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Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1907, p. 1

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I. i kBtet0n ' TRUTH BErOBE FAVOR. PRIiSCiPLEb tsOl MEN. \ mXXVI, RO 1342 Flestierton, Out. Xliursday October 3 1907 W. H THDBSTON, BDITOB BOPBU5XOB- -NEW Jewellery ^ Ladies' Gold Guards Necklets, Lockets Bracelets. A mn on these things now. Nover had a.<» hrgc a stock, and c:in sell .it lower prices than ever before. In addition our other linos of Jcwollcry are more complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. East Grey Fall Fair fS All those connected iu any way wich ' the Ea.«t Grey Fair are cerUiiiily to 'j« congrotulated on the outcome of la-st ^ week's show. It was windwiched in be- j twecu four dis.ijpreeuble diiys of cold and i rain and the weather almost seemed to be made to order. Tho show this year i was almost, but not quite, up to last year j in every respect, but sliowed a slight f:tl- i ling off in some cksses, especijilly roots j and vegtfflWes and fruits. Tho exhibits \ of horses, sheep and aittlo were extra fine, some magnificent imported 'stock being shown in these lin.v.. The gate receipts amounted to ?EtK).0O, a slight docrenso from last year but sufficient to make the directors feel coniplivcont. Fol- j lowing is tho prize list: â€" i HORSES -Heavy draught. pKir, gel- | dinys or iu»re», AV Foster, W llrewster; ,' brood m.u-e witii foal hy her '•ie'.o •! Pato:i l 2-Tear-old b;ekliug or filly, J Walker, I WSheills: 1 year old i;p!diii« or tilly, S, J Walker, J Hol'ey; "priiii; foal, j J Paton. Auriculturnl. I'Hir, sjeldiiiCH. or mares, \ Hil, J A Kornahun; bio d ,' miro wiih foal by her siile, A McCme, B , Wtiite; 2-vcar old uelJiiii- ^r filly, Tsylor Hms.; AMcCrKB. P Birch; l-year- .M (iclding 'jr filly.G Wyait. F Biich, J .\it- kin jr.;sprini' foal, A MclU.", M Orr. ' V B rch. U'Mieral I'urpose. I'air, sfrlil- ings or mares, Ben White, D Gord"!!, W j Lyons; omod insro wrh tVwil by her »)â- !«, J Aitkin jr., \V Orr, G Wyatr;|.l foldinsf or filly, Taylor Bros . Tiiyl"r !ro8., L Bett-i;' 1-year old gelding or lilly W Irwin, M Th silewuito, M (in ; I sprinn foal.W Orr,H Wuiso '. Carri.iae. I Pair carriase horses, kb1Juh!s <>r nines, ' 15 hands and over, ju Iged for value, i«p- i pcwranee and action, .1 McGee, J Bell, J Pyne; broiwl mare with foal by h«r side O Walter, L Belt": a-yenr-o!d gelditif^- or | fjUy. J Morwood, C S'alford; 1-yeiir-ol.l i gslding or filly, J Holl.y, G Walter; ' spring foal. .) McGee, J Aitkeu, W Geirj." \ Koadstern. Pair, in harness, geldnii?s or ; mares, judged for value, actioM, appeir- i •Dcu and usotulnoss for roadster purpn.sjs. ' W ilarris; hrood mare with foal Ijy her J side, J Mctieo, W Genoe, H Wats, ii -^ 2-year old Kelding ot filly, TFaw.-cti; spring foal, J .\itki'i, jr., L BeUs; siii,(le j drifer, ({eUiing or mare, driven to hu'/.<y, I judiiod by appcaiancea: d value, H Mood- ; 10, S Hill, '.V Genoe; Farmer's speeding j for horafcs with vehcles, which hive nev- ' fr won public money, owned and diiten by fanners or farmer's sons residini; on j their fariut, W Hutcliin.<tiin; best Udy ' driver. Miss M Munshsw, Miss AJcDow-, aU. i SPECIALS, SPESDINCt. ETC.- 850 | putse â€" 2.25 tron or paee--.) Keid, A Mo- ^ Uoiiiild, G «liarp; f40 purseâ€" 2.60 tiot â-  or pace, WTrimblo, W Bolgor, J McDoit- | all. : C.\TTLEâ€"Sho. thorn. Bull calf, age att«ch''d,F W Nichilson; cow givinij milk nr well gone in caif, T Merour. T Mercer, T Meroer; 2.year- .Id heifer, T Mercer, T Mercer, R Allan; lyenr-old heifer, K W *iich'>ht..u, T M.-.roer, T Mercer; iK'ifir ; culf U'ldor one year.age attachnd, T .Mer- cer, T M ^rcer, T Mercer; best herd, P - ptoma, Tiio.s. Mercer; best bull any »|^'>, Uiplouia, T Mercer. Ayrshire. Cow^iv- iiig milk or well gone iu c»lf, A Muir. Eulle<l Angus. Bull calF, age attached, . Waltsr; oow^iviug milk or well gone in otif, G Walter. Horefords. Bull cnlf a^ attached, H Reid; Cow giving milk or well Kone in calf, U Rcid, H Ritid. W Buakio; 2-year-old ht>ifi>r, W Buskin; 1-yr-old hoifer,H Reid,H Reid, WBuskio; Heifer calf under one year, age attached, U Rcid, HReid, W Buskin; best bull, any age. Diploma, H Reid. Grade. 2 year-<jid steer, W Meads, W Meads; 1 year old steer. W Bnskin, W Mends; 2 yeiir-old heifer. W Meads, W Buskin; l-year-old heiter, G Wyatt, G. Wyatt; heifer calf, (j Wyatt, G Walter; .steer calf,W BuBl!in;2i-.itle cow giviuir milk or well gone in calf, judged for beef pur- posas. W Meads, NV Meads; gnid-.* cow, fur dairy purposes, W Meads, W Mfads. SHEEPâ€" Cotsw. Id. Ram need. A Muir; raiu shearline, .4 Muir, A Muir; ram Uiinb, .\ Aluir, A Muir; ng.;d ewu, A Muir, A Miiir; aliearling ewe, A Muir, A Muir; ewe Kuib, A Muir, A Muir; best pen sheep. Diploma, k Muir. Leicester. Ram aged, A Muii, A Mjir;ram shear- ling A Muir, D McMillan; r.vai lamb, T Fawcctt. A Muir; aged ewe. A Muir^ A Muir; shearlinu ewe, A Muir, T Faw- oett; ewe lamb, .\ .Muir, -A Muir; best pen, Dipl"ina,A Muir. Shropshire. Ram nt;ed, .1 Buskin, J Btiskin; ram shearling, J A Kcrnahan; rain lamb, .1 Buskin, J &iskin;a3ed ewe, J K Keruahiin, J .\ Kermilian;sh.'ttrl'i c t»*e, J Buskin J Bus- kio; swe lamb. -I BuskiR, J .\ Kern'ihaii; bi-st pen. Diploma, J Buskin. Oxford Downs. Ram shearlini:, J LoU'z''eed, J Ij-.uxheoi ; ram Iamb, J Lou;;li««d, W .1 M.-ads; aired ewe, .1 L-'U'.jhHi'd. .) Louih- eed; shearling owe, .1 L-'Ughve<l,.r Lough- ee-t; ewe iamb, J Lo'ighee"!, I [rf»:glieed; best pen. Diploma, J L-iugha*). SWINEâ€" BerksiMre. Bonr afed, J B:khar ; boar pig, I'JOr, not lesi than 3 ino'<. .'Id, .1 Eckhardc; sow, agjd. J El«k- haritt; sow pi..', l!KI7,n<)t les-s than 3 mos. <dl, GU..SS, .1 Eckharli. York.shire. Sow a o 1, F Xich<.i.<on. Taniworth. Biaraged, G; boar pi?, 1'J(".7, not te«« tli::ii .'{ m-.nths ol.i, G Ross, G Ross; sow, ;.g«3d, G Koss; «ow pig, 1907. not less than 3 uld^>£R ss, G Ross. PorLTRY-Linli^S Brahmas, female, A Muir, A Muir; I'arrt><l Plyinou li Hock, male, \V A '"nig^iW * Irwm; do t»- male, J Foi-d, J Ford; Whi'e Plymcuth Rock, male. J Ford, J Ford; d.i faiunle, J ford. .1 For.l; Silver Liced Wyandotte, female, J POltowell; Uoudan, male, J Ford, .\ Muii ; do female, .1 Ford, J Ford; Black Minoica", male, J Ford, J Ford, Blrck, foira'e, .T Fuel, J Ford. Geese, Tolouse, •! Ford, W Iiwin; any •ithcr vai iery, .A. ^tetiarr, WPCr<jssley; Bronze Turi<Â¥y^, Geo Wyatt; Ducks, Pe- k'li, J Font, .) Fi.kI; any oih.r variety, \V P CriissIey.A 8'e«ari ;Wliite Leghorn, mail", D Harrow, D Harrow; il.i female, D Harrow, D Hiirniw; Brourn Leghorn, mal', J Ford, W Buskiu; do female, J Ford, W Buskia FUl'IT- Fall Ap|de8,named. Cayuga or Red Streak, J Stuart, J I Graham; Duch.j»s of Oldenburg, J I (jrahain, G H Wjtlier; Bluniiiem.s, J I (jiahain; St. Lawrence, J Stew.rt, G U VValt«r; any ol her variety, .1 I GrMhaiu, U Watson; collection, J I Gi'Hhini, .J S'.uart. Win- ter Apples. Northern .Spy, J Stgart, W Haituiaii; Baldwin, J I Graham, W Hirc- liian; Spiizenburn, W Uariman, .) 1 Gra- ham; tloldeu Riis.suts, J I Graham, J Stuart. R<).xbori'UL.h Rustjets, J I Gr'^liain, .1 Stuart; Snow Appl.'S, .1 I (Jrahani. G H Waller; H-wvi Tompkins, J 1 (iiMham. W Har'niHu; Mann .Apple«, G H W^ilter, J I Graham; Kh.ide Island Gretiuings, J I Graham, W Usrtnnn; any oilier variety, G U Wakvr. J lOiahain; Oolb-ction, named, J I; Ben Davis, J I Gra- ham, .IS;Uiirt; Cranb" ttrg Pij.piiis, J I, J Stuait;colleotion Crab .Apples, named, .) Stuait, Mrs. White. Pear.s. Bartletr, W Hartmaii, J I Graham; Ciapp's Fav.nit'!, I Stuart, J I U.ahim; bleuli^h Beauty, W H Thurat.'n, J Stuart; auy other variety, .1 Stuart, J I Grahaiu; C'illectioii, named, J Stuart, J 1 Grab on. Plumn.etc. Lombards, J Stuart, \V Uartinan; Smith's Orlean.*, .J Stuart, J I Graham; Coe's Gc'den Dr.p, .) Stuart; Renuie Jlaude, Walke,-; any ..ther var- iety, J Stuart; coll Plums, .1 Stuart, O Walker; White Grap.-s, J IGiahain; coll GrHpes,uaiu<'d, W Uarunan J 1 Ofiham; O.apes Black, W Uartomn, R Allen. FALL WHEATâ€" White winter wheat, namedâ€" W. Hartiuau, J. Stuan. Winter wheat, naai>;d, W, Hirtman, M 'J Orr. SPRING WHEAT, ETC.- Red, named- W Hartman, -A .Muir: Whit.?, natiisd, .A Muir; Barley, G, .A Miin- W Hulmat.; Oats, white. A Muir, (5 H Walrer ; Out-s, black. A Miiiv; P.-as, small Hold, W Uar'man. G H Walter: larije field, SV Haitmau, G ^|k\V»ler; CoUeciiou Beans, T Feiguso:i;^»»ohy seed. VV Ua.tiuan, A Mhi»; Fla.x Seed, W Buskin, VV HaitmaD; Buckwheat.. M O Orr. ROOTS â€" Potatoes. Assorted, A Muir H Watson; Piari of Savoy, A Muir; White Klephantor Beauty of Hehron, M G Orr; Early Ohio, A Mu:t:, H. Watson; American Wonder, ./ Oliver, A Muir; Any other variety, J. Oliver, Turnips. Swedish, .M Orr, O Wyatt; Ab«rdeen, J I Graham; White Globe, field, J I Gra. ^McFARLAND & G0.3 BIGGEST and C^APE|X,^^ai|E cheted, U Pipei, W U Thur^t u; Quilt or Counterpane, htiotied, W BusKii!; coll faucy work, U Walker, hi E Uougloss; OoOtiUTvd uu Back Psge, MILLINER i FOR FALL ANDfWINTli styl(^Ioviug woman. We invite you t^eonie and-see tli» mos«t"." important and beaut i fill* dii|gjay of F^ and WiiUlJC»-^'i°^^"^ chatweEa^veeyersiiown. ' Come and see iheif individual beauty fdr- yourselt NEW HANTLES immense rauge of Ladies Mantles, comprising aij, W'.uld be useless for us to attempt giving #dea- Wo've just passed into stock an that is new in style and clotli. It cription of tho different styUa, etc. • You can coma here and select your mantle wants ami g<i away restiui; assured you've got the latest style and at a moderate price. Bo- fore you purchase your new manfle see what we have. Prices range from gS.OO to S15.00, according to material and workmanship. New Costs for ohiidreh from f".' 00 ^ t-i-«4.30. i" ham. Carrots. ELeld carrot red, P Loueka H Watson; Field carrots white, P Loucks J I Graham; Mangold Wuilzelsj. Glob A Muir, G a Walter; long, A Muir, J Graham; Pumpkins. Cuinmon yellbw, J Graham, G Walter; other var, H Walson, ! R Allan; Suuash.H Watson, J I Graham;' r< rt l. > fur table use, W Hartmai>, ti. ^^^J t^OUnty S Watson; Corn, Ensilage, G H Walter, J 1 I Grah-iui; Best assortment of loots aqil Vegetables. .1 I Graham, H Watson. GARDEN PKUDLUTS- Cabbage. Flat Dutch, P Loucks; Druiuahed, P Loueka, J I Graham; Winoiugstadt, P Loucks, U Harrow ; other variety, J I Grahiim, P. Li.ucka; Caul dowar, U Wot- sou, VV tiartmun; CarroC*>, short red, H Watson, .A Mnir; CulUutioa table car- rots, U Watson, P Loucks; Parsnips, J I '^t^^S^'S';^:tlt^:^.Onr Millinery Parlor Js a ceitm of ^erest this wee Sill, P Loucks; 'ioaiatoes, red, J 1 Gra- ham, W H Thuratoit, yellow, T Feri^u- son; Beuis, Bloi;u lung, J I Graham, H Watson; Tuinip rooted, W Buskin, J I Giaham; other variory, A Muir, J 1 Gra- ham: Tarui^i.s, tablo, T Ferguson, J I Gi-ahaiu; tJuions, from blpck seed or Dutcii set'S, T I'crgusuD; potai^o, T. Eer- gusoiu, ^ Uaskett; Corn, swuut, filj for table, [i Wa'suii, P Lauck.-*; Radishes, black, winter, J 1 Gialiani, C Fer.^us(m; other ctilor, winter, J 1 braham, T Fer- jlUsoii; Gaiden herti.s, cyl., 'V b'eri^naun; Citroi.s, G U Wtltur, U Wainyn; tVater- melons, ti H ^\ ilter, J 1; Cu- cumners, pickbo^..\ B«niha.i.,(» Walker; ripe, J I Graiiaiii, li Watson; ^usk uiel- oi.,^J i Gr-i.'iii:ii, ii Wui-oii; C'.ri', white, Vt Uartiiiaii, X t'f.gus n; y.tilnw garden corn, .J 1 Uwih.iin, G U .ViANL'F.\Ci'v.iiL';S-E-«ibit of H»r- uis.> and S,%Uiile GiM.<iL.<, H iioore. L.ADxES' W UilK - AyiJUquu work, \V N H .bku t, Am bUvLhiiin; Berlin Wool woik, U ^\^lS'i«> l! i'lper; Cruclicl \Vork,t in couon^O- >vrtl„(;r, E Walker; Cri^chut V.i)ik fn wool, .\i K Douj^las; Crochet Wo;k ib .-^ilk, '.ValKer, U E Douglas ;Mount Mellick Work, VV Moore; Eyul«t KiuLioidery, W N Haiikett, Wm MtM.Ho; Euibroidery with linen flos.", W N HaattiU, .Mrs Bluckburu; Enibroideiy witi>cutiou,i!ia louiiiJMHi, Mrs biackburn, Embroidery with ailk, M E Doug'ads, J Mc.Arthur; Embroidery on plush or vel- vet, O Walker; Embroidery on fot, i Aalkor, P Quigg; Embroidery on mu»lm, I Mrs Blackbuiii, VV N Haskett; Embroi- dery on boltiing c uth, Mrs Bluckburu,C 'Richardson; Koman Embroidery wiiij 'silk, Mrs VV Boyd, C Richardson ; Ruiuiwi ; Eiutiroidery with cotton, Mrs Mitchell, i M E Dou;ilaSi; any other viuioty enibrui- jdery, Mrs Blackbuiii, Mrs VV Boyd; ;Mc:ticau or drawn tin end, .1 MeArlhur i Mrs Mitchell; Poiut, O Walker, ME |Dougla.s; Houilon, Mrs Black buru; Uuui j ton and ponit, combined, P tjuigg, Walker; Battenburg, M E DoUi^laas, .Vlra ! W Boyd; Duchess, lid Thompson, M E ! Uougia.1; auy other variety, .VI E Douglas â-  Mrs iJJackbutii; Neitiug,plaiii,K Walker, I U Walker; Nofiug, fancy, E Walker, E I Thompson; Taiting, VV P Crossley, E VValkei ; 'iablu Cuntiepiece, embroidory.U jo Walkop, H VVataou; Table Ceiiirepieuu, I any other kind, VV JS Haak«tt, Mrs .A I Wilson; one tea cosy, VV Moore, O Walk. I er; coll i'odiea, oim ro iery, Mrs B ack- I burn; coll, auy ither kind, Mrs BluckOurn, ' J Mc.Artliui ; NireUie work, oiiiam..'nial, I Mis BlackLiurn Ed Xh.mipson; .'' 'ta Cush- i loll, mounted.E I riiouipeon.J Mc.Arthur; Piii Cu.ihion, VI E Dt>uxlaijS, VV Moore; Table Drape, C UicharUson, Ed Thomp- son; Photo Fr»uK-8, W JN Uasktrtt, fllrs \> Boyd; Table Cloih, ciubroiaeied, J iVic- Aiihur, Mrs Mitchjl; Taijle Cloih, any otlier variety, Al K Doogass,J McVrihur; Tcilet Set, Leslie ChaiU, E vVii|Ker;wliitk h.dJcr, worked, Mrs Blackburn, Alia Mi:ciiell; b'aiicy Fo.)t.siool, A Bum haul, V\ Buskiii; UaiidkeichU'f Case, 1^ .N Has- keiv, Mrs Miicholl; Table Matts, W ^ Haskett, D Uairow; Screen, fancy, I Uichardsoii; Sli['pers, knitted, W Buskin, 11' ti Ihiiratoii; Novelties not elscwheie specified, Mrs Ulack burn, M E Douglas; Kniuuig in wool, fancy, not hosiery M >' ktasKeit, Ed Tliouipson; Kn-iitiot; in I cotton, laiicy, not bosiuiy. C, ,>lis IKiiiiu; wool stockings, hand knitied, "U If'alker, E l^alker; wo. 1 jjlovea, baiio kiiii, mo. IS, E FFdlker, wiulni.tts, veins hand Kiut, E K'alkor, IK P (Ji.issleji wool mitrt, ladles, baoa knit, E (('alker, U ll'alkcr; Patching best and neatest,!!... quihs, Mrs If.' labile, U (juigg; Pillow bliams, Vy Buakiii, Li Uipei ; Bnlt. n, fF" P Clossley, H Uuisou; Dan.- iiig on ."Siocki'ins, E H'a:ker, !»' Buskin; Machine Sewing, lauiily, I'l'' Bosk in, I Qutgg; Mat, b^aiked i-ag, A Ueutli.iu, I C,»uig:i; li>i>4 Cirpet, O H^alker; I'atchwoik t^iilt, Hi.k, E D'alker, Mis A M'lls. n, Paibliwark tjuilt, cution, W N Haskett, W Buskin; Ir'atcliwork yuilt, vand, Vlis H-'iu IKlnlo, VV Buskiii; Patciiwork yml:, log caniii, Mrs W White, W Buskin; ijuili jr Counterpane, knitted, VV P Cros- sley, O Walker: Quilt or Couiiterj.ane '.5 New Suitings for Men. Our variety of fine and oxclusi.o fabrics in suitings and trosoring*, etc., is no%at its best. We Uko pleasure iu showing the new styles to men who arejooking about for swell things. We charge no faucy prices becauso we want you to come here again and again for your clothes. You run no risk here in having your clothes made tft your measure, for if you are not perfectly satisfied with thaimtfwatUs wo make for yo u. THEV'LL COST YOU ><OTlIiyG. Te <t ua Im a triuL Black, Blue tvtici Faucy Worsteds, made t.V your measuto.^'BjHBBT^ininiim 9H 00 toWO.OO, â-  ^fr , â- ' * Fancy Tweed Suitines, made to your measure. 811.00. to $i6.6at . McFARLAND & COMPANY "5^ ?ri:^?s^-i^^?^i^'^?^.'^'aS^s^^ BENTHAM BROS: "The House of Quality" Did you ever con.Mder that in buying Groceries it always pays to buy the best. Fi't ni imr experience in this line we find that it dr>eo. I'h the first pUse our customers can al.vays rely on getting the very heat on th<> market. When we give our personal guaranlee with the goods we sell and if they do not turn out exactly ns wo !).iy we are only too pleased to make the matter right. Our customers have found this out and appreci- ate tho value of our guarantee. HAI^DWARE In Bardivare lines we carry a nice, clean, well assorted stock of shelf anl staple Hardware.. We are well equipped in everything i'-''"> li"e of Builder's Supplies. Call and gut our prices b we aiipreciate your trade; we wish to hold it that you think tft to entrust to uswilLjtece^ r. M m H Y^\ Remember, ive pay th- Trade FLES H E R I desire to inform the public that I have o^eno Cbristoo Block, Flesherton. I have purchase complete tinmiiiihiiig outfit and am fully piepuii. torn work, includini? eave tr'.ughinu, furnace woi kinds. A full stock of homemade tin uoihU w band. I purpo.Hii giving satiifaccioo to my palro bo done with that end in view. Give ino a callâ€" . sirate my fitness to serve yt.

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