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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1908, p. 5

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T il E F. L E E SiJ£ E Rjv^ail^^ \. BJJ- JxNJAitr 1" 19*^ â- â€¢TABLWHCO MTS THE SIANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office Toronto The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Banic deposits. Savings Bank Department in Connection with a{l Brandies. _______________ It FLE5H£RTON BRANCH Ceor^a MitcHcll, Manajfer BR.ANCHXS ALIO AT DVK.HAM. XlAKKLTrOM Vicinity Chips Mm. H. Holiunii fell <]ml<icrted lier Hlioulder. Sko attended her. Sin D- with her d.tutthter, Mi». MHrk.lale. butt DrN. week xnd Carter »nJ t is nt preiiunt .lolitt Cliacd, at kind;! of I Mr. MoK>'nz<u Duncan, who h»« been â- in tile suxural hu'>ptt«', Todmiio, for some Heavy and liglit aleitsha fur sale. Mndill, Ceylon. do to NorriH Broa.' for all shelf and h«avy hardware. R.V Mr. Kipu'. subject next; Sunday }"'"-'' >;«»U">«d h..ine lH=|^j»e«k. but haa n....nit.(c: "The cur.e of »in." Ito go b«k a«*i.. next Monday U, have "* his arm eXBiuineu and treated, Stanley Gainey has Iwen ensag-^d to | . ^ » 1 1 Q.i f 1 it. .v.:^ -„«- Important Announcement teach the 8th l:i.e school for th.s year. 1^^, ^^f^ ^^ ^^_ Markdale, For Sale â€"2 youns sh >it.hor« bulls, lit day Tue»di>y, J;iii. U. i for service W. Pattoii, Ceylon P. Ed^ar Bellamy, who h.'i.s McKarland »ill be eloai'd all hen their full O .Rialf will be buxy all day mat king ilwii Mr. EdKar Bellamy, who !..-« been ; th?!'^''-^ (;•%"'« 1" Day's S«le, which visuiLK at lUs home here, has retori e t : o ^J ;;^'''^' ^-'"«"'« ^y- Do., l for- the city. '^ Sum of money lest in town Fri.lny ev- I'''" »•;"""' '"^"'insr of the East and cfirwerfu Finder please leave at this ^'"^^« *-'-«y Lj'";'"! Conservative As- 'â- "'•' *^ |»ociilion will be held in Hasketls Hail '""^''- I Markdale. Jan. 10th 15K)8 at 1 o'clock. When ia town don't fi.r)?er the new | Election of officers and (â- eiieral business hardware. Our prices are rinh:. Nonis will be attended to, and aJterw.irds ad- by Dr. Sproule, M P., Bros. Aiteme.ia .Vtfricultuial v.ciety will liold its snnuM nioetini{ «n Friday, Jan. 17, at Prxeville. Mr. Gefir-e Boyd, wife and family of Radison, Sask., are guests of Mr. Boyd', brothers here. Bomâ€" At the nianse, Fl«!tli«c>on, o« Swnday, Jan. 5. to Rev. C C. Little and wife, a daughter. MssL. Fawcett visited in town last week on her way to Tara after spending the holidays at her hooie at HeathcoU-. Colt for Sale or Exchangeâ€" Heavy draujjht colt, rising 2 years, for sale or «xehsnf!e fer stwck. B«n McKenxie, ^C«^lon.P.«>, Mr. Andrew CuUen of Silver Creek, N. v., wto has beeo visiting friends here for the past couple of weeks, has returned to his l^nve. <«(4ryoiir chttppiotf doiM at the electric Vhmt, Eune«t». Oasiomer^ will pleas* Dote that we will do no grinding after 4.:io in the afternoon. Ur. C«Ulw«irs sermons for next Sun- day: «oi»iiigâ€" The Almighty Reve*ling "Thinss to Abraham: eveningâ€" Jehovah- Jireh, tha Lund Will Provide. Have you read McFatland <& Co's ad- vtrtrieinent in this issue giving particu- lars ><l the 10 days wde which commences Wednesday, Jan. 15J If not it will piiy you to. For sftlaâ€" Bull ealf, '.» months old, thoroughbred Durham Would sell it cxchanire for colt or younj; slock. Peter Muir, lot 20 2nd N. D. U. Artemtsia, Ceylon P. O. •* t'l". Mrs. C. E. Thompa >n of Burridge and Miss Be la Dowdell <if .\;tliorp are L'uests of Mr. and Mrs. John White 'i'he former is » daughter and the latter » graiiddaugliter of Mrs. White. Karm for Saleâ€" Lot li!,can. 10,Usprey, near Fovershani, about 5<) acres cleard and Well fenced. Frame house and Iwrn, stone stable. For pi ice and terms apply Co A. G. Cainplwll. btix 504,Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Uitcnr Philli|>8 entertain- ed the|foriner'a parents and four children, including Misses Effie and Jessie of Toronfo, to Sew Years dinner. The two Unit returned to the city that even- i"K- fi^ace will not permit ustiuottng but a very Mnaii portiou of the many Imrgniiis that will await you during the 10 days' sale. Look for the red tickets which speak of a bargain. McFarland £ Co., Markdale. Having; lcas«d the E'Jgenia saw mill for this seas'Mt 1 am prei>ared to d<> all kind of custom aawiiig. ' I also want any <|uanlity of laih timber fiii which highest cash price will liiB paid at the anil. â€" Tht/«. E. Fenwick. M and utheni I. will Karm for sale cheap, lots 135, ft and con. 3.W.T. and S. R .Arteniesia. 145 acres ,a|>l;lica_t,iou 24 acres bu^h and swamp, well watered large frame barn, comfortable house, '^itoi o-chardp For price and tertsa ap- ply to K. J.^pruule, Fleshort'-n, oi John Stewart OH th« pcuiaises. Durham carried the local option bylaw by a msjority k4 12. It was defeated in Mt. IToraHt by the 60 per cent, handicap, (twen Sound defeated a l-jcal option can- didate for Mayor by a mnjoiity of 17S. illlolliovwoc'd CMrried a high license bylaw mmI Creemoru owriad local option. The Baptist church •juarrerly meeting «ra« held h«re on Monoay, llie receipts for the i{U»rt«r were oicellent and wore sufllcient to meet the ciaims oF the church. The mission otfetioK ms especi-illy good, amounting lo 934.44. ArrangementJt were hi gun for lh« closing iu of tlie dresses by Dr. Lucas Em\ , M. L 1(1 v«n. The aiinunl meeting of Arteniesia dis- trict L. O L will be held in the l.Jge room of So. 1114). Eugenia, on Tuesday, Jan. I4th,eoininead4ig at 2 o'clock sharp. After tko dMtrict ueeitiig the R.iyal Scarlet Chapter of .4i(eiuesia djKtrict will be opened in the same hall for the election of otlicers for the coming year. Visiting brethren cordially inviced. Ed. Thomp- son, dist. secy. I am now prepared to custom sawing of lumber, shingles and lath, at my mi 1 in Flcsl»«rtoo. Also contracts for spring and .â- iumnier sawing in <]u;tiitity in any hication. I have a first class «lMM^<Mbie mill and can guaraoteu satis- fitction. Good facilities for sawing barn timber. A small quantity of shingle timber, spruce and hemlock logs wanted Dry lumber and joista for sale. George Wau »n, Fle^bertou. The Advance is pained to annourKe that Mr. Henry Holntan is at present in the Victoria Memorial hospital, 56 Isa- bella street, Toronto, under the car* of Dr. UoUord Walknr, who has had Drs. J. H. Cotton and MoPlieilntn in consul- tation with him. Mr. Uoluian's condition IS found to be so seriouc tliat th« <Mltcom* at the present time is uncertain. The Jiaeaa« was making headway while re- maining at home to rest. His case caiU for special treat merit in order to afford any chance for recovery. The. annual busine«s meeting uf the FK-sherton Methodist Sabbath .School was held on Monday evening. Ihe 'I'reasuer's RupoiC showed the tintinccs to be iu a gratifying condition. Tlie wUcctions for the year aiiiouuied to $32.;i2 and the balance on hund at (he coinmencoinent was WJ-20. An organ was l^juglit aud in addition to tJie general oxptinses, the library replenished, and the balance at ihe end of the year was 1824 20. Tins with the not proceeds of the recent anniversary leaves a balance of f«<>.93 on baud to coinnience the iiuw year with as against 8*S'03 for last year. The aver- age attendance has lieen go<jd. being iVi. .Ur. Uichardsoit gave a general lupoit of the proKresa of the sch.K>l during the year. Tlio othcers elected fof the ensuing ywu atire as follows; Superintendent, »r. W. U. Bunt; assistant sO|>arintend- «nt, Mr. Heath; SecreUiy, Mr. Biiihuiiy, «fiswtaj|t, Harold Karstedt; Librarian, Fred Karstedt; Organist Ella Karsf.edt; Treasurer, Mr. Clayton and the etticiene stalF of teachers elected are as follows: Mr. Ueaih, TBrs. Thurston, Mrs. Arm- stru'ig, iVIrs Caldwell, A. S. Thurston, Mrs. Ciiicon, Miss Hales F.E.Thurston, Mrs. Moore, Miss Henderson, Mrs Walker, ftiiss Btillamy and Mrs. Michell. The secietary was advised to <.rdir the re- quinitu nuinber uf peiiodiuals for the use of teachers and for I lie year. Why Auttvir fi'sia KhrHiwat dm ? Du you kuo»' that rheumatic lutins c»ii Ik relii-red? U you doulit tliJH juHt try one iCIiaiiberlain'H Pain Itjiliii. It w.iiuiake lent and sleup iHissible, auil tlist certainly uiuuis a great <le»lt.osiiy oneultliet- eil witli riieiniiatiHiii. Kur sale l>y W. K, Kicliardsuu. Bad Stomach 1 rouMe Cured. Wiatar WdMinga McFaim>ksâ€" Waixkb â€" On New Years day the home of Mr. »nd Mrs. Robert Widler of tiiis township was the scene of a pretty wedding when their eldest daughter, Jane Elixalieth, was unit«d in marriage b>> Junies All>ei't McFuddeii nf Mono Centre. The ceremony was j>er- forined by Rev. Dr. Caldwell and was witnossetl by a goodly number of friends i>f the bride and groom. The bride was l>rettily attired in navy blue ladies cloth with triininings of white silk and ap- |ili<|iie. Miss Annie Waller ;icted as bridcMiiaid, while the grtNiiii was ably supiMirted by his brother Roliert of Mono. After the ceremony the young couple were tendered the hearty congratukitions of their friands, after which the wedding party [Hirtook of a dainty wedding break- fsu<t. The many friends of Mr. and Mi-s. McFaddeu bore testimony of the'r gtaid will and esteem for them by many hand- some gifts acconi|i)»nied by good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. McFadden left <m a short wedding trip of a few days to Owen S<mnd, Tant and .\rkwright. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wiHh-lM>iie brooch set witli pearls, and to tlui brides- maid a harvest uuMm crescent brooch, and to the grooiiiHinan a tie pin. The young couple will reside in Mono Centi-e, where Mr. McFadden carries on a general store. Mrs. .John Stuart played the Weeding Mai-ch. Tlie frienda from a distance were : Mr. and Mrs. McFadden. father and mother of the gr<Mun, and Mr. and Mra. Wesley Rutledge of Shelburne. Having been nick for tlie (last two years with a bad atoiiiacli tmuble, a friend gave ine a dose of Cliaiiitierlain's St4>iiiiu;!i and Liver Tablets. They di I iiiu so iiinch g>KMJ that I buiigl't a bottle of them and have used twelve txiltles in all. Toilay 1 am well of a biid ' stomach truublu.â€" .Mrs. John Luwu CiH>|>ei', Maine. These t:iblel» are for sale liy W. Â¥u Uicliar laoii. Andrew Maclntyro of Dundnlk died suddenly on Tuesday night. Hia shoul- der was liadly injured >n the Caledon wreck, but he was apiwirontly all right again. Early Tuesday evening be com- plained uf feeling unwell and of i^m iu the injured shoulder. He died at ten o'clock the same evening. â€" Economist. Davis â€" Breadnerâ€" .\ pietty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Geo. Snell, Markdale. <iii Cbristin^isday, when hissister-iu-law, Miss Sarah M. Brcadiii>r, was united in wedlock to Mr. Wesley Davis, eldest son of 'Iruatee Win. Davis ol Flesherloii. 'Hie bridal party was un- attended save by a little flower girl. Miss Alma Johnsttm, who charmingly awaited on the bride. A ignite uouaual de|>ait- ure was th<* playing of the Wedding March by Mrs. Davis, mother of the gr<Mim, who in her younger days was an expert musician and whose fingers have not lost their cunning The bnde was verybe:oniingly go.viidd in pear grey silk aud her going away gown was of prune- cohired silk. About thirty guests witnes- sed the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. A. bheppard, Presbyterian pastor. An exceedingly sumptuous Chriatams dinner was serveil. af'er which the happy yuuiig couple left by the even- ing tram for Toronto and other points. Tliey will reside ia Markdale. The Advance tomleis hearty wishes for their future happiness. GoniMi.v â€" DAMi.'iiK--On Decemlier 31, at the residence <if Mr. Ernest H-^yl, 'W27 Gr.-uiil Itoulevard, Chicago, by the Rev. W. Covert, Rita Adelaide, youngest daughter Of Mr, S. Daoiude of Balmy Beach, Toronto, tu John Gordon, jr., of Winni(<eg. OsTiiAXWF.Râ€" Knisilyâ€" At Ihc resi- dence of Mr. Louis Fr<Mik, the bride's grandfather, l>y Rev. J. A. Matheaon of Priceville on Dec. 24th. PJ07, Mr. Eli B. Obtrander to Miss Carrie E. Kiiisley, both ot Proloo. SsKiLâ€" Smei.!.â€" At Maple Grove farm, Ei<ereniont, on Christmas Dty, by jRev. John Little, Mi«s Mary, eldest daughter of Mr.aiid Mrs. George Snell, to Geo.Snell of Ceylon. Han.naH -LoVB Married on Christ- inaN Day at the home of the bride's |Hir- entsMr and Mrs. W. .J. Lovc.-Vrtemesia, by the Rev. J. Ferguson of I.hiiidulk. R^ilwit Hannah to Lihi May Lovo, .Miss Maude Robinson of Hothel, |)erforiiied the duties of bridusinnid and Mr. M. Devcr of Berkley ably assisted the gr<K>iii. Pbplar Beskuht - .\t <jlun Ewon, S««k.. on Christinas Day, .Miiia Kliiier lienedict, Glen Ewen, to Hugh Dohuity Pedlar, formerly of Flesherfoii. You May Need It Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house, ready for colds, eouchs, croup, bronchitis. If he says it's all right, then get a bottle of it at once. Why not show a little foresight in auch matters? Early treatiiKat, early cure. A W.t<>kU.h .ur rtraaUa A YT. I ifers ir. kMilsh iUa.fe.l W. urc* F.« ^ e.«,ult y.«v SMI*. WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia stock ' ' Best Stoeli Bells, Blankets* Robes Fur lined coats, pocket Inioks, a:itcliels. nizor strops and other leathur goods. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and evenrtbing in tbe harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Out. Xmas Offer $25.00 for three months course. Write before Dec. 21 15 year» eijierience. British Canadian Business College, Yonge and Bloi^ir streets, Toronto. Winter Haimess Goods I liavo in stock all kiiids of Harness, Bells, BlankeU, Robes, Whips. 8iit- cingles, Huof Ointment, Gall Ctirfl, Plnsli Ruga. Dash Aprons, Trunks, Valises, etc. Repairing done promptly aucl neatly. 0. W. PHILLIPS FLESHERTON, ONF. Pure Bred Camioor tb$ JInd Berksbircs for Sale I liavB a liiiB lot «» youi.K KiiuHuli n«rk«blren from two to nix weeks old also noiiie sood Tsrn- wortli HOWS ready to bread. 8»tiii(»ctions»ui»ii- tawl OR all mail orders. Write for wiia( you *""â-  (5. \V. KOh.S. Maxwell I'.O Many • boy to called dull and stupid, when the whole treuble is due H a laiy liver. We firtnly believe your own doc- tor will tell you that an occasional dote of Ayer's Pills will do such boy* a treat deal o( good. They keep tbe liver active. â-  â- !!« « « brt>a*.B.ay»0»«wU. l* sss. C. E. Tiyon â€" Pruetical I'aimcr ami Decorator, will receive contracts for chiii'oh decoration and scho-d houses. Piicoville, Our. Mr. Frank, Mi«s Gladys and Master Fred .l"hiist.on of Thorobnry visited this week w-.tli their sister, Mrs.Goo. Stewart. Mr. Tiyoii went to Dundalk lait week where he will in future mi<ke his htad- nuarters. t>!<prey Agricultural S ctbiy aniiunl meeting will be held at Fevershnui on ' Saturday, Jan. 18. Jas. PATTISON CEYLON, ONT. T ^AKES this opportunity of thanking his many customers for their liberal patronage in 1907 and tnists they vwill have the same confidence in him in 1908 am he will endeavor to please antl to give everyone a.s much tor their money as they am get any other place and also endeavor to keep on hanil -everything they will require. Wishing You all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. r r r r r r y r r r A THANKS! To our many friends for the very libenil patronage w* have received during the past year. And now at the commencement of another yenr we hope to have your continue<l support and will try to give good satittfao tion to all. In t'fder to make room for a very l.ipj^e quantity of Spring and Summer Goo<.ls, we are oft'ering all Winter Goods consisting of Ovex*slxoes, Rvtlbl^ers, I^e^- ^in^s anci JPel^ Goods At a Geiiuine Big Reduction CLAYTON'S j**-:r .--r .:^-.T-.-;T;.c^,r,"V y:^::!^^'^:^ '^aaT^v^v;;vi.'Csv^^^^l^•;S?o^.^T :&2L.V-^ 3'">5?2*::>.»-?^.'"«<E2ii fa-i *oN<i«iaifto '^s^^i^^SsT^'^ue^. F. G. KARSTEDT iK^ WISHES HIS FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS The COMPLIMENTS â-ºvl .^ OF THE SEASON. ^!,jyga^y g^, yg 5 giyg ''iS ' ffl l ^^

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