â- m^ October 17 ld07 THE FLES HERTON ADVANCE fwvwywwyv F. T. HILL & CO. w^wy^vwvyv> This week wc are showing a very fine and complete rangeof NEW FALL GOODS In all departments, For the Ladies wc would invito them to inspect our new fall importations of fine Millinery, Dress Goods, Mantles and skirts. To the men we would say if you want to inspect the big- gest and finest stock of clothing in town visit this store and you will find the styles and values just what you want and what you want to paj . The values we are offering in many departments are much below the ordinary. Como in and see for yourself. Women's Ncv/ fall shirt waists Thev are those bright new styles that's just the kind you want in Fine cashmeres, Luatres, Mohairs, and^Frouch Flannels in sil the leading shades, popularly priceJ as follows: 98e, 1.25, 1.50, 175, 2.25 ' 9 'in BIG SNAP IN LADIES WATERPROOF COATS Selling at one-third regulnr value. Your choice for $1.48. This week we put on sale 32 Ladius' fine English wat- erproof coats, fiuo EiiKlish Murofotta clo'lis. The rcu- Uiar sellinK values of these coats are $4.00 and 3o.60, but on account of them Iwing lust year's styles we h&vo them on sale tor $1.48 NEW FALL STYLES IN MEN'S CAPS Last week we passed into slock the new stylos in Men's fall caps, popularly priced at 50c, 75 and $1.U0 NEW FALL STYLES IN LIGHT RUIiBERS For Ladies and Men. In our boot and shoe department you will find the best makes of Ladies and Gents rubbers. We are Rctlini{ such well known brands us Berlin, Merchants, Grnnhy and Miplo Leaf mukes, and we have not ad- vanced the prices. It will pay you to visit this de- partment. SELLING LADIES SKIRTS BELOW COST $4.00, 4.50 and 5.WJ Skirts. On tale for S2.48 This week wo put on sale 50 Ladies' fine dross skirts, representint; many very fine lines. Nearly all sizes in the lot. You can have your chuice fur $2 48 J. « w Grand Display of Millinery, Ladies' Tweed Jackets and furs We invito our many Inly f'ii>nds ti our l>fau:iful Millini>ry display nn Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept, 20. 27 and 23 -The liroos^, and most beautiful dispUy ever alio wii here. iMi*i E. L. McBEAN is in cliarjo of the showroom. Visitor* to ihu fair kiiully gi v.) us a callâ€" no di.fercnce tthitlier you buy or r.ot. In the House! urnisKing Department This week we are Selling Rubber blinds at very much leas than vou will pay elsewhere. 65c BLINDS ON SALE FOR 39 7 dozen fine rubber blinds, in cream color only, deep lace trimmed, best Ilattshorn Rollers, regular 55 cent values, on sale for 39o 55, 75 and 85c BLINDS ON SALE FOR 48o 10 dozen fine Rubber blinds in several shades of i;recn also (;rey and cream. Si)me have deep lace Irimmincs some h%ve deep insertion and lace trimroiuKn, re;{ular 85c, on sale now for 48o \^W MARKPALE LADIES FUR M.ANTLESâ€" We h.'" on ctoillerit ranne of Fur Mantlesâ€" the Ijm we have ever hIiowu. We can show you a ski'Ietiin .lackut which shows how every K'lU.ire iiii-h of the Jacket is made- and wo Hive you a full guarantee with every garment. We also have a beautiful ranueof Lidies' Ruffii, Mufl's, Caps, etc.. Call at.d inspect our Fursâ€" prices ri»{ht. LADiDS' and MISSES TWEED JACKETS. This year the styles and patterns are staple. You can't make a mistake in liuyiiiijonc of t)ur Jack.-r.s. Our price.s are reasnnable and the Jacket wdl appeal to you as beiiic a sjood sensible article to buy. Prices in Ladies $5.50 to $14,50. Misses $5.00 to $10,00. V â- Is published every Thursday at $l.tW per annum ifpaid inadvance, $1..5o if notou |iu A Strange Suicide Sad indeed was the pathetic story told by Mr. Goff over the mortal remains of Willie Ellison at Clarksburg on Thuisday last. The deceuiied was well known to everybody in Clarksburg as an inoffensive, industrious young man, with no vicious habits; reejiuctful and polite to all, cheer- ful disposition but intellectually weak. Uuriiig the past summer ho workei] fir Mr. Shields on his farm near Duncan, jind had the caru of a valuable team of liorses. (>no aniniHl contracted a soio nhoulder and was hard to manage. One day it became ill and tlied. Paris green WHS founl in its stomach, but as Mr. Mr. Shields had r.o enemies the circum- stance became a mystery. A few days later Ellison went to .Mr. Shields and told him that ho had given the fatal dose. The horse had crushed him auainst the side of the stall and hurt him badly; there was a package of Paris ureen in the stable :iiid h» thought he would make the horse Kick but hid no intention of killing him. He proiniseil to pay for it. and later walke<l all the way to Duncan and paid 8S'tl.(JU on .iccouni either to Mr. Shields or to sniiii) one who claimed to bu acting for him. He was tolil to get the balance wiiliin a short time, rutnnied home, triced to borrow the sum among his friends and bad letters writien to relatives at a dis- t:ince. Ill the mpantime a letter was re- ceived, «(i|nr>Mitly not from Shields but a jiarty whose iiaiiio was not mentioned, Ktaiing the biiUneii of the money must be paid 111 Ktven days. The ai;oiiy siilfrred liy the unfortunate young man was known to bin frieiid'i, every strange lace he met lie believed to be a (loliceiiian to take him to prison, ."Ia diys pansed and iici wonl from relatives. He (hen bought KlgmiiiH f>f htrychniiie at a drug store, waiti'd un- til the lime limit wa^t up and ap|iaruntly look the fatal do'^c, then started otT «illi M hammer in haiid to repair a fence, Wliile on H back street on Tui»day niorn- iui/ a scream was heard and neighboi.s ran to ilie spot in time to see the poor fell'iw fitll III convulsions, between the Kpas>n4 he asked his friends to pray fur iiim. Dr. Moure whs soon on the spcjt but I he poison had doiKi its work and bail taken its viciiin to a higher tribunal, w bora a righleoiiK judge will know how f.tr he was m'TiiHy rexponsible f.>r his hidfcoiifeM'tod act. â€" Refloetor, To Grant Exclusive Franchise Special Agent of Somi-ready to show the Now Fall styles. George J. Atkinson, special agent for Semi-ready Tailoring, will bo in town in a few d.-ij's for the puqioso of discu.ssiiig the grunting of an oiclnsivo agency for these high-class garments. Mr. Atkinson iias oil the new fall stylo.H in fabrics with him, and it is the purjioso of the Semi-ipady Conipniiy to further extend their businoss in this district. The Semi-ready Special Order depart- ment has helped this modern tailoring in its iirciniiT position. With the cloth samples and the fashion jdafe the agent ran take orders for siiit.'i to be made from special measure. Tlio saving is ap- preciable. , Easy to Retain Health MohI important of all is proper atteiiti;>n to the bowlos. A»oifl nonstiptiion i:'s the b.'alih-killer of today. Hiirsli, grip \uu MiiMJicine i« rintiHiis- beware of it. 1J."*I results follow • tiu.i vei^.-lablo rem »'<ly like Dr. H imil'on's Pills of Maii- araiie and HiiMriit which not only reli've costivonks.s o, on • night but cures the iMUSO of the lioiib e uid prevents Its reiiini. N« (li^"os4 or ineonveniencu ultonds the useof Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are world famous for thi-ir niildnoas and efficeuoy. Sold i.Ta'yivhere, 25o per Tbox. "â- I: . EoKenia News of interest is rather scarce around Kiigenia. .Mr. J. R. Hogg has moved his goods out West. Ho and his family will bo much missed at Eugenia. However, it is liojjed they will .soim return here again, Mr. Butler has rented Mr, Hogg's house and is moving into it. Mr. Charle.s HoppH, who has resided in Collingwood for .some ycai's, is moving back to his homo here. Poor health com- ' puis him to leave his business for a timu and take a rest. He and his estimable wife are heartily welcomed by tlioir many friends at Kiigeiiia. Miss Klla Pedlar and Miss Daisy Smith have gone to the city for a few months, 'I'liey will be greatly missed in tho churehes, in which they wore both active workers. Messrs. Walker Sloan and Emerson Smith aio both working at Markdale. Mrs. F. T. Carr is iij) from the city for a short vihit amongst her many friends at Kugenia. Miss Maude Smith of Toronto is visit- ing her siHler, Mrs. Munshnw, of the Miiiisliaw Hiiuse. Mr. William Smith of Buffalo is visit- ing bis brothers, Ailam and .Sidney. Mr. Young has niovod back to his farm at Wareham. We all regret Mr, McDonald's decision to leave Kugenia. He and his wife will be greatly nuN.sed, as they are highly ctleeiiied and alwaya willing to assi.-st in any gnod work. They are going to Mount .\lbert to conliiuie in biiNiiiess. Mr. Ucjbert Williams has been the guet^t of Vundeleiir friends recently, Mr. Will (iiahani of "Boyiie Villa" and Mi.sH .\ila Williams visited recently with Kimlnrly frieiuU. The Woods are assuniing their beautiful auliiiiin tints and prvseiit neharining ap- pearance, as is usual at this time of the year. Mrs. James Janiieson of Fleshorton is the guest of her Kugenia friends. Mr. Beeeroft is still in poor health. There is talk of another Batchelors' Sale to be held here before all the girls are gone. '1 he rominy leap-year will give the gii'la a chaiicu. The Original Corn Cure. No Nulistiiute has ever btoii devised that give tlie i|uick, jiniiilviM results of Putnam's Corn Exiiactor, For bfty years its succish has been uii(!(]U«le(l, For satety aiut ihurough cure use "Put- nam's' only. Another Railway Wreck A serious freight train wreck occurred on the C. P. R. near Chatsworth at 5.30 a.m. Saturday Morning. Seventeen cars wore wrecked and a loss of over ten thousand dollars incurred on the rolling .stock and freight. Fortunately none of tho train's crew were injured. The cause of the wreck was a broken rail. The engine and tender and throe cars passed over the spot, but the sncceoding seven- toon cars were thrown in all directions. E .'Veil were cimverled into matchwood. A hundred men are engaged in salvaging tho freight, a largo ipiantity of which was damaged or destroyed, including two cars cars of whiskey in barrels and ca.sos con- signed to British Coluuibia points. The passengers' baggage and tho express had to be transferred at the point of the wreck on all tho trains on .Saturday, but the line was cleared at 3.30 .Sunday morn- ing, the auxilliary plant being on the ground fiintil the afternoon, wdien the damaged cars wi^re burned. The freight was to liiive formed part of the Manitoba out Saturday evening, but she was com- pelled to clear with lesu than a load. House Furnishings A full range of Carptti in Tapestry Brussels, WCds, Ucioiis, also Linoleums and Oil Cloths B<.u:;ht at the ild prices and as thep) has been a big advance in these goods you will find it worth your while to mike your purchases while you gft the benefifc of the old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best quality at, per sip yd 50 FLOUR AND FEED Wo have a full s'ock of lioui and feed includiiii;, Br.in, Shorts, Feed flour, and FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Keewatin â€" Every bug of this flour is guaranteedâ€" the best flour in the laud â€" no other can equal it. How to cure a cold. Tlio iiuestioii of liow to cure a cold without unnece.'tMary Iohs of time is one in which we an- all more or less interentwl, for the quicker a cold is gottt'ii rid of the lesu the daiigt'r of oiuMuiionia anil other Heriou.'i diseases. Mr.H. W.I,. Hall, of Wttverly, Va,, hr'.H used t'haiii- qi'rlain'H('oiif;h IJemidy for years and nnyt: "I lirinly lielnve Cliainberlain's Cough Keiii- p(ly to l)u iilwohitcly the best pre|)aratioii nii the market for colds. 1 have receoniinended it tr my friends siid tliey all agree with me." Fur sale by W.K.Kicliardson. Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily $2 80 Toronto Daily News . 2 75 Weekly Globo . . 1 80 Mail-Empire 1 80 Family Herald A Star 1 80 Tonmto Star 2 30 Fanners Sun 1 80 Fanners .\dvocatB 2 50 Weekly Witness 1 20 Saturday Night 2 50 Montreal Herald 1 20 Yorkshire Boar for Service Boar Kor Service. I ThorouRlibred YorkKlilro boar, "Orchard Homo I10B&" bred from D. C. Klatt'a famous j VorkBhire Herd of .Mllt;roTu, Terms one dollar, '• Vita. CAUitnoN, Lot 'di con. S Artemeela. 1 mo. The iindi'i Ki(,'iied has for service on lot 10 2nil W. T. A S 1{,, Arteuu'Kia. a thoroiighbre Yorkshire Ixiar, "LakevieW Victor," No.lSl'_'n, TiiniiH JI.IMI. Thoionglireds extnv. Aiipleii did stock Kettrr. IdecOT THOa. tiUIGa, IVip, f"^ Get the Best It pays. Attend tho popular and pro- greasivo and he thoroughly educated for businets if". All graduates of this school aro sh- o lulely sure of getting positions. The mand is o.nsiderably greater than tho u pply. Now is an oxcollenl time to nter. Write for catnlouuo. W.J. ELUOTT, Piinoipal (Cor. Tunge and Alexander Sta.) Tartu for Sale Lots 171, 2 and 3. Ist cop. N. E., Arteiuesia. 125 acrofl in all of fiist claHa farniinK lantl in a j good Ptato of cultivation, 8itiiat»l 2i miles; St tUti of Klotthurtuu, sliort uiilo from school,: cloati of nt;xioti8 woeds and well fpucod, 10 acros of inarwh. 5 acrws of hardwood btii^b, hal- 1 aiicu in uuod tttatd to work all kindi» of n>anhin- orv, wolf watered. 2orc)iard», a good hout*e IH | X 20 vuneerad insidu, kitchou 10x20, wood-; »hod 10 X 12. now baru 60xr>0 (ttono finiudatioo. This Is one of the host farms in the towushli) and oau be bought right. W.J. CASWELL. Tarm Property for Salt. Lots ;t8 and 39, coucoHsion 8, 200 acroa; Lot :ifl, concosKiou 11, 100 acruH; Ijot !*S, conceaaion t9, 100 acres; Lot 37, concoHHion 12, wostorly 65 ncreH. Tho aforoHaid are all in tho township of Artomesia and will bo Bold at reasonable prices on eaHV toruiH. J.K.lflCKLINO. Rox807, Colliuewood CendersUJanted TENDKKS will bo rccoiviMi by tlio undorsiRned np to October l.''i, IW for flie Boroction of » wire fouco slid sneplyliiK of fifty cudar |ioats and tail braces atl*ort t.HW school, TF.NDKllS will be rccidvod for whole or part of contrfkot. Tbo lowest or any tender not ueo- uBBAriiy accepted. Fur.plans and specittcallons apply to E. H, MKI.DKUM, Secretary P:jrt Law, Summer Stock. I havo on hand a number of Rub- ber Ruys, Pash Aprons, Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, Axla Grease, Hoof Ointment. Darness reiiair- ing of all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite Tho Advance oiBca. Flesherton, - - Ontario Thero is a better position for every yotuig man or women who will attend the OWEN SOUND, ONT, AND TboronRldv ipialify in either tbo Shorthand and Typewriting cr tho Kiisiuess llopartueut, ThorouBh and r wtlcalcouises of study, Up- to-diitu iiiotnoils of instructiou. First class equipiuunt. St Mdonts assisted at their desk*. Studouts aduiiltsl at anytime, Write for Aa- uuai AiiDounceinent. C. A. FLKMINt; I'riiicipaL \' Notice to Creditors tlio mattiir of (he eRtate uf Anron I Sayrca. Inte of the township of Os- \ I»rry in tho county of Grey, farmer, iWuoftHed. NOTICB is horcbv Riven pursuant to the le- ' viHrdStatneaof itn'tario, 181)7, Chap. 129 that i all ontilitnrs and others haviuK clanuH R|4tilimt| the e>ttHt«* of ihu said Atixiti Savron, deo< ased, ^ whodidd on or about tlie twenty tlr^t day of â- Juno. A. O. liHT. aro rctinirod on or bpfnro the i lOtli day of October. A. l>, 11H»7. to send by post j Iiropaid or dehvor to Ooorce lUrbor, fc-sq., j {"evershaui k*. O. Ontario, or John Tboni'oii, ' Kb(i.. tVvorRham, Ont., exucntorsof of the laHt | wilt an 1 Tustuntont of tho aaiil doucased, their j chilettian and ni)rLiJ....OH, addrttHHea and dos- criptiouH. the full particiilara of their claims, i and stntoniont of thuir account'^ and the nature ' uf tho sncuritiea (it anv^ hold bv them. > AND FUKTHRK TAKF. NOTICK that aftor Huch laiit nicntionei date the said ^x- i fcutors will prooet'd t > distfihutu tlinassnta of! t)ie det'eaned a.iionK the parties untitltMl there-' to havina rupard only to tlie olaiint of which ' thiiy nhall then have notico, and that the | oain executors will not be liable for thu said ' ahsets or any part thereof to any person or I perHonH of wnoHu clainiH notice shall not have l>een n^ouivtd by thoui at the time of audi dis> It ihutiiin. Dated the '^th day of AUKu»t, A. D. \Km. LucaR, Wright and McAfdle, Owen Houud Onl, Holioitora for the Kxtcutors. 5tcck lor Sale. Larfjo Knelish llerkshiro pic!fl of both sex ! almoHt re any to ivean. Easy feeders, the riMht j kind; alao aonte Uxfoid L>< wu ram lamba lor breodiuK and Toulouse iretae. i oo33 H. D. MoIiAUUUKY, Markdale. Green Orove Stock Farm lios 40 CANADIAN o "Pacific K Additional Homeseekers * Excursions To WINNIPEG and all points in the North - West Special Traini leave Toronto TUESDAY, AUG. i>7 TUESDAY, SEP. 10 TUESDAY. SEP 24 TUESDAY. OCT. 8 TUESDAY. OCT 22 Return secoiul-olaas tickets from FleRh- ertoii at very low rntes. ranyiiis! from V\'innipe« 832 0(),to Eilmonton,W2.50 Good for sixty days. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on each excursion. Comfortable berths at Hiiiall eitra cost. Obtain free pamphlet, rates and full information from W, C:»esar, Agent, Flesheiton, or from C, B. Foiter, Dist.PaJS. Agt,, U, P. R., Toronto I * » • ^!' • <• â- « # * â- % â- ^ • t * ^ *♦ 4 \ »' » « *-^» .â- • • : . ,- • I • '» • 'I* • f' *\' • l« :!â- -\> • »' '»• >>' •I* •â-ºâ€¢ '\* 'M 'X'