January 16 1908 III wi I 1 1 I â- ! virin~iiiiiiiiiirintiiiiiiiii" THK FLESHES TON ADVANCE â€" â€" B I I II I â- ?-?â- ONSTER Beginning on SDAY. JAN i4T atid continuing every day during tbe itiontb* Store ^will be closed tight on Moa. , Jan. 1 3 We close our store on Monday lor the purpose of re-marking our goods and getting the • stock in shape. Great Slaughter in Prices We are going to make everything in our store move. Goods v^hich have been going slolwy will have to "go some" because we will make the prices such' that they will go. We think it is better to take a loss early in the game rather than leave the goods in stock until they become shop-worn. Our aim is to keep the stock clean and up-to- date, and, too, we want to reduce our stock in order to make room for large con- signments of goods which will arrive early in Februaryâ€" and also to raise money that we can meet our bills promp^tly. Boots and Shoes Special Prices in all Lines Including: Men B Doug Bala, sizes G*to 10, regular 2.25 scllinu; at. ...1.88 MisscB Scbool blioes, sizes 11 to 2, rcg. 81.00 at 69 Childs Heavy Slices, sizes 8 to 10, reg. 90o at 68 Womcns fine Dong Dal Rlouclior and Butt 1.75 to 2.25 at 1.19 Men's Colonial Uubbors.Jcrsoy tops, (i to lOJ, reg 1.25 at. ..80 Womens Colonial Rubbers, Jersey tops sizes 2^ to (JJ, reg. 1,00 selling at 73 Womens and Misses Felt Slippers, aizea 11 to 7, regular 80 cents, selling a t 19o Ready-Made Clothing Mens Single and Doable Breasted Suits, sizes SO to '12, regular 6.50 to 8.00, seliinR at 4.89 Boys' 3 piece Suits, Fancy Patterns, rpg,4.00 to4.75 at. ..2.89 Men's Heavy Reefers, dark grey tweed, lined storm collar regular 8.25 selling at 2.85 Men's Pants, fancy strip pattern, rcgu'ar 1.00 selling at .76 Men's Pants, fancy patterns, regular 1.75 selling at 1.19 Men's Overcoats, blue and black beaver, sizes 36 to '42, regular 6.50 to 7.00, selling at 4.05 Men's Heavy Comfort Coats, beavy lining, waterproof storm collar, regular 2.75 and 3.00, selling at 1.85 l/ornenWa^per7 Women's Wrappers, print and wrapperctto, blue and red, fancy pattern, reg. l.UO and 1.2S. selling at 73 Women's Cashmere Gloves Women's Cashmere Gloves, regular 25 and 30, selling at... 17 Jewellery A nice stock oj.Tewellery inol uding ladies' and gents' watch chains, watch fobs, ladies' brooches, blonso and bolt pins, croBKee and lockets, also geuts' cuff and collar buttons, tie pins, etc., solliug at aO per cunt off regular price. Dress Goods AND LADIES' WEAR Drees Goods m plain all wools and fancy mixed patterns, regular 50 to 55, selling at 25 New Fancy Tweed Suitings, all this season's goods, regular 55 10 60, selling at 87J^ Wool Toques, regular 25 and 35, sellin^at 19 Wool Toques, regular 40 and 45, selling at 25 Ladies' Caps, regular 60 and 75. selling at 85 Women's Jackets 12 only Women's Jackets, regular 5.50 to 8 00 selling at ..98 15 only Women's Jackets, reg. 7.50 tol5.00, sellinj^ at.. .2.98 CHILDREN'S COATS Childs' Coats, in navy blue with red piping, sizes 27 to 83, reg. 2.76 selling 1.89 Gents' Furnishing Men's Silk Ties, reg. 50c each, selling at 25 Men's Silk Tics,reg 2uc each, selling at ...2 for 26 Men's Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Sweaters, Socks, etc. Men's Tweed Caps, regular 50 copts, selling at 85 Men's all-wool Shirts and Drawers, unshrinkable, regular 85c, selling at 65 Men's sweaters, mixed colors, regular 850, selling at 58 Men's Dlack Caslimoro Socks, regular 25, sellinj; at 17 FURS 4ilodieB' Astrcchan Jackets in lengths 27 to 84 inche8,8izrs 86 to 40, regular $^0 and 8B5, sellingat «20.00 Men's Fur Coats, in Coon Galloway ancl China Goat. Also Caperines, Kiiffs, Muffs and Caps selling at greatly reduced prices. GROCERIES Fancy Biscuits, regular 10 cents per lb. selling at.. ..8 for 25 New CleautJ Currants, choice stock selling at 3 for 25 New Valencia Rasins, choice stock, selling at 8 for 25 Stove Paste, regular 10s stick 5 Baking Soda 2 lb for 5o Clothespins 4 dozen for 5 New Corn, 8 cans lor ; 25 New Peas, 8 cans for 25 New Tomatoes , 11 Fancy Mixed Pickles, reg. 13 cents, sellingat 10 Fancy Mixed Pickles, reg. 15 cents, selHug at 2 for 25 Pure Coffee, regularly 25c, selling for 18 Flavoring Essence, regularly lOo, sellingat 8 Worcester Sauce, regular price 15c, selling at 10 New Figs 5 Malta Vita, ToastadCorn Flakes, Orange Meat, Quaker Wheat BeiVes and Puffed Bice, selling at 8 for 25 No. 1 fiedpath or St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar 4.75 Five Roses Flour (made bj Lake of the Woods Milling Co.) per barrel 6.25 CROCKERY Japanese Chocolate Sets, reg. 1.25 soiling at 85 Fancy China Cups, 40 selling at 25 100 Fancy Japanese Cups and Saucers, reg. 25 selling at, ..10 2 dozen Wedgcwood Cream Pitchers, reg. '25, selling at 15 A bunch of Parlor and Hanging Lamps at greatly reduced prices. STOVES and TINWARE 2 second hand Cook Stoves, with reservoir, good as new at ....12 00 each 2 secondhand Wood heaters at 3.00 each 1 second hand Coal Heater, good as new 17.00 Space will not permit our making mention of all the Bargains which we will offer but we respectfully ask you to come and inspect our stock. It is no trouble to show goods. FLESHERTON, ONT.