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Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1907, p. 5

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T tl E FLEESIIERTON ADVANCE XOVEMBER 7 1907 '•fl ESTArUSHED 1873 i f I- •J- • »« • t' »(• • t * •f« •I « • I • < t < THE SIAND/J® BANK OF CANADA Haad Office - - - - roronto $1.00 OPENS AH ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rale of interest is allowed. No De!ays in ntakJng WiihdrEVfals Interest aiided fouj'timts a y-z\i' Savings Bank Department \n CoanecCo.T vyi^'n a!5 Branches. dA F-^ Tr> o "r " T • '^1 ^'^iT T.T "^^ 'o /A Ta? â- '"' â- â- " 7 Vicimty ...IllpS G6i»d resiilon^u lo rant. Apply to W A. .^niistPon:{. Mrs.. .John VViii»ht sr. has souo tn OivBU Sound to visit fur ii few weeks. I'ur iiionuy .it Livreqt r.itus, land secur- ity, ^o t.) A. S. ViiuDiisoii, FKi.sIk'ii.iu. Jtr. .Vnpiii Wvv II of i\Tiir!ii!ali- was in town Ml Tli:i!K(l.i_v. Hu ri|n.r!H liis re- cently fstiibli.shud 1 lUchiT ;^Iii-|) in doiiiK a brisk business. Wo wish hiiii uyery mic- "cess. .- - '^ â-  â- ['â- --' ;•' Hurry! Elurry! Purry!--Thare :iie 2 Mhort ]\"n\ I ull.s left, for S'llc iii Mnple Groro Fmiiii. C. U. Biiil.e, Mii.xwell P. 0.,0.i>. The bmiil cominoiicud pranlice la;-t week Mis. rSyiinett (if Toront'i i:) visi'.ing at in ilio ruoiu over N'oniw Bros, sliop. Mr. W. H. Bunt's, iTlio band (lii.s be;;uii wi.rk with a Ktiong Chopping every Satu«Jny.-G. j«l<'*'' "^ n-'cniin and i!ib ..utl.iok is liiij^ht Gollliii'oii Ccykiii. 1 f°'' "^ ^'"'ti''' '"ifid thiui eecr iu»st .summer. JoKsi Nubu wn.s on a bu.s;nosft\||fi.p ; Havini; Ic.'ised the" Euieiiiu saw iiiiil t-.i the city lai-t week. fur this a. a.-oii I nm piejwircd lo 'lu all I. Mrs. Oolfof C'lirksbii'.;; i.s vinilin!; her luuthcr, Mis. J.W. Atmstniiij, for a wecl<. l''i)i Qi; ilityaiul Quantity iifik your deal- er for llio now liiy plup;;! of "bolis" ".stny" iin 1 •'currtney' Chowiii^ Tobiijcoea. Alfred Piittridgp, df Ui;ek Mills, left on Monday for New LisUoard where he e.Kpects to vt rk iliis winter. Tho Swiss Bell Rinaers will give a concert in the town hall here on Tliurs- d'ly ovtnini{, Dec. 5. Moio anon. Mr. E. D. Fair.-y has taken a pusiuim with tho (iuiui PHckins; Co. in Toronto JunctioQ. GIANT TRIPLETS -'Currcney" "Bobs' ar.d "Stag" Chewinu Tolmceoes in biy i)1uj;s. Quality alw;iys the same. '"Di" CaYiT^ttil-s sermons for next !Snn kilid of lusioiu 'sawiii;;. I nlso want any quantity of l.ith tinrber for which highest I casii |)r!ce will be p;;id at the mil.-- iThos. K. Fenwick. I I Mr. Walter M. NichoJ, M. .\.. of Pi'OLville wa'i ordained and inducted into i!k! Presbyterian uiiijistiy liiat Wediios- d.iy, and will beejMio pastor of Knox 'churv:h, .St. Miry'd We are p'c.ised to hettr of of.Vlr. NichoU's success. Little boy and girl for adoption, boy 10 yrs., nirl u yrs., brieht, hi-al'hy chil- dren, brother and sister, would like to i;et buth iii;o oiiii fiiniily if i>i>!)sible. .\!.so a little uiil of five years. -Apply lo M. K. Riehardson, Klesbercrn . Horses Lo.stâ€" 1 year-old colt, grey, ttith while foot and a 2-yoftr-old liHht lay eolt, also »;»ed bay horst-,. sir.iyed on ,,111 ,. • V .. » .. â- . 1.. Momlay, Oct. -H. Finder p^iise com ciiy, iiiorninuâ€" "What 13 \our Ayoirdu- ) â- ^ . .. ... ,,, . ,, poisl" Evcniiii?,â€" Singiiii^ and Music. WANTED,â€" 50 bushels good entin-,' potatoes. Apply to Sprou!o, Higaiiib -t- ham and Co. Miss Florence E. Thurston is visitinf- in Tara and Owen Sound, attending' a Women's Mi^isionavy omventiou at the latter place. Lostâ€" between Ceylon and Flcsterton a travoller'.s stalioiiery arip. Fin !er le ivo with C. P. U. Hgert < r at Munahaw House. Hoiltte t;lie engineer of iho ill-fated train of tho Ca'edon wreck «i« at Cey- lon hist WfduesJay looking up those who wore passengers ou the train. Au auction sale will be held by Mr. David Roberts of tho property of tho lata lito Mri. H. Kennedy on bil3t), con, 8, Arteniesia, on Friday, Nov. 8. Get your choppina done at the electric plant, Eugenia. Customers will please note that wo will do no giinding af'er 4 30 in the'nfiornoon. Steer c:mie astray â€" Two-year-oM {^'rey 8teer, oainc tiboul hrsK October. Oivner ploaae pniperty, pay expoiiacs and take aw.iy. .\reh Bi.yd, Fleshorlon P. O. Tha union Thanksjjiving servico in the Priojviile Mclhodisl church was well at- tended, the service being taken by Uev«' Muthesui and Kipp. Word was received Monday from tho Rock Milks party which left; for Idaho, week. ThHy hiiJ ii-rived at Omaha, Neb, luid weio enjoying the tiip. 0. E. Tiyon â€" Practical Painter and Decorator, will receive contiaots for church decoration and schn d hounvs. FricuviUe, Out. ly and reports an interest ini; lesson on | F A C K and E G B D F, etc. Mr. ' recogniz-d thi.s as being tho Krst le.s8i:n, he h;.viiig belon'.ied to a bandoiu-e biniseif and says tha^ when he wants any in lie b'Ssins on Icarniii'J! to blow a brass iistjiiment he woiilil prefer taking them Vlicn ho does not want to sleep. We ii'.advortanlly oniniitlcd from last w. eks ctdunins the annonncenient of the d-atli of Violet Sjicneo, which sail evei.t occurred on Tlinisdaj', October 24. The fuiural took jilace to Prospect cem- etery, Toronto on '.hu Friday following. The deceased was 17 years of aae and was the daughter of 51 s. Spenou who lived here seveial years ago. The sympathy of hei niiiny friends here is extended to Mrs. tjlieneu in her sad beroaveipent. We notice by exohang:-s that a shango i'.iiinial is developing in many places. Tlie scientific name of ll.ia animal is, wo understand, the "Sunday Hunter" and it is considered a pest. No positive ex- terinineut has been diRCOvarod. but the i.oventive genius is on tho war-path and «'e will probably hear of this aniinal's speoily viddaiico. No specimens of ihis animal havo been discoveied around FK-ahefton â€" hunting is too poor at any tinio and the climate is a trifle warm. Theto was a grand hunt held by the people of iho villaga on Thursday and Friday of last week. On Iho holiday, tho. wood.'} was raidE<l and and a i.umiier !:f foxes, hares and partridjo shdn. Friday theidder penpls weio on theluint. F. t). Karstadt found a wagon and bm.'g below Nuhn's dam; Dr. Bibby, a lomlod waggon at his oliiju door; II. Wilson, a carriage at the Boyno; while numerons other citiiieiis found gates, etc, in in"st tin Uhuni places. But tho boys v. ere gooil and no damage whs done. niunieate with Tho;'. Tayii-r, Port Law P.O.; lot 7-', coll. 1, Arteiuesji. The Mission Baud held a vary suocis.s- ful entertainment in tho Methodist church lust Tuesday. Tlio program, con- sisting of di ills, songs, recitations, etc., was along misi-ionaiy Hues and was ex- ciilcnily rendered, (beat cruiiit is duo those who h^:d in charge the I raining of the young folk.s. Cull lumber for sale,â€" A lai-oo ((uaniity of wood grade cull lumber on liiih coii- ecs-ion inu.'t bo ole;iiicd out at on;:o owing to expiring no r •niiinablo oti'or re- fused. Address postal cird to I. Harvey Peigoe, Fevorthani, ()i;t. Faiiii for sale cliiap, lots loo. (i .ind 7. <;on. 3,W,T. and S. R .Arremcsia. 145 acres 20 acres bush and swamp, well watered latito frame barn, coinfortHUJo bou.-ie, good otehnid. i'\v price and terms ap (dy to 11, J. b^ionle, Klcsho' ton, 01 John Sio'.vaitou the ineniisc?. ^ Tho Lord's Day A'lianco i.s invest i- g.iting an allegi'd violation of the Lord's Uay .\ct by the eonatiUi:li"ii compiny buddng fiiMii I'rotoii to VV.iP.u'rloii. It is alleged lli.u the company worked on Suniiay oil the "sink'' near Proton. Tlio report of the lociil branch of thj AUiitico lias been forwarded to the head oliicu in To.on o. In a letter from Jlr. Wes. Theobald yf Indian ILv^ii to Kditorliwiu of tho Dur- ham Chiouielo «o notice tho following : "Uoe of your old pupils frion Flesherlon lives hofe. Tlio perse u I lo.'er to is Charlio tSiil.ivdii, atiuoyouiig f>lliw do- ing well here. Uis brother Will is living twenty uides from hero. He also is an old pupil of your.s. " The little daughter of Uev.l'. A.ll'.dger, Came aslr-iy,â€" A white rnui lamb cairo \,f (.).iili,i, diaiik from a botlo containing t my |irenii,ses. Win. Caniejon lot 35, L^ison and may d o us a result. Uuv . con. 8, Engei ia, P.O Owner is roipiisb I ;yl,,. HuJj^or has accepted a call lo the to provo property, pay oxponses and lake j (lasioiatu of Kiiox Cliuroh, O'Ven S.ninl, BWiiy the .'•aiiin. ,1^1 ^^^^^ piep.iiiiig to move to that ti.wii. Dr. ('aid vvuU delighted his CM. gregaiion During ilie moving a haltlo coniaiiiing l.i»l Sunday by Klling his own pulpit cystallnu wa-i taken froai a slicf and This i.i tho first t'liio sinro the Caled. n i evsdi nily ciiino Miihiii the little one's rikilway di'<a.xiei' in which the Pr. was in- .reHcli. Mr. Rodger has fiequonlly tillt-d j'lred, tloil lie has essayed to proaeh. [tLo Piu.sliytcrniii pulpit here for Mr. The Tl.anUsgiviiig service in the Mith- T 100. and is well ki.owii. He has the olist church was wjll alt.uui. d. Uev. 'y"'V""''y "'"'•'";>' f'''""''" ""^' "" """- Little preached an exfdlent sornion. his iitto gill may recover. His text WHli Very npproprinie, beii g 1 The father of a certain youiitt mail in found ill the 12()lh P.-,nlin, 3id : ti,wn, wh.i has just j.ined tho band, has '•The L. rd h.ith done great thinga for 1:8 a l-ilo of woeto loll. Thi aforesaid father jlh9 eof we are glatl. hiid occiidon to sleep with the son recentl Mr. F. Shelialt, who 'e-idcj on Sum Ji.ckhon's fiiim in Me'anethno, is one o' the crack shots of iliis psrt. On Monday he bidught down a hawit, which liad been helpiioi itself to Irs chiciions, and it measured forty-six inches the wings. On Tuesday morning he got an^ ollnr measuring 44 inches. â€" Dundalk Herald. Bnd Ecrkshircs for $al$ I liave a, line lot of youi.KKuKliBli rtorktliiros f roiu two to Hix weeks old nlso some qood 'I'tttu- worfli t^owfi rnadv to brood. Satisfuetion ;;auian- tcoil on all mail orders. Write tor wliat )ou want. G. W. KOhS, Xlaxwoll I'.O Thanksgiving goings and co n ings Young viiited friends in .\lton f ir tho holid:.ys. .Mrs. Sponce and daughter Irene, Mts. third and Mrs. J. Duncan and Mr. Al'.io Hurd of Toronto visiiod at Mr. Ilobt. liest's last v»ook. Mrs. Hiistio and dau^hti-r, Vina, visited the former's dauglutr, Mrs. .,'. Ivrr, in Alton. Miss Mable Boyd of Toionto visited at lur home here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers ->( Owen Sound and Mr. Weltoii of Haniilioii spent the holiday at the Mun-haw House. Mr. and -Mr.". Aithiir \V,irdiobu of Toionto spent the holiday.s at Mr. W. I). Uichardsoii's. Mr. U. Wright of Ibmaisvillo and Mr. W . Wright of Owen Sound .-pent Thanks- giving in town. Mrs. W. E. White. Mvn Jos. Black- burn and Mrs. D. JIoTavish wore in Toronto. Mrs. C. Bellamy spent Thanksgiving in .Mjeniton. Mrs. Ilunstadller vi.Mted in Hamilton a few drys lust wrok. Mr. D. Mcliean vitited ovir Thursday with Ilia sister, Miss Mol'oan. T.Tis. Ihdnit'r spent Thank.-giving wiih or h sioter Mrs. C. W. Chadwick in Toronto. • , ; Mi.iS C.ihiue't ^isifced in Toronto over the hilid.y.s. ?tlr. Will. Baden of Toronto, s'pont Thanksuiviiig at .Mr. .\. Wilson's. Dcatfi of rifs, H.Quigg. On Tnehd.'\y, Oe''iber 2!), death enter- ed the homo of Mr. Harry Q.nijg, carry ing oil' his young wife, almost a bride, arter an illness of weeks. The deo.a.sed, whoso maiden name was Mary A. E. Talbolt, wa.s born in f^roton lown- sbipand wm a d.uiuhter of .Mr. .I.din Talbott, who died a year ago last June. .Vr, and Mrs. ('nig.' wore niairiod on .lune Mih UWS. The funeral took place on Thursday t) Maple Orovn oenietery, Dnml.ilk. ^ Tho sympathy of all is extendol t> Mr. tiugt: in hit sad bereveinent. Mrs. Q ligg was a cn^isient member of the Presbyterian chilieii and the news of bi>r deceabo cast a glouii over this iieigh- borh.o'id. '^iiiooi; those from a di>tinie were Mrs. 10 J. Swift jfTuoiii., .Mr. and .Mrs l'"rod Sbeppard of I'oi'oniu ,Iuiict.tini, , also a niiinbor of r>lativea and fiiends from Slndbunio. .0. A Meihoflist Mi;iisler recomnends Chamberlain's coug!) remedy \Vi; li.ivi! nsoil ("a onliirluin's OinRJ) HeniP- dy ill oinlhiUH' f'H- sovfii yarn, an.i it lian al- wavs proveil to he a r»'li;ilih» reinrdy. Wo have found that it Mould do nioru tliaii tlm manufacturer.-^ claim fiM- it. It is ii-peeially ' ;^"o 1 for croup anil whnopine^eonnli. 1 liiiv..)..\. Lewis, I'ftstur Milaea, Miun., ' M.E. Cliuich. I Clinniburlain'M Cough Remedy is sold by W. ' E. Kichardcoii. ^^^'^ --^^w* COLLS NSONS' For I'lcshei ton and ailjoiiiiii,' cnuntiy to ropr.5Hont "CANADA'S (JUKATK.ST NLHt SKlllKS.' A peniiaiicut sitimtion for tl.,' ii).'ht nmii, for wliiiiii the territory will I : resfived. Pay weekly. I'^i-ce equipmon t \\'i ite fur p:irtlcnlar.-i. CEYLON'S NE'W STORE. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Hardware. ^/%/%^/\^ Flour and Feed, --Bran and Sho»t.s. Special reductions on lari:e lo's. Coino and inspect our stock and give UB a chance to provu our woithir.ess of your PATRONAGE. ' ' CI) ColUnson - - Bros., Ceylon. - S TONE and WKLLINliTON .. Fonthill Nurseries r'. Over .StW .\cre8 TORONTO - â€" ONTARIO r y^ â€"] Thompson's Bakery Bread dolivni'cd regularly and :^oliI at the following places: â€" C E Y L O N R Cook's and .las. Paitison's. K U a E N T A H. Cairns R. Parks. K McDimald. K I M B E R L E Y F'. Weber and .M. 11. Hammond. M A X W E L L R. Kinnear & Son. F E V E R S H A M Eli Ro'oinson and .\b. Hutchinson. Beit Manitoba Flour for sale. ©it). Uhompson c^/es/iefLO /j \ Is Far ming Your Bus iness ? If so, THE WEEKLY SUN, the Farmer's Business Papep, -mW each week be of Special Interest to you. Subscribe NOW for The WEEKLY SUN to 1st aan., 1909, IN COMDWATION WITH The Fleshcrton Advance FOR ONLY $1.80 ^ ^ a â-  â-  Worth aad Wear Style and Strength » Choice aad Cheapness Wi> are olfering in our stock of now goods, wiiieh iiio'iu.ies most thiiu's desiiable for winter wear, Boot.->, Shoes, Riibheis, Overshoe?, Slippers, O^'erstockin!;', LLi!i,'iiii;«, T.lescopus, Truiiks, Suit cases and .Shoe drebSMiL's. Our Boots & Shoes .\re fioMi the best factoiies. We have Men's Legginiis that are sure to give satisfaction. Call and see our I'UNCTL'RK PROOF' and MALTESE CROSS Rubbois No bettor to bo had. CLAYT0N5' rlesherton. ,»3; ^JrlJC- V-,'»i'o'»v', ^i>^VVX^,'S m «»*-. Ladies* Dress Goods If yon want to get a good Dit's.=i call and soo ntir full lino of Throe ToikhV Oiiibra Goods in all tlio latest shades. Just have a look at lliom and yju will say with ii.i that wo have Uio finosc line of the Newest Dress G00J.1 north ol Toronto at a very reasoiiablo price. Ladies' Coats J list a i'o>v kd't of our np-to-il ite u i lioi' 15i lok and Colored lloavor or Tweed Coats at I'loin §10.00 to S15.0U Ladies' Mantle Goods We liave just rcc( ivcd a ftjw [lieees of i>iJ iinsli M.iiUliiig Goods in black, blue and gioeii at, por yard 1,25 Ladies' Fur Coats . Hei(; ia a bangaiii in Ladies' .\strai;liaii pluiii .JackotH, all sizes, ifguliir $'J7.53 for ^J^ti.OO Ruffs and Caperines Wo hive a full Iin; of L.i lies KnfTs, Stole:-!, (lap.'rinos and Mull's in SSubIc ami German Mink. « ,^j F. G. KARSTEDT -<, Flesherton m

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