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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1908, p. 6

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THE NEW MINT IS OPENED 5nver and Copper Coins Were Struck Off. A despatch from Ottawa says: The first Coiiudian coins to be minted in Iht Dominion \v<;vo liirned out at 3 o'clock on Tliupsday afternoon at the new Ollawn branch ol the Iloyal Mint, which waa ofliciully opened by Iii5 Kx- ccllcncy Karl Grey in the presence o' menitiers of llio Government, piyjinln- ent ofhcials of state and a large crowd of Ottawa iKKjpIo wo were invited to witness the formal opening. Thore was no siwech-makiny in connection with tho oponint', his Excellency niere- â-  y declaring the Mint to be formally Opened, and starting the machinery which coined the tlrst silver tiifty-cent piece. The stamping madiinery for the copper cent pieces was started simiil- lanooasly, and a souvenir copper coin was pre.scntiHl Ui oacli person proisent, after a tour of the building had been made, and the various processes ex- plained by tlic ollicisls in charge. The Mint will be kept in daily oi>craUon U-om now on, and will furnish a ready ninrkot for the product of Canadian oop- I'-er and silver mines. It Ls the intention of the Governnienl to build a refinery in connection with the Mini in order to iiusure that gold end copper which Ls brought In for minting will bo of the proper degree of I urity for c<^)inaBC. The cost of the re- finery will be alxiut (Iflcon thousand dollars. LEADING MARKETS UniiADSrUFFS. Toronto, Jun 7.â€" Manitoba Wheat.â€" No. 1 northori, about nominal at S1.20; No. 2 noitlieni, 81.15; No. 3 northern, Sl.ll; f.-ed wlicat, 64c; No. 8 Iced, 54c, lake jiorts. Ontario \\hei|lâ€" No. S while, OGc to 07k; No. 2 red, 95c Vj 9Cc; No. 2 ini.xcd. Barleyâ€" .No. 2, 71c to 72c, outside; No. 3 extra, G9s to 70c. Klourâ€" Winter wheal palenLs for ox- lK)rt, fccUing at S3. 70; Manitoba patents, special brand. $5.80 to J«i; seconds, f5.20; strong bakerV, $0.10. Pen.*â€" H3X'; outside, Ilyrâ€" No. 2. 80c. Comâ€" Old No. 2 yellow American, 73c, Toronto trcigtats; new. No. 3 yel- I'.w, C5o to 65Xc; mixed, kiln-dried, MXc. 0«l.sâ€" No. 2 while, 45>ic, oul&iJe; mix- ed, Hy^c outside, 48c to 48%c track Toronto. Buckwheatâ€" <i2c outeid*. nran~19 in bulk outside; shorts, 821. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Y<iUnfi turkeys, extra clwice. 14c to ISc do chnffl llctol3c Young g«^se 9(" to 10c Y'oung diifks 9i' to iITb Chickens, choice 8c to 10c Old fowl 5c to 7c lnfcri<jr chi<ks and fowls .. 4c to Sc Butlerâ€" Tho market is steady, with prire.s unolnmue4. Creamery prints SiJctoSOc do .solids 26c U> 27c Dairy prints 83c to 24c do solids 82cto23c Inferior 20c to 21c F,gg.s--.'>lornge, 2nc to 21c per dozen in case lol.s; selects, 25c; strictly ncw- Inid nominal at 30c. Potnl(iesâ€" 7(ic to 7.'5c per bag in car U'ts on track liere. Beansâ€" SI.70 to $1.75 for primes and PI.RO to ."81.85 for han*i)icJ<ed. H'jmyâ€" ."^traint'd .'â- tiNidv nl He to 12c p<'t (oiuid for OO-jKJund pulls, and 12c lo 13c for 5 Uj K)-i)ound jmils. Combs hi «l.7n t-i S2.5() pi-r dozen. Br.lod Strawâ€" Oujot at .W.50 to $10.50 piT ton on lr;ick here. Hilled Hay-T'imolhy is worth from $16.50 l^j 817 in car iols on track here. pnovisiONS. Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€" Long Clear bH.-on. lOo to lft)^c for tons and cases; lianis, lart;e, medium and light, 14c U) 1.5r; hani.s, 12>ic lo I3c; backs, lC)^c to 17.'; .shoulders, lite; rolls, 10c to lOV^r; breukfHAt bacin, 15c to 15>^c; greon meats out o( pickle, ic less lliaii smoked. IVirk-.Short cut, «22.75 to S;'3 j)er bar- rel; mess, $18 lo $10. I.ardâ€" Tierces, ll%c; tubs, 12c; pails, 12Xc. nUI-TAI.O MARKET. Ruffnlo, Jan. 7â€" Wheatâ€" Spring bigh- er; No. 1 Norlhorn. $1.17>i carload; Winter firm. No. 8 r<Hl, $1.03. (Xirnâ€" Firm; No. 2 yelVow, (lie; No. 2 white, 60>;;c. Oatsâ€" Steady; No. 2 white, 54c; No. 2 mixed. 49%c. nnrley-SSc to $1.10. Ryeâ€" 90c, No. 1, on track. NEW YORK WHEAT .MARKET. New York, Jan. 7.â€" Wheatâ€" .Spot, firm; No. 2 red, S1.0fi>i elevator and 81.07>i f.o.b., alloal; No. 1 ivjrlhern. Dululh, $I.23X, f.o.b. alloal; No. 2 hurd winter, $1.17>i; l.o.b. afJout. U\E STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Jan. 7.â€" Prices of butcher cattle got within touching dtstance of $5. Good to choice .sold at $4 to .$4.fiO, medium to yx'd at .$3.50 lo $4, and aim- mon from $2.25 up lo around $3. Cows wore scarce and higher, choice selling from $3.25 to $3.85; medium, $2.S0 to $3, and oominon, $1.50 to $2; canners, 7r>o lo $1. There Is a fair market for the right cla.4s of sUickers. Hriws rftngo fnim Sl.75 to $3.50, but cattle worth fwni $2.!*5 to $3 are the imst in demand. Milkers ore .steady, with pricfs show- ing IVJ material change. Choice, $40 lo $f5, medium, S25 to 835. Tho run of calves was very small, 3c lo 6c per lb still ruling. Choice Iambs sold from $5.25 lo $5.00, with oomroon grading down to $4.i'iU. .Sheep were firm, but quotations wi-n- un- changed, ("Xixirt ewos stMling fioiii Kt:l.75 I $4.25, with bucks and culls at $2.50 lo $3. The hog market \va.s steady. 'I'lin top (lg»ire paid wa.s $5.70, with medium at $.').45. Rough Iwgs weits quoted about 5')i; below selects. * ^ riUKD TO KIIX, THEN SI ICIDED. Urillsh Offirer Ends Life Under Pecu- liar Circunisinnccs. A despatch from Condon says : Major Coalos Phillips, an tillicer wh-) distin- guished hinisiilf in the .South African War, committed suicide liere on Tuosdny night under sensational circumstances. The Major tm<l been dlvonMyl. .Some time ago he made an attempt Ui kill him- sell in the re.sklenco of hLs former wife, but was restrained. Tuesday night ho returiiol to the homo of Mrs. C.oales Phillips and forced an entrance. Ills former wife, her nkitlier and a solicitor were in the h«, but when they saw th."" excited man break in they fled. Tho Major opened (ire with liis i-evolver, aiming at everyone bo could see, and then blew out his brains. The solicitor ami llio mother of Mi-s. Oiatcs Phillips wei'o wtmndwl, but not serwiisly. KII.IJ:I> in BI'FFA!.0. Terrible DcuMi ot Lleul.-Col. John^. Caulley. A de.spnich from Buffalo says: \tter passing thivnigh several campaigns in Inda. the .S.nidan and .'•outh Africii, v.ilhout suffering a singlo wound, fate reserved a h<iirible death for I.ieuteii- onl-C:olon';'l John C. Caulley, retirciJ, winter lieadiiuarlers were at the (irniKl Union Hotel In Tomnlo. A.s lie stopped off a Main strtel car In Ihi;; city on .Sunday afternoon at Bryant street on his w ay to visit liLs two dau.'jli- lers, lie was struck by a car Iravolliiig Ml an oppusilo diwction. and his minig- |p( l>cdy carried for \'M) feel leforo the iii<i'ornmn brought the '•ar to a stop. The accidciil occurred in front of tho Frontti'r llosjiital. -Surgeoas from this iiisliluton carried the dead colonel into the hosjidal, and after the lody had t'ee.ii reviewed by Medical F.xaniiner Howlimd it was removed to the home of AtUjrney John M. Provost, No. 2.420 liiwof.'d avenue, where his two duugn- tei\s are stopping. R<jth girls, who at- tend the Technical High Scliool here, were prostrated by the sight of their mutilated fathiT. The medal which ho wore wa* lound orushed against hi3 hear!. Tho Ixidy will be shipped lo a Irolher in Baltimore for burial. I.ieu- tejiiinl-Cotonnl <'.aulU'y had iKdoiigod l<i the Royal West Kent Rogimcnt. He had .seerii service in India, in tlio Gor- don relief exj^edltion. and at Majuba Hill, retiring from the army in l*.t4. Hi leaves a wife and son in F.ngland. A BELIE OP HOT METAL Rushed Into Pit in Steel Converter at Pittsburg. N A despatch from Pittsburg, Penn., says : Two men wore killed and thir- toen others seriously injured by an ex- plosion ill convcrU)r No. 3 of the F/lgar Thomson plant of tho Unilod State.s Steel Corporation at North Rraddock, al«ut seven miles cast of here, on Wed- nesiday. The two m«n killal were fowigners. Six of the injured were Americans, and the otheis Slavs. All wore removed U) a h<-.spitjil in this city, where U was suid tlieir injuries were not .serious. No oincial slalemonl of lh<- cau.s.- of t'l;) explasion has been issued, but old converter mill men say the coi.kl hardly be oilier than that some of Ihe' molien metal sifted through the soap- sUne lining of the converter and camo in contact with the sled sheathing which perhaps was damp. When the exploskm occurred lhc> bot- tom of Iho converter dropped out, throw- ing 15 tons of molten metal into the pit where 15 men were working al the Indlivs.. There was no explosion when the hot of .sti^el struck the liotlom of the pit, but instead flames of burning ga.s were .sent up which burned the men III the pit. Tlic two men wImi were killed had been working undw l.he coru verier, and their Ixidies were terribly mangled. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS lIArrENINCS FROM AIX 0\. GLOUe. TUK Ijondon's $30,000. fire los-ses for 1907 total HAISBIPS BY SHIPWBECK Ten Men Cast Away on an Island Off Cape Horn. C.P.R. WRECK NEAR CHAPLEAU. Lindsay Uidy Killed and Scores ol People Ininrrd. A despatch fiom Montreal say.s: An- other fatal wrtvk on the C.P.R. took place early on Friday morning half way lift ween Chaplcau and f^irtier. A bro- ken 80-lb. rail caused ejist-lxnind expii'ss No 2 to leave tlu» track. .\ baggage car Olid ooach wore derailed, and tuniod on their skies, and Mrs. H. .Skiwen, of Lind- say, Ont., was killed. The following (iiiS-sengors wvre injured :â€" Alex. Ross, Dundurn,, lost right hand ; W. l-icynolds, Montreal, head cut; Duncan Livingston, Durham, Ont., EJiouldor ln'uise<l; I.ewi.s Harle, Detorain^, Man., head cut ; E. E. Perkins, Port Arthur, Pelor McKonn Black, cut on head; David Lindsay, Ixmdon, cut on head ; E(. McLsne, Paynlon. .Sask., liead and hand cut; Dan MclKiugull. Si.. Al- imm, Ont., cut on head; Robert Mat- thews, Moos* Jaw, tMick injured; A. Gil- christ, (ilennanan, Ont., sonlp wound. In oddilkin lo those passengers. Jus. Halo and James Stanley, empkiyes uf the C.P.R. at (.hapleau, were also injured. Tho arcideiit liapjwned on the Lake .Su- perkir division, the headquarters of which aro al North Bay, of which J. F. Brady is general sui>orinten<lent. The accident occurred al a |X)inl about 114 miles cast of N<irlh Bay, and the train was running east. ANTI-SlIICinE ni-KEAlS. Ite- HesiiH ot (he First Year's Work ported. A despatch from London says: Twelve months ago Gen. Booth of tho Salva- tion Army .started anil-suicido bureaus in varioiLs cities ol I lie world, and ho nj\v lias!cd a revi-cvv of the year's work. Altogether- l.l-.;5 men and % woinon Sought tho assistance of Iho London bureiiu to save Wieni fivjin .self- destruction, while at least an equal number ajiplied al Itio bureaus in other cities. It appeals from ,the review that llio seokers for help b<;k)iigod mainly In the middle More than half of them attribute*! the desire lo end their lives to (inancial embarra&snienl <"r poverty. From tho small number of wMmen applicants G<'n. Boolh dc<luces thai they are better able tvi bear up under sorrows and trials than men. Ho thinks it safe to say that 75% of tho applicants have been diverted from cojileiniilnted suicide and helped to surmount their difllculties. A do-spatch from n<wlon says ; A lalo a( shipwreck off Cafn; Horn, with its do, Iblls ot terrible sufferings from cold, h\inger and exjiosuro, was related on SVednesday niornlng by Herman Harko, â- Rn arrival here on tlio steamer Horlon- iliis from South American ports. Harko was a member ol the crew of the Ameri- can barque Prussia, which was wrecked on Slaten Islaml, Capo Horn, on June I.), while on a voyage from Norfolk, Va., (o Port Townsend, Wa.»hinglon. Tho \e.ssol stnick a nick and In an endeavor lo roach land fom- of the crew wero di-owned while Capl. Andivw Johnson was s<j weakene»l by exp^isure Uiat he died tho day aflf.r, and len survivora rt-aclHKl the barren island. "I lived a lifetime in few weeks when wo were cast away on that desert liil of nn-k" Harke said. "It was bitterly Ofdd. Cnjit. Johns<^)ji was trying to make Kew Years Island light. The wind in- creased to such (rightful velocity that the barque was aslior,> and a wreck be- for«; aii.vone rcali/.od where wo wore. She brokrt up al once, iind everyone of ii.; jumped overl>oar<I. ICloven ol tho thirleon reached a j«gg<\1 rock, where Ihcro was ix hit of hard, white sand and overhanging cliff. "At dawn Saliala, tho Japanese cook, an<l Harry lliimmond, a .sailor were nil.ssing. They may have boon crushed where the ship went asunder or per- haps wero drownied in trying lo reach tho rock. We were almost frozen. "Iho alrip of sand was about SOO foot long, and wc saw tho ledge that over- hung our positkm was wiiiiplelcly irn- p(,.ssablo. There was no escai>e. Capl. John.sun was suffering from an injury. We 8hielde<i him as best wo might by forming a ciivic about him. U(} seemed In freeze stiff almost before the Utsl breath had left his body. Wo mnnngod I . bury hlin in live saml. We collected a little driftwood for a lire and constructed .» rough shelter." fiOOD FOn CATILEMEN. Mild Winter Has Bern Easy on Feed in the West. A despatch Iroin Winnipeg says : Mild we4ithor and tlio obsenco of snow havo been « ble.s.sing to ll»e jwoplo who huvo ciilllo in those districts where it was iiiip<)sslblo lo put up sufTIcient hay last fall for wlnt-er fodder. Up lo Uio |)r«4onl Uh) cattle havo been browsing on tho proirlfts and it has botni utmecessary Ic give them any exti-a feed. Thus fai-- mei"s aiul stockmen hove effected an saving on tlveir hay supplies. Some stockmon killed off or sold lo dealers u oonsiderablo projiorlion of thftir lierds, and others se<:ured a supply of sliviw, lo Iwlp out in case of pi^cssure, and it Ls n<iw felt that the winter will be passed witiiout loss. Tcleoraph Urlcfs From Our Own anil Olbor Couniries ol llcceni Events. CANADA. The Bell memorial fund at Branlfoi-d totals $40,000. Building operation.* in Montreal last year total $8,403,129. Bunk clearings for 1907 in Toronto amounted to $1*28,905,517. A new jHil Ls needed al Woodstcick, tho present building boingovcrcrowded. Judge F.rmalinger, of .St. Thomas, holds that fishermen are not seamen. Pei-mits to erect buildings W|oiUh §2,758,540 were issued in Hamilton in ll"07. Tlie Crown Bank of Canada is lo bo amalgamated with the Noi-thcrn of Win- nipeg. John Bird was fatally injuriHl at Paris by being crushed in an elevator, on Saturday. PeterboDo' will prniTjole a bill before the Legislature l<i elect Its .\ld<'ruien every two years. Customs duties collected in Toronto last year were $11,611,262.23, an incroa^o (I $1,561,976.58. Hon. J. 11. Canioron has boi-n formal- ly proclaiiiu'd Ju&lico of tho Kings Bench in Manitoba. The C. P. R. is taking olf traiius in llio west, owUig to a falling off in pas- .stng<>r tranic. H. W. Walker, general auditor ot the G T. R., has roliired after over 50 years' service. Canada's total custonui revenue for December w.os $1,093,066, a, and Ihe first in y«ars. The C. I'. R. will issue over twenty- four inillion.? of now st^ick to the pre- sent shareholders al par. Miss Mnrgarol McBride ot -SL Tho- /'ommitlcd j-uioldo by taking car- Uilic acid on Saturday. - IViininion Government wire!cs.s .sta- fions are doing business regularly be- tween Viclcrla and Pachona. George Kelly was killed in the Trotho- woy mine ul CVibalt on Thursday, by a bucket dropping down the shaft. It has liecn decided lo keen Brock- vilk; schools chvsed on account ot the smallpox outbreak. Twelve patients are it! tho hospital. John Tlinson was run over by a freight train al Haniillon, on Wednes- day. One leg hud lo be ampulatcd and Ihe other is broken. An explosion of gasoline at the es- tablLshmont of tho James Dyo Works. Toixinto, blow out a side ot tho build- ing, on Thursday. Thei Manitoba Government havo Ixuight the Bell Telephone sy.stem in the Province, live price reported being $:i.3OO,O0O. Engineer John J. Walker was killed and J. McCray, brakeman, had his log l.;rn off in a collision at Tilsonburg, on Thursday. The custonivs receipts al Montreal for 1907 total $1G.U7G,46."), on increase of .Â¥'.732,849 over the previous year. Hon. J. D. Cameron, former Attor- ney-General of Manitoba, has l.)een ap- pointed a justice of the King's Bench. In a light on Friday night in the Itali- an quarter of Montreal one man was. shot dead and another was slabbed and shot, and will hardly recover. 4. EDWARD IIANLAN LS DEAD. Famous Oar.siuan Surrumhs tu Attark oi Pneumonia. A despatch from Totvinlo says : Ed- ward llanlan, former champion oarsman of the world, died al his residonco, 189 Beverley .Sti-ool, shortly l^oforo 1 o'clock on .Sulurdny morning from pneunwnia, I'o bad l>6en ill for about ten days, and his physician. Dr. T. F. McMahon, gave up h<Jpo CHiiv in the week. Tho pntioril was imconrolous for several days, wtlJi occaskinal riillies, and ho rc(X)gni2e<l his wife for tho last time on Frklay uKirn- ing. Mr. llanlan was Ixirn on Toronto Island 11 fly-two years ago, and was al- ways a rwidonl of this city. Whitby's council was elected by ac- clamation. TWO BROTIIEaXS KILUilO. \ Charflo ot Dynamite Exploded Unex- pectedly. A despatch from Kcnora says: tn a dynamite fatality on Tliunsday oven- itig on the TransL^onltnental Railwa.r o.nilru.dion works. at Hawk, some miles oast of here, .lolin and Jo.soph Dwyer Uist their livoti. The men, who ara brothers, had a conliact for blasting, and while engaged in IUliii.g a holo that had been recontly sprung, the charge unexpej;tedly <^xplode<J, killing both almo-sl instantly. The Nidies o' the victims arrived here on Friday, en route for IVirt Arthur, where their fa- ther. Denis Dwyer, a Oorisl, rcsdes WALKED OFF WITH THE MONEY Man Willi nevolvcr Robs a Winnfi|>eb. Urocery -Store. .\ despatch from Winnipeg says : A daring hold-up was coolly and .siux'oss- fiilly carried out Iwro on Saturday evci*- ingi when a slivuiger walked iuUi Fran- cos' griicory stora in North Winnipeg alKUit 6 p.m., when there was. only ono clerk on duty. Ho jKikcd a revolver under tho clerk's nose and compelled him to I\an<l over tho cash in tho till, amounting in all to $72. Ho made gooil' his escape. CUT STEREET C.AR IN TWO. C. P. R. Train and Otlan.1 Eloclric V.nt Collideâ€" Man Killed. A despalch from Ottawa says: A Canadian PaciHc freight train on tho Ottawa and St. Lawrence Railway col- lided with an Ottawa oleclrk-. cur on .SI. Patrick streot, near New Edinburgh, <jn Friday, cutting the streol car in two.. .Mthough several people were in tho street car, only one woman was In-' jiired atut the moUirmuii received a scalp wound. The street car fell on a muu workln.g alongside the street and killed him. Ills name wa.s August Waunk, about 60 years old, he leaves "THE WAY OIT." in.s<'ription on noltle From Which Sup cido Drank Poison. .\ despatch from London says : From .1 bottle labelletl "The Way Out," Dr. Wilkins, formerly of the Manchi-elcp I'niveisity, on Wednesday drank a dosa â- if Pi-us.sic aciu and died. POLICE FOUKBT IN ABMOB A Four-Hour Battle Took Place in Petersburg. St A despatch from St. Polersburg says : Except for Iho discharge of llreurms, the ccnflicl which was fought between some Revolutionists and the police in an old street In Riga the oUier day might li.ive been taken for an assault in the days of Peter the Great, for the Cfovornmenl foroe.s entered the attack wearing steel treastplales and helmets. Tho revolu- tionists occupied Iho lop room.s of a live- storey Iwuse. The door wa.s barricadetl, and vyhcn the [wlioe donianded iidinis- swn a woman of llfly seven, imniod Greta Tomson, replied: "Wo shall not surrender without a light." , Al the aanic iivstanl a volley w xs nrcd througli tho door by tba inmates, tlte ItuUets rattling against ttw armor of tho. men out-sido, one of whom wa.s alightly- wounded. The iwlico then entered aiv adjoining altic, from which the revolu- lionisls couUl be more readily altackcd, and for four hours a continuous Tiro was. t'lrectcd lhr<iugh Iho walls. Graduallyj the replies of the revoluiJonLsts bccanio, !o.s,s freqiionl, and llnnlly coa.s«l. ] The pollcft then broki' into Ihe apart-, ments luid found four dead, including the, w<.inan Tomson, lying on tho rkwr.' Thero wore also five men und two gtils v>'ouiido<l. M'tvey ha<l fired about .seven hundretl sliots gjid were armed with K Mauser rille and three Uivwui!!^ ri>\'ol» vers.

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