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Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1907, p. 7

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i FALLING FLOORS BBEIES FIVE Tons of Castings Fell on the Heads of Workmen Beneath* A despatch from Oshawa snys: \s « result of nn uccidont which hnppoiiod 111 tlio w irUs of Ihc Oshawu Sloum iiiid â- Gas Kitlinss Company on Thur.sJiiy ruorning. one niun is d.iiJ, one pro- i.iitly f:itu!ly injured, and iovtrol ctheis nre more or loss seriously injiireii. On liie second flat of the buildiii(i. at tiio \v«t end, is the store nwm for sjiuill I i ivii killeil instiinlly. Jones is so badly Illlinfrs, and in hero wus storeJ I-jiis | irju.ed that he is not likely to rwover. â- "' Ihes/ ariicles. The wi'ii^'ht wus iii-jr'- 1 The oliiers are not very seriously in- t.'iun the lloor could slaiul and :t gave ! jprcd. . a v.ny. emplyinp the conl.'iils on to the! I'.rkins was l)orn and broufihl up heads of several men at work in llie I ji; O.'^liawa. where his parenis still re- mill room l<?low, coinplcli'ly bJiryiii;,' | siih-. lie leaves a widow and Iw) small lliem with iron and broken timbers, children. and tearing a hole about twenly-nve feel Equarc through the bitiklini,'. Tlie accident haiJipened about ten ".clock, and it was not until luton that I he last of the unforlunate men were f. 1. ased. There were live in the wreck. Harvey Perkins, Wni. Jones. Thos. All- man. \V. Ruscsell and T. Lewis. Per- kins was dead when removed, and from the uiflv wound oji his heml, must have CA.NALS IIE.VT RAILWAYS. Jm â-  Hale of Crow ih of Traffic in Tasi Twenty Years. A d'spaleh fiotii Ottawa says: The :ni>nual blue Ixiok conlniniiiy liu- canal slatistics uf the Dominion f< r ilu- season <i[ I'.NHi was Issued on Wednesday. The lijuivs show a large increuse in I Me busi- nesis belwi-en Canadian ixuls diiniit; llie past twenly years parliciiliirlv with re- pird lo westward Irallic. The growlli has been considerable from (.:anudiun to LiiiLed .'^lilies ports. The up-lK.iind Irallic has been In larger vi-lunie than I at moving easUvard. ^mce 1S87 Uie trade b.hweii Uiiiied .States by Canadian '.-anais has grown largely. In this instance, however, the movement downward has been greater than upward. There has bivn an ucluul bhrinkage in the up linllie between Unilcd .><tates and Canadian [Hirls. The easllxiund busiiiesii, howe.rr. has prac- tically doubled. The expansion of busiiic^^^ wilh onnals ij relatively larger than Ihai shown bv Conadian railways. The trafllc moving up and down has increased S87 per cent, dining tho pio-t twenty years. The weshvaid bii.siness sliows a gain nf 3C8 per ceiil.. while Ihe eastward grew to the e.\.lent o' 257 per cent. While .â- >7.'.Hi(i,"l5 lon.s of freight were carried by Canadian rnilwavs In l'.H)ti, as compared \vitli lG,3.")6.a37" in IS87. Ihe betterment w'as 251 per cent., as against 2tl7 per cent, on the canals. 4. TWENTY VKARS I.\ I'W.^ON. A dcispaUh fwim Madrid .-ay>: The alarming re|X)rts circulaled earlier in Ihe month reyai-ding Ihe healDi .if King .\lfonso ap))ear to be cciilirinoil. It Is inuli'r>t<i<>d that his Majesty. v\ti.i will liavel under the siriclest inci>i.nJlo as Poke of Toledo during his c^l;llillg visit >V(mId-be Murderer of «;irl Srnteiiced .i( n. l.oiidc.'n. will submit to Ih.e exainiii- .Sherbntoke .\ssi/es. nlion -if a speciai:sl hi lu! oieil isis. .\ despatch truiii .Slierhruoke. Que., from wlii-h diiscase his tatber difd. 'llie says: Wednesday \va i ^en;..'nce day in i King's 0))en air life has Ihus far ke|il th' King's lien'h. and (leorge Albert ! Ilu lieroJitury disixisition in alevanec. C.reenhill. found guilty of attempting to | and an op<>rution was perfotriied on murder Lilly I.iim. at MolNuirne, on the I, mi r.ivntiv in the hope of cheekui" 3ru of July last, was sentenced to twenty th, giv.wing symptomt. of toiiMi.ip- li<-n. SOHUY, A.ND WON T DO IT AGAIN. .Sii Says Sir Wilfrid lo Japan, r.nil Ihc Mikado Accepts Apoloyy. .\ despaleli from Ollawa says: "Ilis i'.v 'illeiiey the Govenuir-Ceneral and the Canadian Ciovernmeid will be- ploa.^d if y«;U will convey lo his linpt'i-ial Majesty Iho Emperor of Japan their very deep rtgrel f<ir the unforlunati' occurrencos al \ luicoiiver, and if you will also convey !>. his Imperial Majesty Ihe assurances thai tlv Canadian aullnrilies will use their \ilnins_t efforts to prevent any re- currence of such regrettable events. " ."vj said ."jir Wilfrid in lis let- ter of aix)logy to Japan foj' tha \aucou- vcr riots. "Ilis .\Iajc6ly received the niossage from Ihe ("lOvernor-Ca'neral d Canada and Ihe Covermnent ot Canada with the grealt'st graliflcation. and n<.!es with nuicli satisfaction the earnest inlenlion '. f Ihe Ciovernor-Oenernl and C-overnnu'nt ei Canada to piomote cordial and friend- ly relations which exist between Ihe Bri- lisl; Empire and Japan." .'so says Ambassador Mcdonald in reply. Thus the two naiions i..e friends again. ALFONSO A r.ON.m.MI"l'IVi:. Will^ <U)nsuU a Unri.iii \isil to Luntlun. yeai-s In the penilentiary. BY Terrible Destruction Calabria. Reported in A despatch from Rome says: The div lails i-cceived here during Tliuisday re- garding the earthquake in Calabria on Wednesday tend to .show that the ilhni- <ige done was much more extended than at tli-st esliinaled, but that Ihe loss •<-.t lite has not been grcal. Tli- low- <•• estimates plice ttie niiml-er <if killed v.l about iO. and Ihe highisl at about 120. The .shocks were es|M-cial!y se\i"ro 'n Ihe soulhern end of the Calnbrian n*^ Ti.iisula, but thwughout Ciilalria <n Tliiusday there were scenes of deso- lation and desiniir. The llrsl shock was a treniendous one. and was followed by two olh-^rs ol longer pi-oiwilLons. which entirely drslroyed Iwo \illages and reduced many houses in several olh'M's to ruins. The first shock, fortunately. l)ixinglit the entire population of the villages in- to the <ipen, many reaching llie hills «r open plain.s. Torrents <if rain great- Iv increased the suffering among I'le } • melrss peoi)l.\ Half Ihe houses at Ferriizzano .ind r.i an alone collapsed and many per- sons were buried in the ruins, and a I .*iinofxiU and .'^t. lllario many are .«nid ki liavf l>sl llicir lives. evci',\wliere. Kocella, J<inica. Heggic <!( sanza, Haracdio, Cilia Nova, Palmi. ("•irica Manina, and other town-; iils.i suffered fr<iin Ihe shocks, but not se- verely. The ancient cnltiedrnl at Torre ill (icraee was thiown down, as was k'*o an ancient lower. lie!? Ihe hou.s.^s l:i tho village of r.e- ifue are in ruins. nrring lh<' O'inhi.s:on eaused by the li .>! eailh(ii:ake shoek. Ihe |irlsoners ir IIm' jail al Calunzai\i ii'ulinii'd .md sill dued willi great i iilieultx. 'the feiiKiIe prlstuieis wer.- iiarlieularly manding their release and healing the deors unlit the whole |iI,hv was'm i Uirible uproar. The prU n .dllelals dill everything p<issible to ca,hn the in- niahs. but ranic bivike out afresh every lime anotlier shock wa.s experieiu'ed. ' So .MKin as p<issible detaehnienis of Ireoi'.s with relief Irains were huriicd lo Ihc- scene. L.VTKIt. The latcsl rep<irls from Ihe .-ifferted dislriels place the number of ('sad at ov.>r UtXI and the injuirtl al I.Diii. The lioops are doing Iti.-ir iitmosi bt diiiii- nish the suffering <.f Ihe p.-<iple. Ihey wtrk steadily, unmindful of fa igue, burying the dcla.l. rescuing the livin.' dislnbuting fond and clothing am viding shelter. j.-io. The torrential r.iin which fell dtiring th.' shoek.s added to Ihe di.scomfoi-| of Ihe pe.iple. wtio. afier Ihe first i|nakes. ru^hed from their homes, and even \,.t refused to g<. under cover for feardf oilier shocks. More woujd dtiullless have been killed had it not been f<ir liio fatl thai Ihe majority ;it inhnbilanis lushed lo llie ojien after Ihe flrsl shock Panic juevaiUHl i *'",', '"^'-â- "Pod to Ihe hillrs and plains. ' The niwt damage was done in Ihe soulhern end of the Calabrian Peninsula, wliere two villages were almost c.iri|. plelely i|i>slixiyed and many dwellings daniagcil in olhers. Hocilla lonica, lieggi.i. Cosenza. lirialieo, CilaiiovH. Palnii. Cicrnee Mariiui and oMier \ illages aJO among those damaged by Ihe shock. Among the terrifying scenes during 'l.> i|uakes was Ihc pniiie of the i>rison- ei i in Itie jail al Calaii/aiNi. Thi'v miili- nieil al Ihe (las', shoek and sereamoit and (loundeil on Ihe do<irs .-ind were quieted wilh great dillleiilt\-. Shocks were still e<intinuing oirThnrs- db> evening., aitd Ihe earthquake was f llKlfi LEADINU MARKETS BIUCAD.STUTF.S. Toronto, Oct, 2'.).â€" Winter Wheatâ€" 'No. •> wlule or red, S1.04 to $1.05; No. Manitoba Wheatâ€" No. I northern. •â- i-Lll lo $L1VJ<;; .No. 2. ,«il,l2 to $1.12^,. Barleyâ€" »,5c to IHJc, according to qua- lily and location. Oatsâ€" :\o. 2 while. Vm to '>:>%c out- side; mixed. r>k: to TwC ouLside. Byeâ€" 8Ke lo S'.lc ouLside. Pe:usâ€" 00c. Cornâ€" .No. 2 yellow .\menican, 72c To- ronto freights; .\o. 3 yoll-iw 71>!;c. Branâ€" $22.50 in bulk, outside; shorts, .S2(i. Buckwheatâ€" 7r>e 1. 1 7fie onlsido. Flourâ€" On Unio, w per cent, pa'.ent. Ji' minally alxiut .?4.2."); Manitoba pat- ent. S|)eciia| brand. S(i lo .•jMi.r'O; second pa ten I. $:,.W u, .$5.t'il); strong bakers'. SJ.31 lo .$,5.10. 27c lo 2'iC 2;;c to 2.'.c 23c t ) 25c 21c lo 22c a and I3%c for 23c lo 2ic per COL'NTBY PBODUCE. nu:ti«râ€" The market holds flnii. but F rlx'3 are unchanged, f.reamery, jiriiiLs do solids Dairy, prints do sdids C.hecs:^â€" 13>(;c for larj twills i . j.jb lots heiv. l^fe'fl-'' â€" Quolaljo.ns are dozen, in car;e lots. Poultryâ€" Chickens .sell from 7'^c lo Se live weight; hens, (it^c; ducks, alive, 7X^c lo 8c. Polaloes â€" Fislern are sleadv al 75e In cai Iol.s on lri;'k; Oiiturios, 70c lo 75c. flayâ€" Timothy 'S quoted al •SI7.00 to S17..iO In car lols on track here. Moneyâ€" Firm at 12c lo l3o per lb. for strained and Â¥2..jO to .$2.75 per dozen for combs Baled .Straw- 50..")0 to -SIO iji car lols. IBE WHISKEY IS DRAH The Consumption of Tobacco Also Has Increased. pnovi.<ioN5. for lig'itwcighls for A daspatcli ' zm Oltnwa says: The reiKirt of the Deparbnenl -A Inland Be- vrmie for Ihe last llsiHil year (nine niontlLs to Maicii 31) wa< issued <:n Weri- nisday. Tiie revenue was .<51,09fi,"j:in. as compared .SlH;!5.t»2 for the pi'ecpding 12 months. Tlie cpianlity < f >| irils pr<xlucid was S5,t*l.;l8'J prool gallons. .Ml Canadian whiskey luio to bvr kepi in warehouse for two years be- fore it can be sold. ,\l the beginning < r this year 17.iK14.',20 proof gallons were in warehoui:e under Ihe supervis- ion of exeUe ofTicers. In the nine monllLs aiW.sni gallons wrre exported, as agaiast 277.'.K)5 gailoas in the pre- eedijig 12 m<inllis. The foinign demand for Canadian distillery products is sh'aiiily increasing. The average qiiantily of tobacco l«k' n for consuniplion duri:!g Ihe past four years was I3.s0!>.(i;«) pounds; for Ihe lust nine months the total was 12.101.- 678 poimd.-i, a subslanlial increase. The number <if cigars taken for consump- tion was 15'.,-:!.53.2('iO. as a^viusl 1S2. I7S.431J in tJio precediig year. Tho an- i'U:il consumpliion per head < f soirils "as .r)i7 -spirits, os againsl .St'd; beer. 5..')«5 gai:.)ns. as againfii 5.2,")5: wine, .''1)2 gallons (no increase), and lobacco. 2.'.r,:i jH.unds. as against 2,777 nouiids. Ouring the fiscal [x-riod 20.1.51 gas nn |.jcs were presented for veriflcalion. ."i.OIS were correct, '.1.781 were running Ico fust and I3.:ill) loo slow. Of eUiclric Div.-sed M<igs~.««.7j and .1W.25 for heavies Poikâ€" .>^h .rt c;il, S22.75 to .S2'. barrels; inrsj?. •'520 to S2l. J-,irdâ€" Firm; lieiws. U^o; tubs, 12%o; pails. |3c. Smiked and Drv .sSalfed Mc-al.sâ€" Ix)ng sluff wa.s slow and easier. sellLng d^wn !. i}ic. ExiKjrl ewes sold from SL25 lo .94. lO, vvilh culls and bucks from .ii2..'iO to j!,!.50. Lambs were slea<ly al Sa.25 lo $.â- )., 51) for selects and .S3.jO lo .«!j for fliSM- bacon, lie lo I13v' fir t-ms and : o'lnmon and ordinary. cases;; hams, mediniii and light, lac to i The maiki'l for hogs was easier, ."se- i:ghl moter.s lO.lGI wero presented, (!,- 731 were correct. 5,4,'G fast, and \,iU slow. .MONEY IN DEAD LETTEB OFFICE. The carelessness of some people in fti-aneial niallei-s Is evidenced by the annual roix.rt of the Post-Ollice Depart- nient. During the lust nme months 3,- 9*1 letters, containing .$lj.(i".i2; 1.7.Mi cheques for §213,310; ;i.3'.K) money and express orders, for .'.'..51.001. found tlieir way U) the Dead Letter Oflice. The gross revenue of the Post Ollice lor the lisoal period w is .^.a'3.5.0'.':!. and the expenditure S5.452.7Jt, leaving i surplus (,f .Sl,082..!OI. The number of posl-oHice.s in opera- tion on A(tril l-st wa.s 11.377. Tlie gross w.'-lal revenue of Tomnto wa6 S'.iOS.- Ool. the l;ighest of any city in Canada. Oilier cities are:â€" Ibimiilon London Kingst.oi Windsor .... Branlford ... Ollawa Montreal .... OiKbec Halila.x .'St. John .... W nni(>eg Caltary Vancouver ... Viclorii ..$12.5.711 .. •.W.f'C.I .. 32.511 .. 25.194 . . 37.328 .. 125.0.5'.' .. m).iv , . 87.077 . . 77.«ni . . 7S..595 .. 37LO20 . . 53.34C .. iii.or. .. 53,105 i:'!<;e: heavy. U^e to 1.5c; backs. I()>!;c I'l 17c: shoulders. IO:lic to lie; rolls, liV'; breakfaal bacon, 15>;;c lo ICc. t'leeii meals out cf pickle, lo less than .-.m ked. »'â-  rmert. S> .s.)on as the building e\ p(ii«'ii-ed Ih.' first shoek Ihey began to .suUl alm>sl"to equal l.he quake 6i.;r:im and she.:' loi' the jnilei's, de- In e.xicnl and devas',ati<,in. MONTBK.VI. MARKI-rr.S. .Vkinlieal. Oct. 20â€" Flour â€" Choice Si'rmg wtieal patents, ,<«i.lO l,j .<!(i.:tu; se<suid, S5..50 lo iiiS.'TO; wiiil -r wheat p.:leiits, $0; siraighl mUers, S5.75; do., !•' bajfs, $2.70 to *2.75; extra. .92.II5 to The local I'emonil for oals is dull, but prices rule llin!, with sales of ordered c:ir.s of f)ntario and Quebec iiew cr<;,> < i.ts al .51L' to .5!k' pn- husliel, as to qual- ity. Heavy r:anadian sluirt cut nie.?s pork, ;ii tierces, $33.50 lo .$;!;; heavy Canada slMit cut mess |X)rk. in hareels. .$.'2.- '>;! Ii .$23; f:an«ida sliorl ent hn..-,; |>,,;U. *;2..50 lo >>23; hea\ y .slwi I cut clear pLik. a:i fat, .?22 to S22..-.0; hi>avy short . Ill clear i>irk. lean -'U. .1522 t<i •S22..50; 1 eavy i:ank |xuk. $22. .'x) lo .«;':i; very heavy- clear fat backs, all fat. S23 to •S2.!..>'1; heavy Caiiadii short eiil mess lork. i:i half-barrels, -SI 1.50 to .?1|.75; Canada short cut back pork, SI 1.50 lo â- SIL'Ia. Lardâ€" Ci'miJOtmd, in tierces of 275 lt>s.. 9%- to lO^c; i)aivhinenl- Ir.oi l,oxe.i ,50 lbs.. lOc to Ulic: li:bs ,51 lbs. i:el, tOJiJc lo lOJi'c; wo-ul rails. 20 !Jis. net, lOJie to 11c; tin pails, 2 1 lbs., 0>;c lo U)X.f: bus, 3 t«i III lbs. ill ra-i\s. lOJ^c lo il^'C. Cheese-Qiieb.s-.s. I2.'i,e lo l;ic; lown- slmis, I3e li l:!%c; Onlnrios. 13^0 lo >"•'<'•â-  Bul'erâ€" On. tn'ions to-day ranged anv- w I: -re fr en 27c I â-  20c. I'.g's's- .'â- â- iihs of -el<>cbHl slock were ii;ad.' at 2(>'-; .\o. I. -.^'c to 23c; seconds, U-y^<- lo 17c. Bl'FFAI.n MARKET. n.iff.'-i. Ocl. 20.- \\ Ileal â€" .ssnring, un- .^ellled; No. I .\ rthern. .$1.1;!; \..> 2 red. $!.()()'â- .;;; Wiiiler, lirm.-r. Corn â€" Fi mi'r; No. 2 while. :'ii','e; .No. 2 v*l- k.w. e«X''- Ons- Strong: No. 2 mix ><!, 52M'': No. 2 while, 5.")',c. Barlev •- SI.05 lo !S1.I2.'.v'. track." Ca- nal freighLsâ€" .-sleady. NEW voiux wiii:.\r maukkt. N>w Yolk. Oct. 2'.i-\\he:it^.s;,),,| (irm; N 1. 2 rel. •'•.l.(H1%. elevator; No. 2 red, .•sLII'-i f.o.b. alUial; N '. 1 n<'rl'!ern. Ilu- lecls .s-ild at .$0.25. with light lough h<:gs slow a I 35.00 lo .?5.2a. ♦.!a- wc:ld ciioot tiik kin(;. Man .Suspected id Di-sirjns on Ilis joslv's Life. .V i!espal-h ironi .Newmarket. En. land, say.s; The [xilice liere on Friday arrest- ed a man suspected of having designs <ui Ihe life of King ICdward or the Prii:-.' of Wa!i>s. The pri.S'mr. wh<i was a inenihcr of the Bechiiaii.ilanti (.Siulh .\frica) Police, named J. II. Peais;e, was found wandering in Chip- penliam PjiiU, wh> r.> the King had been sh<i.iliiig last \\,">k. and in whirh llie Prince Ls going to shoot on \kmday. P<> when taken inUi ciist<idy said 'rv uilended lo "sho- t Ihe who was shooting here." .Mter a preliininaiy cxaminalion in Ihe Police Court he lemandid for finllKr inquiries regard- m.i his past life. It ijppeais thai he par- ticipated in the Jameson raid in :he Tran.svaal. and Is laNiriiig under the impression thai he has a grievance againsl King Edward. li.tli. -SI.IS-i, f.o.i). alloal; winter. -SI. 1:1",, f.o.b. afloat. 2 Jiard LIVE STOCK MAMKICT. Toronio, Oel. 20.â€" 'Ira.le was fairly g<.<id. cMUsideriiig Ihe (luality of offer- ings. A lot <'f extra choice eallle, tif aUuil l.:tlKl lbs.. s<ild al .S5. an indication ot what hu.xers are willing t<i pay for Ihi righl kind <d sluff. Cood bulchers" â- old fivun $1 lo $1.25. medium $;l.75 !<> .â- <i; eh<uceTows sold from .S3.2o to S3.,5i''. with (Ximnion cows, canners. etc.. from 7.5c I I $2. (Julie a nuiiiln^r of common c< w s s-dd al $i. S5 and -Sli each. (lood heavy feeders urrc steady at !-:t.l2.Vi lo .«a.l0 for sleeis. w'M» biilis al S2.I2H I" 92.M1. I.ighl -iloekers of 700 I. '.HH lbs. were a drug < n the market. Cood heavy milkei-s m.UI readily al s-iti to S.">0. one bunch »d 15 clndce eal- llo seliiig at ii\:>. -s^HOT »v iih;iiway«j:n. Y'oinuj ^lunlrcal .Alan l>riibal)i.\ r.ilally Wounded. .\ despaleli from Montreal snys : .\ .voimg man nameil O.scar IX'kiiiie,. 23 .\ears of age. was held uj) near Ihe .Shamrock grounds late on .Saturday nigltl by lw<i ma.sked men. When he ri fused h. give up his money Ib.ey llred â- 11 him. Oii<' of llie bullets lodged in his head and will juobably prove fatal. The young man was on hi.s way liiajie lo st. \inceiil de Paul when he was set i.ihui l.v the two Inghwaymen with a demand Ilis money. Ilis refusal I-) comply with llieir demand.s has |odgi\l him in Noire Dame Hospital. The doelors ha\e given U|i hopes for his recovery. Ilis as- sidlaiils have noi been cuplure.l. ST!-;EL STOOi) I!1K ii>r. Deiiiiinslniliun al Fliiieit<\ville, Prim., in Ihe Quebec Di.sasler Inquiry. .\ des;)alih from Philadelpliia says: ll Ihe preseii •;• if lleiiiy ll-ilgale. J. C. li. Kenny and Professor John Calbrailll, menitu Its of Ihe <'.aiiadian (iovertinu-nl's. (Juebee Bridge Ci,mmi.ssioii, a .steel eyi) H>a.* Ihiriy fi?el long, foui leen inches wiilu and two indies thick was subj>\'ll^l In a strain of H82 Ions in Ihe testing deparl- meiit of the Phoenix Iron f/.im|)miy at Phoeiiixville <m Friday. The 1 ar was. similar lo tliost" iiseil in Ihe .slriicture of the bridge. Willi 2H .-ipiare inches of smf.ace. Ihe strain was C^t.lKm ix.i.nds to l':e M|uare inch. The cMiimilssionei's Were gratilied by Ihe test, and the olii- eers <j[ llie Iron ("omptmy made niji .secret of their elaiion. Ttie bar was not made specially for the U -I. bill is one ol." ail order wliieli Ihe :-ompaiiy is tiling for. a bridge k. .span the .MisMiiiri Bivec at .St. l.iiiiis. DAIU.Mi SAFE BLOWN*;. .Montreal Fniil .\ncliMi ConiiiUJiy's Premises ilolibcd. .\ di-snatch fivin Montreal says: One of the mis! daring >aleblowings ever i f>or|)etrated in this eily was ucâ- ^.m!disll- ed in Ihe early hours of Sunday morn- ing, in llio Monlnal" Fruit .Viiclwni Company's premise.s at 32 .Moiinlaim street. The iK'lice say that as a jiieoe < f tlnished work il is one of Ihe llnesl Ihey have ever .seen. .'Vppareiilly there were Ihree alh-mpts before the men se- cured entrance to the luiihling. but ou' e i.jside Ihey cleaned up things in an ef- fective way. They si-ciircil casli ;iiid cl eqiies amonnling lo !S5oo. si:»zf:i> illmtt plant. Inland Iteveniie Officers al Urnnlford .•\ <'.onH.s«-a(ed Tobneco. A despaleli from Braiitf.ird .says: CoP leelor Dmoliiie. of Ihe Inland IJevenui) Deparlmeiil. and a ixisse of couiit.\ isn- sl.'ibles made an iniporlani *ieizure of an illicit tobacco and cigar-making plaiil on •he outskirts ot the ciiy on \\»y night. Over I.OiX) pounds of lobaeeit were conli.scaled. Tlie offenders are known and will be prosecuted. HIE SEAS SWEPT BECKS Tragedies of the G-reat Gale on the Atlantic. A desj). b'h from North Sydney, N.S., soys: Willi Stars and SIriiies lloating a, half-maisl from the mtiinmast head, tho Gloucester .schooner 'I'ilania, C.iiiit. Patrick Vale, sailed into |)orl on Wed- nesday uflerii<s»n. reiKirling Ihe loss cf a man. and .showhig signs ot hard ex- peiience in Xhmday's awful gale. The Tilaiiia left Glouces'ler Thursday liisl, on islicd when a niighly wave swept over Ihe side of Ihe schooner aiul wnshoil Malmberg overboard, at Ihe siiine lime crushing into kindling w>xid Uie oniy dury on deck. Wedimsdny morning the Gkincesler schojiier Maggie and .May, ("apt. .\lox. McEaeheeaii. which left iMre for Ihe gi'iiund.s la-st week, put into Louisburj (Uid veal calves Wire i'l i!e i d a handlining trip lo the Banks. Tlie 1 in a crippled i.vndilion. ;ill her dories wind, according lo Capl. \'ule. attained j gone and one man, Basil Bourdr^Mull. aged alxml Ihiriy. a native ol Tu.skel- weilge. Cumberland County, washed overboard. It look but one mighty sen elf Ihe Grand Banks to sweep ever.v, tioal and every movable Uiing IroBf uu schoomu*'* deck into Ihc .sea. a' a tinii' a veks'ily of eighty nulcis an hour. Tne>nl!iv morning abiiut one (.â- e'<ick John Mahiibei-g. a Swede, who was alone on the watch, was heard lo cty: "My (i<id. mate, here's an awhil ie to <k per ft., (Xijiii on and i-outh sea C'liniug. 'Ihe cry .\y»u8 scarcely lln-

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