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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1908, p. 2

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nAlK TO DICVX.i ISIE Eight I'^rapctl KrriiiM r4it)«irl<> XMII he lleturiiiil. Eighl convicla wlio c.-^'rap'jd Jiioiill: from Cuycn'ic, lii? I*'r<;iic)i [ii.ul 6t (llcrtioiil kirawu iis !>â- . vl's isliuid, uluTc Krcylas was, are lo l>c liniulod liack lo Mh: Frcruh auKiorit'os ulUi' dasp'-MMlc (i(lvciitiiri-.s In Uritish Ciilaiia. Ttii\v urriv<>(J off I lie wjsl ol tjiscnqui- Ik,, Vio mil* 8 from CnyoiiiK', on Novrm- l-cr :i, ulU'i-ly wilfioiil f')cd, oiid in o boat lliiil w<LS rupidly Miikiii),'. Aflci' a ilicnuoiis .stl•ll^').'l^; Ihcy rcaclio;! shore exhausted. HendereJ dcspcratu by liiin- jjpr, Ihey (,'rfntly niarnicd the iiilinbi- ImiLs of l!ic lownsliip of Anna IWyin.-i, I'lit a hWowii Ixidy of police look Ihcin Into ciisloily, .sul*i<^qiienlly releasing llioui on llw! iMKk'i'.slnndiiig Ihal llioy vtoiild at onco li.'a%'t! tin; tinlisti colony. Next dny, liowevoi', ll'io ultiludc of the Krf^nchincii iM'i.amft more IhrciiU'Jiing, nnd they \v«'rc .vnt under u small es- cort lo lh<; coiinly jail at Suddie. M a dciiolulc part of the rood Ihe French- men overpowered their puirJ, and e.s- Chped into the. denso bush. An olunii was earned back to Anna Heyinn, and jwlicc nnd villagor.s .set out in Iheir tracks. I'or (iomc tinio Ihn cfforls of the searcljei"s |>iov«l ujiovailinj,'. Ow- ing, however, lo lh« cIo,jo watch kept in Iho vicinity of all lioiiscs, the retu- i;rc.«; were unable lo obtain food, and ov€r«yjnie by hunger Ihey were arrested In twos and threes, e.\liau»led and in a very low stale, and taken into safe cu&lody. Of. lale Ihi^ aiTlvnl in British Guiann ct escaped pri.soners from Devil's l.slaiul has become njor.; common. If lh*y are quiet, no objeclk)n Ls taken and Ihcy can find employtnenl in the nco flel Is. The French authorities, n.s a rule, ap- pear far from ajixious lo retelvc Ihe rcfug?es hack. LTTI^K GIRL'S KAr.F. COVKItKD WITH io(:/.t:.'\iA. Cured by /ani-ltuk. TV" folkjwingcaw.s (wtjifying to lao niarvell<juseur»'.s brought alK)ul by n»k is convincing argument that in Zani-nuk we hove the very skin cure offored lo this or any oilier coun- try: Mrs. A. F,. (;ras.s, .^t. Culhnrlncs, says; "One bo\ of /.HniBiik healed my i.rrrf.r: (;im..s i-a<:f, <>f ixzcma. \ve use 11 for Cuts and .Sores also." Nfrs. (â- ;. A. Kerr, Denbcigh, Onl., says: "My Dnby's l.cfrs were vj bad with Eczema that I could not ktx-p .vtocUincs €11 her. A b<^ix of /,ani-niik cured lier afl<r the Doctor had failed." Dame J. H. .Smith, llawkesbury, Ont., writes: "After three applitallons I was teller of Eczema an<l lietore I had used halt a box, I was cured." /am-ntik cures GUI';, Burns, .Scalds. Ulcers, Min((w<jrm, Heh, linrbcr'.s Hush. Mood l'oi.«on, Had leg. Salt Mheuin, Abrasions, Ab.sces.sos and all skin in- juries and diseas«s. Of all slore.s and druggists at .">0 cents or from /.am- Buk (jo.. Toronlo, for price. 6 boxes for $2.50. 4. POSTMKNS \V,\:jilN(; FEATK. Dislanrc Traveled by Men Long in Urilikth M:ul Servire. There miwl le fj-w, even iiinong "men of lelter.s," wlw. like; !i Hunt, a I,in<'o:n.'»liiro postman, can claim l<. l.ave Iramjed a disliiiice <if, rynigliiy, 2<(),(KXI miles, jiot iiiiich Ic^s llinn the ffniivnleii't of ten journeys arixiiul the earth, says the Weslniinsier Clawtle. Not lonj,' ago George Thompson, ic tired fiom .service aa pr«.lriian iji Uic Lnngrick dLslrict of Vorksliire, after covering on fo d 125 000 niili,s in Iwenty- etx years <d lelUr carrying, n service fourteen years shorter tiuin that of his Llncoln.sliire rival. In tliirly-foiii' years Onne .M. flrown ualkod IIJ.IXIO miles iw positjTinn lie- Iwceii f;ii|iar and Kilmany and Logicâ€" n dislanrc, us was state! at lhi« aiipro- piiato presoii|ati<fii lo him of an easy chair, nearly equal lo half that which Bfparatt's Ihe iiKwm fr-om llie <-nrl*i. John .'^immoncLs. of Itonlcy on-Tlmmes, rfllred with a reconl of l,Sl,0(X) miles of fail- "heel and too," the ro.sull of forly years Irnmpinf;; wlrle n:osit amaz- ing of all. Thomas Phipjis. n poslman in the riiipping Norton dislri"!, was credited with an aggregate journey of 440,000 miles telwceii Ihe years 18i0 and 1898. COUNT'S DARING ESCAPE :MMrRi':i> in akymim on account OF LOVi: MATCH. Ilio Wile, Who AVus a Washerwoman's Dau(|l;ler, ItribeJ an A«>luin Atlrndanl. Count linismiis i;rl;a?h, a member of of the most fajnoiis riorman famil- ies, and until recently h«'ir to estates worlh .$l,25O,H0ij a year, "lias just made n (IraMKilic tscujio from an asylum at AliKvciler, Germany, and has disap- peared. Tho count wn.s seized at Frankforl- oii-Main on Nov. 29, <uul forcibly car- ried off to the asylum, where he was ( laced umler; fiiiartl. Ili« arrest was made on Ihe appli- cnlion of liis father and relatives, who df*larid Ihat he was insane. The proof cf itiis insanity lay in his roninntic m«r- riofev witif Dora Fische, the pretty daughter of a washerwoman. When tlic count refiLsed lo give up his wil^', A .SPKCIAI. I nmt.'NAf.. was appcale.l lo, nnd the maiTiage was declared null and void. There was a further development in the minaiire later on, when the <omit was foriiiHlly disposvs.sed of all rigihls ol su'ce.ssijn, and his uncle. Count Ar- tlnir, was I'lected in his place. Oiunt i;.-o.smus' ew.'apc from the ary- luiii was planned and executed by the washerwoman's daiighler. The plucky girl-wile acted with great energy and <;eleriiiinalion fioni the moment of her hu.'-Jjand'.s arrest. She first bribed an attendant of the a.sylum and persuad- ed iliim lo help the e^.nnl I.) obtain means to escape fivjin llie building. Then she worked <iul detailed ar- rnngemtnLs for his flight outside, and through the atteiidani c<immun!cal(ed her in.slniclions to Count Erasmus. OFF (J.N MOIOn C-AB. The hl'eiKlant supplied the count with 1 .stout lope, nnd early one morning Iho count made of tho rope lo low- e* BiiiMself from Ihe window to Ihe ground. Tho descejit was extremely jH-rilous, owing to Ihe great height of Hhe window, and Ihe lenst slip would have caused the count to droji to cer- tain death. I'ortunately, no mishap oc- curre,l. and fxiunt F.rasmus got away wilhoui nt'ilostatlon lo a spot where his wife was wailing with a jxiwcrful mo- Uir car. TJ)e fivgilive.9 dashed off at express 6peod acr^tss the .'^vviss frontier, a dis- Innce, of a little more than 200 miles. They inlt'iid to be iiiarri<Kl again in •Switzerland, and thus defy Ihe count's parent*. The asylum alli'iiilanl h.i.s also floil for fear of piini.shiiK'nt for the aid lie rendered to the fugitives. CATARRH OF HEAD IVAtcA Pe-ruiM Relievtd im a SJk^frt 2'imt, > 3U3IE M. KINGSWORTH. MIS.S .SU.SiE M. KINO.SWORTH, 406 Quebeo .St., Ixjiidon, Ontarw, writes: "I began using Peruna last January, when I had such a cold, and I could not get anything lo help me. "My nose and liead were all stopped up, so that I could hardly gel my hrrnlb. I thought at times Ihat I would smother, especially at n'ght. "I have no livjuble with that now. The noise in my head has all disap- peared. "I know Peruna will do jasl what you .say it does. I Cannot praise Pe- runa loo highly, as it has done so much for me. I liopo my letter will reach other .sufferers." Mrs. s. J. Koun'z, 1015 .Soovel sircci, NasliviHe, Tenn.. writes: "1 liave had a very tail cough nearly all my life, and 1 am forty-five years rid. I have taken almcsl every kind of cough mcdk-ine that has ever l>een inade, but win", did me much good. I would have spells ol roughing that I tiiought I would cough ni>M;lf (o death. I look Perunu, and lusl winter and this winter I have bad id cough and I know that Peruna cured uie." Ask Your Drug(ii»>t lor Free Peruna Almanac lor 1908. FACTORY ^WITHâ€" Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Years. Gontral iooation. About tsR thousand oquaro foat In four floor* and basoment. Exoollant thlppnj; faoHitlas Standard FIro Sprinkler System. Low Insuranoa rat*. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto A KNOCK-OUT BLOW. "Don't talk like a fool, my dear," re- monstrated. Joblols to his wife. "I won t, Mr. Joblots, I won't," she answered. "People wouldn't know us apart if I did." Whereupon Joblots suddenly remem- bered thai lie tiad an engagement down town. Something More Than a Purgative â€" To purge is the only effect of ni'any pills n^jw on the market. Parmclccs Vegetable Pills are more than a pur- gative. They &ti«ngthen tlie stomach, wlicre other pills weaken it. They cleanse Ihe blood by regulating the liver and kidneys, and they stimulate where oilier pall compounds depress. Nothing of an injurious nature, uied foi merely purgative powers, enters in- to their composition. POOR CONSOLATfON. "The man who languishes in Jail," re- marked the home-grown philosopher, "has one oonsolalkin, at least." "What's that " queried the easy one. 'That he oocupies a position from whH;h niosl of llie world is barred out," answered lite pbilosoohy dispenser. ImMiilbtc ta PInd. A plAsttr e<|<ikl to "Tb« | D A L * Mantliol. F*r side ftctia nothing •4iu&Is it. *i jrard roll cuU 7 plastan. MaiWl on r«ci)ipt <A CAPAC COLD MIMES CO., LTD. Caylol $io,ao«,oo«. Shares •â- Â». To iiTutsn withimkll capital doiroa* «{ alt' lDT«)tB«nU (ur tbtir faads flcldiBg larc* ratsnu. «• oStr (haras on tha fallowiBf tarow ; Sa% iipaa •abacrtpilaa. *S% P«b- 1. ••••> a»Z nay i. â- â€¢â€¢â- . vr rita at oaca lar particalar* o( tUi prapaaltio*. bafara aatlnt itack U foM. J. J. VAN MO TB, Traaj.. 1« Sommar St., Boatair OHENI1.LE CURTAIN* mU an Mad. at kaaaa Haofiaia alaa UGI CBMAIHS "^â- SA^IiyL"" Wrlla t« ua aWvft yonn. •VtlMMi.tulWl Every Vmaa la lalBaand aad ikaald knev akaat <ha waadatJal LMARVELWhlrllngSf ^H^e'L ».«m a. atkK.kat aaad ttaas far lUaivalid boo^ aaaiad It l MI aartlaaliua aad dlnciloaa ta. iniilWOinK?^I.T CO.. WlaJa ar ., OBtT' Tor Iho Overworked.â€" What are .Ihe ciiuses of desptmdeney and melancholy? A disordered liver Is one cnusc and n piinie one. .\ dlsordired diver ineiins d <liNordeied htomaih, and a disordered >Uiitiaili means disturhance of the nerv- ».u« system. Tliis brings Ihe whole N.ily into fsubjeclion and Ihe victim feeU .'•i'-k ail over. i'armclee's Vege- lidilc I'lll'^ are a recignized reniedy in this .vtatc .and icliol will follow fTicir U.'re. David .^lowpay: "I chall bring you back th'<-e dark trousers t-i bo repealed, Mr. Snip. You Know 1 sit a g<K)d deal." .\lr .Snip iailor); "All right; and if you'll bring the bill I .sent you six niorillis ago, I will W plo; to wvijil Ihal altio. ^ou know I've stood a good deal." II a dni bitta you iluii't ba acaraJ. Ritha tha wound witli R3lit watar and corer It with a cliab .n whicli VV«avor*» Carats liiii l>»«ii frcetj tpreail. Ttie ('orata ieliov«h lite jiaiii I'ausail bj 41)0 stiDx (tf iiiitecta TWO IN ONn;. Mrs. .Sparl;s: "Oh, Ihnl big dog isn't Ihe one I lost and adverlLsed for. My dog was a little fox terrier." Tommy Traddle.«^; "Yes, nia'ain ; yoir dcg's inside this one." Korliinnlely lhi> worUl isn'l able lo .we U wxiety woman as her maid .sees her. One can judge .•^uiie men liy Ihejr 4l<'<ils nnd .voiiie ollicis by tlieir rnis- riecds. She: "V<iii lieiv jigaln?" Tramp: *Ycs, kind lady. â-  .she: "Well, I won't help you again. -1 don I lelii-ve you have <lone a thing nil Ihe year.' Tramp: "Indeed I have, iiiiiMi; I'vo just done thirty days." The .siiiiericrity of Mcthor firaves' Worm K.vleiiiiiiiiilor i.s .'-houn by its g<iod etioils on llie ihildnii. Purchase i bollle and gi\o it a liial. Tommy: ".S-.i glati you've come, Vir. tV,wli-g.s!" Mr. bowlegs (flsliinn r<ir comi)liiiienls): '*Aiid uhy ai-o you .so glad r\e come, my lilllc man?" Tommy: "IMIiel and I aro playiiij,' at Irnins, aiitl you'll nial.i' .^iicli a l.j\tly briilge." A Q«1tk Rtcovrry (ram Paver and all atok- iiao i< lilwuyi the caia wlioii ••Farrovira" tha li«< lo'iiV \» uau.l. It builds, it atraiiiithjui. it givat iiaw Ufa. Try It r;.\pi.oRiNG. "Do you expect to discover the North PoleT- "Not im"iedialeiy," answeretl llie Arc- tic explorer; "for Ih- present I am con- tent with discovtTing new methods of discovering Ihe Pole." A CIIANfii: IS NEF.DED. Through the long winter one needs n chang<'. Why go .'^outli when "The Welland," SI. Catharines, offer.<? an en- vironment at modfrate cost which will minister lo lii-ed nerves and worn out lifidies? Try the Ionic influence of "The SI. Catharines Well" and Ihe restful in- fluence of "Tho WellauJ." Apply the manager, St. Catharines, or any Agent of (hand Trunk HQilway System. Mr. Meanly: "ll'.<» your birthday to- morrow, my d'ar. and hone's a half a dollar for you. ^<m'd better, perhaps, keep it by you, ln'uusc it's my birthday next month." While more prevalent in winter, when suddeji changes in the w<alber try Ihe strongest conslitutlons. colds, and coughs and ailments of the throat nmy c<;ni in any .<^cason. At the first sight <if derangomrnl ii.-e RIckks .\nti-<"xin- si!mptiv<" Syrup. Instant iiljef will be cviieilenced, and u.-e of Ihe medic;ne until Ihe c-okl disanptars will protect the lungs from attack. For anyone with throal or rhe'it weukiiess it can- i;ol bo .s'Orpas.H'd. â- â€¢r- Get acquainted with Black Watch the hig black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. 39M TWINS DIT AT SAMK IMO.^IKXT. Hlran(|c Coliieidcnre Is llevealcJ at In- (]uesl in Kii(|laiid. At an iiiqiiesl on twin children, aged 18 moritlis, at .SloUe .Vewiiiglon, Kiig. land, ivivntly, it wa.s staled that Uiev (lied exatlly at the .same inonieiit, the cause of dialh In r« h case being bion- <.hitis nnd ineumonia. (1. .Slovens, a medical man, .vloied Ihnl in all his forly year-.' e.vjierience he hud never coinc across a similar case. 'I have known of a s'inilarily of nilnd in twins,' remarked Or. Wyiin Wcsl- e< tt, Ihe coroner, 'and of cases in which < ne foil out of s<irls wihen llie other was ill, bill I never before heanl of a case in which the doaih <if Iwlh occur- red a I the some moment.' FAMILY PHIDE. Mrs. O Rafferty : "An' phoy did yes give Ih' name av (Kildslein at Ih' police .station. Oi dimiin '.'" D'Kaff.rty : "Failh, an' Oi was arrisled f.r iH'ing dhninU un' <li.sor(lerly, an' il's nieself as wudn'l bo afthor dLsgr-racin' III' name av O'ltufferly, b'gorra 1" Mr, Jawbai'k ; "Let's celebrate our K< l*len wedding?" Mrs, Jawliack: "How silly ! We've only been married six year-s!' Mr. .law back: "Is that all? How dii' I gel it iiiUi my head il was fifty '/" Johnston (to wife): "Well.Maria, I'm g< ing lo slay at home with you to-day and help you lo tidy up the house, I'll lack down Ihe carpets and hung up tha '. pielures to begin with." Mrs. J. (to llie : children): "Children, you may go over lo grandma's, and stay all day." ; (Aside) "I know my husband is a dea- ' con of the church, but for all thai he's i just as apt lo hit his thumb with a ham mer us any other man." Where Weakness is. Disease Will •S-'tlle.â€" If one suffers from any organic, inheritei or contracted, there disease will settle when it attacks the Iwdy. Therefore drive out the pains that be.set you, do not lei a cold or a cough harass you, and keep Ihe respir- atory organs in a good healthy condi- tion. This you can do by using Dr. Thomas' Iv-loclric Oil. Prevention :s the wisest cours . Teacher: "Now, cWlOren, remember Ihe text, 'Eat, drink and be nierry, for trr-moiTow you die.'" Pupil: "Please, teacher, in our family we don't. We all lake castor oil next day." ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scratches an! every form of contagious Itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wot- ford's Sanitary Lotion. II never (ails. Sold by all dj-uggisls. A peasant in a itmote part of Ireland was one day standing at the do<jr of his cabin, when aii Knglinh tourist pitssing sUipped to speak to him. As he did so ho saw the children inside Ihe house playing with a pig. ".My good fellow," \\: .said, "why have you Ihal pig In Ihe h'-use ? II does not seem right.' "Why not, «)rr,' answered Pat, "why nol? Sure an' liasnt tho house every acconi- modatioa that any raysonable pig would iv(|uiro â- '' IKIDNEY^ il. PILLS 4s Mnj' heaven help Ihe rich; have no aiilomobiks. Ihe I'oap tiSLK NO. J- £3. C/irns cause intolerable pain. Hollo- way's Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try il and see _whal amount of pahi is sa,ved. The Guest (after dinner): "your wife is such a licautlful woman it's a wonder yoi are nol jealous of her." The Host: "Oil, I am 1 I never invite any man heie that any sane woman would take a fawy b> " Tr NEW YORK ^r THE NEW FIREPROOP HOTEL NAVARRE Tth «v«. and S«th St. 300 FHT WEST Or lil«A9W*T, Uaxiaua of Laxur; at Miainiaa Caat "SSSti Aceasalbla. Qa!«t and Klag ant. WItkIa rira Minutas' Walk o( Tbaatraa, ahspa and C'luba. Naar Dutch Cicill ttuoni Lana>t la Cltr. Cabla Can Hau Uutal to aUBailroula. Knrapaao Plan. $1.50 par day wltbaut bath, •2.00 par day witb bath. Baltai *3.t0 upwards. Sand lor Baok!at, 5TPARNS at DAHB, Prop* â-  J;it!'F!iTWf ; ^^^r«^^- TBE PBDLAK rEOPLB The Luxury ol a snund throat and rubun lungs l» roost kaaiily aivjo/ad by pouple who, hniiig â- .uffaroil from a "httia coM, ;i>u know," liara hean rascuad (rum muer; and dangar by Allan's Luug Balaam TIGER'.S fAEFUOF, IN THEE. News of a tiger being brought in from a village alKiut three niiU>s from the capital, the Chief of Itie Stale went out with a party, says the Bombay Gazelle. The guns weiv placed in trees nnd Ihe tiger lieing driven out, Ihe Maharaja wounded liim in tho jaw. The tiger thereuixm sprang into a ehila tree and, grasping Ihe trunk with his fore paws and resling his hind leg^ on a branch, remained hidden in llie foliage for live mimites. 'I'hcti the dogs were lei kwse after Iho ligcr. Hut he stuck lo his seat and would nol come down until the dogs, gelling a scent of him, jumjxvj up t(i catch his tail, which was just dan- gling over their heiuls. IViwii sprang Ihe liper on one of tho faithful tiogs, break- inj; hte spinal cord and wounding an- other al the glands. Bui his on.slnught bretighl on his own ruin IhiKiiigh a deadly bullet of his llighness's rew ride. Steal Side-WaUs for Modern Homes FsranpaaeswoadLplaMeracpspniabnaly â€" •uldmiitiicclljraayutt^naaâ€" aar c«lorichcaKâ€" inakas ih« looau REALLY â- aaitaiyâ€" (iyot ptotectioa wiaM tra-Hlna aM aifa afia icaMM why YOUR Muaâ€" wky aay l a aJi ta biddai«aay when ibaaU hara PEDLAR : Ika ART 6TE,EL • IDC ITALLa Ccst Gtde-IaH iadsCaiNlT. Lt< ra ind r. wkala Isle ia print and pictuRs. The book a hi The PEDLAR People '^C Oi*«"» Hoatocal Ottm 1*ro,t» Loulaa Klaal«<( A W.MIM ALLUSION that man across Iho: "Do you sec 6liwl V "V^-s; who is he?" "The giratest fellow for giving yom Ivol air y.iu ever came across." "Oh. a bluffer." "Nil at all. He is al the head of a big; healing company." Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY T)s» Shiloh'* Cur* 'ftir the worst cold,.' 'the sharpest cough â€" try it on aguar- aatee of yow.r money back i£ it. doesn't ^•ctualty CURE tti.icV -T than anything you ever tiried. Safe to take, â€" nothing ia it to hurt ev«n u baby. 34 years c.| success commert* Shiloh's Cute â€" 25c., 60c.. SI. 3I>

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