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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1908, p. 4

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January 16 1908 THE FLBSUERTOJS AD V ANClf F. T. HILL & CO. MARKDALE Big: January Clearing Saie ! Preparing For Our Annual Stock Taking Tlii» week wu sturt one of the gruntcst Clunriiig Sulos that ihia btore hati ever had. The price reductions are bin >i"d in B Ki"*^"' ''"*"y '"''''""^'"' ^'"'' '*^"'*'''''''' '^"^^ ''''''"' '''"^^'^ ^'^ ""'' ^i}^i> considered. We have hai a bit; trade du>iiii; the past luoii'.h and tliu assortments that are left are Huiull aloii); with a great many re j;u)ar lines that have not moved as well as we would like them, and ill order that we shall be able to clear all out (|uickly to avoid taking into stock wo have made the Price Reduction bif(. Be on hand early fur the biggest bargains you ever bought in many lines. A Most Remarkable Su'o of DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. This week the bei^iiiiiiiig of our Great January Sale of Dress Goods represents one of llie groat buying opportunities of the week. We put on sale 150 pieces of Dress Goods and Silks at just half regu- lar prices. 25c Dress Goods and Silks, Jan. clearinji Bale price 12.Jc 35o Dress Goods and Silks, Jan. price. 18c 60c 75c 1.00 " 1.25 25c 38c 60c 63c So be on hand early. Best always ao first KJOO DOZEN CHRISTMAS ORANGES All sweet Mexican Oranges Regular selling prices 25, 30 and 35c per dozen, January sale price tliis^ week per diizeu .... 22c LADIES' FINE WOOL VESTS Selling at one-quarler off. 30 only Ladies' fine Wool Vesta, lovely tine ijualily, the kind that you quite wil- lingly pay jl.OO for, Jan. sate price. .75c BIO REDUCTIONS IN TRIMMED MILLINERY We have hacT a very successful Fal' Millinery season and we still have some nice natty styles left in trimmed milli- nery, which we do not wish to carry over into another season, so during our Janu- ary clearini; sale all will be sold at just HALF PRICE to you. A Clean Up in Children's and Boys' KNITTED CAPS AND TOQUES for 9e .January is the month wc dispose of all Winter Goods. This week the .January sale prices are un, and you can buy y^ur boy or girl an all wool tixjui', regular 20c aiid 25c lines, for 9c, about ^ uf value. SELLING MANTLES AT LESS THAN THE PRICE OF THE CLOTH We have about fifty Mantles which are last year's style, and in order that they shall be sure to sell during our January Sale we have actually markod them away 1 es* *'^'''" ''"'' '^°''' "^ the cloth and button* e»if you wrfnt to buy a good warm coal for nearly nothing â€" See the Mantles wo are selling for . .75c Some h«ve been worth as high as S7.fK) See the Mantles we are selling for..SWc Some are silk lined and have been worth ashiuh as 910.00. These prices during this sale only. 8ELLINO FURS AT A BIO DISCOUNT Off regular price during January This week we commence our big January Clearing Sale by offeriijg our immense •took of ladies' and gentlemen's furs in eoats, caps and small furs. During Jan- uary the sale prices will bi less than regular prices. January Sale Price is AMONGST THE MANTLE CLOTHS This week i^oiiiniences the slaughter among our Mantle Cloths. Every yard of mantling in our store is reduced and ilie reductions are such that the cost of raw material and manufacturing is not represented. Just to think, you can buy Eiderdowns, Beavers, in a great many ci)h-rs of curl chith, heavy Panamas, Friezes, and fancy boucle efl'ecls at just half oriuiiinl price. nlJc Mantlings 25c 1.50 Mantlings 7'>c 7r>c " ,38c 2.00 " 1,00 1.00 " 6O0 2.50 " 1.25 1.25 " (53c 3 00 " 150 During January Clearing Sale only BIO SNAP IN MEN'S GLOVES 1)6 dozen Men's tine Mocha and Kid OloV'S. We were unfortunate in uettiiii; this shipment wei. While it has not hurt the wearing (|UalitieH of the gloves, in some cases they are spotted, just enough to not allow us to sell thoni in the regular way, 80 this week you can buy 75. 85 and 1.00 lines of men's gloves for per pair 58o Sensational Reductions in LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS 93 00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and some sell as high as $5.00 in the regalar way. On sale this week your choice for 1.98 130 Ladies' Dress Skirts in the lot, not many of any one kind but nearly all sizes are represented, and the price in many cases is less than half. During our January sale your choice for 1.98 BIG HOSIERY BARGAINS For Children, Girls and Boyp This week we put on sale 500 pairs of children's, girls' and boys' heavy Woist- eJ and Wool Hose in the regular way lines that you pay 20 and 25c per pair far.during our January Clearing Sale our price is . .12.U- BIG REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' LEGGINGS 75 pairs only best ({uality Felt Leegings, some arc knee length, others shorter, button and strap styles, regular selling value 85o and SI 00, January Sale Price per pair 68c MENS UNDERWEAR Men'a Heavy VVi>ol Underwear felt the eff-ct of our January Clearing Halo, sel'- ing at j less than regular price. This week ne put on sale UUO puir Mull's heavy wool underwear in the heavy ribbe'l, plain knit and unshrinkable kind represeiitint; 75c, 85c and $1.00 liuei. January clear ing sale price (i3c Great opportunity for buying GIRLS CORSET WAISTS 35o 125 pairs Girls' Corset Waists, all sizes are in ihe lot. None are worth less than 4(lc a pair and some are 50c a jtair and a great many are 75c a pair in the regular way, but owing to our January CleaiitiL' Sale your choice will be .'{ac GROCERY SPECIALS C pounds choice Dates for 25o 3 cans choice Corn for 25o 3 cans choicu Pears ft)r 25o 3 pounds choice Raisins for 25c 3 pounds choice Currants for 25o bars fine Castile or Oatmeal Soap 25o During our January Clearing Sale loth Line Osprey Court Fovorsh-im No. 535, 0. O. F. held their annual supper in the Orange hall in Fovorsham on Friday evening last, when alxiut twenty couple eat down to a bountiful supper of oysters and other good thing!". A very pleisant evening was spent by the Foresters and their ladies. We are of the opinion that if the societies would have more such social gatherings it would be better for them in every way. Nothing like the good will of the ladies, Bre[.hern: Thi.t Court has about 45 mcinbers in good standing and is in a prosperous condition. We extend congratulations to Mr. Fred Ottewell of Feversham, and Miss M. Watson of Aurora, who were united in niarriagB at Aurora on Tuesday, Dec. 31.) Wo welcome Mrs. Ottewell to our villaue and wish the young couple a happy and pri>apeniUB journey through Iifi-. Marriedâ€" .M the Methodist parsonaue •t Maxwell on Wednesday. Jan. 8lh 1907, Mr. Sam Sanderson of the 10th line, to Miss Daisy Thompson of Feveisliam. We extend congratulations and wish the jrounK couple bon voyage through life. Mrs. Richard Burke is very ili at pres- ent. IiiHnina'ory rheumatism is the trouble, we hear. Mrs. Jhs. Park is dangerously ill at present, with stomach trouble of some kind. Wu Ixiliuvo there is not much cliitiice of her recovery. The oflicers elected for the coniinii year- Bro Thos. Julian, C. R ; K, W. Biown- lee, V. C R ; Jas. St. John, CSaplain; H. Alexander, V. 8. j Joseph Irwin, U.S. Mr. Albert Hindle visited friends in this part, last week and over Sunday. Mr. Ooi. H.tron of Toi-ont 1, who had the misfirtune t.> have his his log broken while W'irking in a lumber yard, is able tu get around on crutxihes and is visit- ing friunJs around hers, at present. Prevent Taking Cold. Often you come home, cold and thivor- ingâ€" foot are wot, throat is raw, chest a little sore. A bad cold is just beginninn. Put a Nerviliue Porous I'laster on your cheat, rub your tin oat with Nerviline, and take a stiff dose of Nerviline in hot water. This prevents a chill, and checks the cold instantly. No remedies so use- ful in the home, so sure to prevent serious illness as N«rvilin« and Nerviline Plast- ers. Sold by all dealers, 25o. o-ich, but be sure you gut the genuine, and refuse substitute. GROCERIES ANNUAJ^ MEETING The Annual Meeting of East Grey Agricultural Society will bo held in the Town Hall, Flusherton, on Wediiewday, Jan. 22, 191)8, at 1 o'chick p.m., for the j( rucuiving and |)a^'sing on tlio annual report, election of ofticeis for the eiiHuing year, and the transaction of siieh other business deemed necessary in the interest of the Society. R J. Si'Uqi'le Dated at Fleshertou Jan. 6, 1908. Notice Notiec is hereby given that the annual goneial meeting ot the shareholders of the Flisherion Hotel Coinp.tny, limited, will be hold in the Park house, Fleshor- tcn, on Wednesday, the 22iid of .Innu'iry, current, at 2 o'clock in the afli-rnooii. Business--!. To receive reports of Direc- tors f..r the year 1907. 2. To elect Di- rectors for the present year. 3. Any other competent business. E. C. MURRAY, Secretary, Fleshertun, Jan. 6, 1UU8. Did you know that W. L. Wright has ihe finest and most up-to-date stock of Groceries in town? If you doubt it come and investigate. The (|uality of every- thing is riKht up to the mark and r.s for the prices â€" they are tlioso that suit every- body. They suit you because of the lowness and they suit us because they make the groceries move. W. L. WRIGHT Waxxted For Fle»hert(iii and adjoining country to represent "CANADA'S tiHE.ATKST NUR SKHIK.S." A permanent situation for the rif,'ht man, for wboiii the territory will I, resnrvfd. Pay weekly. Free equipment Wiitefor i«artlcular«. STONK and \VKLI,IN(!TON Fouthill Nurseries Over HOO Acres TORONTO â€" ONTARIO Defeated by Dr. Hamilton, In no way it health so menacnd as by Cnnstip(itiun. It leads to iinligestion, iiisomnia, anacmiao and a humlred ills. Ordinary ,reinedi(>8 fail â€" they relievt â€" don't cure. The worst c^se is defeated And ciirrd quickly by Dr. Uainilton's P lis, wliic!i clurtiise the cntiro intestinal trac'., atiiiiuldte kiiineys and liver, keeps the pores of the akin np.^ii. You'll never have st'iaiauh trouble, yellnw roiuplevion or hiad.ii'hes if you use Dr. HaniiUnn's Pills. They ace a perfiot systuiu tor.ic. 253 i)t all dojlurs. A du^p.ttch says that Nagauiny, a ilapanese student of Toronto, and Guelpli Agricultural college, on his reiurii from Japan in August, 1906, investiuated the irrieated lands east of Calgary. He was favorably impresaed, and formed a coloni- zation syndicate in Japan, .kflurascerlaiii- liig the conditions ^if the purchns<«. Ho haa purchasi'd 10,000 acres and agrned to settle 250 families within four years. These people arc all agiicuUuiists, and will not compete with ordinary l-jbor. They will cull i I ate iheir own land and also seok cniploynieiit in contracts in the suuar beet helds of Alberta. Why Miirirr fi oiii itlieiiinat'sni ? Do ynti know that rhcnnmtic pains can be relieved? IT you diuibt this ju.-.t tiy niie npiilicatinn of Chan btMlain'n I'.iiii Italiu. It will make re«t and sleep |i<issil>l(', and thnt certainly means a Kreat deal to any one afiliei- «d with rhu'.imntism. Fur sale by W. K. I Richardson. . WANTED . ___ :: ^ A Ruliable AKeiit fur FLESH ERTON and surrounding country, to soil our FAMOUS PEERLESS APl'LE TREES A big harily red winter apple that sells on sight, also a general line of fruit and ornamental trtes including other valu- able specialties. Good |)ay weekly, out- fit free, exclusive territory. Write now to PELHAM NUHSERYCO. Growers of hiiin urado nursery stock TORONTO. ONT. N. B., Special terms to tuit ngent working part time. Slabs ^ €daitid$ for sale \V« will Mell the i ti. Slabs aid Kiluings at onr mill on oiH'. 8, Artrniesla, al *) iXl jiur cord. Iiy aiiiilyjMK 1 1 Ml'. Jno. Failiainiitit, upposite ilio nilll, hti win iiii-tisnie atiii ttciMvc oaih lor tliH wiioil nbi-h takenaway. Wo will fintlior pay a ruwanl uf »a;i.on for luoof of anyone tatltjR vcoiitl Inin tlic.einihe pAxt.or wlio may tal o woodin tin- (>itur« with- out aur autUorlty orMr. Pariiumuiit'r. KiSUNAN HItOH., Liinltid, U Uwen tiouutl nerris Bros*, Tinsmiths'and Hardware Merchants Having purchased BENTHA.M BROS HARDWARE STOCK we are now in a position to cater to your every want in the Hardware and Tinsinithing line. This week we offer at a great sacrifice our Complete Stock of Stoves Comprising tbo Empire Queen^es and Garland Cook Stoves and Heaters. All will be sold at cost to make space for our New Stock To realize thtquality of these StovuS you must see them. For example An Empire Queen Rnu^u No. 9 20, with six holes, hiith wartnine closet and and largo reservoir, complete in every detail and nicely nickel plated. Regular price was 848 OO, our price to clear ^9.00 Other Stoves are marked to sell at the same great reduction. This is Headquarters for Paints,Oiis& Varnishes Give us a Call. NORRIS BROS. In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Plough.s, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Cutters - Cutters Now is the time to place your order for your Cutter. Call and see our stock before buying. "We have a good assortment for you to choose from. McTavish & Williams Flesherton R«ifereant< Astray Cauie to tbu proinliieH of ;,hi> underKii^n d, lot 28, 0011. 8, Arteoiesia, about Nov. M. Tlie owner Is requeBteil to prove projierty, pay expeuses aud take away. Uucuuia. Dec. 21, 1IIU7 JOS. HAWKINS. Fcti?m fox* Sale Uts E.» 8 and 9. Con. i;i, in the towualiip of Onpiey 150 acroB. large climrliiR, ((oo'l frame tiaru and B'abluB. good dwolliujj and well. Api'ly ou tliepruiniBuB or to W. J. Hkllamt, FlsBhertou. Shiortl^orn Cattle fcr Sale LevlnlaB aud Wimplua, tlic best of breeding and <|imlit<'. Ilnll, tows aud lieiforg for Ba:e at VtiaHuiiablo prices t32.ooD.3 CHA8. BTAFFORD, Fleshertou COLLI N SONS' CEYLON'^S^NEW" STORE- Best values for your money in Boi>ts and Shoes and Rubbers. Special reductions on these lines Klour, Oil cuke and all kinds. FEED,â€" We huy in car hits and are aide to sell on lower niars?iiis ihan elsewhere. GROCERIES,- Wo luve a full line of fresh stock uii hand at riyht prices. H.\RDW.\RE,-Try our famous X-Cut Sawn, gunranteeo to cut ten per cent, iimre tiinher than any other .saw nil lh>' inai kit. A good line of other stock. LEADING-. MERCHANTS CEYLON. Enter now and Prepare yousrclf for Busi- ness in The Three Courses:â€" Commeicial, Shorthand & Typewri'in^, and Preparatory which is for tho.'<e whose early education has been neglected. It is ihe most complete Business College in Canadt. Write to C. A. FLEMING, Principal Owen Sound Ontario Tarni for Sale Lots 171. 2 and 1) iHt con. N. K., Artemosia. ISjacroiiiu all of fk.Ht class fanuinR land iu a Rood Blato of cultivation, situatej 2* miles south of Hoshertou, short mile from Bobool. clean of lULXiouB weeds and well tuncod 10 acres of umvBh, 5 acres of hardwood bush bal- auco in (food statu to work all kinds of macbin- erv, well WBtereii. 8 orohardB, a good house 18 X iM voneered inside, kitchen 16 x 20, wood- shed 16 X 12, now barn 50x60 atone foundation. This is one of tlie host farms in the township aud oau be bcuijbt light. W.J.CASWELL. 60 YEARS* ; â- XPBRIENCK > TkAM Maiwc _ DniON* COPVRIOHTt Ac. Btl» t«nt tre*. Oldest Patents taken VMloInottc*, without NMiV*. Bsenor for aeoartiDfriiatents, tbrouKli Hunn Svo^NMt ^StknnjKJiiKikiui. A hMidiomoly Ultutrated weekly. Lusert to. JS'»'i"".'8^,?^ iolentlflo lottnia. TMml tot •s \

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