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Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1907, p. 1

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-# tsft^rtmi JliiiattJte ••TBUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PBINOIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, RO 1342 Flestierton, Out. Tliursday October IT 10O7 W. H. THDRSTOM, EDITOB KOPBIETOB NEW Jewellery Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets, Lockets Bracelets. A run on these things now. Never luid as largo a stock, and can sell at lower prices than over before. In addition our other lines of Jewellery are more complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. The Priceville Prize List HORSES . Draughtâ€" Span, J Patton , J Fairbairn; bruod mare, wiih foal, J Patton, U Piper.L McLachlan; 2 yr geld- ing or filly, W and R Dinnwall; 1 yr do. W Fairbairn; spring colts, J Patten, U Piper. Agricultural â€" Span, W & R Dingwall, J Shaiid, R VVhittakor; bmod mare, with foal, W Fairbairn, A McRae, DMcMdlan; 2 yr gelding or filly, W Fairbairn, A McRae; spring colt, Win Fairbairn, W O Wyatt, D McMillan. General Purpopcâ€" Span, J Calder, J A Swanstou; broodmare with fual, D Sin- clair, J Burnett; 2 yr gelding or lilly, J ghaud, J Burnett, A B McLean; 1 yr do, J Burnett; spring colts, D Sinclair, R Whittaker, Lach McLachlin. Roadsters Span, J A Swanston, VV Patton, Alex B McUona'd; brood mare, with foal, H B McLean; 1 yr gelding or filly, W Ramage; apriug colt, H B McLean; farmer's trot, Bon McKiunon;singledriver,J Fairbairn; Special, John McArthur, broncho Bpeed- ing in saddle, S M Dingwall, B A Rovvo; Special, P J Bulger, span drivers to T»hicle, J A Swanston, VV Patton. CATTLE. Durhamâ€" 2 yr bull, D Mc- Millan; 1 yr do, J Fairbairn, W J Meads; bull calf, J E^khardt; milch cow, D Mc- Millan. J Eckhardt 2 and 3; 2 yr heifer, D McMillan 1 and 2, R Allen; heifer calf, D McMillan, J Eckhardt, W Meads. Herefordâ€" Cow, W Buskin 1 and 2. G«deâ€" Milch cow, dairy, R Allen, G McTaL'gart, T Nichol; 2 yr heifer, W Meads, VV Buskin, J Burnett, lyr heifer, W Wyatt 1 and 2, A B McLean; 2 yr steer, VV Meads I and 3, A B McLean; 1 yr do W Buskin, VV Wyatt, D McMillan; steer calf, W Buskin, A D McLeod; heifer calf, W Wyatt. SHEEP. Cotswoldâ€" Aged ram (pedi- iree) A Muir; shearling ram (pedigieo), A luir 1 and 2: ram lamb, do; aged ewo, do; â- hearliiig ewe, do; ewe lamb, do. Leices- ter â€" Aged rain (pedigree), A Muii 1 and 2; ahearluig rain (pedigree), A Muir, J A Swanslon; ram lamb, W Moads, A Muir; aged ewe, A Muir 1 and 2; shearling ewe, D Mi;Millaii. A Muir; ewe lamb, J Swan- slon, A Muir. Shropshire â€" Aged rum (pedigree) II McEchren, J Shand, Ox- fordâ€"Aged rain (pedigree), J Fairbairn. W Fairbairn; shearhng rain (pedigrei), VV Meads, VV Fairbairn; ram lamb, J Fa r- bairn, VV Meii'ls; aned ewe, J Kaiibairn 1 and 2; sheailing ewe, .1 Fnirbairn, VV Fairbairn; ewo luinb, J Fairbairn, V»' J Meait8. SWINE. Berkshire and other black breeds â€" Pedigree boar, over lyr, J Eck- hartlt, G R Patterson; pedigree sow that has had or is in pig, J Eckhardt; spring pig or bog, 1S)U7, J Eckhardt 1 and 2. Yorkshire and other white breeds â€" Spring pig, sow or bog, 1907, ti VV&lson 1 and 2. POVLTRY-Game, female, J Ford 1 »nd 2; white Wyandotte, male, do; wliite Wyandotte, female, do; buff wyandott^e, male, VV Uaniagii, U Mo.VlillaiijbuU Wyan- dotte, female, U McMillan \ and 2; buff cochin, female, T A Ferguson; biahma, {email', A Muir 1 and 2, white leghoni, male, J Ford I ond 2; do, female, D Har- row 1 and 2; houdao, male, J Ford I and 2;houdaii, female, do; browci leghorn, male, J Ford land 2;do, female, K Whit- taker, J Ford; barred rock, male, J Fi>r('; T Ferguson; do. female, J F<ird I and 2; white reck, m»le, J Ford; do female, J Ford I ami 2; black loinorca, male, «'( Ford 1 acd 2; black minnrca, femal.-, do; duck, m.ile, 1 Ferguson 1 and 2; duck, fe- male, J Ford, T Fer'usoii; turkey, maleâ€" T Ferguson.A MeEaoh m; turkey.fuinale, T ff guson, W Kamage; goose, male, T Feri^uson, R VVhittaker; goose, female, T Fergu.son. GRAIN AND SEEDSâ€" Fall wheat, white, D McMillan; spring wheat, white, Russian, A Muir, D McMillan; spring wheat, while, fyfe, A Muir.spring wheat, any other variety, A Muir;barley,6- rowed, W Rainage, T Ferguson; barley 2-rowed, A Muir; oats, white, A Muir.VV Ramago; 1 ats, black, A Muir, D McMillan; peas, large, D McMillan, W Ramaga; peas, small, do; corn, field. Herb Watson; tim- othy seed, A Muir. D McMillan; white beans, H. Watson, D McCormick; colored beans, D McCormick, H VVataon; flax seed, T Ferguson, VV Buskin. .ROOTS AND VEGETABLES - Ele- phant potatoes, A Muir, D McMillan; ' beauty of hebrnn, A Muir;any other kind, J Oliver, W Buskin; coll potatoes, A ; Muir, K McEachern; turnipe, swoede, i jumbo or elephant, P Thibeaudeau, G R; Patterson; turnips, sweede, any other] kiud, A B McLean, D McMillan; turnips, | green top aberdeen, T Ferguson; turnips, : any other kind, D McMillan, T Ferguson; j mangold wurtzeh, globe, A Muir,H Wat- a.m; mangold wurtzels, long red, J Aus- aum, R McEachern; danish sugar beats, J McRae, A Muir; field carrots, white, D McCormick, T Ferguson; field carrots, red, M L Mclntyre, T Ferguson; carrots, short horn, table, V Ferguson,H VVitson; table carrots, any other var, H. Watson, T Ferguson; table turnips, T Ferguson; beets, long blood, H Watson, T Ferguson; beets, turnip rooti^d, D Harrow, D Mc- Cormick; parsnips T Forauson, D Camp- bell; radishes, black, T Ferguson, H Wat- son; radishes, white, T Forausin, J Mc- Rae; cabbage, ox heart or wiimingscadt, H Watson, D Harrow; cabb'ige any other var, J Aussum, H Watson; caulitfowers J Aussum, H Watson; potato onionx, T Ferguson, D Harrow; <niiiins, from dutch i Beta, T Ferguson, D McC^irmick; onions, from tops, D MuCorinick, U Watscn;, onions, from black seed, D McCormack,J Aussum; pumpkin, common yellow, T Ferguson, .1 Aussum; pumpkin, any other i kind, H Watson, D McCormick; squash, ! H Watson, A D McLeod; vegetable i marrow, J Aussem, A D McLeod; celery, I while, H Watson; celery, any other kind. I U Watson; citrons, H Watson. VV Wat-' son; watermelons, 11 VVatson.T Fergu.son; muskmelons, H Watson, VV H Thurston; tomatoes, T Feiguson, A McLei)d;cucuiii- bors, pickling, A McLeod, I'Tliibnudeau; cucumbers, ripe, VV Watson, U Watson; table corn, H Watsuii.H Piper; coll veg- etables, H Watson, T Ferguson; coll field roots, A Muir, T Fergu.son, FRUIT â€" Apples, northern spy, J Eck" hardt, W Wataon; golden russets, G Pat- terson, J Eckhardt; any other variety, winter, W Rauiage; snows, J Eckhardt, H Piper; colbcrta, J Eckhardt; alexanders, G McTaggert, D McCormick; stlawrence, D Harrow, F Riley; any other var. fall, J Eckhardt, R McEachern; coll, J Eck- hardt. A Muir; crab apples, large, W Ram- ag, P Thibaudeau; crab apples, medium, T Ferguson, W Ramago; plums, D Campbell, W J Conkey; fall po irs, J J McRae, A Muir, winter pears, W H Thurston, J McRae; grapes, H Watson. FLOWERSâ€" Hand boquet,W H Thur- ston, H. Watson; table bo<iuet,H Watson, W H Thurston; coll house plants, J Mo- Arthur, T Ferguson. DAIRY and OTHER PRODUCEâ€" Honey in ci>mb,H Watson; honey ,extract- eil, H Watson; loU buMer, Geo R Patter- son, D Hiirrow, D McMillan;crock butter, D Harrow, Mrs VVm White, J Oliver; tub butter, J 01iver,D McMillan. Mrs White; maple syrup, A iVhiir. Mrs White; mapb sugar, .Jane MoPhail. MAFUFACTURESâ€" Rag carpet, Jane McPhail, P Thiliaudea; tiannell, hand- made, J McPhail;woollHn blaiiliets,hoine- made, J McArthur. J McRae. LADIES' WORKâ€" t'umpkin pie. Ji Oliver, H Watson; \cmnu pie, D McMlll-' lai),B McKinnoii; apple pie, do;fiuit cake, B MoKiiincm, T Ferguson; bread. Mis W White, B MoKiiinon; buiis.hoinemade, Mrs White. B MuKinnoii; taris, D Mc- Millan. B McKinnon; woollen yarn, home- made, djiiblo and twist. R McEiicherii, D Campbell; woollen yarn, boineiiiade, single, do; mien's socks, hoineniade, A U McDon- ald, .1 McPbail; wiiolloii stockings, J Mo- Ph il; mi ts' kniited, m-n's, W Buskin, D MoMillan; mitts, knitted, ladies', J Mc- Phail; qunt, pitchwork, .) McArthur, \V Buskin; quilt, log cabin, VV Muskiii, Mrs White; quilt, knitted, do; quilr, crazy, W Me.ids, ti Piper; quilt, tufted. VV Buskin; quilt, fancy, W Buskin, Mrs White; ber- lin wool work, raised, H Piper,T Ferguson; berlin wool woik, not raisid H Watson, H Piper; wreath, any other kind, T Fer- guson; genfs shirt, W Buskin, H Watson; hooked mat. D McMillan, W Meads; crochet work m cotton, H Piper, Mrs White; crochet wiu'k in wool, VV H Thur- ston, J IVcPhail; fancy knitting in wool, M L Moll. tyre, .) McArthur; fancy knit- in? in cotton, •) McPriail, J McArthur; biaidiiig noolt'n, W Buskin,Mrs White; tatting in cottoo, J .VlcPhail, W H Thurs- ton; einbruittuiy in cotton, P Thibaudeau, F Riley; do in iidk, tl WaUMu, T Fergu- son; outline work, A B McDonald, J Mc- Arthur; woollen work on canvas, VV H Thurston, W Buskin; toilet set, P Thih- enudeau. H Piper; lamp cushion, H Pip- er, W Meads; bun cushion, W Buskin, J McArthur; spider web cushion, D Mc» Millan, J McArthur; slippers, D Harrow, M L Mclntyre; drawn thread work, J McArthur, P Thibaudeau; batten burg Work, do;table centrepiece,? Thibaudeau, H Watson; sofa cushion, mounted, P Thibaudeau, J McPhail; darning on stock iug, W Meads, H Piper; buttonhole dis- play, H Watson, Mrs White; painting on glass, W H Thurstoi>, H Piper; pen and ink sketch, VV H Thurston. SPECIALSâ€" By H H Miller, two loaves bread, Mrs White, G R Patterson, D Harrow. By H H Miller,crook butter, B MeKinnon, W Meads, D MoMillan. By W Rutherford, heaviest doz hen eggs, D McMillan. By N Pivnick, laundry bag, J McPhail, J McArthur. By Dr Jamie- son, best herd shorthorns, D McMillan, J Eckhardt. By Dr J R Atkinson, men's foot race, 100 yards, T McDougall, H Rowe. Boys' fuot race, 100 yards, N McDonald, B VVhittaker. By societj', trirls' race, under 15, O Saekett, M Muir, They Make you feel good The pleasant piir^'ative ciffcct experienced by all who use Chamberlain's tStiuiiuch and Liver Tablets, and the healthy coiulitiou of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. Price, '-'.") cents. Samples free ac W.ii.Richard^ion'f druj; .store lolli Line Osprcy Intended f.-r last week Throshini^ is liie order uf the. d.iy now and we under.stmd that the yield of grain is rather sniiill wi h but few exocptions. Died,â€" On Fiiday iMo.-iiing Oct. 4ih, Ulrich Stall, iig.-il about 70 years. De- ceased WHS highly respeded liy nil who knew him. The fumial look place on Sunday aft'-'nicioii to Zioii ccnioLry. The symjjinhy of iho entire iieiyhborhood is extended to t!iu bereaved family. VV L- are .sorr;iw to report the death of Mrs. Ale.x. Sinclair sr. Deceased fell dowD suiirs on Friday last, receiving injuries fi^m which she died on Sundny morning. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Osprey lown.ship fair Friday hist, was a grand The weather was fine and a great crowd gathered on the grounds in the afternoon. A good show both in tITb hall and outside. A groat crowd attended the concert at night. Mr. Sherman Ottewell has imiiroved his threshing ouifit by putting a blower on his machine and will lie able to hold his own with the best of the threshermen now A good many men are looking for farms to rent, there being four in this neighbor- hood wanting farms to rent now. This Week's Items The heavy rains are helping the pas- ture and cattle are looking better than they did two months ag<i. Mr. R. Brackeiibury has finished saw- ing for this seisoii and is out with his threshing outfit now. I understand he has about two thousand shingles to cut for Mr. James Crawford this fall yet. The Sabbath school at Bethel closed on Sunday last. The average attendance i through the .siiniiiier w,as about twenty 1 scholars. The scholars will bo presented ' with neat presents purchased fnni) the â-  book room, Toronto, an<l a photo of their annual Sunday school picnic. I Mr. .lames Speers has sold his fiirin on ! the ll'th line to Mr. Win. Mullen for the I sum of ^4(J00, and Mr. Speers will re â-  tiro from farming. Mr. Geo. TIkjiiisou of Fevershain has had a stone foundation put under his barn and stabling put on with cement fiiiors which are a great improvement over the old style wood Addt. Mr. A. Hanley haa erected a good large shed to his barn with stone founda- tion. Still the impri.iving goes on. Mr. Charles Barber, who had the mis- fortune to cut his log in Julian's sawmill, about two monlhs ago, is still using crutches and will be unable to work for same time yet. Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings cured "liiNovenibei-. llllll, 1 c.-uight culil and liad theq linsy. My thmat was swciUuii so I could haruiy breathe. I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it(,'iivomo relief in ashort lime. In two days I was all riifbt," says Mrs, LCoiisina of Otterburn, Mich, Chainberlain'K Pain Balm is a liiiiinoiit and is especially valuable for Hi)r».inH and .swullir.K-s. For sale by W. K. Riohai-dsou. McFARLAND & CO. Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Sweeping Price Reductions Half Price iiv Dress Tweeds About 300 yards of medium weight tweeds in chock effects of green, navy, brown.and black and white mixtures, full 42 inches wide, which would make up handsome auita or separate skirts. Wo were fortunate in procuring this lot at a clearing price of 50 per cent, discount which enables us to put on sale this week while they last regular values 65c a yard for 32ic Who could stay away from prices cut like this? Half Price in Lining This week we put on sale nearly 1000 yards twilled selicia lining, 34 inches wde, in light and medium shades of fawn, that must move out quickly, hence we cut thei price to one half for this week, regular lOo per yard for 50 OneCbird off Cadies Rain H^qMs Wo Will sell this week diliereut styles and quahties in ladies shower proof coats, all of which .irerich green mixtures and made in box back styleâ€" -capes attached, the better ones being handsomely trimmed with red piping, etc. These coats are in lengths of 34, 56. 58 and bU inch, and their mates have been sold at #6.50 and 7.50. Hero's the way we're going to sell what's left of them; Regular $0.50 Sliower proof coats for §4.25 37.50 " " " 85.00 Tliere is not many left so investigate before your size is gone One-Third off Men's Suitings To make our ordereil clothing department interesting to you who want a suit made to your measure for Fall, wo are putting on sale this week 18 men's suit lengths, con- sisting of fancy worsteds and tweeds in medium and fancy mixtures. No "two alike and marked to sell in a regular way at 15. tX), 16.00. 16,50 and 17.(K) with good quality trimmings. You can have your choice of any of these suit lengths made to your measure for §11.76. How satisfactory it is to leave your order at a store where you have the fullest confidence that if there m one little thing wrong it will bo mad», right. new 0ap$ for men and Boys Our New Fall and Winter ca|)N are here in largo varieties of .sliapes, etc., and never before in the history of this store have wo had bettor values in caps and you can havo fur lining in the 50c., 75c., 90c.. 1,00 and 1.25 lines. If you como at once you can get anything you want in the cop line. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY 7<>:\ y?jS^ Farm For Salkâ€" Lots 39 and 40 in Iho I3th concession and lot 36 in the 14th concession of Artemosia containing 308 acres. Good stock and grain farm, well watered, fair buildings and orchard. T. E. TuoBSBUBY, Lady Bank P. O. Stove s and R anges '*" This is the time of year to thiuk of purchasing a now STOVE or BA.NQE. We carry a fulllino of both, also coal or wood beaters. Our prices are right, also the line of goods we carry, Call and inspect our stock before buyiug. We have just placed iu stock a car-load of Royal Household flour, also Bran and shorts. As feed prices are bound to go up yon will do well to place your order for Flour and Feed eariy. Eemember â- we guarantee our Groceries to give satisfaction or money refuDded, Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce. Bentham Bros., Flesherton Deer hunters, s;et your Gao, Mitoball. liceoaes from Flesherton Tin Shop . , We are now in a position to cater to your wants be they anything from a Boiler or Kettle to a Furnace. We are ageuts for some of the best Furnaces on the market and you should get our prices before buying elsewhere. .. In Tinware we carrj a complete stock of Factory and Hand-Made Ware When in Need of ave Troughing call on us. gNORRIS BROS.y in iiiiViiiri'ii

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