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Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1907, p. 6

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^PPVMHIH THE HEW INSBRASCE Bill s^J \> \ \ Introduced in the House By the Finance Minister. A dcspatcJi fiv)in Ottawa snys : Ttio Covcrimiciit insuruncc bill wiis iiitiv)- «li;-f(J by til..' l-iiiiinco Miiiisi<;r jii llio Ikiiso on W'l'tliK'sdiiy oflcrnooii. Tbf (kjVorrmicnl, Mr. KJcldiiit; said, Imd liad till- lirip of iibli> and iiiiimrtial experts in pivpariiiK tlie iiK'asiiro. 'I'lio bill di'als Willi llie wlK.lo question or iii.siiran'e, and is n coii&olidalioii of all iitsuriiMco let'islalioii, the cliiingL-s beinf made chiefly in regnni to life iii- Buraiico. 'file powers of the Cjovernment or.; enlarged in the iiiuller of the willi- drawal or refusal of n licenso renewal, ihi! Minister may cut off or refuse to renew a'lieonse for any violation of the acl POWEnS OF I.N'SPFXTION. The |x)wers of the Insurance supcrin- tor.denl are widened and he is eriiixiw- ered to ins|>cct the olllcrs of U. .S. com- panies. 'Ihe supi'rinlendent is also em- p<Hvt'nHl U, niaUc valuations where deemed necessary. Trust funds a"re to ho lield by trust companies, ihc private lrnsl(;es as lliey <lrop iiff, beiny replaced by .such coni- paiiiejs. DISTftinUTIO.N OF SUnPI.LS. Jnsload of calling off annual di-strihu- Iton of surplu.s on deferred dividend p<lieies. as sugt'esl^'il by the insurance c<.rnnii-si<]n, Ihe bill calls for a distrilni- ti<.n omc in Ihree years, 'lliose funds art to U' .siKiwn as liabilities in the re- p<rlrt, but dcprecialion in Ihc value of 6(curili,.s are to be allowed for. 'Ilie insurance coini'iission rrcoiii- inende<| tliat tlii- expenses of new busi- ness 1h! shown s<-iiaiiiiely. The bill con- tains a clause to piv,vido for it. FI.XI.NG SALARIES. Head oflire olflrials are not to have sny .share in coiiitni^iioiis. This was nn<j|lier insurance coiiiinission sugges- tion. No .salary of $5,000 or upwnrds Is to be paid excejit by r.rder of whole Board of DirocUirs. This, lo^j, the commi.ssion suggested. No salary ngreenTrnl ie, to be made for more than live years. In case of all .salaries or coniiiiisslons over W,(XXJ fier year are to bo shown in the sunuul reports. REBATING PENALTIE.S. nebnling Is not to be visited upon Ihe iflirectors or nianagi'rs, u.s rewniiiiiended by the Iiusurance ('xiniMiissi<jn, unless the director nr inanagcr knows of the re- bate. The penalty is $I,(H)I) nnd the giver and taker <if a lebiMe is liablo l<, a SKIO penally. Pension funds may be cslab- lislied when authorized by Ihe (diarc- holders and policyholders entitled to vote. Tho United .Stales regulalion as lo voting, recornnieniled liy lli,- coinniis- slen, has been dr<ipped as ilcHiciill and c.f <loiil)lful expedience. Tin,' bill, how- ever, [irovides Ihat prnxiew nmy <jiily 1k> used when oxeculed willihi two months cf a meeting. The cominlssion'.s rcconiniendalion tor Blandiiid iKilieles has baen nioderateil, ihe bill providing only fcr slanclard pro- vLsions lo bo conlalned in all p<iliciesv other provisions may tie allowed by the eiiperintendent of nisiiiance. Several changers are made in regard to fraternal lii&iirance. NEW ni;siNi:ss sRpAn.\TE. F.xisting bu.siness is to be kept .sepa- rnlf fr<ini Ihe new, which Is to l>e con- ducted according lo the Nnlional Frater- nal Oingress of niorlalily. It is piM|)osed Ihat tlii'ii! III? a M'liarah; policy for each line of bu.siness, such as life, accident, •ickness, etc. Underwriting by per.sons not in an IncorfKirated company Is forbidden. TiOverntnent <le|Kisils are lo Ik? In Do- minion or Imperial .seuirilles, direct or fl.nranteed, and foreign c<in:punies may deposit the nalioiml securitios of their own coun trios. The present act aulhorizes Investment ill public .socurilies. There is ]io change here, but llio prov'^ion is enlarged, com- panies beii)^; allowed to invest in guar- nnt<H'd (jovernmenl or Imperial or Pro- vincial securities. Oulsldo of Canada, where a Canadian cf.mpiiny d<H"'s biksiiies.s, it may invfjsl in iKiiids secured by real eslale at a twenly-llve per ceiil. preniiuru, wilh no default of ijitcresl for live years. De- bentures on seven years preferred slock, paying four per cent, for seven years, and common stock paying five per cent. fo>- ten years, may also Ixj invcsle<l in. The Government reserv(\s the right to refuse fiireign securilic.s. W'liile com- panies may invest as a Ixind it is pro- vided Ihat no more than 20 per cent, of slock of any company may be purcliaso<l by one OJinpany. This prevents the formation or acquisition of subsidiary companies. Loans may bo made np to CO per cent. «:f the real oslale .securities. Out sirle investments are termed lo 20 per cenl. of the seciuitics instead of 10 pc -cciil. as formerly. fVinipiiiiies are given five years in wlii'li lo readjust their investments, farther exlen.sions to six years being al- lowed where necessary by the Govcrnor- in-Couiicil. The bill, Mr. Fielding said, might not please everybody, but tl»e G<iverninenl had l<KiKed for tho happy tnedium be- tween Ihe wants of Ihc companies and the reroirnnendalion of tlie Insurance (â- Xinniission. The measure will be sent lo the Banking and fVuninorce rximmil- too on Ms S(x;ond reading, the compan- ies lieing free to put their cases before the committee. LEADING MARKETS nUKD SLSTICIfS CLOTHES. Boy Was Imilalinn Ills Parents Singe- ing Fowls. A de.spatch from Owen Sound says: On We.lnesduy morning .Mrs. J. Calhiea, of Sydenham Township, n<'ar Waller's Falls, killed nnd fin'parcd a fiuaiilily of fowl tor the t;hrislnias market, and in to doing, u.sod a imII of lighted pai>«'r lo singe Ihe down after the birtls had bi'cn phr.kwl. The ojicralion was wil- licsscd by lif-r two-aiul-n-hnlf-year-old .son. That .same evening when Mr.s. Calhrea went out to do the milking she left her son wilh his sister, eighteen months ol age, in Ihe house, and, dur- ing her aljsenco, the little lad g>il a roll «.f |)aper and lit it at the lire nnd un- dertook lo iniilale the jiiorning',? op- oratUins by iMjlding the burning paficr lo bis sister's clolli'.ng. When Ihc mo- ther relumed .shortly ntler she was lior- rilicil to linil Ihe little one leii'i'bly burned iilioul llu" Uvx;, and in half an hour dealh ended lis suffiiings. DANGKItOl S F:\I>M)SIVK. Found in Itonni Ocrupird l)y Two Con- vicls nt MonlreaL A despatch from Monlroal says ; Enough iiilro-glycerino to blow up a big biiiUliiig was found by Mr. Millon Mer- sey, city analyst, in a hand satclu'l taken (rt-iii the I'l.oni where Haulne and liar- d<iuin, Iwd <langerous criminals, were living at S« f;iinmp de Mars street. The two men were biouglit up before Judge Clrocpiet (111 l'"riilay and pretended to Kii'iw iiolliing nlxiut the explosive. I)e- .siile.s niliD-glyecrine there were a few slicks of (lynair.Mo, f<Mir detonaU-rs wilh altarlied, n. l>f>llle of cyanide <if mer- cury and a Ixdlle of chloral tiydriiie, coniiiionly called "knoek-<nit <lrops." Till' men already stand convicted of I'ob- bery of furs. EXPLOSION IN COAL MINE 17b_Meii BeHeved to Be Dead in Pennsyl- vanian Colliery. A despatch from rx>nnellsvilVe, Pn., Boys: A groat Innnhllng of the earth, a dens« cloud of smoke livim llu' iiiIiil' opening on 'I'hursduy told ol the fourth great mine disa.slcr of lliLs district. The jiceno was at Ihc Darr Mine, of the Pill.s- turg C<jb1 Company, 17 mile* west o' D.nnellsville, and in Ihe nelghborluKid of two previous mine explosions Ihat have ulroady claimed \ipwnrd.s of 100 llve.s. When night .sellled down over Ihc stricken mining village it was al- most certain thai 17.'i miners had per- ished in the Parr. Ollieials an I miners ,||siii/ree ujvin the luimber of men n "T^lxt^ The f- inner claim Ihq! at- refiin.lutfW.H^-^IMks \\Mj^-'if,»<\ H5 his mli'ifl rales for itWfoy checks, Cai-Hon MeL-iughryj^KSlra •Unien. iiig iiccoimf.i, (Lily <Wi"Trre at least furnlKhml "VorBcorH bo p« woiking all j»4 Id, (Joo. Moore •» hS, ere able • t .loim PudUraiMHI. T. i W. fisher »l.r>0 t'lrriw McKcTizii) Ciirm.a D ,,f I ho local PmhmiI of ll«, 1 ivod and tlio m Mub^' most rc- ilo region, , en: \ for It Is absolutely devoid of any of the great mine scenes witnessed after a Women have l)C«^n silling lilt ilay abi.iil the mine mouth, and sto- lid faces listen lo Ihe lomment of the miners anil the sfX'Clators. W bile llio fan was not destroyed by Iho <xplosl<m, llic votitilation was seri- ously affecle.l, nnd Iho parties were unable lo penetrate tho mine for any c<in'<iderable di.slance. Tlie bodies of tlie men found In the main heading were horribly niniigled. Direclly In front of the rcijuing parly, wl|ich ])enetraled to No. 8i heading, Is an immense fall, nnd it is lolievixl lo bo two hundred feet jn length. 'I'liis will have to bo reniov- i'd before further pnigress can be jitado in reaching tho entombed men. 'ITic only hojje given out for the lives <if Ihe in«n Is Ihat the fore* of the air eiirreni nity iK-nelrale lo Ihcm, and ll'.us k(^ lliosn who were not killed by the force of Ihc explosion alive un- til the grcftl fall can bo removed. DREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Dec. 2i..Maniloba Wheal â€" No. 1 northern, aUiul nominal at $1.1S; No. 2 norlhern, $i.l3; No. 3 northern, 81.10; feed wh.;al. 01c to C2c; No. 2 fvod, 51c to Mc. lake porls. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white or red. He, to 95c, out*id<'; No. 2 mixed, 92c to !'3c, outside; goose, 85c. Flourâ€" Ontario winter wheat patents, fc- exfxirt, 83.60 bid; Manitoba patents, special brand, Jji'i.SO lo .$(j; seconds, $5.- 20; sli-ong bakers, $5.10. Barley-.\o. 1. 70c to 72c; No. 2, fiSc I- 70c <.ul.sidc; .No. 3 extra, 65c to 67c. Oatsâ€" .No. 2 while, KHc to 45c, out- S!d<e mixed, 43c b) ^^C, oulS'idc. Peas-83><;c oul-side. Myc-.No. 2, 78Kc. Ojrnâ€" .Vo. 3 yellow American, 70%c lo 71c Toionio freights; new. No. 3 yel- low, 0l%c to 65c, delivery afler Jan. I; new No. 3 yellow, kila-dricd, (j(i>^c to 07-;. Buckwheatâ€" C2e, outside. Branâ€" SI9 to $20, m bulk outside; slKJits, $21 lo $22. COUNTBY PRODUCE. Butler- Beceipls aro atx.'Ut. equal lo requirements. Creamery prints 28c to 30c do solids 2Ccto27c Hairy print* 23c to 24o d). solids 22c to 23c Inferior 20cto2Ic Chineseâ€" 13>ic for large and W/^c for twins. Eggs â€" .Slorngc, 23c |)er dozen in case lots; scl cts, 26c; striclly new-laid, nominal at :)0c lo 35c. Poullryâ€" For the U^st class of stock there is a a fairly good demand. Chickens, choice 8c to 9c Old fowl 5c k) 7c Inferior chick* and fowls . 4c to 5c Young geese 8c to 9c Y<jung ducks 8c lo 9c Y<iung turkeys, choice 10c to 12 %c Thin turkeys Ccio 8c Polalloesâ€" -Steady at XCe to 85c per tag in car lots on track her.. Beansâ€" .$1.75 to $1.95 for primes and 81.85 lo $1.95 for hand-pioked. Venis^mâ€" lllnd-quarlers, ll%c to 12c; front quarlei-s, 5c; carcases, 8%c lo 9c Moneyâ€" .Strained steady at lie lo 12c per pound for COpound pails, and 12c to 13c for 5 to lO-pound pails. C>unliS at SI. 75 lo $2.50 per dozen. Baled Hayâ€" Timothy (iiioli-d from $17 to 817.50 jiir Ion on track here. Baled Strawâ€" Quiet at 89.50 lo $10.50 per ton on truck here. PB0V1SI0N.S. .Smolied and Dry Sailed Meatsâ€" Long clear bacon, lOc lo 10>ic; for Ions and eases; hams, medium and light. He to i.Se; heavy, U'Xc lo 13f: backs, 16,'^c to 17c; slioulders, 10c; rolls 10c to 10>ic; breakfast bac<in, I5e to 15>^c; f.»een meals out of pickle, Ic less than .simiked. Pork-Short cul, 822.75 to $23 for barrels.; mes.s, $IS lo $19. Lardâ€" Tierces, ll%c; tubs, 12c; pnils, I2XC. MONTREAL MARKET.S. Monlreal. Dee. 24.- There is a very firm lone t«) the local Hour market. (.:hoiee spring wheat patents, $ti.l0; .--ec- onds, S5.50; winter wheat patenis, $5.- 75 slraight r«illirs, $5. .50; do., in bag--, $.'.00 lo 82.65; extra, $2.05 lo %iM. Millfe<d-Miiiiil<ila bran, 823; slua-Ls, 825; Unlario bran, 823.50 to $21; mid- dlings, $27 to 8;'0 per Ion, including bags milU'd moiiille, 828 to 832, and grain mouillc, $35 to $37 per ton. Rolled Oals~S2.75; corn, 81.00 lo $1.- 70 per bag. Chee.<^e -November lail-ends, 12c to 12%c; Ocl'iU-rs, I2^c lo 12%c; Septem- bers, 13o to 13>ic. Butlerâ€" Gross go-ids, 2!>c; current re- ceipts, 26Xc lo 27c. Eggsâ€" Ncwiy-laid eggs, 30c to 32c; selected stock, 2ic lo 25c: No. 1 cold- slorage, limed, 20c; No. 2, l-Jc lo 15c per dozen. Provisions.-- Barrels thort cul mcs.s, .$22.50 to $23; half barrel."!, $11,75 to $12.25; clear fat backs, $23.50 lo $24.50; long cul heavy, $2I to $23; ),alf barrels do., SIO.r>0 to $11. "5; dry salt long clear backs, I0'< to UViic; barrels plate l)eef, $13.50 to $15; half barrels do., $7.25 lo 87.75; barrels heavy l«ef, $10 lo 811; half barrels do., $5.50 In $6; compound lard, 10c lo He; pur« lard, M%c to 13c; kettle rendered, 13>ic to 14c; hams, 12)<;c lo 13>s;e, accord- ing to s-ize; breakfast bacon, I4c lo 15c; Wind.sor bacon, M^c lo 15XC; fresh kille<l abattoir dre.s.sed hogs, $8.50 to 88.75; alive, $5.75 lo $C. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo, Doc. 84." â€" \\hent â€" Spring firmer; No. 1 norlhern, $l.l6>i;; No. 2 red, $l.o;i; winter higher. Corn â€" Higher; No. 3 while, .58Jic; No. 3 yel- kw, frk. Oatsâ€" Firmer; No. 2 mixed 49c; No. 2 while, .5.5%c. Barleyâ€" ySo lo $1.15. Rye-No. 1, 90c on track. NEW YORK \VI1E.\T ^(ABKF.T. New York, De?. 24.- Wheal â€" Spot steady; No. 2 re<l, $1.04?^ in elevator and 8I.06Vi f.o.b. alloal; No. 1 north- ern Dululh, $1.21!>i; f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $l.l5j; f.o.b. afloat. CA'ITLE MARKET. Toronto, Dec. ?4. -Exiwrt cattle were not in parllc\ilar demand. Export bulls sold at 83.25 lo %\ per cwt. CfOod to choice sleers sold at $4.25 to 14.60; medium broughl $3.50 Ic |4.£5; common to medium, .$2.25 to $3.50; choice oows, $3.25 to .$4: common cows, $1.50 lo $2; canners, 85c lo $1 per cwl. Prices of milch cows ranged from $19 ti- ,850 each. Calves ranged from 3 lo Cc per lb. Export ewes sold at .$3.75 lo $4.25; bicks nnd culls, S3 to $3.50; lambs, $4.50 to .$5.50 per cwt. The lop price of hops was SS-.W per cwl. Lights and fats sold at $5.25, and sows at $3.75 per cwl. ONE QUAHTEB ABE IlfECTEB Terrible Kavages of Bovine Tuberculosis in New York. A despatch from Ithaca, N.Y., says: A startling revelation of the terrible prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in New ork .Slate and an exposure of the iitler insulTiciency of Ibe means now furnished by the Legislature for the contiol of lliis "isease has just been made before Ihe [ompkins Oiunly Medical .Society by Dr. '. A. .Moore, bacteriologist of f:ornell University and Ihe foremost expert in "lii lino in the United Stales. Dr. Mforc lalcd Ihat of 1,080 cows tested by Dean I aw of Ihe Cornell veterinary college 16- p.'i cent, had the d:sease. The ofiicial reports of Iho Stale in lOOi showed thai of 2.417 animals tested 10 per cent. had. the di.sease. The Slate tests for the per- iod of I'.Wl-G. included 3.088 animals, of whicti 22 per cent, were iiifected. Dr. .Moore reached the conclusion Ihal* of the one million eight hundred thou- sand milch cow.s in this State 410,000' nr- infecled with tuberculosis. This, Iw. said, would be a surprise even to cattle- men. TWENTY-FIVE KILLED. Military Powder Magaifine Blew Up at Palermo, Sicily. A despatch from Palermo -says : A Ici rifle explosion occurred on Thursday evening in the military powder maga- zine, where a large quantity of dynamite was sl<".red, and wa.s followed by a nuin- K-r of lesser explosions, tlie whole town being badly shaken and Ihc pi.-ojile thrown into a panic. Almost imme- diately flames shot high in Ihc air and siiread to the ruins of hoiLses that had fiillen, adding grcalliy to tlie terror of those who were in the immediate neigh- U.rhood of the disaster. It is estimated that alx)ut twenty-live persons were killed and a hundred others injured. \\ ild rumors followed fast upon the ex- plosion, placing the numbeiis of killed and wounded into the thousands, and troops wore ordered out to aid the fii'c- nien in clearing away the wreck and succoi'ing Ihe wounded. .'Several that st<XHl alKDve the magazine partially c</llap.sed nnd their destruction was com- p'eted by the lire. One of these was an emigrants' lodging house, and a num- ber of emigrants were killed. LATER. It is known Ihal up lo Friday 93 per- sons met their death and no loss than lliil were iiijiiied by the terrihc explo- sions on Thursday night in the military l>o\vder magazine at Palermo. The work tf rescuing Ihe wounded was conliiiued until daylight under conditions of the greatest <lillicully. .Mter Ihe fire had been cxiinguislied Uie lifKips usetl an electric searchlight. The lodging house f< '• emigranls. destr<jycd by the llames, tm.s given the largest contingent of vic- tims. There were many hei-oic rescues. \VI.\D BLKW TRAI.N OVER. Curious Railroad Accident Reported-' From Sardinia. .\ despatch from Caglia.'i, Island of ."Sardinia, on Wednesday, announced that a strange railroad disaisler had oc- currctl near l.anusei station. A .severe- gale of wind was blowing as a locomo- tive drawing ten passenger cars fairly full of people approached Lanusei. Suddenly a stronger gust than usual struck the train, which, after balaiK'ing: en the rails for a few .secondts, was coin- p'elely overlurned, the locomotive and cars being tumbled into a ditch along-- sido the track. Happily, however, only twelve persons were injured, two of v.liom being severely hurt. « i% INSANE MA.N DROWNED. Suicide of John Strong at Ihc London. .Xsyluni. A despalc?! fio â- ! London, Ont., saysv J< lin Strong, inmate of tlic asylum, broke away from a party on Friday and dwwned hini,self in the rc.wrvoir <â- '. Ihc inMilution. He dived through a bole in tl.c ice and disappeared. The- Udy was n-it found for 15 minu'e--. He wai -sent from tlcnsall a year ago as- not dangerous. ''Jr BREAKS ALL RECORDS. Torpedo Doal Destroyer Tartar Steam» 37 Knots per Hour. A despatch from Southampton, Eng- land, says: The turbine torpedo boat destroyer Tcrlar broke all records in fast steaming in her linul trials over Ihc ollicial course on 'ruesday-, attain- ing a speed of 37.037 knots. She also e.slablLshed a new record for a si< hoin-s trial, covering 233 miles in Ihat t:nio and niainla ning the unprecedenledi speed of 33.363 knots. NEW PACIFIC SQIADRON. E!.quinuilt Will be iMadc llic Base lor Cruiser Flctfl. .\ despalch from London says: For Rome lime pasl. rej.oils have been cur- rent Ihal the BrilLsh Admiralty was c nsidering the jicw naval deslribuli<m, and it is now amiounced that a Paci- lic and .North .\n)erican .squadron will b; cons.liluled in May next, with Esqui- mau as the probable base. The new sijuadivm will con.sist of six cruiseiTs of the coinily class and Ihe present fourlh cruiser squadron, which comprises ttie • i:ivc lirst-class iirnKired cruisers, Cres- sy Kuryalus and llogus, and the tliird- pivitcctcd cruisei-s Indefatig.ible and Brilliant. Though it would Le a niLslako to exaggerate the inii>orUuice « f Ibis move, it ixj.ssesses some signi- liiance as showing the Briti>.h Admir- ally's view of the changcxl situation, which the cruis* of the American bat- tleship Meet will bring about. The po- .siilon of CUinada in tho schenae is not yet known. BIG WHEAT CONTRACT. C.P.It. Will Ship n Million and a Half Bushels to Europe this Winter. A dcspaleli from Fort William says. Eastern lines of the Canadian Pacilic Batlway will be busy Ihis winter. The- C.I'.R. have made a contract for the de- livery of 1,MK).IKI0 bushels of grain to j European iiiiirkols this winter. The I grain will bo shipped via Ihe all-rail' route to St. John, where it will be taken li the old country as ballast in C.P.H.. eleamers. A large amount of grain is- being shipped through here now. TWO COBALT ACCIDENTS. Joseph Tcsnirre Found Dead at Bollom ol 8:inll. A de.spatch from Cxibalt says : Joseph Tesnierc, aged alKHit 30 years, a French- man with a married sister in Montreal, wavs found dead at Ihe l>ottom of the four shaft at a depth of 152 feet <in Tuesday. IHccased was working in the drift at Ihe 8()-f(K)t level. Having left work with his c<^nipank>ns he relunietl lo secure a pair of mitts l>efore ascending, and nothing more was .seen of him alive. Wediesday niorning .Supt. l.eyson of tho Townsile mine nnd J. Mc.Night, a young Scotchman, met with a blasting accident. McKnight was sericivsly in- jiired about the head and was removed to Ihe Bed Hospilal. lUilh eyes are said to be lost, and Ihc doctors have no h<i|)es of saving his life. Supt. Ley- sen is cut alK)ut the face and has one wrist licno broken. 11 appwins Mc- Knight encx)\.ntere<l loose powder in tho end of Ihc draft, probably in a cut-off hole unknown to him. 8upl. l.eyson was close lo McKnight when the explosion lock place. 1(1 Canada's flour is loo dear lo sell in Japan, reports W. T. B. Preslon. Fall frosl.s nip weslorn wheat, it is said, because the tenderfoot sows 'n.s erain loo late. S5U,000 FlilE AT ARNPRIOR. Promises ol Suspender and L'nibrollai Company Destroyed. .\ despatch fioni .-\rnprior says : At six o'eUick on Saturday night the premiscis of tho Montreal .Suspender and Umbrella ('«iiipnny, a line four-storey solid brick tacloiy, were burned to the ground. Sur- rounding buildings eauglil, but were saved. Tlie loss Ls estiiiiHted at $,")0,00f). The town has a claim on the building for S;i5,0OO. 11 is totally covered by insur- ance. One hundred employees were on the list. *- SENT TO A FOUTBESS. ramous Russian ijitirraletir Incurs Govrrnnlenlal Displeasure. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Prof, .\nitcbkoff, the celehratetl littcra- Icur, has boon sentenced lo 18 months' impristimnonl in a for carrying on a propaganda against the Oovern- nicnl. â€" ♦ BLEW 01 T HIS IIR.VINS. Kingston Sliulent Commits Suicide <;» Winnipeg liuicl. A despatch Iroin WinniiH'g says : Johi> f.raltoii Herald, a medical student fronj Kmgslon, Onl., wlw came here Dec. 9lh, blew- out his brains in Iho Struthc<iiia Hotel <.n Sati.rday. It is said to bo due to a love affair, llis family is prominent in KingsUiii, his father being a professor al UuK'n's I'niversity. (iHEAT FIRE AT ST. JOHN. QI'E. :\lain -Uuildlufls ol Drnin Pipe Factory Destroyed. A despaleh Irom .'^1. John, Que, says : The main luiilding of the .standard Drain l'i|>e company were lolally destroyed by lire on Sunday night. A heavy wind fanned the blaze, and In a short time Ihe immense strucUire was a cf flames. TIk- llremen saved the power house and the olVice. The loss will pixibably reach |i2&,000. t I

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