:?«:rp â- â- '.^ I i"Â¥ •'F^iT III,', , SEPTEMBER 29 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE uwa Tf vvvMiniiMaaiititniwiAnJiuva f uMiwq^^uiUMtqjaffqJv i /Mnwr. wmuii] D. iWcTavish FESMEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND REPAIRS... For Massey-Harrui, Nuxon, Flour; and VTilkiniun farm impUments Floury and Verity pluwR on liiiiiJ M tlio time, also all kinds of iei>aira for the samo. Wo uianufautiiro VVnyDin, Buggies, Cutteis, Klbisjli". olo. Uumesboein^' I r iniptly attondcU to. Spocisl ntloitiun tottndtr ccn- tracted feet. Lotii^iii^ and Plow Chainn constaiiriy on hand. #oi& ^i«. ^'e. â- tls, â- H'^ v^^'^ w^ *!fe*'^id!&^!i^tfe^; 7^ '/iv vi»- Vii- •>(>• '/:«• '/i*" -Jt? W -Ji^ t'if '/(^ "/jV [IS %? •};? 'Siv'^ -Ti;- '/;;<? <$!{• -H^ ^l' •ill- -M^ -M^ ^^ ^M n # W Bn^'gios, Carts, boat liiiidn und WftRoiis, Harrows, Plows ri'pairs. Binders, Mowers, ol lie liorse Raki'B and Corn KciilllorB and repairs, all kinds. IIorHcslioeiiig a spceiuUy at CLaiuB of John H. Heard d Son's Warer corns ^ 4 m :»& i'4->& <'Si. â- ^"' "^t'- •'!'â- •''^ ••''"' *"' ^'* ^^-^ ^"f' "5' :- i"'^tf" :4!& iJ& -JU- •^'<' â- J'fc5S'^ o'', â- eit.^f* -yt Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACK IN CANADA TO GET A THOKOUOH Bl'SINKSS EDUCATION. Take a Roimd Trip r.'LnSriu'" .â€" (jolltieos (ii»fi Uoiumarclal Doiiirtmeuts in t:«imaa, tli«n TliltthiNorthorn lliiHliioiia CoUui!" ; I'limiiio • Viirytliiiu tlioiouiilily. If wo tall to iini.liicM the til ><>, Hu>roii!;li, coiiiplftc, iiriicllcHl and I'Xtonsivu iMiurin lit slililv ; tJie Iwt rolli'go premluii nn.l IIkj bimt mid iiiOHt complnto iiu-i r.iost nuitalila furiiit'ira nml umiiittricun, wo win «lv) j» 1 -x full ooiirso KKKlf. Kcir annual siiuouiicdniotits, uivlUK full particulnrii, fiue Ail<lr««s C. A. FLEMING, Piincipal W. BARNHOUSE Wishes t> drn«' llio iittciitioii of the Public to tho followiii:; : FLOUR IN B/]GS Ol all Hizi*!* and a» C'lieii|> fts tlin clioap- OHt. Spocial IJiiri^aiiiH in '.J and 5 l}.irr«;l lots. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. O()0 and COON MITTS and LEOC!- INiJo made to ordur and on Sliorliwt Notice. Wn, BARNHOUSE lesherton Beaver Planing Mills ' EUOENIA Wo iu*niinm<ituvoti»nh. iloors frainen.i'.ivir- In,'. ti!H«. kIiMmk, joint ulieolliiR, vcri«i)il»li Uiattiriiil4. W»» hivjon hinil .** laiijo Htoi^k of .t-iir tufiiiiiu 1. Htaii- mil, tiirmvl coriiur Mock», bAHO block.?, nl HO all t'lo HtandrLrd nixoBcf ii:\'^\\ ttiij iVior* Oil liaijJ. \V(i h ivo n flr-it claHU kiln fi* (Iryin â- liimlior uirl will u i riinti.'t' unv iiiittA''l.il8 thoro'iKlily ilry. Kiln-drltnl hiirrl- wooil lUiortnjj nlwayn onliaiul. Miiiw rour own luniuwr ail I n.ivu il hll;! ih'l 111 iL'iiT )i|iiiinil hoi-a. llouiombor, vo'i rnn iinvlak ; \t'! wllliiiiavftu'eu to iiiakii a ))oi'ftiut jot). yur Krain ohopiiiiig rit( 1« hi iinfnctordor.oii't Inorilorto ahmv voi iim*. wi aporonlato tiiu vory lartjd trado tli.i*. wo d > In lun'i Um« •/â- u littv. rtiiclilol I.O niiUioo the ju icmot tilioiiping grahiK W li i)fr baf^. \ silas inlifttl for your foauu Willi o wait' Wo uriinl uvory Hay. Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop. T. W WILKON.MANAOtiR 9^0 J^iies on 7?fo BECAUSE! I I USE Moore's Fly Nets, hnthor or Ciird"d Axlo (iri>ate H«of ()iiitm»iit Jiiilj'V 'A'^i'ihani " HnrTPs'; ^^ltll^ .Sw,nt ( 'ollara Mon'a Lr«fli«r niiifaii Wliipi «'iil I.aiilu'N lU'liii-n^ Oil Polfnh All kiudi of h^nicfiH Itefit on linnd ard â- tixis to ord»r. IJro;'yfh!iii» in Imrnnas gorxifl and At rigbt pricofi. \V^M. MOORI5 :itfe:3I&^lfe •)!& d!& 3^ j£!^ ^i- S'i- <(&•»'<â- ^*^ jjfe I Photos m % â€"TAKEN f % -AT THE I I Flesh reton | I Photograph I I Gallery | ^ are done in f)rgt-c)a»s stylo and at ^ % lowest rates. Special ai.entinn iP ^ eivon to copying. Ihihii's' |ih<iiua. '& M a (ipi'cinliy. Pictures fiiiniud. w, I MRS. BULriER f ^T" "SI^^JF ^fr? W -JP? ^R" "STP '/I^ ^iR" ^i? l?t? ^if Trade Marks Desions copvrights &.c. An70fi# .mifllnK nubMlrh nni iln«crttitlon may quickly Ajrorlatii our oplnlmi froo wlu'thiT «n lilvonlt.'tTi la probHtily |ialonlntil4*. (oliiliuliilra- tlonamrlQtiy conllileiillal. IfandhiMik on l*Ht4*nt. •Put fr««. ('Moat iiff»«nry f<ir Bonirliii: patolitn. IVitonrn takon tliniaub Mlimi A Co. rocciro i\.Kikil rvifl4«, wttlioiit unaruo. In tho Scientific Hmerlcati* A *iJvn<l»onii«l7 lllnitriiffl*! weekly. I^arcflHt dr- cti*atton cf »nT»Hentinr> jourimL Tvrmi, $3 a j-nur; lour inoHthii, (1. H(il>lt)yHl1 ncwsdoalera. &C0.^61Droai»wa,,fJeyy Uraiioh uffleo. ISi V Bt.. VVuhtnxtoo, IX Cash : for : Hides! Hheepaklnt and nil kindx of fura pur> ohu««d, f»r which highest market price will hu paid. Homoinad* •AuaageB un hand, ahu all kinds of meals. M. WILSON Flesherlon McatEmpoiinm [iim Pill lis J. B. Sloan & Son P ppppietoi^s nS" QBT YOUR '9-x ^>\ Doors, Flooiinp, Sheeting, Hcwel Posts, Balusters, CFFBOM rs-s^ Hand Railing, Corner !Uock8,tliebcst of Spruce I.ath.No.i and 2 Shingles Yerxntla and Fitting.s, Sic!iog», etc. tsiBlEs gf ill iJDils Bon!! to (Iriler /It V«v aUkaf Blovea for Ohoppiiig. EASTGUEY PRIZE LIST CONCLUI'ED FKOM IIE-'T i-AGK Mrs J P Ottewoll.MrN F Defoe. Fuschia single, Mrs Defoe, Mrs .1 P Ottewe", Haiiying basket, Airs .1 P Ottewtdl. Mis F Defoe. CallaLily. Mrs Dcfio, Mm J POttewell. Aiiiarila. F.ed Wuit.s, \V Henderson. Be(,'onia, Mis D,.(fi e, ,J P Ottewell. Collection cui; flowers, .Mrs Defoe. Collection of jdaiits, nut j^rcun h Mi.so, Mrs Defoe, Ed Thompaim. LAD1E.S' WORK I'aintinn on silk or .stin, water Cidor.<, IJ Holmes, Isl and 2iid. Puintii.g on nilk or satin, oil colors, .\ Armstrong. VV Pelch. Painting on velvet or plush, oil colors, \Vni Purvis, A N Letinrd. P.iint- ing Oil jars or tiles, A Ariu.strn i;. Paintint; on glasi, A Araistroi g. I'aiut- inj5 on terra cotta or .slate, .A Aiin.stKjHi/, Mrs F Defoe. Apjihijiio work on pliish, .Mrs J Blackburn. Berlin wool noik, Mrs. '.V Norton, P Mnir. Braidin'j, Mrs R Wliitten, Mrs \\ Norton. Buuon holes, W P CroNsley, J Bailey. C'rocliet \yool work, U Wliitten, Mis F Defoe. CriH-hol work, ctton, \V II Bunt, R Wliitten. Crochet, Braid tyork, R Wliit- ten, W II Bunt. Crochet work, silk, \V 11 Bunt, R Wliitten. Diirning on net, Ah-i .1 Bl.ickburn, Win IVtch. Darning sinckiiij.', Mrs VV Norton. Embioiderv, cotton, T Koll.'i, Embroidery, silk, O B lliduiea.Mrs ,) Bluckburn. Eiiiliroidery, rope, Mrs F Defoe, VV P Cr..s»ley. Embroidery, araseene. Mis VV Norton, Mrs J Blackburn. Embroidery, jowells, Mrs J Blackburn. Embroidery, Pope .Silk. Mrs VV Norton, A An"nsiri>r.!{. Embroidery, Java canva.", Kilk or wool, W Pelch. Embroidery, Plush or Velvet. Mrs VV Norton. Embroidery on Satin, VV Petch. Eiiibroideiy, Uoman,on white linen, Mrs .1 Blackburn. Embroidery, M.-xican, on drawn threads, T Kells, Mrs J Blackburn. Embroidery, etching or julline, Mr* VV Norton, Wm Purvis. Sett Table Mat», Mrs F Defo.', T Kells. Embroidery Table Cloth, A Arnislroi.g. Table centre piece, G B llolmoii, A Arnibtronif. Embroidery Doylies with silk, .Mrs (J .Mitcl'ell, A N Lo(Jard. Emliioidery Iloylies, other kind, Mrs Blackbiini, Mrs U. Mitchell, (â- eiitlonian's shirt. Mis VV Norton, A ItuDtham. Handkerchief case or collar and cntfcase, Mrs F Defoe, VV P Crost- ley. K.iitting in wool fancy, R Wliitten Knitting Cotton, Mrs VV Noilon, VV P CioShley. Knitted stockin;;*, cotton Mrs VV Norton, P guig. Knitied .stock- iiigs, woolen, Mrs W Norton. R Whitten. Knitted socks, uoollen. Mis VV Norton, J .\1 bolt. Knitted (iloves, Woollen, VVm. Hopper. Knitted initts, •vooUon (men's) .1 (iib.sou, R Best, l.ice, point, Mrs Bhtckbuin. Lace Honitoii, t! B Holmes, Mis J Bliukburii. Ladies' uiiderclutl.- inu, ci'ior, P tjum.ii Mftcr.iiio or twine work, Mrs VV Norton, A .Arm>tionL'. Machine Sewing, familv, A Bentliam, VV PCnssley. Mats, hooked, rsg.P Quig R Whitten. Netting, fancy. Mis Defoe, ,1 P.-iiley. Needle work, orniimenlal, T Kells, Mrs VV Norton. Patcliiug, P Quig. Mrs W Norton Pillow sham-, .Mrs Defoe. Quilt, patch work, .silk, VV P Crossley, N Ija«r«nce. Quilt, i).,t..liwork, wool, R Whitten, .J B.iiley. Ijnilt, patchwoik, cotton. Mis VV Norton, A N LeC.ril. Qoilt, [>.,uhwork, Icgoabin, VV Ueiider- soii, ,1. I iiiley. t^uilt, or coiinteip:iiie, knitttd, A M Lindsay. Home cuaile Hdid lio.l blankets, J Bailey, Wm Purvis. Horse blankets, Wm PiirNin. Fivo yaii's la^ catpet, R Best,VV Pt'masl.y. l^.iii.t or counterpane, knotted. Mrs.VV Norior, P Mnir. Slipprrminbioidertd i.r workei', 11 Best, A S Madill. S)ipp. is knitted, VV P Crossloy, .1 Bailey. Sof.i cushion, uiounted, Mrs Di-foo, R Be.^f. Toilet Sett, Mis Defoe, VV P Cn.ssky. Tea' Cosy, T Kells, Mm <i Mitchell. Whisk Holder, workivl, T Kells, ,) Bailey* Collection of fancy »ork, Mrs \V Noiion, Mis F Defoe. Fancy Foot Stool, P Qui-, W P Crossley. " FINK ARTS Collection paintings and drawings, A AruiKtrong, Mrs (J Mitchell. Oil Paint- ii.g. A Arniflron,', Mrs. U Miiehell. Crayon I'aintiiii:, .A .Armstrong. Pencil Dt-uwing, A Armationg. I'cvrrsliniii. Fnim our owt^ Voriespundent Mr. Charlie lliidsoii of Ra\ennn wi 1 elect a ruaikeiHo on his lot, cor. (,»u:in and Yonge streets. Tho 8hin;{U's are on the ground. Mrs. J. Bates of Toronto, fermorly a rcaident of Osprey, is enjnying a vit-it \vilti Mr. and Mrs. A. McOirr. F. A Hutchinson and wifearo visiiing I heir parents at Vaiuleleur. Tho Biidi,>eport mystery has been cloar- o»l up. Tho uiifortunato girl was Emina Gill, and Dr. Naiiry Oiffoid, who sudden- ly left the country, is htihl lesponsible for her dentil, llavry Oxley la hold as an Bccomplioo and Dr. flilford'a dau:;htcr lias boon arrested for compl!„ity in the murder. Tho editor of nn exclnnL'o has discover. oJ that there ii a wide difference botweeu the school hooks of the present and llioso of long ngo. Ho says when ho first wont fo school ho read Ids le^aon^ something like this:--"S<'o tlie cow. Is not tlio cow nice? Can the cow run ? Can llio cow run ns fast as tho horse ? But the latest tip. t;> (latestylcof roadinstisalioutas follows; --Get onto the cow. llaiiit shea beaut ? Sure she is a corker. Can a cow };et a move on lierclf ? Can she Irtm it like a hoss ? No slie ain't in it wid de boss." Isaiali, the L^year-old ton of Widow Hobyer of Arihur :p , near Keiiilworth, died on Wednesday evenii'g i-( laot week from the efl'tcts of a blow received by o loard being hurled against his abdoioin from the U It of a threshing maohino wlii^h wa.sat work in his inether's barn, Tiio fuiieial took I lace on Friday i>t the Methodist cliurth, Kenilwortli, and the ividowtd UK)tl.or has tbe deep tymj.atliy of all ill lier terrto'e affliction. A great inaiiy Ui.iw have beuii burn by lii^htnina this year, and ft has- beoniu a general mutter of Bpeenl.itton as lo the eiusi . Insurance compauie;- are at their wits' euii to know what to di about itj and if this thing keep.^ on iiisuianei! :.Ve8 will have u> be incr^isod. .V writi;r in tlie Kingstc n N.'wa L'ivcH w'uit ho reioirl* as the cau''e,aiid tlitre may 1;« c inething in it. If his theory is correct, it would be an eatiy thing to avoid ihe lightning's stroke by pioviding the sngvc«ic.i means of venii'.utii>u. Ho says: â€" " Now I have never huaid or known that any barn with ail open laitica ventilation has been struck or biirnwl. All fannei-s know thjt no â- natter how dry grain or h:iy is when put into iiie bain it will sweat more or less. This sweat forms a gas, wbich in^'aiiably rises to the top. We know lhi<, for if we .Sitit the bottom of a mow, the ti.p also becomes sjiiy. I Wliovo iliac lightning has an attiiiity for this gas, and this gas, if conliued iu the top of a barn, draws the li-jihiniiig." Five pe sons were killed and a dozm injured by a toin;ido which swept over St. Catharines and Morriton ou Monday of this Week. BN 6HTS Piles, whether Itching, blind or bleeding:, are relieved by one application of Dr. A^now's Ointment 36 CENTS. And eur.J In 3 to S nights. Dr. .M, Oorkman, Btnghamton, N. T., write* I fland m* 13 dozen mora vf Ag> n.w's Ointment. I prcacribo lurgs quan- titles of It. It Is a wuuder w orksr in skla disease* and a ereat cor j (or pUea.-Ji3. KorsalebyW )!ichaid!>on Autumn Ciothio Get it Made by TOCtOT " - The Tailor Suits Cut to Order 5aUstaction Uuaranteec! Clayton's Blo«k, Flesherlon FOR Priceville 'I'o the Fi.riner.H and residents of Prioo vdleandsiirioiuidiiigc luntiy an. I villages: Haviiio leased the aliove nulla for a term of years, I would respeclfuUy solicit a lair share of your cu.stom mid patron- age. Hoping by fair and honest deal- ing to retain all old and new cust<imers.i ot I lie mill. g3?-Best Brand ot FLOUR, OAT MEAIi, ORAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, also all kinds »1 Feed kept constantly on hand. Hii-hest Prices paid in c:ish for any quintiiiei of .wheat. I'laning, Match- ing and dawiiig done to order also Saw Log-i purrhnsed. Special reduction on '4 and u barrel lots of Flour. rarmers briny yonr Rrist- and choppin-,' and give iis;s fair trial and wo will be sure to use you right. Chopping done every day at So IPeip 3.00 11^3. Prie3viUe,Jan. 'Jot -i 1808. »* J i .!JM M'CULLOUail k YOUKG "* llaukors, MarkdaH Do a Koneia! bauking Snsinsss. Hooey Icatefl ut a leasoaaWe i»to. Call ea us. "-â- "-•«' A S VANDUSE.V, .1 p "â- Clerk 5th Div CoiiTt. Co Orny Isftier of Marriage Lic.-.uy,,. C. uvftvai-cer Notary Public, Auetioaeer. .Money to loanej from J to per cent. Charsos iiioJeia-.o. FLKiinEKTCN V U T\E1!T3 COLi.'iOTED midcrtake tIA colloctioo ot all fcinf.s If "bti Notes bought, accfuuls col'fccteii. etc. It N HENDtnsO.V, Flasherton f CHISLETT PoBttaaBter, Co-...iBiMsio„,.r in H C J. Cantw aacer. Deed;'. iuort!!»(;.i«. !;-.%»#» and wilh" .'â- awn. Moni>} to 1. ud a* .^i per cent an<1 utr- warus. D«bts coJlfccted. Cii:i;i;t3 oio.icrute. D J SVKOUI.K "• PoMli,ia3t.T, Plesl/erton roaH.-!l».ioaor in J!. C. J, Anctipocer Cot». viiyaucnr, Appvaiser a:,,! :,.„i,tv Lct°^ Kual Kstatn and Insjiai.ce .\i;f!it Dtttl iponr^kKi, Ivsscs an-l »im ca.Inili, .-.rar.o M*^ "" valuations ui*fi« on »iioites: uctic" Money to lo»n at lowest ratei, et ii teiett Co) 1;-cti..D^ ntteuJed to ^.itli piouipitefn . uarxes low Agbut for Ocei-.r Uoiiuioi. ateiunship fotni)»uy, A col! solicited. M.ABHIAOK LICENCE.S-AS Gove.nmeut •" price*. Uoseus ot thorn ; Xuw Versioif. t Irst class : U. f. and Jubilee. I or 6iiiK}« per- son, la pairs or six atatiuio. S'wpeJ- It. UcI-KAS pLHcy, Isstra, Evge-nia.' MISS SAKAH STKAI.N. ««• "ryai^^lisr ou piauo. >.la»blkrt^ orgou, etc. Holoj hist cla-3 teacntrj' ceitilUate ii> miisio with houurs from Alma College : pKuil oi Prof. ht. John Hyttoi.raucl. of Ccpeulii^jci , Dci.iiiark. Itosldei.co cliiicr.li FlosUerton cpposite MetUouist JociiticjSi A U W meets every nist and third Monday " iu ojch mouth, in .c-ir lo.ige rccu.. Uiristo.s block, FleMicr.-,,n, at 8 p lo. ,;« iLikeley, WM ; A M (iijson, KecorUer; \V. I.ellamy.FluanciBr. Visitiog biutbreo luvUeU. piil-NCB AETHTH LODGE. No. .SSS, A. Ti t 'V.^'',""^"'' '" ""' *la«oiiic hall, i-troiu* l^i. , '•,'»'"<»"ton, every rti.iay ou or beloi.f the full uiooo. li MoUUl, W M; W J Bcllaiuy, Secretary. rjOVBT FLESHI.KTON,~l7o.Trn^eets t» y ChrlBtiJos Block the last t'lidaj evt uinj I u each month. Vlsitinc foresters heartily tvelcome. T. Henry, Ohief Hanger, W. A. Arm- stroug. Secretary. grutijstvii nR. A. E. LITTLE ^ Dentist, Graduate Uuivorsity of Toronto and lloyuJ College of Dental Surguous. Klosliertoiiâ€" iloiiday and Tuesday of each week. eacu'wcek?^''""^''^'' ^'"*^ *â- "* Saturday ot t V ilAdSHALL " ^ M D 8, D D S, r, D 3 S?i'i'.?J."';''m"*'»'' 7".'^"^" ^'''ivorsity and ItoyaJ CHinuge il Deutal Sui^oons. Visits Fioshcrtou every Friday altoriioau. T a campkeiij •" L D S, D D 8, Eeutal Burgeon, Markdalu Ofllo* over McCnllouKh & Youngs tank Hour9-s.:«) a ni to o j, ei. Visits t^eshertoi^ the second and fourth Thursday of each month, onice a^ ainushaws hotel â- p HKM)KH.SO.V *â- D U .s, M D S, Dentiet of Toroclw (Uoia Sliulalistl will visit I'lesherten nrf- fessionall.v tl„. lirst Wednesday ut each moutn) aod Uoudalk tlie fellowing U»>- (Thursday.) gt^n\ ]OHN W PK08T, L L B UanlRter. Solicitor Conveyancer. eSc tfT"?''^' to postenice, Sj.ioulo's bk)«k, Fle-heitou, every. Saturlay and court daja, N ll-Owun Sound oUice, frost's block Poulett street east. «"«*« T UCAS ft WTIIGHT •" ~ narristers Solicitor CoiiTeyaiicers, etc Owen Ronud, Out Markdale Ont VVHWJUC.HT in LUCAS e.^irsiturtf;.'"" '"^°*' ""^â- *"<'"'» ««"•' TUCUEn A PATTEKSON * Uarristers, Solicitors, etc iJoljous Bank, Owen Sound HAISRY O TUCKEK GEO W PATTEKSON M'^'^'''^,l..*.,.*'^""'SOn. lianisteis, *o. 11 1 ,,, ,''^' ''^''^'' •â- â€" tJwen Sciiad. Mnrcbant's lla.ik lllook, N. of Pan ir,r>:, House. uS^alk -Main Sticot, every Sitnulay. "-/uiiuaia. A.O. MaCKAY, M a., hi;. SAMrsOJ.'.L.L.D Crowu Attorney fortirvy, .tj-^^.u.. ^^IcduHl T\V. BUTTON ^ M D C .M, M C P A 8 Ont, Priceville omce next door to Urown's store; resittence m-poute til tneold post ortleo, lefftdcuce of 'ate Alex l.iown. Office Jaysâ€" i'liLsUavsaud Satur- days. T\V. CAUTKP. •-f »l(l'*SOnt.. Plnsioiai., Furceop.ttc r- lesherton oniooâ€" Streins block. KctidcDce- lUunshnw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT. M B ** Wemlier CoUopc Phxsic. * Snrpeot s Ontario Gradnatii in Modicihe of Torcnv> Unlvoreitv. Fellowship l^i| lonif , Post Hri><ln- nte Medical School and Uo^|ltal. Clii<>(>K.- I)i«'ft3c» of eve, ear. urfc onrt tluoi'* speeially t-eatod. Bistdecco, Maxwell, visits FoveHhiitn Tbm-sdyas 1â€"8 JV OrTRWRLL Voterin.irv Siivi;"on Orndi'ste of Ortniio Veterinarv OoUlni! wood Ueiido^ceâ€" Suco'mI door nontb on we"J from Miirv utreet. This streets luiis i>OUt$ side I'rcsbyteriau church. <"/ * / Ul i^imm^