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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1899, p. 2

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Sobsrnbera who ilo n> t receive their p«|>er lOrul^rly will jilease notify us at once. Call at the offli'e for advertialni; raten. THE ADVANCE. FLK-snKHTON, ONT. Don't. r>on't pick quarrels before they u* tlpc. Ihjii't ntt<'inpt to piin time by st<»l ine it from uleop. Don't try to g<pt the loBt word when talkiiii; witii a woman. l>«!n't drop InRultiiiK remarks. A big- ger iiutii may pick them up. I.><.ii't think yoiir sin* won't call again If they find you out. Dou't tliink because a man is a poet Ik- onn't «i|>pre<-iiite lobster salad. Dou't trj' to lunkc a man eat his own Words. Some men would rather fight than i>:it- Don't you belie^-e- that it's hard to be poor. It's the easiest thini; in the World. Don't think boonnse o man i.s n mil- llonnire that he suffers less with the toothache than a poor man. There never was, and never will Ik-, a XtnivePMil pfUKirea. in one remedy, for all (IN to which (lush is heirâ€" the very nature •f many curativeH lieinj; such thiit were the j:erni« of other and differently seated (iseavcH rooted in the system of the fallen Iâ€" what would relieve one ill in •urn would aB(;riivato the other. Wt fcave, however, in Quinine Wine, when •htainalile in a miuikI unadulterated •tate, a remedy for many anil previous ills. By its Kradual and judicious use. the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strcngtli, by the infliKnce which ym- niue exerts on Nature's own restoratives, Itrelieves the drooping spirits of those with whom h clironic state of morbid des- pondency and lai k of interest in life is '« disease, and, by tranquili/.ing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshinif sleepâ€" Imparts viuor to the action of the blood, which, beiui; stiiniil.ited, courses tliroiiKh- out the veins, streiiKtheninK the liealthy •niniiil functions of the system, thereby DiukiuK activity a necessary result, Btren|{theninK the framt, and Kiviiii; Ufa to the dinestive orKHiis, which naturally demand increased substanceâ€" result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & I^'mau of Toronto, have ni^en to the public their Buperujr Quinine Wine at the usual rate, anil, !zauKe<l by tlie opinion of scieiiiists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druK^ists Hell it. CoTt-r* for f'lill,lr**ii*« ltiM»k». When the children'n favorite book |»row8 shabby, it may be renovated by eiv'iitf it an embroiden'd cover, ("ut n pii'ce of brown hollaiKl or one of the pretty art liiieiK two inches wider aad four inrhes lon^rer than the book. 'Hirn in an inch iit the top ami bottom, and miiisure the linen lurefnlly around the book, turiraif the extra leiiKlh inside. Binv this to the outside, foniiinj; a kiiul of ixicket at each eml into which tlie cover is cilippi'd. TTie linen mny be de- foiiited willi any simple lU-vire in em- bp'idery. a wreath of holly iM'rries and Waves, with the owner's iidlials in tho nililiUe, or a moiui^rram, or the name of the book.â€" iJtvember liOdies' Home Journal. Dy-pepsia or l!iili>;estion is i^cnsioned by iho want of action in the biliary tlucis, loss of vitality in the ^.tomach to secret the gastric Juices, without which dlKestiun cannot Ko on ; also, lieing tie principal cnii-e of IleaiUche. I'arinelee's Vegetable Pills tjiken before goiuK to lied, for a while, never fail to yive relief and effect a cure. Mr. V. W. Ashdown. Ashrtown, Out., writos: I'arinelee's Pills are taking the lead uKainst ten other makes which I bar* In stock." That llniia Nasd Vnrlatr. Ireteod of feeding wheat every day, the grain may be varied by simply al- lowing one kind of grain eneb day. Onts may lie given the first day, coiii the next and wheat the next. 'I'he coat •f food will U" alMiiit the same as if but one kind m given, but the fnwls will enjoy (he changes of grain 1 Ueeji ia better health. Ir meat, milk and bulky ft.oil are alwt aildetl to this ration, the hens should lay, pn>viiled thoy have Warm <|uarten) and are not ova-rfeil. Va- riety should always be the nile, for even Uie grains dilTer in tlieir compo- sition. TO «'l;HK. .» ( Ol.ll IN ONK t>.*V Tnl(i> I/Oinlive linimo Quliilim 'I'aliluts. All DrUKMistJ rtiluiiil Imi iiMm.y if It Islia tu cure. Jio A NEW SANTA CLAUS. Minard's Lluinieiit Is used by Physicians. Tell the I)«af. Mr. J. F. Kellock Dnij-'giHt, Perth, writes; "A customer of mine hiiviiiK been cured of deafness by the use of Dr. 'I'liomas' Kcleclric Oil, wrote lu Iiidiiiul, tcUiiiK Ills friends ilicre of the cure In conseiineiu-e I received an order toBciiil l.alf a 1I0/.011 by express to Wex- ford, Iruluiid, this week." I.noka l.llie II Miialral Wateli. A oiirlouB wiitch has been brought out In l''raiiie. Tin- dial tnuiMiKireiii. but there are no works iM-hiikl it ' " - WIthoat the wind was wallinc The night was cold nail drear; Within the red lues criickting, I'roclaluied the Cbrlstmaa cheer. "If Bunts Clans woulil only," Said little Ilertha, "now Come down tlie Jet black chlmoey With painted doll and cow. "With elephant and zebra. And scarlet cockiiKio. RhIniK'erus and eaiiiel, And frog and kuuguroo, •'I should he very happy To see bis features sweet," Ber father Bald, witb laughter, "The logs would burn his feet." He esnt thera to the kitchen And told them tliiit nn doubt Santn'd lonie down (lii> cMniney When lie saw the logs pu- out Then upstairs wi-nt tlir father A-laughlng with dcllKUt, Put oM a Breat fur ulHter And hair and whiskers wliite. He brought the tops down with him. And wlii'ii IIh'v II(K'k'-il alioiit lie gave tliem fruit anil i-andles And lauKlieil to ln'ar them shout. lie gave them tops ami kissed thorn, And scut them up to bed. That he ailL'ht Join the reindeer And speed upon the sled. "The rhildren all are happy," T'ntn bis wife said he. "And we shan't have the bother Of dressing up that tree. "ITnriiih tor all the hiesslnga That Uirht our rozy ken! Ilnrnili for Merry Clirlstmas And i-".iu:u unto all uieul AliU'T mill Wfiilciif-MM. Tho man who give) way to ar"or In bts own hohilf is prcliy sure to hn u weak charaotur. llu who la thrown into an augovuruable paitsinn, nhuii ihlugi do not turn out as he hupod ihey would, thereby shows that he Is not oi|ual to the situation. Ills exiilhttion of anger Is an anoonsoloua confusslon of bis personal nuukness. The stroug, bravo nirfn lookj the disikppolntindnc in the face and Is calm. lie expects to surmoiiot the ob- stacles hofors biiu, and tnreoover himself out of hlH misfor'-iuna. Hut the niau who storms and raves, thereby makes It evl- ilunt that ho lacks condilince in hlm<ielf, and that ho can only vainly talk aualnst the circuiustaucea which he feels nuubie to master. A man In an angry passion rarely acnoinplishei anything, except Bucb IhlUKS as ha Is atturward sorry for. Al- most aTerywhord dUplurud anger is a hiiidiaoce to suecoss. It throws the mind Into confusion ; It ovoruomes nioa who are troiiuently raving at oronts and he- riktlng their fellow men, and you select tba ossontlally weak men, who neither win gruat respect or carry wulnht in the commuuity. "Anger restotb In tba bosoiua of fools." siniill I1«>i; llni|itf-s 1te«t. It has iH'eii pn^ven conclusively by old Li-eeders that tlif Buuill hog house is Ibe best for the rai.sing of pigs. A houhP eight by ton f<vt with a lot to itself is belter than a large house where six to tell sows with their pit's are kejit. The fem-es eucliisiiig the iliffert'iit brts need not be over thirty inehes in height, just high enouKli Hint you ran easily step ovi"- same wilbmit niM'niiig aJiy gates. I'lirsuiiig sin'li a eoiirsc u-uuld giv* you a better lot of piga- F Ohio, Citv of Toi.KiK), » Li casiIlinty. (""• ; J. CiiKNKV makes natb that he \\ the State ofOiiio, Citv of Toi.kik), U Frank sen or luirtner u( tho Tit ni nf V. J. ClIKXK.v ,Si I doing liiislness In the Cltv n' Toledo, Cniiiitv mill Stntiinfiiriaild, ami ii'Sl «nld llriii will l«v tliii Mim of ONK HU.NDUKD 1) 'LLAKS fir enrh a III every rasi' of I'atauli that eaioi. t Isi eureil by Ibo uioof IIat i.'sCt rvicii Ci 11 r KKAXK .1 CllK.NKY Sworn to bi-fore me anil Kiiliscril ed In my presence, this Bth day of Hoitiaber, A. D., 181(4 A., Notary Public IImU's Catarrh Care is takan Internally and arts directly on the Mood and niueous surfaces of the aysti-m. Send for tt-st'ninnUls free F. J. CH KNEY k CO., Toledu, 0. (VSold by Druggists, iAc. I BKAL I Mr. starliolt's HhllnsnphT. "We may at first,' said Mr. Stnyholt, "be jttdgid by our iMH'ulinrities; but in the course of time we are pretty sure to be oslimaUsl neconliaig to our merits, the iH'Cilliiirilies iM-ing lost siglU of ui- logelbfT or eouiit«Ml iih such only, llenice It behooves us not to waste too iniich tin.e on the gurgiiyles, but to hump our- selves mostly over a linn and solid stiueturc." Keep Minard's Liniment in tlie House, aiul Hie hiitiils iippear to move by nvigie. Bi'ii'W lii'H in comenllng the the eilgu of lite liiMi The nrUs at iiK" ciigc 01 iiic liiNo iiDil roiiiiiniiiieat- 1ns Hie motion to the bauds by meitna of « gin 09 disc. Asli (or tliuai'd's Liniinjiii au.1 taici^ no other \« Iftolv II t'l-li-nil ('iiiild Sp(.|«k. â- 'yâ€" I nin so uiiliapiiy. I begin tio Kelliin-lii|> >> nil Uhi In.. F^ Fellownhip with Chrirt is the power which malK-s men ('luistlike; yt-t this Is not a grutv given to some but <leiiied dlbers, as a siiilptor is limited by the shape ntiil veining of the hlock on which he in working. As in tlie mint, each cniii, wlii'llier of gold or silviT, bears the king's iniane and sn|K'rs<>rii>tion, so may oni-h soul bear the imiigie umd »U- perscripliou of the KtcriwU Kins. II In I (I IllteiltloilM. Mrs. Wihlninnâ€" T enn tell yon this, Mr. Mililmaii, if you nuitinite in your present life of extra va),'aiue, you'll sure- ly pay for it some day. Mr. W'ildiiiaii- I wish, my dear, that my ereditors had tJu> same faith Uv my good inlcutioui. Arlliur man led me for uiy I'l' Jiei' iliat tneiny, liir Di'iirei<t I'riiiid- Well, you Jinve file comfort of knowing tlmt h« la Oiot •o ainiplu as lio li«>kB. , In a Vine street car the other day, aay< a Citiclntiuil daily, were an old guutlomun with an eartrumpnt and n vury pretty yoimu woman, Bcnompanlod by a protty UttU' in.-, .'â- ^ho smllnd at In- tervals to the boy u' 1! showol lior pretty tmith In a Imwitchliig wai'. All at oniio thrt old man, In the w.iy so poiMillar to BO many deaf people who do uot know how to inniliirato tl-.oir volco.q, so loiiit as to bo ntitinihi all over thn ear: "I only paid $."1 for my uptier sot of teoth. What did yours onstf" To nay that tho pretty woman was mad Is putting It mildly, Hhe flovinoed armind with a lltish of •naer bl.i/.liiK in bur olumks, and slg- nallud tho iiouduotur to lu( hor out at (he next urosilng. X Kmts to Rlsmlnx Mutt. Members of the Mexican Board of Health have jiw*t inii>orted from Eurove an X-ray apparatus. It is to be used for Inspectiiig cans of pres<'rvcd meat* and fruits, "to 4<'ter»niue- U they tfre fit for conBiMnption." . ' . Why win you allow a couf{h to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk' of filling a consuni|itlve's grave, when, by the timely use of Bickle's Anti-Consunip- tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and the' danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant toi the taste, and utH.iirpassed for relieving,; healing and curing all afTections of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, bron- ihitis, etc., etc. lii-iiitfii. "â- U'hnt's the matter wifti the mag- pie';" said the cueko<). "She looks very niiieh cast down." "Why,' replit'd th'e robin, "she heard soniebisly make the remark about wo- meti tiUking like magpies,nnd then peak- ed in on an afternoon tea." J As a Poker^'JI^iffl AS.. Boil Sore}''"'" ^'^""'- WARM UP WITH A RUB OF ST. JACOBS OIL. J IT DRIVES OUT THE COLD AND CURES. We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT in the best. Matthias F"olev. Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway, Me. Clias. Whooten, .Miilnrave. N. S. Rev. E. O. Arinsiioiiij, ilulgrRve, N.S. Pierre Laudiy, senr., Pokemouclie. N. B. Thomas WasBon, Sheffield. N. & Nfil I'.. Aloii<- "De wa it rtonds tip â- ^hm 3fth'ti rwln- teiT be a meii-or e.xhibition in de sky." said Uncle El«-n, "is mighty disapp'int- in'. Hut it Kerves to remin' a few ob ii« hiinuin folks dat mebbe, of tub all, de hull universe ain't run foh our partick" lar intuhainUnent." Minard's Liniment ttie LiimberniaD's Friend. The Only VirtiiM Tloic M'ftiltil Pav- "My husbaral has nil the virtues but one," remarked the wife of a struggling young doctor. "What is that?'' asked her symiHt- thptic friend. "Patients," replied the young wife. ('•â- I<l • tor ii;. of K^..-.. Cold itorage enables thosje who hi'.tnile large numbers of eggs to bold tJiiiii until prix* aiv higher, whiih is r< ganled unfiivoinbly by farmers who have friwh t-ggs for sale. On the other tiide, the c<ild storage of oggs reli ve« till' market of the surplus slock when piiiis are low, wli rh. at lejist prevents .•1 l.f^ to soiiii- I'lic fart is, however, that the farmer who h.'j» striilly fTesii eggs can always 1:1 1 goinl pr:n's for tliem if he will biiilil iiii a (rade for him- i-elr ill the ne.'iicst town, ns no fatiiily will buy ctild stov:ii:e eggw in preference l^ ^losa newly laid. Genuine Padlock and Key r n P r I A Solld edd SheN Bin/ r nCC I or Curb Chain Braoslct DON'T send mooej. Just your oazne an<l addrcM on a POUT CARD, and we will send you SO packages <d AROMATIC CACHOU^, adeiiciuua con- fecuon tu perfame the brvath, to tell for us. if you can, ai 6 centa per packajre. When rold aend UB our momy, tl.tX). and we will send you FREE yo"' choice of the beauiiful prizes illustrated. Goods return- able if not »old. Mt^ntion this paper. TISDALL SUPPLY CC^^^onVo*: o"" ?r: . .,..'"•.1^1 A Bl '^^. »>. The RallnK Ilablt. "I'm sure tho count must have been • tailor." "What makes you think sof" "Hecauso when little Oilsey came in wearing a now box coat the count rubbed bis hands t<igothur, smiled and smoothed down CJilsey's lapels witb a decidedly pro- fessional nir." "Well, I took him to be a barber." "A barber? Why so?" 'â- Why. I happened to turn around at the flower show, and the count was sham pooing a ohrysantbomum." â€" Cleveland ruin Dealer. Ail .4%vliil ^..iiL-lirr, A celebrated IrlKh jud'^e onee paoad sentence in the loliowing manner '1 ha prUiinor was a butler who had been con- victed of stealing his matter's wine: "Dead to every claim of natuial affectiiin, blind to your own real Interests you have burst through all the restraints of religion and morality and hate for many years beon feathering your own nasc with your master's botUM. " The Q • * » ^3 un CANADA'S GREAT 50c. ^== WEEKLY. The Sun is an Agricultural Newspaper. ODORLESS CLOSET. TllBoiiburg, Ont. F< b. ?Ht. 189& The Odorlesa Cmmatory Cosct Co., Hamilton. Oi'iitlcmen : I have used your Odorless closet III my bath-room for iiine time, ami have much plejisure 10 recoiniiif mlii 1; It to the puhllr. Neither Is-fore. (luring nr after buriiliig out, you c» mot detict t'l.- uliiihtest odor. And would not Le without it for d<>uhl« the cost. Tours truly, \\ . K. IliBBS. It requires no Are while in use a id with s family of from 4 1 16 m mlwra, a lire ooce In two weeks is sulUcieiit. Tlie Odorless Crematory and General Heating Co., HAMILTON, ONT. V-I 'HA i-^^' To IntrndiiM Dr. Wwiton't TraprnrM Pink Trmi Ttmtc PUta ft>r«nrichlnf th« bl.HKl. (orptlu pet)('l-. it^M.-aU! latlW. »»«• an*! k».1fi«T dlwai'*. rhwimntUm, bp»rk:v(i«, iifrv<'»i«iie»«. rntiAnil dflWUlT. fU*. waiftM EDBB » ^*'' in»i«l !'''**«* wmt<-h. lA(iWorO-nU" r«l^ilil« rllCE tlm^ kw-^-r *^»^ rwitM. Th« HIIU %Tf, 'A- i-r Mt. %» -lort'T S h-.tML S^-nd thw amount and Tmi r-s-^u*. si-n^« tud Um w»i. h, orwilU U0 Mitlculan. tTU»ti * w^miiin' ..rfi"r __ THE DR. WESTON PILL CO. IM Yoiii.^t.Ty>l«JI«, Out, T. N. U. l'J8 li gftves not onl'y the news of the day, but news of special interest to I progressive farmer-. I One number contains enough in- ' formation for stockmen, dairymen and farmers generally to pay for a whole year's subscription. Send for specimen copy and be convinced. Our special features : Bystander's Com- ments on current events ; {Correct Market Keports prepared specially for farmers- Notes and information for progressive' farmers, and Choice Family Readiiitf. The Sun alone, ISOc. from now until the end of 'W; The Sun coribined with the Weekly Glolie, .Mail, .Montreal Witness or Western A»lvertiser, f 1 from now to the eml of '99; Tho Siin combined w-ith the Evening Glolie, %\\ The Sun and Daily World, Toronto. Vi.iU ; Tiie Sun and Uam- ilion Twice !•- Week Siwctator, fl -Jo SUN PRINTING CO.. Limited. Toronto. Something Entirely New Every Housekeeper and Storekeeper L'rgcatly Requires It, "RESISTER" A Rftt'iitly DUeovcred EuK'Ush I'reparatlom* rrfVftiitu Wliiflown Frprslnc. sHvt>r rmin TitriilnhliiK^. l.iLiii|> Chilli iieyw (•fttliiB^ <iiinke<L >|iit:taclea from Foe or MUt. 1 TCBES 25e., POST PAID. CANADIAN RESISTER CO.JORONTft j Agents Wanted Everj'whcrc By altendlni th. Norlheni ButlnM* Coll*|<, Oma Sound, Ont. II you wAnttokn.w what liuufhtlaour BukiiMU Coume writing, Mnd for Annual An- â- ottpcamiat. whirii i> MOt fra.. C. A. Flaabii, PiiaX <alHHittonf* ibiid lr.*l>iti(l. I Only a Stern sense of duty indaoed Mr. Gladstone lu bis T7th year 10 endeavqr to ' bring abotit the paolflnatloB of Ireland. â-  "1 shall 'Win,'" he said when be appealed to the country, "or be hunted out of publlo life." "What do you think of Mr. Uladatooe noiv:'" aske<l a Liberal M.P. of Mr. Healey at the close of Mr. Qlsd- _._-_,_, _, . ._ _, stone's speech iniroducluR Home Kul*. rfltt i,,,,", \suLtr^ will u I "I think.' replid Mr. HealBV, "that h* itnifrMio .my iKijror jitl who will t bss eleotod to le cruclded for Ireland." lell iwrtHylive of our PATEN I. LtVER COLLAR BUTTONS >i 10 centx each. S«nd your namf' lind aildreM and we will v^nd ihe [lutton^, 10 be paid for when loKl. WESTERN NOVdTY AGENCY 10 Braadalbans St., - Toronto Born That War. Sheâ€" I have heard that you said I WM fond of the sound of my own voice. He â€" Well, you have yourself admitted th-N* you llki" nuiiilc. â€" Nuann.; I For a Few â-  Hours' Work m B (rlra theaa beautiful ITatekea and ttiis splendid Air Klfle for aeUIng our gold-topped, enamel-backed LBVKK COLLAR BUTTOMS at 10 rents each. The Boy's Watch for sellluK 2 dor.., tho Air Ilille for 21 doz., aad tho Lady's WaUh for S dot N* MOMKT KKQl'IKKU. yoa ran no risk. Write and wo forward tbo buttons, pastpald, together with a large list of other valuablo prizesâ€" SprinK and Hockey Skated, Cameras, Ma^le Liuilems, Tool Sots, Work Itoxes, Musical Inutmmeuts, Manicure Set», et^, etc. Sell the liiittons, n'turn our nioner, and wo send vuur Watrk or Riar promptly and FRKE OF ALL t'HARVKK. 'I'he Boy's 'Walch Is of American make, handsome, durable and reliable. Tho Lady'a Watrk is a genuine Hwiss. as dainty in appearance as ills aeourate and durable. The Air I â- tlOe Is the Al "Daifly, the best ever made, neat, strongaiid accurate. These preiniiiins would make splendid Hiillilay ur Blrtliday rrcarnta. Send your nauio and otld ress at onoe, and bo Uie ttrst to sell our buttons In your neighborhood. [ 'Wbea 'writing mrntlon tkia paper. LEVER BUTTON CO., Toronto. Ont. Free with â-  beauti- ful guard for Selling 3 Dos. "":X''^WRinEH Guarantee OOOD FOR ONE YEAR to Repair or Replaoa ! Bead wkat oar AceaU say 1 gs Ross Avwnn, Toronto, Nov. 89th, 1S9S. IXta SiHS,â€" I rtcelrnl your battoni at about ten o'clock, aud luid them all sokt l>y s quarter |HUk It Is not work to soil Ihem, but only pl^. Yours resiwcttully, Nosmam UiUirBiLU 13 T.KW1S Strskt. Toronto, Dee. 7th, IgMI. Fr*« with a hand- â- om* chain and Tas LsTSa ntrpros Oa, Osstiiimiis, â€" I lm»e ii.ed my ohum's Daisy Air ItiUe that lu' l' t from you and it'iadaody. Oharm for Selling I'leow send me SO butlous so that 1 mill earn one tor iii.vs.>1f. Yours hoiicj>tly, J. Ua&xss. 2 Doz. ik OosmraLL, Nov. 12th, 1808, Dbar Sirs,â€" I rec«lveil my watch yesterday. Ik iH n litUo lieaiiiy, ami it la much nicer than 1 ex- pected. I'leaM sooopt my ttianka. i.iiiii UoDoHAIA. Fra* with 600 rounds of ammunition for Sailing 21 Doz. Tort Kiois, Oct, Slrt, 1898. DSAS Bnis,â€" I received my watch and chain Batnrdsy niKhk It li twios as |t'>o<l as iwople said I could gel Many tlianVn for your kiodneaa and alto lor youi booaai wsy ot dohig busiueaa. I novcr oould have got a prattler j watch easier In my lile. Yours truly, Vatuns UoLb&s. \m

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