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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1908, p. 7

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/ \ AN EASY VIGTIM TO CONSUMPTION l The run dovrn otstcm In an inrlUng field for the ;ee ni ot Tu . ercalo^le. You cannot avoid bru-uitiiai; In the geriUH â€" rhe7 aro everywhere but a robuaC hts- tum ill immune frjni Lhotr attacks. To rebuild a weak ncd system there is lotbing C'niafnH hO mucli virtue as COiJ 1 IVEIt OIL, but the virtue ia not In the grease. In fact tiie grease retards ti>u beneflcial action of the really valnablu principles uf lUeOXLby deranging the digeation. In "BRICKS TASTEI.KSS" the grcaSB 18 eliminated. It prcHents the val lablo principlee ot C01> LIVKR OIL in a p.ilatab[c form, conitiined with phosphorous in the form of the Com- pound Syrup of Hy(»ophosphiteK, the nutritious Liquid Kxtruct of M.ill and the Bronchial Tonic ami Sedative fluid Extract of Wild Cherry Barli. ARM Y0UR3KLF .\GAINST C0.VTAOI0.\. "BRICK'S T.\STELKSS' will build up the enervated system and will cure Bronchitis. I'ulnnu.iry, and the doranffed or disordered nervous system. M^l(a your body healthy and Tou need hare no fear of germs or diseases. Head Brick's guarantee with each bottle. "BRICK'S TASTELESS' la put up In eight (8) ounce battles, retail price fifty ($UI cents, and in tnenty ('20) ounce bottles, retail price one (I) d'dlar. BOYUOOD'S DAYS. This poem was composed and written by the late Joseph Laughlin, Sr., Bow- manville, about llic year 18G2. Dear boyhood days when I loved to stray By the pleasant rills that did gently play, Down by Iho meadows green; Where the lark poured lorlh its tune- ful lay Throuyh'l the long, long summer day. When 1 caught the livul in tlio mur- muring stream. These were the days of happiness. That passed away in innocence. And few wore the cares of Ihc morrow When youth and boyhood were in IhcLr prime. Free from the blighting hand ol time. Or life's- pcrple.\ing sonow. Dear boyhood days, how you've passed away. Left me far in the eve of manhood's day; Your fleeting breath to mourn. 1.1 sori-ow 1 oft mourn my late, But, ah, alas, alas, loo lateâ€" You'll never on Earth return. The verdant groves where oft Wo been, My strolls along the haunted stream, Tho hills oft wandered o'er. My boyish f«x)lprinls in the snow â€" All these bright visions haunt me so, They oppress my heart full sore. The hawthorns iK)bcd in richest bloom Where Ihc linnet sung its lovc-slraiiied tune. Where oft I've lingered near; The primrose and Ihc daisy gay. Where 1 ajul brother oft did play; Ah, ain't these memories ieax't My parents, whom I loved most dear, Their voices I no longer hear; All (hose have passed away. The biotticr and sislcr group so dear, We all arc parted fur and near, Tliis long and many a day. The old door^stcne where at evening laic, Molher h.'^lcnod to the childish prate Of the little group going on; The room where slood my httlc bod. Where mother pillowed oft my head â€" All these loved scenes are gone. Ah, can these memories pass away, Or fiMin my memory e'er decay? Ah, never, never, never, Till (Icnlh shall end my very last day And lake mo from this life away- Then 111 remember ever. But why nre.l I lament my fate, O' imnirn now when it is too late? Mankind have shared the same. Hope bills mo look beyond the lomb Where boyhood's days again shall come. Never, never, to pass again. Farewell my Ixiyhood's days on earth; FaicwcH sweet days of iiianhood'3 mirlh; You've all pn.«scd like a dream. Fnilh's anchored now beyond Ihc .skies, Or endless rills and fadele's joys, Where I'll be a boy again. There is an old-fashioned precaution of keeping it goat in a stable. Suppos- ing always that the animals are loose, the goal will leave the stable on th(! outbreak of Arc, and Ihc horses will lollow the goal/ when no amoiinl of persuasion from man will gel th • tcr- lified creatuics to budge. SAVE.S IIIUII-PniCED WOOD. The Veneer Cctter Will Make 150 Slices to the Inch. The veneer cutler is one of the won- ders of modern times," says a furniture- man. "People who have never seen il work have not the faintest idea what it can do â- 'Of course it is one result of the scarcity and high price of valuable Uni- !,cr, for if mahigany, rosewood, ebony end curliul iiinplc were as cheap as yeU k'W pine ihorc would be no need for a veneering niachine, but Kie high prices of those w<x):ls compelled economy. "A saw cutler will cut 25 or 30 slices of veneer trom an inch of wood, and most people would lliiiik that Ihis is a lolerahly economical use, oven of r<se\vood. "Bui the knife cutler shnve.s off the wood in a slice so thin that from 125 I'! 150 vcn<.'ers to the inch can be cut, and still everyone of these shavings preserves th'! color and shows the le.x- turn of Ihc original woodi, and so smoollily is the culling done thai very often no jolishing is necessary. Flipsonâ€" "Young Waggles has got the laugh turned against hiinscU m nia little joUc against the RKks Fii'e In- surance C/impany." Flopson â€" "How?" Flipson â€" "He insured 500 cigars, smoked them, and then sent in a claim on the ground thai they had been destroyed by fire." Flopsonâ€" "And lliey laughed ai him, I suppose?" Flqison â€" "No. They had him arrested on a charge ot ar- son." They are Not Violent in Action. â€" Some persons, when Ihcy wish to cleanse tho stomach, resort to Epsom and other purgative sails. These are speedy in their action, but serve no permanent good. Their use produces incipient chills, and if persisted in Ihey injure the sloinach. Nor do Ihcy act upon the intestines in a bcneOcinl way. Parmclec's Vegetable Pills answer all purposes in this respect, and have no superior. ANCF.STOniAL. There is no objection to one's havuig notable ancestors if they be honestly come by. Hut he .should never forget that a good descendant is much belter than even a good ancestor. The latter ki generally dead. Allen's Lung Balsam. In which there Is no opium, cures sure thnjat ami sore lungs as it allays the inft.immatiun an I rids you of the inucuus that stups up the air paasages. i5c., SOc, tl.UO bottles COULD NOT FAIL. "Our club is going to give a big en- tertainment next month." "Yes, so I heard. Do you think il will L'' 11 success?" "Sure to be. Wove arranged il so tliat every nwmber is chairman of soiv.e cuinraitlee or «lher.'' Mother Craves' Worm E.xterminator lias Ihc largest .sale of any similar pre- paration sold in (Canada. 11 always gives satisfaction by restoring health l-i th lillle follis. Sweet are the uses of adversilyâ€" for our neighbors. A General Favorite.â€" In every place where introduced Dr. Tliomas' Eclcc- Iric Oil has not failetl to establish a re- putation, showing that tho sterling t]ua- lities which it possesses arc valued everywhere when Ihcy become knowji. II is in general use in Canada and other countries as a household niedi- rine and ttie demand for il each year shows thai il is a favorite wherev r used. She accepted his offer lo escort her home In the rain. "I have l-een wondering,' he remarked, on the way, "whether it is o»i nccounl of my um- brella or my company that I am allow- el to come with you?" "II is neither,'- slic ropliicd. "II is on account of my new hat." Many Thanks are due from the proprietnn ol Wearer's Cerate to friends who have written to tell of the Cerate's good won! in curing scroiulvus humors, soald head and other akin disoasaa An Irish lawyer, noN-d for his wit. was engaged by a lady to defend an iiclion her husband was bringing tor jijdicio.l separation. While cross-ex- amining the plaintiff he asked:â€" "You \vi,sh lo IcaVe this woman because she ditinlis?" "Ve5, sir." "Do you drinh yciirsolf?" 'That's my business!" â€" angrily. Whereu)H>n the umnoved law- yer quielly asJicd hiin:â€" "Have you iuiy other business?' II is only necessary to rend the lesti- monials lo be convinced that Ilotto- way's c:orn Cure is une(|uallcd for the rtinoval of corns, warts, etc. It is a complete extinguisher. HE TOOK TIIE BLAME. Mugginsâ€" "Behold in me a sclf-madj man." niggiuS""I congratulate you because ul Noiir charitableness." xiiigginsâ€" "I beg pardon?" Digginsâ€" "You aro ceitiiinly chari- Itible in taking all the biame on your- self." Papa enters silling-room and discov- ers danghlor and young itobinsun sil- ling side by side on sofa. ".\h, Mr. nobii>son," remurkeJ he, affably, "you arc a great athlete, aren't you?" "Oh,' said Hobinson, modestly, "I can do a little in that lino. What made you think il?' "You show such marvellous slaying iKiwcr, you sw," said the old geiillenion, with a glance at the time piece. Bobijison took the hint and went. (( Right OSHAWX Galvanized iSHINBLES Put them on -with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears,â€" can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self-draining and 'water- ehedding on any roof •with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire-proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28- gauge tough^ed sheet steelâ€" only one quality used and that the best- bent cold and double-galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any otho: metal shingles heavily- painted. Guaranteed in every way until 19C.1 Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a square^ 10 ft X 10 ft Tell us the a r e a of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. Let us send you FREE booklet about this roofing question â€" tells some things you may not know. Pedl People Oshawa Galvanize d S t e e 1 Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Last a Century vol Send for FREK Book -<* Roofing Right' Get Our Otter before You Roof a Tblng iSshauia Andreas onr Kearest Warehoose ; MOHTRIAI SSl-3CniESt. .7. TORONTO U Ccdborne St OTIAWA 4S3Stiaasx 8tk LOBTDOH (BDcodMSl WDdfina T8 Lombard St. A SECRET. Undoâ€" "'i'ou seem to be living very comfortably here, my boy, but are you saving any money?" Nephew (whispeirng) â€" '"Yes; but for goodness sake dcn'l lell my wife." An End to Bilious Ileadacne.â€" Bili- ousness, which is caused by excessive bile in the stomach, has a «i»»ked ef- fect upon Ihc nerves, and often niani- fosLs il.self by severe headache. This is the disliiessing Ivcadaclie one can have. There arc headaches from cold, from tcvcr. and from other causes, but the most excruciating of all is tho tiil- ious hevidachc. l^arineloe's Vegetable Fills will cure ilâ€" cure il almost im- mediately. II will disappear as .soon as tho I'ilU operate. There is Jiothing surer ill the trcatii'.cnt of bilious head- ache. The neighbors may know what you have got. but what Ihey donl always know is how you got it. ITCIl, Mange Trairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human vjr animals cured in 30 minutes by Wcl- ford's Sanitary Lclion. II never fails. Sold by all druggists. Gentleman (to house agent)â€" "The great disadvantage is that the house is so damp." House Agent â€" "Disad- vantage, sir? .\dvantagc, I call it. In case of lire il wouldn't bo so liliely lo burn!" UN-ANSWERABLE. Little Gordon was studying his Sun- day school les.son. "Say, papa, he qucmcdi, "what did the Dead Sea die of?" A Great Combination, " porrorlin " the t>e»t tonic u. It shuulil be taken by ail inTalidM. by all wh'> :ire run down or uut of sorts. It builds up, givoti now life. HIS NAME WAS ALEXANDER. There was a chap who kept a store, .\nd though there might be jirandcr. He sold things cheap, nor asked for more, His name was Alcvander. He mixed his goods with cunning hand He was a skilful brander; And since his sugar was half sand. They called him Ale.vSandcr. Ik had a girl, one day .she came. Then lovingly he scanncil her; He a^ked her would she change her name? A ring did .\le.\-hand-hcr. "Oh. yes," she said, with smiling lip, "If I can be commander!" And .so lliey fi'nmod a parlnerehip, And called il Alex-and-her. The greater the irritation In the Ihroal the more distressing the cough be- comes. Coughing is the effort of Na- ture lo expel this irritating substance from tho air passages. Bicklc's Anli- Consumptive Syrup will heal the in- flamed parts, which exude mucous, and restore them to a healthy stale, tho cougli disappearing under the curative ef/ecLs of the medicine. It is pleH.<ant to the taste, and the price, 25 cents, is wilhin the reach of all. RIGHT AND WRONG THINKING and Their R<sull(S, by Aiuon .'Vliirlin Crane. At all booUsellei-s or postpaid for S1.50. Lothrop, Lee & Shcpaid Co., Boston. CARPET DYEING â- RITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ OOL pevtloolan kr 90«l >Bd we %n nlra lo •*' Ulf â- as tUL Montreal. HOSPITABLE. Polilo Shopwalkerâ€" "Go<id afternoon, madam. I hope you will call again." .Mrs. Flatlerbick â€" "Thais kind of yer. So I will, and ye must come to sec us." Did yon notice tlvtt old ra:in MmpinK along a d»T or HO ajof Well, if he will put on hlti back " The D di r. " Menthol Plaster, in a week be will walk as straight as any one. PHILOSOPHICAL. "Beg pardon, ma'am," said the but- ler, "but your son ha.s just eloped with the parlor maid." "Oh, thai i-sii'l so bari," rejoined Mrs. Lppson. "He might have eloped witn 111* cookâ€" and I never could have re- placed her." Hai-oldâ€" "I am glad you have taken oft thai horrid veil." Rerthaâ€" "Ind«N?d! Why?" Harold â€" "II was like a piece of paper around a lump ol sugar." Al If he earmot suppiT ttw U AltVK I., accept no '. but oend itamp for \-«>>l«l. II itwi tnli partiealiw^ ^nl duecUons In- etht . lllaunM bookâ€" I WINDSOR SUPPLY CO.. Winder, Out. G«nural Aauntji for C an ada. NOT A IWMILY NECESSITY. "Maiiima is all alone lo-ilay, Bessie, dear, and if anyone rings you will an- swer the bell." Pi-escntly the bell .•mounded. As Bessie responded lo the ring her mother ui- quired, "Who is II, dear?" "Thornone Ihelling Ihilvcr polish," announced tho child. ".Say no. thank you, and close the door," continued the mother sweetly. The child obeyed, and a inomenl lal- e- the bell again wos heard. "Who is il lliis lime?" asked the mo- ther in a tone of annoyance. "Oh, muilder, imidderl here's a man with a wooden leg.' "Mercy! another pedd'or?" voiced the susceptive woman. "Tell him we don't want any.' the quickett SHILOH^S Z,f^ CUR E Get a bottle to-day from your druggist. If it doesn't cure you quicker than anything you ever tried he'll give you your money back Shiloh's is the best, safest, surest and quickest medicine for your cbildron's coughs and colds. It has been curing coughs and colds for 34 years. jUl druggists S5C.1 50c., and ti.oo a t>ottle. «°« FACTORY -WITH- Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Years- Central location. About ton thousand square fset In four floors and basament Exoellent shippnj; facilities Standard Fire Sprinkler System, low insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Adelaide St. West, Toronto

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