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Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1907, p. 4

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n' OcroBEE 31 1907 THE FLESHBRTON ADTANCi: wwvywwvy F, T. HILL & CO. wwvywwvy^ This week we are showing a very fine and complete raDg8of J. &w« NEW FALL GOODS In all departments, For the Ladies wo would invite them to inspect onr new fall importations of fine Milliiicry, Dross Goods, Mantles and skirts. To the men we would say if you want to inspect the big- gest and finest stock of clothing in town visit this store and yon will find the styles and values just what you want and what you want to paj. The values wo are oflorint; in many deparlm-ints are much below the ordinary. Come in and see for yourself. Women's New fall shirt waists Thry are those bright new styles that's just the kind you want in Fine cisbmerea, Lnstrrs, Mohairs, an(ljl''reuch Flannels in all the loading shades, popularly priced as follows: 98c, 1.25, 1.50, 175, 2.25 BIG SNAP IN LADIES WATERrROOF COATS Selling at oiie-third refjulnr value. Your choice for 81.4fi. This week wo (mt on Halo ."^2 Lsilius' (iiic Unullah w!\t- I'rproof coats, iine Eimllsh Miirofottn clo'lm. TIih reu- Ui«r sollinii vnlnt-.s of the»o conrs aro 84.1)0 nnd 85.50, liut on iiccount of thorn boing laHt year's styles we havo thuni on »alu tor 81.48 NEW FALL STYLES IN MEN'S CAPS Lust wetk we pasHod into stock the uew stylus in Mbu's fall caps, poiiulaily priced at 50c, 75 and §1.00 NEW FALL STYLES IN LIGHT RUBBERS VoT Ladies and Men. Ill our liiiot and nhou department you will find the beHt niiikos of Liidies and (Jentn lubbors. \Vo are Kollinu sudi well known brands as Berlin, Merctianis, Gianl,y nnd M-iplc Loaf niakoH, <ind We have not ail- vaoccd lliu iiricu.s. It will pay you to visit this de- partment. SELLING LADIES SK1RT8 BELOW COST 84.00, 4.50 and 5.(M> Skirts. On enlo for J2.4H This week we put on sale 50 La.lies' tine dress skirt.s, reproHontiuu many very lino liin-s. Nearly nil sizes in the lot. Y'ou cm havo your choice for 82 48 Grand Display of r^^iilinery. Ladies' Tweed Jackets and furs We invito our many lidy f'lt-nds to onr ti--;iuiirnl M.lliocry display ,>n jj Thursday, Friday ami Sa'urday, ^^p', V^t^ 27aiiH2Sâ€" TIih l.irr;ns'. and iiiont ?n> beautiful displiy everi-l;o»M here. Mi.-^M E. L. MclSEAN i* in cbarse of the showroom Visitors to the fair liiidty j;ive us a uallâ€" no diiference whither jfai Li.y <r i.ut. s> In the Housefurnishing Department This week we are Solhni; Rubber blinds at very much lees than vou will p.iy elaewhere. 55c BLINDS ON S.\LE FOR 39 7 dozen fine rubber blinds, in cream color on'y. deep laco trimmed, bust Ilaitihorn Rollers, regular 55 cent values, on sale for 39o 55, 75 and 85c BLINDS ON SALE FOR 48c 10 dozen lino Rubber blinds in several shades of uroon also yrey and cream. .Smne havo deep lace trinnuin !;s SMino hivu daop insertion and lace trimmiu^s, rojjul 85c, on sale now for 4a \mm MARKHALE N^mm^ LADIES FUR MANTLESâ€" We havenn OX'-. !li-nt raniie of Fur Mantles â€" tho bcf^t we have ever shown. We can show you a skeleti'ii .lacket which shows how c . •â- â€¢â€¢ S'luare inch of tho .Jacket is made- -t'.i .( we yive yiiu a full nuaran'eo with every garmon'. Wo also have a beautilul ranue of Ladies' Ruff-", Muffs, Caps, ptc. Call ai.d inspect our Fursâ€" piices riiiht LADID5' and MISSES TWEED JACKETS. This ye^i- tlio .style? and patterns are *it;iple. You can'r make » mistake in li'.jviiij; one of our .laclfets. t)ur prices are reasonable and the ,>Scket will appeal to y,.u «s l)eiui: a good seiifiblo article to b;iv. Pliers in Lirlies §5.50 to §14.50. Mis «3 #.yO'.l to $10,00. W\\t ^c^vfoii. ICtluant;^ Is published every Tliursdny at $1.00 iio.- tniil n. if) aid inadvnnce, Sl.oo if imtBo pa Collingwood High License So far as the work of tho council is Sonceriied. all arranneineliis are ouiii|,|eto l-ir the HubinisHion of the by law raising licoiuo for shops and taverns to 82,5(Kt. That it will receive tlni assent of tlie ratepayers appears, as far as can bo as- tertainod, a foreKono coiielusioii. If Icical option coul.l seciir.^ a majoiity of 'J.iD IhM January it is only reaHoiiable to ciiiiclurle lliat a similar by-law will easily obtain a haiidsomu majoiiiy at tho coni- iii|{ municipal elect'ons It is staled .)n tho streets, with how how niiicli acinnacy we are not nblo to •ny, that the liipi .r interests will not nnke a e(l,;rt to dofe:it tbe measure iis thoy are persuaded they can kave if upset tiy the courts. If such is Iho ra"e it is not easy to forecast tho result or to sun what benetit tht liquor Men oxiMjcl f , f;aiii by a loL'al controver »y. A letter was sliowii the members of fhe ciiin-ii from the Provincial Secretary •fatiiia thai tlio Govoriiinent would bi'ar llio eX|xMis« of testini; the by law in ihe tciiirts if il should lie carried there. Jftfsid.'S, the best leijal opinion sup- fortg Iho eoiirs'' pursued liy tho temper â- r.ivt people as beitm perfectly valid, and it has lieuii uiidei taken at ihn HUptji'Stion «f I'remior Whitney hiiiiself, .it whose nll*r Iho lirpior men are now worship- ping. Further, if the iintler should yo In the courts it is more than prolmlile lh«t tho G ivornment will vocominond that no lioeiiseH l>e ifranttd till a decision has hiieii LM-auted as they did in tho case »f Owon oouni last year. â€" Bulletin. but eventually was caught. Costa and tine as imposed by the miahly limb of the law aiiioumed to twenty-live dollars, with time given to pay. One day the bibulou.sjone met his judge on the street, and handed over seventeen dollars on account, tiikin{» a reciipt therefor. Tho ningistrato then turned on his heel but in some tuanncr happened to drop the ui.iney, which wai iinnudiately iinpnund od ayiin by tho man who had just piid it I ViT. Later in the d.y he went up and paid over the remaining' oivlit d"l- lars of his lino. The line, Iheriifore, only cosi the bibulous one eitjlit dolhir.i. and the maL'istrale had to put up ihc reinain- ing s.ivcnteen lomsolf. Hu will no doubt Kvt even on other poor victims. The Best Paper for Family Reading The contents of TiiK Yoi'th'.-* I'o.mi'AK- loN me chosen with n view to the interest of all tastes mid aj,'us. Th« fattier, as well as tho son, onjuys the tales of lulven- tiiio; the mother renews her f;irl-hood in the stories for ^'iils, while thi> paper al- ways ubounds in stories, lon;^ and .short, which may bo read aloud in the varied family gi-oiip to tho keen uloasuro of all. Full illnstruted Announccniont of The CoMi'AMo.N f..r 1908 will bo sent to any address free with samplu copies of the paper. New subscribers who nt onco send 81.75 fur I'.tllH (addinj; .50 cents for extra jiostJii^o on Canadian subscriptions) will receive free all tho remaiiiin;^ issues of 10(17, besides the gift of The (Jomi-anion's Four- Leaf llaughii< Calendar for 1U08 in full color. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. A Certain cure for croup- Used for ten Years without a failure- Mr. W.0.1!.tt, a Star City, Ind., h.irdware merchant is('n'',huKia'<tic in hia prai.'ie of Chnm- Iwrlain'f CiMi^h Heini'dy. HIk children have all been mibjwt tucr >up and be haf used this remedy fur the p-iMt ten yearn, and tiKiUh'li tliey much fL'sroJ the croup, hiii wife and he ahvayM 1 felt safe mion retirini; when a Isittle of Ch.iin- lierlain's Cimfrli Reinrdy was in the house. lliH t'Kle?*t child wasHiiliject to severe attacks ' nf croup, but this iviiieily never failed to effect j a sjM-edy cure. He has reeconiini'mled it to his fiit'iiils and and all wh" have I used it say that it i« utiequalled fur cmuii and ; whooping cough. For sale by W. K. Uichard- Sim. I They are Thankful ] I School teachers and pupilsâ€" for tho slii.rl holiday. Tho Fannersâ€" That the price of all farm produce stays a\> lonccr and liii{hor than tho St. Louis balloon.s. \\. Bent haulâ€" That his .lucks niid rooster came back. Ye. Editorâ€" That creditors cannot get at him for the next throe weeks. C. Munshaw â€" That s.i niai.y new hands are desirous of joiniu'.; the band. Goo. Stuartâ€" Thit a change in tho hnndlino of live stock is as good as a rest. J. Nuhnâ€" That his new residenco is nearly completed- a cement block build- ina, the first of its kind here, and an im- IKJsin^; cdifico. -♦•-â€"â€"â€" Seven Years for Bigamy. House Furnishings .\ full range if Carp< t.s in Tapestry Bru.ssels, Winds, Unions, also Linoleums and (.)d Cloths BtU'.!bt at the i Id prices and as there h;u been a big advance in these jjoods you wil' tin 1 it worth your while to niske your purch.ises while you get the benefit of the old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best quality at, pet s'|. yd 50 FLOUR AND FEED We have a full s'oc!c of tlnui an I feed includinc, Bran, Shurts, Feed flour, and FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Keowatiiiâ€" Every bag of this flour is guaranteed â€" tho best flour in the land â€" no other can e<iual it. Our Clubbing List The Herald Jiave withdrawn their paper from our clubbing; list. Advance, and Toronto World, daily J! 2 GO Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 1 tfO Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmers Sun 1 80 Farmers .\dvocate 2 26 Weekly Witness I 75 Ssturday Nis>ht 2 6Q Jas. J. Farr of Map'n Hill has a gold : mine in six Oxfurtl Down ewes, compared with which a Cobalt claim is not in it. This is their record. This year these »i.t ewes had twelve lambs. Last month he «â-  Id ten of theSH lambs for S120 in bird cash. For iho other two lambs he bat been ollreed S22, making SU2 for the lot. Fmui the owes ho clipped 816 worth of wool, the total proceeds beiiiK JileS And yet a great many peoplo can't see any money in sheep. 13oar For Service. Tliinouglilncd Yoiiisluri! boar, "OrcbarO Hnine r.osa" tMHtil fioiu I), C. l-'Utt's fftinoua ViJihUiiro Herd of Mil{iroro. Terms oiio duHar Will. OnMCBON, Lot :S5 cou. Artuinosia, 1 mo How to cure a cold. TllB question of hiiw to curea colil without «Uinecesi>ary loss of time is one in which we arc all rnorH or h).4S ititere.ited, fur the ipiieker a ciild in K"tteii rid of the Iuhh tho duiiKer iif pMHiinuaiiik and nther serioiiH diseaHeH. Mr. H. \\'. fj. Hall, .if Waveily, Va., h".H ni<ed (Iliam- tii)rl»in'MC.>iit;h Remedy for yuan* and sayn : "I lirinlv UMieve llhainlH'i'lain's (%iMKh Itein- rdy ti* Imi atiHiilnlely the l>L'st i>roparatinii on the market for eoldti. I have roeeonimeiide'l it t< my fi'iendH and they all a|{i'«u with me." Fur sali'liy W. IC. Kiehaidiniii. ^-»<#> t â-  ' â€" - Joke Wa^ on the Magistrate One of the beat jokes wo have heard for Home rinin was relaied to us the mhei (lay liy a (>entleman from a iieiKliboTini! t'lw I who is a truthful mm and vouched I he noMiracy of :,he story. A citi/.Mn ofilio p'ftco had been p'aceil on the luli'i'i list, bill Ih'it did not preiont liiio from Inipi â- iitU' Kcftiii.' as drunk as tbe pr v obial "boiled owl." and it was then (Iri il'-d to haul him up an I Innu him tin' I ass iiro'iable cure f^r his teniiloDs iir lousitie.s. Some dilli'Milty was f.nind iiriuj/ a mmstraie who winild iry in (he CO< be irid "In nioi III •.ne, but eveniually one Was dis- red â€" a county ofhciil who is said to Iwa/s wdliiii' and anxious to accoi,.- ite HiiU'oriiitf liumaiiity dosirruM of .iiij" I lioir follow ci'izons A sum- swisiHsneil for the appearsnou I'f â-  i'liilous una but he sii'ceeded for muii I tiinx in eluding tho vigilance of the '^iier appointed to siurv^ the suirnn in* Avoid Panic Onoe more Tho Sun would warn larm- ers ngaiiial the danj(er of (jiving way to sudden panic over the feed situaliun. That situation is serious enough but it does tiiil jii.(lify tliii piyimMil of n cent a pouii 1 for hay and ueaily two cents for grain, on thu one hand, or Ihe sale of i;o id cows at $10 and §20 on ihe other. We believe that a man with feed enough 10 last him during Feliriiary wniild he jiistifbd in hi.ldln^ onto all the slock that IS ^vorih hnl ling, and the deferring of Imviiig ihe fond necessary lo see t hem tliron:/li to spring until tho necessity of buying arrives. Li seasons similar to ihe pr.'Hont vey high (ulces in tin' lull hive lieeii followed by much hnvor prices ho- fore i-priiig, aiid it lonks as if lii.4iory will r peat itself Ibis year. At ihe same time it sleMild be reniembuied that ilieie are ihi Diiiario firms evuiy year alaf i.f hcriib sl.iok. is ikhd inlenor cows «hi,:h d. 11 t pay f ir til â-  feeil put inlo 1' IS folly to ii.aiiiiain such a' anv time; this year wisdom will be hImwii tiy knock- iiio iliuKc u-<el'S. feedoon.suiiiors on the lio.»d and realiz iig on tlid liiilea and tal- lort. â€" Weekly Sun riany Children Sick Gel Iheir feet wet, catch cramps, and five molhera an lime. Wuh Iho first shiver rub the 'ittle one s clieM with N.'rviino, g.iiglo lliii lliroat, and uivi' ten drops in liol water at bed-time Next MorniiiK all is well. No cold, no time lost at Siboo'. If Polsim's Nervilioo is'nt in yuir homo get it tin re at once vqII it in lartio Side bottlu^. cil I or Hiivious r sneeze Dealers Owen .Sound, October 25thâ€" Thomas A. Richardson, convicted bit'smist and thief, was soiitencel this morn- ina to seven years in Kingston peni- tentiary. Married September 2nd, ho was arrested f..rbii.'amv on October lOtli, and committed for trial. Arraigned ibis morning before his Honor Judge Widdi- field on iho bigamy chari»o and one of theft of a fur-lin.d overcoat from Mr. J. S. Findlav, a former employer, Richard- son iileaded guilty to both chari/es and wan senteiiceil to seven years in peiiitetiti- siy for tlie bigamy chargo and three years for th.'ft. The sentences will run concurrently. COLL 1 N SONS' ^ CEYLON'5 NEW STORE. and Fl.u' Spei' Dry Goods. Groceries, Boon Shoes and Hardware. and Keed,-- Bran and Short", rediictioi s on lareo lo's. Come and inspect our stock and give us a chance lo prove our wovtbir.ess of your I'ATRON.^OE. CoJlinson - - Bros., Ceylon. farm for $ak TiOlB 171. 2 and X l«it cop. N. K.. Artemesta. I'^ficreHin ttlt of ll)i»t c'atts faruiint^ latul iti a fiOLHl Btato o( cultivation, &ituat(U 2}i uiile^ s> utli of Kleshorton, short milo from school, cl<>an uf iicxJouH woods and wull funcuJ. 10 iici't»H of marsh, .J acrt'H of hardwooil biieh, bal- ance in Kood Kiatu to 'n'orU all kludH of machia- orv, wcU Wfttevud, liorcliartls, a good bouse IS X iXt vcueordd intiide, kitehun liixiJO, wood- Bht'il 10 X \l, now barn 50 x CO stone foundatiou. This iH one of thu best fanu» lu the township ami uau btj bouKbt i ight. W. J.CA3WL:I,U Tarm Property for SaYz* Lots ;tA and 30, couce^-.ttioti B, 200 aeroi^ Lot 38, couceHsiou U, 100 acres; Lot W, concossion I'J, IW acron; Lot o7, concession 12. w-jsterly 66 HuieH. Tbe aforesaid are all In the township of Aiteuitisit and will bo sold at reasonable i'l'icus on caHV tenns. J.K.HICKLING, Box 807. Collingwood Summer Stock. I have on hand a number of Rub- ber Rugs, Pash Aprous, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, Axle Gre»se, Hoof Oinlin^:ut. flarncss rcpair- iii« of all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance office. Flesherton, - - Ontario snortnorn Cattle fcr Sale I NoUce to Credf tors Levinltts »nd Wimplas. tbe ticst of breediufi |,, and <)n,iUt>-. Imll, conn auU beiters for tala j at reasoi.alilo pricus i t:i.!,c ,11..-, cn\S. RT.VFKOKD. I'MBelicrtoo I Yorkshire Uoar for Service The uiidei a'ltnod has tor t'orvice on lot 10 ~>M W. T. S S K.. Arteinenia. a thoroiiifhlae York<hiiv lui:ir, "bakeview Victor," No.lH-tJO. 'I'erai!. Jtt.dO. Thoreilgbreds extra. Asplen- liid stock getter. bl- < t'7 THOS. QUIUU. Pmp- Got the Best It pays I *•""") r-T •• Ti v'-rr» Uleid the pi'(inliir urcdsive .J and be t.horiui.;hly ediicAteJ for business life. .Ml uradiiates of this school arc al.- :«o!utrly ftuie of ;;eiling positions. Tb.i demand is 0'..;<ider:dily (»reater than ilie fnpply. Niw IS an exoollunl time lo eiilfr Write for catalogue. W.d. EUUOTT, Principal (Cor Vonjje and Alejander Sts ) tbe loaiter of (ho is'ate of ,»,ir<vi» Sayres. laic of iho fowi.ship of (Is- prey in tl e county of Grey, fatmcr, deceased . NOTICE Uhereby siTen pnrsuant to tho re- viSMl statues ef ontaiin, 18B7. Cliap. IJtf that all oiortilors ind o»h,:rB bavintj claiins iifiaitist the estate of tin, naid Aaron SayroK, dccased, whoUi,!d on ori.timit the twenty flrst day of .lune, A. n. 191 7. are ri quired oil or telorelho loth d.av ef O^-tolvr. A. 1). 1907, to ssed bv [lOSt propsid or duliviT to tioor(»o Uarlier. Ksn. Keveiaham e. ('. Ontario, or John Thoni oft, â-º.Kij.. hcveiKtmiii, Ont.. pxecutorHof of thn last will an I Testalii.'iit o( tho Bald rteceiisi'd, tliclt clitiatiaii luid Mniiain.>», aldronsea and deg. crhitious. tv-o lull i>f\riiiMilara of their tlalius, and Btfteinautot thoir accounts and Iho nature of tho socuri'des (it aiivl hold bv ibBin. AND PUKTllKK TAKK NOnCK that aft«- Kiich last uientlouol dato tlic said ei.< ucutorB will proved t . difltnlinto the assets ot the de.uased a.iUMK tho parties entitled there- to haViii«iot;«rd only to tho claims of which they shall then havo iiotioo. aud th it the Bain executors will not be liable for tho said a>.aot» or anv part tlieriof to anv person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have liHcu vooeivrd bv them at the time of «iicli dia- ivibution. Datil the Iftlili dav of August. A. P. I'.W. I.ucaB, WiiKhtuiid McAidle,OwtfuS.)«n<< I'lit. Solicitors tor the Ivxtcutors. Stick for Sale. LarRoKuKlish n.rkBhiro plus of ioth ns almost ready towean. Ka«\ feorJen<. the rl^» kind; also soim. Oxford U^wu raiu lauiha lor breedlnt! and '1 oiilouae Heeao. oca! II. 1>. Mol.AUOHKY, Markdal«. lireeu Qrove Stock Farm Uoj 40 • *

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