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Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1907, p. 8

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OCTOBBll 31 1907 THE FLESIIERTOK ADVANC For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Th» children p«nnotpo«ilhljrh»TOit'"><lh«»'"' uiileai ttiu bowoU aro in proper comlltlon. for- rect aiiT conittiisitlnn by K^vinu niuall l.tlMlTO iluioiol Ay»r'l rills. All vii;tl»l>le.«UK»r coaled. K«d* by J. O. AjtT Co.. T.ow«II, BUsi. â-²lao mviufaoturora of yei 9 HAIR ViaOR. yO AOUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. Wo bavo no aoarets I Wo putUib ttio formulaa of all our modioiiiei SbortboVn Bull The tlior.H!j:lilirf(l Sli>iitliiirii Hull, "Kavo JUt^22;r>, in servif.' mm Int •JT-'.S.iiul lull Tcnii" \LKX. McRAi;. Cuylon Bi:.siNESs Cards p/T'CULLOUtWI Sc YOUNG Wl HunUin- Mmkdalo Do» lioiioriil bAuKini^lmaiiioHa. Monoy loaned k reiMouaUla ruto Call ua us. TOHIrtbKTT, • I'oHtiuiiHtt'r, '!«vlnn. c;omiuii.iiioiior In H. ('. J . Convovancor, AocrlH. ii)ortt;auutt, lua-tti^. wilU utc. cart-fully drawn up .'ulIuctioriH mad.*. ' Charlies ruaHuti&ble, Ai.-o h'rucoriutt, Hour, feed etc. kei>t iu etock. Tricus llRbt. RJ SPUOULB I'odtuiaster, FlcabertoD • .oiuinlHslooer hi n.C J., Auctioneer Con 7oyanct<r, .ippraiaor atid Munuy Ijoudor linal KHtato and Iniui'ancu Aguiit, Dueda inurtKHKuH, luaHuH ani wIIIh carefully drawn up aii.i valtiatioiiu made on fhortoHi iif'tice. liioney to ioiiii at lowoHt ratoa of iutcrefit. (^ol I* itioiM attuudod to with promptnt-'Bp â-  charfiui low. Atfent for Ocean Douiluion btaaiuahlp Ooinpaoy. A call solicited. DMcPHAIl. T.lopUBoJ Anetloneor for ttie * Oontity of Orev. TorniH mnderato and fiatJHfactinn puarantf ed, 'I lie Htraiiueuienta and dut(fHf)f halcH can ho made n*. TiiK Ai»vam."K urlioo. Kexidcuce audl'.U., Cvylun, Teleiihuiio cunnectir*)!. Doc. n,07. DWII) IIOHKKTS. llcunaod asctionoor for (Jr«v County. I'rnnipt attention ulvon ail hmIoh entriHtOil to inv care, AriRiiKfniuuts can be made at lliin o:Uce. Gi;o. fl. LUDLOW, Liccnmid Auctiooaer for the County "I Oroy. Proniiit torvico ami leaaouablu lermx. I'lotou Hlatlou P. 0. I HAIIVKY I'KKKiOK, Fovor»liani *• luHuranco, Kcni ostate und stock-i. Con- veyaricir. Lohiih and CidlcctiotiK. Write fi>r laloriou Fire, Ijtfu ur hii-k ben<'fitinhtiraiici<. Jti'ttor cuntractH and lowor ratcH ou lliu iu- Kurancouuw. Societies A O U W uioetB 01. the lant Moiidu) *' in oiiv'-n luoiitti, in their loit^o room. <'iiriAtuu'H lilock. Flei'lierton. at H p.m. M.\V., i-'iank Cliard ; .Sec, T. Illakuly, Financier, <\V.J. Ilul-amy. VialtiUR UrottarcD iLvltoil. PUINCK AKTHlUt I.OIXIF,, No. :i.t), A.F A A U, inoetM in tlui MilhuiiIc hall. Ktrain'H hiuok, Finnlienon. every Friday on or liefura tiio full moen. W A.Arnntronij, W M.; Ilei b. o.iiitb, buLi'vtary, rorUTFLKSHKIlTON, w,, I. 0. F. iro.etrtln ^ CtiriatoH'H lllock th« last Werhiemlav evenitifi of each niontti. Viflitiuu' ForcHtora hetirLilv welcotno. C. It., T)t. Miirniv; U. S., j". Ilei.ry; Fin. Hec, C N. UlrliHrdHOn. PleaMt pay <lni'H tu Fin. Sec. botore tbo nmt (la/ of tbu month. CHOHP,.S FKIKNDH-FliHhertnn Council of Cnoiion Frifjiidti iiieut>« In Clavlon'u linll Hrst and third Wednendav of uueh luolil H y in Prtv aHHeteimontR t<> the lie<'orrh'r en or hefm-e «''e flrrft ''a^of iKicIi month, t'liief C'eunclllor, T. lliakuliiy;UttCorder, W. U. lluut. Medical DB CATlTRn M C P A n Out, Phyalclan, fiurneon, otc OiUu« and ruaiilouoDâ€" Pctor at , Flimliorton Dli. A.T. IinND nrailiiat« Toronto lTulv«n!tv, Mom iHir of Ontario (\)llof;e oj Physicliaii't and Siir- Hujuii. Maxwell. Ou'. rincoeasor to Dr. Scotl. JP OTTRWKl,!. Veterinary Hurgaon (iriwluatn nf Ontario Vstorlntry CoIIoko. I tHiiioiioa â€" ascend door Hotith wof t OD Marv alreet. ThU ttreet runs Bouth Pi'UHhvtarian Ohnrch. Afflicted with Sore eyes for 33 years 1 lirve luen alUicted willi note cyea for thirty til rue yearn. Thirteen yearn ii|^o 1 tivuuiiie totally blind anil wua blinil fornix yearn. My eyen were badly iiitiameil. One nf niy nuiKli- burs inni.ited U|Km my trvint; Clmmlxirlain'f Salve and ifuve me half II Imx of it. To my Kiirprineit Iiealed my evew and my niKht came Imck to me.â€" J'. C Kiirln. Cynthianii, Ky. I'liamlierlain'i) .Salve is for sale by \V.K.l{icu- ardson. CAREFULLY CORRECTED EAH WEEK. Oats fio '.o no IVm 80 to 8) harley CO â-º.•i 00 Wheat }»5 lo 95 May 17 00 t..l7 fO IJutter 27 t<; 27 KL'gH, fresli 2n to 20 Potatoes |)or bag 76 to 7.") Gecao 10 lo 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Ohickcps to i) Turkeys 15„to 15 HWILMO.N, lllaekFinttli • 'fradimte of tbo Vr'orlnary Rcionce AHHoolatlon. Ueni lenco, Durhftin itreet, op- poalta Uoyd, Hleklh.ij'a hardware. Lecal LOO«H WBtOHT .«• MrAItnLB llorrlstera Holloltnra Onnveyanoera, eto 0<Hu"«â€" Ownii Hound. Ont andMarkdalaOnt W H WiiiaHT, M(iAhdi.r I II LL'cia N II -Kleaborton ofncc, Mitcbell't Hank •Very Baturdayf Dentistry Dr, B. C. MUBRAV L. f). H , rlontal itnrcron hoiioi'ifrailiiate nf Tnrnnto llnlvernltv and >'ovat ''nlh^ue of Dental Anraeinm nf Ontario, O-^a adni|ti|at«r^d f-ir teeth extraction. OtUoa at r«ai<l*uce. To ronln alreet PIsibarfou, Shorthorns. Bees and Poultry Our baaa ha»a wlnlarad wril and wa ha»n • damlMrof oolonlMifor pala and Tounii awann* a'lMr tha Itrat of Jane. Von ahnnld ae« eur pen •(H.O.Ilrnwn I<«i|tharra bafoia E«ttlD|) yout «l ITOttad â- . T. A H. B. FlanhertoV'B. AIXKN '^•".'WVM ^ COPVfi!-.!! â- â-  1 a .5 c ^>ijc«!f aBf-^niln cr.r o»> r.iott (roo wi.ctlier a' Kivocitliiii UproUaMy t>?t''!iUhl'). O :iMm;i,>n Itn:;;- 1fTlcClr(VÂ¥lJ<1«lUi.'j. niO'.T^*> ok vr» |*.n. 'i;-. TMont-^ (/Jcoil thro^nrh Mui.n \ C*». it*:*.**'. nlrii(*|i ' f J»ny aci.-.iwttt; I -I'ml. tV*t'i a. f i • i^r; f.-iirVii^'u*, *â- Â« .**ji(! t^f.tJ! »••»'.*- hphT.m* Choke Tarm for Sale. At Kimberley KorUi lia>f Int No. 10. Kupbrasia. 100 acroH. poftrly all utider cultivation. Kiv« acrrft oiti orcliftnl. Willi wfttiM*'<l. 'I hreo IhouBnml will buy it on quick Hiilo, M(NKJ flown, l)alH,iiCM te f-mt. Thin iM ai!oc{<tt<i litir'>aiii. /Vpplv to Mrs. J.M. TIuirHtou. 4:n\VcliL*aloy et., Toronto, f '- ^ BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Hood ti Ainlnf*. Hnio.ll cofit. Qoo<l poHi- tioiis. KnieCataloi;. U A Kavmihaiwon h A, cor Vuui;» and Blocr Ht.^, Toroutu. SE.f^SOiABLE GOODS FURNITURE Tliu lai'fjc.'iL ami betit Ktock of Fmniliire i)V«r shonii ill Fliwliorton. 'riiis witlmiit fear of con- tiailicliiiii. I'oiuo niid hi'ti soiiiu of till) nice tliiii.;s in Siilo lioaidH, Dining Ivnoni t'liair.s, I'ailor Sotts, Hiiil Hooni Si'tta A special rciliic- tioii just iiiiw on uvoiy- tliiii;;, ill order to ro- (llU-13 lllO Stoi'k. W, H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER ESHERT 11 U Enjoying POOR HEALTH? If no it is [irolmldy cniisod liy poor bakingâ€" our Hour i.s tlie bt<xt on ihu market, \V« sidl Ford's I'lteii', Five UoscH, niul .Mi. ruing Glory. Our IJroifiiec are tlio bout aiid tbo (iricea low. \Vn have » luriui hu|i- |ily of I'cnclioa, roiu'ri, PIuiiih, Crab Applua, Ompei, and Toiuntoea, W. L. Wright.. WANTED A Reliable Ai^ent for FLESH ERTON hikI 8iirrouiidiiii< country, lo .soil our FAM(JUS I'EEULESS APPLE TREES A bi^ liaidy ruil winter apple that suIIh (in sixht. hIno h k-t<iiurnl lino of fruit and ornnniuiiial int's iiicludin^r olber valu- able (pvcialtioa. Uood |iay weekly, out- fit free, KXcliibivu territory. Write now to PELUAM NU.nSERYCO. Groamm of hiuli vrade iiurMry «tuok TORONTO. UNT. M R., SpecM teruii t<i auit i^mit workliiK pitrt time. Improved procesaea fur reducing milk to the form of a powder, or coinpri's.Hiot! it into tablota, have led to iiii increAKinM; UHe of milk in these forms. Powdered or compreaHei) milk is not only enip'oyud for proviaioniiiK sliipi and for traiispor- tntiiiu to di.staut places, but for the use of bakerH and confectioners. In FraiiCf a new process for powdering milk hus re- cently been invented. The milk i< forced, nndor a presiure of 250 Htmosjilierep, ihrouj^h a tube one tenth of a milliinetrc. in diameter, iiitoii closed chamber heated to 167° Fahrenheit by a current of wann nir The rapid expansion of the milk on e tering the chatnbi r tLr is it into a cloud of vapor, the water is carried ofT by the current of air, and the solid parts of the milk fall in powder on the bottom. Early laiit Monday morning as Mr. Reginald Tuck of Sunnidale was doina his morning chorcR, bo noticed a full- t'fown lynx in Mr. I. Rogers elm urove. Mr. Tuck, accompanied by his dot' im- mediately gave ohnse nnd succeeded ii> driving it out of the grove into an osten field. After a hard run the anitna! liimlly treed by the dou' and lie eould make another dinli for freedom, a coii|>Io of well directed shots by IMe.ssrs.Tuck and RoL'era brnuaht liim to the ground. Mr. Lynx had been he:«rd uitevina his wild cries in the name i'rove oii ."evi-ral occas- ion.s recently nnd a few evenings ajo se- cured a .301b. roBnt of beef from Mr. Roger's separator room. â€" Stayiicr Sun. The Redmond v» Irwin ra«e, which was tried at tlie County Assizos, held in Owen Sound last week, resulted in Irwin's acquittal The was of much local interest because the parfie- lire eloe to this villace in Proton lowo.ship. Th^y are close neii;hl)ors and some iiionths nijo, over some dispute, came to bluns and in the lifiht Mr. Rcdnioi.d's eye was so badly injured that he ha? unfortunntely Inst tbo sight of it. R.'fore Ma'.'istratf McGregor Jamo^ Irwin coinniiited to sinnd trial in Owen Sound. Mulieioug wounding was the charge on which ho was tried and his plea was that he acted only in self defence. The jiiiy's verdict was "not L'liilly." .A. O. MacKny and W. S. Midilleborn for prosecution. Lncis, Wright i^- McArdlo for defence. â€" Duiidnlk Herald. Comtdniiits havini; been made to the Atti inev-Geticrnl of the non-observance of the Lord's Day Act or, ti.e Grand Tiunk railway from Uurbam to Palmers- ton, t!'»t oflieial ijive bis coiisen' to the piosecutinnof ihe Grand Trunk I'll the I h.irge of makin '-up and runiiin-.' fr igh* Iriins on their nurhcin brunch on .Aug. 11. The rase caino up for a lu^ar in<! at Ilolesleiii on \Vedne.sdav last Defore Clia-i. Mclnnis and -Tohn Swant- soii, .LP's, when the evidcn'^e of the train crc-w was taken and anadinurnmrn^ made at the reipieet of Ihe solicitor for tli.> defence, Mr. ,T, A. McMuHen of M'Miiit Forest, until Wodnenday, Oct. ,'iOth, .John .'Xrmptronc, Cdiiitv crown attorney for CJrey, had charge of the c.isc for the proseouti'in. Mr. W. n. I'uiiker of Lisle h^9 inv»nt- ed 11 new and iiiiii|ue ninchine for the for the inanufai'tiiie of straw into a H'iek or loL' like material fur fuel. The p-o- dnct'.:ives equal biirniiii; results to ordin- ary mixed wood and will burn m any will id or coal stove. The same nincbine will pidduee building material, coino rhronuh a proces.s that converts it into bo^irds nr planks, which, when laid io n »all, can be plastered over, iinkimra very cheap, dry, wann wall. The machine is simply constructed, strong and durable and is mounted on a truck and when oo- e'.i»ed by a ten horse-power oniiine and two men will produee about ten cords of fin-l or 7*^01) fe« t "f bu'lding material p^ r d-iv. The expense of operatiuL' is on'y the wages of the two men, ns the straw is of no va'ue where the machine will be used. A company is about to be orcnnz- ed to handle ihe patent. â€" .Mliaton Herald WHY SO WEARY? Always Restle.«Ji and Weak Isn't Natural â€" But it's Dangerous. You have lo work hard. This uses up lots of neivc force and te:tr.s down the body faster than it cm build up. The resuL is a half-dead feeling yen can't shake off. Somehow you must get uioie vitality. The water in your blood must he turned ilitu iiutriiiient and^build- iiig material. This is just what happens iii using Fetrozine, which renews the bhuid and nerves, and makes each orgHii do the work ihat naturn expecia of it. Fern zone (piii-kly imrease.s yaur weiuht, brings appititeand healthy color, insiills a reserve of viijor into iho s\8tem thai ilelii's wet>iine<-s. exIiauRliun, debility or sioluiesH of any kind. The enormous atreiigihening power of Ferioaune is prmed in the case â- )( Mis. Kdwa:d Uill of Orr Lake, Out, wliu aays. "Two years aco 1 had a neivous break- down. At iiiubt I ti'Hsed restles.'>ly in bed, uiialde to get any rest from slevp. Ill the morning I suffered from over- |ioweiing weaknesn. My appetite was pool. I gr>w |vile, thin and despondent. A sluht hacking coU).h added to my bunliin. ".My doctor said to try FerroBone, and it did me good iu a few days I increas- ed ill strength, the nervous senHatioiii diaapiieared, and iviih my sppetite cume liack my co'or and giMMl spirits. I have gained over ten poumU in weight, and aa my iigo it r>tt, 1 eoiiKidvr Kerrozono is a marvel " (.Sitfiied) Mr-<. Edward Hill. RKMEMHEKTIIIS: Feirez <ni) ia a true toiiie â€" Dot an Klcohoiic stimulant. Fifty chocUti-uorttvd tabh-ta in a box for fifty muita. or six boxeM for I8.C(\ itt kll dealer8,ur N. C. Pulaon •& Co., Hartfprd, Coun., U. 8. A., and Kingston, Out. Qood Corn Sheller for asc A marvel of efficacy and proniplness, a remedy tliat do'S cure corn -1 and warts, lis name is I'utnain'.s Corn Extr.ictor. Contains no aeidn, never pains, givis lasting satisfaction. Inaitit ou â- Puinaoi's" only. It's the best. Mrs. Sinclair of Ravenn< fell down stairs und died without regaining con- sciousness. The C. P. R. Co. his ai/rued to pay Herman fiollert 'f East Ziirra Township Sl.otX) for the lofs suaiaiiied by the kill- ing i.f a pure-bred lloUiein cow and year- Ymu calf in Au'4us', The claim was that owing to a defective eate in the railway fence the Co\r and calf wandaied on llie tiacks during .be uighi and were killed by a tr.iin. The cow was a woild'd cbam pioii A Cordial Invltiitjon to Disease Tills is an ap' dencription of cons'ip- iiioii. It's ;iii nniialural condition to begin ivith, ai-d it's more, because i: i ringsabi.nt blood de'erioration, ii.terfeis with digesi Ion, renders you su^cep ible 'o iufectiom and 'eau-tea anaemia. Not SI iiiul-Ii a i-iiigat.ive as a iia'unl siio.nh.iu to llo lio\v,.di i.< »i!iil you nee-l. You g-t in Ui. Ibioiiltoa's liMi, which in- cic IS s iiver a.-civiy, ri'S'orti ihe bowel" to p- tfect ariii-n and pos,t:»eiy cure con- Blipatioii and i's aitei.d-tor evils. Ii..sis( on liavi-ig only l)r. M.i;!it..n's Pills of i\l:iiidr:iko .>nil huiluiiiur, 2Jc per bos at all ilualets. The Owen .Sound Fruit Co. have »hi(.- pen a carload of winter pears to a wholt- aa'e fii ui in .Soutli Africa. The shipmen «as the first to go from this diatnct to litiu'h Africa, it is al.^io worthy of iioto that the pears were packed in the iioir Kertiiaii folding boxâ€" the first turned out at the new 0.ven Sound fiotoiy. The p^^iiri wece gro-»-ii in N..rrii Qrey, and arc Slid to h;»ve been secured from twi orcb- •irda If this carload of pears i-i satit< factory, it may r.-sult in a valuable busi- ness cininectiori bBins; eitablished Ijutween the fruit growers of this distiiot an-l the fiuit buyers of South Africa. It Pays to nttend the best A mai\ who enjoys his social glass Ju. He nee<h Bu-Jil if be wants to enjoy health and his favorite drink for years to come. All Alcoholic drinks irritate the Kid- neys. A man, who drinks re- gularly, is almost sure to have clotidy r.riue, brick dust deposits in the urine, headaches and pains in the back. In time, if neglect- ed, scriouj trouble will result. ^ ^ is the inost complete Selool of iis kind in Cuts- iida Twenty-Seven yeirs under tlifl present innnage- nient. Spec'al atlenti-.n (;iven to lackwiird- srud- ents who need per.-uuial help at their desks. Write for ii.foriuation to C. A. FLEMING Principal. Owen Sound Ont. â- iSff4i«»i»* '^Gieap*^' is the finest remetly in the \%"orld for nil Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Neutralizes the effect of alcohol ou the Kidneys. Bu-Juiii not n cure for drinking ; but Bn-Ja does protect the steady drinker ag'.iinst Kidney Trouble. Bo-Ju cures Rheumatism, too. 50c. a large box. .\t druggists, or by mail. 73 THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO,, -LIMITED WINDSOR. OUT. WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid St ock = = Bes t Stock Bells, Blankets* l^obes Fur lined coats, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. Cuttersâ€" best makes- and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Fiesherton Oi\t. Clearing Sale Everything in Dry G->ods, Or i:erios. Boots and Jihoe.", Hardware rnd Tinvvare must be sold iej-irdless.< of cuot iS I am leaving Port Law. J. A. St. Ganeral Merchant aul Tinsmith Port Law - - Ontario ^^IS^S6^^^^£^1^f^^SS^^^:^^5l^^^^5^^^!^5^}k, li^m i In Sleighs, Biijiijies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators ami Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works If you are thinking of buying a huggy be sure and give me a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. / Guarantee Satisiaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinda of idoughs and plough i^niairs tm hand; .tlt;o refyjiw tor Masiiey Ilarris, No.xon and McCormick farm inipleinents. A^ont IFo^f CREAM SEPARATORS I>. MoTJLVISH { T keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a cream sepjxrator please drop me a caixl and their wants will be attended to. • • f*leBl&ertpii V.

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