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Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1907, p. 7

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OF iiim By PE MDE. JOSEPH BEAUDOIN. Mcic. Joseph Roautloin. '>'.) lino St. Olivir. (JuolMic, P. 0-' Can.. wriU-s: "Periiiiii is wondei-rul [or indigestion. 1 nit whulcvcr I wunt and no lonyor Ucl any opprcss'on. "Mavinj,' hud dy.sprpsia tor a long time nn<i liavjiif: incd vnrio\is oilier TcinciiiL"--. I decided to try Pcruiia .iiid with lh(! fMiM'lli bottle of it I was perfet'lly cured. "For lliis ica.son I recommend it to flll Iho-e who ai-o siifR'rinjj with that lerritile malady. dysnep.sin. "I hope Mini all who are adllcted in thi.s way wil! take Peruna as I did." The experience of Mdt'. B<'audoiii ought to Ik.' sullifienl proof to any one of the value of Penina in of ea- lairhal dys4iep.s:a. If you suffer from .sir.mach catarrh In any of il-s various forms. 0vt; Peruna a fair trial, avoid- ing, ill the lueanlimo all such iiidiscre- tions in did as wiiild tend Uj retard a cure, and you will sOon be rewarded by a noi'riial appclile and healthy ditjcs- lion. popi'lah M.\nuYiNr. age. Men 25 and Women 21 London Uetuins Sliow. From n return just issued by the I.on- doi\ (Kngland) county council il would appear llial llie most popular marrying j P!,'e among men is tw nty-flve, for dur- ing the past year 12,958 men who had reached the quarter century oidered the malrimonial stale, while they were closely run by 12,735 at the age <,f twenly-one. With women twenly-one is the favor- ite period, for 15.8W went to the altar at that age, ancU at Iweiily-live there were 'J.iiOa, while Iwo girte of lUleen and two ol sixteen eacli married men of lifly-llve. One girl Df llfleen married a bachelor uf tweiily-llve, and another one of thirty. Al the age of sixteen, lhirl'"n girls and two boys entered into malrimony ; a; .seventeen the llgure= were 122 and s:.\ respix-livoly. Al si,\ty, live spinsters lo<il< hushaiid.s, while tliei-e were Iwo bachelors al that age and two at ei.xty- (!ve who got married. Altogether there were 3t,931 marriages betwooii spinsters an<t baclu'Uirs. â- f'he unions of and widows lolallod I,t77, widowiu-s and spinsters 2.(11)0, widovver.s aiul widows 1.151. mak- ing a grand lolal of ;l'.).().")8 ninrriaga-i. Of the cci'einoiiies 20.343 look |ilace in the EsiablislKd Church, 1,52'.) in the Mo- nian Catholic, 1,887 in .Nonconformist chapels. S.371 in register cilices, seven weie Quaker, and 1,521 Jewish. Other interesting taels in the reluni iii-e Itial. ill 19(15. the birlhs in llie ooimty of London lolalled I2(>,55:), of lliese (ii,- biO hfiug males anil 02,110 females .Stepney heading the list with 2U,74i birlhs. and Stoke Newington being last will! 1,(178. Unsed on the iiKM'i ases or decreases in ixipulnlion between I.S'.ll and I'.Xll, it i-> eslimated (he pivsenl population of dealer London Is 7.217,'J3'.t. and of Hie adiiiiiiislrative county 4,785.217. com- pared with G,(;(lO.IG3 and '1.54'i,«7U lespec- tivelv al the oensus of 1001. Oeatliis for a year lolalled ICi,f>29. Drink killed 4'.)8, there were 513 suicides and 53 homicides, but only seven e.wtu- lions. A DIFKIinENT FOUNTAIN. They were strolling in the park. "Dea rest,'' lie .said "let us go and lin- ((!T"!ff'yon lieauliful founlain." "If it's all llie same to you, tjcbrg.'. we'll do our lingering al u soda foiiii- lain.' A monumeiil has been oreclixl in the graveyard at Uaiishal. Tipperary, to Darby Pyan, author cf the famous .song, "The 1 eeler and the Goat,' and other ballads. DO NOT AU.OW yourwif tii tXKi.intn alftrmmt boo^UHe you havo lost vour.'ippetttuatKl arfllo^luc !Besb, but ccimrooiico talcing " Ferniviui " t/ic beet tonic. It trill build you up uulckly. Pen.son: "I say. oUl man, did I ever (ell you about Ihe awful fright I g<,t on iny wedding day'.'" Ilen.son: ".Shi No man skould speak like thai about his wife." ITCH, Mange, Piairlo Scrnlches and every forin of contagious Iteh in liiinmn or animals cared in 30 minulos by Wol- feed's Sanitary Lotion. 11 never fails. Sold by all druggists. .Anllir«iii,ilogy Inslnictor; "What effect bas llie "liiiiaie on the liskimo '/" Stu- dent: "(-^old feet." II .\o:ds No Testimonial. -It is n giinr- ar.tcc in ils-lf. If lestimoiiinls were -e- quired lliey could be (uniished in thou- .sands from all .sorts and conditions cf n;<n in widely different places. Many jnediiine.s are put forlh every which have bill an ephemeral existence and Ihen are heard of no more. Dr. Thomas' Iv.'leclric Oil hiii^ grown in re- pulation every day since il lirst ina<le ils app<:r.:auce. ; A SKIN rilA'r IltlRN.S with eraoma, and Is ,oovered with emptinns that dij^charno .a thin llnid, may Ih; ni:ulti KiiiMuth and sightly witli Woavor'ii Cerate. But thi-t e.xtornaI ronievly tUiuuld be used Ui cuiijuuuUup riU Weavar'n Syrup. A I'd.SSim.E E.M'LAN.VnON. "That ice-cream freezer you sold mc." cried Ihe angry woman, "is a fake. It di.ftsn'l do Ihe work you claim it does." ".No," replied Ihe new .sale.Miian; "per- haps ymiâ€" erâ€" ilidnt use Ihe Ih'sI qual- ity ice. The ice musl be very cold, you know." SMALL CHIPS. There ore women masons in Vienna. In South Africa baboons kill sheep. The Englisii do not much like lonia- Uies. .\ good pack of hounds is worth .$15,000. Ijondon averages but eighteen mur- der's a year. Paris eats 90,000 pounds of snails q day. The racoon washes its food before eating it. S;iint Jo.s<'pH, Mo., is the healthiest t<..wii in the world. Cannibals do not like civilized flesh â€" it i-s loo salty. The thumb is stronger than all Ihe other lingers l<igether. The thin, on an average, live seven years longer than the fat. Kite day. a Chinese national holiday, oeciirrcd last monlh. .An e.xperl Chinese kite flyer will easily keep si.x or eight k;iis going <jn one string. FOODS THAT AGE ONE. "Milk and eggs, afler you an* should be dropped from your food said a cheniisl. 'They age ycu more than grief or work." "Ago yfni?" "Yes. indeed. Milk and eggs, you sm, are structure ftormer.s. They make l»ne. They harden, stiffen, strengthen. Hence Icf babie-s and children they are the best |)o.ssible food. "But when one's structure is sufllcl- ej;lly formed, then milk and eggs do fne harm. They shorten the brejith. they lake away elasticity and supple- ness, they harden the arteries. "You, my dear sir, are. frankly, get- ting on in yeai-s. and you find it dif- ficult to run upstairs. "^Vcll. dnop eggs and milk a month, and I warrant you II (liid yourself skipping to jx)ur bedroom, two steps al a time, like a very boy again." LIKED HEM MEDICINE. "Let me kiss lluise tears away?" ho begged, teiidoi'ly. She agreed In il, and he was busy for Ihe ne.xt llfleen minutee. And yet the tears Mowed on. "Can nothing stop th.-m?" he asked, breathlessly sad. "Nope," .she murmured. "It'.=: hay fever, you know. Bud go oJ with the tiealinenl." IIANU.S TElimiJLY CHAf.KED. Mrs. Yd'en, of Portland, says: "My bantls were so sore and cracked Ihnl I c.uld not put them near water. I s^'eiiiod rpiite unable to gel relief from anything I put on tlieni unlit I Iried 7.:ini-Uuk. II closed Ihe big cia>.ks, gave, nic, nn<l in a v<'ry short time heal- ei! my hands completely." Zamliuk heals all .skin injuries and disease.s. Of all sloies and drnggi.sls at 50 cents, or from X,aii -Buk ('c, Toron- to, for price. 3 boxes lor Si. 25. KNEW WH.AT WAS COMING. Wife: "Well, 1 ileclare. Here's an old sctiool friend ol mine who has just made a lorUino." Husband: "All right, my dear. Go ahead. 'Pell me that you might havo married hiiu." THK JAP3 did it. They sappliad the Menthol found lu the " I) <S 1," .Moiithjl I'laMter, which re- Uevo9 inctautly backache, headache, neuralgia, rbeumatiam and sciatica. Many a young man is sorry he spoko after spending u doy pricing furnilure. Mother Graves' Worm E.xirrmlnalor has no equal for deslwyiiig worms in children and adults. See that .vou gel Ihe genuine when purehnsing. SECOND-HAND ENGLISH. Swede (to Englislimaii, at Oiloradn Springs, noting Hint the Englishman'.s accent was unlike llial of the other in- hahitaiits): "How long y<iu bane in dose c<aintry '.'" ICnglishman : "Nine nionllis." .'^wede: "Vuii bane spake de language pi.lly gool already. Vi'n you bane in < •CKiimlry two yeiirs you vill spake us veil as de people here." Engll^'iiiKin (anniliilalingly)-. "Man alive! I am from the country where Iliis language is nuifiufnclured. What you at • learniny tu spc;ik Is second-hand English." It's wlinl you do tlinl cr.iiilsâ€" not what you ar<' fioiiij,' to do to-morrow. Signals of Danger.â€" Have you your appetite? Have you a coated tungue? Have you an unpleasant Insle in Ihe UKiuth? Does your head arho and have y<ai di7./.iJics.s? If .so. your shniach is out of order and y< u neetl inedicino. But you do not like medi- cine. He that prefer.s sickness to medi- cine musl .suffer, but vuider the circuni- slunees Ihe wise man would procure a I ox of Parmelee's Vegetublo Pills and .spe<'dily get!f in hcallh, and -strive to keep so. ll requires a lot of sirenunus will- p<iwer for a girl of Iwenly-tlve lo act as it she didn't want lo get mairicd. given rest â€" when one u»e8 Nnrses'and Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieve* â€" regulates the boweU â€" prevents convulsions. Used JO years. Absolutely safe. At dnig-«torM. 2Sc. 6 Iwttlee. « .'J5. National Drug; & Chemical Co.. I.iiiill«d, Dole Proprietors, Montreal. 41 TfOn .SALE â- â- â€¢ business- Beggar : "KimI lady, please remember the iKinr." Lady; "I've no money with me.' Beggar: "Oh. anything will do, a piece of jewellery, or your furs." - PLOUGH AND PUMP in tlie village of Jarvis ; a Tirsl-class business ; the owner wishes lo retire. L. Miller, Jarvis. MACHINERY FOR SALE. DYNAMO 300 lights, first-ciuss order. Will be soM cheap and must be gotten out of the way owing to 000-llghl machine taking its place. S. I'rank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. FAN BLOWER Buffalo make, number four, 0-inch ver- tical discharge, •:i inches high ; perf?cl cfmdition. .Suprrinlendent, Truth Build- iTig, 73 Adelaide .St. West, Toronto. Clonmel rural council I6 appealing fr<Mn the decision ol Judge Filzgernld, who gave Lord .•\slit<iwM S700 and â- osis fo/ <lamapes siistained in Gleneaghry bomb explosion. Thos. Sab"n. of Egllnglon. says: "I ha\'e removed ten corns troijf my feet with llolloway's (":orn Cure." Header, u<^ thou and do likewise. BTJWWBA.JWVU.'^niiWMg'WJ OHENrLLE CURTAINS Mid ftU klDtls of bouM IlniiKiuci, »]eo UOI CURTAINS •^'^^^.k^^n'-e'v?."" Write to ii« kbout yourft. â- aiTiaH AlfCBlOAH OYIINQ 00.. Bttx 18S« Uontroal SHILOH'S the quickest cough & cold Get a bottle to-day from your druggist. If it doesn't cure you quicker than anything you ever tried he'll give you your money back Shlloh's is the best, safest, surest and quickest medicine fjr your children's coughs and colds. It has been curing- coughs and colds (or 34 years. jUI drugjjists â€" asc, 501'., and .'Ji.oo a liottlo. 606 "It's a shame!" cried the young wife. "Not a lliing m the house III to eal! I'm g;,iiig home lo papa!' "If you don't mind, dear,' said the husband, "I'll g<J with you." Do not Icl n cold s< tile on .vour lungs, nesorl lo Bickle's Anti-Q>nsumptivR .'^\rup at Ihe first intimalion of irrita- tion in the throat and pivvenl disease tioiii lodging in the pulmonary <jrgans. Nigleeled" colds are llie cause of untold suffering lliroughout Ihe counlry, all of which could have lMH}n prcverile<l â-  y Ihe application of Ihis simple biiD pow- erful modicine. The price. 2.") cents, brings it within the reach of all. FACTO -WITH- Power, Heat, Electric Light to Lease for a Term of Years. Centi;«« ' four fl Stantio MURRAY 'â€"• «ra feet In Many a blessing in disguise is a bless- ing oiily because il is disguisixi. MONTH AFTRR MONTH a oolil stioka. and Foeins tn toar lu>lu.< in yur tliroat. .\re you avrai* that even a stuMiurn and UmgnoslBctoa cold ia curoil will' Allan's l.uiig llalsam V Oough and worry do luugur. Customer (at tlepan > .il storel ; "Where is your eoiii|)Uiiiit deparimenl ? ' New Suleisgirl: "Complain'? Guess you've come to the wrong place, mister. This ain't nc hosiiilal." The Most Popular Pi!l.-Thn pill is till most (Kipular of all forms of niedi- .â- uie, and of pills llie most [wpular are J'ariiio"ce"s Vej^etable I'ills, ln-caiKSn Ihey do what it is a.sseiled they can do. and arc ivit put forward <m any flclitious claims lo excellence. They aiv, compact and portable, Ihey are eesily taken, Ihey do not naiiseaU! nor grijie, and they give relief hi the most .stubborn cases. »«JS«'E NO. «-n7. UICllEST QUEEN I.N THE WORLD. No European Queen is so rich in jew- elry ais Iho Supreme Queen of .Siain. She has a huge safe, or casket, Uio handicraft of a London lirm, in which ropose marvelous nceklcis, peiulnnts. bracelets, of diamonds, rubies, emeralds and p*.'aiis galore. The jc- r.<nd Queen own.s a s'Nireely inferior casket, 'aTul each of the oilier wues lias her own si:ecinl hoard. The na- tional jeweler has a standing order U r S,")(KI.()00 \v:irtli of jcwoh-y lo bn dcliv- <red to the K'ng <;very year, much of which is. distributed among Iho favor- iles of his harem. "I .say," said (» bridegroom to hiis falhci-iu-law <".irectly after Ihe ccre- iiionv. "will you see the minister for me? I. I " nuile r<iigol the wedding fw." "doling man," was Ihe slern answer, "y. Il are beginning oni'ly. I al least i!N- p'leliHl ynu back fivjiu your honeymoon leforo this began." V. .-V:, Put them on •with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears,â€" can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are self-draining and vater- shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire-proof, weatheri)roof and proof against lightning. Cost least, in the long run. Made of 28- gauge toughened sheet steelâ€" only one quality used and that the best- bent cold and double-galvanized. Last longer with no painting than auy other metal shingles heavily- painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as 'wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a square, 10 fh. X 10 ft. Tell us the area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afFoi-d to buy. Let us send you FREE booklet about this roofing question â€" tells some things you may not know. Pedl Peapla 03 h a w a Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTCED in every way for T'wenfcy-Five Years ] Ov ight to Last a Century 101 Panada A<5droas our NcHiest WarehouBO : MOMTTEAl. 3S1-3 Cr»iK .St. "W. TORONTO 11 Coll)oni« St. OTTAWA 421 .'^a -iex St. T.OKDOM fini)nnda1.'^^ WDJNIPEG T(l Loinbanl f^- v^ikU

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