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Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1898, p. 5

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THE F L E S II E R T O N AD A N C E DECEMBER 8 1898 Owen Sound, Ontario IS TH15 VK«V liKST PLACE IN CANADA. TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip ;;\;l,Hr.: " â-  (.'olUi^es onii Ceiijjnoinliil DeV!vrtinBnt« in CajmiJa. tl eu visit tiiJ N«rtli..>rn llusiuoss CollxKO .; oxnivino «*'»rvr.liiii;; t'lii -o'l'^hiv. If we fait to piodnco tKrt mo:.t tboro'i(i!i. ootnplete, practical in<l Witeu-iivo coni'su "f »tuilv ; thu bei>t col'ego VrKini-iet Mill the kHst ami uiost cor.i|il»ti; iiid inoMt •iuitabla fiiniiturB ami apiili'incB^ w« will Kivu yon a full courso FUI'^K. Kur annual «,iiiiouii':d,ieunt:<. giviug full partieulaif , fruB ^(l.ll'UHS C. .\. FLEMING, Pti.iciiml Vicinity Chips €;ii»ra«tcristics of (fee Past %Vcek < ar«>riill.v t^iilled for the Curious iliutinesii noticf-t imimtf locaU toM hv t cK'irgeil at t'lif rate of tm c-uta t jier 'ill' fw Kuh. tn.ierrtoti. A t reAitctiiiii tpiU ?xr mmle on citu t tract* fur 100 Unas or wrer. F»r money at 4i per cent. g<i tn A. S. VanDusen, Fleahfiton. Discmiiit sale ;vt Mrs. Triinble'.s. Rend U" local elseT»lier<'. Giiod cutter for mile cheap f«r cash. Apply to W. BamhiiUHC, IHesheAon. Towiisliip (Munoila will moet «n Thurs- â- day of next week, Dec. 15, to wind up the year's liosiness. A bigstaWe tire â- â- cciir.'d in Owen Sound 1 ast week in which lisjht liorses were burned. It was 4.:50 p m. Mil M.iudiiy when the mad Wiis del'vered at thiK offivB owing to ^lie storm. The various Siibbtth HclinolH arc now busily prepariiiif tor their Christmas imd New Years anniversarios. Houndh'Stâ€" black and tan, with little white on le-js and breast. Suitable re- ward foe his return to W. Pedlar, Fleshortoii P. O. Mr. Jas. A. Kennedy has leaspd ihe<d<l -Talbot A- Beocroft cliopper at tlie saw- mill iiete and is prepared to do chopping «t lowest rates. Biitif; al wia yoor grain. Job of cuitiui» 100 cords cedar shingle timber on my property to let. Any quan- tity from ten cords up to 1(X). To be de livered at the mill J. Hickliu',', Maxwell Money ti. loan r n debentures at 4. per cent, and on f.>nn security in sums of ?409 and upwards at 5. piv cent. Ex. peuses guarantoetl low. Apply tti Gbo- Ul'TKEKFOKi), Box 57, Shelbumo. Kiiuborly Methodist Sabbath School will hold thoir aiiniver^-.ry on Wednesday Deo. 14. An excellent program is beinn prepat-ed. See bills lor full parUouIars. The Thornbury Herald admits that Flesherton is a better market f«r peas than Thornbury. We knew itbefure but likotohear itacknowlotlgedby the Her- ald. We helievc Mr. Preston will once more be m the field for County Council- lor. This statement is not authorized but our pri vate iuforniatioii is that he will. Wd beg to aoknowledire the receipt of a liandsome C'lirislnias nnniher by the Mail aud Empire. The book is accom- panied by H number of handsome pictures, the letter press is pood, and th« whole affair is of entirely Canadian production. The nuudicr s. Us at 50 cents. Subscribers to The Advance living out- side this county will please bear ill mind that all subscription.' must be paid in ad- vance heroiiftcr, without exception. Re- newals should be niad« before Jaii, 1 next in order to iirovont the loss of any num- bers. The new poplai niyul'itions make it necessary for uatoadojit this rule. The heaviest snowstorm in thenion'ory <ji our pei'|)le at this sea on of year hit us (HI Sunday night. Between sixteen and twenty inches of snow fell within teu hours and roads badly blocked. It came so unexpectedly tliat m.any a man was law^ht on the with his buu'(<y. One buiiyy went toilin;^ tbroui'b town Monday with snow up tn ihi' 1im',i'< and horses puff- ing aud sweatm ' i>oow shcvels were I opular. Tho mail tia'n was delay- ed fuiur hours fiW wanted at once to do neiieriil huusu Work. Apply to Mrs. J. H. Heard. Discount sale at Mrs. Trimhle's. Read bii; local elsewhere ARrtiii we ara ol>lii.'ed to hold over a (luanrity of matter but >vill catch up after a while. As a vulo municipal elections in this tuwhship are talked very little about un- tiil within a short tiiile of thenoinioations and this year is no exception to tho rule. The Advance has lieeu sounding' most of the C(mncilliirH snd liaH found that at least lour of the pi u-ient council will in all likelilu>od seek re election. Whether they will Iiuve (.pposition or not wo do not know, hot it i.i altoaeiher probable that they will. Mr. McMilliin's hanie is whisi'ded >is a |>o,ssible ;;atididatB for the reevusliip in o|ijMi8iti('n to Dr. Christoe, but we luivo beiu unable to gain Mr. Mc- Millan's ear ti> lind out if there is any- tliMiu in the rumor Mr. Kells and Mr. Tlioni|ison Initli iuforni us tli;it they will be ill the tielil and Dr. ChriNtu does not feel like <lriip[i'h'.' out under existing cir- cuiiistanoes. Mr. McTavish will also face the music once more. Christmas Qoodi very We have at the Meilical Ha'l a excellent assortment of Violins and Violin cases. Acuordeoiis. Aiifco Harps. Hannoiiiuiiis or Mouth-orgaps. from 5 cents ui)»ar(lR. hymns, hymns and Bible combined. Presliyterian Hymnal, ar.d hymns and Bible coiiihineil. Biioklcts fur Christmas. Christmas Cards â€" Below cost. .An as.sortment of Recitations for CliristmaH iiml other occnsloiis, for tiit-t and youiii; people. I'erfiinies of excellent nuality. Cunfrotiiuiaries^the best. Discount 5ale As the season is about closing, Mrs. Trimble b. is decided to offer the entire baliiice of her stock at iiiuoh reduced prices fur the bahmcu of Deeeiober. She desires to clear mu. every hii of her large stock with a view to eiihirfiini; the prem- ises ill the sprint}, and t" this end will sell every thin>j m I he stori- at a reiluctimi of '.'5 per cent, fnini regular prices. This is an opportunity which all should take ad- vanta(»eiif. There is a very good seh'c] tioii .still on hand fruni wliii-h to choose, iliuluiliui; some iMld leii;;ths in ribbons, snimble for eirlier or hat trimming, which will be sold iihiiost regardless of cimt, also soiiK! fiincy velvets in lenaths for dress triniiiiinij. Now is your oppor- tiiiiity to .^et Christ mas yoods in millinery at Mr.t. Trimhle's. The Late Geo. Stewart Mr. (Jeorje Stewart, wliose death we ehioiiiclcil lust week, wa^t horn in Gliis- j(i w. Scolhind. in 1838, lie oame to ('anada in 1840 and lived in Toro.itn, where lie married a'- tlie ajje of '20 ii Miss iVbiiy Hiiilarii, who survives him. In W(J1 ho caoiu to .Vrteniesia and settled on the farm wlmro ho tlied. Ho was tliere- fia'e a resident of this township for 37 years. Mr. and Mrs. Steivarl had a fam- ily of twelve, of whom eightarestill liVii'U'. Mr Stewart wa.i a liiohly lospcctcl leai (tent of the titwiisbip and timk much interest in piihlio n. alters i'.t some years In* was president of tli'j Kast Grey ajfiiciiltiiral aociuly, in fac'« until declin- ing health made it necessary for him to ruiiio. Iteccased was a member of the Presbyteiian ehiirch for the piist 2(f years. The fiii«ra! on Tuesday of la.>t week wa.s very largely atteiideil jiiid was Conducted under the auspices of the A. O. U. W., of which deceased was a iHember. Tliu sorrowinu widow andfiim- ily have i he sympathy of the community. Wanted for Theft E. C. Bush, who left Flesherton a few ye^ira aoo, leaving a few mourners buhiml, is wanted by thii chief of police of Winni- pe!<. A circular which has been received here deserihes him as follows ; "-Age, about ."JO to 35 years, height, 5 feet 7 or 8 iiiclioH, weiiiht, about 145 pounds, thin face, dark complexion, dark eyes, black niouHtaclie neatly ourleil,t'dy iippi>nraiico, neatly dressed in a dark suit and ,hlack fedora bat, (piick stopping yait, easily got iici|uaiiirod with, ([uick at repattee, liav- iiig a chiiiacleristic clashing style with im air of self importance, sponinaly inclined and fond of fast women, tailor by trade, EnKlishmiin by birth, coming to Flesher- ton, Caiimlii 11 years ni;o." We are in- foiuied that Bush was left in charge of a L'eneral store and i{irtiii bnyins; business at .Swan Lake, Maiiitobii, and had under his charge a larue aiiionnt of I rust fund". On Nov. 2 he absconded, taking; these funds and others which had been tuken in thrioigli the store. The exact amount is not known, but is thought to be in the neigh l)orhood of S2, 000. An effort is be- ing m.ade to lind him, but he hais not yot been located. Jint Like Smolte A couifh is like snnike. Smoke indi- cates that there is a serious disease hid- den away in the breathing ori'ans. Put out the tire with water and the smoke will disiippear. Put out throat aJid lung diseases with Shitoh's Consumption Cure and your com.di will disappear. 25cts., 50ct8. anil $1.00 a bottle. Guaranteed tu do everything oluinied for it. With the Children The public school entortainment of last Friday evening was of a very high order. The program was rendered by tho pupils of Mr. Slaughter's room. A lurye iium- her of parents and friends were present and all heartily enjoyed the two hours' recreation imd treat. The scholars ac- Haitted themselves admirably in render- mi! and p.'rformauce of their speeches, soiigs, recitations, dialogues and club swinging. It was pleasing to notice how well they were trained. This is more signihcant when we remember that all the Work of preparation has been done out side of scliool hours aud at a time when lioth teachers and pupils are pressed with extiH work. Membei-s of the village baud were present and very materially helped to enliven the enterrainnient with thoir music. Mr. M. Richardson's gramo- phone is a concert in itself. The visitors as well as tho teachers and pupils thor- oughly appreciated Mr. Richardson's kindness in giving his tune and instru- ment to so substaiitiidly aid in the even- imi's enjoyment. The address which ho delivered at tho close of tho entertain- ment was replete with words of wisdom and counsel. Wo are sorry that our space forbids publishini; a synopsis of his addiesB. The teacliers are to be com- mended for the great paius they take in preparing thu pupils to so excellently acquit themselves before the public in an eiitertamment of this kind. It is Uo in- considerable part of an education to have aci)uirud the ability to use the powers of our mind to the pleasure and profit of an audience. Seldom has it been our privi- laue to enjoy a program so pleasing and prutitable as tliao of lust Friday. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen drove over to Collingwood on Sunday aud got stormbound. Mr. R. N. Henderson is this week at Chatham on business conectod wiili the North of Scotland Mortgage Co. Mr. and iVIrs. W. A. Armstiung spent Sunday with friunda in Dundalk. The Markeio. CurefuHy Correi-ted Ea<'h W<*eU Klour $4 00 to iJu 00 Oats Ii7 -o 28 Wheat, while 00 to 05 VVIieat, red <' 02 to (i5 Barley . . 35 to 10 Peas 62 to (12 Batter 14 "o 15 Eogs fresh 15 -,0 15 Potatoes bag CO -o 70 Pork 5 00 to 5 10 H.-iy per ton 00 to 00 Hides 7 00 to 8 00 Sheep, skins 45 to i)0 Geesu 5 to 5 Turkeys 7 t(. 8 Cbiekeiis [lor pair.. . . 20 to .15 Ducks pur pair 40 to 00 Wool Iti to 20 W. BARNHOUSE Wishes t'> draw the attention of the Public to the following : FLOUR IN BAGS of all si/.es and a.< Cheap a.-, tho cheap est. Special Bargains in 3 and 5 Barrel lots. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. DCO and COON MITTS and LEGG- ING.'.! made to order and on Shortest Notice. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Younii Ladies 1 DON'T Like to "vValk ^ With a man ^ when he is not ' shaved and yeiier- ^ ally cleiineil up. Be- ^ toi'u you tliink of ooiiig with a girl come to A. N. LEQARD and gut this clean- ing up. • V%/%%^^% -%^%%* iiiM '"â- ""-â- â-  FOR Kolston La,miclry AND M ^^^ ^ thing in that you Ve can supply you with anything or every- FOOTIHTEAR^ m that y iu require. ifi BOOTS and SHOES f^^ well, wear well and look well. Jl In Rul>oex>a and Over elioc s i we have a very large variety selling at low prices ^ "^vCustom Work and Repairing attended to PROMPTLY^ K^ .AGENT FOR DOMINION MONEY ORDER EXPRESS "CI EXPRESS ORDEKS CASHED WITHOUT CHARGE wn. CLAYTON BUSY TIME , S H E P pTr D' S We did not 'brget lo change our advertisement the last two weeks but were so busy we could not get time to write an ad. So we propo.«e letting you know this week of the many advantages gained by dealing with us. We have one of the » . Best Assorted Stocks And our prices are the most inviting part of our busine.*^?. We wish to prove this and can only do so by having you inspect our stock of .... Seasonable Goods .... ,, such as Ulsters, Overcoats, Pea-jackets, all wool underwear and blanket sheeting. In Staple and Fancy Dry goods our stock is complete. We have just secured a big bargain in "Radios : J)(2cLntles which we will sell at less than regular wholesale prices. We have just received our car load of salt and can supply you with either Coarse or J^ine parrel Salt at lowest prices. We are agent's for . BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS, and you can get any pattern you want at very short uotice. We also keep the FASHION PLATES vW it !>. jjfe give away to anybody calling lor one, in all lines of Winter Boots our Sock is Complete and PRICES the LOWEST ni;li8st . PricB . paid . for . all . kiads . of . proliiGe, T.J.Sheppard )>T.--^---^-s^i^rC>i'>TLS^is":-j^^ I HAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE I I ft The reason why boys and uirls forsake the Ininie is fretjuently on account of its nnpleasant aiirrouiidiiigs. 1^ % ^*} room Be^in. -viritli tKe f*a.i:*lox*. Get a nice SUITE or at least some odd Chairs, a ' Centre Table, a few pictures, etc. RidL Out t]ra.e li^inin^ Room. That old Cupboard will rfo nicely fi>r tho kitchen or down cellar. Put in a now Sideboard, an E.itensiory Table, and .some Higli-back ('hairs. Next ovex*]:ia.ul tKe 1^^^- r*oonns« tliese hot 'lightR. Got a nice Spring and .Mattress, they are wonderfully Jj.j cool and refreshing. These with a few Bli4id«i and other lixinvrs which only the Ladies can supply n ill make your yorir homo much more comfortable and at- â-  **( tractive, if |IleynalllieprociridattliiL01!IESTP8li:ES [ ^ ii \4 tu» JT, SSunij J'iesherton, is^

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