, which muelit ill Tiirunto next month. The inattur of holding a spring slock show ff49 left in abeyauos for the time boing. One of the largast, if not the Isrgett bible cltss outside the large cities of this province is to be found in the village nf Gargill. There are 70 niembern of what is known as the Aggressive Bible Class, and thn teacher is C. W. Keeling, the woollen manufacturer. A report from MontreU states that the eslablishmeiit of pensions on an un- expectedly liberal scale by the Grand Trunk Railway is hiiiled wi^h deliyht on tho pan of the workmen of the company. The deciaioii nlso moan* the iiiiniedime retirement of 200 aged workmen who will be able to pass thu rust of their lives with- out work. Work has startud in the Cream Hepir- ator Factory preparatory to getting up Htraiii and putting thu wheelM in motion. The bjsiiioss has bean purchased by Meiiars, J. A. and I. W. Sirrs. Messri. Siirs have bi<en ungnged in the work here since the fnctory stai ted, and are experts on ihe machine. â€" Ohnmiole. One of Woodbridge's most prominent citizens paused away Pndny nfti-rnoon last ill ihtt pei.soii of Mr. T. F. Wnlliice, broihHr of the lato N. Clarke Wallace, M. V. Uuctniiied whs a lifelong rouident uf Woodbridge, and look an active pxrt ill the uffairs of thu town, being reeve fi.r a iiuiiiber of yenrn, and also secretary treasurer uf tlio 'A'uat York Agricultural Sociuiy. Tho Ilurliii Rut(Hr fnotory has Hsked • hoae who auppliud beet.* for thin year's campaign to nooept sngur in imvini-nt Tho company offers tngnr at fl4.35 per lUU lbs A Urge number hava aeuupicil the turniR olfured, some of thoin taking iib much H«98U worth. Some whoso olaimn run up ill the hiinclreilii xre undeolded. Those who tnke IIik sugnr will Hull to the ueiglihort what th<-y do not thuinielvct require. The company My they have nnt bemi able to secure advitucus at I be bank |on this ynar'a crop, and hence ask their painms to trade out acooimtt. A despatch frniu Berlin state* that the Wir.doaM Spurk Telnuraph Oompnny uUiins to have beatoii the Marconi trana- atlniitio wireless rt'oord by about 300 miles. They irnntniiltHd ini<HiH;;os for 2,2V<J iniltiH, boKveun Uiilleii near lierlin and a Hamburg Anierionii Line Steamer, tho "Cap Blanco," off Tuneriffa, in the Canary Islands, Mr- Geo. Leach has sold hit farm in Artenieaia and h^a purohased i bu hou«e and lot *t tho corner of Orejr and Dovlii streets ij) this village belonging^ tc^M»]ar Douglas, St^^'lbiirae.â€" Herald, A case of unusual interest was tried at the recent lessioii of the Diviiion Court when Q. Langford of the township of Keppol sued Jno. Armstrong for the price of three sheep killeil by the defend- ant'i dog last fall. It app^rs 'hat Mr. Langfonl caught the dog in the art and went to the house for the rifle, fullowxd the d'lg to it» owner't place and there put a bullet in it. ArniKtrong claimed no responsibility, but claimed that he had lefi tho dog securely tied and that some- body had deiilieratuly cut the rope. Con- siderable evidence was introduced along I'lis line and a large number of witnesses were called but ihey failed to impress the judge who allowed Mr. Ijtneford 910 daiiinget and tho costa of the cate. â€" Wiarton Canadian. Last March R. J. Cowon, a young ton of Naihaiiiol Coweu of Etst Luther, atart- ed to work with Peter Caution at 920 for the Hrst month and 9^5 for the subsu- queiit eight inonth.s. When they settled upon Sepc. 20 !a*t a balance of 91(1-45 WHS found due Cowen. In June, bowevur, Cowun induced the defendant to join in a proniiHtory note for 9150 to one Kilohie for a insro he puichaiiod, agreeing that hiH waues Hliould go in pnyiuent of the said note Hut 'hu plaiotiif is a minor and not qunlilied to Hign notes, and the jiid 'e timla him not liuble on the note. .ludL'-nient wai theicfore given for plain- tiff for 9141.45 and costs of sni*. Caution ii|ipoareH tohavc to p»y for Coweii'a hoiae, and also for ihe boy's wages. A. A. HujbHoii for I'Iff and 0. R. McKeown for â- left. â€" (irand Valley Star. Valuable Samples Free "I have used your Coltsfoote Expec- torant and find it satisfactory in eases of croup, colds or coughs. I have used it ever since I got a trial bottle, and have recommended it to everyone in need of it. You may use my name and address for testimonials if you wish. Hoping it will benefit otherf as it has done my children, I remain, MK8. AONES OOMBEB." 10«9 Frances St., London, Ont. Coltsfoote Expsctorant is the great- est cough and throat cure in. the world. It is the prescription of a renowned specialist. In order that every family may prove its unparalleled merits we will send a sampl* bpttle free to eTery- one who sends ui their name and ad- dress and mentions this paper. Can ba had at all druggists at 2So. Sand your name to-day to Dr. T. A. Sloeua, LtdL, Toronto. ' â- ^'^.-ll t 111 IMW"I i>^^#^ , _ I .^1 »l|..l,W,^^i J. & W^OYD Flesherton - •» Ontario. nn AMMOTH s ....A. ALE SXIX.!^ ON. Notwithstanding the nofayorable weather onr sale has decidedly been a success. We are patting on something new and special erery day. We would request as many customers as can make it convenient to kindly shop during the forenoon and we will be able to spend more time with yon and give you better service, as in the aftemoooa we're very busy. Sale closes January 31st and we begin stock-taking on February 1st. Dont let this opportunity pass without your getting, the benefit of our SPECIAL PRICES. J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. 9eifer Came 3lstr«y Came to ttie premlaet o( th* auitertiaox], lot Kt oon. 8, Arteaie.it, atmut Nov. IS. The owner 1. regueBted to prove property, pay expeaaet tud take away. JOS. HAWKINS. B ugenia. Deo. 21, ISOT Veupm fox* Sale tiott E.t a tod 9, Cou. IS. In the towntblp ot O.prey lOO acre., large cleariuR, goo<l frame b trn and Btablet. good dwelllug aod well. Apply on the premi.ct or to W. J. Bnj.AMT, riethartou. Farm for Sale Enter now and Prepare yousrelf for Bus*. ness in The Lots ISS and IM N, B. T. and 8. B, containlua do tornii, wore or le.«. About 66 tores in good â- late of culiivaticn. 20 acre, (all plougbiug, lietween 8 tod nine acres of (til wheat, 90 tcre. in meadow aud balance in paature land. Qood spring creek also well at bouse. Tbit farm will be told obeap owing to siokuett. Katy termt if sjid tt onoe, A map (or somebody a: Hotd, MetbertoD, P. O- 7 Feb Pure Bred Camwortbs and Berksbires for Sak e I have a fine lot of young Rngll.h Btrkthirta from two to all weuki old alio some goo<l Taic- worth tow. ready to breed, Hati.faotloa guaran- teed oo all wail orders. Write (or what you want. WW. KOSB, Maxwell, Tenders Wanted Haalsd Tender, marked "Tender" will b* re- ceived by the undo aiuoed up till Friday, Kob. 91.t lOOH for tbeorootiou andcempletion o( a uew brick .chool in H. B. No. S, Artuineaia, I'ort Law. P. O. IMan. and upeoitlcationa n)a> be â- een &ftor l^eb. l8t at uiv liou.ti. The lowett or any tender nut uecewarliy accepted H- 0. MBij>aoii, Port Law P. O. Slabs ff Cdflltifls for sale We will HOll the 4 (t. Slabs and Rdginga at our mill un oon. 8, Artometia, at #1.00 per cord, lly applying to Mr. Jno. I'ailiamont, o|ip< site tho iiiili. ho will moarture and rucoivo cash (or the wood when takunawav. Wo will further pay a reward of $%00 (or proof of anyone taking wood from thee In the pant, or who may tako wo.^il iu tlie future with- out our authority or .Mr, Parllamaut'F. KRBNAN BKOH.. Limited, tt Owen Uuuud eO VBARS* .SXPIRIBNOK TMnMamm OnioNa CowmoHTS Aa Anroae sMjUsf a tksteta sad dtterlptlon ms9 oniokly ssearttin our oplnton frtt wbetbcr an tmt frM. Oittttt tftnor ror r â€" PataDta. .takes tlirposli M' Sciem Three Courses:â€" Coinmetcial, Shorthand A Typewriting, and Pre|)aratory which is for thoae whose early education has been neKlt-cted. h is the most complete Business College ia Canada. Write to C. A. FLEMING, Pn^pid Owen Sound Oataiv> Tarm for Sale liOtt 171, a and 3, Int con. N, B,. Artometia. 185 acrea in all of ill at class farming land in a good state o( cultivation, situated ^ miles si.nth ot Flesherton, abort mile from school, dean of noxious weeds and veil fenced. \6 acres of niamb, S acres of hardwood bu.b. btl- auoe iu good state to work all kiuds of niSLbiD- ery, well wabovod. 2 orchards, a good hou^e 18 X as veueorod innido, kitcbun 16x30, wood- shed 16 X i'l, now bai'U SO x60 Btono foundation. This is one of the b«tt farm, iatbe township aod cau be bought right. W. J. 0A8WELL. Glasses That Cure. Eyestrain causes many serious flls- Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches bafflinf the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove the strainâ€" give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. IsaUMJoaraiL .. a ysatifott^e |ii«*sM. vnsteM . WANTED . A Reli.ili)e Ationt for FLESH ERTON and xurMiiiidiiisr country, to sell our FAMOUS PICERLES8 APPLK TREES A bin hardy nd winter apple that ^ella on sight, also a nenernl line of fruit and oniaine;itsl tnes it, eluding other valu- ahl« specialties. GikhI pay weekly, out- fit free, «>xcliisive territnry. Write now to PBUIAM NURSERY CO, Growuia uf hien urade nursery atook TORONTO. ONT. N. B., Sprsial tervw IfS »«U mma workiitf ^rt ti(Q4. ^ P^