For Churches and Schools Itl* (»« CdH., i, idi»I for AurcW >ad tchoo.'!. foe lU bmiqr. deuiKaca, Ktiaimy -lor lU uiiiufy pateaicn (no -a u> uldi dut)-^ iu Sretxaoi qtulkia PEDLAR ^"^T STEtL CK ILING3 Abote 2.000 moAm dcsfo* ia every rtylo ol •cod ut â€" Mtje-wallt to m>tch ia K&ri&oar witb inicrior tcheiaet â€" aciapted lo mny caiot-tckhtmc or ftrdulectural cnoiive. Allow u to wtmd jroa ilhamtedficUiUuKlciaoiepncn. A(Un« »» Tha PEDLAR People ^"j (Miava Xamtiml OlUm Toniata Loodoa Wlnnl^ic Ef Off Wonan M loterMtad and thosld kaow vondwtu â- Moatcom«D- It tlHIHM /« ynr dnoM tar K.^ ' '.bat mid nuip < nod boak-nalxt. It i fall pttrtia«lus ftBd <!lx«eUoaa la- valoalbla to Udl«a. WnOMOR 8CP1PI.T CO.. Windsor. Omt. OwMral AMvUm tar r«n»<l>i D.H.Bastedo&Co ran HAMUFACTUIIRS, 77 KliiK St., Kaat Toronto All Ladies' and Men's Furs at Cost Writ* for Catalog. ^J^IifV Z*XTXC.S Mir ra us, Th« olmst mw ma mwu u C uixis. W* pa7 hifhMt New York prices. W* pay azpraaa. No ComniaaloB. Wnu fnr MMTHLV OATALOO] A MOrrHEn S SO.NG. Baby, lUlcn while I tell 'I'Uat 1 love you very well â€" Love your little lips anJ eyes. Love your language, wonder wise; Love your little smile of gkc, Ix)ve your laughing melody; Love you tor Uio joy you bring For our con^slant borborlngt Baby, lislen while I pray lleav'n to guard you night and day. .AngeLs watch you Irom aiwve With the tcnderrncss cf love; li; and evil oomo vtjl near To oershaiow thy young cheer- Only lilc .and joy be thine, •Jill of living love divine! Baby listen while I sing O; your life of goWen spring, Bringing to the barren cartii Beauty of the bloseoni's birihl Baby, listen while I tell That I love you very well â€" Cheeks and chin, aiid and eyes, .And your language, wonder wi£e! FEATHER DYEING OwalwudavllacudKMaiOTW dMMd Thm •M** ant br»Mt. !•»«•â- . ttakawplaoab illTIM AMEIICAN OYEIMC Cft MY A.MBITION. If choice were mine of fame or world'y glory. If I might choose of all the world might say t-t me. it would be this, a sad heart's tribute, The day is brighter for she passel this way.'' I ask IK3 plaudits tr<im the hands of many, Nt- cheering things lo mark my onward way. But just thnt some dear heart will fond- ly whisper: ""i'our presence here has made a bright- er day." It I can feel that I ha^â- e scattered brightne.<,s. That I, perchance, have cheered a faint- ing heart, I will not grieve llial fame has never beckoned Since love has given me the better part. Biliousness^ Burdens Life.â€" The bilious Tuan is never a companionable man Ibecausj his allinenl rendt-rs him nio- ircso and gloomy. Tho coH;t>laint 's. not so dangerous as it is disagreeable. lYel no one need suffer finm it who can procure ParmeWs Vegetable Pills. By regulating the liver and obviating the ofteots of bile in t-lie stomach Ihoy restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. ETIQUETTK OK CJUNA TEA. The eliquctto pertaining t-j tea-drinking in China is curious. If u lady asks you 10 drink tea with herâ€" and especiall.v if (he ten Ix; sweetened â€" you can count y<-ui"self as well received and nnich liked. If she does not like you, the tea is bitter, ond reix)rl has it in cases of this scrt drainings are often used. Of ixiui'se it is necdle.<c> lo say that after one sip ot such t«'u the unliked visitor tniikos a prompt exit ! When paying a call, if the servant should twing in a cup ot tea Ihei* is no m-^d lo take any particular notice ot it. Allow the .servant to placi' it where he likes near you. and continue y<nir c«inver.iatioii as though nothing had happened. It your business ii> pleasant and agnvnlile to the mislross or the master ot the house, lu^ or she will pass the beveiage lo you; it not, you arc ex- pecte<l to leave it i,nlouclH\l, otherwise you are likely to hHve a quarrel on hniuU and a Chine.«e quari'elâ€" either with a man or a wojuanâ€" is unpleasant. a\.\D A.\D ARM END.4NGEIIED Neglect a cut or a scratch and it may tt;rn to bhwd p<^iisoning. Mr. Joseph LaUbertieof Ji.Artillcrie Street, Quebec, ^ays: "1 cut one of my lingers on a rusty piece of tin and had no idea It would become so serious, but in two oays blood poison had set in and my fingers became terribly discolored, and my hand and arm swollen. I was alarmed and began using one ointment after another, but none relieved me. I was about lo consult a doctor when a friend advised me to try Zam-Buk. This I did. Zain-Buk began by drawing out the inflammalicn and in one week the wound was nicely healed. I feel so grate- tut tor my speedy cure that I unhesitat- ingly give my testimonial to the merits ot Zam-Buk.' Zam-Buk cures Cuts, Burns. Chapped Hands, Chalings, Cold .Sores, Itch, Cinl- blains. Eczema, Running Soros, Sore Throat, Bad Chesll. Hingworm, Piles (blind or bleeding). Bad Legs. Inflamed Patches. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Scia- tica, Absops.<es and all diseased, in- jured and irritated conditions of U»e skin. Of alt druggists and stores. 50c., or post paid up<in receipt of price, from Zam-Buk Cx)., Toronto. 50c. a box, 6 to.TCS $2.50. .« LAUCU. .Alice: "Don't you think a cookery book i-, fascinating reading?" Clara: "Yes, indeed, it contains so many stiiTing incideuis." The Orralest Tonic Is "FamTJiii.'* It is plaas«iit in t&sto and containa juat the noariah- maut and streosth-girinj^ qualitia^i tljat ara necd- td by thosa who are tick and weaklr. .Vliffkins: 'The happiest hours of my lit) wei'e when I was going lo school." Biffkins: "1 cannot tell a lie, old man. The happiest hours ot my life were when I was playing tiniant from school I" There is Only One Eclectric Oil. â€" When an article, be it medicine or any- thing else, tiecomes popular, imitations invariably spring up lo derive advant- ages from the original, which they themselves could never win on their own merits. Imilations of Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil have been numerous, but never successful. Those who know Iht; genuine are not put off with a sub- stitute, but demand the real thing. "Here," said a lady lo a. beggar, "is a glass of water â€" pure, cold delicious wa- ter What? You refu-so it?" He shook htv head and sighed. "1 have to ma'nm, " h^' said. "You .tee. I've got an iron con- stitution, and water would ru.<l it !"' TULNDEROIS MISSLES. (By A. Banker.) During the past three or four de- cades the science of gunnery has made •momious strides, and the modern gun cs far e.xcels the old 37-pounder of Nel- son and .Napier as that time-honored old weapon exceeded in fighting value the catapult cf the old Romans. The obsolete 100-tou gun, for instance, was capable of throwing a great steel pro- jectile weighing about a ton a distaace -f Uvd miles, the cartridge being about the size of a sack of coals, and every grain of powder about the appearance and size of the coals in a scuttle. .And v.hen (he mons4or was discharged it was necessary for those working liie gun lo open their moullLS wide, or the drum of their ears might liave been damaged, and lo hold ttieir caps on tightly or they would have been bkiwn off as by a hurricane. Windows, too, of houses wUhin, perhaps, a couple of miles of the fort, if not opened would be blown in. But the mighty ordnance ot the Dreadnought is far more etfeclive than even those monsters, for they throw ail enonnoufi shell no less (h'ln fifteen miles; one of these guns Ihorefore plant- ed on Epsom racecourse coukl throw a shell into the Bank cf Bigland; and, according to a statement cf tho great- est British authority on gunnery, f .\Jcnt Blanc were silualc bciween two places the flight of the projectile would be some hundreds of feet above the summit of the iiKJuntain. The tiiun- dcrous, deafening roar of Ihe-e ponder- ous missies as they hurtle in their deadly course is altogeihor indescrib- able. 11 is as though a fi:rious hurri- cano were raging, a hoon^e crasliiiig blast, angrily rending the air with a discordant, grating stridor, which, as the distance increases, changes to a snarling hiss; unUl with a dull thud the projectile strikes the waler. raising a fountain of foam high in all', follow- ed half a mile fu'ther awnv by an- other foaming gejBcr. as the ricochet- ling shot again rebounds; sometimes raising quite a tong series of these walepspoiils nglit away into the far distance. But how utterly puny and insigni- ficant are these achitfvemeiils ot man Compared with the work of the Onmi- potenl Creator W ho has started on Iheir c< ursc through the drend abyss of the illimitable, untold myriads of mighty globes, at a veUx^ity infinitely exceed- ing h'-jat of any cannon ball. .And yet this Almighty Being in His wondrous condescension and low has provided a n.t?ans by which all who have in any way transgressed against Him. instead o' receiving the condemnation due to justice, may. if they will, i^Keive a free and imnuNliale pardon. For tJie aUaie- ment made by the S.« cf God upon the epos's is a full, perfect, and com- plete salisfucti«"in for the sins cf all wtici will lay them upon Him; for Hi tore the punishment due as (heir Sub- â- slituto. CASE OF BRONCHIAL CATARRH RELIEVER BY PE-RO-NIL Bror)cbiaI Catarrh Ur)le55' Stopped' Oftei) Spread? To Tbe CaiJsir)4 Catarrh^ of I. C. Ilervus Pelletier, Dep't de I'AgricuUure. Ottawa. Ont.. writes: '•The Peruna is particularly efficacious in the cure ot catarrhal aih^rtions of (he Kings and broficJiial tubes, oiid it Is in consequence the remedy most apfireciated here in OiLawa. Six bottles cured me this » Utter o( brsncbili.-. I am ronipletely restored and 1 owe thanks to the Peruna. I have recom- mended this remedy lo a larfle number of my friends afllirted with ihtr same (roub(F, and they have vcrilied my (jooU opinion o( (bis valuable reiuedy. ' No Reawoable n«n expacts to euro a naglact- ad cold in a day. But time am AUen » Xun« Balsam will overcoma tha cold and »U»o ^con.umption. Cough wiU «wao and lungs bo as aouad as a now dollar. No man fears the woman (latter. » hc> can issir. NO. «-(». ALTERED. Tramp: ".\Iaduin, I was not always thus.'' Mudam: "No, it was your oilier arm you had in a sling yeslei-duy." Time tries all things, and as Bickle's .Anii-Consumplivo Syrup has stood the test of years it now ranks as a leadr uig .^pecillc in the Ircalincnt ot all ail- inents of the throat and lungs. It will soften and subdue the most slub5oi-n cxjugli by relieving the irrilalion, and restore the aftccleJ organs to healthy ci nditions. L'se will show its value. Try it ajid be convinced of its efllcacy. TOWAHDS THE POLE. Ice eight feet thick on the ocean, and snow falling even in summer. Such is the weather experienced in the Polar re- gitMis. When the air is dry and still, it is remarkable how low u temperature car be borne with ease. One explorer tills us that, with the thernionietcr at 9 d<'g., it was loo warm f<ir -skating. The summer weather in this region is, nioi-e- over. ill sonu) ivspocts pleosjint and luultlitul. Within the Arctic xone there are woiHlertully-colori-d sunrises and sunsets to he sivn. They are Ivjlh biil- lianl and impressive. Rut the nigli'sâ€" the niglits arc nu'iiotonoiis and n^:)elling. A rigid w<irld Iniricd in everlasting snow, silent save [<ir tli,> crockiiif.' ot the ice or the wail of the wind. Ti'uvellei's II- thest? regions experience tiKiny dis- ccniforls. The keen iiir cuiisos their .skin to burn and blisler. while their lips .swell and crack. Thirsl< again, ha5 Kvn i;Micli complaiiu>d of, arising from the i\cti<in of the low Icniperulurc on the warm Ixnly. • Graleful Palicnt-"lV)cl<)P. how can I ever repay you for .vour Kindness to me?" Doctorâ€" "Doosn't mutter, old man. Cheque, money cnK-r, or cash!" REST AND RECIPERVTION. To provide a restful environment without sanaloriuiii restrictions, lo en- able tired huniiinily to recuierate na- turally, to secure to the average man I «.r woman the needed change from wor- I ry nnd care, and to do th<-« at mod- erate cost, is the mission of The Wei- ll nd," the home of "The St. Catharines Well.' .Apply th<' manager, St. Catliafincs. Ol- any .Agent of Grand Trunk Rail- way System. E.XAMPLE. Father: "Remember, my son, that hon- <sty is the best policy." .S-m: "Why. father ! you alius said you wanted me to follow in your footsteps.'' CATARRH of the bronchial lubes: often very quickly becomes catarrh of the lungs. (i;atarrh of tte lungs inakes the patient an easy victim to the germs that cause tuberculosis. Sound lungs protect themselves against dis- ease genns. Peruna has acquired a lasting reputa- tion in relieving catarrh ot the throat, bronchial tubes and limgs. This should prevent tde Ixibercular bacilli from gain- ing any foothold in the lungs, and saves Ihc patient from the inevitable result. I Mr. Wicklittc R. Smith. Editor of The I I'otlatch Herald, formerly Prlncusal of , the Schools at Cameron. Idaho, writes: "For some lime 1 suffexM with ca- tarrh of the rtiroal and bronc-hial lul:«. 1 tried many remtslies, but could find nothing that would give me relief. "Finally I tried Peruna. Three bottles cured me, made me sound »nd well. ! bi'lieve it will do as much for others as it did for me. 1 shall be glad to recommend it to those suffering with catarrn." Why go liniping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent botlie of lk)lk3way's Ciirii Cure will remove Ihem? Give it a trial and you will iwt regret it. Magistrate : "You gave this young w email such a hit on the face that she can I .>ice out ot her eyes. What have you to say tor yourself ?" Accusal : "Well, she often told nie she didnt want to see me any moiv." ITCH, Mange, rralrte Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wot- trrd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. WON THE PRIZE .\t a parly recently they were playing a game which consisted in everyb»)dy In the ixwm making a face, and the one who made the woi-st face was a« aided •1 prize. They all did Iheir level t^si ,,^1 then a man went up to one r« the women an<! sjiid : "Well, madam, I think you have won Ih.' prize." "Oh," she .said, "I wasVt playing.'' SE.VTS WERE .SAFE. "It would please me mightily, Miss Stout,'' said Mr. Mugley, "to have you go to the theatre wiUi mc this evening." "Have you secured the seats?" asked Miss Vera Stout. "Oh ! come now," he protested, "you- 'ro not so heavv as all that.'' Useful at .All Times.â€" In winter or in summer Purmelce's Vegetable I'ilLs will ccpe with and overcome any irregu- larities of the digestive organs which rhange of diet, change of residence, or vsrialion of lem-poruturc may bring atcut. They sh<iuld le always k<vt at hand, and once their btMivficial action be-comes known, no one will be wiith- oul them. There is nothing nauseating i'l their structure, and the most deli- , cate can use theni confidently. THE CLHE. "Doc," said the man who was trying to get a free prescription, ''what's the lest thing tor a cold?" "CAimpeienl mwlical advice, my friend." Tlie Elfacia Produced b; Witch Haiew ban coiWbinS with Menthol a*/»und .n •^"'^•AL MtMM Pl.%'ter ave truly magical, it ba.n« a HMcUc tor rhonmalism aud nouralsia. lU DOING. Norah : ".An' phwore do .vour mis- be goin' to-night?" Bridget ; "Shure, she didn't infonn inc. but tr'in (he looks iv her Oi take it she be goin' to wau iv Ihini coniin' out pf.rties." Black Remark- able for Watch 'td " pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2867 Mother Graves' Wonn Exicnninntor li pleas;int to take; sere atul effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best i-esults. Men seldom fly for Iheir lives when they meet a wocan who is dressed lo kill. Just â- Word of caution ,' Where tha Mn ia lestro.yml by burns or scnUis .%pply Weaier'a Cerate' iuimotliately : tba sooner the buttar. MIXED. The profess<:.r in one of our universities was noted tor being very absent minde<l. It was his ciislom lo call the will each r.ioming before the lecture. One morn- ing after calling a name to which there V. as no respoiKse, he looKed up, and. peering over his spectacles, asked sharp- ly "Who is the absent boy in the v;;cnitt shair I see before me?" A man' wh<-i does not mind a joke at his own expense says he went inio a chemist's i-ecently and a.sko<l for some morphine. The a.sstslant objecte<l to giving il without a piv.scriplion. "Do 1 UH'k like a man who would kill hinuseir?" the cusloH'er uskeil. "I don't know. I'm sure." said the n.ssislanl; "l>nt if I lookid like you, 1 slwuld be templed." "ST NEW YORK nf TM6 NEW FIXEPRUOP HOTEL NAVARRE Tth Ave. and 3ath St. 300 FEET tWEST Of BROAflWAY, Maximum of Luxury at Mialiauia Cost "SSf â€" Accasslble. Quiet and B!egant. Within Five Minutoa' Walk of Theatres, Shops and Clubs. Now Dutch Orill Itooins I^trxaHl in CMtj. Cabin Cars Pass Uotal to all Railroada Buropoan Plan, tl ..iO per dar without bath, t^OO per day with bath. Suites 13.60 upwards. Send for Booklet. 5TEARNS A DAHB. Props NOT A ClvVSE FOR HEPAIR*. "1 wish youd tell me what ails this vai-ch," said the caller, pasing it over tht showcase. The jeweller look Uie timepiece aud koked at it. "Where did you get it?'' he asked. ".At an auctio:i sl<>ie.'' "That's all that alls it," said the jew- eller, handing it back. is the man wlio knows what 3K<1 to sav. and :vmciiilers not lo say it Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY Use Shiloh's Cure lor the worst cold,, the sharpest cough â€" try it on a guar- antee of youi money back i£ it doesn't actually .Q^yRE Mi.i cbtr than anytbiug you ever tried. Safe to take, â€" nothing in it to hurt oven a baby. 34 years o( success commend Shiloh's Cureâ€" 26c . SOc. %\. ««