FOl HiDBED EBTOMBED Unparalleled Disaster in West Virginia Coal ,Mine. A from rairiixinl. West Virpinin, sjiy<-: T1k> most ici-iilili? rniiio (liMislor in tho coul hisloiy of \V(,'>1 Vi(||.'iiiiii, niid pi'obiilily IJu- ^.TOiil- rsl iiiliiiji;,' di'^islci' in llic tiisloiy <jf llie I'niliv] SInli's. <iiriiiT<'il in mines Jiiiiiiht'ivs ^ix lunl olfjhl. <i[ the Kiiiiinonl <i)iil f>iMi|»uny. opixi^ilo Nt<iii'ingii(i, on Uw \\ csl F<ill\ Hivi'r on â- riiui-'<liiy. II i' th«.uj.'lit Dint at li.'.iot 35*1 niniliavc k).>-t llicir lives. Six Chanel and MmkoiioJ Ixivlios lyint; in the iniinx)vi.s<'il iiiorfjui.' pio- puivd nour ilu' cnlninco to tlio mine, lour uRii licMiint,' bclwivn life and <loulti frvjin llif iiw fill brui.sL'i .suislain- ed and tin- deadly (.'asos iidialod, in a UriiiiKjrary li^.^pital inl j wliicli one of Iho iMiMiKiny'j, iMiildinfe's lins been lians- foimtd, and 30'.» nn'ii inipri.vMiod I'V ton.s (if coal and ndnis deliii.s in tlic> <U'pll)»L of the liill-; suri'oundiiij,' tlii.s liimintr town, willi the clian.'cs alii ayaiiist n sinfile <iiu' of lliein l;cinKl «livi'. is Ihe ir:<(.si m-cnraU* .vnriiinarv I cliliiinalde on TliniMlay Jiij.'lit . f llio iv- 1 sulls ol III,'.' cxplo.-ii* n. Tiic c.V|doslon occiMivd sIk. r'lly afli'r 10 o'clock. afl.T the full Utrw of :IS1) ' iiipu had gone lo uork in Ihe Iwo ndiir.<i affivU'd. 'I'lii'vc mines are .Nos. o and 8 of IIk- roiis-ilidnled r<ial Oi.. Idcaled m op|x,sjlc sides of I he Wesl I-Vrli Hiv- *r, bnt meix'ed in Ihiii- und-r^Toimd W(,ikjnj,'s by a lieadiri}.' iind on the -nr- Ui':o by a great .sleol lijijile and InUluo. (;al'.sei) nv hijack d.wii', , Th<-ro i.s niiuli speculation as to the cause of the explosion, but the most K'onrnilly aeeepi.d lhr,Mv is Hiat it ro- Kiill.d from t,|,-„-k damp, s.i.'nliflcajly Known iis rneilinne. || |s believ.d that « Mimer nllenipled to set off a blast wliieji blew out un<I itmiled IhP hiL-hlv iiillaiiiniable siil^lance found in urealer <"â- h-.s cpianlilivs in all \iri;inia 'innotf. llowev.T. all explanations of the causo up to IhLs lime ar<' necs-ar^'y epccijlalne. Only a Ihoroiif/h inves'ij. pilion nfler llie mine is r<v|)enod will diselose liH^ cause, if i| u ever ascei'- Tlie exidosioi) affe-led iKitli ,„i„c.s and .so far ,,.., i., ,|„^^ known api^-ars U. have don.' abuil jis irmch daina'-e in <inu as in the o!her. It lias not bc^n f.slablislKMl in iiiiiu' it orij!inalrd. I':videiulnt' the terrilli: force of tlic coii- LUS.sioii, i)rops in (lie fiitry ol N-'j. C mine, .supporting' llic r<Kjf, were nol only sliiitlered and Ifjrn fivjui Iheir p<i- silions, but were lilown out o( IIk- < fi- tly, and to th<' op|)o.sile .side of the riv- er Oilier ovideiiee of the awlid force ..s .shown in every .section of the inincs tbiil has been reaehfit t^y^ the n-scuer.s. Huge quantities <if coal nnd rmk linve let'ii loo.s<'iicd and linrk"<l iiilfl ev<'ry oponiin;, niul all of tli<^ umliirnixDund .strurlure is wro.'-ked beyond ifinblarrje "'â- the original sliapo. TIIK WOHK OK niiSr.L'R. The entry of No. (5 mine lUiO foci fi<im the nioulh Is piled Jiijyli with tl:e wreckage .if two .strings of ears and two <ler-lric nujtors. S'Miie of Ibe re.s- ci.'ers liavo climbed over Ill's and found dead todies loyond, bill luivc I'liude iKi nitenipl lo remove Iheso to the surface, jiartly il would lo ahiKFst iinpo.ssililc lo cniTy llie Ixid- ie.- ov< r til/' <lebri.s, but more' lliey do n<jt WHiit to ]<>.<(• any lime in leaclilng <itli<'r .sections of Iho mine where il I.S fKissiblc in<'n .slill living hiMV be ImpriSMUod. 'I'he cars are l-o- ing righted as fast n-; po.ssible and re- iihived from Die eiitry lo(^pllier willl all olher tibslrwcti ins. f.'\riii-;rir. .';f;r';Ni-:«:. \ The scciics round nl«;ul llie cnli-ii.s f-' the mines nnd llii'<iiigli'iul tiie town are patlielic and licartreildiiig. Wives. nnjlheis and .sweelhemls. logelhcr with etiildren and nioinlicis of the stivingpp sc'\, move from pliu'e t'> phic, vitinly s<'ekJiig inf .rmiili<in and making no fit- tempt lo conical llielr giiof. p.m ijino news can Iv given lliein. and .such as Iliey do gel is bad. Noni" is oncour- age<l to Iwtiii' that nny-iiio in llie niiii*' has survived the evjilosion nnd Ihe snf- f^'l•alillg gas that immi^linlely afler (llle<l llie mine. T'lom lime io tinir 111 're comes w<ii'd liom Iho searrliors in Hie mini' that Kxlies have been rmnj al one place or anollier, and in ni'arly e\ory Inslance it is al.s'i stiil.Nl that the l<,dos mv elllier terribly torn and moiigled or burned and biackened. LEADING_MA11KETS BHI-;.\D.«:| UITS. T. ronlo, Dec. III.â€" Manitoba W'heal- No. I lior<l, nominal; N<'. 1 iwrlhcrn. .^I.l.'i; \o. 2, mMyy, No. 3 northern. $I.OG. Ontario Whealâ€" No. 2 while or red, uUjiit IKJc; No. 2 mixed, 95c, outside; go<),se, 88.'. Barleyâ€" .No. 2. (i7c, ouUsidQ; Nli. 3 extra. Ote to I'l'ic; prices are nominal. Flourâ€" Onlai'i.i wiiit<>r wtieal. $^^."i bid; Mniiiloliii jiatenlis. «pecial brand. •*.i.ftt; >(H;</nd.s, $.-).2ii; strong bakers, .«.lo. Oiil'^N'o. 2 white, Wc lo *7c, oul- â- "•ide; iiiiX'd. 1.5c to HW, Oilt.side. Hvc-79c. oiiLside. I'cii.s â€" Wm-, 4iii|side. Oiriiâ€" No. 11 yellow Aincri':'nn, lOXc to 71c, Toronto freiglil.s; new corn, Cie lo d:,'/^c. |),-ccinl)ei' delivery. fiiickw h( at-62c, oiit.«ide. " Itiaii- »i;t I., s;o. in bulk out.side; shoi'I'S. f!i\ to .$2?. COUNTflV IMtODliCF,. liiillerâ€" -Market holds sl<mdy nl un ch'inged qi;oliilifln.s. f:i'.'aiiiery. prints d</ holids Daily prinis di .s'.ilids In'oi'or ( â€" \'e.ry sleady al large nnd l.'lj^c for twins. Kggsâ€" .'^lonige easy a I 22i d<./,en in case l-il.s. .selects. 2'.)c lo .lOc 2('h' !o27c 2.")C lo 27c anc lo 2V; 2nc to 22c I3'.i}: lor new-laid iioininal at Poultryâ€" Market is the heavy supply. riiickeiis. clKii'V .... Old fowl Illfei'ior Voiiiig geose Ducks, choice Yiiiing liirkoys Tliiir turkeys I'olaUxsâ€" Sloadv baL" in r>\r lots oa IViinâ€" .SI.?:! to $IX) lo .Sl.a-i for lo 2:lc per .'lie; s!ri"llv nix. Ill Sue lo 350. S'asy owing lo 7c lo 5c U) 4e lo 7c lo 8<;lo tdclo 12c (V.; lo 8c OfJc per nl 85c to Irark here. fy\.K> for primes nnd haiKl-picked. (:iiiMini; or i:mi(;iiatio.\. tndesh-alile Hordes are Poiirlno hi un tiprniiiny. A despnich from London .savs- \r. c<irding lo a Dcrlin despalch, Cer- liian> is tremendously alarmed over thi ccoiioniic Consequences of the enii- priint rii.sii from .\me."i,.'n. \ corre- al ondent .says: "H is f,',„cd thai the 'â- ns of lh„iisuiids of nu.slan Poles, l.ilhiiaiilniis. IbmgMrinii.s, (hveks and llahans. landing nt Hamburg and" lire- men. utter liavmg sp<'iil llieir last ciiiis *•!. fiassige money liack. mav be".une hlrai:;ted in ilermany, and put the al- roiidy <,vercr.)wded domeslic laUjr mar- k«r in a iHjsiiion." 'i he Im- t'Hrial f;ov('nimeiii ,> |,i,,„^, ,„.,,,,, ,,, .onMdei "wlU'lhcr Cerniany should ii, t miiii<'<lial.'ly r,..vorl M the vlg< rolls jiro- bibiihe inea.-iire.s enforced by Ibe American immigration aiillio!i|ies and iirbilrnrily put up in,', against Ihe l<,r. . leiil of honiele-.s niuhsirabliss." nissiA iiA.s (;im>o\mh:ii ploi. Triieme (o llliiw Ip I'lmpcrdr, Imperial I'al.i.e mid Duma. A di'.si);i:cli f:om Paris says: ..y (;,.. Ticva dp'.palch rci-.'ivi<l beie .s|uk'^ Ilia! the j'<)iice have disoven^il a Hiissiim leri'< rist plot lo as.«as.vinah' the l-ju- pcror, blow up Ihe lni|)erlal Pnlict) Jind Ihe Dnnia. and piilagc Ibc Imperial Hank of Mn.ssia. One arrest luis been made in connecKon with the alh'g.'d Idol. iian<;i:d at kami.ooi>.s. Sam l,.iik, a ('.liliiaiiiaii, Killeil Man Who Stole His Money. I A (i(.si)aleh from Vancjuver says: | Sani l.oik, Chinaman, whs execiile 1 on . Wednesday. iiKirning in the jail vard i a*' . KamkHips. (jroaiiing and very 1 n<'rvoiis. Ihc aged Uiinamnn walked to Ihe gallow.s. .Sam Lock, who was for years co<Jk for J. K. llob».iii in Cmi- lioo, last April killed a c<Juntiyinan who had .sloli'ii his livings. The. iiiur- dercr had been forty years in the ouun- Iry. and up to thai bine had boino a good repiilalioii. sT»;t K woi.i wnn <;i \. The I'Icce \V:im DlMharflcd. ami 'In- known (ierniaii Was Killed. .\ <le>pjilrh from SIh-Iio. .'sasAalch?- wnn. .viys; DeliiKs ^lave jiisl been re- ceived of II <lls!ressiiig falnlily in the iiei;:lilHiih<«i(l <d ICbeiu'zcr. alxml Ihiily mdr-, soiillieasl. A Cennaii. miMie mi- known. Iiiid coino to Un* di.slrici tor Ihe pi:r( <d liiiiiliiig. and went out on l'orM>baclv, accomiianiid by lii.s hounds. Having run down a wolf, he alipliled and .'â- Iriick il on the head uilli Ihe bar- rel of his pun. Thi.s bi'<ike the Imirelii, and again lie .sli-uek llie wolf willi the slock of the gun. when the gun evplod- 10 and 111.' full diarge enlered Ihi' mnn'.s lo<ly In Ihc ncigklKii li< od of the heart, killing him instanllv. FIGHT WITH BANK BUBGIABS Messenger Surprised Two Burglars at Work in Montreal Bank A df.«pnlcli fi< ni Montreal .?ny . : A rt. •â- pcrale gang of biirglar.s is mfosling liloiiireni, and Iheir lulesi »'xploil was ft pailii iilarly Inild une. .M a late Ikiiu' on WeliK'Sday night Mr. Alaiie. Ihc ines- Keuger al the ceiilrol biancli of the Hitii'pie dHoclielagn. on .s;t. Catherine Slreel, was alarmed lo hear Ihe buzrer il his room go off. lie kiiev, Ilia I .some one must have enlered llie lank, and liii.slily dressing lilniself, he nifthed out fnin l|is iKJiise. which is al the cml <if a lane bet'iiid the beink. nnd entered by Ihe d'or al SI. Catherine .Street. Me oiw.n tiirlit' burnln(( near Ihe /'liter door iVflhc |>rinclp«i .safe,' where lie i-c Is us a rule, no light. .At once ho ciil.ii'd 'i'l' manofc'or'ii olTlre. nnd Inking h s revolver from n drawer, crawled raidlously netir the light. Tw«, men were trying the conililnntion of Hie outer dodr of the vuiill. Walking on lip toe to surprise Ihem, he liiuiiell was surprised The robber^ hud dettvted his presence and a revolver shot was llwd. The me*- .sfiigBrs escape \vn« iimrvelloiis, for lh« l.i.rglar's bullet pa.ssed through his h»l, and Ihoii, crashing through Hie glut of a window. flatt«n«d iUelf ugAin*l a brkik wall III the lane. Alarle llr«d back, and Immediately one of Ihe burglars switched oil the light. Before the messenger c<juld cul off their relreal they had found their way out by Iho open door. Th« meuen- gcr ipiickly followed, but th«r« wu no Irace of the robbMW. II;iiey~.s;train'd sloadv nl lie to 12c per loiind r.f.i' I'ln-ivmiiul piiils. and I2e lo lie for .•) to I(1-i>ouiid pails. Comts a I SI.7.-) 'o S?.5(l |cr dozen. \ejiisin -llln 'qiiarleis. \\\4r ti IS; front riiicrtes. 5c: < 8%c ty fi'. finlel llrivâ€" Tiinolhy is quo!el al .'«l7..'in lo .$1S.,V) in car lots on track here. Rated .'ilrnwâ€" M.Ti'k- f is iiin'el nl SjHI.'in I' 9l0.j<) jier Ion »in Irack here. r»nO\ l.'^IO.N.s:. .Saiokeil nnd Dry Sal'c.l Mr.ils â€" Long clear bacii. |(i%," to n.- t,,i' Ions and cases; liaiii^. nie.liinii and light. l.'Vc l<i I5,V; heavy, i:t,V;c lo H": backs, lii^c !o 17c; shoulders. Iik' to W/y:; i'mIIs, 10>^c to ll.-; I'leiikla-l lac:in, I.V lo V'ifv- gi<<Ji nicalt. out <f pickle, |c l<;ss lliuii siiKikcd. IV.i'kâ€" sii.,rl cut. $22.75 lo $23 f< r banel.s; iiie^s, ,Slfl lo .$;»0. I.iirdâ€" ICa.sler; llrm; lierccs. IP/,c; tubs, 12^c; pails, 12><;c. MONTHI'.AI. MAUKKIS. Moiilreal. Dec. 111.- Tliertv is iw new fialiiic in Hip local Iknir market. spring pati'iit-s, iSG.Ii); s<'coiids. !S,">.51t; wilder wheal jialeiits, .$5.75; slrnigiil rollers. .S5..Mt: do., in bags, .$2.iio lo .S2.li5; extra. $2.05 to S2.I0. .Munilolia Jjraii al( .S23; .shorts, at $25; Ontario lir.'.n. al .S23.50 to .S2t; iniddlings. al $27 I''! S20 p<'r Ion. including bags; iiillle'l iiioiiille. al .His lo .$.12. and pure grain iiiomlle, al $Xy Uj $37 per Ion. IVillcil oals. nl $3.l7*<i per bng; c<ini n;eal. al SI. 75 li $I.S5 per bng. Pio\isions Bairi'ls, short cut mr&s. .$22..')d to .$23; half barrels. $II.C5 l<i .S 12.25; clear fat hacks. S23.5ii b, f>>i.- .'>0; king cut heavy mess. $21 lo S23; half barroLs do.. .$Ii>..t<i lo .S1I.25; dry .salt long clear bacon. loj;c t,, ll>.;;c; barrels pbite beef, $13.5 1 t.i $15; half Inrrels do.. .$7.25 to $7.75: barrels heavy nicsi beef, $10 t,, $lt; half bar- rels do., !S5.5(» t-i S(i; corniHUind lard. Ilti' lo lie; pure lar<l. 12J(ic I i 13c; ket- tlt renilereil. 13'.i- lo IV'; hams, I2%c t«. Ky^c. ac<-ordiiig lo si/.<': liocon. lie to Ific; W iii<ls<i;' baoon. ti>ic to 15J^c; li'psh killeil nha.ltoir (lre<,sed hogs. $S.,')0 hi $8.75; alive. .$5 - M lo .$5.75. Thrre is a .sli'<ing iiiulerloJie lo the l.'Cnl cheese riiarkel. Ocl<d)er tail ends 12c to U'>ic; Sepleiiiber. 13c. A iiKidfriite and steady inipiiry ppe- vnils for butter, (ira.s.s g<iods. 2R.' Ui 2f*,iic; cmrent receipts, stall fetl. itic l< 27.'^c. There is no new feature in Ihe U.cul egg iiisrket. Newly laid. 32c; .vhct.s. J-i^'c U, 2.V; No. 1, 2l^^c to 2l!>iC per <1«j?,eii. BUFKAI.O MARKrrs. Buffalo, N. Y,, Dec. in. -Wheat - SpriJig. lower: No. 1 northern, .$1.11; No. t red, $1.01; Winter, .â- steady. rx)riiâ€" .Sttongor; No. 2 white. fi5>ic; No. 2 yellow, fiO^'ic Oal.s -Firmer; No. 2 mixed. V!%'.-: No. 2 whilo. .55>^c. Bnr- l*yâ€" 0,5c to $1.15. Ityeâ€" No. 1. 89 to 90c. NF.W YOHK WHRAT MAHKKT. New York, Dec. 10. -Wheat â€" Spol eaay; No. 2 re<l. $1,005^ In elevator nnd S1.01>r''0.b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du- lulh, $1.15% f.o.b. alloal; No. 2 hard winter, $l.lO>i f.o.b. ufVoal. CA'ITLE .MARKET. Toronto, Dec. 10.â€" Trade In nearly • U clwMS «t oatUe wu active at the 'W«*WlA marlMt to-day. Light rougb Won Honors in Sheep at Live Stock Show at Chicago. .A desp.Tioh from Chicago savs : The judging of the sheep classes' al Ihe lid-ermilioniil l.ive Slock .Show was linielied on Thur.sday. Iho exhibits from III!- Province of Onlario sweeping Ihe lield. The lolal onirics in this depart- ment are l.tW. a.s against 891 in IWW. Mepresenlalives of the Ja|)anesc 'â- <veiiimcnt attended Hie .-how on Tnursday making airangernents for Ihe of Clydesdale and lln:k- ney horses. It is said thai $.100.0(K) has been appropriated for expenditure in this country and Canada en horses of I.eavy tone aii.l miis<'|e. The Ontario-bred grand "hanipi<in sieer of the International l.ive .siock Show, the most honored anlnial of all Ih'j thousands that are being e.xhibiled al Ihe .-lock yard.s Ihis week, sold at' niicticn on Thursday for 2i ceiiLs a p< und on the luxjf. This price is much kiwer than those of former isliows. Itoaiv. King is Ihe premier beef-l-HNiring beast who was knocked down al this price. Tin Shorttiorn calf that swept Ihe lield weiil lo a iincking compaiiy of HuffaU).. The lolal sum |iaid lor him was .$25'.i.20, bis weight being 1.080. Tlic grand champion was followed al ti.e auction block by the bine ribbon cr,i-lol of steers, exhibited by Glaus Krambeck. They weni nl S cents a- p;iund. Ihe average per animal being- $122. Iti. nnd llie total f<ir Ihe load Ijcing: •Sl,+i:J2.iO. .A year ago Iho grand '.'liam- pkn car-lot went al 17 cenk a i«iund.. neliing .S3.Ut;o.'.)0. stockcrs were about the <;nly class which did not sell Well. .\ few loads of cuHlo were of fairly good quality, and these brought ^retly fair prices. The greater nuinlier, however, were light, and jiot well finished. Some might l)c described ns having no lin- ish at all. Hogs were unchanged. The deliveries were 171 cms. conlnining 2.C.22 cattle. 3.78'.) sheep and lambs. 5(10 bogs, iiiKl 112 calves. Of llie-e 35 cars were en route fivmi ."liicago lo the .seaboard. Aloiil Ihe only business tran;acled ir. ex|oilcrs' cattle was the sale of one k ad. I. I.V) pound.s. t:ir .$4.80 per cwl. nmch^rs' cattle, liest. 81.50 to .$4.75: fair to go<jd. loads of, $1 lo $1.25: me- dium, .$3.25 to .$3. .51); exjiort cows. $3.- .5'l t^i $3.75: good butchers' cows. .$3 lo .'^'3.25; me'liiim c<iws, $2, .50 lo .$2.75; omiiiion. *2 lo .$2.25; caiiners, 75c to OOc |-er cwl. Hiiyers fiorii Ih.^ counlry were en- quiring for feeders nnd slockiMs. liyht r. ugh animals sold nl $1.50 to S.'.iO jM-r cwl.. and g'OOd steers were more II, demand at $2.50 lo ,$3.(;(1 per cut. Mil h c<iws were firm al .SK) I i $70 each for choice, nnd S25 to .$10 each r<ir me limn ones. Calves were sicudy in price at 3 'o (i" per pound. ."siieoo nnd lanitis were hrotigh' for- ward bliernlly. Prices were unciiang- r<l al S3.75 to $i per cwl. for exp'jrt ewes. $2..50 lo .$3 f- r bucks and '.-ulls. and .$i lo .$5 for .s-lieep and lamts. ll'.jgsâ€" Selects and fats continued lo sell at $1.75 lo .$5 iier cwl.. and sows were worth .$3.50 per cwl. -<, i>!-:atii or Ki.Nt; Ihe End ('aiiie IVacelulh on Sunday Allernoo:). .A ch'SDiiieli from sUckholm. Sweden, .says: King Oscar died nl !). 15 oeloik on Sunday morning. He was unc m- scious since 3 o'clock on .'-;alur<k:y aflei- iKion. ill which timo he .sp<ike tiis lust w<ir(Ls, thanking lis surgeon lor ris beving his pail!. He als-j, for a brief lime, rewgnized Queen S<;phia and Princess Ingclorg, one of lu>. .laugh- lers-iii-liiw. I I whom he said "Thanks.' i.jul Ihen relansed into coma. After lbi.s his .'â- .lie;i(;lh .eteadilv 1 <^eiie<J. The ii;enil:cr- of his family aiul court <. llic Ills asvseiublel nt S o'cU/ck in Ih^,' 10 nil i'l which his Majesty lay dying and r.'inainel unlit Hie eiul. (Jii c i .s . pliii sal by the bedside and liehl her ilying hiisbiind's hand. Slorlly I e.'ore ill dii'd lie aged (Jiieen, wli<i fo.- iiioie Itiaii half a ceetuiy tiud bis'ii -King (> - cars c<iinpanioii and helpnire^. kiieil \-\ I'le bedi'ik' and tiffcre.l a ;'iMrl.i I- U'h ng piavor. | DOMINION FINANCES. KevcDue for Ki'jhl Months Over S'xly- six Milli'ins. A desjircli from Oilawa .-a.vis : The Uiuiiicial slalcnicnl of the 1) .miinon giv- ing the kital revenue and expendiluro- l.e the prest'iit liscal year, accirdiiig lo- re'.urns fiirni.slied llie Finance Depart- iiiclit Up to .\<jvcnilv'r 30. shows a total revenue for Hie lirst eiglil months, .â- \pril b. NovemtH^r inclusive, of $(iG.()r).',i27,. and a tolal expoiidiUire of .$5H.I'.m.;H3. T< Id rever.iie'd by $'.).11'*.H75, the for last nx.iitli K'ing .$76'f,- !V,12. Of llie nggn-galc iicrcase in revc- iiin- for till' eight iiioiiIIks .$7.21().S1() was in cilsl'.iiiis receipts. $7't'.l.Hhl from .$â- 137,310 from jKislolIice. and .$:iS2.(»'t7' fr<.iii public vvorkis, including railways. Till' lutal net ilebl <jf Ihe l)4iminl<iii on \< vemlci' 3ulh .-tood al .$25't.llOii.s7i. an increase of $2,500,111 during Ihe moiiih. KEI.L INTO SCAI-DINi; VILV. Van Had lo «ad.' leii Feel Kefore ISe ^ Could K.scape. .A doiKid'ii Monlcul sa.vsr P<dleJ ill n Vii! of pulp nnd saldiiig water was Iho terrible exp<'re'ice of" l.o-lo Williams, 2'J years of in;>. of Tupih'i' Lake. .N. Y. The vat was si.\ fi-ct deep ajul Ihe young iiiaai had lo wale Un feet b.'f,.re he could gel •ml of the siiff. Hy lliis lime his was i^arboileil from head U> f.;ot. and bv the lime he dragge<l himself out of the bole tw was in a wretched .slate .-.n I s !0'i (villapst'd an! fell buck into Ibc bniling vvatn:'. Williams was nnally r.'-<'ucl by .--sjjiie of his c>inirad"s and iifier a m.'dioul c<iiisiilUiliiii il tt;u de- cided I.) bring him Ui Xk'iitical. \ tec emergency licatmc:it <f cold cieam and .s\v<-( t oil l<i prevent Ihe skiji from peeing <iff. he was brought lo the dly and taken lo the (;.Jiei':il Hosiiilul \v!i 1'^' h'.' di;";l on Sulurday. 4' PLANS rOU N\V\I. I5ASI'. Work AVill Soon roninience al Hosylh, Si'ollniul. .\ des^aicli Irom (ilasgow. say^: The plans for the great new naval base a) Hosytli. Si')llaiid. have been cmplel- (hI, nnd Hic work will comtnence early III I'.KlS. The ba.siii will cover mi area o' lUty-sIx acres, vvilh a deplli of thirly- six lo. I at H'l tides. Access will be ob- laincd lliiougli a kick S.50 feel long. The basin is lo be pra.jtical'y .sqiiice. Willi quay acC'Cniino<1nli<in for Iwcn y- Iwo warships, allhougli Ihis may bo (l<.ubl(d. The [)!ans jM-ovidc for Ihe con- siruciiun of a graving dock lo a''.^ i:ii- iiioilalc Ihc largest of this amount ot sliip.s TBAFFIC THBOUGB CANALS St Lawrence Waterways Made Record for the Season. .A despatch from Montreal say« : Willi the <lepurture of the sleuin biirge .Nicar- agua on Tuesday of Inst week the busi- ness of Ihe canals here may be said lo have closed for Ihe season, after Ihe most buccessful year in the hlslory of the St. Lawrence .system. In Ihe uuiiiber t.f vesseti pa.ssing through, in the umount of grneiul nier- clianinse curried, in the number ot pas- sengers travelling on river steamers, and iiiosl particularly in the amount of grain liansferred troni the West to the harbor of Monreal, his seas^m marks a ti-einen- d<iiw increase over Hie llgi.res «.f any previous year. Last year siiovved a great increase over the summer of 1!H»5. bul, large as the margin was, 11 \va.s not nl all equal to Ihe difference between Ihe eeaaons ot 1906 and 1907. The Iranstiorlation of wheal. <if pre- mier Imporlance in Hie records ff the St, LawTonco canal revenue relunif.. reached a total of alino^l double the number of bushels carried down last year, while the total for corn, though nol »o gi-eat, was almost triple ln«l year's fl£ure«. Under the grain heading Ihe only decreases in totals were in barley, llnxseed, and Dour, und these were very sienll in propoilion lu the whole amoiiiil of each curried. The reli.riis tor passenger Irullic ure s' mewlial surprising, in view of the late willing <..[ Ihc summer weutiiei- and the general iiielem* iic.v which previiil*d. Iwo rea.vms, wliicli were ciptvifd io , ause a decreiis" liwlcud *.t that, however, til-' figures of lasl siiimiier are beltered by upwards of lifteen thousand. In total toiinage Ihe iii> amounts lo almost two hundred thousand Ions. The piiiicipHl shipments of the season aic us follows : mi. KHul. Wheal, bii.shels lU.Ui.Kiti S.-ill 165 Corn, bushels 3,770.W.> L.lf.ti s-Ml Peas, buahels ^ a,«89 G,S75 Oals. busheU 3,il9,.>i65 2.IU9.(«3 Barley, bushels «3..'11'J 77(l.l2fl n.vr, bushels gl,000 25,U0fl Flaxseed, bushels ... I,737,8«8 2,1101,452 Flour, barrels W.St? 76,171 i:gg«. cases ) 1,471 c.S>,'»1 Butler,« ^Mi 3 .5M lineeae. ti/.-s Ut^l 223,5.1?