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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1908, p. 2

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January 23 1908 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE F. T. HILL & CO. MARKDALE Bi^ January Clearing Sale ! J. & W. BOYD Flesherton Preparing For Our Annual Stock Taking ^ L, TliJH week we atari una of the greatest Cluuring Snloa that tliia store han ever liad. The price rcduciions nro bi^ and in n f{roat tunny instances the wliiilfwilc cost (if tlie goods Ims not been cosisidored. We have hal a h'm trade dm init iho past luoti'h and the assortinciilK that are left are Hiiiall ulniiK with a i^rual many reiular lint's that have nut n)ovod as well as we wt.uld like them, and ill order that we shall he ablo to clear all out <|uiokly to avoid takiiiij into btock we have made the Price lliduclion bi(;. Be on hand i^arly for the bij^j^uwt bargains you ever biu^ht in many lint'S. .-^ A Most Uemftrkuble Sale of DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. This week the bo};ii'iuiiii{ uf our Great JanuHiy Sale <if Dross Goods represents one of the great buying oppottunities of the wjek. We put on sale uO pieces of Unas Uiiuds and Silks at just half regu- lar prices. 25c Dreu Goods and Silks, Jan. clearinsi K.ile price 12Jc aba Dress Goods and SilkB,Jan. priue.lBc 50j " " " 25c 75o " " " 38o 1.00 " " " t>Oc 1.25 " " " a-Jc Su be on hand early. Best always uu first KXK) DOZEN CHRISTMAS ORANGES All sweet Mexican Oranges Re;; selling prices 25, 30 and 35c per dozen, January sale price this week per dozen 22c SELLING MANTLES AT LESS THAN THE PRICK OF THE CLOTH We have about fifty Mantles which are last year's style, and in order that they shall be sure to sell during our January Sale we have actually marked them away I. -88 than the cost of thecluih and buttons so if you want to buy a good warm eortt for neaily nothing â€" S^o the Mantles wo are selling for . .Toe Some hive been worth as high as $7.00 See the Mantles we are sellinjj for..!>8i; Suincaresilk lined and have lioen worth a» hiuh as iilO.OU. These prices during ihis sale only. LADIES' FINE WOOL VESTS Selling at cne-quarler off. 3G only Ladies' tine Wdol Vests, lovely Kno ijuality, the kind that you quite wil- lingly pay ^1.00 for, Jan. 84le price. .75c BIO REDUCTIONS IN TRIMMED MILLINERY Wo have had a very successful Fal' Millinery season and wo still have some nice niitly styles left in trimmed milli- nery, which wo do not wish to carry oviT in'.o tiiotliir Beas<pn, so during our Janu- ary cleariuL' sale all will he sold at junt HALF PRICE to you. A Clean Up in Children's and Boys' KNITTED CAPS AND TOQUES for Oc â- laiiuary is the month we dispose of r!I Winter Goods. This week the January sale |)rices are on, and you can buy your boy or girl an all wo<d foipii', regular 20c ai.d 25c lines, for Uc, about ^ of value. January Sale Price is AMONGST THE MANTLE CLOTHS This week eoiiimenceH the slaughter Ringing our Mantle Cloths. Every yard of mantling in our store is re<luced and ihc reductions are such that the cost of raw material and inanufucturing is not leprescntfd. Just ta think, you can buy Eidi-rdowns, Hi-iivers, in a great many colors of curl cloth, heavy P,tnamas, Fri- z.'s, and fancy boucle effects at just hair original price. iiOc .Vlaiitlings 25(1 1.5 Vlantlings 75c 753 " :«o 2.00 " 1,00 1,00 " 50c 2.50 " 1.26 1.25 " 0;)o 3 00 " 15 During January Clearing Sale only BIO SELLING FURS AT A DISCOUNT Olf regular price during January This week wo coinm-'uce our bij. January Clearing Sal-! by offeriiig our immense stock of liibu.s" and gi'iilleinen's furs in colts, caps an 1 small fura. During Jan- uary the sale prices will b.> loss than nguhtr prices. Sensational Reductions in LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS 83.00, 3.f)0. 4.00, 4.50 and some sell as high as ?5.00 in the regular way. On sale this week your choice for 1 i(8 130 Ladies' Dress Skiits in the lot, not many of any (me kind but nearly all sizes are represented, and the price in many cases is les^ than half. During cur January sale your choice for 1.08 Ontario. ALE STIX-I^ OM. ma HOSIERY BARGAINS For Children, Girls and BoyR This week we put (m sale 500 pairs of children's, girls' and hoys' heavy Woist- ed and Woid Hose in the regular way linoo that you pay 2 and 23c per pair f3r,durin({ our January Clearing .Sale (mr price is . .12ie BIG REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' LEGGINGS 75 pair.s only best ([uality Felt Leirgings, some are knee length, othoi-s shorter, button aud strap styles, regular selling value 85c and 81 fX), January Sale Price per pair G8c MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Heavy Wo(>l Underwear felt the eff.'ct of our January Clearinj^ Sale, sidl- ing at J Kss than regular price. This week we put on saleO pair Men's heavy wool underwear in the heavy rib'Ded,])laio knit and unshrinkable kind representing 75c, 8.5c and ?1.(X) lines. January clear- ing sale price CIJc I!IO SNAP IN MEN'S GLOVES i>5 dozen Men's fine Mocha and Kid (ilov. s. Wo Wire nnforfiina'e in uetliiiL' iliiH shipment wei. Whih- it ha.s not hurt the «i-aring ipialitics of the glove", in some cat e» they are spotted, just eioruuh (o not allow U!< to sell them in llii^ n-giilar way, so this week ymi (!an buy 75. 85 and 1.00 lines of me-i's gloves for per pair 58c Great ojiportuiiity for buying GIRLS corset" WAISTS S.'Vc 125 pairs Girls' Corset Waists, all sizes are in the lot. None are worth less than •lea pair and some are 5c a pair and a great inr.ny are 75c a pair in the regular way, but owing to our January Ckaimu SaliM'our choice will he 35c GROCERY SPECIALS r> pounds choice Dates for 25o 3 cans choice Corn for 25o 3 cms choice Pears for 2.5e 3 pounds choice R.iisins for 25c .'I pounds choice Currants fur 25c t) bars tine Castile or Oatmeal Soap 25c During our January Clearing falo Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather our sale has flecidcdly been a success. Wo are putting on something new and special every day. Wc would request as many customers as can make it convenient to kindly i^hop during the forenoon and we will be able to spend more time with you and give you better service, as in the afternoons we're very busy. Sale closes January 31st and we begin stock-taking on February 1st. Dont let this opportunity pass without your gettin^, ;';e benefit of our SPECIAL PRICES. J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. Ihe just laws, laws made to save the olTonder. will never be coin[iletu until the jTt . , <i 1 indetoriiiinato sentence is reeogni/.ed. jrtCfillljriOII jl lIUHIlCC I This provides simply for the C(mfiiiemeid ^ ^ V fl > I „f tlie criminal until he becomes able and Is publifihed every Thursday nt $1.0,) t""' j willing to C4ire for himstdf. Then fruedoni •nnuni ifpaid inadvaiioe, C1.5c if notso paid i under curtain ternm awaits him. Death i)eiialties savor of tlio middle ages wliile Riis.sia and Turkey aro the lands wo seek for cruel, iiiercilcsH laws to punish crime. Law and Politicians She Wears Large Boots. Has fri on scciiunt of eoriis--l)Ut they c«n he tnivil in twenty four houis with Use DiMiiiuion electi(ms are not far disUnt, 8o Iho usual voto-catching legislation is being urged at this session of the House of Commons. An M. P., after his so- journ at Ottawa, swells with iiride when , I'utnian's Painle." Corn Extractor ho can refer his constituents to the laws no other but Putiu'in's. wliidi ho was iiistrumentd in having i -•»» ~ placed on the .Statute Books ofthena-! Arlemesla Ccuncll lion. His sce-what-Idid air in very' amusing. i Arlcnii'sia Oonnoil h"l I il-i first meeting Ruveuge is a paitfiion deeply rooted in ; f'^ P"I8 <'" ')l"'"lay. Jan. 1.3, puriuant almost every breast. I A.. ..,-. f - „„ to ft'a lit'". There wi-re prenent, Alexan- ' An eye for an i , ... „ ,„, ' „ ', ,. , „ |(ier Mnir, K^-eve ; I liomns K. .VlcKenzie, eye and a t.K.Ui for a tooth is tlio nat- l)„p,„y l{..,ne ; .lohn A. Carson, Oe. piity IScHve ; .lolin A. tJarson, tjeorgo of races. To this sjiirit a Cana- T. Wii-jhl. and Robert BoNt. Councillors. dian M. P. ajl.-'vikd the other day wla-n ' After each of th.) al.ov,- nanied h,.d duly , 1,1. II i-iii â-  1 s gnol and made llu! reo'iivi'd ih-ol iialiniis ho proposed that assaults upon I ttle girls , ,.,. . i r '„• , r , ' ' ' •* iif (pialihc-atioi, and of ullioo the Ik- punished by death, and against w.mion ^i.-rk, ih..y t.o(.l( tlieir spals. The inin- by iiKLSt hcvere Jielialties. | utes of scnxion of Doc. l(i and of speoi.d Why does the state spend thousands! """"'"U l)"-*^- 21, l!Mt7, were read aod c 1 II I .. ._ I . ... ; 1 ii.„ ..:. : 'aimioved. Cominuoicalion.i a» follows of (hdlai-s ojich year t"! punish the cnniiii- , ' , i, ,, . , i .. w; i> i , ,, (were read : 1). .McLc il and V. W. Ii,d- al? Surely not to bo "even with him , in,„y„,,, ,ijeft,j„„„ ,„r ,i,o „nic,, (,f a»nes- • -to have vengeance upon him fur his ' i^ur for I!H)8 ; H.J Spronle and .losoph wrong. Rather it is that the ..Hoiider l'l'"Kbn. n, acpleation f..r the ollice of may l.o reformed or prevented frmn injur- j ""''.''"'•' f'"- l;"^*^ !, '' • ,}^";\, '{"!•'â- "â-º*'â- Â». â- ' . . 1 , . asking n gram <ii bolmlf of the sick elid- ing others It 18 to educate the criin- !,if,,„'., ),,„., Il„l inal to a bilter life, or, if that be inifais {'.yUwn wure iiassoJ Appointing C. W. (,ible. to pii.loct tho law-abiding by con- 1 ''â- â- I!""')' »« asi. ssor, Joseph BIacl,buiu linin:^ the lawless. This is the principle' ;','"' "„•'•, '^''; ,",''; â- ^U''"'"-". "'"l "* ' ' K-a^-vell. J. 1'. () lewell, and A 1* f^eif^r Cam<^ Jlstray ('â- unt! to tho promises of tho undoi-sicn c(t, tot 2S, con. s, ArtuuioHia. abuut Nov. 1 5. Iho owuer ia rt.'(|u«sloil to |>ruve pi'opevty. pay expenses and take away. JOS. HAWKINS. Uugouia. Dec. 31, 1907 of Canadian (Criminal law. W. , Pe J. liar ] as t!;e loo il Imird Clayton 80, W. H Heard 88.50, A. Gil- christ J8.50, O. O. McLean f8.50, S Gilbort 8H.50, Geo. Meldrum ?8.50, F. H. Thompson S8..50, and the Ule:k for lioldinL' iiiiininati >ii and delivering ballot boxes, ?o. Carried- â€" Wright -That the Reeve, Mr. Mcliiiiighry and Mr. Carsnn be paid ?2 each for serving on committee le claim of Ttios. l)ougla>» Biu'i son. Carried. Writ;liiâ€" Carson â€" That tho Reeve exe- cute ipiit claims for diviati(m of roa'l over h.t 22 snd part of h.t 2;t. con. 10. to G^'o. Chadwick am! E. A. iiiahani, ns described 111 byhiw (!74. Carried. McKeii/.ieâ€" Wright -That :he Reeve and Mr. Caison be a commitiee to inipiirn into the siilhcii'iicy of the tro.isurer's sureties. Carried. .McKenzieâ€" Restâ€" That the Clerk have ihe iosuiaiice on the town hall and fmni- luie reiui»ed in some nliable company to ihe amoui.t of IfOOO C.-irrird. (^aisoii -Wfiglit- That the Clerk or- d'-r cnpie.-i of the Miinici|)al World for 111(18 for the iis;> of the memliels (d the Couiiiil. Cairied. McKeiiziiiâ€" Wrightâ€" That ten dollar." he uiantcd in aid of the sick childrcn'.s hospitil mi(' foi warded to .1. Ross Rob- er'son, chairman, 'i'oidnt'i. Cnrri'd. MoKenzi.' â€" CaipoMâ€" That this (\iiiiK'i! meet on Sniiirday, ihoiSth day of liebru- aiy next, and on tho first iSalur.lay of iMch moiilli lurinu' the yi-ar except the ni'Jitli of Oi'eember, which mreting is no ihe ISili (lav of Di'ce.nhcr. Carried. Council adjourned. - M'lny down with Pleurisy Doctors .yay ih- coiintiy is full of i'. Kirst roincs a chill, then cold dcvol"(i- â€" the infhinati ii grows -yo.i can't dri* a long breilh- lungs and sides g.t sore. Mild pleurisy sets ill. .\ gooil In in » cure consists ill takiie.' Iwei.iy dmps i.f Ni i vi- liiie eveiy four bus. Suopli'iiient tins j by vigorously ruuhing the sides aud oln's with Ni'iviline, aoil when variiith an- ciicu'a-ion ar-- established, put a Nervi F'a.x'm. for* Sale Lots E.J ft and 9. Coij. 1.1. in the towimhip o( On>roy ISO acres. larRe cluarini,'. goofi (ramo liaru and B'ahlo.^. nooA ilwxlliuij aiut wb1|. Apply ou the prfiiiiscs or to W. J. RKL.I.AMY, Fleshttrtou. SfiortJiorn Cattle fcr Sale Lovlnissand Wimples', tho best of broedinR auil (|UHlit-'. Hull, cows aud heiforn lor sale at reurionablo pricea t 32.000.5 CUAS. STAFFORD. Flealiorton COLLIN SONS' CEYLON'S NEW STORE- Rest values for your money in Bonis and Shoes and Ruobers. Special reductions on these lines Flour, Uil cake mid all kiinU. FEED,--We buy in car lota and are able to sell on lower murtfins than elsuwhire. GUtWEIUES.-We have a full line of fresh »rock on hand at right (iricea. ll,\RDVVAnR,-Try our funious X Cut Saws, giiaianicen to cut 'en per cent, m^re tiiiiber tliau any other sa>v nil ihi' marki t. A gi-od liii v.{ othe LEADINGâ€" MER CEYLON. stock. HANTS. Enter now and Prepare yousrclf for Busi- ness in Th.a Three Courses:â€" Coinmeicial, Sh(,'rthaiid & I'ypewii-in^, and Preparatory which is for tllo^e whoso early education has been ncghct.d. It is the most complete Business College in Canad'i. Write to C. A. FLEMING, Principal Owen Sound Ontario Tartu for Sale Lota 171, 2 imJ H, 1st cot'. V-. K.. Artoinosla. l^-j ncres iu all uf hr»t class fanintii* luiitl m a good statu of cultivation. sit.uato.l '1\ inilus B' utS of KluRherton, t:hort niilu fvoni "schooi. fU'ttii of iiuxinim wu«ds autl well feuced. 10 acres of uiaruh, 5 acres of hnrdwooil bush. ImI- ntice ill L'ood Htato to work all Litids ofiiiacbiu- urv, wi'll watered, 2 orcliartlM, a (jood Iioupo 1H X 5it> vfUt-'ortwi insido, kitcliuu Iti x iJO, wood- Mhed 10 X Vl^ new bant r>0 x TiO stone fotitulatioa. Tbirt i^ one of tUo bvHt farina in tho towusbip aud cau bu bcui^Ut ligbt. W.J. CASWELL. Glasses That Cure. •f heahh. If tho penalty for wrong doing is tool Rest- Carsonâ€" That Pedlar be i^evo-e I wi> thin''M happen. Tlio olfender P''*' f'"" "^ van's of )»rHvel used on road, I line I'lrous Plaster over tl.c aching sp't is shielded fidin his proper punishment l^'l^.". , p"ir''- t,, , ., , „ . Nervibno Treatment i..dways sucee^vful ' ' ' . W righ' â€" nest- That I lie fullowing ac- hy th.;Hu i.*ii!ist whcmi helmssinn(!d.L„„„n i„ ,-„i,|.. ){. P, T,,.j.,(.., KiO f.-ci One h«fKilites to deliver to jiistico the criiiiinal, knowin;^ v/hat (\ severe atono- unnt ho inast innku. lie siifToiti in ^ilenco i-ilthHr (Imn aoiid a fellow being â€" Ij'iilly thi'.igh ho ni-ky he -to ycnni of \.rol>di'.'diiesN. Or law becomos a dead thiii;{ and tho injured takes it into his V'A'ii hnnds and deals out justice sunmrily. ('inidiiins prido themsokcs on their of liiiobei for hull boards, $2-1'); <). & W. 15 lyd for oil, r.Oc ; T R Lover tile ft-i cert ili'd by o\er>eer, ?.'! ; W. II. Thurston, eh-eiioii statiolury, ballots, etc., ei7 -iri. Cair.fid. ]t -St -Wright Prtler Mu r br pdd Pii.oO for ronioving iniua'e to hoiise of r.'f ug.i. Can ieil C.irnoii â€" Mclven/.'e- That thu deputy rdiiiining of!iiM>rs and oth-rs be tmid iis follows.- Win. UcLout{hry JsS.OO, 1. Ill colls, neuralgia, ami p'ourisy. yourself. T.y it Slabs $ £daind$ for saSc We will sell tho I ft. hlabii and IMhUirs at our mill (.11 n Ml. fi, Arti'ini'sia, nt SIlVi per c tcI. Ivy itiitilyiiit^ 1 1 Mr. .Iiiu. I'ai lianiniit, vpp nitu ttit' i.dll'. li*> will niiut'KO'u aitd receive ca»h (or li:ti wooil whiiii tHki'ii iiway. V. o will (uithei- pay a reward of * 'â- .(K) f'lr rroof ofsiiyot.e tabini; wood from tliere liiiho p'lst.or who iiiKV talio w '.id ill tho future with- out our autliorliy or .Mr. rarliainuiit'i'. ICKE.SAN IIUOH., l-iudtod, tf Owon Bound. I'BADE Marks Designs CoprniGHTsAc AnTOna Bonding a flsotch nn J dr»(; ni»» Qnloklf niirertjilii our o[ iiil"M frco wiicllu>r ao luvoiitlnn tti rroluiMy vmonf.'iMrt, ('.uiinutiilfn- tl(uuiKltlctlTronUiiuuthd. HAIIIIDOOK onl'iiiiutj •cut. Iroa. llItluBt ftL-piiry fur Mccurinff pateiiu. I'i.iout* talton tl^ouuh Muim & CUreculvt nxrliiliiatlc-ii, irlthuut olinrKO, luttao A ImndMiniL'ly llliictmt»M w.H>kly. Lurn'st cliw ciilutloa uf uny k< lonthUi J.miMiil. Tonni for^i;U7?» a ywai-,iK»ata«o ^jn-iviUl, Hold by all iiow!idi>aior>*. WM & Co a"""'-*"'. K8W York Eyestrain causes many serious ills- Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. Wc adjust glasses that remove the strainâ€" give a lasting cure. Wc guarantee satisfaction. . WANTED . A Reli.rlde .\n<>i,t fi.r FLESH ERTON and ynrrmiiidiiii; countrv, lo sell our KAMOi:s I'EIiia.ESS APl'LK TREES A l)i>! hardy red wintir apple ilnt sells ^ on sieht also ii nenerul lino of fi uit and j onmiiiental tries ii.cluliii;/ olht-r v»lu- I al'le ^peciallles. ti.iod p^iy «,., kly, ,,ut- lii free, exclusive ten ii.iy. Wntenowto PKLIIA.M Nir.HSKHYCO. •â- vGroivcis of liit!u iMsde nuraeiv stock TOUONTO, (.)NT. N B., Special terms to suit nctm working pan iLmc.

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