r' â- â- â- ^â- m^^i^ â- * â- '-â- *â- - .V â- m* I- ^rfaitt ^iiratta VOL XXVI, m B57 "TRUTH BEFOBB FAVOB." -t PBWSl«LEb NOT MEN.' Fleshierton, Ont. ThursdaJ Januetry O IQ08 W. H THDBSTOM, BDITOK KOPHIETOB Christmas and priM- GIGANTIC 10 DAYS SALE Cboose for yonr (ciends from oar immense stock â€" Ladies' MwA^ bilk Umbrellas, iilauicure Setts, Necklets and Locketsâ€" very pop- alar tbis yearâ€" Jewel Cases,t:xtja speci&l â€" Ladies' CompamomsSil- ver Spoons, Knives a>jd Forks, Ladies' Long Guardsâ€" fp*cialâ€" Brooches, Looking Glasses, Read- ing Glasses, and a titoosaad and one things in gold and silver ware very soiublc for holiday gifts. Wc Imve nice CUrutmas pcesenu from 25c to $100. We are head ^iioartem for Santa Clans. W. A. Armstrong. McttMriist AMivertary The Metbodist a»MiAH School enter- Uiiimeut ttoa on r«c<»fd this ye«r m a deeidrd sueeeas. Thu«e whu wurkedno hkrd are iii4«*ii to be ctMtcTa'ubktmi on the suceeu \A their vfforta ami the in»na|{enieat »f the Kch<M'l are (cratihro «ith lli<9 fin-iaeitl rtisults of the aunivers- ary. Ihe tables arere laid in th4 baiiv- weat «( thf cUurch aitd the Udtea U the voo^regmtiuo suupKed entuhtes in abuiHl- «nce. After all had «e» tho pn<Kn»<ii, which waa of onusval esc%Meuei>, was oNunitinced in the body â- •( the charch. }tvcitaii<iii« aitd r«adiat«, vere i;iv*n by Miss E3l« Kar:>tedt, Otadw C<>mfield, Hunrard UcC»ul<.y, EhU Ka«i««4t and .MaMe Kivhardsoa, aD<i httle Vlorcncv Hunt reci»«d "The C-'Mine •ill g^t yi.u if yixi Don'l V\ atci) uot'' i> an ininiltaUe uvutner. KUa Karstudt nog » «oto. line ef the hMt aetectiHW <ic litti profcnuB â- VMS » moLtoii «>n^, a Jiu-t "Near«r iiiy Ood to ThoB" was suit}! by Jlisst's ChrikiMM Kk-ha'ilM.111 iiiid FWeiivf Thun«ua while little miss Lillinn Bunt, \>\ the pfaillurai weat tl>rv>U[|{h mutiont ilhutrauve of the otig. She was drv«at>d iu a lung whi'e robe and her hair wa* haiiguig about her ahouMera, wh>k( her silent iuterpretatiim vi the soiix was sin^y perfect in every detad and (iroduc- «4 favorable coiuMit f lom all who siw it. *-Th« Jiilly Sokiier Bo>a" w.ia a«ute dnl by a i.ttiiib«r <â- ( little h05ni and crentevi much aiuuMtiitsnt. Misse» Lillbtii aad Ijiurs .Ariiistnxiifsanicit duet. A •et«cii»ii by a quar^ole. Ci>iu|M>«ed of Miasra Ziila Triuibl« and Flurvaee TliiMsh« aiid Mvssn'. R. Wilcocfc and E. Bent ham was w«ll rvGMrad. HMter "Kolis" Triiubiii and little Retii* Carx« tf^xe a uiii<|ue duel. Miss Itaotf Wilw n mnv .-» siilo and was h«nrtily encored. Miss Ireoe'a charii>i»K vointr !• wtfll kiuiwa tu Kleahfrtou amlitrtiow and i« always h{>- |ir«ciHt«>d. "Hi'W Santa CUua C"a«e«," by eijjht little boys and ((iris, was a atari- lint! illuHioii iliiMtratiii^ Sauia cu-utntr down the chiiuney he-^d lirst, and caii!<«^ intense aaiusriuenr. ftlisK^H El.tiu Wright, (ilailys Curn^eld aitd Irunx Wilson crent- rd a lavoratJe iiii|>re?si<>n in a JapMue'e Drill. The ctntunies w«r« Ja(t..nexe i» style and the van»ua iii^veaieuiR vi tine drill were Kracxfully git'eti. The tuain event on the pnieraui waa the ettatata, "Sante CUum' Dream," in whteii a number of scholars took part . The chil.1- reii ditl their parts well and a gnod uioral was brought out. The Cantata incluiM n duet which was oapithly itivfii by Mi»aes Chnstttiie Richard»iu â€" and Khtrence Thurston. The |>roc<!e<U tA tite aiiitiTersary niuouutcd tu fliC.OU »ud the schvol is re (lOfted in a ll»uri!<hin;{ ciMidiiion. In the ueighborh>nid ofiHie hundivd lt>H>l>» were added tu the lit>rary dniin;; the iwittyear to take the place \A daninged or out of date Utokx. AT THE BIG STORE l1ath«rtoa Christin.is in itvcr and we Mr. Editor, an<l staffs hap[>y pcrous new year. Mr. and Mrs. Caiapbell of Tuntn^^ K[ient Christui;t.s holidays with the latter 'it imrent.-s Mr. An<l Mrs. James Scilley. Mr. and Mr«. CneNbte t>f the Centre LiiM took Chrutnuut ^iâ€"e c with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winters. Mr. A. Hawiik-io and sister. Mildred, _ of (%4u.«w.xd are the guest« of ihek; gale comnieQces WEDNESDAY. JAN. 15 couetn. Miss Malwl >Vuitens and other I ^ , o . ^TT,^,r^ . „ » Ends on SATURDAY, JAN. 25 McpARLAND & CO. MA^KDALE 0^fTAl<IO ^^b^^BlM 1.^ â- ^â- ^â- P^^ friends. Mr. J. Lou^«ad and faiatly spent Chrtstwas with hi:i brother near Sin^- iutnipton. ' Mr. H. Down was appointed trustee ia ! place of th« rvciring trastee, Mr. J«ha ' Araott. I We are surry to learn of the serioys illiiexe of Mrs. Robert .\ni«>tt, but trust j she will ai»>n take a change for the better. { We wek>juie Mr. and Mrs. WUl IWaty I to our neighborhood and join with their I tunny friends in wishing K>r tbefli a long i ' and happy utsuried life. f \ Diedâ€" t^Hi Sunday, Dee. 39. at the rw- j I ideoce of kis sister-in-law, Mrs. John ' Winters, sr , Mr. Saiueel Wintens i^^ i j 7U yetkrs. He had lieen in failing health | : for the past vear. He ate his Chrtstuuw . , dinner with the family .vKl during the 1 (JLQXHIXG SACl^IFICED , afteruoon was seised with a 8tr<.>lte and I He liag Your Fare Paid To all purchasers of ?25.'JtJ and orer upon exhibiting their ticket ac the cash- ier's office a refund will be mide of (heir return fare to any point in the Csitiry uf Grey. Remeoiber the date. The Hour has Arrived- Which compels us tj) resort to heretc measures to disvioae of it least |15,00l| worth of merchandise. Wiihoat making any allowance for prvtiis and without re- i:ard to orisinal cost, we have made th« foliowiDg prici^ for you. These prices will echo thfoaiehout the town aod coiia- ' try and eeerytiuatr wdl be (vmmi exactly as advertised. An Impossibility 'Tis an iiopOMSibility t>> atetKiua every- J J ir L 1. • J J -,. â- . • - â€" «" -â€" *• thing for sale during tlKse ten dsys ; denend»UenHrr.-h«idMe»«.:d«»gi«ds, silks, nwotles,^^^ hu.alre.ls of articles wkidi hare faien mdlinery, ^s fi«iiishwi«<>, ready to wear dotbii-g, hoeae furnishings, boots simI overiooked in writing thia adv. wiU not jWs «»ptt«,^CT«ckrtr, eb>»^ gUswsare. etc., is thrown on the market ac B*ices un- be overlooked whenit coann to aairking ';R^;:.e.r^^wi.n. CLOSED ALL DAY TUESD.iy. JAN. u, ,^ 'Jiz^'r^ ::.fis'::^J:l^A,:'r. out fun stair . ,11 t«> hmj. aU J,y inarkui- down the prices. ( ,iu be f.mnd awaitine y.« durtu? thU Liok .«it for the red iicket i.«tde wkich speaks .< a han»in. ,g^ », pri«s that will suvpnse you. Nothing like it The o]:^rttinitr of yoor life. Wait for it. befof*. Remember the date. Doo'i stir a step aaiil ynei read the 10 days vale atinouncem«Bt. Th« store pro" «AuaH f* 10 days c»«iiav«ein« 9 a.ai. Wednesday, Jai>. la, and endini; Id p. m. S»t- uriay, Jan. 15, the biggest saKs ever known in Grey Cuuaty. Jfo doubt this sounds »iig. U does. It's f.iseible laR-;a.ige. but we will hm-k it up hy defiverinjc the Merch- andise at deep ctii prtoes and ik> etA«geeatioa whatever, WHat'c it f«c I J*uc bnedy we will explain : We waat «l.5.M00and in consoqieiiee f 40,660 worrfc *f kigh ci«» / never regained coiwciousaesM. ered until Sunday UH>niinx M 1 o'clock, when be passed (wncefuHy away, the I funeral taking place TuestUy afteni>»>a to Maxwell. .\ sttort service wan held at I the house, wlien hU (>a»t<>r. Rev. Mr. { Ballaotyne. spoke fr««ui the wotdtt, " Pre- I pare to meet thy God," which was Mulemn ; and imjHresMvtt. It is true that in the ; midst o( life w« ai« in death. Deceased I leavea behind hiiii one remaining brother (.Kit of a family of eleven. Rev. David Wiateei, Presbyteriaa minister living neiu- Philatlelplua. A numlier from a distaoee attended the funeral of their i I uneie. ineludiiig Mr. and Mrs. iVHubiel and Mrs, 68 D«i>s* »w<»-pie«e Saita, o.8si<liog of fancy a«atd»«ie«ric Tweetht. Sergev, etc., sizes ft >«i 97. r<rguUr prioae 3.S5 Ia 3.50, your cfaoiac during sale f 1 98 56 Bo)-s HaVA in tba twa p(««e Ntirfoik and three (lieoe d-<«tile or sinftte bt«anted : style of cont, Hia>le tn .t Utve variety of I Itandsoaie (MttetiM, ba « and bltck senses '. etc.. Mzes i7 ti>o3, rvgular 4. 75 to 6.M, 'Sale price . ^.« 93-79 ^< ... We wtU ulaue all oar (.00, 6.00 nni 6.M m<-it's mSt% to-jetlwr sad wi.l xive yui yotir ch<ii<e foc 9>1.85 9WX»y UBX'S SLITS l>\>R «K 95 of CrxMuliie's Cro«4sing, Mr. and Mrs. R. ( .. . , . » , , Sctlky from SUynaf, and Mtk. Service! **«••« »i-tsj maAiffcietured fn.m f^^ f.-,>m Siaghampt.*. \ A»rk^»«»«wd".»ua «>«.a^ecda» ui s>^l^ Mr. ancLM^L-Ba^ttwrof this Knehf '^IT " ^"^^^./f^., •'' ,' 'i^^ celebrated the il>th anniversary of theirl ^'»''">'f' "'f '"''"''l^'- *'.''''"• ^I'^wautty Dee. iS A number of '"~'* *^~"'<'"~'-. ,'?;'** l" ^^' 'X"^' way at 9.0t smI lO.OU, sale pnctN 9b .'A> $4.50 Mm'* heavy frieze Pea Jackets, Sale price. $3.^3 , uwrnage va I friends and <io|u»intaiKvs were invited to i spend the evening, where a iiiost enjoy- able time was spent in social chat arid iiiiisic by Sirs. J. L. Wood "f Ceylon on the organ acoMiipniiied <iu the bniijo and autoharp by Mr. H. R. Dyson. .\ six- o'clock dinner of roast fowl sihI other delicacies was served. t<> whidi am^Je justice was given by tlie guests. Mr, i ami Mrs. R received many lieautiful f-ptesents in china, linen ami glassware. and the toast <.>f the evening was that they might be snnre<l many more years of hnp^>y marrteil life t<»^ther. Tlie coiapaay juined in .singing " Go«l be with \MU tiU we mceC aa n iw." !• A Cure for Corns. Cheap acid pref>aratioiis are u.<elQ*s â€" ii<e the olif stainUidâ€" Putnam's Con Extracttr. Kor6fty yeais Putnam's has been the one paiob-ss cure. Invented Safe Headache Cttre. .\way with headachci, be doi>e with dix«iness, bad stoa<ach anj bili4iu.«i>eKs A cure Ims been found â€" use Dr. Hawil- ton's Pills and enjoy the health they »o anrely briitg Nothing but beautiful vegetable uxtrucls in Dr. Haniilt' u's Pius. They cleanse and f.urify the whole syiiteni, act <>s a {teifoot tonic. S^fe for chiMren, girls, women and meu. Sold ill 85o biixea hy all dealers. K«c«itta IkiRS,â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Will Qord>«, a daughter. Mrs. Adam 8«Mth met with a painful accident ene day laat week, when she ran a uail in her arm, which caused a nasty woaod. Mr. Henry Cairuahaa pMrehaaed Mr. Walker Sloan's dri«« ahed and had it moved Mar his uwu st«M*,to ae«wiM»udat« Mr. Andre* Fr>i«t"f ihl? place has been ap(iii<nted itMwi-nnMVr of the(>wenS<>und (•ranch <rf the C P. ' R. with the be d. quaiter at Oraniceville. Mr. Pr<«t enter- ed U(M>n the dutie.4 "t hi* new position on the 33rd of Dee. His app»intment is a rerv pi'iHilar one both with the officials of the onni^ny and the nieji, as he is Ixoked a|mn as on« of the«i<>iite>4«peient men f"i thenosition in ih» service of the company. He had the offer of a siniiliar appointment on the new line to Sudbury aliout a year ago kut declined. Mr. Frost will m-ite to (.traniseriHe early in the new year. â€"Nor w«M>d Register. Don't Neglect Y^^ir CoMgh- You may dislike takiiii: medicineâ€" but coughs are best cur\'d without ni-dicim. The modern tre.>inient is "Catarrhonvie" â€"i' isn't a drugâ€" it's a he&liiig vap-'r. full of pine escences and healii g I'alsams. It spreads over the surfaces 'list are weak and sore from c«>uxi>in«. Every »j>oi s-'Othtid away, |di!o4(in and secretions are cle«ri-«l out, and all symptons of cold and citarrh are cured. N'«»hing »o <|tii«-W, so- sur.-, so pleasant at Catai rhi 'Soue. In 2r<« Slid $1.00 sixes at all dealers. Men's 3.75 .md i.Gtt odd coats io tateed and MMrKe. double or single brea.sted .'Xyle Reduced fjr »ile 9:2:58 28 Men's 3.50 English Wsterpro..f Cuat.*. double stitched sennus velvet ct>llar. fly fr^>nt, in medium fAHcy cloth, sizes CM to «t. Sale iM-ice fIJO Men's medium weight Tweed Trousers, in durfc fancy patterns thit were 1.75 and 1.85. tin baryaiu tabJe, sitle price. 91. £1 Men's Overcoats all Keiluceil We wilt sell alt of our blue and black chevn>ts. also grey, and dozens of («i- terns of dooK-stic or unporteU twewi*. Sizes 34 to 44, as fellows : Reg. ^UO Men's dress overc«~>ats . .9^.91) Reif. 7.50 Men's dress overcoats.. 5 4.» Key, IC.tJtf Men's, dies* o»ei cools. . . .7 28 li..y»' itg 4 tJO o»eroi>at*, cut price. .2 Utl Boys" rex. 5 W) overci«t«, cut piioc. S.83 Boys' reg. f>.(W ovxr««.«t% cui price. .4.20 5«> pairs .%le«'s Us«vy Bhie Dmkmm 0\er- alia. with or withou*; bibe, 1 00 value, while they hkst, per i>air 'Sc Waistiugs Dress Gootls and 3lt8 yards 37 inch fancy Waist Lustres in «reeo, black, brown, and navy, were 30e a yard, for I'-te 10 pieces French tTannels and Fancy Waislin',^s. levu'ar Mk toCtJe a yard, re- duced fi'r sale to per yard 4%: 193 yards DrvM wwds in t«««d effects that wueld sell in llie reguUr way at ofV;. Sale price 38c S pi»-ces liithf, milium and dark fdiicy iweeds that have l)een selling at 3».V; jd , to c'enr, per yd ... . 18c ;{57 yds. res. Plaids, nilu-.-ed to . .2'.J^c 1249 yards fancy sibcia Liniuv w\.r'h l(Jk\ for per yard oc 4".'t yaids Velveteen, navy, uteen, bn>»n, mauve, fawn, etc., reg 40e to oOc, »ll at one price, p,'r yard 18b Specialist la Msissss •! the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office tCl Kix>«>t S»t. - 0\v*"r»;So«inci At the Markdnlo houM>, Markdale.lst Friday ewh uiiHtth ftteu S to 13 a. in. F*aj:*m fox* Sale SILKS UKIO yds. Silks, ptain ant! fancy, and iti d ffeten: weave nnd wi^ftUs. as f<dtows â€" Reg. 3a, 30 and ;t>V- yd , »de pi ice . . 18c Ke>t. 50, GA and 7.'>c yd., sale price. .:t5c Keg. 90 an<l l.tA^yd., siile {.rice cb<>)«« (8^ 1.25 and I 2M> yd, tdack only, ott sale 75c l..4« K.t H I Oii|W«y Ui acrea, larsw rl,«riii|i. 9, tVikia, Iu til* towaoUlpjat kric« rl,.ariii|f, icooit IraflMr bara sad t^aisik (,hmI .iwtliuK au«l w«ll. .iMdi asi th« vfrniiwia uc tu ^ W. 4. BaLMat. rtwbartoe. Staples Umlerpriced for Sadt* ftl7 yds. 8c gUse towelling, «ah» price 4|« 13oO yds. 5c vrey '3utt<m, sab* (>rice yd, 3c 7ia» yd^4. 7o and 8c FbuiiMrtelie, j<ec yd,4ie »<4)-da 17c and r»e bed tiekiMc- . . .t^ic 143 yds. lyteayi ikjiâ€" km at »: 4d4 yds. laiiMl ti|« Wr-i|«(Mr«««<M. . U Slaui^htering l*rices on Men's and Bojs Wearables. 47 Men's Winter Cloth Caps, were 5»)c.. for 25c 10 dos. 2Sc Neckties, durimrsale for 121e .All --" «â- - • . o . . .^. Big Savings in House Fumishii^s, Lace 4?iutaiii8, 75c and %c. (educed price per pair .58c Creti^nnee. 12^ aod 14c, reduced price air :A:. Neckties, durii^ sale f.w.Sfc e5y..>'*^- .-â- ,' ,• â- â- ^\ ' -.ii' ' \:-^ -Meas Lw»tiH?r Mitts, coai^iux of W«e- *^*"'* Damask Bed >preads. LM to 2.00. bide, buckskia, br^xich.*, will be sold as fu&'vs 58c. Leather Milt.s f,« , 73c. Lentber Mitts for 9L0») Leather Mitts foe $L40 Leather Mitts fi* 91.25 Gauntlet .Mitts, drivan. inside pig skin. etc.. ..3»c ..68c ..8i)c eutk . .S6c Men's Uwk u w c i a r B)Mrgaiih$ Regular otk. Sam»nry W* J Fleeced Shirts or Drawers, rviluced f»>r svle,ench JSc Re-jubir75c. I'nshrinkahleEktstic Uibtted Shirts or Dn«wers,reducv<I for »alel>2 Extra heavy d<.>uble kuit l>Wk or urey sweaters, were 1.50.reduced to l.lo 9:100 FancT Worsted Sweaters for only ...... 1.98 12 only Suit Lengths, fancy worsteds and tweed-s reg. j>rice tj.50 to 8.00. for your choice 3.45 15 only Suit Leugths.fancy worsteds and tweeiL«. aLso ser,^*. in black, were S.tJ»> tw 10.t)»\ rtsluced for sale, your choice f<.r.... ... 4.ak Mantlea- these -great savings, 14 \Hily lust seas<.Kt's Mantte9,in the short length styles, were 5.0O, H.0O and 7.5l>, whUj they last yi^air ch<.«:e K>r sries 34, 35 aud38only. reduced price, yo«r clK>ice kir 98 10 (Ktirs large siB» grey alt-« ww l doublo bUukets. regular 3.76 and 4.50, ta clear, per pair . 2.95 100 yards 31$ inch Reverstbl* lagrtin Union Carpet, was 35c yard.«le pricw23o lie y.-»rds 38 inch Reversible Heaip Car- pet, was 22c yard, sale price 16c ti83 yards, which inclu<les all of •sit SOe Tai>»;stry t^arjiets. choit-e of sewral baud- some pattertLs ami desij'ns, per yard 42^ Reversfble Caiun and AH wool St{uare«. 3x4 yards, reg price txSS, choiae 4.tX> 3x3^ yards. rug paice.'^.SO.chowe. . . .S.^itt 3x4 yards, reg price ll.CO^chi'tce. . ..9.t.t" BARGAINS IN ALL FURS 3 LadtCd Black, gloa.sy curl Astr^cbaii Jdckeit, sixes 34, 36, 38 and 40. Keiiuiar 930 CO. Half prii^ 915.00 4 Ladies black curl .\strachau Ja<;kets, sizes 34, 3ft, 38 and 40. Kegtthur 935 00. Sale price 924 30 Lad.eii black kIossj Sue curl .\stiacbsn Jackets, s.ies 34. 3», 38, 40, and 42. length, 30 and 34 inchea. Regular 94U and $45. Sale prrce 932.50 955.00 Near Seal Jackets, trimmed collar and lapel of Nurweyian mink, aiaes 36 and 38. Sale (srice 940 0<> 950 Ol> Near Seal Jackets, 38 inches lun<, trimui,d collar and Upvl, .\laska ta^le. Sate price 937 50 11 W 97c v>n]y Ltdies' Black Cheviot Cloth Mantles, this seas(>u's styles, in three <)uarter length, all sizes, reg. t>.5<X Sale price, to clear 4.t.*> will sell during the sale all of this season's Maulles we have left in £sncy ptittcriM <.>f diMiiestic Mantle Cloths, over- plaid and stripe elfiict. The prices range fr«Mii 9.iX» t<» 15.00 in the regular way. When we say ytai can Iwve your choice for the sum i>f 96.95, surely you will uot delay in getting here early. 2 Ld<.liee' Fur Lined Coats, both trimmed with .41;iska sable, coUar and lapels. One mu.'ikrat lined, sbeil of good quality im- ported black piulet elotb, and Ibe other Hamster sijuirtel li'iiiu;. re<;. price 9^-00, sizes, 34 and 38. Sale price 945.5*) 6 pairs Ladies' '.Srey Lamb Mitts, fur lined. K<*Kular 95.5t). Reduced for toper pair 93 80 I^XDIES' SHOWER PROOF COATS and 7.90 Ladies 19 reguL-vr 6.0O, 7.50 Shower-pt^nif Cimts in Cravonelte and Twwd, fancy, to clear, sale price your choiee .... 3.48 94.00 CHILDS' tXUTS fv.r 91 00 15 <>nly Children's F.>ucy Tweed ami Plain Cloth Coats, s,«iue short, others Unig, lengths th.-«t were selling frv>iii 2 0» to 4.<X\ all to g<.> at owe i>rice, e.u-h • 1.00 L^nbeatable Prices in Gape- rines and Ruffs. ' Regular 97.75. Reduced f.ir Sale 95.35 Kei;uUr9lO."5*ud 12.50 Reduced to 98. 7."> Regular 918 a>). Reduced for Sale 912.5(1 R.gu 1^-918. and 920. Reduce<l tu 913. Kults that were 9*>.5<>. Sale price $4.00 Ruffs that were 95 5«-». Sale price 93.75 Kuffs that were 98.5-.> Sale price 95.90 Ruffs that were 912 . sable Sale (<rtce 99. 97.50 anil ^ I'ersisii LHmt>Capsiu wedge shape. Red lick Bt price 95.^ Grev Ltiub Ch^jS, we<li;e, 93. and 3.25 for." 91.98 Persian Lamb Drivers. Regular 910.0*). fw .r 97.40 I..atlies' Dress Skirts Nearly 5*) Lulies' Dress Skirts, eowjiris- iiig all that is new in material and styles, that has lieen dividetl iu two se^mrate lots to sell as follows: 2.75 3,19 Reg. 4.Ctt and 4.35, to clear only. Reg. 5.00 and 5.50, to clear t>i»ly 4.^ L-ulies Liwn Waists at Startling IVices l.S only, SiV. l»iwii Waists for . . .i'v It, v>nly. 75c. lj«wn Waists for . . . .4tS; 14 o«i{y 91.5*'lj»wn Waists for . . .tt8c 2.25 will buy rv-g. 3.25 Kton Golf Jacket. 1.98 will buy reguhtr 2.25 Blou.<«e Golf Jackets all in assorted ix4ont. 1 K>t fancy Kimieiasand Dnming Sitc«(«es that sell in regular way at 1. 5ft and 2.2S>, to claar. white they Inst, your chuice f,« BIG S.VVING TN MENS FIR t'u.vrs. 945. Canadian Coon Coats, reduced to $3350 935 Walkaghby Coats. reduce*! to. .27.110 938 Bu'ttariaii C'Wts, reJuoed to. . .31.00 938 Stt-erian Dux 0<Mts,red«ieed tu 19.50 S(k aa4 Wk; Dark Fancy futttik- to Cut l*rices in Men's Boots Men's split plow btvts, reg. 1.35 for.. 95o Men's 4 buckle felt boots ref. S K. .1.50 Men's Eo^lisli kip blucher, ie«. 3.00, « , 7, 8 »i>d 9 oaly, p«r pair , 93.18 Men's titt* buff bala. ret;. I ilO ivt . . .98.: I bit .MM's line bwols. cv«(]r pair worth at least, ^r tunes the price, pair 08k I h>t mJIV Rubbens MftiliAttent wt-bhs. («i;. valui jOe and tM^br |n»|aur . .3Stc •itV; 7S |«kit« B»ys' cnsM»'«Md fn* bi^ts, la Waists, re^hk.'xd fei{«l»r way sold at t W l.ht and 1.86, 4(V ahde tlscf bait wntjr. a^Bj» > I I