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Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1908, p. 1

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•a r >- Jfksfeertrrn Jliljana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, .NO 1360 FlesUertow, Oat. Thursday January tG IQ08 W. H THURSTON, KDITOK lUll'llIKroB Zh\s month's $i>«eialiie§. Ladies' Long Guards and Ladies' Gold and Gold Filled Watches, the Specialties tor this month. Come and See Them. W. A. ARMSTRONG JEWELLER. Kui;«'iiiu played hiiroc la plHCus tho The storm on Stlndny with our Ktod 8leit;liing. rcatls atB badly drifted. There is a uimd deal uf sickness around. Mr. .Jonaihun Latimer has been very ill with pneuniuniit, Mrs. W. Purvis wilh bronchitis fur the past week, Mr. Duck- ett with a severe attack of neuralgia and a biid Cold, Mrs. V\ ilsun with ijripije,Mrs. Meldl'Uin has been very sick hut is sonin better ; Mrs. ThoiiipBuii, who liik.s been ill for some time ia iiow Keliinfisome hotter. Miss Lawreiioo of Kiniberley visited at Mr. .lake Williaiiis' fur a few days. Mrs. J. VV. Uonthof and son, Elmer, were the i^ueKto of her parents here for a few dmya. Mrs. Fred Pedlar is visititia her parents at Meaford for a bouple <>!; weeks. Tho Oran«en)on are preparing for a grand time ni"~bheir soiree on th« 21st. All aro cordially invited. Bor particulars see bilU. Marriedâ€" At tho homo of tho bride's Jinrents, Mr. and Mis VVm. Crtineron, of Salem, by the Kev. Mr. latrle, ou New Years day, Mr. Edward Graham of "' B<>ynti Villa," to Miss Mary Cameron. As the young people are so well ativ\ fav- orably icuowu the coiinrutulations of a larifH circle o( friends is extended to them, all wishinij them long li/e, pros- perity, and happinesa. Mr. Boil Canuthors of the Snult paid a short visit to friends here at holiday time. Everyone parted with Mr. McDonald with sincere rejjref, as durinii his resi- dence at the postoffice he made iiiai y warm friends who all wish him success at Mt. Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Win Large are now es- tabliuhed in the poLtolKoM, and as they are not strainers to the people a cordial of Owen Sound and Mis.s Mad<loi'k, a Krailu.ito of tho ALicDonald institute at j Guolph. In the afternoon aepanite meet.- 1 inys wore held, tho men nieetini,' in tho I I'liion liiiU and the women Insing addres- sed by MisH Maddoek at the liomeof Mrs. M. R. llamiiiond on "the ditt'ereiit cuts of n«eat, tlieir selection and preparation." In the evening ii joint meeting was hold in the Tiiion H.iU, Mr. J R. Fawcett in .-Ui* chair. Mr. Oiunpbell wan the first' spe.ikur and spoke on "Feedinu of lambs I for profit." MiKS Maddoek .spoke on tho ' subject of "Iluprovinii .md beautifying ' the home " Mr. Elliott gave a short ad- I dress. Tlie progrtuu was varied by sing- I iug and iustrunieutitl music and short I speeches by R. D. Ciurufchers. Mr. J. I M. Davis, Rev. J. R. Wilkinson and the President, Mr. Geo. Badger, were given Altogether the meetings were very in- structive and the delegates' addi'esses were very helpful. A nuiii bur from Vandeletu: attended the Institute meetings here on Siiturday last Miss Sadie Plowes, of the Heathcoto post ottice, is spending a few days at her h(mie here. We aro sorry to report Miss Odessa Walter ou the sick list at present, but hope she will suuu bu around again. Misess Lydia and Minnie Geuoe of M.trkdole woro the guests of their undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker, during the post week. Airs. Joliu Walker of Creeniore is tho guest of her soil, Mr. Jas. Walker of this phice. From The Antilles. ChawbHrlaiu'ti Coujcli Remedy BeuefitM a City Councilman at KinSHtoii, .liiiimica. Mr. W. O'Koilly Kogaity, who iHanicniliBr ofti.e City t'cmuuil at Kiiigstun, .laiuuicii. West Indies, writes u» fullown: "(Jiie bcitiUi of C! » uberliiiiis Couifh Kcmody hail K<'"d effect <m a ciiiif,'!! that ivas giviiijf me tiuuble and I think I should have been nioi-e qiiicUlv relieved if 1 hud o )ntiuiuii the reiuifdy 'I'liat it was benelii'ial and ijiiick in relievhii,' uiu there is uii doubt and it Ih luy intiMitiuii to obtain another bottle." Fur sale by W, K. Kictiardfun. Farmers' Institute The Fanners' Institute meetings held hero on MoniLiy were well attended and the subjects proved both iiitoresting and in.structive. Ji>hn C'ampbell, one of the speakers, is from \\'oudville and is one of the best known sheep raisers in Canada. R. R. Elliott, the other gentleman dele- gate, is from Owen Sound and understood his subjects. Miss Maddoek has been here before and ih a favorite spejiker here. She is a deep thinker of wide experience and lield the attention of her audiences throughout. Tho afternoon women's meeting was held in tho basement of the Methodist church ;uid the men's meeting in Clayton's hall, owing to the council meeting being lield at tho .s.iuie time. The night meeting in tlie town bail presided over by OouiK'illor Best. Mr. welcome is extended to them hy all. May Campbell .spoke on "Ontario, our duty in they enjoy prospeiity and happiness at nmintjuning its roput;ition." Mr, Caiiip- Eiisienia. Eugenia L.O L. Elected officers for the cj-nut year as foU'iws : W. M., (Joorge Meldrum ; D. M , R. Parks ; Chap., Hy. Weber ; Sec. W. C. Pedlar; Fin. Sec, .bihn Parsons; Treas., li'ied Pedlar; Lect., R. McMuUen ; D. of C, A. Oar- luthers ; Ist Com., Josejih Wil ianis, Hy. Tudor, Ri.heft Williams, Josiah Cooper, Duncan WiIUhiu!'. Do Your Boots Pinch? If s ), look out for a tiny corn. Cure it before it grows hi'j. Putnam's Paiolecs Corn E.\.tracior is the best. Tiy "Put- cam's." Ikiinborlcy Miss Myrtle Thcuiipsou of Fleshertim is the guest of her cousin, MLss Ella Lawrence of tliis jilace. Mr. Cieo. Knott of Thornbiiry, acc<im- panied by his sister, ElLi, and Miss Lyno of the sfiine pliu'c were guests of Mr and Mrs. R. J. Stuart last week. Fawcett and Ida Sullivan of Markdale visited friends here \nat week. Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw is visiting friends in Shelburne at nresent. Bom â€" On Wetlnesday, January 8, to &]r. and Mrs. 8. McAfee, near Epping, bell thinks tho press of Ontju'io is remiss in its duty of bouiuing Ontario and pays too much attention to the Northwest. He thinks the achievements and possibil- ities iif Ontario iiro too much lout sight of in the developincnt of l;ho new ooiintry to tho wx'st. Miss Maddook's address ".V girl's pos-sibilities" was full of good advice for the young ladies and .some of it inter- ested the young gentleineii present, as well. liev. L. *'. ivipp gave a ten-iiiiu- uto address on "Hens,' which was of a humorous,a.s well as itislructive charivi;tur. Uov. i\lr. Liillle was also called on for a short add. e.sH. K. R. Elliott <jf Owen Sound spoke on "improving and heautity- ing our Home surioundings. ' His ad- Uiess enitnaced a uuinbur of heads. It mcliided tlie iiiiproveiiiont of stock, the care of miploniouls and cullivatuiu of the land. Flo favored the granting of good prizes by agiiiiulbural societies tor liaud, piclied grain nisLead ot paying huge sums ot money for cucum pedoruiaiices wbicli aro often ot aduublful cliaiactor. lie said that a great clianye had Uikeu place ui the attitude of the world towards tar- iiiers and this was due to the work of the t-)utnrio AgriculLuriil t.'olluge, McJJouald Institute and t'iU-niers' and vVoiiteu s lii- .stitutos. '1 he peuj.>l^al large are taking a greater interest lu the worK ot the tarui- or. 'I'lie speaker tuuclied on a large num- ber of ikspects ot farm work w hicu are iiii- Local taiontsup- ilie a sou Tho toa-raeetiug under the auspices of poB.siblo u> enumerate, tho Methodist church, held on Vriday phod music during the evening evening last was a great Tea meet nigs were pronounced a decided was served in the Union Hall after which success, all repaired to the Methodist church where a good program w,'i.s given, "V^vs ^^TTV^rri Spaclallst In DUtaies ol ho ing of music hy the choir, recitations, in struinental music and speeches by tho pastor of the church, who ably dipch.'irged the duties of chairman, and also by the Jlwa pop MnCO anri TKpnat Rev. G. Lawrence of Heathcote. t^J^f t**' » "W«C <»"" ' "' "*l Well attended meetings of ths Farmer's oMioe lab'rostst. - OwencSound iDBtitute were hold here on Saturday last, Markdale house, Markdale.lst The nrmoipal speakers were Messrs. John S • J i. tv (^ a *„ i « - ... QmyMl rfW^vUlo » n4 R. R. Elliott *^"'^*y '*"'» '»""*'' from 8 to 12 ». ui. GIGANTIC 10 DAYS SALE AT THE BIG STORE McFARLAND & CO. Sale commences WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, Ends on SATURDAY, JAN. 2^ The opportunity of your life. "Wait for it. Nothing like it before. Remember the date. Don't stir a step until you read the 10 days oale announcement. This store pro- claims fir 10 days cnmmencins 8 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, and endini; 10 p. in. Sat- urday, Jan. 25, the hit;i;eBt snIo ever known in Grey Cimnty. No doubt this sounds bif{. It does. It's forcible lan'.'uage, but we will back it up by delivering the merch- andise at deep cut prices and no ex.'.i»{{erRtion whatever. What's it for? Just briefly we will explain : We want ilTi.tWO and in consisxuenoe 540,000 worth of high class dependable mercliatiilise via.: dress goods, silks, mantles, ready to wear skirts, waists, millinery, oents' furuishinyp, ready to wear clothii'g, hoUKe furnishings, boots and shoes, staples, crockery, china, gl.iaaware, etc., is thrown on the market at prices un- heard of for lOdny.i. Remember, this store will Iw CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY, JAN. U, when our full stall' will t-o busy all day markini; down the [jiuces. Look out for the red ticket inside which speaks of a bargain, Your* Fare IPaidL j To all purchasers of §25.00 and ovi-r 'upon oxliibiiing their ticket at tho c:»sh- j'ier's otiice a refund will be made i>t ihi-ir return fare to any point in the Couuiy of jOrey. Remember the date. _ The Hour has Arrived Which compels us to resort to heroic measures to dispose of .it least 815.000 worth of merchaiidLso. Without inakiiiK any allowance for profits and without re- gard to original co»t, we have made the folhiwing prices for you. Those prioetl will echo throughout the town and coun- try and everythinp will bo found exactly as advertised. An Impossibility 'Tis an tmpossifoility to mention everv thing for sale during these ten days i hundreds of articles which have been overlooked in writing this adv. will not be overlooked when it comes to n^arking them down ; and probalily though the article you want is not mentioned hero it will be found awaitina you during thia sale at prices that will surprise you. CLOTHING SACRIFICED (J8 Boys' two-pioco Suit.^, ci.nsinting of fancy and d'onestii; Tnoeds, Serges, etc., sizuH 21 'o 27, r-yiilu- prices 3.25 to 3 .'JO, your choice during sale.... $198 56 Hoys Suits in ilie two pifce Norfidk and thnv piece di^uble or single breasted style of co:it, made in a l,iri;j variety of handsotiii' p'<tieiiis, blU'« ami black surges etc., sizes 27 to '.Ki, ngulur 4 75 to 0.00, Sale price 83 79 Wo wil! (/lace all our 5.00, (> 00 anl 6.50 iiii'n'a suits toiiothur and will uive you your choice for S3.85 §10.00 MEN'S SUITS FOR $6.95 Men's suits, niaiiufactur.ed from, frtiioy dark worsteds and some tweeds, im sinfjle >r d'luble breast styles, well paddod shoulders iind inouldoii collars, eloeanbly lined tlironnhout. Sold in the n guhir way ai'D.OC and 10.00, sale price. *<!.95 84. .iO .M. n's heavy frieze Pea .Jackets, S.ile price $'A.25 Mi-n's 3.75 .«nd 4.00 odd coats in twi-ed and serge, duuble or single breasted style Reduced f'or .sale §2.58 28 Men's 3.50 Envdish Waterproof Coatc. double stitched seams, vt-lvot collar, Hy front, ill medium fancy cloth, sizes 36 to 4«. Sale price §1.30 Men's medium weight Tweed Troupers, in dark fancy patterns th it were X-"!'* and 1.85. On bargain table, sale price. $1.23 Men's Overcoats all Reducetl We will sell all of our blue and black cheviots, also grey, and dozen.s of pat- terns of domestic or imported t >voed". Sizes 34 to 44, as fellows : Rog. 00 Moo's dress overcoat.') ..S2.90 Reg. 7.50 Men's dress overcoats.. 5 4") Rot', 10.00 Men's difss overcoats 7 28 Boys' reg. 4.ttl) overcoats, cut price. .2 !)0 Boys' re'j. 5.00 overcoats, cut piicu. 3.85 Boys' reg. 6.00 I'veicoats, cui price. .4.20 .50 pans .Men's Hoavy Blue Denim O' or- alis, wnli or witliout bibs, 100 value, while they last, per pair 78c Dress Goods and Waistiugs 208 yards 27'ii'ch faiioy Waist Lustres in ','reen, black, br.iwn, and navy, were 30o a yard, for l''c 10 pieces French Flannels and Fancy Waist inijs. leuuhir 50o to 60c a yard, re- duci^d fi'i' sale to pi-r yard ... .4*20 193 yards Dress noods in tweed effects that would sell in the regular way at bO:, Sale [ince 3'2o 8 pieces light, inediiini and dark fancy I weedrt that htive been silling at 30c yd , to clear, per yd 18c 357 yd.s. rei>. Plaids, r.dliccd to . .22i« 124!) yards fancy sihcia Lining wofh 10c, for pet yard ; .-«C 47.'^ yards Velveteen, naty, arecn, brown, iiciuve, fa.vti, etc., reg 40o to 50o, nil at o;ie price, por yard 18c SILKS 1000 J ds. Silks, plain and fancy, and fft d H'eieo; weave and widths, as follows â€" lioij;, 25, 30 «nd 35c yd , salo piice . .18c Men- .M)j (15 and 7.5c yil., sale price.. 35o R;'g. 90 and 1.00 yd., salo price choice (i!tc 1.26 and I 50 yd, black only, on sale 75o Staples LTnderpricetl for Salo 847 yds. 8o glass t<iw.dling, sale prica44c 12.50 yds. 5c arey -jotloii, salo price yd, Ho 7.39 yds. 7o and 8o Flannelette, peryd,4,W 214 yds. 17o -ii.d 19o hud tickimj l2|o 14.J yds. 12^0 apron ainuhivhi at 9o 424 yds. 10c and 12ic Wrapperettes. .7o Slaughtering Prices on Men's and Boys Wearables. 47 Men's Winter Cloth Caps, were 50c., for 25c 10 doz. 25c. Neckties, during side for 12.'.c All our 50c. Neckties, during sale for. 38c Men's Leather Mitts, oimsisting of horse- hide, buckskin, broncho, pig skin, etc., will be sold as follows: 58c. Leather Mitts for 3!)c 75o. Leather xMitts for 58c «!1.00 Leather Mitts for 80c 81.40 Leather Mitts for 8i.0H $1.25 Gauntlet Mitts, drivers, cufl's insidu 95c Men's Underwear Bargains Regular otic. Sanitary Wool FleecedShirts or Drawer.s, rt^ducod for sale, each 38c Regular 75c. UiiKhritikabluElastic Ribbed Shirts or Drawors,rediiced for salo 62 Extra heavy double knit black or i;rey sweaters, were 1.50,reduced to 1.15 $3.00 Fancy Worsted Sweater.s for only T98 12 only Suit Lengths, fancy worateds and tweeds, reg. price 6.50 to 8.00, for your choice 3.45 15 only Suit Lengths,fancy worsteds and tweeds,* also .serges in black, were 8.0O to 10.00, reduced for salo, your choice for 4.55 Mantles â€" great savings, these 14 only last season's tho short length styles, were 5.00, (i.OO Jtnd 7.50, while they last your choice for 97c 11 cmly Ladies' Black Cheviot Cloth Mantles, this season's styles, in three (piarter length, all sizes, reg. I)..50. •Sale price, to clear 4.00 We will sell during tho sale all of this season's Mantles wo have loft in fiuiey liatterns of domestic Mantle Cloths, ovor- plaid and stripe effect. Tho pricos range ifom O.tUI to 15.00 in tho regiilar way. When wo say you can have your clioico for tho sum of S<i.05, surely yon will not delay in getting here early. LADIES' SHOWER PROOF COATS 1!> regular 6.50, 7.50 and 7.90 Ladies .Showor-proof Coats in Cravenet-to and Tweed, fancy, to clear, .side price yoiir choice , 3.48 84.00 CHILDS' COATS for $1 00 15 only Children's F.inoy Tweed and Plain Cloth Coats, .some short, others long, lengths that were selling from 2 00 to 4.00, all to go at one price, each .1.00 Ladies' Dress Skirts Nearly 50 Ladies' Dress Skirts, compris- ing all is \imi ill nniterial .and styles, has been divided in two' separate lots to soil us follows: Reg. 4.00 and 4.25,^to clear imly. .2.75 Reg. 5."0 and 5.51), to cleiu- only 3.19 43 Ladies Lawn Waists at Startling Prices 18 only,'' 5l)c. Lawn WiiiSts for .')5c It) only. Too. Lawn Waists for . . . .49c Uonly *1.50Liwn tt.iistsfor .. 98c 2.25 will" buy reg. .'1.'25 Ktni Golf Jacket. 1.98 will buy regular 2.25 Blouse Cidf Jacketsâ€" nil in assorted colors. 1 U)t fancy Kiinontis and Dre.ssing Sacquoa that sell ill re^'iilar way at 1.50 :uid 2.25, to ol«ar, while t-hey last, your choice for ^ 98c 50o ansl 60c Dark Fancy Waists, reduced for sale to ... T ". 40c Big Savings in Furnishings. Lace Curtains, T6c and 85c, reduced price per pair 58c Cretonnes, 12Ac and 14e, reduced price per yard 9* White Damask Bed Spreads. 1.50 to 2.00, reduced price, your choice for 98 10 pairs large .size grey all-wotd double blankets, regular 3.75 and 4.50, to clear, per pair 2.95 ItJO y.ards 36 inch Reversible Iiigmin Union Carpet, was 35e y.uil,s.ile price 23c 197 yards .'50 inch Ucvorsiblo Hemp Car- jjet, was 22c yard, .sale price 15o 683 yards, which includes lUl of <nu' 50c Tapestry CarjHjts, choice of several hand- some {Mitterns and designs, per yard 42io Revor.sible Union and All wool Sfpiarea. .3 X 4yai"ds, reg price 6.25, choice. . . .4.00 3 X 3i yaids.reg p»ice8..50,clioico. . . .5.50 3x4 yardK,reg price 11.. ")0,clioice. . . .9.00 BARGAINS IN ALL FURS ^ Ladles Black, glossy curl .\str-ichnn .Irtckett, sixes 34, 36, 38 and 40. Keuular $30.00. Half price 815.(M) 4 Ladies black curl .Astrttchan Jackets, sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40. Regular 935 00. Sale price .524 50 Lad es black glossy tine curl .^strachan Jackets, sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, and 42. length, 30 and 34 inches. Uegular $4l) and $45. Salo price.. i... 832.50 $65.00 Near Seal Jackets, trimmed collar and lapel of Norwegian mink, sizes .36 and 38. Sale price. ^0 00 $50 00 Near Seal Jackets, 28 inches lour, trimmed ctdhu' and lapel, .\laska s'lbic, sizes 34, 35 and 38imly. Sale price §•37. 50 2 Ladies' Fur Lined Coat-s, h.ith trimmed with Alaska sable, collar and lapels', Oni.i muskrat linoil, shell of.good ipiahty iin- portod black piidut cloth, and tbo "iher Hamster si|uirrol lining, res;, price $60.00, sizes, 34 and 38. Sale price S45..5W 6 pairs Ladies' Grey Lamb Mitts, fur lined. Regular $5.50. Reduced for to per pair $JS.80 Unbeatable Prices in Cape- "v rines and Ruffs. Regular $7.76. Reluced for Sale $5 -^5 Reguhu $10.75 and 12.50 Reduced to $8.75 Regular SHi .")(♦ Reduced tor Sale $12.50 Riguliir $18. and $20. U.-duced t« .•513. Hull's that wore $6.50. S de iirice 84. Ot) Hull's that were $.5.50. Salo ^r:cu $3.75 Kuffs that wore $8.5J Sale price So. 90 Rnll's tliat were $12 , snlile Sale price tf9. $7. .50 and $8. Persian Lanit>C.ipsin wedge shape. Red ticket price $5.38 (jroy Lamb Caps, wedge, $3. and .'t.i{^ for SI. 98 Persian Lamb Drivers. Regular $iO.0tt. for..., '. ... »7.40 BIG SAVING IN MEN'S FUR C(.)ATS. $45. Canadian Coon Coats, reduced to .$,'}2.50 $35 Wallaughby Coat8,roduceil to. .'-'7.00 $28 Bulgarian C.>ats, reluced to. . .'il.OO $28 Sileriaii Doj. Coats, r,|luoed to 19.50 Cut Prices in Men's Boots .Men's split plow bonts, reg 1.25 for.. 95o Men's 4 buckle felt boots rog. 2.25. . 1.50 Men's Ei'.ili8li kip bluoher, reg. .3.00, 6 7, 8 and 9 only, per pair $2.18 .Vleii's line liUll bals. rt g. 1 30 lor . . .9Su Hot .Mey's hue boots, every pair worth hLUusi four limes the price, pair . . ;'.58c 1 lot Men's Kulib^rs, in diO'cieiit widilis, ieg»vulue 50c and 6')c, for per pair. .2l^^0 73 paim Boy«' co.irso and li'is hi^ols, ll» regular way sold ut' I 00 1.10 and 1.26, wIlUe tituy last unly,,.t .:;. ;. .Sijfi

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