.n HOST BEVfllTINfi CRIELTYl"" J""" 'CYCLONE SWEEPS ElOPE A Young German Ship Apprentice Bru- tally Treated. A dospalch from Campt#Illon, N. B., saji; From Bonaventure comes a tale o[ cruelty that would seem tncreili'le but for the tt-stiiiKiny ol eymvilnosses. The victim is a young German, anJ his oppressors were, it is allegi^l. r.nj)- tiiin K. S. Kiistianscn of the Noriveyia.n barque Agal and the first mate^ of ihe SMiie vessel. The Ayal arrived at Doii- •aventure on September 1. and Dnbhcd hiSding on Septeniljer IS. The ciuel (les came under the observation «.t Sieved, ire Gallagher and his men a day or two after they began loaduig. On>' morning they found llw toy tu-d lo a ring b«i!t on deck. Bolli his hands and ftHit were li<il. and he tould scarcely ii.ove half a foot. He was kepi in this 4<,<4itt.-in for days, it is alleged, and tl.o only food handod hiin f nslsled < f hiimed crusts and water. He told the 6levod<)re tlial the male had lliump-^d h.,; head ajiainst the deck until it had driven liun mad. The boy was taken. â- b<.und as he was, a rope allachcd ic â- hini. and lowered over tlie side of the vessel, llien dipped sevcml limes into th-.' water, and at length brought out. r -ore dead than alive. On another occasion the longshore- men saw the male with an ir«m bar <hase Ihe boy up through the rigging, •he boy all the while screaniing in ft f> rrifl«d manner. Baring tiis neck and jilioulders. tlie boy slwwoj Oswald i^ini'h vl Canipbelllon and others marks which he said had been indicted by the mate with a reil-lwit iron. Mr. Sniith remonstrated with th-' cap- tain for treating the boy as he ditl. s;ivitig Ih^tt the boy could not under- stand hi.* orders. The second mote, it IS said, was about the only member of the CH'w who sympathized wUli Uie tvy. He lold .Second Stevedore fiar- lalt that if he was treated the way ti'« boy was he w.juW kill every man Ol! board and then himself. The slories of the cruellies were brought a-slKire by men loading the ves- sel, and they reached the local authori- ties, with the result ttiat cflicers went >,u board Ihe vessel and took tho boy a^twre. Tliev also wired scnc of the fads to th«.' German Consul at Mont- real. The Consul wired back to liav.> Ih^ mate and captain arrested, on in- formation laid by the boy. Both the captain and mate were arrested and taken to New Carlisle and locked up. and their examination began on Tues day before Mugistrate Tremblay. The caplain was fined «100 and Hie mate finM SlOO and sent to jail for three iiioulhs. .\iiuther Carman boy. who was also tilt victim of iU-treatinont on board the Agal. ran away. He was located by ih^ authorilie*. and was one of the wit- irtissts against the maU-. It was bmugtit oit that while Ihe boy was tievl hand ! and fool a cat was tied lo hini. and that he was subjected to other lioiri- fy ng crueltii's. Toronto. Oct. 1.â€" Branâ€" 555 bid M<.it- leal. $ei bid bulk Toronto. Wheatâ€" No. i white. 95c bid, G. T. R. Wist. Oats â€" No. 8 aitxed, 50c bid on a tc rstc Ui Toronto (Xher prices are: â€" Winter Wheatâ€" No. 2 while. Mc; No. 2 red or mi.\ed, 33c. Manitoba Wh« atâ€" No. 1 northern. •â- l.IiJi lo «I.l3: V>. 2, $1.10, lake ports. Bar!evâ€" No, 2. 6*;; No. 3 e.ttra. 62e; .V. 3. tiOc. Oatsâ€" .No. 2 wliite, iSc lo t9c; mixed, t7c to iHc outside. Oira â€" .No. 3 ycllcw .\n»eriean, 73c. Tiruntfj fpeighls; mi.xtd, 72c. Whole Towns Under Water in the South" of France. A despatch from Lon<lon -.av.-: En^- [ sen<!arines riishe«l u^n Ih.^n crying: I.ind. which has suffere-l tlirough-jul i "I*"" '*"" >«"'" '"esP All dasli.-d &,r ,:.,., ,. . J , I high ground, and in iess than u-n min- September from the exaggerated do- j J,^ ^ swirUng mass of waler swept niency of the weather, is now rei:etv- Kcpjjs the plain. Thirty women and in;; reports of a vast cvelone, chiefly af- 1 twcntv men toik refuge in ore .small hMjurâ€" Ontariij. 90 jer cent, potent. (<tii„j. Western Europe. Mlantic â- fcrm tious.'. where thev nmaiiied 'or .«.!» bid tor e.xport; Manitoba pat-'iit. j ii«;,n,.ship passengers bring accounts . f i tmrly-sU Ikiurs without food. .Military special brand. SS.HO; se^cund patent, $5.- 20; strong bakers', 85.l.'>- Bi-anâ€" 52I.5I) lo $22 jo in bulk out- s:iK': sh..rl=, S2t.50 lo S25. much worse experiences than thi>s.,' eugineers in p>int<jons and boats are me* with by the Lu-sitania's pass«mgers. .st'iLiriiig the distrir-t rfs:iiiiig people Lisbon wa.s overswept by wind, rain I wlw have t«*en irnpri.sotved for Jays, and thunder last Tue?>d3v. The toniri- j The River Herault. which has tlo«jd»'t do trjvellixl southward, striking Malaga nFTKKN PERI»^U IN TRAIN WRKIK. And Many Als«> Injured on the Balti- more and Ohio Kailroud. A despatch fnun \\ heeling. W est Vir- ginia, savs: Fifteen people were killed and tifleen injured in a wreck one mile fiVMi Bellnir Junction, Ohio, on .<ulur- ('.ay, cau.«ed by the head-on cjll»sion l>e- Iween Chicago E.xpress N>i. U of tlie Bsltiniore and Ohio line und a freight train that had been givon a siduig lo aikjw a cW»v truck for the tKisseniJcr train. The Chicago express, which was 3J^ hours lale. and was due here at 11.30 a.m.. was rumiing at about f«>rty mile^ an hour, under signals for a (.•l«»ur track «liead. when it entered tlie Bellair Junc- tion yards at ."^hkks .<tutioii, a mile from the Bellair Depot. A we-<I-b.iund frcigiit had been given a siding at .Shick"s Statkin lo await the express, b'll through negligence the operator at the signal tower had failed to close the tracks between the east-bound track, on \\hlcli the express was travelling, and the Ira -k on which Ihe freight was standing. The engine of the expri>si>. following the line of Ihe i>p«'n switch, â- suddenly veered off. and beftux' the brakes could l>e applied Ihe engines of thi pas,sotiger and the freight came to- gether. BOLD BID KOR LIBERTY. Prisoners at Portaije la Prairie Camjhl Alter Brealiinij Out. A despatch from Portage la Prairie, Man., says: Joseph Wynn, Dauphin. Man., wImt is awaiting his trial m the kical jail on a charge of having atlemp- l<-i to murder Joseph Storey, at Grand View, made a bold bid for liberty on Wednesday adenwon. In the absence of the guard he by main strength forced aparl iwo iron har«! guarding the win- dow. Tearing some sheets into strips a .lerviccable roi)e was manufactured, and bv this means he lowered himself within twelve f>et of the gr*)und. dr<ipping the rttnainder of the distance. His at"»ence was quickly noticed. Ixiwcver. and the oihcials started off in hot pursuit, and were successful in capturing llie man wilhm an hour. This is Wynn's si?ojnd esj-ape. as he got away after his arrest o: Dauphin, i.nd even extended to Casabl.iRca. on the Mo«jrish coast, where th.; French cr.mp wes wrecked Thursday. Tlie main IxJdy of the "ycViJiie mean- . .. 2tcto2&- 1 while went further east and slightly . .. 22ct.):;lo{ u.rlh ai:d burst over the siuth *.f ixie entire plain of .\gde, is still ris- •ug. MANY DE.\TH5. Ttjulon has als.5 suffered, and com- munication IS i>t»jken. There liave b«''»n many deatl»s. but the precise number i-nmiot l)e- ascertained yet. There wei->» t. rrential rains in Lisixin on the »••â- c;!Sioii oi the return of thrf Cri>wn Pr.nce COCNTRV PRODLCE. Butterâ€" [KSiveries al present ore hsi'dlv equal to the demand. Creamery ho solids Ditirp prints 22c to 2 Ic j fiance Friday morning unheralded ny do soiids 19cto20c ; sii.rm signs. There th« centre ot the Cheeseâ€" Large are quoted at 13c. and '; Uislurbance seems to have hulled, and t» ,us at 13>ic in job lots Iwn'. j u,e downptiur continued on .â- ^unday. from his African tour. Nevertheles-i E>£gsâ€" itJc ;o 21c. with the t igger pr<i- ; -jlie damage lo the vintage ui the f)«-- â- 'lie Qu.en ran out from a pavillion and jt-rljoa of the sales al 20c. j p..rtm«nt of Heroull li w)w enoriimas. i embraced tum under the deluge. One- Poultryâ€" At lOe Ut 12c tor choice i -yi,^ valte.vs are flooded and who!- towns | quarter of Lisbon is inundated. tJgiit- r>,mâ€" Firm: .N.i. 2 ye!!ow. 9Ji^c; Nj. 2 | irt under water. .S».tne of the rivers j niiig struck the «>perating rojin of S«. iliickcus and O^c to IJc for hen>. live'- â- • ' ..... ..--- ..-â€" ..~i i „».i^„io uiight. Ducks are quoted it S^c to ^z Polaloesâ€" Ontarios are ste?dy at 65c t't TDc i>er bag. IVlewares, 7?c per bag III car lots on track. Baled Hayâ€" 910.5U to 9IT i.i cor lots ou track. Baled Strawâ€" $9j0 to 8t0.5»» on track htre. lave risen twelve feet, and where th.-/ ' J->sephs Hospital. ind two patients PRO\ ISION.>. -.- Dressed Hog!* â€" S».7r> (or I-ghlweight? and 9S.25 for heavies. P«riv-Sh.irt cut. $ii.rj to Ka for bar- rels; mess, *2H to S2l. Lard- Firm; tierc-s. Hyic tubs. 12*^?; pails. I2J-4':. .SiiK"k«i and Dry Sailed Meal.-.â€" Long clear bacon, lie t^i ll^,i- f<ir tons and cases; hams. ni<>lium am' light. I.V" to l."-V: heavy. ll\c t-i Ij.-; ba-.ks. IfiV lo ITc; shoulders, lO^c to lie; rolls, tl>ic;«utcf pickle, tc le;'$ than smoked. have reccd«>d human bodies have been (•.und in the brancties of trees. Pre-.i- denf Fulileres t-> visiting the alricken distrii'ts. Hain and thunder continue incessantly. On the plain ot I'lonnsac. near .Vlont- ptllior, wh<Te President FaUieres arriv- ed on .-iuiuiay night, over 2.flOi) vmt- a.;ers, men. women, and children. v.. 're ga'hervLni! ;;rij>.»s. -.vhai p.ii'.tir^ .ed of fright. .\t the lheatr»'S. where rehearsals were proc»*e<iing. the artisLs fill on their kne.s and offer>?d wild prayers. .Many of them were in such .i condition that the perforniiUioe had to Ih." canceknl. The damaiw at .Malaga is plao«HJ :i Si.iXW.iW. I'-jrties of i;iiniigrants. whc were wailing t« embark, have disa{>- piar>i. and there is n.) trace of thefii. MOTORMVN klUXD. LOOK TO CAN \D V FOR SI PM,Y. IhigU Itaves ol OlUwu Ran lli> Ur Inlo • L.^^p^^,) v,.rrhaiils Hear the CaiiadSaa One \tiead. j Cj>niniivJioiier.i. \ despatch from Ottawa says: Hugh TOWNS SWKPT AWAY. Creat IVslnn-tion ol Life and Properly in Sp.tin. .A despalch from Madrid says: I'nptv- <'-denlcd rains in .Andalusia caused ini- nien.M." destruction of Ufe and property. The Guadalmadiiia River has been con- \i.leii into a raging torrent three miles wide, and bridges, houses and even fu- tire xill.iges have been swept away. The sheets in the lower part of .Malaga have Uvu iiiimdalcd and many families ren- <.ti\\\ homeless. Thirty' jwrsons wer.» <I'\iwikhI at Malaga. 23 at Vele/. de l!eiiam;!r;.'<.za, 13 at Cxtlemar, and about tin. ill itlur places in tlie xuH-'v. Plan .WIST IIWK PASSPORTS. 10 Slop l.ipane-^* Iniiiiifration Iron) Hawaii. A d<'^patch from Vancouver .«;i< s: The Dominion immigration agent. Dr. Mon- t^ie. has iKUilietl all steamslii:> and transportation companies carrying Ja- panese to this city thai no Japani-se will be adiiiitto\t to C.anada unless they carry pnssimrts made out spccilically to Caii- ada. Thifi stops the dumping of Japs in BrilUh Columbia from the Hawaiian Islands. TO vrrvcK czvr-s pal.\ck. Tnrnt> \niied Men Found in Wuods -Near PelerhoL .\ despatch from ("olo^ne .<ays : The .<;i Peleisburg correspondent of the Magdeburg Zeitung states that the Cos- .sniks on guan.! over the Pelerhof I'alace surprised on Tuesday night Iwentv armed ruflians. twelve ot them wearing military uniforms, in the wo«xls near Pelerh.if. It is supiKised that Ihev in- 1 leiuled to attack ttie imperial palace. A BEMABKABIE (IPEBATIflN Doctors Saved the Life ot a Man Almost Decapitated. \ de-p!!lch from .New Vorii s.iys: Thid' surgeons at SI. Gregorys Hospi- l;r had a hani struggle on -Tuosday to «-;'vv l)\r Ufe of a man who was ainuist I" he.idv\l by an elevatcr ui a building •ill .\ .. 213 Fionl sireet. Tlie palieii*. |;. ni:!t-tl ttiish. while hiking a load ol livi, fr«im the llrst to the seiv>M<l ikHtr. si H>^ d iiiul bicaine wedgetl lxt\M'*'n the I.K.i and the pialfonti of the clevnivir. The elevator was stopped in time lo s:.vo hi* lie>id fivin being lorn fr )m ;he ^lK uM<T>. At Ihe lKi,*pital it wa* toimd lliat in nddilioii lo ttie large nuisclos of Ih" ne<k U'iiig scvcr^'d. several smalt i;iesV'~ ••md veins were separaleil. Th-"" l^ilieiil w.is conscious IhiMUglHUil I'le <ii«'r:ili''i>. which was perforiiieil wilh- <,ii! aiic.«ihetics of any Kind. Hush was p weil. -ss to iiK've his head bcvaii->i' 'tie I'ig. nI iim-'Cles of ttie iK-ck were snaj*- i.d ill .vxo. I The physicians worked over the pali- ei'l for nearly Ibixv hours, ."iewing to jgithor btoiKi vessels and various s"?ruc- ti:i\-s of Ihe neck. The juguito vein mid Ihe windpipe were not seriouAv in- ;un\L The iu.a was cut fTOni e<s.- U; i;ii- as ck-aiily tis tliough it wiis done '. V a raror. .According to the physici.ms, iikut Ihaii tweiily-lwo blootl vt>ssels. nerves, iiiuscles. \eins and arteries had lo le iShluivd. The op«>rati.in was a Icilious < IK'. s«ni:v of the ves.se!s Ivmg so siiuiii j tl-rtt the Hnest catgut had to be used. I The physicians said thai the onlv I Ih ng that savetl the nan's life was thai I I lie Iliad was forced backward. If ft : ad b*vn llirown forwaiil it would haw l-ioken Ihe spinal cord and several â- )( '.he virlebrae, causing certain death, Tlie luaii is expected lo recover. MONTRE.VL M VBKETS. Miinlrv'al. Oct. Vâ€" New crop No. 1 hay, «U lo $U..tO; .No. 2. S13 to §13.- y-. clover, nii-xe.!, ?12 to SI2.3(), and cNiver at $11.50 to $12 per ton, in car k.ls. Oats â€" Manikiba. No. 2 white, sold at ik. No. 3 a I .%*•. Quebec No. 2 al 52c und N>. 3 at 51c per bushel, ex store. Fluurâ€" ClMiCe s-pring wheat patents, K.rt); seconds. -$5.30; winter wheat patents. $5 to S5.IU; .straight rollers, i.|.TO; ilo.. in bags. S2.t5 to $2.25; e.x- tias. $1.90 to $2.. Hayes, York Street. Ottawa, lost hi- life 01" Saturday night by a rtMir-eiid olli- sion between two Britannia Street .-ars. Hayes was a nK>torman on one of the cars and was not of long expenen<v. By some inadvertence he fiuled lo stop his care in time, and it crashed uito Ihe car itieuJ. wtiich was tilled witn pa.vien- gers. b^ which fortunately \va.< I'ltle daiiiaueiF Hayes' ear was badly smashed and Hayes hini.selt was s»i seri- oi;Sly injuml that he died in the h«jspi- l.il al noon on .Sunday. Luckily ItR-re was no one on the cir but himself and th'- conductor. « IVP\Nt>lE P V.-i.sPORT^. .\rri\als at V;uu-oini"r Vu<i l!a»e Them Dirert From Japitn. A despatch from Vancouver says: Dr. Monro. Ooniiniou immigration oflicer at x^:^u:s at^iS;- to j^fo.:^!..'- ^-\- ^»"^.-. ^^i-^^^---!^ a A despatch from LoinJon says: At » meeUiig of the I'riivision Trade Asso-ia- tiou. at Liverp«»l. J. E. Won'ali, intro- ducmg Mr. Buddick. tlanadian IViiry O'lnmissioner. ^aid the tnited Slates wa-s beconimg less and iess an e.iport- ing country, so they must hvik to the colonies for their iii>:rease of fo>Hl sup- plies. He hoped Mr. Ruddick woukl tell all Canadian shippers that Liverpool iiiiiwrters w>.Te in a position and deter- iiiiiutI to do Uu^in.'ss. Mr. Huddick, in the course ot his ad- dn.»ss. dealt with various matters of li-vhnical interest to ihe provision trade. !l.. was convinced tlie falling off in shipme:it< o' butter fr>)m Canada was only letiiivor'try. and wh.-ii prices of cheese and buil^ became better a large quantity of milk c«iii!d be turned mlo butter instead of '.•liees<\ Biicon .ship- ments would also become greater a.> the Government wer.' assisting exporta- ti< lis fr<im i:aiiada. cry. Eggsâ€"- "sTles ot selecti\i .sJ«.ick were n.a.le at 2'3c to «4o: No. I at I'A- ^o 20c. st.>.nds a I Ific lo 16 V. lYovistonsâ€" Barrels s-horl cut mess. «-,>2 to S22.5<>; halt barrels. *11.25 !o SI 1.75; clear fat backs. $2'3.:'xt to $2L- "4.1; Uing cut heavy moss. S2n.50 lo $21.- â- ..i; half barrels "do.. $lt).7r> to Stt.iii; •;rv sail long clear bac<ir. I V to II ^c; iHrrcIs plate te*-f. SU to $10; half bar- rels do.. $7.5*» to 48.25: barrels heavy n iss l«ef. $tO; half barrels d-i.. $5.5*): he had noiilied the steu111U1.1l and tmns. p>"rlalion ctinaxinu^ to thai effect. Dr. .\k<iiru re«.vived his instructions on Sat- urday. CROSSINi; TIIK WllEVr. killf:d by f \ll*:n w irf.. Dunda> Mini .struck Down While W ilk int) on Ihe Slrr<M. A despalch from Dundas suvs . .Sam- uel .-sulton wa.-. kilted by an electric light wire which had fallen, while walking J'lwn the main street al»)ul 7.15 in Kri- da> evening. Mr. Sutton wa.- a well- known t-esidenl. coming \» l)unda.> fi>iiii Kreelton. Out., where hi- was !>orii. of til" I'anaila IToL McBride ol McCili Re|K>rt5 r.ani- 'l'-."^'\i?" ^••"?l">^'^'/f '":,.!,^"t'? , . . I Malting lAimpaiiv. and was aNiut .>ixty bridije KxiHTinients -mctesslul. j y^^,^ f^j .,^^. „^. 1^^^,,^.^ ., ^,j.^j„ ^nd .A di'spaicli from Montreal says: Pro- 1 'i;i own-up family. Ttie li^hl niin falling .. _ . ^ fes-sor .McBnde of McCtill Li'iversiiy has i in Ihe evening made the wire inor* Comp»'Uiid hird. lOfti- to lOV; l»"'<' '^i^J I just rv'lurned from Cambridge I niver- , dangi'rou-. He was taken lo the t-iwn li'-ic t<' I2*ic: keltle reiideivd. 13c to sity, where he iiivestigati-d the ne\v pro- [hall, a few vanh from .vhere he was l:iV;c; hams. I2S^' '"'•>'â- »'â- • ^^â- 'â- '^"'"'•"K '<•' t^^ss of wheal crossing. He teli'ves that i stricken. :iiid iiuMical aid wils sum- size- breakfast b.-icon. lie to 15)40; j itK- question has been solved. He claims ! i!..ined almost imm.xliately. but ttje man Widsor bacon. 15i- lo l5V»c; fresh kilkxl that the qualities of certain londs of I was pa.st aid. It is allcgetl that tl:e fallen a' alloir dr>.-s-ed hogs, S3 to $9.35: alive, 'wheal are due to heredity arA are nolj'wire. which wa~ n .st>rvii:e wire o( Itie tt;e result ot tlie climate. By a process : fiim-la.- Khilrii- Company, was insum- o:' cioss-bro*\i.ng he has got a product I oiently insulated, and for that nvrson $i;.25 to $6.50. BLFFAl.O MARKtn. spring. nufta'.o. Oct. t.-Wheal dv.ll; N 1. I NortlK-rii W inter linn; .No. 2 rctl while. >'i»j\'-. Oals-Wenk; No. 2 mix- ' ii»Si(. Barleyâ€" SUady. Byeâ€" Fuiii. which combines Ihe gootl qualities of Manitoba hard wilh those of English o. ...- . «. .^-i. wtieat. Ihe large, soft heads of Kng- $l.lt>'4 '^ ^l"*-v ' lish wheat and Ihe hanl qualilies et .\l wlKvil, Sl.Ul^i. i^iiiniioba No. I ma'.ic an ideal protluct vill doubl Ih. ('aiM.liiiii wlK^at Itelds NF.W Now YORK WI11'..VT tK-t. .MABKIT. and one which will double the yield of I f- '';"," J ^^'^ largely contributed to Ihe fatality. 4, Five niilliou of the ne\v inte.~tiali>in siaiii;>s, giMxl avywherc in th«» l\)»lal read.< for dislrit>ult<jn it\ York I' |.-_Sj>.jl eiisy; No. 2 red $l.05!-i elevator; No. 2 ivd. $l.*<«i lo.b all.ral; No. I north*M-ii Ouiulli. i.l.2'J?^ I.o.b. iilWat; No. 2 liard winter. ^C07*i f.o.b. alK>aL LIVE STOCK MABKins. Toi-onlo. Oct. I.- There was practical- ly iK)lhiiig doing in the cxiK.rler cla.ss. One or two I '«ds of light exp-.rt steers .sold fi-om $* 1*^' **•'*•• Butcher trade wa^ fairly active. The best of llie caille sold '"^''n *i 25 to Si.:>n. Willi nu\liuni to good fiMiii $3.65 Iv $t.lO. Choice c»>w^ sold fi ;<ni $3 to S3.CI). ConiiiKUi stuff, caiiners. etc., sold a'! 11k' wav [Mm $1.25 to $2.5(1. Stockers" and feeders wetv offered more trtvlv. and s<iM at steady pikes. 1 «ikvi-s rangiM f''""' •*«'â- *' '<' *^'-''"- ="'«1 I l.iilLs an in demand al $2.25 lo ?«2.50. j 'liioie was a tiwHienile number nf niilkors ollered and Irtide w as sleaily al $;V> K' $;>" t<'r lioice and $2«) U' «25 for cvmiiiton. (.alves were not otfeivd freely. Pricvs h.;kl 111 â- >-• h' '•'â- I**''" *• Shivp and Iniiib... were sK-ady al un- changeil prue-. Ewes r(inci>l from ^1.25 to !<i.ti>. .mil bucks and culls kiwcri al »v.:>n •>â- Si-.^J. i A L. V v; ^ Over Six Hundred Pei. Damage to Propeio^ III **-»..". •. â- ^-.^ â€" , IU>g^ wer quoted iino'iaiigt.*! al S6.I2V» f... ^eUcts mid ?* .sT'-., !or lieliis al-d A despatch fi'<»iii \'ictorla. B. C. saj-s: More than Wtu lives have been lost in i'.oods ill the last we«'k m Ja(Niii. accirit- iiig lo advii-e^ !V^•ei^^^l here. The lliv. er Ot*inashigaw;i. running thiMugh Hie tt.wii «d F'ukuchigaina. near Kioto. oxerfkjodcd its hanks. ros.> l> a disl- ai.ee of nsjre Hum ,1» fee! ntove tiig 1 W'..t>-r marks pivv;«uisiy cslablis.'ieil and ci.u>ed imimiise dar».ng»' Ki property i:iid los.« ot lik'. The d:s;i.*'ei w::^ n: \ceptiOiiaiiy l.iaxy l'l<iw I. Jaiwiu. tceiiiise it cnnie i'. <i ?liii-a\ to a suc<vs.»i.iii v.f e.-ihuir- ti. » on land and M-a. The tremble lo- cal' w h ;> ^Mii'M* :»i llio iMrthoin pail ».; llie eiiip;. . when IInmi.^^'iiuU tat-ed at'irvali.iii nntl tuttny pefsjix'i dto>. While Ihe Govcn-.n u:nKisl to n-lieve llie liate was burned, w li. lives and nearly tiW.u, hometess;. stronuous ef C" lenniM'iit wciv exerted ^iirvivocN. The tK>^>ds llicn begm paiis ol the « mpiiv. wi struct on of property and Public inoumiitg MW)\\ m i>rs hal m.l .\»seJ when e.l the on; ilal of Ihi .!r<-o tvii in Ihe 'alesl H. .hI D spile its being aii-. t . the limit, tin- CK.wr • lln.xe who .survive»| H; • ii^n alt Ihcir pi-operlv in ;. V ^ l<a»wi