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Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1907, p. 4

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â- *> f>icBMiu 12 1907 THE FLESHERTON AD V ANCi MMMwywy F. T. HILL & CO. wwwwywyv^ Do You Realize that Christmas is Near at Hand? • Only twenty-five more shopping days between now and Christmas. Not any too much time for you to do your buying and this week we are busy opening up Christinas goods and our store will assume its holiday dress, Stocks are com- plete, values never better, we would ask you to see what we can do for you in regard to your Christmas requirements. ' Conclusively this Week's Values are of the best. Olomtns' l^osiery We are upecialized so 8lroii>!ly on hosiery that ihop- ptrs will tiiiJ it to tlioir ailvniitaKO to see what we are doiiix- We particularly draw your attention to the ipueiala fur this tveeka Holling. VVoiuens'and Gfnt's heavy wool hoio, all sizes, on B»le this week f')r per pair 19« Wumena' henvy ribbed wornted hosa representing a manufacturer'H Hauiples, in 40, 45 and 60o qualiticH on Rale thin week at 35c per pair or three fur . . . .$1 00 Cadies* Taney 0omb$ We These are new atyles and the kind you require. are selling thcni at a hin aaviiif; to you. 75 Ladies Fancy Back Hair combs in different styles with gold band aud studded triuimings, 25c and 3dc lines on eale this week for 17c GO Ladies Fancy stylos in back combs, best French rubber, 15 and 20 cent lines on eala this week for lOo Big Sailing in Dress Ocods* This week we put on sale over 100 ends of Dress goods indifferent styles and makes. They are principally fn fancy tweeds, blacks, inohairs, lustres, bouchie cloths, serges and cashmere, and in no case does the price represent tbo cost of rainnfaeturo. This is witliout doubt the bigf^est snap in diesa goods we have ever offered and in every case the price will be just half to you, so be on hand early as the best goes firat. Cadies lUool Drawers^ regular $U00» this week Dcr pair» $5c If i<ubU»l,«d every Thurs'lay at tl.Oo pc.- •nnuDi ifiMkid inadvauce, £1.X' if notso paid. W. K. Flesher Dead. V/ord w*» received here Monday of the death of W. K. Flesher which recur- red in England about twa weeks ago. He was born in London in 1825. The dcioaaed geiitleiuan came to CauaJ.i with his wife over siity yer,rs a^o and settled at BoUon, where ho f<illuired thi adiuiit of carpentar and joiaer. la the later 50' .s he caoie tu ArtetueiLt aati tixjic up laud M »hM W.1B known aa Tjwiers cortiens, kifin^sae snoio of tiia propertr iutn vilAigv kte. Thia kiter wis ijiveo th« anaut of Flesb«>««, bat tb« piMtoffica her* mtn prM^iDOnif htttm» •â-  Artetnesia •fxl wa.-< tltfpc by i fa c aw i i Iw a atuxt 'iiae. Tbia «iUii!(« therefire, perpetmtM tb« came uf rbe (iei.>easc<i geniJeaBsa. Mr. Flesher wiw i public swrited icto with an abn<jnQal amoan: of energy backed by a good stock of Common m>ds«,*d<1 prertvus to confederation served four years in parlintnent for South Grey, but wm de- feated after confederation became estab- lished, lie WKs reeve of Artemesia town- ship for several years and served as ward en. For the past twenty years or more he has made his h^>intt in England witli cccasioual visits to Canada. It is nbfjut twelve years since ho last visited us. He wau then a|)p<irently nlniost as vii;or- ous as ever but white biined. His aged widow m.ikea bar homo with her only MARKPALE John Hondorson has sued John Liefso, of liriiiil, for £30, the price which he places on I ho watch he lost in theSaus;eeii river ii fiw nmntlis ago. It will be re- membered that Mr. Ueiidersnn and Mr. Koborlpon on their wav down the river in a canoe ran into a wire feu::e, which Mr. Liefso had strung across the river, and ill the mil up Henderson lo&t his w.itcb Mr. iJt'fso, ws understand, cLkuns that the township is luble. â€" Telescope. Fnraoy of the or<Iiiury dueases »f the skin Chamberlain's SiUvei« axcellent. It not oaly mmn^ fV" J. & W. BOYD Flesherton Ontario. -^-^--^ CO â€" CHRISTMAS GOO DS. This Will Help you to make a Suitable Selection of Xmas Presents, XMASFURS. Fur Caps from 1 .HO to 8.50 Fur rjnffs from 1 50 to 12.50 Fur Gaantlets 3.00 to 5.00 Fur Caperincs 8.50 to 15 50 Children's Boa.s 25 to 40 Imitat'n (Janntlets .25 to 1.50 Fur Mantles for 820 to ^0.00 Fur Coats for 1 8.00 to GO.OO XMAS GLOVES. Ladies Kid Gloves 1.00 to 1.75 Men s Kid Gloves 60 to 1.85 Wool Gloves 25 to 50 Children's Mitts 15 to 25 Talk about being poor! Why for half an hour Wednesday we were as happy as Kook feller. In that half hour we handled $0,000. Yea! six thousand dollars Who would m.t be in the print- ing business. It beanJi to look as if things were comitij{ our way and that wo WMuld soon be on Eisy Street. Wo diin'i do a tiling with that money but cut it up and baud it back to manager Pow. He told us money was made to pais around and we â€" hid to pa-ss it. It was only a new supply' of Traders Bank iLyjThTitdiinK :^.rmlI^tiD7 biit'e«ect» i | bills- fine new cnsp ones, that arrived care. y>iraaJe by W. E. Richardson. I at the local branch in large sheets, and to Twelfth Line Tecumsetb cor. to AIli»- tuD Rerald: â€" This neiitbborhood is T<;ry much amuaed over an incident that is re- ported to have happened a few niebcs ajjo A youDC bachelor Uviog on the line our oSer was dfdined with thanks, went out driTiiUE with his cirl. During | we could even have had some of th>i drive the yuumr lady became drowsy and reclintD)j her head on the manly bo- s<jm of her beau fell fast asleep. The tituatioD was so comfortable for him that be 3<3oa followed suit. A neighbor dis- covered the bappy pair fast asleep in the boggy in tho early morning and quietly led (he horse into a abed and lied bun. When the young folks awoke they were f^reatly aorptijed to find their hone tied and at once realized that a good Samara- tin had come their way while they were etij'yiug pleasant dteams. On October first, 1907,* new postal law went into ellect in Lidia. giving that country the lowest postage rate in the I world. The delivery system is also , claiined to be remarkably prompt and ! effective The weight that will be carried for 2 cents is 10 talahs, or 4 ounces, and 2 centt for each additional 4 ounces or fiuctiiin theiecf. ThiKparctd tales are 4 cents fur Id I'unces up t^i 11 pound to relieve the continued tightness of the money marltet, wo were called upon to use our cuttine press to hurry them into circulation. After the process was over, we offered to deliver the suit case, but If the greenbacks scick to our cutter, but they simply wouldn't. Such is our luck al- ways.â€" Grand Valley Star. The consumption of beer in Great Britain hcs declined steadily from 32.29 (•(lloiis per head of the population in 1900 to 27.81 last year. Thompson's bakery FLESHERTON dauijbter, Mrs. (Dr) T. S. Sproul., . , . n ,• jo'. M. I' , Markdalo. One son, Harry, died I' including Ceylon and Portugese «uo and an. I"""»i letters woianinn 1 tolah, 1 cent. in Fleslier'on'a few yinrs «go, other son, •lulin, we t>elievu is in New Zealand ir Auslralia. The dici-nsud was the owner of conHidcralile properly in Flesherton, which has been practically tied up for many years. The relatives here have not as y-t received any dufaila and do not know full particulars. Great Danger In Meadaches It's often dangorrui to consider head- Rche n triRin); ailinaut. It thu hua>l aches, the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may be iiiipondinK. To tone up the stomach, lo )>ivu it lieabhy notion, nothing in iiiodom inedicinusis so Buccessful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills The concentrated vegetable extrncis in Dr. llaniiltons Pills have ar|uitiiing, benlthful cifi'Ct on the stomach ann ro'iiovo all dis orders. Your heaHaches will Iih cured and they woa't return, if yon use Dr. ilamil- tou's Pills. Sold everywhere. and if niori- than 1 toUli ami not more 4 ojnc.-8, 2 cents. Every additional 4 ounces or fraction tlioreof, 2 cen'a. Paicel posiiige, inUnJ, not exceeding 10 QuiicuN, 4 seiilH. h Hotel koep!>rs McLoan and Coughlin, • â€" Tif^fsyner, were each fined 820 and cos's for supplying liquor tu a minor. On F'riday n'ghi las* a surprise party of about forty Kuesis ariived at the home of Charley Heat, Rrsvol road, loa'led down with presents of yranite waro of every (learription from tho less' to the, and with bankets well filled with the very Jicst of all kinds of oookinc. Tlioy oo- jr.yed lhems.dveR thoroughly with aames (ind music until the smull hmirs when nil rctinnod h one havini; fir-t aosured the host as that they spent a on- i ysWe cvan'ng. Christmas Baking of all kinds done to order and to suit. Order your Xmas Cakes now before all are gone. Better Bread than ever. Try a loaf. The inmiii^ration inio Canada for tho | year ehi'ing June, 1907, was 4.69 per j C4 Flinmntinn FlPShprtOfl cent, ofour popubition, takins; the cen- | *-"• "•"'"P*""> riCSMCIlUII sus of 1901 «» a basis. This is an in- oroaao of more tbnn 3.1 per cent, over the pr.-ivioiis yi-ar. Of 2.19,626 ir..mi({vant« coDiinu to .Canada in tho year ondind M'ly 30. 1907, 56 088 came from the United States, 115,061 from tho liiiliah isles, ! and 08,777 from other countries. | Some of our leaders will reniember a robe exhibited h«ro and at Holstoin by ' Mr. John Smith. It wns made from a ciirley cowhide, a cross between a Gallo- 'â-  way and a Jersey, and was offered by Mr. ' Siiiirbat Hnlstein for J|I18.()0. He" sub- i s qiiunily Ruld it to a traveller for J20 00. List Week ihn same robe wus sold in Toronto for $160 00.â€" Chronicle. La Grippe Comlns Agiln Europe is U'lW in il« )!rasp, and in a abort time Amonca will b" over run with this awful ejiidoinie. (^ut. ready, iiHe preveiilivenienHures. linild opaxurplus of vi^or ty Keimzoiie. iii,il inliulo Ca'arrb- ozonu three timus each ilay. N iihiiig do-L sttoys the Rrippe gorm like ihiirliozoiio. It cures the cdd, bn-alc* np the fever, relioves (lio liculauho and il,-.;roy8 every of ciitsirh and S'lre throat. Fur Bronchitis, Oiipp" an 1 winter ills Catarrho/,011.' is best, Sold bv all deal- «rs23cand 61.(Â¥), eOL LI N SONS' CEYLON'S NEW Dry Goods, Groceries, Roota Shoes and Hardware. STORE. and Flour and Feed,--Branand Shorts. Special reductions on largo lois. Come and inspect our stock and give us a chance lo prove our worthiness of your PATRONAGE. Collin son - - Bros., Ceylon. LINENS & NOVELTIES. Side Board Scarfs 35 to 75 Tray Cloths 15 to 1.00 Pillow Shams 50 to 1.50 Colored linen covers 50 to 1.25 Damask Table Napkins 85c to 3.76 Silk Piauo and Organ Drapes 1.50 to 4.50 I Drawn Work Novelties 15 to 1.50 XMAS HANDKERCHIEFS & NECKWEAR. Lace Haudkercliiefs 5 to 25 Hem-stitched Silk Hand- kercliiefa 25 to 75 Fancy Silk Haudkercliiefa 10 to 50 Gent's Silk MnfiSers 25 to 1.75 Gent's Silk and Satin Mufflers 25 to 50 Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars 25 to l.OO FANCY SLIPPERS. Felt, Carpet and Leather. Children's 20 to 45 Misses' 25 to 60 Women's 80 to 1 75 Men's bO to 1,50 See our stock of Xmas Goods in China and Glassware. The best values we have ever had consisting of Berry Setts, Table Setts, Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Water Setts, Porridge Setts, Vases, Rose Bowls, Jardiueres, Salad Bowls, Moustache Caps, Souvenir Novelties, Wedgewood Ware, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Shaving Mugs, Children's Mugs, Cake Plates, Bread and Butter Plates, Fancy Silverware, Table Knives, Fancy Parlor and House Lamps. W. E. Richardson & Son â€" Aâ€" Merry Christmas to all Both Great and Small And we want you to call To see all! ! The wonderfnl things old SANTA CLAUS has brought for presents for young and old at Richardson's Drug Store. They are most wonderful, wonderfulâ€" in fact marvellous, very marvellous. The Largest and Most Varied Selection . . ever brought into Flesherton. . . To enumerate] them would be nearly impossible, but, tenerate we have: Safety Kazors Dressing Cases Xmas Cards Fancy Stationery Shaving Setts Mechanical Toys Birds Fountain Pens Albums Dogs Combs and Brushes Perfumes Wood and Iron Sleighs Guns Toy Books All kinds of Games Books Hymn Books W.E.Richardson&son FLESHERTON, ONT.

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