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Flesherton Advance, 1 Dec 1898, p. 8

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Â¥, H â- m DECEUBftR 1 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^wmtfif €inxt\» M'COLLOUOH A TOUNO lUDkors, Uarkdds Do •. K«>>«ral baiikiuK buiineia. Uonejr loMied k( » laanouable rate. Call on ai. AS VANDUHRN, J P Clerk Sth Div Court, Co Onj ItMier of Marriage Liceniea, OonTSTaDcar Notuiy, I'libllc, AuctioDeer. Money to loaned trODl ;> to dperceut. CharKea niodorate. FLE8HEKT0K P O DEBTS COLLECTED The underalRned la prepared to undertake the collection ol all kinds of debti. N'otea boiiijlit, accounts collected, etc. K N HKNDEKBON, Flestaerton TCHISLETT Flnslierton Station Postmarter, ConinjissiouKr in B C J, Convey- ancer. Dxeils, niorttiaReH, loaaes and wills 4lrawn. Mone) to lend at 6) per cent and up- wards. Debts collected. Cbarues moderate. RJ SPHOULE Postiiiaator, Fluherton ("omuiisKionor In II. C. J., Auctioneur. Con- veyancxr, Appraisfr and Money Lender Kual Kstate and Insurance Agent. Deeds U)urt^(iUVH, leaHes and wlllu carefully drawn up and valuations made on nhurteet notice. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col lections attended to witb prouiptnens CharcoK low. Avent for Ocean Dominion Htuamship Cooipauy. A call solicited. l/TARKIAOE LICENCE8-At Government "* prices. Dozens 01 them ; Now Version, FimtdHHs: U. K. and Jubilee, Foraiuijlaper. son. in pairs or six at a time. U. WiLkaN PuUDT, ISMITR. ECOXNIl, MISS SAllAH 8TKAIN'. '*• Tottchor on |iiano, pianoforte, organ, etc. Iloliij ftrst cla-s teachers' cortiflcate in muKic with honors from Alma College; pupil ol I*ii.f. St John Hyttenrauch of Couoiiliageu, Dcuiiiuik. KesidBuce cppoaite MuthodKt llesheriou ^0citt\f$ AO V \V meets every bMtand third Monday lu each mouth, in .onir lodge room, Cbristoe's block, Flei>hertou, at H p m. Jah ltla<celuy , W M ; A M Gibson, Recorder: %V. ]{»llaniy,Fiuauci«r. Visiting brethren Invited PBI.N( K AHTHTIl LODUE, No. !BB, A. *â-  \ U. meets in the Masonic ball. Strain's block. Kieaherton, every Friday on or before the full niooo. K UoOlll, W Mj W J Bellauiy, Becretary. POUItT ILKHHKRTON, I. O. F. meets in « (liriKtou's Block the last Friday evening in each month. Vititing Foresters heartily welcouie. T. Henry, Cbiefnauger, W. A. Arm- â- trouK. Secretary. icutii^tyjl BR. A. E. LITTLE Dentist, Ortduate University of Toronto and Iloyal College of Dental Surgeons, rieshnrtouâ€" Monday and Tuesday of each week., Frldar kDd Saturday of •acta wc-uk. J P MAttBHALL ' • M U B, D D 8, L D 8 Honor Orailusto Toronto Universityand Hoyal CoUega of IJeutal Surgeons. Vlalts Flesherton every Friday afternoon . 1 Q CAMPHEIL ** L 1) S, D D 8, Cental Burgeon, Harkdale OfUce over McCallough & Youngs bank Hoursâ€"*.:*) a m to 8 p m. Visits Fleaherton the second and fourth Thursday of eitcb luontb. Offloeat Munshawa hotel •T HENDKHRON * " U H. M D 8, Dentist of Toronto <Oo|,1 Mf..lallBt) will visit Flosherton pro i"„'5iV""iM''?.''."SJ*"""""'»>' â- " •"hmontu and Dundalk the following day (Thursday.) frgal JOHN W FROBT, L L B (• " llanlster. Solicitor Conveyancer, etc Offlc«-Ncxt to postoHlo.. Sproule's block, FleaheitoN, every Katur lay and court days N H- Owen Hound ofllcs, Froafs block Poulett street east. T UCA8, WRIGHT A BAT80M *• llairlstere Solicitors Oonveyaueers, etc OfflcHs-Owen Soood, Ont. and MarkdsleOnt. vr H WaioHT, C A UiTWM I II Lu< as N Bâ€" Klesherton oISm, Ultchell's Dank •very balurday. «PUCKEB * PATTERSON * Ilarristers, Solicitors, eto Molaou'a JIaok, Owen Sound BARRY a TUCKEk GEO W PATTERriON ^ACKAV * SAflPSOn. Barristers, *o. •1 I. . , "â-ºâ-º'«''•;" :-0>veu Sound, Merchant's Bank Itlock, N. nf I'atterHon House. Dundalk Main Street, every Saturday. A.O. MrtCKAY, M A , H.K. SAMPSON, L.UD , Crown Attorney lor Gray. §Udi(«l TVH BUTTON If MDCM, MCPftS Ont, Pricevllle Otnce next door to Brown's store ; rnaidcnre opposite at the old post omee, residence of lata Alex Hrown. Office days-'I'uesdays and Satur- days. T\R CAIiTKR A* M C P * 8 Ont, Phyalolan, Kleshiirtiin offlccâ€" Strain's block. XluiisliHw's Hotel Snr|i«nn,etc Residenceâ€" JOHN A HCOTT. M n Venilxir College Phvslc. A Rnrgron* Ontarin (IrsduBti. in Medicine of Toronto Univrrnitv. Kollowship [)i|iIonie , Post Gradu- ate .Me'llcal Hchnol and HofpitBl. ('hicsgo' II ases nf eve, enr. nnfn and throat specially trnatnd. .Maxwell, visits Fevanliaii) Thursdyns 1â€"8 Jp OTTRWRMi Veterinary Surgeon radnatn of Ontario Voterlnary Collage, Koflidonce â€" Second door south on west â-  roiu Mary street. Thl" streets ruui loutlt idu I'reshyteriaii church. FOR - Priceville Rollep Four a.ndL Savr 9Allla To the Fhrmera and residents of Price vUleandsurruiindiiigountry and villiiges: HaTihK leased the above niilU for a term of year*. I would respectfully iolicit a lair share of your custom and patron- age. Hoping by fair and hi>ne«t deal- ing to retain all old and new eustoiiierHS of the mill. finest Brand of FLOUE, OAT MEAL, GRAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, also all kinds *t Feed kept constautly on hand. Hit;heat Prices paid in cash for any quaiiiities of ;wheat. Planinir, Match- ing and Sawinij done to order. sIho Saw Log"* purchased. Special reduction on 4 and 5 barrel lots of Flour. Farmers bring your grist and chopping and give us a fair trial and wb will be huio to use you right. Chopping done every day at 5c Pex* Xoo lbs. G. ii7~WALTER Priceville, Jan. 25th 1898. For anything in ilie Watch, Clock or Jowelltiry line don't fail to ctll at tliu brick store, opposite Town Hall. Ropiir- ing in all its brunches and prices the lowest. Ai^eiita for Mnsscy Harris WhcelH. A special snap on one of tliu aliovu a.s I do not wisl- le curry it over until next yo»r. J. F. VanDUSEN dlfe!9lfe!9lfe^lfe^ife>U&dl&:3lfedUr .<$!£! <»'^<ye'^ I Photos *f ^ â€"TAKEN ^ _AT THE Flesh reton Photograph Gallery | are dnno in lirit-claas style and at „* lowest rates. •Special attention }f givoii to copyins. Itabies' photos. |E( a specialty. Pictures frHmi^d. Why Ibc QnMM Was Bora In Bngland ^0 S'tias on BECAUSE II I USK Moore*s Piy Nvt«, loathrr or Corded Ax In (iirease H/iof (liHtraant ItuKvy Washers liarvea'i Mitis Sweat Collars Men's Leather liriicos Whips and liashes HarinasH Oil Polish All kinds of harness kept on hand and made to order. Evvrylhing in harnesa (^>ds and "t rijht prices. WM. MOORE Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins anil all kinds nf Furs piir- chasiiil, for which highest market price will bo paid. Homeaiade aaii*ni;es im hand, aitu all kinds of lueafcs. M. WIT^BON Fieihsrton Meat Enipoiiam DsAR Sir,â€" In your issue of Nov. 17 you print f>oine valuable information con- cerning "Engl8n«r» precious relic." In thi.s connection it is notgeneially known how oui gracious Queen came to be born in England, and from an old work I have I copy you the following : J. A. St. Catharines. Nor. 19, 1808. "The Israclitische Wodnnschrift pub- lishes the following historical romance, in which Sir Moses Montefaore plays a prom- inent part. In the year 1816, under the noiniiial rule of George III, his third son, Edward, Duke of Kent, settled at Orussela, in consei)Uence of the unsettled state of his finances and oF the necesxiiy of livinc more economically than was possible in England. Two years later ho married the widowed Princess of I^einin- gen, with whom ho subseiiuently re«ided at her castle of Aniorbach, in tlie Oden- wald. Then the prince was visited by Mose.i Montoliore in order to arrange some iinaiiciat matters, and during this visit the last mentionod personage took the opportunity of drawing tho attention ot the Royal Duke to an expected chanire in the occupancy of tho English throne, and advised him, therefore, to return to his native country. The Duke, however, was unwell and postponed his departure, being desirous of awaitiug his recivery l>ef()ro introducing his consort to the EnKlish Court. Montefiore then betook himself to the Duchess, and urge.itly pressed on her notice the fact that no one could be heir to the throne unless he or she were born in England ; thai under the circumstances in which she was then situated, she owed it to herself and her cotnini;'child at once to re]>air to Ensland. He reminded her that the death of George III. was shortly to be expected, and both the Prince Regent and the Duke of Clar- ence (afterwards William IV.) were child less ; the Princu Regent had lost his only child, the Princess Charlotte, in 1817 ,' and con8ei|Uently aft^r the two princes just nienti'med the throne would devolve on the Duke of Kent and his descend- ants. So earnestly did Mr. Mimtetioro press his p<Miit, especi.illy with reference III 'ho nece.ssity for the heir to bo born in Eiik.and, that the Duchess followed his advice and urged her husband to accom- pany her to England. On May 24. 1819. shu gave birth to a daugl.ter, who, 18 years later, succeeded to the throne as Queen Victoria. This circumstance, con- cludes the Wodenscbrift, was the result of the sensible advice given by Moses .Montetiiiru, and in part accounts for the fHterm in which tho venerablu baronet is lu'ld by all parties in the country, as well as by the Court." • • â-  A FriBlitlul Blunder Will of! on cause a horrible Burn, Scald Cut or bruise. Huckleii's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sures, Ulcers, Boils, Feloni, Corns nil skin Eruptions. Kest pile cure on inrth. Onley 25 cts s box. Cure guar- niitued. Sold by all Druugists. FIcshprton Station From Our Otcn Corre»j)onJent Our itrnin market is still to the front. Mr. and Mi'rt. M. Kennedy gave a|Mrty on tho evening of Thanksgiving; day to I bu young people of our village and west li.ick line, which was much nppieciated. The evening was spent in games and i.tber aniuseineiits, after which the uuusis weie invited to where everything was found to pluase the inner man. The young Indies say it was just line. Mr. .). ('oniior, foimuily of this place, bad his \v^ Hniputated at the Toronto Keneral hospiial last week. We are glad to learn that he is recovering. Mrs. R. H. Cook has been ill for tho past t»o weeks but i< slowly rocuvuriiiL'. M'-. A. McLeod has been very lew for the past few weeks. LiMie Annie Taylor, who has been seriously ill for the Isst tliree weeks, pas.ted peacefully awuy at 8 ;iO Satuiday ovuiiing. .\niiie, who was only 8 yeais old, hits been sutrerinir fi-oni dropsy for Noino years, but lioro liur affliction without a iiiiinnur. Kliu hud made many warm hiunclK during h-r Khort sojourn here, wliiil) was testified to on Suiidsy when ber little Sabtmtli school cla.iHmates went III a body to her hemic to look upon the leuiains of ibuir liitle friend for tho last time. Wc extend our deepest synipatliy with Mr. Taylor and family. Tonilov Hhepher 1 thou hast stilled Non tlij little latnli'H brief weeping; Ah, how peaceful, |'Ah< and mild 111 her imritiw lieil Hlie's sleuping, Aiiit no Hi^li <.f anguish sore IleuveHihut little liosiim more. Uod forhida hur longer stay, Uuil rncHlla the precious loan ; Ciod hath taken her away Vrout our bosom t<i his own. Surely what he wilUisbust, Happy lu bis will wo rest. Letter of Condolence To Ur. and Mrt. Smith aitd Family, We, your iieighboi-H and fiir-nds, have leathered liuru this evening to express to you our heartfelt sympathy for tliu sad I ereaveinenr which it was the wiUuf (Jnd ti> send upon you. Wo realize that it is indeed very trying, but wo know that 'vhile we uru joiiiiieyiiig tlnoiigli this lire we will iiieut wiili trials and sorrow.s. May the Grace of God enable us to wiy, "Thy will bo done," knowing that onr loving lioavonly Father hoikIs us our sor- riiws as wtdl ui ouv joys, to draw iis nearer to biinself. We aro (;rievcil to think that, we sliall for tho future inisH from our tine who WHi a universal favorite, but, dear fritnds, wo iiusllliai; the blessing of Uod may rest upon yuu, <ind that you and your family May live for many years, walking in faith, happi- ness and prosperity, in whatever path of life the I.iord leads you, and when all your jounieyinifs her* are over may you all meet as one unbrrAen faniif^ in the Fat bur's kingdom. " And thou, poor mother, WeepinR fiW thy boy, Witb empty arms and pallid, aching brow, CotildHt thine eye pierce yon arching sky And see the angels flitting to and fro. Thy loa'l of grief would pass awayâ€" Tbp mother of an angel, thou, to-day." Signed on behalf of the neighbors, Mrs. W. H. Ckozier, Miss Ua5nau Walton, Miss H. L. Shohb. Nov. 23, 1898. tnaetj.flTa Cnrca la On* BnadrMl Coaea. WIthiD a period of sixty days, one hun- dri-d casM ot Astbma treated by Clarke's Kola Compound showed the marrellou-s per- ctDtage of nlnety-flve absolute curesâ€" and these flgures are gathered from hospltiil records. 12 a bottle ; three botiles (or ♦.I. Sold by all druKKlot*. or The rirtfOths ^c Mactilienon Co.. 121 Church street, Toron- to. 21. Sheldon's Newspaper The Rev. Cliiis. M. Sheldon's books, now so univeisnlly read, make it plain that that wiitt-r's bo|ie-i of the re;,'.-ii> ra- tion of the world lie in getting in^lui'lii- als more and mote t'< do tlieir <lai!y t:\skn on christian piinciples no matter what tho sacrifice involved. In tho Ix'st known of his books, " In His Steps." he clearly liN>ks to tho ilew^paper. carried on upon chrislian principles, as largely the hnpe of the "coming kingdom." In looking about him fur a newspaper on his model, he seems to have hit on the Montreal Witneis. to which he has addresseil a letter, part of which we ((uore : " I have read the Witness with much interest. I cannot aay that I know of any other daily pai^er in the I'nited States that is conducted rm such high Christian principles. I wish I did, for if ever wc needed such a paper in our coun- try we need it now. Let ine express to you my appreciation of the Christian heroism and cousideration ,vhich make u paper like the Witness a p-iaaibility. I have always believed it p issiblo for » ChriMtiaii diily to succeud. Y ui htva proved that it cm. 4o much of tiie ideal newspHper in ' In His Steps ' is thereforei real. I pray that y.iu may continue t> be bleined in your work. I do in.t kiiovtr a iiionvgioTicu.'i opportUHfty for baildinK up the kiiiifiliMii on uartlw than by ineaiii* of Christian jiQurnalisin. I take tho greHt<;'<t pleasure ill sending the copies of the Witness to newspaper Irieiids of niioe t'lt their iinpection. Very curdially vouts, Cbarle-s M. Sheidoit, Topeka, Kan'<as Caaada's Greatest rinlmnnt. QrlfUths' Menthol Liniment Is tbo great- est curoMve discovery of the asc. Pene- trates muacle, membrane and tissue to the very bone, banishes pains and aches with a power Impossible with any other remedy. I'se It for rheumatism, nenrnlgla, head- aohes nuil all 9orene.s8, swelling and In- Cammatiuu. All druggists, 25 cts. 33 Head Stopped Up ! [ratatrhvraalI.->sler-BalJaponea«l'alarrl> Care Delliroard tbe Menslar DIseas* aaictlT, Calmly, rieasanlly. bat Sarclyâ€" HIsaA. Heli'kCaselTas a llard Oae Bat This Sew Bemeily ^forked ibe Wander. atlas Xcitt It a wnU-fcnown b -y of Iloaoh- Tllle, Oikt.. oiKl imyliody ii at liburty to verify by c<jrr.wpou>l»moo what la prtotetl here oi her euro of ontnrrh of long sCamW IM by Jnpooi-s" Catarrh Cure. She saysâ€" " T had catarrh (<ir yeara. My hoad was so •topped np 1 could not breathe through my''''n<«tr"iU. ' My 1 reath was dl«guitlii#J»- foul. I had co:iitaai pain in my head ovt r my eye«. Nothing I could get gii'o n-" any relief permanraitly until I use J Japan- eae Catarrh Curo. Tho first spplh^lio'i- frare ni« ohn^st Imtant reiiof, and in every jhiirt while my mwo and throat were clear : the pain left my head and eyes ; and Its effect on my Ireolh was truly wondorfUl '. It purified It. a.nd hnj remi.Ted every vefc tiro of the dleeanH." A (ruarantoe to cur» printed In everv pnckajro or iiiooey refund- ed, no cents at all druggists or by mall- QrlUitbs * Macphersoa Co.. Toronto. 10t> FOR SALE BY T. .1, SHEPP.VRD KIDNEY-SICK PEOPLE I By faptba lapsraat army of auSTapcpa In the world ap« tha kldney-alok peoplaâ€" but oy fhp tha lap^aat apcny of tho cui>e<i ones attplbuta thali* raleaaa fpotn dlaaaao to the frp«>it South Amerioan Kidnay Cupaâ€" Cupaa Bplcbt'a diaawa Cupaa dlAbotaa. Curoa all bladdep aUmanta. Kidney di.^eascs are the most in- sidious of all diseases common to humanity : within the past few year:> m'idical science has mads wonderful strides in coping with Its rava.;e3. South American Kidnsjr Cure has proved rich In boalin^ power, and every day testimony is piled up fur its great curative quali- ties. Where kidney disease exists it is generally indicated by certaia â€" "^1 changes io tha urine, such as mucus, rtJl sediment, albumen, brick dust, acid -y-LiX^ and bloodâ€" pain is not necessarily an â€" ^2^5 jMxromnaniment, which only aggra- vates tno insidious nature of it. Test- ing and ex7>urinienting has disclosed the fact that tbo passing through thcie organs of the solid particles^ iu tha ordinary course of circulatioa da in a remarkably short whila ckif upv grind o«rt iutd impair them av thit tha functionsof these org.ins are^ aol performed ami lays holdl on tile paiicot with a ruthless hand, Kklncy diseases require a sol'veatâ€" South Ameficaa Kidney Curat i^M solventâ€" it is a kidney speciSoâ€" - claims to be no more â€" it has been tested by eminent medical authorities on kidney diseases, and proved and testified to by them as the surest and safest cure for all diseases of the kidneys and bladder. It's • purifierâ€" a healer â€" a health builder cHicacioui alike to main or woman. to reallxa lor hlmtelf that hJa eaaa ' Oae4 News fr«B tke Nartk Ceanlryâ€" A youn; machinist in a larKa manufacturlDg con- cern la Nurthern Ontsrto, fell a victim to tt>c drupsical form of kidney disease throuKh M- nioiphtrlc chsnges In followlns hlsdsl'y Ubur^ â€" kt conlhiued bis wufk uniil almost conimAndod to quit by the phvtlcian from wh^KD he h.ui t>c4:n receiving Iraaluirnt, He visited Toronto anil CJiiiuUen sn eminent authority on kidney dis- eases. The dncior sent him Hume with sttupcful a story of himself as he oouid live, but wroie prlTstcly to the younx man's physician thnt It wss oniT a instter of time with bim until death would claim aiiutber kidney victim. When be SOUTH AMBRIC AN NeRVINB-'U a osrve healer. Cores Indlgesdon sad all stomach troMbli» whic^ are forerunnars of nervoos collapse*. SOUTH AMBRtCAN RtlBUMATIC CURBâ€" Has Ufted men otT a bed of pain aftac a law days' use, who have not been free from suflerlns far year^. DR. AQNEWS OINTflBNT euiaa bUad, Uaedlnf, liekluc or uke«atlii( pUe* laftonthne ta> five ut(bts. t$ els. S hopeless he tojlc tus oa&e la bis own hands, de> lormincd to ht;bt for his Ufa. He esperlmsntaA with msny so-caUed cures without rsUel Sontks Amsrloan Kidney Curo wss brought to his sotise., ami like eTeryihli>K else, he Hied Itâ€" la bla> astontehineat he beifan to feel batter under tta use. He continued to Rain strengthâ€" be look da bottles -and to-day tb:it same younK maq can be found at that satua lathe, working (or that sstaei ootioem. hale and hearty si the first day he wane there. Ha RivosuU tho oroditto South Auaricaa- Kldney Cure. HuUl l)y W. K. Wiot»c»rc>«on Kleahertun i^JMUUiuiuMUMMM inpAn fWMv;i«i<u)LaiMtiMtnj)UMiiMtiiti:\iMuwi iit<wti:v ; D. Mc Tavish FLBSMEI^TON KEEP5 ON HAND REPAIRS... Fur .Massey- Harris, Nnxnn, Fleury and WiMrinson farm implements Floury antl Verity plows tm hand all tha tiiae, aUe all kinds of repairs [2 llr the SHinn. Wn inanufncture Wagons, Buggies, Cutteis, Sleighs, etc. ir'iraeshiieing promptly attended to. Speeial litteBliiin to tendnr ecu- acted feet. Linjgiiig and Plow Chains sonskanMy on hand. #tt######i^0i^^^###^M(|^### i'^m U EARD'S FOR #l^4!^^^t ENTS JM; r>nKStic3, Cttrta. Wasons, Harrows, Plows ol he ^ beat kiiida and n'pairs. Binders, Mowers, lurse w Kakea and Corti Scnffleia and repitirs. Chains of ^ all kinds, lloraeslioiiing a specialty at # John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms \i ^

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