\Mf^**^' I^eCBMSER I i^ THfe pLESHBRTON ADVANCE > I'" V I I It BSTABUSHBD .13S/' ^ke ^dvance ri'BUHIIEU WIEKLT At THE OFFICE, HYI>- ENUAM STREET, FLEHHERTON, ONT., BY W. H. THUR8T0N. «l per annum strictly in advance Advertising Rates : Old Column, 1 year, 8',0 ; halt col., 1 voar,«28 quartor co)., one year, $15. Trinsiont advortiaeinent cliarRod at the rate otSceots por lino for ftrat InRcrtioii and 3 cent oacU bubsijquout insertion. JUDGES AND THE ASSIZES The Owen Sound Sun thinks wo were rather severe on Ju.stice Robert- sou i^ our arliclu on this subject two weeks ago. Ihis is not a case in which Justice Robertson is specially singled out. Year after year the same hardship.s exist iu a greaWr or le.sscr â- degree, but the late occasion has em- phaaized it so strongly that The Ad- vance considered it high time to enter tt strong protest on behalf of the pub- lic. The manner iu whicli thip pro- test has been received shows that wo were correct in our estimate of its importance. The Sun believed with us that the Assizes could be com- uienced ou Monday. That would he a long step in the right direction and we hope it will hi done. At the same lime, why should the judge, as iii the recent lustance, close the businesf. of the court on Friday night ? The Sun says : " As a rule only one week ik set uparl for assize courts outside of the big cities, and if the docket is not finished wlien this period has elapaud. the judge must rcliiru and leavi: il unfinished, his time being laid out for hiia elsewhere." This is not i|nite correct, because a judge has it williin his power to " make arrangemouls " to havu his jjlace supplied and can remain until the docket is cleaiod if he so cliooscK Instance the Napaiieo bank robbjry case now in progress. Since writing the article under discus- sion wo iiave received a private com- luunicati.ou from one of the luosi pKiiiiincul lawyers iu this county, cn- dorsiug in full what we said, and as- SurliiJg tiiat we " point out a serious grievance. " He also believes the •legal piofcBsioii will not think wu were too harsh in our strictures. Judges, lio.vever, aie but human, and while «()iuo coiuo prepared to faciliato and hurry up the business before llieia with energy and care, there are others who appear to De ciironio dyspeptics and who gruuihle and growl and cen- .Bure officials for fancied wrongs, and act the tyrant to such a degree that thoy are simply unbearable. We arc informed of a recent case of this nat- ur<! where a high official was actually betrayed into swearing a great round oath, although a bad word had not cBcaped bis lips for the previous thirty 'years, owing to the absurd de- mands of a judge witii whom nnthing went right. Duiiuess before that court was impeded As the Dundalk Horuld truthfully points out, judges have been elevated beyond criticism, but if this whimsical and seltieh ttpirit £oiiliiiues to develop iu our judiciary It will be necessary to niako their ap- pointment elective or supcranuatc the A)fft;ii(lors, at the same time presenting .theni with a brass medal on which is ^â- iigi'aved the words, " Sic semper tyranniLS," Woqiioto below thenpin- ioiis of a portion of our county press oil this question. Were they all to it'peak we believe there would be prac- tical unanimity. From the Marhlale Statuliird. W.' iiru in fidl aooonl with wlmt thu i'loiliiTon AilvHiicii HHiil inut wueli re- ]|-ai'iliii^ (lit! Imr(l<liip expi'rii nâ„¢ l)y many nf lliime wliK Imvii (â- n!cii«ii<in In al- tmid tliti A.s».zi- Cinu'iK iu thin cniinty, 'I'liu prusmit aniiiii'miiitul buhuin Id bo \bat ibt) Cvurt shall unly sit frmi Tuub- dajr till Saturda/ rei{ardl«M of the nuoi* bar uf eM*B on tha docket. When thare ii a hekvy docket u in the caaH of the recent mhimh thoaa who hare not buen heard, after beinK at the expence of wait- ing there leverkl daya,are told they loay go home m ttnie ia up. This is indeed a real hardship and one that shoul be rem- edied. From the Dundalk Herald. The Fleslierton Adviuicu li»d a timely article on the pernicious liiil>it of stinie judge* in poitposin^ canes tixed fur that particular Assizn Court, to another sitting at their own sweet will without snv cnn- Kidcratidii i>f expense U> unfortuniitc liti- giiiits. Dutferiii county in this way was HHcldled with a laruu unioiiiic of uiineous- sary expense during the Hamilton perjury trial. Witnes-ses were lirouxht ImiK dia- lances only to find that tliu case had been postponed. I.^Ht week a ljr<;u nninl)er cjf witnesses wtiie l)r()ii<>ht to Owen Sound on ('.illerent cases Iiut were coolly informed by the Judj^e that their iiresiMice w:ih not ri'(|uued uiitil the next Asnizes. Not only ihiit, but ii lar^'e nninnnt of money is .soinoliiiieK in ilispufe, the loss of uliicli for the tiiuB beiny to a snoce.^sfnl litigunt inettiiit a i,'ri*at deiil. Tlieii, iilmui, the tcirtur.^ and uncertainly of delay lianas like il Dainiiclean K«-ord over the mifor- tuii'ite pUintitfs or defetidantH iluriii); the postpotiuinent. If there were any gnod reas III fur the p(mtp<nieiiu>iit it wonhl be a dill'oreiit inntter. L'unally ii iiierj wliiin on the [mrt of a jnil^e is Kiiiticient cxcUKe Not loni; iifi'i a judge irave iiH *tio reasnU for poHtponeinent thai "he wished to ••it- teiid 11 family dinner ! " It's i nd'.'hty tine lliint; to bi- a jiidiie. 'I'hepe is a fat sul.iry, with tiothin^j to do but sit on the bench and loi'l< wise. Ap;,oint',-d f'T life, they are abstdiit<dy independent of pnhlio opinion. In fact tliey have been elevated beyond criticism. The critical shaft when launched iit hit L'lrdship uin^t be drawn by a very skdful boivman or eise the un- lucky archer will tind hini>^elf behind ircni btjrs This immunity from public criliciBin miy bo necessary for the protec- tion of juduuK and the iinpaitial adininii- triktion of juntice, hut at llie name time it |)uts the public completely at the mercy of soltish or thoiiiditlessly inditferent judges. It would Heeni from the luinier- ous ciisea of thiH kind that have liapiieneit lately that there will have to be Home way found whereby tlie«e nentleinen may lie fiiight that they are iimrtal and in some measure iinieiiable to public opinion. In Kteiid of liavinu to tijht the diviin' rights of kiiijH it looks as though ac shall be c.illed upon to tii>lit the divine ri^^hts of judges SVe don't believe onr I iwiiiaker.s i.'Vi-r i.itellded to place those gentlemen oil a pedestal ito high that they caniint be reached l>y ordinary means Kxlraordi- loiry means have Kcnneriines been used where crdinary inuaiis failed. ObUuary Mr. Saniuol Scolt of Maxwell pa.ssed away in peaceful k1bo|) on Monday ni'irn- iiig, Nov, 21. IIu has been a sutferer from heart disoaso for the past two years. ( )n Auc li> he was stricken with apoplexy, followed by paralysis of the left half of his boily, from which he was slowly ru covering when two weeks ayo he suH'ered K second, since which ho hasilaily liecome weaker anil |m8Hed away without, ]>aiu in .1 ciihii sleep. The deceased w.is in his 71st }enr and was one of our oMest and an I miiHt esteemed resident:!. Kor the l:i<t sixteen years he Inm been a resident of ()s|)rey and always possessed the coiiti- (lencu and respect of the whole comniun iiy. Mr. .Scott comes of an old Irish family, his father, .lohn Scott, having eiiiigialed from the county of Monauhan, Irchind, to Canada in 181H, siiliseiiuently settling in the townshii) of Ibtmillon, cnuiity of Nortliiimberland, where he raised a family of five cliiUlran, [Samuel nnil Mary docenKed, ilanies of Ueloraiue, Maiiitiilm; Thomas on the old homestead, near liewilloy. Out , and .lane, now Mrs. Manly, of Swinloii Park, I'ioImu. Mr. Scott worked as a farm liiborer for a num- bur of years (8 years *ith one farmer) in the (dwiiship of Whitchurch, where he married Mary a Footw. Heing sober, uciinoinicul and iiidustriotH, he .soon saved eumiuh to start on a rented farm in the townithip of 8cott, where hu ronided 7 years. He then purchased a larger farm in Udora, iu Ueorgiania townahip, where he was very sueces.sful. Being possessed of a good education ho s<M>n took an active interest in the educational and muiiicipnl ntfairHof his township, beiiis returned na a nieinber of the municipHl council for a uuiiiber of years. As his family grow up he decided to come fur- ther west, settling at Mclntyre in tho county of Oruy, whore he purchased a vahiahle lioinuatuad of 300 acres, whore the family are both prosperous and coin- fortahlo. He leaves a widow and Hvo children to mourn a kind husband and loving father. The sons are : <)ohn, a lihysician at Maxwell; Thomas, the town- ship clerk of Oaproy, and Nels >n. both residing on the homesluad ; Samuel, at Kainloopa, U, C. Tho only daughter is .Mrs. tlohii Douglas of ftlclntyro. In polities tho deceased was a Liberal-Con- servativu, being an ardent admirer and i-lanncli HU|>poiter of his cdd chieftain. The deceased was for iiihuy years a do- Viiiit muinber of the I'resbyterian church, and W.IS greatly comforted duiiiii; his last sickness by a Hiiicere faith in his Siviuni. With true piety and Christmn resignation, a few days before his death, ho iiKiiieKtod his pastor to adminisier to him the Haciameiit of the Lord's Supper. Oil Wonnesday tho remains -.vere followed t> liadjems cemetery by a large ooii- ciinrse of aympathiiciiiGr friends aiul neigh- bcirs, whore the Ruv. Mr. Fleming preach- ed ail impressive sermon before purform- iug the imrial aerviue. AUCTION SALE â€" »»OF*^â€" â€" Valoible Farm Propcrtj and Cludtels TbcrowUl bo otforodfor lale by public kuc* llou on kbfl uroiuiftea dsacrlbod bulow un Tuesday, 6th day of December '98 atibehourofl o'clo«k In the Afternoon the foDowtnK VAluAble fartii propo'* -v, iiBinuiy :â€" All aud miigular. loU '2;2, ao and 24 in tiiu aid conceHRlou loutli uf tba Uurhaiii ruad in Iho Township uf ArtenitfHta, coutainiiiK two hun- drud and forty acren more or Iuhs. oiitt hundred and forty acres clotired. Good noil tiud (;ood locality. Ou khi' ujuuii.^ert aio said to he a coinfortaide dweliiii^ and poiihlderahlt) valu- able timber. I'ho jiroporty will he hoU huhjifct to a mortKHfje now buhttiittlnK for ^HVti) and in- tereHt, Terutn, "JO pnr cunt of ptirchuKe. muii«y (over and above uiort^aKu) at tiinu of sain ; .'tu per leiit. a Iditional on completion uf piirchiisK; balance in one year, secured by sccotid luorl fjage at f> |>er cent. AiHu at the baiiie time b> order of the oxef-n- torsuf tho late Dr. (!haK. [lobinnon, Itrampton. deceaHed, will bo 8<ild Oy putjitc auctiuti on tliu alHivepremiseH thefullowiuKfaruiHt<K.k produ' e implements and effects, namely:â€" 3 borsuH, cow u,t)d ht-ifer, waK^oii, | louKb. ho>t)e-rake, l>indt!r, liarneHs. harrowM and hayrack and a tpiantity uf hay and turiiipH now on the Hai<I prumisoN. I'eriHK^lU and under, ciihli ; liir^er purchaaeb un Hppt'Dved joint noteft at it and ti inontli-i. aUttled this ITtbday of Nuvotnb.M-. A l>.. ItV> JOHN SMITH, Auctoneer, Brampton WESAID WE WOULD And Wcr Piriljlii T. McKIM & SON ThcGrottt Monoy Leucler^t of ^ â€" I ; } T UK NO K'V 1 1 1 ', } â€" « Tlu» prii'-w "uoiber of thfii advorti.-iii;; i-irrn^ lar distributed at thn i'evprahani b'd'l Fair irt U015U.ThupHrKon havintj the umtibcraiii pn*- KKUtinu the hbfi't tu Mr. W. 11. Tliuttitni), Kdi- t )i- 'if the KU'Hlu-rton Advance, wili be p;iid the sum uf one ilullar. Ve«. and wt; will «lu mure, wu Will lunti monuy on KO*>d farm rn-enr- ity at tlio rate uf 4^ per Cfiit This i.i a tliaiico in u lifetime. C'ono.-i'iHidence sulicitivi T. McKim & Son, SHELBURNE, 0^T. Boar for Service ! ! Tlinrou^'tit)re<l iiiii>rovod Yorkshire boar for s.Mvici' nil 1.1 mi .ii.d W. T. * s. H., .\rtciiiusia. 'PttriiiH : One ilonar. \ reduction for »wo or more. Peditfree on ai'pHcation. NolU.K LAWKESCE Fleiherton Station, Nov. ;. lt«M. F'arm to Rent ! ! lOOor aOOBcruHH, lot«:* and ao, con. 0. Arte iiuiHla.nood liiiiiHBniid lurnn, po»9«««lon any timu. .\pidy pormiimllv or hv letter to .1 ;.NATH\N IlR'KI.INCi Maxwell Nov. ;. 1H:im, STRAYED Froin tlni iiriiiniM'H fit tiio ?illldiirsi(;nod on I'rlilat. 7tli iiiKi. mi., nil cow. iindiiiiii sine. riipHiru (ill rinlit Midii. Anv inforniation an to liur uiinreabonta will bo thankfully rticuivuil. JAS. I'KLSTKAl). Klo.iUcrtou. Oct 10. 'UH. - STRAYED - strayed (rem tlui prciiilnuH of tliu iindmiiisn- n.l. about tliroBWoukH a^o. oiin Avi'r»liir« i;ra.U> bl-ilor, two yuarH old, wliitti htar oil torobuiid, lioriin injcnliar shapo. Iiiforinatlou a8 to bin wlicloabouts will bo ihaukfiilly rutiiviMl by A. M. UlUSUN, Fleiiliorton. Flualiertoii, Oct. lUtb tW. >lolidc to in^e Tubli Notien In liorobv Rivon timt I will not bo mmunibli. tor any cUditK oontractcd in iiiv naiuo All siuall ilulitHowiim iiio luunt bo paid to luymiK without furthur iliday, or they will b« aulloiitod O OKh .Vrtumehla, Oct 2l!ud, IHUM BOAti FOR SERVICE The nuderaltinud ban a well bri^l hoar, Tmu- worth-Cliesttir crotia, for HorvUio ou Lot I7.'i. T iV H U, .Vrteniohiu Turii.s 7.> oouti if puid at time of Hiirvito. t\ if iiotKu puld 1 bavu alKotliu olil Hl«rk^lllro boar for scrvioo a. ouit. Artcinosla.OctftJud IB'JS C /ei\T\e Astra y Came to tho prtuiinea of tlio iiiidorHlKned. about Oct VMi, two lamba. Owner ia re- quoBted to inovo property pay tiipeusea aud take them away. R J COLQUETT Kevcrsbaui Oct S2, '9R Boar for Service The un<1«rr.lRned haa a flno thorongbbred n«rk»hiro boar " ArtomeHia Chief, " No. 5111. for sarviuH on lot ^7. con. H .VrtenioKia. TKUMI4, Ii eeiita cash, H if booked. JOHN J. HBKSON, Pmr. SfRAYBD From the preiLisoflof Mr.Tarvis Henry. better known aH tho Itobnrt Ithtir farm, west back line, Artetnndta. tilt) latter part of Auk'UHt, ared stitQi- and one ino!^t whito with moie red than white on utiiik, both vising twoveiiisold. Any iiersnn (jivinf*Mnch inforinutU>n to Javvli^ Henry tavkrlale, or the undavKiumMl. as will load to their recovery, will be suitably vewardcid NOBLK LAWKKNC-K Fl«iliorton fltatton STRAYED Strayert from the premiRea of the ander* aigiiod, lot .12, con. Id. ArtoinoHJa, about AUKual Ist, one ewe and lamb, the awe inarkati T. II. Anyone knowiOK of their wheroabouta will obliK* by ooniinunlcatiug with T1I08. BBADHUHY Eugenia ro. I30AR fox- SAUE n. Richardson & Co. Cold V/^eAtliex* Speoia.1^ Just a word about our advertisement thi.s \veel#â€" It deserves special attention â€" ©f course vru'll notice the fart that every line mentioned iginrlinenth.' siitable for the comiPL; winter weathi.'r, but the points we -v lilt to empha- size are the specially low prices we ask for reliable goods. Specia.1 in Mean's "Wga.y/i..^^ Men'.-) Frio/,,. Pi-n-j icl<«t« cImhIiIi) lircaati-il, deep .stonii culliir, W(>.>l-liii«J, lialf Ix-lt, pMtill [Hicl' rtn, Hpoci.il 8350 .Men's Extra Henvy Ni»vy lilue I'ilnt-clutli Pen jackefK, donlile breasted pliiil linn I, .. » 3 !)fr He.ivy T > 11 l.'i.i'.n flaniieU, yrey.x iin'l liluen.exlra henvy weiglitH 28- inch U » . 20 Heavy, .\ll-wiiiil F iiniifU.f willed, lireya nnd lilnt-n, HjteciBi .-eiitliWi, 28- i..Lli-mKid.H 2o* FOOT-iriTSi^lR SF»ECIALS^ftfc_ Meir.s F -11- IJnckle. Felt, fruits 8 1 !••' Men's Four linckle, (iriiiii Full Hoots S 2 iTr)> Meti'.< (inuii Hunts, Pit'unt {•'listener. Guiiraniei d mlul .sUick, spuwal . . . ,>; 2 ~fr Meii'.s Loiio (j mill FeltH. F.itelit Fa-slener, the liest liiit for winter weiir »â- • jnive ever »!ii)Wii . . . . .... .... . 8 3 7-'' Men's Piirtj (Jnni Rnliheis, 2 Buckles, only a few c«fe« at thewo fipirea .Sl.Cil and 8 1 .'jO 1VIANTIL.E : CLOTHS : SF»ECIALS 5(i i;.cli He.uy Frieze Ciiatin^', all the [cpu'iir ulruh s . .. . ... r)4incli Heavy Heaver Coal in.', Hlaek, Broan, FiiT.n im.l Given .. ... 54 iiidi K.\tra line. Heaver oiatnio, Hlack, l!ro«ii, F.iwn, Oruon,. Hlue, 75(! S 1 2r, There are Others ,^-«ss.S^bj»^ 43 inch Twilled .Meltons iu (irey, F.iwn mid HrovMi very feuonnble. , speeiiil prne .... ... 2.'V (Jrey Hhiuketa, mperli <|uality, ">(i x 7S, fillis, special 8 2 IH) (irey Hlanket.'', all wn' 1. .">8 x 7'>, 7 itM..n U.vjiir S 2 .")(> Wiiiiiens' Hlack .A.s'raclian GaiiDtleUi !l,>c Mnwei' Iiiiit 'tini L;niib Gauntlets 50c Special line of well fitting corsets Kegular 50c. goods 40c Our Special half dollar Crrset /Regular 75c. line 50o Special lines of nursing corsets and Health Waists M. Richardson & Co. W. BARNH0U5E Wishes t » Jrnr tbe attetitiou of the Pulilio to the followinu : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all size-* and i»< Clieaii ii.s tho cheap UHt. Special Hai^iiii..H in '.) and 5 ISiitrel lilts. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season , . . Groceries and Provisions, DV.Cf am! COllX MITTS and LKOO- INlio nmdo to onlcr and on Shortest Notice. Wn. BARNMOUSE, Flesherton ilPiiyil! J. B. Sloan & Son P i?op]?ietoi?s >^- GET YOUR -«5; Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, t^FROM rs ci..? Hand Kailiiig, Corner Blocks.the best of Spruce Lath.No.i and2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. Tbo rogiatorod llerksbirs boar, " Crown Ih-liiue," twoviiarti old, auro atoolt potter and ipiiut. Certtacatecaii ha aaen Oy amilying to owner. W, MKAUa, I'rrceviiro Good Workmanship Get your Fall Overcoats, your Fall Suits cr Winter Overcoats mane by proctor - ^ The Tailor Ho gaaraiiiteen satisfaction in everything, inuluiling Pric«<. CLOTH CUT 10 ORDER TQrDiRg of all (iods Done to Order ^rNew run of Stones for Chopping. Satisfaction in, .ill our lines guaranteeil Young- Ladies T DON'T Like to Walk; • %%%^%/%^%%^/%,» m With a nnin S when he is not ^ ahavod and nener- ^ ally cleaned up. He- 2 tor* you think of â- .'(ling with a girl comu to A. N. LEQARD and get this clean- ing up. - '""^'- FOR Kolston Laundry AND Clayton'sBlock, Flesherton i I ^