DECEMBER 8 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I I M esTABLISHED ^ISS/' ^ke Advance riBUSlIKI) WEEKLY AT TUB OFKICK, 8VD ENUAM STREET, FLENlIEKToS, OST., BV W. H. THTRSTON. »l per aiiiiiini strh-tly In advaiirc A.dverti8iDg Rates: Oas Colamo, 1 y»»r. »50 ; h»lf col,, 1 voar, »28 quarter col., one year, tl5. Transient adTortlnemout charged at the rate of 8oontB iior line for flrnt insertion and 8 cent each 8ubsu(|nent lunertion. Vandelenr Fritm Ovr Ouni C«irMp<m<fc"* Mrn. Wilcox uf Miirkdiile spent SuikIb) Willi Mra. Thos. KellH. Memrs. Porter Beard, l">ed B.daiid, Alf Uuiiloj) arid A. Stainb(>r»ky. wh<i took ill the harvest eXcurMioii lo Maiiit.ilm, liave retunu'd home. Mr. Will Gilbert of Wiarton viaited friendH a short time ago. ' Mr Paul Flint viidted his father-in- law, Mr, Tho.. Kelln. week before last. Mr. and Mrs. D. Griiliam entertained a large iiuiiiber of their friends Thaiiksi^iv- inaeveninu. Mr. Ed HoUey, who has been visiitins! near C»le«loii fur the [Mixt six nioiith»,ha« fetuniud home. Mr. .S. Gilbert and Alf Dunlop have secured a winter'K job, cutting saw logs for ArniMtron^' Brothera, Markdale. Mr«. Will Alcox, who has been visiting her father in N'obleton for the past iiioiilh, lias returned honie. with you, mourn hi* departure, we do not mourn bh those who have no hope, and look forward with chrixtiiin coiitiduiice to a happy reunion in those mansions which our loving Saviour -has prepared for all his true followers. May this be the happy lot of you and all yours is the fer- vent pruyor of the iiiuinbers of the Ladies' Aid. Eugenia, No.-. 24, 1808. I'riceville Warcham From Onr Oirn Cuniiijunideiit Married -Nov. IJlst, at the residence •of the bride's fattier, by Klv. Mr. D..U1.;- la»», Mr. .lohn White of Proton, to Mi»» Madelhi Russell. The youuu |X>oplo aie highly esteemed in this coiiiniunity «»e ex'eud to iheiii riur lust wihiu-h Mr. U. Spicer of (Quebec lia.^ opiiiiil up business in Warebam blacksmith shoji. \Vf btlieve Mr. Spieer it a rirst cla.s.i Workman as he has b.-eii engaged for the last xiven year.< sli'i^'inn horses for the army in (Quebec. Miss HuiKell of AlliHton is viKitin;; frieiuli ill this place. Mr. J. J. Little has returned fromtlic west. We believe he is not iorry to get li.itl; to old fiiuiidi and ii warinrr climate. Kvaiigelist T. (i. I{. IbiAvulow cloii!!! his series of services heie Sumliiy iiit<lii, and said good liyo to the people of Wiiit- h*ir.. Mr. Brownlow has been the iiieimh of a noble woik li^-ri', as over forty liiive been ci>liverteii Under liis piuaolilog, and we are sure t!ie good wiNlies and |)iHyii's of bis many friends in this [ibice will fol low him where'er he goes. Wo believi lie was lalfoii ipiiio by surprisu Friday e\eiiii)g when, befoin a crowdod liouNe, he WHS iircHenled with a liuaiiUful gold watch Hiiil the fiilliwiii); ndiln-ss : Ukah Huo. Iliitiwsr.ow,â€" Hut a few days sf^i Wc wuru slraLKiDH ; now W'l urn frleixts, niiil yuu liavo won a placu in otir tiearts, ho tlmt. our boat wiRlifHand pi-Kvt;n, attiuid you in your (le)iArture fr'on u^. Your laliortt lioro tiavn tjojii Dliicli appjtM iiitod ami 0<> I Im'^ owned and blesHHd vonr work In tlie toilvation of nmiiv iouIh, wiio,tli'iuKli ,«l>sunt. to (i<*.l Ijul u fuw dHvR sliiou, now rejoice in huowini,' tliev an^ tlio Iavw lie ctiildrt'll of a iModiir K.itlun , frwe iuVu>r Aii'l uunieiiled liountius buiiiij their daily ]Mir- iioD. As a cliurcti wu unitedly pray tlial (iod'n ctloiCBHt iilet,<titn^.« iiiav rest npon and nliide Witli vou in IIkI ftidd of lalior to wliicli you are about to Ko and tliiit \ou may Kce luany souli* rrmcued and l>roui;)it witiiin ttio fold of tlie Kreat Hlie ino'd. In :iildii)on to our tlianli ofTerinxH we wiiili to exprens and tiiiow furlhor our eHtceni of von and our firatitndo for y.iur t-arnoHt and faithful Mtirvice anion^.st i\*, and therefore talfo thirt oppoilninty or pre^^LMiiini; yon lilts »(old wiilcli. and a;< it in licate.4 tlir? liaHaihg lioui-it may ii bo an inspiration to yon lo urge an 1 pernuada men lo turn from tijoir sillH. redeem lli<i time and pre)iare fo etiirnity. HiKOtf I on holiftir of the frirnds of Wareliani appoihtliieiit, Maxwell idri.nit, Toronto con- ferunee. Minnih K. Douui.ah JKa»iK H. Au.Non'. VVaroliaui. Dec, ,t, INQS. Latter ol Condolence Frotii tliif i>irn\!)cr.'< iif llti' Liiilirt' .iid I'u eoiiiiii-linn iritli Ihc rrrnhijterxnn cim- greijaftiin, Euqeuia, to Mrs. Bell : Dkak FiUKNii A.Nn Fki.i.ow Wokki-uâ€" It ii with feeliiius of deep s drow that *e conilole wiih you and jour cbililrun i.ii the heavy lo.s.s you liav. Mi.Nt.iined in ilm (iBHtli of your iiiiicli-lovod s m, Willio. There is always a falu'ss in duaih, but whed wo Mi asNuied that our lov>-d ones ATM "life in 111" iiriii.s o( .|,.,sus the sing of death is leiiiuved and ilio pa n of p.irtiiii; is iiiiieh les-enod. Our young hnd.her wa« gro.illy bidoied by all with whom he i,(yUs) ip uont.ic , and aliliough wu all. From Our Ou-n Correipoudi-iil [Crowded oiib hist week.] IjHst SuiKlay iiiti-rehtiiii; reopenini; ser- vices were held in the Methodist clinrch. Ill the morning the Uev. .Mr. Wiird.U.U., of Flesherton, occupied the pulpit, and Uev. J. Malhesoii. B.A., of St. Coloniba church, preached at the evening service. Both addresses were exceedingly helpful and suggestive. At the eveiiiiiij meutiiii; the church was crowded to the doors. On Monday evening a platfoim meeting was held and very largely alteodeil. The speakers were Kevs. Darroch, Matheson and Simpson, Uev. Mr. Siiiip.soii con- gratulated the congregation upon the very neat mid tasty little church, but he laiiieii'ed the fact that they had not goiitj .1 little further in the matter of renova- tion by purchasing a ni>w carpet for the platform. After some very humorous re- marks he suggested that the money for that purpose bo raised right then and there. It is needless to say that the nec- essary amount was subscrilied before Mr. Sinipsoii got through wiih his speech. Rhv. Mr. Darroch ijave a very practical address on successful church woik and Rev. Mr. MathcHoii threw out some valu- able hints to church meinbers relative to faiihfuliiess ill the dischariio of their du- ties. The Fleslicrton Methodist ch^iir and Miss Simpson of Markdale supplied the iiiunical part of the program. Th ir selectiidis Wore very much appreciated. A Very interest lie; TliankHgiviiiii service was hehl ill the I'resbvtenan church. Rev. Mr. Darroch, i'..\ , duliverod a very appi'opiiivte oi, the reasons why we should he thankful to the giver uf nil good things, Mr. Hubert lleily of I'etiolea spent a few days ot l.iat week with bis pareiitM. R. R. has a good siluitioii in oil town. Miss .\iiliie llo){iirili Kpeiit a few days recently visiting friends at Parkhead. Hunting is the fav^irite patitiiiie lieie at present, hut evidently gaiiie is pretty linnl til liiid aH most of our .NiinroilN letuiii empty hniided at ni'.,;liif.'ill . However, we have it on | reity good authority that a fox uot a mighty luul scare one day last week. Had there he-di a charge of buck- shot III the shoiding iioii reynard's hide would be haiigiiiL' oii> to dry. Mri. NS'illiniii Wiiiti-i-.i utleiidcd the funeral of her hroiher, Mr. ('utrie, of Klderslio. for several years. Oliver is now ill Or- angeville jail charged with having ac- complished the ruin of the child. The child's father is J.. I. McKolvHy if Adja a, who a few years ag" ran the Credit VaL ley Hour mills in Orangeville. The girl s friends have retained Mr. Walsh lo pro- secute her alleged seducer, who will be defended by Mr Myers. DON'T USE PLASTERS Grimth'a Liniment applied to Lum- bago, lame back, sure back or side will penetrate and stop pain and soreness In less time than It takes to prepare oneself for a plaster application â€" It's clean and healingâ€" cures where plasters fallâ€" the Qulcke.'tt acting rheumatic healer In the whole medicine kln.rdom. J. Woodward of 138 SU.iw street, Toronto, WII8 a Ki-Hiit suCTerer from rheuinntlsm. 'I'riPd nisny rrmodlog with little sncecrjs. bpean applylni; Griflltli's Meut!iol LIulinent. One npplii itlon of It iinv,' tilni more relief than anylliliiit ho iiiiil ever tried. He sbts, "It Is certainly a wouderful Llulmcut." 12. CiRlFFlTHS y MENTHOL J^ Umimeht BKUEVES THE INSTANT APPUED. AT ALL DRUOQISTSâ€" 20 CENT 8 FOK SALE BVT. .1 SHKl'I'Alil) ^ arne Astra y Canietotlin preniiiirs of the uinlersiKned. lot 2 and ;i. ron, .S. Ouprev, some line ago. one yearling bull, (iwner i% reiiiieaCed to prove property, pay expeimes and take it awnv. jACOIi I.UICIHKAD Maiwoll, Dec. 1,1888. LojTs Wanted. \ ! At Hovd'« MillB. Maple. Baanwooil, IHrrh. Klark AkH Dock and Suf.. Rlin.Sp'uce and all kinda of toi!n wanted ill anv quantity Cedar tiei. S feot long il iofli top, redar Ions, from In to Ifi feet lone, and c.-dar idlea from 20 to i't feet InriK e*ipeeia11y unrited. fedar and Itock Klin Iniiv be delivered at Fle.^!ierton Ktation. Hlulic't caiili Trices i aid. Kor furtlinr parlicn lar» apply to .1 ,t- W. liOYI) BOAR for SERVICE Tlie reijlbterod Tamworth Boar I'OKT LAW HAN for s.rvi.e at I'.ot I.uw. Certlllcate eali be seen bv apiilvini{ to owner, UEO TUUUl'Sl'N. I'ort I-aw Dec. 7, 'W. Hoar for Service ! ! Tliorou«bl>red improved Yorkuhlre lioar for aervice on lo ml, Ji.d \V. T. & S. 11., ArlciiieMia. Terius ; Due dollar. A reduction for two or more, Pediuree on application. Hi)ltI.KI,A\VKKNCi: Kleshertuii Ktation,. Nov. 7. ItMi. For some months past the judicial iiciioiiK of Judge McCaitliy have been fri'ely ciitici/.ed by the Orangeville I'ost, i)f ttliicli Mr. 1). .). Muiixovaii is the able and iignressivn cili'or. These criticisms have been luseiUed, in silent but bilter rage by the judge himself, and in open deli>ii|i:e and threats of revenee by the judire's soli, Mr. Leiuli Mct'mtliy of ibe Blink of Hamilton Htalf Tivn tteeUs ago when Toiii Robb of Howling (ireen was rcleasd fnini T<ii'onio j.kil as the result of (he setting H.tide, hy a higer couri, of nii I'l'deriiiade by .Judge McCarthy for llold>'s arrest, the Post drew atleiiti. ii to the freipieiiey with which the jiidicini act.s of Ills Honor of Uull'erin wiio thus leveru'd by the High court judg>H. It. was a mild and modest ciiinnii III, but it touched a lender spot, iiiid the wrntli of the yoimuer McCarthy was kindled afnsli. The jiiilge'sHon and the editor met on Fii.'^t sireel shortly after dark last Friday even- ing. Tlieiuare two veihions of what happened then, Mr. Mongovaii, who lia.H the misfortune lo be blind, says thnt^ young McCarthy, without vsMiniiig,kiiock- liiin ildA'ti willi a bludgeon and disclo.sed lii.i identily in a volley of oaiha. Mr. Mc- ('arthy, while admitting that he thumped the editor once for luck, denies, we tin- de»liii>(l, that he uhciI either the ulnb or liii; bliiiiplitiiiy. Ill any event the Post has acliieveil iiol only u big "scoop" on its b'Cdl contemporaries, but it has also a prosecution for felonious as.sault against the jiiilgo's Hon that ouifht to be good for the ii.sual nine dnys' sensation. Tlie Post prohiixrs to follow the di-rposal of the case ill llie police couit ne.\t Satdidiiy with Some sinitling discloaurers, niid hints thai the end of the McCmthy dynasty in Duffurin is at last in siulit.â€" Advertiser. JFarm to Rent ! ! lOOor iSKiacrcHii, Inta :ts and .19, con. 9, Arte mcHia, eood houneainl barns, posiesalon any time. Apply pemouallv or by letter to JO.SATHAN HICKLINO Maxwell Xov. 7,1808. JS^otide to ^\\c f ubl i^5 Notice Is lieiebv (liven that I will not be Hpmiaibio for any dtditn eontiaiied in niv nanii' All mu.iII d.dits .>wini( m>j luuat lio paid to niyaelf witliout lurilier dulay,oiHie> win be collided O OKU vnenicBiu, Oct iKnd, 1108 BOAh fOB SEHVIGE The nndornlifiied liaa a w.dl bred lK)ar, Tain- wortli-t'he.steroroHii. for aoi-viee oil LiOt 17.5, T A s U, Ariemeaitt Terma 7'> ceiita it paid at time .dnerviie. .<! if not no paid 1 Uavo also the old llerlibliire boar for bcrvice O. Olllt. Artemesia,OctiS!lia lU'JS Boar for Service Tbtt uiirtprpigiioil han h fliio thorounhltrcl HtJi'lfHhiro Imui- " ArtttinOMtA i'liiiif, " N^. rtUI, foraorvico <in lot '17. con. H Arttniiortla. TKIIMH. TficutiU uubIi, 91if boukurt. JUHN J. BENSON, PitoP. SrPAYED Frointho pvoir-ineRof Mr.JarviB lleiirv.bftttcr known uh tlio Itnbert Hlitir laiiu, wuHt biick line, .\rli;ii)()hi)i.. tbo hit tor pai t of Aukuh(, h retl •trout luul iMiiMDOHt whiitf witli inoro rml timri wliittM)n nock, lM(t\i riRinn two yiMivn iitd Any i)oi-Hon uivinuHnuh Intoi'ination to JavviH Hiiin'ip lltirkdalo, or t)i() urnlnrsiL'iinil, ah will lead to their rufovuiy, will ln) Huitablv ruwavda'l NOULK IVaWHKNC^K FloHhovtou Station STRAYED Tlioa Oliver lias been einplnynd on the f irm of .liitiies li>«verly, lot liO, con. 8, Mono, fur the past tine- )eais. Lavorty has n griiiid dauuhii'r intiiied Finrenco McKclvev, who ijas 12 years of aiie on liei hist birthday and has been a cripple Strayed from tl e premises of the iindor- HiMlled, lot :(2, eon. lU. ArttnnrHia, about AlKj t l8t,one ewe andUinli, iIlo ewe niarkea T. Anyone knowing of tlinir wliereahonta will oblifje by ounimuulcutiutj with THOS. UKADHUKY Eugenia PO. ROAR for S AILiE fl. Richardson & Co, 'p his Week's Special Offerings . . . . The lines we mention this week deserve more tlian' ordinary attention â€" they arc- all Rt;asonal)'t; iirrcj desirable- floods, and the exceptional values in (tiujunction with the siircial prires will commend them to the careful purchaser. Kead this ad. carefully and come and sec the g-ods â€" they speak for themselves. \?vorth: ruyino i Men's Extra Hruvy Cdtm Ui.dorwoiir, I! M.. o h.i»i1 ,y ripid Palteiiia, full fized, etery line s|iecinl, Tlio Suit 7i'c, I'lO- i«Bd , . 50c. Men's K."C'r,i H'-avy I'nion Underwear, Great V»iue, Colot.s Flesh and Crov, Tiie Suit ... 95c- Meii'> Kx r;i Ilcivy All WoyI Underwear, in Fii.s'i, Bin ; and Grey, I' lo Suit $1 10 Lidie' Extra Heavy, riain or IMiijed Hose, Se.iiiile.''*, All Wool, Sizes fioni 8 to i)J, The Pair .. 25c. Men's Special, All Wool, Uiblioil Half Hose, S uiiikM-. Winter Weights, The Pair 20c^ Paid Gooiis, 35 inches widw, selected pat terns, .seasoniihle wdghts, 20.-. lines ... .... Liu Tweed Costume Goods, 35 inches wide, (jikkI jiai terns, suitaWle for winter wear, rej{ular 30o. j!""'ls . . 24(? Extra Heavy Drexs Tweeds, 50 inches wile, splendid weatriiii; «jualilies, ro^'ular 32c, .. 27e; Beaver CoHtiiijB, 50 inches wide, in Black, ISho, IJmhii and Myrtle, reiru- 85c. (jiMidt, special lit 70c- Fiieze CoHtings, 5*J inches wide, in Navy. br.-Mfii, Fawn and Royal Blue. reKular SI 00 }<ood«, speC'Hl at , . . 87ic Specia,! Sa.lo â€" OF- M ANTLE5 We (lie cleariiii; out the halance of our ^falltlu stock at special pricen. Tlni^ee r.iea.dLex*8 : P.lack Curl Elfect Mantles, Velvet Collar. Large Buttons, well tin- i.shed. Good Value at fSlit... $2 50 Black Frieze Mantlns, Heavy Cloth, Velvet trininied. Deep IStomi Collar, snd Pearl Buttons, Reg- ular lM.25 J8 50 Brown. Fawn and M.yitle FriHze Maiitli-s, D^^ep New La:-.;e F'ancy Buttons, well cut and tinihhed. Regular ?4.00,... $3 7.5 9?^tUineri/ : department - Speei.i'ly Itedueed Prhies on all Millinery lines, duriiigthe concluding weekn of tlie sen,.iii. S;"cials ill Ladies' Fur Collars. Mutfs, Rutfs andCaperilies, M. Richardson & Co. The rnulHtorei) Berkshire hoar, " Crown I'rinee," two yearn old, sure Rtook getter and qniot. Certliloate can be seen nv a|i|ilylng to owner. W. MlilADB, i'rieaviire. Over t/ie Jjetephone / Holloa ! Holloa ! '1 hat you, Advance ? Yes. Want something ? ^'es. Want space in your paper for my XnM.s talk ii the public. All right, how much. Oh, about a column for next week. Watch this space, tennerate. mmmmmmmmm mmnmmmmm ^H»t^