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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1908, p. 4

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January 2 1908 THE FLESKERTON AD VANCK F. T. HILL & CO. MARKDALE Bi^ January Clearing Sale ! Preparing For Our Annuad Stock , Taking This week we start one of the greatest Clearing Sales that this store has ever had. The price reductions are big and in a great many instances the wholesale cost of the goods has not been considered. We have had a big trade during the past month and the assortments that are left are small along with a great many redgular lines that hare not moved as well as we would like thein, and in order that we shall be able to cledr all out quickly to avoid taking into stock we have made the I'rice Reduction big. Be on hand early for the bigitest barguins you ever bought in many lines. A Most Remarkable Sale of DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. This week the beginning of our Great January Sale of Dress Goods represents one of the groat buying opportunities of the week. We put on sale 160 pieces of Dress Goods and Silks at just half regu- lar prices. 95c Dresi Goods and Silks, Jan. clearing sale price 12^0 36c Dress Goods and Silks, Jan. price. l»c «0c '• " â-  •' 25c 75o •• " " 38c J.00 «• " •• 60c iIjS «• " «* 63c So be ou hand early. Best always so first WOO DOZEN CHRISTMAS ORANGBS All sweet Mexican Oratiges Regular telling prices 25, 30 and 36c per dozen, January aale price this week per doMo'; 22c SELLING MANTLES AT LESS THAN THE PRICE OF THE CLOTH We have about fifty Mantles which are la«t year's style, and in order thst they shall bo sure to sell during our January Sale »o have actually marked them away less than the cost of the cloth and buttons BO if you want to buy a good warm coat for nearly nothing- See the Mantles wo are selling for . .76c Some h4Te been worth as high as 87.00 See the Mantles we are selling for. .98c Some are silk lined and have been worth as high as $10.00. These prices during this sale only. '' ^SELLING FURS AT A BIG DISCOUNT Oir regular price during January This week we comni'mce our big January Clearing Sale by otfurii.a our immenso stock of Indies' and (.tMitlomoii's furs in coats, caps and small furs. Uunng Jan- uary the Bale prices will ba less than regular prices. LADIES' FINE WOOL VESTS ^"Selling at one-quarter off. 36 only Ladies' fine Wool Vests, lovely , high as «5.6o in ihe regular way. On sale fine (juality, the kuid that you quite wil- iu?„ _...,, u„:.. "i^. ' , aa Sensational Reductions in LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS $3 00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and some sell llngly pay f 1.00 for, Jan. sale price. .75c BIG REDUCTIONS IN TRIMMED MILLINERY We hare had a very succesefnl Fall Millinery season and we still have sonne nice patty styles left in trimmed milli- nery, which we do not wish to carry over into another season, so during our Janu- ary clnarinK sale alt will be sold at just HALF PRICK to you. A Clean Up in Children's and Boys' KNITTED CAPS AND TOQUES for 9c January is the month we dispose of all Wmter Goods. This week the January sale prices are on, and you can buy your boy or girl an all wool toque, regular 20c abd 25c lines, for 9o, about ^ of value. January Sale Price is AMONGST THE MANTLE CLOTHS This week commence* the slaughter among our Mantle Cloths. Every yard of mantling in our store is reduced and the reductions are such that the cost of raw material iknd manufacturing is not represented. Just to think, you can buy Eidt>rdown8, Bearerst, in n great many colors of curl cloth, heavy Panamas, Frif2£8, and fancy boucle effocts at just half original price. 50c Mautlinga 25c 1.50 Mantlings 75c 75o " 38o 2.00 *' l.OO 1,00 " 60o 2.50 " 1.25 1.25 •• C3c 3.00 " 1 60 During January Clearing Sale only this week your choice for 1.98 130 Ladies' Dress Skirts in the lot, not many of any one kind but nearly all sizes are represented, and the price in many cases is less than half. During our January sale your choice for 1.98 BIO HOSIERY BARGAINS For Children, Girls and Boye This week we put on sale 600 pairs of children's, girls' and boys' heavy Worst- ed and Wool Hose in the regular way lines that you pay 20 and 25c per pair fa>r,during out January Cleaiin^t Sale our price is 12^ BIG REDUCTIONS IN LADIES' LEGGINGS 75 pairs only best quality Felt Leggings, some are knee length, others shorter, button and strap styles, regular selling value 85c and fl.OO, January Sale Price per pair 68c MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's Heavy Wool Underwear felt the effect of our January Clearing Sale, sell- ing at I less than regular price. This week we put on sale 600 pair Men's heavy wool underwear iu the heavy ribbed, plain knit and unohrinkable kind representing 75c, 85c and $1.00 lines. January clear- ing sale price GSc BIG SNAP IN MEN'S GLOVES 95 dozen Mon'a fine Mocha and Kid Glovia. Wo wore unfortunate in netting this shipment wel. While it has not hurt the wearing qualities of the gloves, in 8oini> canes ihoy are spotted, just enough til not allow us to sell thorn in the regular way, so ihis week you can buy 75. H6 and 1.00 lines of men's gloves for per pair 68o Oreat opportunity for buying GIRLS CORSET WAISTS 3,5c 125 pairs Girls' Corset Waists, all sizes are in the lot. None are worth less than 40c a pair and some are 5Uc a pair and a great many are 75c a pair in the regular way, but owing to our January Clearing Sale your efauiuu will be 35c , GROCEUY SPECIALS G pciunds choice Dates for 25o 3 cans choice Corn for 25c 3 cans choice Pears fur 25c 3 pounds choiuo Raisins for 25c 3 poundu choice Currants for 25c 6 bars fine Castile or Oatmeal Soap 25c During our January Clearing Solo The Nominations ARTE.MESIA NOMINATIONS C4vrk Bellamy was kept quite busy for n time on Monday recording nommatiima for Aitemesia townshifi council, but in the aftunmun tlieBe nominations dwindled down to five council candidates, two for deputy reeve, and Roeve Muir was ro- cloctcd by acclamaiion. The afternoon meeting was (juile harmonious, there appari'Utly being no serious cliarL'es to be bronylit auaiiiat the porsonel of last year's council. Mr. Joseph Blakely occupied (be chair in his usual felicitous manner. Fulloiving are I ho candidalis in the field for next year'n council, showing two now candiilate who have never yet sat at the council noiird, hut who, nevertheless, are c.msideroil worthy. Mr. Best is again ofl'cring himself. For Reeve â€" A. Muir, by acclamation. For Deputy Roeve â€" W. J. Meads and T. R. McKen/.ie. For Counoilloi-8â€" Robert Best, J. A. Carson, Arthur Johnston, U.D McLough- fy and Georgu Wright. OSl'BBY NOMINATIONS There w^a a keun interest taken in the Osproy nciniin;iiloim held at Maxwell on Monday, when a very lar^o crowd of the ciccloralo was present. Mr. Norman had no opposition for 'ho roevuahip. Follow- ing aio the candidittcs: For Reeve â€" E W. Norman, by accla- mation. For Deputy Reeveâ€" W. H.Guy, W. L. Taylor. For Councillors â€" Noil Black, Henry Down, A. E. McCallum, Jas. Speers anil Tlios. Stephens. To Move off a Cold Cough niixturua "dope" a cold â€" but don't cure. Above all eUo keep the Ix.w- ola ro2uli<r, nnd stimulate the eliniiiintinu org.tns. Mure valuable than any cough Myru|) are Dr. Hamilton's pills. They ol^ar the syNlein of every fraoo of cold â€" the dull headache,acliing limbs and congli di8a|ipe«r. Take the pilla before retiring, t'ley woik while ynn sleep, ami by morn- ing your Cold is broken ami passes qiihkly a vay. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pilla in 25c boxes. to keep the sleighs in use and puople whose wells fviled to give a propur supply of water will nnw be roplcnishi^d. The Presbytoiian S. S. Annivorsay on tho IBlh was (|'jite a success Qnaciully and othrrwi.'e. The nianavinv commit- tee abandonod all eatablus and supplied intellectual food, which is becoming more popular in this vicinity. Tho home talent assisted by sister towtiHor societies can render a pleasing nnd instructive program, wliicli is more ooononiical than 8<iuandernn! nine tenths of the proceeda on city ji.kes, in pcis>ns who go through the furm of siniiiiig but veil the pronunoiatiiin from the uudienuo. The Urodiu Itrns, have been rupiiirinu the house on Arteniesia St. boUKhl from W 0. Watson last spring and now have , it covered with steel sheeting which nives| the huildini.' a lino appearance on the outside and no duiibt it will be (|iiito cuiiifortable iii:<idc. On cluar days we cau trace the con struotioii engine, or at least tho piUnr oi smoke and steam abovu them for a dist- iinee of five or six miles, as they curve liack and forth among the hills nnd gleis of Gleiielg. .\ nunibur of man aro still ttiiikina at the station buihlinys in town. Aijpropriate and iinpressive Ohiisimns- tide Hornion.s were preached in the several churches in town on tuo 22nd Mr. ,101111 llurnetl who has been very ill with piiuuiiKjnia, has taken a clinnge for tho bolter we aro glad to hoar. Several inches of soft snow foil durinu last night and (Monday,) which will likely nuke good roada. Messrs. Edwin and Weston Berry who have boon in Toronto for Bome time arrived home at llie Methodist Parsonage for tho Oliiistiniis holidaya. Messrii. II. and D McKiniioii who have heuii at'onrling the collegiate, Owen Sound, art hnlldaying at hi>ine(Postoflice ) Hert Watson is visiting Sliolbuni' fi lends this week. Mra. T. A. Ferguson accompanieil l>\ hi'r son Stiinliy, visited friends in Slu'lliurno a few days last week. Uort Aussnm, who has been at the P. R. shods, Owon Sound, until tb. olo*e of navigation, is home for tho huli- dsya. A rather strange thing happened near Paisley recently. A man named Well- ford was driving into Paisley, and had reached a point whore the railway track comes close to the highway. Just then abng came a train. Tho horse he drove, becoming uncontrollnble through fear, sprang up into the air with its fore feet and then fell down dead. Fear killed it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Safe /ledicine for Children. In buying a cou^h niedicino for children, never bo afraid to buy f'haiiilK'rIain's Cougli Remedy. There is no diiuger from it, and relief is ol ways Bure to follow. It is iuteiuled eKpeeially for coughs, coUs, ereuii and whoop- ini; eiiiiKn, and there !.-< nn better medicine in the world fur these diii('n.sLo. It i» not only a I certain cure for emup, but, when(;ivenu8 soon I as the croiipy ('»m;h appears, will prevent the I attack. WhdDpiuK couh is net danKeious when thin remedy is given as directed. It cimtains no npiuni or other harmful drugs, and may l)u given oa confidently to abaliy as to an adult. Voraaleby \V. K. Kiehartlson- Tho village of Grand Valley having ap- pealed a«rtii)»t the arbitrator's award in ease of llainilTon vi<. Oiand Valloy now linda Itself saddh d with the owts of the entire proceedings. Judve McCarthy's award stands and It carries costs, which amount in all to probably S250. _^»^ â€" The Price ot Peace. The toiribUi ilehingaiid sinartiug, incident tflcertain «kin diseases, is alnnmt instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Salvo. I'rice, 2,". ieiits. For Sale by W. K. Richard- son. f^ PRICEVILLE The rise in the temperature on the Si7th accompanied by rain lias roduci'il the Ut« snowfall to small proportiims' ^e still hafe suQicienl ifflrt)n the roads Bad Stomach 1 rouble Cured. Having Imcn sick for tho two years with a bad stniiiueh tmuble, a friend gave uie H dose of I'hsmbcrlain'H Stimiach anti Liver j Tablets. They di.l meso nnioh good that 1 bongbt a biltle of thani-«nd have used twilvi I ottieH in all. To'lay I &m well ^j^f a bad stomach'tronbli!.-- Mrs. John Iiowe-C!(K>|ier, â- ^ittin'b.' Thesn tablets are for sale by W. K. Uicharison. "^ COLLI N SONS' CEYLON'S NEW Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots Shoes and Hardware. STORE- and Flour and ITeedj- -Bran and Shortc. Special reduptiona on large lo's. Come and inspect our slock and give us a chaivce to prove our worthiness of your PATKt)NAOE. Collin son - - Bros., Cnylon. Ui,- J. & W. BOYD Flesherton - - Ontario. -1^1â€" .^_-^^^^ ^ext week this space will contain special prices of our big sale, which com- mences Tuesday, January 14th. W^e wish our many customers a happy and prosperous NEWsYEAR. ^laii In Sleighs, Buggies, "Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Feucing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Cutters - Cutters Now is the time to place your order for your Cutter. Call and see our stock before buying. We have a good assortment for you to choose from. McTavish & Williams Flesherton i^^V- ^^.M "Business Knowledge " and "Everlaslinff Push" are two eswentials to success. Atten J^SLLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. And preimre (or first-class business posi- tions such as are open to our student.<i. Hundreds of our students are j^.di.g into | Commercial, Shorthand & Kood pcjditiops every year. Let us train ' Prm^f.,,; you for one. We will do it right. Winter I frei»ratory ^p The Y oung man who has no Education always has the hardest work and poorest I)ay. Remedy the defects in your edu- cation by a course this winter iu the THREE DEPAREMENTS: Typewriting, term opens /an. Bth. Wjite for oatalo«ue and see wherern we excel ordinary busi- ness colleRe W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal (Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) Winter term commences Jan. 2. Write for information to C. A. FLEMING, Principal X \ l\ Qwe«) Sound ^^iiW^St

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