Dbcbmbbk is 1M7 THE FLE8HSBT0N ADVANC \i' h For Lung Troubles Aycr's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak luags. There can be no mistake about this. You know it la true. And your own doctor will say so. Th* b««t klad et a tostiaeatalâ€" "Sold tor OTW •isty yaara." r.O.AyMPO*^ «aaai XMnil.1 SUSATAaUU. nixs. â- Alt VMMt. W* k«v* â- • Mnvtat W* pmblUk •to tetamUa af •» •« B*dUiaM. yers Mm Imw«I« rMular with Ayvr's Mitf thus hastMt r«e»v«ry. Sb^rtbornBull The thorouKbbred Shorthorn Bull, "F»to Ito," 62235, ii for service on lot 27-28,2nd ran N. D. R .Artemesia. Pedigree on application TenntS1.25 \LEX. MoRAK Ceylon Business Cards M'COLbOUOH & YOUNQ Hanker Markdale Ooa caotral banking buslnesa. H0D*7 loaned a reasonable rate Call on 08^ TCHIBLETT, • Pottmaeter,' Ceylon. Commluioaer in H, 0. J , CoDTaTancer, deeds, mort«a«e«, leasea, wills etc. carefully drawn np Jolleotioas mad?, charges reaeonable. Also groceries, flour, feed etc, kept iu stuck. Prices ri<«lit. RJ SPBOULB Poatmaster, Flesbarton uoiumlssloner in H.C J., Auctioneer Con- reyanoer, Appraiser and Money Lender Kaal Rstate and Insurance Agent. Deeds morteaijes, leases au'l wills carefully drawn ap an r valuations made on shortest nntice. money to loau at lowest rates of interest. Col aotiuua attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamsbip Company. A call solicited. DMoPHAIL. Licensed Auctioneer for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. Tbe arrangements and dates of sales cau be made a'. Thh Auvancb otnee. KoHidonee and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone eounection. Dec. G,07. DAVID RORRRTS, licensed aaotioneer tor Qrey Couuty. Prompt attenliou given all sales entrusted to my care, Arraogemanta can be made at this office. 1 U. KAITTINO, Licensed Anetioneer. Sales conducted on lowest termsâ€" Hatisfaotlon â- paranteed. FeTenham, P. O., eon. It, lot 13, Osprey. GEO. O. LUDLOW, Licensed Ai<ctioneer for the Couuty of Grey. Proniiit service and reasonable terms. I'rotoo Btaiioo F. 0. T BABVEY PBBIOOB, Peversham ^' Insurance, Heal estate and stocks. Con- veyancer. Ijoaos and Collections, Write for rates on Fire, Life or Sick Iwueflt insurance. Better contracts and lower rates on flro in- surance now. w Societies AO O W meets on tbe last Uoodaj in eacu month, in their lodge room, Ohristoe's block. Plesberton.at 8 p.m. M.W., Wamk Cbard ; Bao., T. Blaksly, Finaooler, WJT*^""? Visiting brethren Invited. BKIMCB ARTHUR LODQB, No. XSS.A.F.A a AM, meets in the Uasonichall. Btrain'i block, Plesberton, every Friday on or before the full moco. W A.Armslromi, W U.; Herb. Bmitb, Becretary. COURT FLBSHEBTON, 996, L 0. P. ffeots in Cbristoe's Block the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. C. R., Dr. Murray; U. S., â- »'. Her.ry; Fin. Beo., C. N. Kichardson. Please pay duos to Flu. Soc. before the l^rst day of tbe month. CHOSEN FRIENDSâ€" Fleahorton Council of Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's lisll first and third Weilnosday of each niont 8 p. m Pay assesHUHints to tlio Iie<'oriUir on or before toe first iiayot each month. Chiof Councillor, T. Blakeley; Recorder, W. H. Bunt. Medical DR OARTK.R M CP ife H Out, Physician, Surgeon, etc Ofllce and rosidoncoâ€" Peter St., Flesherton DR.A.T. BOND (iraduatc Toronto Unlvers.ty. Meni- borof Ontario College o) I'hysiciians nud Bur- geons. Maxwell. Ont. riuccuasor to Ur. Scott. JP OTTKWELL Veterinary Burgeon dradnate of Ontario Veterinary College, residenoe -^ sdoond door south west! on Uarv street. This street runs soutb Presbyterian Chnroh. HWILBON, Blacksmith * 'iradoate of tbe Veterinary Science Association. Ileeldence, Durham itreet, op- posite Bojrd, iliekling's hardware. Lbgal LUCAS WRIOHT A MeARDLE Barristers Holleitors Conveyaneers, eto Offlonsâ€" Owen Sound. Ont andMsrkdaleOnt W H Wriort, MgArdlr I B Looas ~~V n-Flnslierton ofllce, Mitebell's Bank every Saturdav. Dentistry ffr. B. C. MURRAV I.. D. 8 , dontnl surcron a/ honor graduate of Toronto tinlvnrsilv and 8oyal College of Dental Anrgnons of DiititvUi, as administered for teeth extraction. office at residence, To ronto st'unt Klenhirfon, Xmas Offer $22.50 f>'t thrPB nionfhii conmn. Write Wefiire Uec, 21 li> yca^^ experieiici!. llritif-h QaiiadMn Businrsii Ciiliiigi>, Y'iuku and ^Blttor streeln, Torontn. Visitors to tlie Uateriu Agrioultunl CoU)^ duriog tbe p)ut summer were shown a Holstein FriesiAii cow, which WAS expected to produce twenty thousand {xiunds of milk within the year. As a matter of fact, she baa aclually exceeded this estimate. Fnim Ociober 27, 1906, to Oi;l.ober 26, 1907, she has given 20,778 pounds of milk, letting a fraction over 3.09 per cent, and coiitaininf; 781-91 Iba. of butter fat. The cont of the feed as charged uj) by the colle(;o aulhoritiea was 9?2.bO. The value of the butler fat, at 1)1 ices that have been paid nei(;hboring~ farmers by the college creamery) was J1!K).38. If the 20,000 pounds of skim milk and buttermilk were to be valued at, say 20c per cwt., ic would amount to 94U. Adding this to the value of the butter fat, the total yield of butter fat and skim milk would equal $230.38. De- ducting the coat of feed, we have a profit over feed consumed of 9157.72. At the prices for cream which have been received durins; the {>a8t year by her former owner Mr. George Rice of Tilsonburg, Ont., the butter fat in this cow's mi!k would have been worth 9224.67. The tklm milk in this case would have been, say 175 cwt., worth 935, making total proceeds of 9259.57, or a profit, over cost of feed, of 9186.91. ii[jimns. Carefalij Corrected Each Week. Oats 40 '.o 40 Pms 80 to 80 barley 50 to 60 Wheat 90 to 90 Hay .UOOtoieOO Butter 23 tc 23 Eggs, fresh , 25 to 25 Potatoes per bag 75 to 75 Geese 8 to 8 Ducks 8 to 8 Chickens 5to 7 Turkeys 11 to 11 Our Clubbing List The Montreal Herald have withdrawn their paper from our clubbing list. Advance, and Toronto World, daily 8 2 6Q Toronto Daily News 2 80 Weoklv Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 1 SO Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmers Sun 1 80 Farmers Advocate 2 25 Weekly Witness 1 70 Saturday Mi((ht 2 65 SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The larKest and I)e8t atock of Furniture ever Khowu in Flesherton. This without fear of o<jn- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A 8|>ecial reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce tho stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER ESHERTO Winter Harness Goods I liBve in stock all kinds of Harness, Bella, Blankets, Robes, Wliips, Sur- cingles, Hoof Ointmeut, Gall Cure, Plush Rugg, Dash Aprons, Trunks, Valises, eto. Repahing done promptly and neatly. 0. W. PHILLIPS FLESHERTON, ONT. • WANTE D . A Reli.ible Ag|ent for FLESH ERTON and surrounding country, to sell our FAMOUS PEERLESS APPLE TREES A big hardy red winter apple that sells on nif^ht, uIho a i^oiieral line of fruit and oriiameiiiHl ir»es iiicludiiif/ other valu- alil« spfcialtiCA. Good jiay weekly, out- fit free, exclusive territnry. Write now to PELllAM NUnSERYCO. Orowrio iif hiuh trrade nursery stock TORONTO, ONT. V. B., Special teriua t« suit MRaata working part time. Oistiibntion of Seed and Qrain From tbe Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, 1907-8. By instruction of the Uod. Minister of Agriculture a distribution is t>ein(; made thix season of superior sorts of grain and potatoes to Canadian farmers for the im- provement of seed. The stock for di»- tributior. has been secured mainly from tho Expeniiieutal Farms at Indian Urud, Saak., aud Brandon, Man. The((uantiiy of oats sent is 4 lbs , and of wheat or bui:- ley 5 lbs., suthuient in each caso to sow one-twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and pUatoes weigh 3 lbs. each. A quantity of each of the follow- in<{ varieties has been secured for distri- bution: Oatsâ€" Banner, Wido-Awake, White Giant, Danish Island, Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo, all while varieties. Black oats are nut reccommended for general cultivation, a few samples, how- ever, are available which cau lie sent if specially asked for. Whxatâ€" Red Fife (beardless), Preston, Pringle's Chainplain and Huron (eatly bearded sortf), Percy and Stanley (early beardless varieties). Baklktâ€" Six kowedâ€" Metisury, Odes- sa, Mansfield aud Claude. Two bowbd â€" Staudwell, luviaoible, Canadian Thorpe and Sidney. Indian Cokn (for ensilage)â€" Early sorts, Angel of Midnight, Compton's Early and Longfellow; later varieties, Selected Leaining, Early Mastodcn and White Cap Yellow Dent. FoTAToKs â€" Eaily varietteH,Early White Prize and Rochester Rose. Medium to late Varieties, Carman No. I aud Late Puritan. These later varieties are as a' rule more productive than the earlier kinds. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant, hence if au individual receives a aamuin of uata be cannot also receive One of wheat, barley, Indian corn or po- tatoes. Lists of names from one individ- ual, or applications for more than one sample for one household, cannot be en- tertained. The samples will be sent free of charge through the mail Applications should be addressed to the birector of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, and may be sent in any time t>e- foie the loth of February, after which the lists will be closed, so that the samp- les asked for may be sent out in time for sowing. Applicants should mention the variety they prefer, with a second sort as an alternative. Those applying for In- dian corn or potatries should bear in mind that the corn is not usually distributed until April, and that potatoes cannot l>e mailed from here until danger from frost transit is ovrr. No postage it re<]uired on mail matter addressed 'to tbe Central Experimental Farm, Otta,wa. WM. 8AUNDBRS, Director of Ef utf imeut^ Farms. ALL THIN, PAUB WOnEN Cm Learn the Cause of : Their Neryous, Used-up Coalition. With women, ill-health is usually trace- able to neivu exhaustion^ Feeling run- down and tired most of the time is nature's warning that more nerve-force is re«|uired, Yuu miut build up, nourish the body, utttlize the u6rv«a, get more flush aud blood. It's the abundant nutriment and build- ing material in Ferrozoue that enables it to curs io many sick women. It increasea tho appetite, adds weight and streugth, restotea lost color and develojis a surplus of energy aod nerve force that defies sickness of any kind. There is liviutr ptoof in Mrs. Daniel Ferguson, Jr., of Presci^^t, Uiit. Read her stateaent'. "A year ago my health failed . I |^ew thill and exceedingly pale. At times I was prostrated with nervous and sick h' adachu. All day I was tired. At night it was tlifiicult to obtain restful sleep. My appet ltd was variable and in- digestion bothered me considerably. I became morose and Eutlered ftom heart palpitation, yuu could scarcely believe the benefit I derived in one week from Ftrroz inc. Color came back to iny cheKk.s. My vitality and appetite increas- ed, renewed nerve force and better spirits came also. Feirozone did a world of t;oiid and made me well." Roineinber this: No tlcoholic stimu- lant can nourish and build up like. Ferro- zoue. B'ifty cents per box or six boxes fur $2.50. At all dealers, or N. C. Pol- son «& Co., Kingston, Ont., and Hartford, Conu., U. S.A. Prevention of Eye Trouble. Prereiitloii b tetter thaa cue It Is cheaper. It Is possible when cure Is Impossible. Eje trouble may be arolded by the timely â- se of tluses, aTertlnr discomfort, •BfferlBf aad permanent Impalment •fslrht We are prepcrljr C4«lffe4 ti a4)«st flasses aai rwrantce sattoCactlm. -r^.iA, Armstrong ftWfcl.e- 'NO >PTiOtAN t'^.ESSH ERTON. Sliorttiorn Cattle fcr Sale Levlnlaa and WImplea, tbe best of breeding and qiiallto. Hull, cow« aad beifers for sale at reasonable prices 1 32,0011.5 CUA8. STAFFOBD. FleabertoD Pure Bred Camwortbs nnd Berksbires for Sale I have a flne lot of ynuug KnglUli nerlEclilres froic two to (tix weeks old also eoiao tiood Tara- wortb sowsreadv to bresd. Satlstaction gauran- tned on all mall orders. Write (or wtiat yon want. a. W. BObB, Maxwell P.O Tarm for Sale Lots 171, 2 and 3, 1st con. N. F,., Artemesia. IZSacreaiu all of Dist class farniinK land Id a good state of cultivation, situated 2i iniles 8< utb of FlesbertoD, short mile from scliool. uleao of nezinua weeds and well fenc«d. 10 acres of marsb, 5 acres of hardwood bueb. bal- ance in eood state to work all kluds of maebiii' erv, well watered. 2 orchards, a good boobe 16 X % veneer dd inside, kitchen 16 x JM, wood- shed 16 X 12, new barn OO x 00 stooe foundation. This is one of tbe l>est farms in the township aod can be bought riglit. W. J. CASWELL. eO YEARS* .BXPERIENOK (Sboite farm for Sale* At Kimberley North hiilf lot No. 10, Kuphraala.. 101 a^rea, nearly all under cultiratlon Five acres ol 1 orchard, wh!1 watered. Three tbonaand will btr it un quick sale, $1000 down, balance ta suit. This ia adocirjed bar?ain. Applv toJJra. J..tf . Tharstou, 4;ilWellosley et., ToroUvO. ClearinQ Sale AT PORTX^AIV TtaMllAMW OorvmoHTS Ae. a ikaMb and OMoMloaAay our opinlan ma whattaar aa 1 la probably patanwiblfc. ConimoBl St.,-. <n*«*«g-j»^««BS~f Patiinta takao tSfoiiih lUaa Jn»>aaMlia Wt^Siaoilc*. wlthoatMOMk IBM Sdeniifie Anertcaii. AJMBMooalriUnMMI^VMUy. Lmatato. mlatlon otjmf sdantMre JooraaL Twma fcr Cuada. JMSii raar, poMag* prepaid. 8oU tar The Young man who has no Education always haa the hardest work and poorest {»ay. Remedy the defect* in your edu- _cation l>y a course this winter in the Everything in Dry Goods, Grocenoa, Boota and ^^hoep, Hardware md Tinware must be sold reeanllessa of cost m I am leaving Port Law. J, A. St. JOHN General Merchant and Tinsinich Port Law - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid Stock « « Best Stock Bells, Blankets, Kobes Fnr lined coats, pooketbooka, sstcbela, razor strops and other leather i>onds. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. XMAS - BAKING THRKE PEPAREMENTS: Commercial, Shorthand & Typewriting, Preparatory. Winter term commences Jan. 2. Write for information to C. A. FLEMING, Principal Owen Soiind Ontario "Basineas Kobwlodge" and "Everlasting Poah" are two essentials to success. A tlend I ELLIOTT TOaONTO, ONT. And prepare for first-class business posi- tions such as are open to our students. Hundreds of our students are iroing into Kood positions every year. Let us train you for one. We will do it right. Winter term opens Jan. 6th. Write for catalogue and see whorern we excel ordinary busi- ness college W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal (Oor. Yonge and Alexander Sts.) Fcr this festive dayâ€" Christmasâ€" you want the best cooking possible, then all else seems bright. We hare the highest class groceries on the market. The suc- cess of your baking is assured when oiiv groceries are used. Try thei^ Yo>j will he delighted and the prices are as low as the lowest. I^^AII kinds of nnts aod candies, Melaitania Teaâ€" the best sold â€" give it a trial. W. L. WRIGHT UooaJ SaleamaiTi VU^a.n.tedl For Flesherton and adjoining coontry k> represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NUB SERIES." A permanent situation for tba right man, for whom tbe territory will b? re8<>rv«d. Pay weekly. Free equipment Write for particular?. STONE ma WSUJKGTON Fouthill Nurseries Over 800 Acres TORONTO â€" â€" ONTARIO « In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, « Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- « arators and Wire Feucing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Caa*riage Works FLESHERTON CARRIAGE WORKS If you are thinking of buying a buggy be .sure and give me a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. / Quarantee Satistaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithi^g All kinds of ploughs and plough repairs on hand; also i-epii^ for Masaey Harris, Noxon and McCormick farm iiuplenients. Assent f^ox**^ MELOTTE [REAM SEPARATORS ]>. BSoTAV^SH -'- keep a stock on hand (Ll- ways and anyone wanting a cream separator please drop me a card and their wants will be attended to.