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Flesherton Advance, 21 Nov 1907, p. 6

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..3.i- MISTAKES THIS TIMK. IVjcior- "1 diuynoie ull sickiiirssw iMni lh« rmtienl'a eyes. Now, your ri({hl oyo tells iiic thai your kidneys Bio affocted." I'alientâ€" "Kxciwe inc, doctor, but my rlijlit is a gloss eye." How to Cleanse the Systi^in.â€" Pnrme- U«'s WgfltdbK* I'llls arfl the resiill <if s<M*iitin(; .study of the effiJcU; <if exInicLs 'â- / cnrtaiii roots atid herbs ii|Km the di- jjestivfl organs. Their use h».s doiiion- Btralod In many Inslnjiccs that thoy re- ^ululc the action of tho liver and th« kidneys, purify Ihe l)lood, and carry oft nil morbid accumulations tfom tlw; .sys- tem. They are easy to takn. and llieir oution I.S mild and l)encficial. II .s nitnost OS ea-sy to lie ns it is to laso money. WKAK WATT^BV BI.OODcaiiM] murh »rotihI». That tlrid ftcHng and maa^ mora iiirmi>t'>mi (ullow Id !(• «ak«. 'rnr " Farrorlm." U u tbt b**t Ionic U> mak* jwi atrouf will wcU. All druuiati asU It Thv- rr.slauranl-keoi>cr hung O"' the l<;llowinK sign: "Ojffoe sucli a.s niothpr ueed to make." A customer. polntinK ic the .sign, asked: "Is your coffee really iiuch ii.s molhur used to make?" "It is,' riplied the proprietor. "Then," said said the customer, with a reminiscent look, "I'll take a cup of tea." MUTilKK'S SACRIFICE. F.very mother know.s how fretful tho liltk' ones ar« when Ihey develop Mumps, and Ihe many nigliU rest she is called upon to sacjifice. Mrs. S. A. Hauunond, of Mimlco. says: "My thr(»e children have had the mumps, and I u.sed /.am-»uk for all <.f them with <'.xc4'llent resulU. /.am-Buk did my children a world of good, nnj wdl always ke^p It handy as a liold remedy. I w<iuld recommend it to all mothers, and tliink that no lionie should he without it." /.ain-Huk cures Cuts, fiuras. Chapped Hands, Hingworm. .Sprain*. Bad I-Ogs. IVils. Ulcers. Hunnintj -Sijres, .Se.ilp |r- nlulion. I'oi.s<ined Wounds. Piles (blind «>nd bleeding). Al), Rczema, etc. Of ull stores and druggists SO cents a box, or Zam-I'.uk C/i., Toronto, on re- €(â- 11)1 of price. 3 lx).\es for $1.25. /• _____ "I'll give one of you boys ton cenis t< carry my bag to the .station," .said a i-ross-eyed man, pausing before three ragged fellows. "Which- one. mister?' piped Ihe N,ys in cliorous. "Vou," said tho en ss-eyed man. "Which one?'' "^ou!' Tlicrc Whs a jiaa-ie. Finally one litlle follow said: "I'.-iir do, niisler; close one ey.- and look at the kid you want, will you?" AWARDED SIILVER MEDAL NFWCOMHK PIANO WINS !,\l Hi:|,H AT JAMIvSTOUN K.XI'OsniON. Mr. Albert Shaw, the well-known editor of Ihe Heview of Reviews ajiri pr.sidenl of the jury of awards of the J.iineslown l-;.xp<isilion. has nollRed Ihe Nowr/iiiilie Piano Conipiuiy, <if Tomnto, thai a silver medal has been awarded them on llieir new patent piano equip- \*H\ Willi III.. Howard Patent Tension ll<wls. which Ihey are e.xhiblling at the KxpoNition. The Newcombe's eueocss is another Iribule to the skill of Ca- nadian nianufuclurers. "I haven't gut any case." said (he client. "I have money." "How much?" nski-d Ihe lawyer. "Fen thousund dol- lar.;," w:s the reply. "Phew ! You have the l)esl case I ever lieard of. Ill .see thai you never go to pri.s<,n with that sum." f>aiil the lawyer, cheerfully. And lie didn't- ho went Ihere "broke." It Keeps the Mii'!ele<< Pliant. -Men given to nius''ul;ir .s))orl,s and rxercis- <s and those who suffer muscular |>aiiis from bicycle i-iding will find Dr. Tlio- iiin.s' l-Vcleiilric Oil .sojueHiint; woilli trying. As a lubricant it will kts'p Ihe iiiiisi-ies pliabh? and fiM* from pains which often follow constant use of them, without softening or iiii.puiriiig their slifiiglh. For bniLses. sprains and conliisions It is wilhout a pcvr. AN EASY VICTIM TO CONSUMPTION Tba run down ii;>t«ui la an inTltIng flald for Uiacorm uf Tuu«rcul(Mli. Vou caouoc arola brcAlblnp Ib lh« scrmvâ€" tha/ar»«Tar/wh»rt> but o rubual ara- Uia la iBunune (rum Ch»lr atlM>ki To rabiiild m Hoakravd aralMu Ihar* ia nothlnf that oon'alna ao much virtue M COD IJVKn OIL, but tbo virtue la lint In tlia grsMC. Ia fact tlia Kre«a« ratarda ttea banalklal »ctl«n of tb* rvailj' valuftbU ptinclDlaa a{ tb« OlLI>f deraaginf tb' dfgrwfUon. In "BRICKS TA8TKLK83" tbo irra«a< la allaiSnatcd. It itreaenU Ib« valiabla prlnciploa ot COU LI VKU on. iu a palatablu (oriu. ooBbli>«d witb pbua^jburoua in Ilia foriu ot tho Coni- puuiiil Sjruu of nj'Mopl'oapbltM, tha niitrlUoua Liquid Kitract of Malt and tbe Bronohlal Tonir and WoUatlvo Fluid Kitraot u( Wlla Cborrr Bark. AKM YOUnSELF AQAINST CONTAGION. â- â- BniCSa TA8TKLESS' will baild np tha ansrvalMt a/atam and wlU our* Broiiohltla. Hulmonarr AITaotlaBa, and tba deranged or diaordarrd oarrona ijatrm. Hako jour bvdy haslthj and you need bava no tear ot garcaa or dlaeaaaa. Read Brlok'a gaarantae witli asoh beula. ••BRICKS TAHTICLK8.S' la pnt up io eight fB) ouooo bottlea, r«UU prioa ft(l7 l-V) Mala, and la twantv (M)) ounoa bottlaa, ratoil prio* one (I) dollar. A PnOSPEROUS COl.O.NY. In the Slate of Victoria, Australia, Ihe lailway revenue for 1907 fiscal year was $20,050,000, the highest on rcc'oiil, while the working expensc.% were les-s than 52 per cent, of Ihe revenue, Ihe lowest for twenty-eight years. The number of savings bank depositors in- creased by 3."),(HiO, Forty per cent, of the entile |x»pulation has deposits. The amount at their credit on June 30 last was $64,000,(X>J. an increase for the jtar of .$5,110,000. Overseas export* o.\clusivc #f gold, amounted to S(i-i,- (KW.Oito, an increase of 250 per cent, over I'.)On. The colony's over.sea.s im- jKirls amounted to $73,000,000. The e\|Hjrls l.i other .silate^ were nearly .?-25,0OO,000. The riovornment revenue for Ihe year was $ll,5G5,n(X), and the expenditure only $3r;i5()5,000, creating •I surplus of $1,000,000. A cough Is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary alllictions, yet there is a simple cure within the reach of all ill Bickle's Anti-Cxinsuniptlve Syrup, an old-time and widely recogni/wl rem- <'ilX, which if resorted to at the incep- V\<\n of a cold, will invariably jjive re- lief, and by overcoming the trouble, guard the system from any serious coi)so(|uonces. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. C.iiniierâ€" "A wirelfS, piano Ls Ihe lal- c-t." Cuycrâ€" "Il'm! When Ihey invent >i soundless one life will be worth liv- ing!" BY BRIRIN'O THK NKRVKt with nplnm yoa mav atop a oough but tlia iiidainroatinn goat from bad t<> woraa. Alien':* Lung Hiilaam, oonta'uing no opium, £oaA to tbn root of tUa truuhla ana curat deep'SeataU uffactiona of throat and lougi. Mngisli-ate- "I hope I shall not see you here again." Old offenderâ€" "Not sec ini here again! Why you ain't going to resign your oince, are you?" Not a Nauseating Pill.â€" The excipieni of a pill is the sulistance which enfolds Uie ingredient.^ and makes up the pill niiuss. Thai, of PaniicliK^'s Vegetable Pills is .so comiwunded as to pres<'rve their moisluro, and Ihey can Ix- ear- ned iiilo any latitude without impair- ing their sironglh. ,Maiiy pills, in or- d<'r to keep them from adhering, arc rolled in powdeis,. which pixive iiting to the taste. Parmele<''s Vegetable Pills are .so prepared that Ihey ai-i> agreeable Io the most delicate. now Till-: vouNti idra .shoots. Many children are so cranmu-d with cverylhing that they really know no- tiling. In proof of this, read these verilablye lippcinieiis of dilinl|,<iiis, wi'ilteii ijy pul'llc-schdol children: "."^'ability Is taking care of a stable.'' "A iiios(|uit-i is the child ot black and ivliile piiren's." ".Monasiery is Ihe place for monslers." â- |'<'icsin U .soinetliing to do with gel- ling drunk." "Ks|H)»lulallon Ls to have llie small- pox." "Cannibal Is two l.iollu'rs who killed each other In the IJilile." "Anatomy is Ihe hiimiin body, which consists of tline [larls, Ihe head. Ihe cliisl, nnd Ihe alunimick. The head eoii- Irdns the eyes and brains, if any, '{'he chlst eonlains the lungs ami a pii-ee of the liver. The >lurnmick is devoted to the Ixiwuls, of which Ihei-e are (Ive, a, e, I. 0, u, and sometimes W and y." Ililshand (to wife) -"Do you believe In Ihe theory that Ihe greatness of a father often proves a slunibling-ljlock t«i Ihe advaiictMiieiil <d his .«oii Ih lifr?" \Vife--"I eei-liiinly d-i. I mil Ihaiiklul, J<ihn, our l><>y will never \n- liaiidlcipiicj 111 llial way.' Ilu-band- "Ohl" Managing n're;'lor-"WeU, and what Pi-i' voiir i|i:alill'al'oiis f<ir Ihe |kis| <i( lilght walehnian.'" A|i|i|lcnii' '•Well, Sir, for one lhiii({, the least noise wakci nw up." There's more money to be made by humoring peojule Ihaii by Inslruoting Iheiii, but money Lsii t cverylhing. ITCH. Mango Prairie Scratches anrl every form of conlagious llch <jn human <ir animals cured in 110 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never Jails. Sold by ull druggists. Laughter may U". loauliful, but it must be a .serious matter to be tickled Io death. WK CLAIM that "The D * L •• Menthol Planter will cura Lumbago, lUckiiclie, Hrlatica nr Nauml- gia I'lUila (luirker thiin iinj- othor plaster. Be- uuminanaect by everybody. F.VIDFNCt; KNOIJGII. "Tell me, brolher, is it possible to le'. Hoherl know Ihal I am an hcire.'i.s?" "Has he proposed to you?" "Yes," "Well, .you may be sure he knows it aireudy." s^ DORDS 1 Wi I »•. ^ â€" ;.' ,-4' - ,^ - .' \ wvvs. .KlDNET MUHDciiKo Fon \ FonTi;.'vi:. ItuNsinn Wniniut CttnlcsHOs TItat She Killed Her ,Mme. nnstzreloff, the widow of a pro- fessor at the university ol .Moscow, was recently found murdered a sliort dLs- tance from her country residence, a few miles out of Moscow. Mine. Tcrpinsky, a sisler-ln-law, lay 1 1 a. fainting condition under .some bu.shes not far away. When she had sufllcicnlly recovered she staled that she and Mme. Paslzrctoff had been at- tacked by robbers, Mme. HaslzreUiff, who was enorm- ously wealthy, had died intestate, and u.. Mme. TerpLnsky was her nearest re- lative suspicions were aroused that slfc l.ud in-.ented the slory of the murdcr- cus attack. Mine. Terpln^ky has now confessed that she committed the crime, and is in prison awaiting trial. FEELING vvonns. "You can never tell," observed Uncle Allen Spark.s, "what lasting results fiiay be accomplished by an carnesl word spoken at Ihe right time. Many a man has had the shape of his nose (â- haiige<l for life by calling another man a liar." HELP YOUn BABY. No mother can expect her little ones to escape all llie minor ailments of childhood, but she can be reasonably sure that her child will be healthy if she give* it an occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets, .\nd «he can feel absolutely safe in giving this medicine, OS she has the giiaranlee of a govern- ment analyst that it contains no opi- ate or poi.sonou.s soothing stuff. Mrs. Uria Cres.sman, New Hamburg, Out., says:â€" "I have used Habys Own Tab- lets for stoniaoh troubles and oinsti- pation with Ihe greatest success. 1 always feel safe when 1 have a box of Tablets in the house.' Sold by all me- diCiiio dealers or by mail at 25 cents a twx from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockviUc, Onl. FACTORY WITH Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Term of Years. Central location. About ten thousand square feet In four flcore and basement Exosllent shlppni faoiilties Standard Fire Sprlnklor System. Low Insurance rcto. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Atfelaide St. West, Toronto When all if lost save honor some men get on their di„Tiily. Use the .safe, pleasanl and effectual worm killer, .Mother Graves' Worm I-'x- lerminalor; nothing equal.s II. Procure a hotlle and lake It home. AGENTS WANTED. MAKI MOMBY, B<>}9 and u^rli. •elllni Ulta PcBi, write* 1000 wurils without aippinc la ink. Simplen IOcenl» (lilver). Btl proBU. Valu»ble preniiuutrree, OAMMILL IMS,, Auhurn, N.V. FE ATH ER^DYeInQ OleulM ud Onrllac ead KM Olarw oluaad rfc^ •*â-  *• eeel bf »eet. I« ler ea, Ike ;iMt eUoe la MITISH AMERICAN DYEING ca Evonf Wonai U lutaiea&d and •bMld ki»« IMldkBOW tkewaadarfal Tk* sew Twiael irru>ce. LMAR^TwhirMnaSi -tCOU' laiit. U cI^Ai ft tio OAiuiot'nppt J this ii â-² B T e L. Mcivt Dv •thar. bat una Bt*«B fur Ulaotntnd b<>ok-«e«li4. It ftvM taXi MTttoaian aad dlr*etloiu ln< fidl MTttoaian aai XT CO., Wlndaor. Oat. eiural Aseuta C«f l'an«d»i arr Skates For Ladies "Ladies' Flanged Beaver" is only one of a dozen styles, we make especially for Ladies' use. You will find jtist the Skates you want â€" for fancy skating, rink use, hockey and racing â€" in Starr Skates. Write for the 190S Skate Book, if your dealer doe* not handla Starr Skates and " Rex " and " Micuutc " Hockey Stick*. The Starr Manufacturing: Co., Limited DARTMOUTH, N. 8. CANADA. 18 BRANCH OFFICE TORONTO. Cut RATTLKn CnVWLED OVEB BODY. I'eniUiylvania Mother's Wit Saved LiHie One From Death. At Wenlherly, near Hazleton, Pa., Mrs, Henry Chaniberliiin heard her two-year- old hahy cry out in fear. She IxaiX left ti>e child asleep in Ihe hedrooin on Ihe second Ikwr. The mother .sped up the stairs. She flung open the door, Io see a rultktinake already driiwing its loath.>ionie fomi ncposs tlif! body of her child. She stopped only to catch up a slick of wood which, she recalled, had been left in the room. .\s sh^' .-idvanced toward the reptile, she holhought her^ielf that an attempt lu kilt it then, might startle it into .striking t'-i ( neariYst living creatureâ€" her baby. F.very bit of mother love .ind inolher wii enme. instinctively to her aid. Ap- proaching within a couple of feet, she (H-inted Ihe stick at the snakes dully gleaming head. The rallies clicked slightly as the snake veered toward iUs fiK- and her ex- endixl weapon. She drew back. The stioke wrilhetl forward, .\gain she re- heated; again the siuike pui-sue<l. Kur- llier and furtluM- back thi? mother step- ped, i.iitil the ratllesiuike had dripped Io the IkHir and lay coiUM, ready to launch upon her with its venomous fangs. She made one quii;k leap towards it, and she struck just once at the up- raised neck. The wood struck upon the stiffened backbone and snapped it like a Iwig. Tho dangerous Bnake lay dead before her. Then Mrs, Chamberlain cf.uglit up her l>aby in her arms, and ki.s.sed it harder than any buhy in Wca- tlierly has been kissed far the Inst len years. aCALI) nr.AD l» a dl^ustlng and obiUaato' disea-.e. (rwqueat ia children. Treatment ; Per- lact cle^uiUneii and a gonerriiu application a( Weaver' CeraU. Muthert will be (Ud W l«ua tbi*. A small boy went to a drug slor» (nd a-iked for five cents' worth of .salts. Whilo Ihe man was weighing it lift said; "i>ay, Ixiss, don't give full weight. Its me Itial has to take it." Have .vou tried Ilollowey's Corn Curof It has no equal for removing these trouhle.sonie exciescnces as many havo testified who have tried it. Magistrateâ€" "What Ls .vour occupa- Ton?" PrsoTicrâ€" "1 am an employer vt lalxir, vour honor,' MagLstrato â€" "Well, what A^^ wu do?' Prisonerâ€" "I find employment for .such gentle- ne:i as y 'Urself and pri.son oflicinls.' Sentenceâ€" Si.\ months' hard. The Servantâ€" "Professor, there's a Ih.ef in Ihe dining-room!' The Aslroiio. Ti'er (deep in a calculalion)â€" "Tell him I'm too busy to see him!" ISSIE NO. 17 07. You can put on a roof that will last a hundred years and be the ri^ht kind of a roof every minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof that will probably leak after the first rain hits it, and keep leaking till it is rotted away. Either ro«f will cost you about the same in money at the start- But the "Oshawa"- shingled roof will be FIRE-PROOF-liter- ally; and wind-proofâ€" actually ; and lightning- proof â€"positively. Tliat's the hundred-year roof! And that " Oshawa "-shini;^ed roof will be weather-proof for a centnry. We'll GUARAN- TEE in every way for a quarter-centuryâ€" from now till Nineteon- Thirty-Two. Guaranteed in writing for 25 yoursâ€" and you needn't ever paint it, even! That's saying something, isn't it ? What would your mill-man say if you asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even ten years ? He certainly would make remarks ! And even the best cedar-shingled roof will be leaking badly inside of ten years. Seven out of ten of them leak the first time it rains. No wood- shingled roof is fire-proof for a minute, and the first high wind that catches a loose shingleâ€" whiionh I BOOS half your ihingled ryof over into tne next towmship, Tools A-Plenty for a ceatury. but a claw-hammer and knowâ€" caa't ^<it. 'em on "Oshaira" Galvanized Steel 1 Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty-Five Years Ought to Lest a Cen itury Yet e«d&r ithinjf los cost yon just about the price of these Kuarr.nteed " Oafaawa ''Shinglesâ€" aB-guage tough- ened Bteel, double .<ralvani2ed-^ood .. gqarant««d in wrttingr till 1982, --flre- and-wind-and-w«*ttii«r-proof and lightning-proof. Four-doUars-amJ^a^half a square buys "Oshawa" Galvanized Stc«) Shinglefl â€"ten foot by t«« feet. Compare that with tho present priee of cedar shingles â€" ho«r doee it strike you? And you canpat on tiieae "Oshawa" OalTanlaed Steel Shinglw yosrsel^ easily, â€" with no tools snips. Simpleet thing you wrong. "Oshawa" Bhinglea lock on all four aides- whole roof Is practically one sheet of double-gal van i 21. < steel that never needs painting. ' And GUARANTEED â€" don't overlook that. Guar- ante<!d in writing, over the seal of a conn^uiy with a quarter-millim eapital,â€" guaranteed in plain English, without any ifs or buta, tax 2& long years. That's the arfruncnt in a nutshfU -cost the same as wood - sbiDjclea ; fire -proof, water - ptxx)f, rust- proof, lightning - proof ; easier to put on ; and GUARANTEED, 'fhat's the "Oiihawa^' proposition ! Tell us tho measurement of any roof, atd we'll tell you exactly what it will cost to roof Itwil" â-  - - - •ith leas work and for less money. Plenty of facts that pocKet-book corae to v you ask for our free b Right." A asiC on. post concern your ou as soon as 00k, "Rix>flng card will do to IIU MONTHKAL 3-31-3 Craig .Sk W. TORONTO n C.aiiuina SU The Ped^ People Of l^^iiawa Wi:y don't yoa ask now? OTTAWA LONDON PJ DuadM St. WINNIPEG ?6 Lombard at :]

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