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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1908, p. 2

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mil CHILDREN KIILED Trampled to Death in Eush for Better Seats in Hall in England. A dcspnich froni Bnmslcy, Knglnnd, snys : Sixlceii children wen; Iraiiiplwl t,) <lo;itli and forty otliors, sevoral of vhoni cniimil live, were injured, in u iiind rusli for boiler scntb al nn onlor- Iniiimenl i,'iven in tlio public liull licrc on Siitiirduy uftern^wn. 'I'lu're WHS II great rush to secure ad- nitlnncc to the cntorlainiiient, and when 111',' show opene<l every seat was taken, iind the gallery wa.s lilerally packed with cliildren, who filled the uisltK and were <liingor<nisly mussed against the lower liiiling. With a view to relieving this cmwdlng in the gallery Iho altendanUs clwided to Irnnsfer sonic of the children to llie tody of llie house, and one of Ihe u-shers called out, "Some of you children cciiic downslaits." liiiTiiediately the rush started, and within a few seconds hundreds of chil- dren were being trampled under fool. Even lh<isc who had sejils in the gul- liiy, doubtless being panic-stricken liy till scrranw and struggles of the crowds fighting to reach the staircases, joined in the slampeile. The scene was a terrible one, Iho cries of the injured and the moans of the dy- ing causing Iho pi'culcsl excilenieiil among Ihosc gatheixxl in the body of the hall. IMlice and ushers rushed to the head of the staircase, which was lilerally sirewn with dead and dying, and by the n-.f»sl desperate efforts managed to drag .stitne of the struggling children to the ceiridois l)elow. It was with the great- est difllcully thai n panic among the children in the lovv-er part of llie hoiivse wius averted, all of these eventually be- ing taken In llie streets in syifely. When the iv.mtvo police arrived tlu-y f' inwl llie nnrr<jw stairway practically bi'.)ck<xl wilh bodie.s, which were crushed â- v- s<jnic cusis almost beyond rec<ignition. Scores of cliildn'n wej'e found later to be suffering fmiii frnotured Ixiiics and bc- vere laceralion.s, caused by the intlescrib- able maniiLT in which Uiey liad b<.en traniple<l upon. Soon after the accident Ihc approaches If) the hall were cmw<led with .solibing women .searching for their lui-ssing chil- dien. THE WORLD'S MARKETS nicronrs from the leading TnADli CENTHES. I'rices ol Callle, Grain, C.ices* HM Oilier Dairy l>ruduce nl Home and Abroad. Toronto, Jnn. U. â€" f'lour â€" Outarw wheal '.m per cent, patents are quoted ul J>;i.70 to $;t.7,') in t)uyei-s' sacks outside for oxport. Manitoba fkJur unchanged ; lirst pulenis, $0; sifond patents, $5.30 to i'l 40, and strong bakejs', $5.iO. Wheat â€" .Manitoba grades were quiel. No. 1 Northern (pjoled al $1.21, lake jK.rls; No. z Nortliern quoted al SI. IB, lake iKirtis; and No. 3 Northern ul 81.13, lake foils. Ontario Wheal^No. 2 while and red quDled at 07 to 98i: outside, and No. 2 niixetl at 90 to 9C^c outside. Oals~No. 2 while on track, Toronto, 41'X lo 5(k;, and outside at 47 U) 47><;c. Cxirn â€" No. 3 .\mericari new yellow is quoted nl OGc, Townto, and kilii-dricd row No. 3 nii.\«'d al 05>jc, Toronto. riyeâ€" No. 2 quoted nl 81 to 82c outside. nuckwheatâ€" <J2c outside. narleyâ€" No. 2 quoted at 7,Sc outside No. 3 extra at Tic outside, and No. 3 «'. 'Oc outside. Hranâ€" $18.50 to $19 In bulk outside. SiKjrts are quote<l at $21 lo $22 outside. COUNTHY PHOnUCK. Applesâ€" Winlei', $2 to $3.25 j>er barrel. Iteansâ€" I'liine, $1.05 to $I.7<J^ and I.l.ild-picked, $I.H<I lo $1.H5. Il<incy â€" 12 to i;4i' per lb for ^-trainiHl, ond at $1.75 Ut $2.50 for combs. I'oullryâ€" Turkeys, die,s.sed, 12 to Uc pel Ih for choice; chickens, alive, 5 lo Oc jioi lb; dressed, 9 to 10c; ducks, dressed, P lo lie per lb; geese, 9 to lite. liny â€" No. 1 lim<ithy (|Uoled ul $10.50 lo $17.50 here In car lots. Strawâ€" Steady al $9.50 lo $10.50 a ton DM track here. roluUjesâ€" Car lots are quoted ul 70 lo 75c iier bag on I rack. Till-; DAIIIV MAUKKT.S. . nutter â€" I'onnd prinlR, 24 lo 2.')e, and li.rgo i^olls, 22 lo 23c; do, inferior, 20 lo iU.. Creamery rules at 28 to 29c, and B<;lids al 25 to 20c. Kggsâ€" Cxild .storage arc quoted al 20 lo 2Ic and upwards. Cheese â€" 13X l<> I3>ic in a jobbing way. lino I'ltonucrs. nncon, long clear, 10 lo 10%c per lb I'l case lots; mess [xjik, $18 to $1'.); Short cut. S22 lo $22..')0. Ilnm^ Light lo iiie<lium, 14% lo I.V; Co, heavy, I2>(; lo 13c; ivills, lO^c ; ^hollldel's, lOc; backs. 10 lo 10>^c; break- last bueon, 14% to 15c. I. a rdâ€" Tierces, U%c; tubs, 12c; pails, l!i>ic. nUSINF.SS AT MONTMRAf,. Montreal. Jnn. 8. -(.Special. >-(;rnlnâ€" '•â- ^le market for oats is III ni ; car lots Oiitnrio No. 2 while nl 52c, N<i. 3 al 48 to 48'4c, No. 4 at 47 lo 47><;c, and re- jected at 4Gc per brshel ex store.. I'lour â€" Clioi;Cc spring wheat pnlenls, .^IJ.IO to $6.25; .seconds, $5.50 to .SS.OS V inler wlient patents, $5..')0: slraight n Hers, .$5 lo $5.25; d<i. m bags, $2.25 lo !S2..50; extras, $1.30 to $l.!)0. I-Ve«t- Maniloba bnin, .S22; .shorts, ."523; On- Uirio bi-an, $22 t > $22..50; nii<ldlings, $24 lo .$25; shorts, .$22.50 to $.'3 p<-r ton, in- cluding bags; milled niouillie, $2(> t<i .$28; iind [lUre grain, niouillie, .Â¥33 t<i .$35 per ton. I'rovi.sioiis - Harnls short oul,, »i2.f>() to .$23; half barrels, $11.75 lo $12.25 ; clear fnt backs, .$23.,'iO In .$24.50: long cut heavy, .$21 lo $24 ; half barrels do, $I0..50 lo $11.25; dry .snll long clear bn';ks. lOJi lo 1IX<'; barrels plate beef, $13.50 lo $15; hnlf barnMs <lo, S7.25 t<i $7.75; barrels heavy mess l)eef, $10 to $11; half barrels do, $5..'iO lo .$0; c*'nu)ound Inrd, 10 to lie; puiv Innl, Vil/j to 13c; kettle rendered,. \i'4 to 13c; hams, 12 to 13%c; brenkfnsl bacon. 14 lo 15c \Vlnd.sor bnoon, 14>!; to 15>ic ; fresh killed almltoir dres.sed hogs, .S8.75 to â- Â«0.25; alive, $n..''>0. Hutlerâ€" .'^ptember, 2< lo 29c; fresh receipts, 20 lo 27c; dairy, 23 lo 25c. rhe(«eâ€" 13X lo 13%o. LNrriCD .STATKS MAHKICTS. Milwaukee, Jan. 14.â€" Wheatâ€" No. 1 Northern, $1.13 lo $1.14; No. 2 Northern. $(.10 lo $l.ll>i; May, $l.0.'V% a.skKl. liveâ€" Higher; No. 1, 83>i to 84c. Barley â€"No. 2, $1.04; sample, 70^ lo $1.04. (Vimâ€" No. 3, .50 lo 5'.>c; May, 40 to 00%c bid. Duliilh, Jnn. 14.â€" Whealâ€" No. 1 linrd, $1 ll>i; No. 1 Norlheni, $1.09%; No. 2 NoHhern, $1.07>i; May, $1.12%; July. Sl.l3>i. SI. Ixiuis, Jnn. 14.â€" Wheotâ€" Casli, ?1.01>^; May, $1.05; July, %%<•. Minnenixilis. Jnn. 14.â€" Wheatâ€" May, $1.12%; July, $l.l2>i; No. 1 hnr<l, $1.14%; No. 1 Noilhern, $1.12%: No. 2 Nortliern, !?I.IO%; No. 3 Norlhein, $l.(Hi% lo .SI. 08%. Klourâ€" .Steady: I'irsl paleiiLs. ,«:>.70 to ii>5.80; second patents. $5.00 to f-5.70; lirst clears,- $4.30 lo .$4.40; second c!.ai-s. .$3.50 lo .$3.<'^l. Uruiiâ€" In bulk, S!'.'..50. LIVE STOCK MAnKirr. Toronto, Jan. 14.- I'ieked bulchcrs .'Old between .$4.70 and $4. so with choice Uds fixiin $4.25 to $4.50; inediimi lo giwid, $3.75 lo $4.25; common to medium, !f.2.75 lo S3. 75. ("lioiie lows sold fi'oni $3.50 to .S3.H5, wilh a little higher price paid in one or two InstHncei, Medium duality cows, $3 to S3. 40; c<jiimion cows. $2.25 to $2.75; canners, 75c lo $1.00. Canning bulls .sold al $2 lo .$2.50. Buying f<ir exivorl was iigniii liniiU'd lo bulls, a niimher selling al $3. ,50 lo $4.25, with extra good (pialily ranging up t<i $4.,')n. Choice stockcrs were (pioted al from .$1 l<i $3.75, with light weights from $2 \v $2.75. Calv&s were slcndy al 3c lo Go per ix.und. There was Ihe usual slendy deniand for g<i<jd niilclicrs, cliMice .selling at $4i) lo $55. wilh medium at $25 lo .$:15. I'.xport ewes .sol.l at ,$3.75 lo $4.25; bucks and culls $3 to .S3..50; lambs .sold' I.I $4 li $0, according to iiimlily. Hogs were s'endy at $5.90 for the Ik-sI; ,$5.()5 for medium, and $5.40 for common. FATHEn AND DAl'CIITEn KILLED. Shocking Crossing Accidcnl at C>cdar Springs. A despatch from St. Thomas says; A terrible crossing lalalily occurred al Cedar Springs, Jiear Bothwel'l, on Sat- urday night, when the I'ere Marquette accoinmodalion, due here nl 9 oclock Iravolling al forty miles an Iwur, struck a democrat waggon in which were seated Samuel Crouch and David Tole, elderly farmers I'esiding near Blenheim, and Mr. Cixjuch's twejiljjMivc-yeur-old daughter. All Ihrc' were Uiixiwn about one hundred feel, and Mr. Crouch and Ijiis daughter killed instantly. Mr. (•rouch was almost s.-aljied and other- wise inniiglcd, while .4!:e girl had her neck broken. NJr. Toic was severely injured, and no hopes are cnlertaiiied foi his recovery. Mr. Tole was taken to Blenheim for medical IrenlmenI, while the bodies of Mr. Crouch and h;S daughter were taken lo IIk> station, and are held pending inquiry. The rig was demolished, one horse instantly killed, and the other so badly InjureJ :! had to bo destroyed. The party had lieen to Chnlliam, and were relm-ning home when Ihe accident occiiri'ed. It i.s l)cli(,'ved they thought the train would slop al Cedar .Springs, a flag station. HOT THIMHESHENAm Three Years in Penitentiary for Attempt- ted Stabbing. A despatch Imm Monlrenl snys: Judge riioqueile p|nce<l himself on i"e<ord in the Ci.)Uil of SpecinI .Sessions on Thurs- day OS Ijeing delermined lo put a slop to the luibil .so common among Ilaliaiis ill Ihls city of curiyinB and using wen- pens. "You nre n foreigner, seven months In this counlry," said his Honor, in <h^ii- kncing n young Italian named Michaela Marino lo Ihrec years In pen i ten I In ry, "and il Is pi^oved thai without Ihe lost pmvocali'.in you Irxik oul a ittZA' and slnick Anlonk) Tnlli on tlio neck, causing him Ixidily harm. For- liiiialely you did not c<iiiiiiiil murder. Italians in Hits country must iiiiderslaiid I hat they have to stop practicesâ€" llial they niuisl not enrry knives or razors, this is n qiilel country, yet in Ihis cily we hear every day of quarrels and murders. Such ipiarrete and mur- ders must be put n slop l<^. Anyone who •s f<iiind giiilly of si, eh offence as iit before this c»)urt will Ix- iiiosl .severely punushed. The highest penally ill the present inslnnce is lliree years in penileiitiury, and 1 inllicl three years." EXPEUI.\IE.NTAL FARMS. AuriruUurisIs Taking Advantage of Their Work. A despatch fr<Jiii Ottawa says : The Iwenliitli annual report of the work d< lie and in progrctss ul the several Do- minion experimental farms was tabled in tfe </)mmons on I'riday. It contains the results of many important and carefully ccnducled ex|i«'rimeiits in agriculture, I <irli/'ulturc and arborculluro carried on during the lust yeur. The director, Dr. \\ Ml. .Suundeis, iioles iJuil the large and i< nslantly increasing doiiuind by the fi liners of the IXmiinioii lor the publicu- li<.ns isttiied from the ex[MM-iiiienlal fill ins, the rapidly extending correspon- dtiice, and the readiness slijwn every- where lo co-o()erule with Iho work of the fill ins in testing new and promising vurielies of cereals tuniish gralifying e\ idenco of Uie desire for the latest scieiiUlic infoiiiiulioii among llie agri- culturists of Canada. During 1900 nearly 48,0(X) fnrinei-s have joined in co-oi)cra- livf lesls of .seeds for the ini))rovcnienl of crops. .Sixteen tlioiisand .samples of grain of various kinds were sent out to funnel*; in (JiiCbec and .seven thousuml lo Oiilario fiiriiiers. A "NOTED BRIfiAO CAUGBT MLItDEKKD BY STIlANfiEIt. Alexander Swnrlz Shot Down at White- nioulh, Manitoba. A de.spnlcli from Wliilemouth, Man., snys : Alex. Swnrtz was mui-dcred in cold Idood by an unknown man near here on Thur.sday night for the sake of a small sum of money, lie had l*en in \\ innipeg, where he .sold llirce cui-s of wtod, reulizing $150. lie reliinied <in the esening train, and wns .seen lo leave the station to walk lo liiis home, accompiin- ie,i by a siraiiger. Next day bis Imdy wius found U'iddir llie Biver road, nl>out Ihice-quarters of a mile from town, wilh n bullet lhr<iiigh the head. The pockels bad ltc*'i\ rillMl. The iiresumplion is that tin; murderer shot Swiiriz and then basleneil back lo the stuUon and cuuglit the express for Ihe west. The dead man leaves a widow and three little children. WMJ. FELL ON FIHEMEN. One Killed and Two Seriously Injured at .Montreal. A dcspalrli from .\hinlienl says: \s Ihe resilll <if ii .smalt lire on Notre Dame hireel <iii .Sunday night one Hreman is dead and Iwo olhers seriously injured. Fire lir<ike <iiil in n sinnll fancy go<i(ls .store Ihrough an overheated stove. The sloie wns on the ground U>Mtv of a ramshackle IhreesUirey brick building, Iind while liglitiiig the flnines part of the wall fell oul, crusliing Napoleon C.agiion, N. Narboiiiie and V. I.a- mouclie, llreiiien. Cagiion died on his way l<) Ihe liospilal. and Ihe <itliers are badly injured. The loss by lire was Irilling, and apart from Ihe falling wall Iho building was uninjua-ed. MAY SAVE MANY LIVES. Passen(»eT t'ars lo he Eqiiipiied With Exiiitguishers. .\ despatcli from Otiawa says: W'il'i n view lo preventing fires in comierliou with railwiiy witTks and Ihe conseipiciil binning to ilealli of llios<' who iiiigiil 1* cniighl In Ihe wreckage, th:; Bail- wny Commission has passed an <jider CHiini'.ellmg nil railway companies t<i install two Ilic extinguishers in each passenger couch. .\ fine of .$25 is ini- )>o.sed for each failure lo comply wilh the «)rder. The companies nre given unlil January next to have extinguish- ers placed on all cnrs now in use. AN ENOU.MOl S DEFICIT. I'i'ussian <>ovcrnnienl Will Have lo I'ro- rure 8110,500,000. A despulch from Berlin says : In the ocuise of the silting on Wednesday of I'lC I.aiidlag, Huron \on RlieiiibulK'ii, f'russian Minister of Slate nnd Finance, went over the ligiires of the Prussian budget tor 1!K». Tho total is $8tO,500,IH10 and shows the enormous deficit of $110,- SlHj.OOO. A loan is lo be Issued for $0:t,- 0('0,000 ; $10,(XK1,000 will be obtained by iecreased taxation, and the reiiiuinder wil: be txivercd. il is hoped, by augment- hig the i-eveniie receipts. The caust's of Ibis defi:-il arc diminulion in the reve- nues, fresh expenditures for rnilixiads, and inci' in the sularics of Stnl« oUiciuU. Employed as Engineer in a Tunnel at New York. A despatch from New York says: Af- ter a ceaseless search of nearly two year.';, Jan Janoff Ponren, alleged lo be a notorious flussian brigand who is wanted in the Province ol Livonia, Hiis- fiia, for murder, arson anj robberies without iiuinler, was caught here on Wednesday, lie was arr.sled on the <^^irip; of the Hussinu Consiil-Cen- erul, M. De I.edyg-jiisky, and held for further examination ujid the arrival of lexlradilion papers. Pouren is a niild-Iooking man, and suhinitled without prolesl. He wj:i einployoij as nn engineer in one of the East Biver luiinels. He adniitl^-d his identity by indicating that Ihe piiolo- graph of Pouren, in possession of the detecl'ives, was u picture.of himself. The Bu.ssian ii charged wilh nuiiinr- roii.s crliiu* ill F-?iga, I.lvoniu, whore, with several fellow-countrymen, he ter- roriz«,':l llio province and defied arrest, li was Ihe custom of llic brigands lo make demands upon citizens for large- t.i;iiis of iii'.iiiey, und after the expra- lioa of .'raviral days, if the money was not rorlhcsming, they would rob this houses anJ .set them allre. When ffie inmules rosistcd, they were murdered, il is snid. Pouren and his as.socialcs are charged with being particularly active in 1900. having, it is charged, committed a number of murders and robberies. A DItAYLOAD OF BOOTY. Tlie Winnipeg Police Brinu Ofl a Big Haul. A despatch from Winnipeg says: \ gang ol desperate burglius. who have bien operating litre for tlu' past we 'k, were cleveily rounded up by Ihe po'i''^ on Friday afternoon, and all arc now under ancsl. By a lucky circumstuiice they were discovered al work in C-j- hen's slorc by a palrolmaii on Friday morning. All escaped arrcsl bul one, wtio gave the name of \. Forlcscue, but his personaiily afforded a clue w h:c.i led lo the capture of the entire gong early in Ihe ullernoon. M the liead- quurters of Ihc gang the police st.cur.d a big dray load of stolen nierciian !!).-â- .• ot u inLscc-llanious character. The rob- bers pitched a camp in a bush Iwo miles tvom tiic cily. They confessed lo Ihc police that they had ijiteiided stealing a team of horses on I'ridiiy night and driving over Ihc iordir witli Ihe l<ot. .\niong the sjxiils were <'ighly- live watches, which had L^-cn 6lol<-ii 'n Piand-in. The men gave the names <j1 li. Martin, H. Boyd, R. Caldcr, .M. Bny- m .nd, and ull of them are luigljsh- mcii. RKVE.M'E LNCREASED. Sla'lenienl For .First Nine Months of Fiscal Year. A despaldi fi-om Ottawa says: The- .slaloment of revenue and expendilur.- o! the IKjiiiiiiiori for Ihc lirsl nine iMonlhs ol llie prc^-nt fiscal year .s|iow.-i a total revenue: of .$7:1,1)55,958, an in- crease ot .'i>T.()97,205 as compared with llie cxjiTCspondiny period of I'.WO, and a total CNpendiliire on consolidated fund iicoiunl of .$'jj, 007.086, an Increase or 1S8.GI0.'.)76. On capital a'-coimt the l<.lul cxpciidiliire for the Jiiiie months was S 10,271, 'JOO, jin incrcus-j ot al.out ten niilfon.s, as compared wilh the cor- res.:;.ond ng p< rioU of lOflG. The increase- is of ourse, duo lo a larger expcndi- liire last year on Ihe con-struclion of the .Naliontil Traii.sconlincntal Hailway, I' e pxpendiliiie on which now averages over one iiiillion dollars [K'i- inoiilh. 01 Ihe I'lliil increuse in revenue dur^ ing the niij:nion' lis ending wilh Oeccni- .S7 I07.'';1H cuiiie from ciislonis, half a million from excise and half u mil- lion troni Ih'' po.siollice. ACCIDENTS AT MONTKEAI,. Old Mail Knocked Down hy lluiiaway Horse and Killed. A des.palch from Montreal suys: \ii old gcnileinan, about seventy years of age, was knocked down and run over by a runaway horse al Ihe coiner ot St. Mark and St. Catherine .slicels on Friday and sustained inuries fhnii w hich hi: died. The viclini wlvn lak<'n to Ihc Ceiieral Hospital said his name was S.iiip.s»jn, but thai was all he could say before he became unconscious. There wns nolJiing found in his pockels by which he could be idenlilied. Miss Marguerite .Savage, about forty years of age, dmpped dead nl the Km- pirc Cafe, corner of Craig and .st. .Me\- ande.r streets on Friday. IXcease-.l liud Uen boarding in the house about a week. Itoberl Cnrtwright, eiriployed on Ihe (iiaiul 'fruiik Itailway, was admille<l lo the Oeneral liospilal early on Fri- day morning with both his hnnd.s and his feet cut ofl. He is unable to ex- plain the cause of the accident. WINNIPEtJ TO NEW YOHK. New Railway Connection Expecled to Give Forly-ei(ilU-liour Service. A despatch from Winnipeg snys : Pluciug Winnipeg within 58 hours ot New York is one of the pcHSsibilities, it may be said probabilities, of the new connection Ihal the Canudiaii Norlhein secures by Ihe completion of Ihe Winni- peg 4. Duluth Bnilway. It is llgured out II, rl a service can l)o arranged by which a lrav<'ller leaving Winnipeg, .say, on Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, can be landed in New York al alxiul tin; same h<iur on .Saturday morning. AFfEIt MANY YEARS. Ihikota Man Finds Wife and Children in lii'antlord. A despatch fr<.nii UranUord says: A man named CImmbers is here from Dakota on a strange mission. He claims ihal seven years ago his wife deserted hiiii, taking away two children, a lx)y and a girl. For years he heard nothing o' them, until lately he learned they were siippo.sed lo be living in Ihis viei- ndy. The talher oomniiiniculed with llie iiutlioritios, with the result Ihal the trio- havi; lieen found in Fdio Place. The womiiii is now residing with another n.uri nnd llieir two sons. The Dakota fullicr has taken proceedings lo recover his children. .* UAILIIOAD MEN LAID OFF. Illiiiuis I'onlral Drops 4,000 Men Front Pay-roll. .\ de-^iialcli from New Orleans says: Between IIKX) and 4.000 Illinois f;o. em- ployes have been dropped from Ihe pay- ixdl on account of Ihe linancial silun- iKiii. Tills was Ihc aniwuncenienl hero <in Tuesday night of J. T. Maralian. pre- siuenl of Ihe Illinois Cenli-al Bailroad. who said if he could possibly prevent it no more men would be laid off. THAN.SV VAL (iOLD. A Uecord Output for Ihe .Month ol December. .\ despalch from London mivs : The Transvaal yield of gold for the "monlh <ir liecoiiiticr makes a new nvord. The flut- piii was 5S:!.52() ounces ot tlir- yellow nieliil, wliiiU is -.iS.WO ounces over the previous highest yield lor a iiionlh. Tin'" value of III'' Deconilx'r outout is placed a: .t:2,i7s,(;r)y. SAYS THAT WAB 18 CEBTAII M. Jacques Flach Issues a Warning to the United States. A despatch from Paris says: The eensationul seclion of the French continues to dwell upxni Ihc probabil- ity of a clash between Japan und the United Slates. La Press on Wednes- day published a long interview wilh Jacques Flach, Ihc historian and pro- fessor in the College of France, who declares his belief that a conflict is cer- luiii lor the reason that Japan seeks war. He advises the American fleel to be on the watch for a sud<lcn Japan- ese (lescent, and asks: "Who knows if the attack made by the Japanese on the Bu.ssian ships a I Cheniuliio will not b« repeated upon Ihe .\inerican ships to-morrow?'' Continuing, M. Flach ad- Vises Grcul Britain oiid France to inle^ vene, and put an end to the tr<iuble I'cfore it is too late. The Fclw de t'aris prinis nn inter- view, eiiianuting. il says, from an "aullKirized Japanese source" wilh the olijeel of showiny that Japan is so ab- s<,rbed wilh Ihe iiiainlaiid of .Asia that war with Aniericii is iinp<is.sible. "The entire nlloiition of Japan," ,snv» the inUrviow. "is occupie<l wilh China and Oiiea, where ilevelopinents arc oc- curring which are giving Tokio i:ic grenlcst concern. China has just flUs- missed a number of Japanese instruc- tcrs, who have been replaced wilh Ger- mans. "The message of the Rmneror of Ja- f/nn clearly indicnies Ihal Uxc country 1.' looking lo the tar Knsl, and nol is the direction of America."

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