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Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1907, p. 6

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,r«!v«-«fia**f!SB(W2C<>' V I About the House l I J niCCIPES I'OU '11 IK COOK. f'tuldiii^; Siiucf.â€" One cup apricot S)rup, Iwo lfv<'l |jt)>ooiis of Hour < r o. rii sliirch dissolvcil In wulcr. (/lok. Jijitl add ono-luill oup of .suK»''. a litll<» 6! I(, one HnU onc-liaU lublisixKuis <.)f Lull(>r. Flavor lo ln*te. Jiuu ('.nk<>. â€" List" oru- cup sujiiir. tlir<'o- qiiiirU'rs cup butlPr. oiip-lialf cup Miur n.ilk, one cuj) lilucUbPi-ry j.iin, tlireo ^'4K>f-teflv»nj; out om- w Mile tor fnisl- lliH: two cups (lour. Olio lovi.l K'ii>|i<x]ii- fil Soda siflod willi Hour. \Mv- in ttuw layers. IVir fnisliiij; bcol Itii' wl:ilo of egU aiiU »M one cup of sufjiir â- wliloli Iws Ix'en boiled until it .siiliis :i thiead. ICufjlWi f.oiiion I'lo.â€" Throo lart,'i' le- n;'ins, four otJgs. Iwo ounr(>s of but- t( !•, llino-ciunrt/T.s (Kjuiid of su^ar. I'ul su^ar and butt< r in rice txjiU'r, .mjulv/.i' tli<' IciiKin.s ovor lliei><?, beat 0(,'({ yo.ks fli:d wtiitirs li^igelhpr, slir ttiii into the Union, supiir. and bull^r; cook. »tir- liiif,' c<insliiiitly. until tl'o o^n.^istoiioy <if lif.iicy. lU'iuovt' from tl»e flr<> and Ih-iiI urtii Cold, .\liiko rich pastry, line your vi<i llns, place in oven, and wlien near- ly done draw lo the oven d<Hjr. fill v. ilfi Die lonioii fillini,', and cro« with pastry b«r.«. Cook until brown, 'ibis qiiniilily will mak<» Hire pies, or u.^e a.s niuoli «.s you wl<li and place rest in ice chest. Tij;hlly corked It keo|).s a loiip while. White Fruit Layer Cake.â€" Hiilf n cup <J butter, Iwo cups jxiwdered i>ugur, l.alf a cup of sweet milk. Uiree and a half cup.-; .jf (lour, two and a half tea- ni^KiiifuLs <r baking jxiwdcr .sifted on V.I' flour, throe CKtis. wliite.s; Im^iI to « ereuni the butter and .^nfiar, add part of llie milk and (lour, beat liKliI, then tt.e rest of the milk niul (lour, lastly t^e wlillt'-i, whipped to a ,stiff fiyjlli. Rake in layers and put fruit icing be- tween the lovers. YelloH- 'ronialoes for fiarnlsli. Yel- Uw piiiin toniatflf.s are preserved witli- oii! .sugar and are u.sed lo (.'arnisli meats and salads in winter. I'liuif;.! the ri[)e fruit, a jarful at u time, inio Ixilint,' WHtw; r.over the ki'ttle aiil leave at the Imillnu |M)int tor six iiiin- ulis. Tlieii takeout the toiuatoe.s wilh- oiit bieakiii),' tlieni and paclc in a hot jui. I'ill with IxiilinK waler and .-eal. (ieinian .'s<jur lloast.- (iet a piece <:f lieel from tie- slKnilder. the .â- ,ize reipiii- ed for your family, put into a .stone j.ii or large Ixiwl, nn*l cover with fclifflitly diluted viiie; Sll'^e a .small onion into the v{iie),'ar with a bay li-uf. add a few wliole cloves and peppiM'. I,«l .stand from live to .seven days and niatd ill <jven or make a |iol It <i;ij«ls venis<in and is a ti'i^at cold wea- ther dLsh. 'Irullle .'^tullinj,' for Turkey. -Select a line turkey; clean it well; make a slut- linj; <if two eupo of .soaked bread, the liver, a cup ol IriiMle.s, cut tine, t.iyelher Willi a sliee of ham; a liiLili of ^[reen o!ii<jns. j.!ur'.ie, and parsley and salt and pcpfx'r to ta.ste. Mix well with two |.<aleii <'^'H-. and (111 Ihi- turkey. Sra.s.iu lh< liird Willi lard, .salt, and pepp."r, and a little water, (xi<ik in a hot oven. Winter .Sa lad. â€"."Several hour.? before yell want to' It, .slice line a head of cabbage. I'ut in c<dd water; peel ai large par.snip, and put In waler with <'al)ba(;e. |).i n<il cut |)arsiii|j. When v.iinled for Use, ilrain labbii),'!' and fchiike in a clean lowol. (Iriile llie par- si'ip <iii a Vi'f.'etalile j;rater. It shoiilil <'(;iial the oalibiige in bulk. Arranjje ni allernale layers in a disli. with par- snip on lop. I'se any (jood Iniileil sa- lad dr<.s,sin{{. I)<i iKit (Kiiir il «ivi'r mi- lh<l, but pass in dish (o eacli person, 'rben, if any .salad i.s left ov<'r, it can be iLseil in soii|p mxt day. Stuffed Potato'-.-. Hake eight fine, bilge iHitntoes wilhoiil cutting off the«. Cut each ixitalo In hall leiij/tli- vise with a .sharp knife. Scrape owl the inside, being careful li<it lo break the shells. Then mash the |.olato. sea- Mu Willi .sail and iM'pjMr and hiilf ten- .siKjoiifiil ci'cani, <uie I'HH. chopped piir- f.!cy en lugli to nuasure Iwo talile-.iHi<in.s ai'd .same ainount of eeler.w small iiinip butler; mix and till each half with the mixture. .Sprinkle cracker crumbs and bd.s <j1 bultcr 'WtHsL!''' I'M' and Ihowii lliem. ;»<<rve at once. ~^ â€" \ IIOU.SKIIOI.I) IXON *yy jf For Ihi* f>innlry Laum. >*' „/»<tI'''> Aliening wipe the iwui on ci'ntK* Iiianch- y"y.s It will Uiep Itie iron fi'oni slickiiif,' 'l<i llie starch, is britcr tlian wu.x. and is not expensive. 'roinato Onielel.- To each egg, well lialen, adil one talil.siMMiiiful of c<xik- (><l loinatocK anil half as many labli'- £l<ion(iil.s iMMliiig water. Cook quickly jn hot di'i)ipings and you v\ill have u bj.'ht. appelanig Home Made KuKlliiig.- -Bui the cheni>- e^i resin, one |M)uiid. melt it, add two ciinces liillow. I'.ilh<'r smear this <;ii boardv or el«e stir in .sawdust that has teen vsed. When hard-ened cut in p.eces. An excellent fire kindler, Cx)nven.Aenl Match Holder. -Take an imply tin lard pail; pull out handle on one sic'c; slip in open work on .side <it gas sloVo, and handle in again. Ibis will be found a convenient place !o <'rop burnt liiatclies, which coastantly .'lit, acoumuleting anuind a gas .stove. Thread ICconoiiiy. â€" One may .save lime and tlirc-ad in making Krcjich seams by ba-stlng or holding firm one edge about on«-fourlh inch from tlie ether and using the fcKit henimer. ffold- inc the .shorter e^'ge next to one, stitcli- Hi>.- the length of seiin once instead <if twice, a.s the oHu'r way requires. Siioe I. aces for Praw-slrings. â€" .shoe laces make convenient draw .sti-ings fcr any kind of bAgs and require "O iM^dkiii to jml them In. W'liile onas are Jure for fancywork h-igs or wliilo laiin- <;iy bags ami colojvd one.^ for clothes- I in bags, etc. If a string i.s not long 1 iKiiigh pull off till' li.etal ends of two laces and fasten Iticiic two ends to- gether. t'.se Tops of Worn Olove.n.â€" In these cinys of inulli-colored r'l>ow length kid gloves more "piod" ca-1 be had fr<im <ine'.s money for gloves) by utili/ing the U ps for s-ifa pillows, g'ovo and hand- korchief fxixcs, elc. inai'e attractive ly pi.Miting and embroidery, finisluyl with c< rd <ir fringe made tr^i**! gkives. .^n a-.s<irlnienl can U: had Vy exchanging Willi friends. Uon't Let Ilread Burn. -Put Iwo or three bricks in the o\eu and lei them leal thoroughly. Then liaXe your bread or cake iiiKin them. Or wlii'U baking ginger bread or loaf oak*, iii.stead < f going to the trouble of {lulling paper <in tiie Uittoni of the pan put your rake in fhe greased pan «nd Ihen put ill in a largi-r imC'ivercd roasting pan, ar.<i you will find that yo'ir cake never will he burned at the Ix^tom. Make ^.nir (twi> WYIer (xKjler. â€" Into tlii> bottom of an ordinary nail keg put three inches of sadwiist. Place inside 'if it a deep crock and |)nck all arruiid with sawdust t-j within three ihctie.4 of the top. (xiv?r the sawdust with a mixture of plasl;-!' of jiaris and water, which will .so«m harden. Put I lid on the crock and one on the keg. Tliii'e cents' w<irth <if '.c<' will keep ice watiM' f<yr twenlyfoiir hours. A cover- ing can be made f<ir th* keg of cretonne l<- make 11 ornamental. A wire rack suspended in the crock just aliove the wHier will keep milk and butter coil. Asbestos in Household. -When bak- ing' fruit cake or any other culinary prodiicli<iii whicli reipiins .several hoiir.s' n<ioking. If a pi«'c<- of asbest<is is laid over llie dlshe.s the contents will n'^.t be scorched. .\ sipiare of asbes- I' .s kept for a r<'st and also to rub off Ifp (lal iron when in |)r<'vents a. «corchiiig of tile ironing sheet. W hen the range or any other healing apparii- lus Comes l<io to the wall and I!, ere is danger from fire, a strip <if the iiialerial placed between will ilciiKivi' a'l cause of anxiety. In place of the riady made pail for protecting polisti- eii talile a .strip of aKl>estos txaigbl by ti.e yard and cul the proper length makes an excellent eovenng. 4. MAKE THIS UP AT YOUK HOME What will appear very hiteresUng to nuiny pe<q)lc ben' is llie article taken from a N<w York ilaily paper, giving a sinipl.> pre.scriplion. as forinulalcd I ; a noted aullha'ity. w ti<i eliiiiii.s that he has found a positive remtdy to cure almost any casi' of backache or kiilncy <r tiadder ib i iingeiiient, in the follow'- uig simple prevcrlption, if takin bc-fore li.e stage of Itrlglit's I'luid I'.xlract Dandelion, one-halt ounce; C<imi)<iuii(l Kargoii, <iiie <iunce; C< niipound Syrup ,s;arsaiHU'illa, three ounces. Shake writ in a boltk' and take III teasiHKiiiful tloses after each meal and again at bedlime. A well-known druggist here at h<inie, when asked regarding Ihi.s prcscrip- l« n. slatrd that the ingredients <ire a't iiinili'ss, and can be â- dilaiiied at a small c<ist from any good prescription ptiar- niacy, or the mixture would be put ,ip if asked lo do so. lb- fiirllier staled thai while llii.s prescii|ili<in is oflen prcMiibld in rheumalic iilUiclions with splendid re-siilts. he could see no vcn- -on why it w<iuld not be a splendid i e- tiicily f'lr kidney and urinary livmbles mill liackache. as il lui.s a prculiar ac- li'uctiire. clean lioii ii|Win the kidney -iimim,-. > nim- sing tle>e inosi iinporlanl organs and liclpiiig Iliem lo sift and liller fioin the IjIikkI the foul acids and waste niiiller which co\i.s<> sii'kno.s.s and suffering. Tliosi' of our readers who suffer can make no mistake in giving it a trial. WISDO.M. Allho n mule lie sweet and kind, Just walk in front, And jiot behind. A New Orleans woman wa« thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took Scott' ^ Emuljiion^ Result : She gained a pound a day in weight. ALL DRUCCISTSi BOe. AND 11.00 ^^ ^^^^'^'^^^^^^^<^^^^^^^* WOMAN ON A STEAMER llEn VAGARIRS M'lllLE CnOSSING TIIK ATI^NTIC. Scramble (or the rjiptain's Tableâ€" In- fllserc*! <:hnller- Si/jn)| up Her Fellow Tra\eHers. II wo.s (.uncheon hour, just after (he b V' liner had lefl llie I.iver|>ool docks, and the cynical second ollicer at the head of his long table, surveying the captain'* table near by, crowded with Women, turned to a man nexl tii'ii and said, with a sigh of relief: "There's just one compensation I can .see in being second otliccr in- stead <if captain; One doesn't need to have all the fool women wlio cross sil- ling at tiis table. You'll find most of them bieaking their necks and empty- in;, their |Kickelb(Hjks to the saloon slcward after lunch lo gel seats near the captain.'' And he was right, for the pn.ssengcr lingering near tlie dining sakxiii thai afieriKMin had his curiosity rewarded by tivcrhauling such speeches as, "Uut i wrote lo you about it from London, r always .sil at Ihe CHajitain's table. I'd sure it's very strange that 1 can I this trip," or "liul I've crossed with ('apl. X three limes, and he's a personal fri<'tid. I shall speak lo him alwiut il," and others of like tenor, says a writer in the New York Post. The successful were snitilng conqv^s- ddly and wore their prelliesl gowns lo dinner until Ihey vanished inIo their cabins, tlie victims of Ihe first ,slor'n. Why is it, one wonders, that almost 1. 10 initial thing a rcturneij woman tra- vdler has to say alKnit the \<jyage is: ".'\nil we sat at the captain's table," as if that were the height of the voyagers ambition. It is priibably only one o' the id osyncrasics that U'kmg to women <in sbip-lKiard. where. j>erhaps beller ttian in most oilier places, IIk'sc come to ligld. .•\s is usual the world over, brass buttons prove as attractive on ocean stiamshifis as at an army iKist or on Ilic ixillcenian's beat. From Rridgel in the kilelien lo a lady of the haul iiKnd<'. the nally suit of blue with the sheen of well-burni.shed metal plays havoc with Ihe feminine contingent. So one of the types l<i be f<iund on every .ship is Ihe woman who .scrapes acquaintance with each uniformed mm on lioard, and retails to admiring friends on landing her llirlallons with the doctor or purs<^r. T-i llie student of huinun nature who hnds the promen- ade deck an excellent Held for ohsers a- ti< n. il is oflen a marvel that these Im'- sieged genl'emcn resp<iiid witll mi n;ucli gallantry to Ihe ailvamx's Itiat their admirers make openly. Pridoubt- (dly Ihcy must giviw weary of never- erasing adulalion, and one can only coiicliule that they regard such gallan- by as part of Iheir nielh<id <if earning a salary. CirVlTKIl OF Till-; Among olhiT fi'inliiine f<iililes noted iiy the <ibserving oi'can voyager is Ihe tendency hi indi.screel chatter. If IIkic is one place iiKire than anolliei where walls have ears it is on Isiard ship, liven in Ihe kind of summer cottage where partitions cxl»'iid but tliree- foiiiths of the way to Ihe ceiling il is nc easier to learn Ihe iiKisl intimale (Il tails concerning your nexl-(lo<ir neigh- "Po >ou sup|iOse," queried an inquisitive lady t.i a stewardess as ,slie waited for her Imlli to be lilled. "that ll.<! stout Woman m the room next hi mine c<ilors her hair?" ".She does, madam," come an icy from the next balh, rising alx^ive the liiss of the steam and the splash of the water, "and if \iiu remind me later I'll give \on the name of thi' place in Nrw York where I luive il (k;iie. Your own n<'eds impixivemcnt, Ive noticed." Uiil lessons like this have Utile or no effect u|Kin the careless. Two wo- lueii in their steamer chairs were warned by a third that tln-y were di- nclly undirnealh the windows <if m slalei'<ioiii, and that what lliey said might be overheard. "What of 't.'" was the reply. " pixiple will never stv us again." Feeling that wa.\ . with regard lo one's fi How jiassengers. it is strange to dis- cover, among other ly|ies. Ihe woman who aims at kn<iwing as many ]>eoj>te <,r. Imard as she can scrape acipiain!- liiice with. .She is in direct c<inlrasl to the tip|xisile .s<irt. who a\<iid ni<'<'t- iiig people as (ar as is ixissible w il'i- (;il' rudeness. "I never meet any <uie on Ihiiiril, except my lable mates," .said the wife of an .XiiU'iican c<uisiil. who ci's-e.> fieqiienlly. On the <ilher hand, lliere aiV who claim lo ha\ie made s<ime of their pleasanlest friends among their telli'w passengcis. The tiulh is thai a reaMuuible amount < f liiendlinesR is desirable, but that it is well lo U'Wiire of rushing into sudden inlimacies, PY Tin: ihiup pay olt. My Ihc Ihird <ir f<iuitli day <iiil. Ihe keen-witted will have cla.ssilieti her fel- low iiavcHers into the de.sirabl<' and 11, 1 undesirable, and will Ih^ glad 4 f <!p[Kirluiiilics f<ir pleasani c<invcrsalion w ilh lliosc desirables Ihal chance throws n: Iwr way. The g<Kid-nalured are ajit Id be victims ot the Ixires w.ho infest the sea as well as Ihe land. "ll<iw do >< u inanage to d 1 il'.' " asked a dislinct- h vexed woman ot her friend in Ihe I .xl .steamer chaii. "Iki what?" iV'- j.dned Itie other 'ifling her eyes fi<iiii 111 â- â€¢ iKMik. "Freeze oul Ihe llresomo p. .jilc who insist <in iHMug friendly, ill always nl their mercy, and Ihey MMi- Ndlicr you at all." il Nvtik line, they never did, whih^ th- compla nnnt spent her waking lioiirs li'tenlng to the marital woe* of Ihe pathetii; little woman on her right, while a would-be liuddled on 111.' footresl of her chair and read her VI r.scs insjiired by the .sea, In whicli r.ivfts and waves and roar and .soar were carefully rhymed. The untroubled tiiiveller had done nolhing lo escape, except lo life a fairly supercilious eye- l.'viw or look iruJiffercnl at llie first ap- proach. lA'NCII IN TIIE CLOUDS. Italian .\risli>cn»ls ICal Mminluuis. on S« is.s ".Mfune" lunch and dinner parties alKive the cloud.i are Ihe latest fash- ionable craze in .Switzerland. A rendizvous is given at an .Vlpine hotel, which i^ generally reached by funicular carriage or on f<x)l, and if the weather is line the functi-jii be- comes an ;ilfre.sco affair in the midst of magnificent iiioiinluin sci'iiery. Prince Pie of Savoy recently gave an "Alpine" lunch in honor of Prince and Princess .Nicola of Crcj^ce nl the licr- nina Hospice, 7,575 feet high, overlook- iUf, SI. MoimIz. .\mong the fashionable guests present were the Duke and 1)1. chess de Terranova. Prince and Princess de Trabia, rAiunlcss Herristori. Countess Cosia and Visciiunt Bengliem, In Ihe aflernoon the guests collected fl.iwers on Ihe mountains or spent the time wandering in the forests. Many similar functions have btvn held tills summer in the liigher .Mjiine resorts. Last wetk Mr. and Mrs. t\. .Murray, of Chicago, entertained a party of friends on the top of the Prevent, .â- i,:'.'<5 feet above Chanionix. each guest r< reiving a bunch of edelweiss as a souvenir. \li)ine parties have also bieii given this .sea.son on the PilaUis, H< chers de Naye, Brienzer Bothall and drncgral. All Tiiounlajns have holel.s or rostamaiil-s on their sumniils, but ow- iiiK hi IIm' fact that everything has U) le carried up fivini the valley by the funicular railway or ixirhu's. .Mpine lunches are rather expensive affairs. ^ _ MOMII.S OF .VUONY. ,\ ises-erc Case ol Itlieiini.'ilisni Cured by Dr. Willianis' l*ink Pills. "For many weary months 1 suffered untold agony. 1 could iiol walk. I Could scarcely raise myself hi a silling [K'Sture. I was undi'r medical care, I 111 in vain. Finally I tried Dr. Wil- liams' I'liik Pills and they have re- sti red me to my former healthy coiidi- li<in." This strong slalemeni was made to a iv|xirler recently by Mr. Charles S. Kcild'y, f<u'merly of Kingston. .N. S.. bid now living at Port .Maitland. .Mr. Kcddey i> a carpenti'r by trade, and 1^ How able to work every ila\ . He ii'Ms: "I cannot six-ak too highly «f 1) . Williams' Pmk Pills, as they curctl mi ufti-r other medicine failed. While I was living at King.shin, N. S.. 1 was .si'izrd with rheimiuli-iii in ils most VH.Ienl form. I was compelled lo lake 'o my bed and for niontti-s wos an in- valid. I was .so weak that it was dif- licull for me Ui raise myself to a sit- ting |wistiire. II IS iin,(Mi.ssiblc to tell \k\\ much I siiffcn'd day and niglit, w< ek 111 and week <iut. The pains wt'ie I ke pieictng swords. I had medical allendance, but it failed. Then I Irird ni.dicines advertised lo cure rheiima- l:»m, but with tin' same result â€" money wasted. One da> when h<ipe had i.l- iiKisl g<ine a friend ailvi.sed me to try Pr. Williams' pink Pills. 1 told liiiii •i.y ex|>eriences with other medicines. lilt he- assured me that llirse pills yv< uld curt' rhi'umatism. so I sent 'or a siipiilv. Alter using a few Uixes I was able lo !ea\c my bed. and fiiuii thai oil my resloraUm to health was rapid. 1 am now as well as e\er 1 v. as, and have not had the sliglilcst touch of rheumatism since. The change they have wrought in my case is sinip- iy miraculous, and I can sirongly re- commend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to (;n> one suffering finim any form of ileuiiialisin.' Hheiunalisni is ixxilixl in the hlofid. Iiubbing the aching limbs with linl menl.s and outward remedies caniml H -oiihly cure il. You must get Ihe rheumatic acid out of the blood and Pr Williams' Pink Pills is lb,- one sure medicine lo do this, because they a'luallv make new bk«id. That is why Ihes- pills cure anieniia. Pcudaches and backaches, neuralgia, indigestion aiul Ihe secret ailnienls that make mis- eiable Ihe lives of .So many woiiM'n and growing girls. .Sild by all incdicinc dealers Or by mail at fiO c<'nls 1 Ikix or six loxes f<ir ^i.M). from The Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broekvillc, Out 4. CIIEMISTIIY OF LIFE. Iteinarkuhle K\|>erlnienls by a French I'rolessor. Bemarkable experiments in cheniica! o< vekipiiienis of life have been cffecle*! b\ Piofcss<ir Pelage of S<irlKinnc. I raii'c. Ill the lal«iralory at Hoscoffe n lirillaiiy M. Dclige plac<d iiiihalched eggs of Ihc sea urciiiii and starllsh n sea water, ailding a .Sfdulion <d sugar wilh a few drops of ammonlu and taii- hin. In aUiut an hiur of ^egnieiilation ll;e lli^l sign of lite began and 11k' eggs pi'oduced larvae. The great majority soon died, but M. IVIage by ciuislant and minule care brought four sea ur- chins and two starllsh through the leivae s'ag^'. They are now healthy, gi'owing siH'Ciniens. One svn iirchiii I 'IS six pairs if leiilacles and six pairs â-  I spikes, whereas those prodiicisl na- tciall> have live. 'Ihe cixalurcs arc slill small and tl-e IcnIacU's are visiliU> i.i,l> tiiKiugh a ini"rMsc«ipe, Prof, lv- Ibjji- hopes lo bring tliein to maluriiv. Laderweu mwU-to-onl'V for jou oouLia'l pooibljr ocel It ft aor •qiul in v«l«« Pen-Angle G'uairan.te.edr Underwear Cin't Ariak zat ttrctch noi bind nor kiil|c ; out- Uitt otha kind* ; and is told wtfh â-  suaiantea ihal iniurei you againit nay potable fault. Trade-marked like thia in red a> ore aign o( â-¼alue. Made in many (abrica and Kylet, at variout prices in {orm- filting sizes loi women. men and children. ^7B7,"^"-" MACHiNERC FOR SALE. DYNAMO 300 lights, flrsl-class order. Will be sold cheap and must be gotten oul of Ihe way owing to 6U0-light machine taking iU place. .S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. FAN BLOWER ! Buffalo make, number four, 9-inch ver- tical discharge, 24 inches high ; pei-fecl conditkjn. .Superintendent. 'Iruth Uuildi iiig, 73 Adelaide St. WesI, Toraoto. Every Womaa U LutcmuHl ajMl tboald know ftboat ttw wonderfQl ^MARVELWhirllngSpray Tb* new TacUat Eyriac*. Bect~M ost coiiT«»- U cU Ask your dmcvift for It.^ „ If Iw cannot anttpiy tha 11 A B â-¼ K t. accept no other, but una itAinp for llliuirat^d hoohâ€" â- oaled. It ftTM full p»rUcalBrf and dlreoUou< In- WINDSOR SUIFpLT CO.. Windsor. Ont. General Asenta fc»r Cmnada. 2oth CENTURY Knitting Machines WITH OR WITHOUT STAND. ONLY $10.00 AND UPWARD YOU CAN CLOTHE YOUR FAMILY from hand to toat on our Money Makart. Fraa llluitrattd Catalogues, L.M.N.O. POUR DISTINCT FAMILY MACHINES. Addratt 1 CREELHAN BROS., •ex SM GEORGETOWN, ONT. QUEBECSTEIIMSIIIPCOMPMI LIMITED. River and Gulf of Sti lawrencs Bummer OruiseB in Oool Latitudes Twlu Screw Irun HH. "Campana," with aUctrit lights, elvctric b»lU anil all inixlern comfurtJ. .SAII,HKRO.\l MO.VrUKil. O.N MOND.^If.S a| i p.m., XSnl September. 7th and mat Octnbeq •ud <i>rtni||htlj thore.ider fi«r IMctou, N. .s., culk Ing at guehec. Uaape. .Mai B*y. Peroo, Mranl K.>»r. SunimarsliU, P.K.I., and (.'harlutt etuwm Sf.JC.1. BERMUDA Suminar Kioiirsicni. )n. bjr the new Twia florew M.S. "Bermuilian," S.SOO'tonn. Aalllns B.ith >leptember. sth. 16th and nath October, atn l«th »:id 'i7th Nnvember. Te rape rat ura iMi>le<i I bjr «•* hreojoi 9ald<in rlaei'abire 80 degrees ; The tripi of iho ne.ijon (ur health and •omfort. AIlTHUn AHlCflN, Secretary, gu€bec. A. E. OUTKRnmDGK & CO., Agenla. 89 Broadway, Now York. f< iliiwed by reproduction. These ex- puinieiils go be.\<iiid Itiose iimde by I'rof. I.oeb al Ihirclay linivcrsily in .Sail rraneis-,1. M. Deluge shows that thn vital iiiipuNe begins iiuniedialely ;ha fecundaling liipiid louche-; the <i\ I'll,-. (( 11. •• part louched be cul oi.t the ovulo iieverlheless tviiiliiiiies the evolution and produces a larva. M. Delate is making turther e\pcriiiienls and ex- peels to throw fwrlher light on Ihe cnii- ."-e- leading .â- in arlilieially c<im|Hiund it. ipiiil lo awaken talent life in an egg. l.OOKl.NC AIIF.AD. .'Miceâ€" ".\nd so Lord .Vdillepale U f.i\ly. Did y<iu biin because h.^'s Uh <ild?" Ai'gusla- "Nti; U'cause he's ii<.| (,id enough. " Ciive the iiverage man an oi p<i-iiiiii. ly lo talk almul himisclf ami he v.i'l 01 liver the ii<'''^s. } < :'» «

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