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Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1898, p. 2

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8ubarril>i'rfi who do not rwclve Ihclr |iai>er r««ularly will iilease notify us at once, Oall at the office (or adTertiatov rateo. THE ADVANCE. FLKSIIKKTON, ONT. The Tao Ends of Things. One-fiftefDth o{ the iohubitants of 6t>aiu ure nobble*. Ki»h witJi whito flesh are more easily diKi^leU tbau tisli with reddish Ui>)>h' Kiiwls are pJiickt-U alive in Malta, in the public uaarkets, aiul in some parts •f KiiKliiiid' A Kuld mitie under the town of HaI- larat, Aiistnilia, is cousidere<l the rich- •st ill the world. I'^i- pcjpulation of Oncland has in- creHued from 4,000.000 in the Eliza- betluiD eni to 20,000,000 to-day. Uaiiiboo pens Htill retain their bold III India, where thoy have bo<>B in uae for uuiTc than a Uiouaaiul yeiun. According to the best aiillioritieov tt><*re haa never been a race of iiieu who were ignorant of the use of fire. 'i'o nuike paper tireproof nothing more is neoes.sary than to satunite the pa|i*r in a Ktroiig Btjlntiom of alum water, and *be»i thoroughly dry it will resist the action of the flame. The otter is the fastest swimming «uiulruped known. In the water it »xb;bits «n astonishing airility. swim- â- liuK in a nearly horizontal position »'ith the fpeatost ease, diving and dart- lag along beneath the siirfaes with a. â- l>eod equal, if not wuperior, to that of BHiuy fishtts. There never was. Hurt never will l)e, a â-  niversal panareH. in one renieily, for al! Ills to which flesii islii-irâ€" the very nature of many curatives lieinu such that were the germs of otlier and differently sealed diaease^ rooted in the system of the patientâ€" what would relieve one ill in turn would aKjiravate the other. We have, however, iu (juinine Wine, whan obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and |;revJoua ills. By its gradual and juilicioui use, tba frailest systems are led into convalescence sod strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of niorhiil des- pondency and lack of interest in life is ^ disease, and, by tranquillzing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshinft sleep â€" Imparts vigor to the action of the blotxl, which, being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy •Dimal function* of tba system, thereby making accirity a necessary result, strengthening the framt, and giving life to tb* digestive urgsns, which naturally demand increased substanceâ€" result, im- proved appetite. Northrop Sc hyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, •nd, gaUKed by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfect ion of any in the niarkec. All driiKgists sell it Volcaitikf** Ar« Not Kare. There are 672 known volcanoca la the world, of which 270 are active; 80 in America, 24 in .\«ia, 20 in Africa; Java hua 100, 28 nclivc. In New Zeii- luud. within an area of 127 milea, there are lilS, runging from 1(KS feet to UOO feet in height. Minard's LiDlment ihe Lumberman's Frienl (iPI'iniKI HlllK-T ^UlfSl I tllt<*. A Bulwtitutj* for honey has been iiv- Cruduceil in (JeniKaiiy under the iinine of sugar honey, a nil cionslBts of sugar, water, minute nnunints at mineral sul>- •tauce and free acid. U!CAS<!>.CNIV. )'*• Fbank J. CiiKNKY finiki'H oath that h« la tlis Senor |>ai tnttr nf thf linn uf K. J. Chknky t Cm., doing liiiniucKS in tlio Cilv o' Toli'ild, County snd .siiilir»fij|,.pi.ili|. au'l " SI "Hid llrni will |«v the nun of oNI)". MC.NDUKI) I) il.I.AIfa f(ir each a ill cvprv <asi' of Cjiiunh that oaiinot be oursii Uy the liae uf Ham. h ('atahkii Ci kk. FUANK J. CIIK.NKT. Sworn to bpfore mv und snIiBcrllied In my prcsi'nce, thistttbday of lieccinlii^r, A.U., issd. A. W. GT-EASON, Notary I'nbllc. Hull's ('atnrrh Cure In Inl-en InlornnJIy niiil ails dli'M'tlv on ttir tilo III jiiiil iiiiH'ons Biu'faeus of tlicayslim. Simd for ti-*i inonliils fine K. .). ( IIKNKY k CO., Toledo, O. JVBolil by DniKK'^t^. T.Oi-. / SKAI, I 8oin« Fill's of A1«'in<iry. A Oerman BoienlKst claims that the memory is »lri>ii>;iT in wunmer thiiii In wiiilei'. He wi.v« tJiiit luimng the wortit foci of the nieiaory are tim much food, too much physical exeTcise and too much sdueution. â- keathlns a Ship. Sheathing a ship Is covering the hnttom with a sheath of copper In all euun. but particularly In tho«* of the tropics, the hulls of tblpa are llabis U> tb* attack of oertnin worms which penetrate the hard ast wood and bavs been known In the aounui of a few months to dainsKS the hull BO a* to render tba vssasl worthleBs Copper sheathing protects tbs ship nut only against the attacks of thus* borers but also agaliisl decay, and Is aptxdally Taliiabla In tbs cass of Iron ships, the metal rapidly ozldUIng and bucuiulnK brittle when exposed to the action uf the sea water. A InKseallon of Hlah JIafc*. Tommy â€" Mamma why ars papa's watches always bigger than mamma's Watt^husf Hia Mother â€" Oh. It seems that men oan't get aInnK without having gtsat timesâ€" .lawulers' Weekly A man was reoently convloted In Ring- land of having enlisted as a recruit In 16 places, decamping each time with advanos money. England leses about IfiUO.OOO a yoar from such oiieratluns. THE ATLIH DISTRICT Will Be Administered by Mr. Graham of Revelstoke, B.C. SMALLPOX IN THE QUEEN CITY. John T. NIblook. the Montreal Luiiilaii Life InsnrMBoa Ac«nt, Ci>nl«>»es tu Fargerlas â€" A True lilll ruunit .^cainat Andre Kiupells for Murdar-Kov. Ilr. Itlack- atDok'a Mad .Mlp. Robert Bond, the Toronto llverymao, was badly hurt by a runaway on Sa:ur- day morning. Pour Uhlnauen were baptl/.ed In tbs Kmmaniiel tiapClK Church, UutTalo, tianday night. Mr. Jobn H. Tilden and Mr. Teetzel win be (he ilamlltou mayoralty candi- dates In January. In the ten yours closing with IHDti, In cIuhIvu, 4U7 sohaol children commiccud suicide in Qarmuuy. Mr. Jam38 Kidiier of Aithur shot him- self accidentally while golnu bunting, and diud In a few lulnuCea. A New York druggist bas made the ml.stake ot putting up atropine for luor- pblne with serious results. James Maldby, a car rdpalror In lluffalo, was killed on .Saturday afternoon ou the Lake ^jbore Kallway tracks. Hot. Dr. Ijlackstuck uf Toronto, while out walking on Saturday night, slipped and fell, breaking the small bone In one of his lugs. Mr. I'eavey. the western elevator Icing, will next year build a uuiiiber of eleva- tors along the Northern I'jclflo Hallway In Manitoba. Tbe ripanlsti Cabinet has dIscu.Hsed the suppression of the Ministry of the Colon- ies, which matter will probably be re- ferred to th3 Cortus. At Hull a true bill has been found by the grand jury a«:ilnst Andre l-tlopello Indicted ou a charge of mnrderlng Loon Uoyer of iCardley, Que. The Orand Trunk Kailway's earnings for the waeiL Nov. 22 to .Nov. au, !«!)«, are til:}U.<j^!l, as compared with ISMT, tU2U,&u:i, a decrease of 18,6^5. A recent attempt to cross the English Channel to France by balloon proved disastrous to theaerouauts. although they win recover from Ibelr Injuries. Thomas O. .Smith, a Toronto milkman, who beonmo dsdpondent and shot himself on Saturday at noon hour, died at H u'clook .Sunday moinlDg In iit. Mlohael's Uosoltal. ArrangenientH have been completed for tbs oloslng of Ihe t^obourg Smallpov Hospital. The vigilance of the authorities has been rewarded. No second case ue- veloped there. The Crescent Athletic Club on Satur- day matched Kddle Connolly of .St. John, N.Ii., and Jack iJennutt of McKeesport, Pa., to box 'JO rounds In Toronto Satur- day night, I>eo. 17. Frauk Knoak's reported release from the lierlln, Germany, prison on ball was premature. Dlllloultles were rulu^d at Ibe last moineni, and Knauk still suffers for allugeil lose majeste. The tiovernment of Nicaragua, as a re- suit uf the oollapHe ot the United .Status ot Central America, has published a de- cree declaring Nlouraguu to be an inue- pendeiit sovereign state. Since the systematic exclusion of lur- sign cattle and swino from (lerni.uiy, horse anj dog meat havo liecomu n.u staple with the poorer classes In certain dialrlcts, and notably In the large cities. Fred. Mueller of I'reston went on a spree on Fridav night, and was found dead lying on the lloor of his bouse by his wife on .Saturday morning. The doc- tors pronounced It a ease ot heart failure. A Are which occurred In the Onvern ment dock yard at Ferol, Spain, gutud several buildings, and before the tlaiuus ware extinguished a number of bombs had boon exploded. The loss Is estimated al 4,UUU,UUU pesetas. Mr. (Jrahum of liuveUtoke, U.C , has been appointed Government; agunc anu mining raooidsr for Atllu l.,ake Disiri.t, anil will have ohara* of the whjiu .Nni'- thern iirltlsh C:)lumblu territory, with largu diHui'otlonary powers. 'I'bu death of WUlluin fleatty. who went to I'ariy .Sound in ISIW is an- nounced, ills widow Is Isabella Itowus, daughter of the late John C). Downs, at one lime Mayor uf Toronto. He ls;ivea besides bis widow, thteo daughters and one son. Jobn T. NIblook, the Montreal agent of the London Lift liisuranue Co., haa oonlaBSflU to forgeries which netted him (4f>7.ilit. When taken to the otjlla he broke down couiplotuly, and the scene on .Sat- urday when his ymiiig wife visited hlin was most utTeotlng. I'arls, Unt., Is threatened with a lullk famine. All the dairymen have dooldud to oeasu delivering In Cowii. 'Iha board of health a mouth ago duoldetl tu Insist that all dairy herds he tested wltb tuburou- lino, and, falling this, qq permits for the sale of milk to be Issued. '11m time for the lest expires Monday, and praotloally all have decided to resist tbe edict. Allss lianton, :iJ Phoebe street, and Miss lluyos o{ Montreal, visiting at Id Garden avenue, Toronto, were on .Sunday taken to the Isolation hospital, as they had been attacked by smallpox. It is thought Miss lianton may have caught the disease at Conoiirg, where she was lately visiting; no sciuo of contagion la known In the other casj. Kvory precau- tion bis been taken by tbu inodlcal health oilicer to prevent the spread ot tht soourge. POLITICAL PUI.NTS. The North Hastings and Nlplsslogslso- tlons will both uiiiiie ou Deconilior 37th, wltb nominations one week earlier. Wsst Algoma is also to be added to tbe list of protests that Have come to noth- ing. Saturday, as no one appeared for tbe petitioner at Usgoode Hall, .iustices Fal- conb Idge iind Street di.smlssed the tiaso wlibout coats. Stiitt III RilMlHIld. Giielph. Deo. B.â€" John Morris, Ouelph Township, boa .â- ccelved word stating that Jonn Klrklami. a former resident of the same township, had been shot dead in Kossland. H.C., by an irate neighbor, about two weeks ago. He sold his farm to John Morris last spring, and went to Kossland in co'iipuny with bis sister, who kept bouse for him until tbe time of his death Hj was about 35 years old. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Parcels Packed for ForelKn Countries Must He AciTuinpanled With a Customs Declaration. Ottawa, Deo. b.â€" In view of the ap- proach of the Christmas season, the at- tention of postmasters has been called to tbe fact that no parcel can be sent from Canada to any other country by parcel post unless it bears a custom i declara- tion setting forth tbe nutnro of Its con- tents and lis value. As 'be acceptance by a postmaster of a parcel addressed to any other country, and not provided with a customs declaration, will result In its be- ing sent to the dead-letter ofUce, post- masters are specially directed not to accept such parcels without the customs declaration. riKK AMUNO SKY .SCKAPERS. noine Life and Otlmr <*r«at Buildings la New York Hetni; Destroyed. New Vork, Deo. S. â€" Fire broke out Huuday niirbt shortly after U o'clock In tbu live-storey building corner of IJroad- way and Chambers street, occupied bj Kogers, I'eet & Co. The entire building was burned. At midnight ten storeys of tbe Home Life Insurance building of :>U storeys were In flames All tbe woodwork of tbs front of tbe United States Life Insuraooe building, on the opposite side of Warren street, bas beun burned away, and tbe building Is threatened wltb destruotloo. Tbe gieat height of the buildings makes It almost Impossible to gel water there. The lire is still burning furiously. Gannlns Aeeideiit at Leamingtea. Letmington, Ont, Uao. 5. â€" While out rabbit hunting Saturday afternoon, along wltb a par'.y of hunters, Henry lallle- mlre laid down his double-barrelled gun, while he prooee<led to dig a rabbit from a stonepile. Whiie throwing tbe stones tnck of bim he happened to strike tbe gnn with a stone, discharging both bar- rels in suoh a luannsr as to receive tbs full charge In tbe right ahouldsr, badly shattering the shoulder blade and collar buue. The patient Is sorlouslj Inlursd, but mar rsoover. Chippewa liiillanii lu Arms. St. Paul, Minn., Deo. 5. â€" Another up- rising of the Chippewa Indiana Is threat- ened. The game warden at Sauk Kaplds bas had a fight wltb 14 of the red men, whom bs attempted to arrest for violat- ing tbe game laws. lie was Ijadly whip- pe<l, and Slikte Game Warden FuUertoD ordered that tbe Indians be taken Into custody. The Indiana declare they will resist all attempts to capture (hem and organize a rebellion. six Man Snulilfd to Death. New York, Dec. .I. â€" The Mallory Line steamship Alaiiiu bad just swung out from her pier at 2U Kast Kiver at 7 o'clock on .Saturday night, for Galveston, when an 11-Inch steam feed pipe In her boiler room burst and six men working in tbe ro'jiu were scalded to death. Four others who were in the room escaped. One passenger ot about 80 aboard was Injured. The Maria Terena's Safe. Norfolk, Va., Dec. ».â€" The safe of tbs Spanish crulssr Maria Terasa, which hal lain for some time In the navy yard hers, was opened yesterday, and was found to be hlled with bags of Spanish and Amortoan gold and allver coin. It Is estimated that tbe value of the treaanre will reach (76,000. 'Ihe money will bo turned over to the proper ofticials and the si|fe will be sent to tbs National Museum at Washington. f;niiaillHii **I>i-iiinini*rs" in the U.S. Washington, Deo. 8.â€" Referring to cer- tain published statements that (Canadian coiniiiorulal travellers were forbidden to pursue their oulling in the United States by the terms of the alien contract labor law. Secretary Spaulding said yeaterday that the law wua not so construed by tbe 'Ireasury Ilepartment. Commercial trav- ellers weie not considered as coming Within its provisions. S^iulra Hunt Was Sleepr. St. Thomas, Gnt., l>s«. 8.â€" The charge against Arthur Johnson of stealing wheal from u farmer named Orast of Union was heard before Squire Hunt at the Police Court yesterday and dismissed. K. II. UConnell defended. While the oase was Is progress and at the most im- portant stage of the prooeedlngs Squire Hunt tell aslesp and nearly fell off ths magistrate's bonoh. Hrltlah Warships for Nanking. Pekin, Deo. 8. â€" Owing to the presence ot a French warship at Nanking, a Brit- ish warship has been urdereii there to protect tbs Interests there of Great Bri- tain. The question of the ertcnslnn ot the American and Hrltlah settleraeni^^ nc Shanghai la likely to be favorably ueuiuud at an early date. Spaniards Oet a Concasslou. I.iondon, Deo. 8.â€" The Mtdrld corres- pondent of the Dally News says: "It Is oftldally announoed that tbe Spanish I»uce coininlssionera have secured a son- oes^ion grautliig Spain commercial ad- vantagbs In the Philippines for ten years. An effort will be made to secure a simi- lar oonoesslon in the AutlUas. One Day's WorJ^^ W«f<v«tMidMWal^ChAte*rWnB ' tfl* fmiumm at toi c««tft«i4:ti :^a»4 ' *7- •â- â-  X w %amA thm wMck. prrpaid Tba «• M gâ€" 111 kamrictm Watch, gmmrmmtm* • X J ST. VITUS DANCE. A Trouble That Causes Its Victims Much Inconvenience. Wlufrad SchoSelil, of Onspereau, N. 9., TelU Mow He OUCuined a Speedy and r«rinaiieut Cure. From The Acadien. Wolfville, N.S. 'ihe uMiiiy cases brought to his notice of rcj-ideuLs in this vicinity being cuicd fio'm physical dicorders thn)UBh th'.' iiKciuy of 1*T. Wiliiame' l*ink Pills, hiivc created in the mind of The Aca- diiMi representative a sincere belief iu the hen ling powers or this remedy. Yet withal he was a little incredulous tile other day when told ot a young man who liad Is-en riirt-d of a very se- rious and deplorable disease by the use of oiJy two boxes of these little mira- cle workers. It seevied inypossible that Buih a remarkable healing could be wrought even by Dr. Williania' Pink Pills in such short ord«?r. Ac<i«rdingly,he uas iKUL^csaed of a strong desire to in- vcstiKiilc Mr. Winfred Selu)tield, of (jiis|icre:iu, wae the address given us by our inforuMint. and we were m>t leiig in hunting hiui up. We found Mr. Sd-idield to be a bright young man of about twenty years of age and of more Uiuii ordinary iirtelligenee. His air of candor and straijjhtforwardiiess dis- pi'lU'd any doubts we may have had. In n very few words he atated to us bis case. "Two yearti ago," be said. "I was taKen with an attan-k of St. Vitus Diuit-e- Si>ii;etinie8 when at work I f(>uud that my lingers would all at once •tn.ighun out, and I would be compei- k-J to di>>p anything I was holding. One day I was using an axe when seized with one of Uiese attacks. 'ITie axe slipped 11 um my hands and in falling struck my foot and gave it a nasty cut. After that you can depend uis>n it I left axes alone, and it was not lung be^ fore I had to give up using any kind of tool. My complaint rapidly grew worse, and I was 9iM>n unfitted for any sort of work. Everything iwsaible was tried by me in order to get relief, but I got no better. At last one day a neighbor of mine, Mr. t'Ved , Fielding, who had been cured by the use of Dr. Williains' Pink IIUs, advised me to give them II trial, offering to pay for them hin:selt if they did ii<>t help me. As it tiirui-d out, he was smfe enough in mak- ing the offiT. I followed his adwce, but had scarcely begun to uae them when I began to fet-l very miuch bet- ter. After using two boxes I w«a iier fiK^lly cured, and have never been trou- bled with the eomplaint since. I am con- fiden that to Dir. Williaims' Pink PUls alone I owe my cure-" Dr. Williams' Pink IMlIs crente new bl<od, build up the nerves, and thus drive diwiiBe from the sj'stcin. In hum- dieils ot e«i»e« they have cured after all other medicines have fn.iled, thus estab- lishing the cluini Ihiit they are a iiwtr- vcl among the trinmiihH of moiieni nieil- ical science. The genuine I'iuk PiU« art' sold only in boxes, bearing the full tniile mark, "Dr. Willianie' Pink Pills for Pnle People. Pr<ite<-t yoiirsidf from IniiKisition by refusing any pill that does not Immt the recisteri'tl trade mark around the box. If in doubt, send di- rect to Dr. Williams' Medicine On., P.rookville, Out., and chey will be mail- ed to you pfi>-t imid at ROc. a hoz, or sly boxes for .?2..'>0. ifow to Cure lliMilaclie.â€" Some people suffer untolil misi-ry day after day with Ileailaclie. There is rest neilher day or ui«lil until the nerves are all unstruug. 'Ihe cause is i;encrally a disordered stora- acli, and a cure ciin lie elficted by using Parmelee's Vegetalile Pills, containing .Viiiidrale and Dandelion. Mr. Fiiilay Wurk, Lysander, P. y., writes: •'! find Parmelee's I'ills a flrstrcioss articls tor Uilious Headache." AiirlHIei; to Get a Wlieel. In the advertisin^j columns of a Ger- ninii pjuxT of recent date n.piHMiTs the aiirmunc^-ment that "a mwlical student wishes to exehiiUK-e a well preserved ekck'ton for a bicycle." TO CUKK A H)I.I> IN ONE DAY Tiikc I.,iiX!Uivo Hiiiiiu. yuiiii'i.' All DrugKisisrefundl HMii mcy if It .lu.stocui'e. i5c Mineral re «>uic«-H of s ain. SlMiin has greater mineral resources tiiaii any other couiutry in Europe, ia- clncyng iroiu copis-r, zinc, ailver anti- mony, quicksilver, lead and gyjisum. They Never F'ail.-.VIrs. S. M. H.mgh- ner, Langton, writes: "For alK.ut twc years I was troubled with Inward Piles but by using Parmelee's I'ills, I was com- pletely cured, aud although four year.s have elapsed since then thsy have not re- turned." Parmelee's Pills are anti- biiioMs and a speoillc for tbe cure of Liver anu Ki.liu'v C'lMipl.iinis, Dyspepsia. Cos- tivenes-,, Ucadacin-, l'i!,-s. etc.. and will regulate the secretions ;inii remove all hlliuus matter. Boarding House Joke. Biiconâ€" Have yon extenave grounds at Ihe house where you board? Egbertâ€"Yes; in the coffee. i&i tor Minard's Liniment and tak« no otbtr, Cevers fur Clillilreii*« ll..eka. When tbs onildran's favorite book grows shabby It may be renovated by giving It an embrolderod cover. Cut a pises of brown hollan.l or one of the pretty art linens two Inches wider and four Inches longer than tbe book. Tom In an inch at the top and bottom, and measure the linen carefully around tbs book, turning the extra length insids. .'-ew this to tbe outside, formiog a kind of pocket at each end into which chs cover Is slipped. The linen may be decor- ated with any simple device in embroid- ery, a wreath of holly berries and leaves, with tba owner's Initials In the middle, or a monogram, or the nams of the booli. â€" I.,adis8' Homs .Tourual. M Qard's LinimeDt Is used by Physicians. Cost of an KIcrtrir C«b. It costs about $1,000 to bnild an eteo- tric cab of the kind now in uae ia LIVE AGENTS ARE WANTED. Men, boys or girls, who will make a house to house canvass for THE SUN. The is the ONE ^^Y ^f^ Agricultural ♦ ♦ ♦ ^^v^XX Newspaper ^_ in Canada. It is the one paper to which A Bystander is a regular contributor. No paper offers more liberal terms. FOR NO OTHER PAPER IS IT SO EASY TO SECURE SUBSCRIBERS. Send for circular showing cssh com- missions, «Iso the Kst of vuluabli" prizes offer ed those who prefer to take their re- ward in that way. Specimen copy on application to SCN PBINTI>0 CO.. Limited. TOBONTO. ODORLESS CLOSET. Th« best snd most sensible Invention of the a)(e. Endorsed and recommended by MEDICAL men all over the country. PRICE SO REASONABLE that no home should be without one. Write for circular to The Odorless Crematory md General Heating Co., HAMILTON, ONT. T. N. U. 196 ^^^^-^/u^^t^ Tlioraugiily Taught. , Ired by Shontii aouDceaunt freo. at The Northern BusiseMCoIlege, Owen Sonnd, Out., by ex[)erionc«J teachers. Counw includes Short- n.-iiMl, rvpewriting.Penmaiiship and n' »l k. <:».â„¢.v 'â- ."'"'^""".'"s-i'i-nhesubiocti re- eO by Shorthand wiiierj in oil , e work Colleee «unc«ii»ut£«.. C A. FLEMING. fti,«^* JREE We jjive this fina watch , and charm, for selling two dnjt. I.EVBR Collar Buttons, at ten cts. each. SeiHJ your ad- dress nmi wcfuiw.ird the Himun<;, post pnid, nrjil cur Premium*u No mnney re- quited. Sell ibe Bill- torts BnioDft your friends, leiurn the money, nnd we send , . , tite watch, prepaid. Ij V* A Rcnuiite Ainericnn waich, ptTrntifcd, for a few hour .' work. Meniion this paper when wilting. LDVIR BITTON CO.. 20 Adelaide 5t. B. Totooto, Ont. iâ€"k

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