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Flesherton Advance, 7 Nov 1907, p. 3

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RED FUG 'WAS HOISTED Soldiers and Civilians Were Killed at Vladivostok. A despaich from St. Poterslmrg says : Axoi-dintJ to llio oflicial re|X)rt of Iho recent iiiutiiious outbreak of sailers al Vladivostock. the ntw.s of llirt'i? lorpoUo- toat destroyers, llie Skory. Serdity and Trevol.-iluiy. niutiniPd, hoisted the rfd flag and shellPd the port, doing con- sidernlMo tlaiuasie to vari«-us Iniildings and liilliiiK some s^ildiors and civilians. The .<lwry. on b<iurd of vvhicli were Ihroo revolutionary agitators, including one woman. IojU Ihe load in the mutiny, the crew rising' at the instance of the agita- ters, killing Ihi' commander of the Ixiat and wounding liie other oincprs. who were overpowered and ooiilined helow -docks. The lire of the rel^llious torpedo- krtl destroyers wa.s answered by the batteries ashore, and from the gunlxuit Man<ljur and the lorpedo-lxiat drslroyors â- Grasovoy. Sinely. and others. They .^^ur- rounded Ihe Skory. and poured a raking fire into her, which batlcrpd lier to pieces, exploded her two boilers and caused fire to break out on Uiard. Nearly all the mutineers of the .Skory were killed in Uio vessel. The three or four sun'ivors threw llicniselves into tlie .sea. The mutiny on b<iard the TrevoLshny was quelled by her own crew, afler six of Iho mutineers had been killed and si.x wounded. General Count Unlerbergor, command- ing the -.lilitflry District of Amur, has arrived at \ladivostock, and as.sunied charge r,[ the situation. The United .Siale.s Kmliassy here on l-riday received a despatch from Ihe (â- ..•nsul al \'ladivosto(:k, saying that the Amerirun who was wounded during the bonibardMient of Vladivoslock by the mutinous torpedo-ljoal de.slroyers is Harry Nietert. an employe of Ihe Pacilic romniercial (xjuipany, wliose building wa:- s!ru:k by a shell. LNDI\N FAMILY KII-U:D. JPtillier, Muthrr und Son Found Dead Near llayuiond, Alberta. A despatch from f.ethbridge, Alia., says: An Indian, his wife and boy were ui'.d on Sunday by some children in ii: neighborh<iod of Fifteen-mile Lake. â-  he children thought that, the Indians ere drunk, and did not go near. They lid a boy named Taylcr, w I'.o Informed :[< father after going to the spot and aiding the dead Indians. .Aficr seeing • i himself Mr. Taylor went to Hayniond .I'd telephoned to the .Mounted Police 1 Leihhridge. (Vironer Hivers of Ray- iiond was sent to the scene, and found ,ie bodies covered with a cloth. There was every indication of murder. The man's head was blown off as with a shotgun. All of the Liodies bore marks of violence. Superintendent Wilson of It.} Mounted Police says il is certainly a case of murder, but further llian that wilt not say anything. An Indian who was camping near the murdered family on Saturday is suspected of the crime. SEND OCT EMIGRANTS. Oishop ol London Would People Canada From Motherland. A despaich from f.ondcn snys : The Bishop of London, speaking at Fulham •T-"''1,'^^\ui'r>u^j on the subject of "The f.hurcli and the linipire," said llial what hi'iiressed Mm most on his recent tour 'vas the wonderful loyalty of ('anadaâ€" lianada. the granary of the worldâ€" and lie vast possibilities <)t this great new intion which is Ixjund lo us by ties of liood and religion, which nothing ought .. lie able lo break. "There is room," he .â- iaid, "for a hundred milllon.s in Canada. :i we don't take the trouble we will lose .wr chance, and Conaoa will be lilled by sc.mebody else. We ought to be sending <ait from lliis overcrowded land more nd more loyal Englishmen. Emigra- ion is largely the cure of our ills, and t il is a r«)(l-given cure b<.th clergy aiid 'ally might give Iheir brains to see il yroperly carried out." aor.l ES' GALLERY BURNED. RiiH.-.l.j roUce Headquarters Destroyed by Fire. A despatch from Buffalo says: Police hca iqiiarlt-rs at the corner of I'ranklin sheet. Ihe Terrace and Wast Seneca street burned on Friday allermxin. P'^dice records, the rogues' gallery, and many important documenii;, n- ''li ding Iho origiiuU copy of Leon Czol- g. >:z's confession of the ass;i»sinalioii ol President McKinley. were de.stivjyed. The fir-r- was <if incendiary origin. Two c mipanies of firemen were caught in '.lie collapse of the roof and cuixda an 1 eight men were seriously injured. None will die. Three attenuil.s were made to fire the building on I'riday. <â-  FINLAND ADOPTS ALCOHOL IIXL. The Manulaclure and Importation is Forbidden. A despatch trom Hel.<inp)fors. Fin- land. s:iys: The Diet on Friday adojjled uj'aniuiously without a roll call t!ic al- c dwlie bill "prohibiting the manufuctire of alcoh d in Finland or il.s im)>< rlalion inio Finland. As the mea.sure i:rieels nus.sia'.s tariff relations wilh foreign ixunlries, it is not certain that the Em- leror will sanction the measure. In view of Ihe passage of tlio bill lemper- ar.ce celebrations are being held in every part of the country. THE BIGGEST MOOSE. Dr. Munro, nt Providence, Kills II in New Brunswick. V despatch from Fredericton. .N. I?., Bays: The record for New IJrunswick moose has been broken. Dr. \V. L. Munro. of Providence, arrived here on "l.ursday night afler a three weeks' hunting trip near the headwaters of Ihe Nrpisiquil River, and had wilh hiui the head of a he .shot len days ago. Ill antlers had a .spread of tWJi inches, which i.s the largest of wliich there i.s (tnv record. The best previous record was 67%. Mr. f;. C. Rus.sp11, an F^nglish si.orlsmnn. killed this season one with a spread of 01 inches. MOl NTAIN IS CRACKING. Esperts Say it 'Will Not Ilami the Town of Coal Creek. .\ despatch from Frank, .MberIa .'â- ays; Peivirls of danger of another m unlain slide .similar to that which cau.>-cd sucli terrible devaslatiini here four yrars a;.o ar.; alarming ttio i-esidenls of Coal Creek. \ cra'^k has appeared in Ihe m iuiil:iin nl<)ve that town, and alarmists erl il was widening at the rate of sev- eral feel per day. However, expeils claim Ihe town of ('.o»\ Oeek is in no danger, oven should the .slide actually occur. POS'I'MASTER REAR KILLED. T:>e Root ol Stable Fell on liini al Cor- dova, .Manitoba. \ despaich from flordova. Man., says; Heulion Hear, postmaster here, was kill- ed on .'<Hlurday evening by the roof of n siable falling on him. THE CILLINAN Dl.VMOND. Will be Prcsenled lo King Edward on Saturday. A despaich from I.'Uidoa .says: The nnniv.r^ary on Saturday of the birth i I King F.dward will be marked, among oilier Ihings liy Ihe presentation to him <ii behalf of Ihe people of the Transvaal of llii' great Culiinan diamond, llio value <f which ajjproxunalcs $800,000. WILL BE <:ilARGE OF MIRDKR. G. It. Itarrelt .Shot His Stepson n| Prlnrc Albert. A despatch from Prince Albert .'aj â- - : Ct R. liarrell, who islu.t his slepson. I!. J<'hnslon. when the latter interfered lo save his mother from a Iwaling by Har- relt, will now be charged wilh murder, j.s the imforlunalo lad died in the ho.spi- I 1 1 liei'e on Monday nighl. ONTARIO RAISES MOST GRAIN Produced More Than Manitoba and Saskatchewan. A despaleh from Ollawa says; The OTuuial lejHirt of the Deporlincnt of Trade an«l C mnnene eonlain.i relurns ol Itii- grain produelion of all Ihe pro- vinces of Ihe D<nninkin, wilh the excep- |j(iii -jf C.>ueliic, foi- the season of r.XlG. 'ill' lotal piH.ducliiiii of all kinds of g!.iil) is place.l al H3.n;iS,6.ii bushe|.-i, of which l^.l.'il.'i.V.M liusliels represents wheal, iind l'ir>.4(>l.stil bushels oats. Onlar'o is slill the banner province in giain vrodu'iion, wilh a yield of lt)4,- 00(1,000 bushels of grain of all Ivinds. HW,;iil,04.') bushels of the Onlario groin crop of I'.XHJ was oals. The lolal grain crops of the pr<jvinces are given as fol- lows ;-- Ontario. IM.IXXl.OOO bushels. Manitoba. i;)0,000.000 bushels. Saskatchewan. 63,0OO.(KK) bushels. Alberta. I9,300,«t0 bushels. New Brunswick, 7,:l8I.OOO bu.shels. British Columbia, 2,1)82,000 bushels. Nova Scotia, 2,401,000 bushels. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROSI THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Alices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and OlLer Dairy Produce at Uouie and Aliroad. Tomnto, Nov. S. â€" Flour â€" Onlario I wheat 90 per cent, palents are quoted al If.!. 1)0 lo S4 in buyers' sacks outside for â- ex|>orl. .Manitoba first pattiiia, SO; sit;<)nd patents, $5.-40 to S5.50; and strong bakers , .iiS.^ia lo 85.30. ! Wheatâ€" Manitoba gradts in modernie i demand, wilh price-s lower. iNo. 1 North- err, quoted at £1.14, and No. 2 al $1-12, lake j)orls. Onlario Whealâ€" .\o. 2 red winter and N- . 2 wliile an- quoted at SI. 04 outside, and .No. -2 mixed ul S1.03 to SLUSJi out- side. Barleyâ€" The market was quiet and un- changed. No. 2 quoted al H7 to tWc out- side, .No. :i extra at R.')C outeide and .No. :! at so to H-Jc ouLside. Oalsâ€" No. 2 Onlario white oals are 5'ic out.side. west. .Manitoba No. 3 while are iKiminai. (x)rnâ€" No. 2 A"ierican yellow is quoted a! 72c, 'I'oTOiilo freights, and No. 3 at 71c. Uranâ€" The market is dull al S22 in bulk outside. -Shorts are quoted at Hi'i U; .S24 outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" Winter, $:i lo 33. ."lO per barrel. lieansâ€" .<il.«'.) lo .SI.IMI for iirunes, and al iSI.OO lo S2 fo.' Iwuid-pickcd. Honeyâ€" II lo 12c per lb for sU-ained, and al JUI.TS lo .<i-.'.;V) for couUjs. I layâ€" No. 1 limotliy quoted al 817 to 9IS..")0 here in car 1 )|s. Shaw- Sit.50 to .SIIJ.SO ,i Ion en track here. I'olaloosâ€" Onlario are quoted at 70c l>cr t)ng on Ira-k, and New Brunswick a I 75c per bag. Poultiyâ€" Turkeys dressed. U lo l.'ic for choice, ami 1(1 to He for thin; chick- en.s. alive. 7 lo 7>ic; dre.ssed. 9 to lOc ; ducks, alive, 7 to 8c; do, dressed, 9 to 10c. THE DAIHV MARICETS. niillerâ€" Pound prints. 23 to 25c. and large rolls, 21 hi 22c. Creamerv rules at 27 lo 2nc. and s<iliils a I i\)<, lo 25e. Eggsâ€" Case lois ^jelling ut 24 to 25c per dozen. (Cheeseâ€" Large quoted al 13%c, and twins at I'.L'. HOG piKiDucrs. I")rcs.sed h<igs in car loLs are quoted at .SS.20 I ) S8.25. Cured meats are quoted as follows: â€" Dae* ii. long clear, II to llj^o per lb in case lots; mess iwrk, .S20 l< .921; shortcut, $22..50 to $23. Ilnm.sâ€" Light to mixlium, 15 to I5>^c; do. heavy. 14 to I4!^c; rolls, ll>ic; rsboulders, 10>i to lie: backs. 1G)<; to 17c: breakfast bacon. 15% to lOc. I.arilâ€" The maikel is imchanged ; lierces, 12,'-i.': Iidis, 12>ic; pails, 13c. I3USINHSS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, Nov. 5.â€" Old crop Manitoba No. 2 while oal.s quolod al G2c, and new eiv)|) Onlario aiul 0"'^!'^^ al .5l> lo 't'M: per lii:.-.hel. ex sliore. There were no n<'w diveltipmonis in Iho local Hour situation: Civiice .spring wheat palents, ijiO.IO lo 8i'..:W; socinds, JHS.-tII ^o S5.7U; winler wlu'Ul iialeiils, -SB; straight rollers, .'55.75; dd. in ba;^. .'ii2.70 k. $2.75; extra, S2.f)5 to $2.10. .Maiiiloba bran, in bugs, S23; shiu'ts, !>)iCt III S2>< per Ion; Onlario bran, m bugs, .$-.'4 lo S25; middlings, .S27 lo $i'.K milled mo;iillle, Sfin lo $32 per ton; .^Iruighl grain, $35 to $;i7. Pi-ovisionsâ€" Itarrels shoil oul mess. $22.50 lo $23; half-barrels. $11.75 to $12.2.5; clear fat back. .'?2:!.50 lo $24.50; long cut heavy mess. !S2u.,")0 Up .S2I.5(I; half-barrels do. $l(l..'iO lo $ll.2."i: dry sail long clear ba- con, to?-; lo U'4c; barrels plate beef, $!3.50 Ul $15: half-barrels do, .$7.25 to .'-:7.75; barivN heavy mess beef, $10 lo $11; half barrels do, .S5..50 lo .$6; com- IK'unil lard, 9>j to He; pm-e lard, 11% lo l;lc; kellle rendered. UX to l-4e; bams, 13',!; U. ICk;: breakfast liiK-on. 14 l(. Kic; \\ ind,sor baron. 15 lo Hie; killeil abaUoir dresM-d luigs, .$9.25 to .$9.50; alive. .$0.25 to $0.50. Bullerâ€" Tcwnsliips. 2H Ui 2iV. I'.gg.sâ€" No. I can- dled and isira gill ivieipls. 24c per do/en; .seleels. 27e: new laid, 30 to 32c. Chooseâ€" Western, 1.3c. LM i F.D .STATI';s MARKETS. .SI Louis, Nov. 5. - Wheat â€" Cash, 95>4c: Decenilier. 94!^'-: May. SI.03X. Milwaukee, Nov. 5.- \\ healâ€" Lower ; .No. I Ni.rlherii, $l.ll(i Ui .s|.il7; No. 2 Norl.hcrn. $1.02 to $1.04; ne<'eml>er, OCV^c. Ryeâ€" No. 2. 7G to 77c. Barley- No. 2. 91c; .sample, 58 lo iiOc. Cornâ€" l.<iwer; .No. 3. cash, 55 ki Jitic; May, •i^>ic. Minneatwlis, Nov. 5.â€" Whealâ€" Docem- |<-r .<«l.(l3'i; to $1.04; May. $I.OO>ii: No. I hard. $i.04'-i to $l.05>i; No. I North- ern, $1.03'^ io $1.04; No. 2 NorUiern, $l.(W)'i to $I.OI,Vi: No. 3 Norlliern. !W«< to ;tti}^('.â€" Flourâ€" I'irst paleiils. $5.50 lo $5.»>U ; .si\;ond patents, $5.30 lo .$5.50; llrsi clears. $4.:li» lo $4.40; second cleai«, $3..'iO to .$3.70. Bran-In bulk, 820.75 to $21 LIVE .STOCK MARKET. Toixwlo, Nov. 5.â€" The \ery besi cx- p<irlers' callle were saleable around $1.75 per cwt. Light to medium exjxir- lers' were ipKiled al $4 lo $4.40 per cwl. ClHiiee butchers' callle. $4.G0 to .$5; good butchers'. .$4 lo $4.60; good cows, .$.1.25 lo $3.50; common cows and inixe<l lots. $l..50 per cwd. up; oanncrs, 75c^ to SI .50 per cwl. Steers. l.UOO lo 1,100 lbs, .s<ild al $3.20 lo $3.40; bulls were worth $2 lo .$2..50 pe'' cwl. Light stockers sold al .$2. ,50 lo $.l.!)0 per cwl. according lo qualily. CiO<3d grain-fed landis were (pioled nl $4. ."SO hi $5.40 per cwt. I'.xjiorl ewes j .sold al $4.25 to $4.4U, while culls and ! bucks were worlh .$2.."iO lo .$;!.50 per cwl. i Iiiferior limibs were selling al .$i lo !; i.40 per cwl. C<immon and inferinr higs were .li;!l a; $i per c\\t and upwards. THE BRIDfiE GWE WAT Two Men Killed and One Fatally Injured in a C. P. R. Wreck. A despatch from Montreal says: Two men wore killed and another probably fulally injured in an accident on Ihe Canadian Pacific Railway near Eastman, in Ihe ea.slern lownships, on l-""riday aflernoon. A f:anadiaii Pncific freigii't train was on its way to Montreal, and while crossing a hi^h tre'^'.ln ovor Ihe tracks of Iho Orford .Mountain Railway Iht- bridge broke, throwing the engine and several cars lo llie gix^und. Ergi- nccr Draper and b'ireman .McKenny wero crushed under the wri'c-liuge. and in- slanlly killed, while Ihe lirakeiuiin was so badly injured ttiat his life is despaired of. The hPslle had been llUcJ in e.Kcept, llial part wliicli civissed the other rail- road tracks, and it was here the disJ-s- |i'' occurred. CO.VL CO.MP.V.NY FINED. First Conviction I'nder the Lemieux Act in .\lberla, .\ desp.itch liviiii Frank, Aila.. snys : is believed to be the lirst cunvic- tion under the I.einieu.x act was socurod here this week, when ihe llillci-est Cxial & (jjke Company was lined $200 and cosis by the inspecWir for lockin^j oul employees on Ihe t-luventh and twelfth insiant while Ihe arliilralors wero dis- cussing the dillU'iiliy bclwcen Ihe em- ployees. The company gave Ihe men me opiioii of rcliiriiing to work u;>on il.-i terms or being locked oul. Tliey prosecuted, and, as a result, Ihe con- viction was obtained. *- NI:LS0.N RELICS FOR SCIIOOI^. Piizes to be filven for Essays Written by Canadian Cbildron, A despaich from T<iroiiUi says : Two "Nelson [iliuques," made from Iho cop- ptr of Nelson's llngsliips "Vicloriu" and "I'oudroyant," will Ix; given as prizes for th • iiost cs.says written liy ('aiicdian school children, bny and girl, under id years of age. In this plan Ihe Minister of Ivlucation is co-operaling with the Rrilisli and Foreign's .Sailors' .<<icioty of Ixmdon. Lord .<trat)icona has {^iven .£i,(XX) I/O liie .society to aid in a plnii [or gi\ing Nelson shields to every .'ich-ol in Canada. SHOT UniSELF TIHUMGII HE ART. El||in neclilel's Family Objected to His Marriage. A despaich fmm Ftrigden, Onl.. .says: On Friday evouing l".lgiu Recldol. 19 years of nan. a son of .\lr. Jes'ie P.i-<-hlel. ot this pliiee. Iix.k liis life by .s'looliiig himself llirougli the luiirt wilh a shot- gun. The act iti siipiio.sed U) be llio oiil- C'line of .some h'ouiile Ihe yoim^; man had during I'lP day wilh r.'lalix iv-, re- garding his marriaye lo a youiif.; lady <•[ alHiul his own ago, a few day^ ago. Deceased has been a rosidenl of this place since childhooti. CilHL BIHMCD TO DEATH. Marjorie Mus.son ot Vancouver Sets Fire to Her Clotliinu. A despatch frum \ aiicoiiver. B. f:.. says; A little girl named Marjorie Miis- s<n, aged fourleen years, was l-.urncd lo death <.n .'^aluniay. .she was all^empl- iiif: lo liglil a lire Willi coal nil, when llie sUive explodiHi and tier dollies enuglil fire. She was lerribly biiinod alioiil Ihe iK.dy before neiglilKirs airiviHl. ami died â- i few hours afterwards in llie hospital. NEW CIHHC.II DESTROYED. .Sarred Edifice al Fort Williaiii is a Ilenp nl Ruins. A despnirh tixnii K-irl William .«iays ; The new Callioli; clnu'cli which was Hearing completion ul the coal docks wa« totally destwiyed by Ihe on Snlur- (Jay night." The building was in flumes before an nlarm was turned in. and Ihe brigade could not render any aid when they arrived. The building was being eicclod for Ihe use of the foreign ele- ment of tlio city. The loss will be over $l(j,000. HELD HAND Oi' CDP.PSi:. (irucsoinc Slury ol a Vuuno .'Man's Bcrrnvenirnl. A do-spalcli from Naples, llaiy. says : A particularly griiestnuo slory is being lold hero of an inc.denl which has just coiiio to light in ttiis cily. Klisa -Soulisi, a bcuutiful young woman, was engaged lo be married U. a young man named Alessandro, bill stie died a few days be- foio Ihe dale H;i>t for Ihe ceremony, und was buried in a local coiiietcry. Ales- siindiv) was hearl-bivken over his be- mivemenl. and one iiiglil he dug u;j Ihe bedy and carried it lo liis lodging. He oinbulnied llie corpse of Ihe young wo- man, dressed it in its bridal clothes, and kept il ill his rooms tor a forlnighl. Neiglilxu's llnally grew curious from the [acl that llie young man never went .iluYind, and peeping one day through liis .-^luillercd window lliey saw ,\les- siiiulro sealed alongside Ihe dead body (il llie woman who was In have been his wife, affectkuiately holding her hand. The police were infonni'd and .\lesson- ili 1 was arreste<i. The body has beaa huried a second lime. DA.MAtJES AGAINST IIAZERS. Vuunt) lllinais SUidrnI (Wis a Verdirl ol S 14.000. .\ des)!alcli fi-om Keown. Ul., say.s l'"or liazing Cliuiles ^'r. a student ol ,1 Uradfoid .scIuh^iI, five young men ol l!raiir<u'd iiiusl pay $14.iK*l. acc<irdinf: lo a verdict bniight in <iii Monday nighl I'l u jury. The defendnnis are W'illian: l;Val, l-;ai'l l.appin. Arley llarwixid I'.aii Howe, and I'rnncis Long. Tliej are said In have lied SU.ner lo a tomb- slone in a ccmelery. .Sloner was ,sc .srvorely O'lglileneil Ihal in bis allempli le fiv\ free lie jiullod the lomlisUine ovc: .11) liimselt. liieaUing a Ixiiie in his leg He was c:iiiliiied in a ho.spilal lor sever* weeks. 13 DEVI) ON I.NDIAN llAlLltOAD. Cullision llnl«ren Pas.veiiijrr and Freiflb Trains Near Lahore. A despaich from Lahore. India, say.s la a c<illisiiin li'*ro on Wednesday [jq luxvii a pii.s.stvigt'r and a freight trait lliirleen per^Jiis wero killed and elever liijiiretl. DYNAMITIC EXPLODED. Two Fatally Hurl and Many In}iirc I ir IManilolm. A de.spalc'.i Ii>'ni Winni, eg .says, .-i (lui.Tmilc explosion occurred al liird'j Hill oil Friday, in wlrch .1. \. Si'iilfc iiiid John Henderson were fabil'y iiiiii aiKl a niiiiibiriif pcyiple injured. .Siiiitk (iiid HeiidtM.s n were broiighl to Ihi ciU on a special train. REVKME OF SIOO.OCO.UOO. Canada's Inruine for th? Vcnr .May Ex- ceed That .\nioHnl. A desi'alch troin Ottawa sa',.s: Tht Customs n'i'cipis of l!io Dominion foi Ort<iber were $4.0:10.031 . an iie-rcesc ,:. .S27.1.r>(Â¥l. and for the seven monlhs, lh< ncoips W'l re $3fi.:542.7fi0, an incro.i.-e < I Si;.G".> 1.790. Ihe revenue Iidiii all souro- e« for Ihe year \\ 111 be over the one huiulrrd million mark. Mi Heavy Damage in Montreal on Thanks- giving Day. A despatch from Montreal, Que,, snys; Thanksgiving Day was marked by a big fire in this cily. Late on Thursday a[- ttrnoon fire broke out in the examining warehouse <if the Customs and before il was got tmder (-ontrol heavy damage was done. The building, which is silu- aled on McGill and Coniiiion Streets, occupies nearly a whole block. Over $100,000 \v<irlh of goods were slocked III Ihe warehouse. The fire, which 's suiiixised lo have resulted from .s(xin- laiicous combii.slion. oi'iginnted in Ihe • 111 depart iKCiil. on Ihe top floor, and I f'c' a hud llglil Iho fliemen suecooded •II m.ide;ing Ihe Oanies, confining the fi:i. I \h.' top llnl. 1" 11 ' .â- ! public 11 'liday. Ihe ware- â- â- â€¢< vacant. lh« only employe en duly being Iho walchman. While lie was making his rounds shorll.v afler tcur o'clock in Ihe afternoon ho noticed .^iiioko coming from the quurler where Oil oil is kept. ,\ general alarm was iiiiig in, and Iho whole brigade re- .^wnded. The firemen hnd a hard light in getting Ihe Ore under cjnlrol and .saving Ihe building from lotal destruc- tion. When I hey arrived .smoke was pcuring frum Ihe windows of Ihe lop lliit, and Iho work of saving the build- ing was atlonded wilh considerable riflk. ,S<!veral members of the brigade wera overcome by smoke, but noix)dy ivo.<t seriously Injured. II was after six o'clock before llie fire was under con. Irol. The dnmago from Ihe llro an^ water Is esUmatod at $50,000. i

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