1 r â- 1*1 J. X PLAIISB WITH SSMES. CHILDREN HAVE GREAT FUN WITH COPPERHEADS. km bicMral Wkidi Skswn Tkat TmaaMW IVrptlle la a Lesii Daugcrou U«bl - Toyed Wllk by ChlldrcD. "X was up in tb* 2iiic mine region of Sussex county, New Jersey, last week," "and read in one of the local papers up there an a/xount of an inci- dent which seemed to go a good way towards confirming the truth of a startling belief that has prevamd from time out of mind amon^ the a- tiree of the mooncaina in Lancaa ir, Vork and adjacent counties of P( m- klyvania, where the copperhead su^ke dwells in unpleasant abundance, that this venomous snake will not bite chil- dren. There are many wonderful stor- ies told oTsr there, especially In the famous Welsh Mountain country, about this strange lenity of the copperhead towards children. I never beard of this belief being indulged anywhere else than in that iiart of Pennsylvania; but this New Jersey incident rather inclines me to think that, unaccount- able aa it may seem, there must be more than fancy or 8U!«rstitioB in it, "One day a week ar so a^o, accord- ing to the N'ew Jersey newspaper, Flor- ence, the C-yeaj"-old daughter of Geo. Wilson, of Woodburn, found much en- joyment IN STAMPING HER FOOT on an object she saw protruding from the foundation of the house. The sport went on until it a.ttracted the at- tention of her elder sister, who, when she saw the gajne, was scared aiid ran to ea.ll her mother. The object the child had stamped proved to be a big pilot. 'Suoh reptiles,' added the news- {Miper. 'although amusing are danger- ous playmates for children. ' "I can't see wherein these reptiles axe amusing, but in tha light ot this Incideut and other of which I have keard, I begin to have my doubts that the yare dangeroua playm'itaa for chil- dren. I recall now one instance in par- tioular that occurred a season or two â- CO on the York County side of the Busquehiinna river, whsra copperheads â€" or pilots, as thay are called in Naw â- Jersey â€" ara unconafortably comnaon. On the farm of which I am going tos|.eak the haying hands have killed ns miny as ten in one day this season mowing over one field. "The farm is the Loan farm. At the time I refer to one of Luan's child- ren, a little girl of thras, was playing In the front yard, and her mother no- ticed her sitting in the graso near the fate. Every now and then the child was heard to laugh gleefully, and Mrs. Loan at last WALKED OUT TO SEE what It was that amused tho child so muci). When the child saw her mother cominCg, she shouted: " 'Hurry mamma, and see the live learpet rags 1' "At the soiue time she held up to her mother's gaze, a snake she had srasped in her band, \shii'h twisted and squirmed In the air. Mrs. Loan liaw at onoe that the snake was a copper- bead. Although she almost swooned with terror, she at)ted with rare pre- sence of mind. It occurred to her that it she showed her alarm bv orying out suddenly to her, the child would un- doubtedly bec<.ime frightened, and the rhange that would naturally follow in ker handling of the deadly reptile might anger the snake and cause it to •Ink its venomous faugs into her hand i ' or faae. With a great effort, Mrs. Loan i "^8 '*»« c«ntrolled herself sufficiently to lay jpoaxingly : " 'Fetch it to mamma, dear. Don't hurt ft.' " 'But there's two of 'em. marama,' raalied the little girl. I'll fetch 'em b«lb.' "She reached down and picked up another copperhead that lay in the grass nhich Mrs. Loan had not seen, ajid came toddling along the path to- ward her mother WITH A WRIGOLIXG SNAKE in each hand. Mrs. Loan, althougb al- most paralyzed with terror over the plight her liltla one wad in, for one stroke of the copperhead's fang would have bean her swift and sura death, retained her composure, and when the child ^^as within a couple of yards of iher spoka ta her tuently, and said: " 'Put them on thei ground darling, and let me see them walk, Scrofula Taints the blood of millians, and sooner or later may break out in hip disease, running sores or some more eocnplicated form. To cure scrofula or prevent it, thoroug^hly purify your blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has a continually growing record of wonderful cures. IJ ^ jj-^Sarea- nOOa Sparilla Is Canada's Oraata <t Medl dna. (I ; six for fS Bood's puis cure indigefitlon. bilioiuDeii. DETECTIYES Of LOPOi tried the e.xperlment of appointing men to the detective service who ba<i not been trained as coostablea. This step proved a complete failure, and very .-^oon after their nomination most ot th>! new men found it desirable t<j refsign. It may l>e imagined by pei pie in the haJ^it of reading detective novel.- ot the Sheilock Holmei type that the arrest of criminals may be brought about by methods which have no place at the present time in our sys- tem; but the hard, practical exper- ience of Scotland Yard does not favour a departure from the plan now pur- sued. The theorists have been obliged to yield to men like Melville, Little- ch'ld, 8wansun. Greeuham. Hagen, Von Tornow, and Jarvis, all of whom belong to iht! es.'-entially practical school. Tli3.se oifficers held as an axiom that a fairly good "police clue" in the hands of the average detective trained in the ! London force was worth more than the PROrF«!«! nv <5FI rrrmM rort nwrn I if**^^ °* "^ *'l ''"^ psychologists in rKUl/fcbS OF SELECTION FOLLOWED Europe. Intelligent, practical, ex- BY THE AUTHORITIES. |p^rienced men are demanded by Scot- I land Yard, but hypnotists, mesmerists, an i m:n.:-readers receive noencourage- ment. The pay of a first-class detec- tive coiUitable does not average 2 pounds a week, bat if &ucce:>s attends him he will )3e promoted to sergeant, It La an article of faith with most i wh?n bis salary, starting at 2 pounds. DelMtlvm Barm, Xol .Hade A 'Tharaagk rawnr of Tralalat }frtr»»»rj Brfore Oblalulng a TrnarkMB â€" Somrthlas Aboal ibe PallUral DrpartBirBl. people connected with the Criminal In- vestigation Department that detec- tives are born, not made, says the London Daily Telegraph. The process 2 .-hilling.'! per week, may advance by yearly stages until he receives as much 3 pounds, I Khilling, 6 pence. THE POLICE CLEARING HOL'SE." Scotland Y'ard may be described as of selection followed by the authoriiies the great 'clearing house" for the at Scotland Yard will not permit of , L'nited Kingdom and the Colonies as any 'duffers" finding thdr wav into T^K^fla crime and the mott interest- o K~j I, I. u I /i J '°Sf feature ol Scotland Yard is the a body which has been recently de- Secret Service or Political Depart- scribed by a French â€" • - - .._-__ magistrate as "the most effective force in Eui'ope." , In view of the epidemic of ruffianism I in the streets of London, and the at- tention which is being given to the disorderly characters who infest the Turt, it may be interesting to take a glance at the higher branch of the service on which the British public re- lics for the preservation of law and order. An examination ot the books at ; headquarters will show that the [ smartest men in the detective service ; at tht> present day have been evolved ' from the raws.st material. In most c<Lses th'y have been recruited from the work.ug-classes throughout the country, from the towns and villages uf England, Scotland, and Wales. Lon- don, wh ch is the great nuri'ery of crime and th.- place of sanctuary for evil-iloers from all parts of the world, ment, of wh;ch ill. Melville, a most aide conscientious officer, is the chief. While the ordinary Yard officer is dealing with such matters as the ar- rest of refugee criminals, extradition proceeding;, or the imiavellingof iiome murder mystery his comra.iie of th" Pulitical Depaitment is transacting affairs of still greater State import- ance. The safeguarding ot Royally and of Cabinet Miui--ters, the arrest of An.ircbi ts and revolutionists, and the inve.stigation of charges of treason TO CLKE A I.OI.O l.N U.Nt UA». Tftk* L*uii*e BruBu Quiniae T*bl«u. All Dtas !*â- *â- r«f uad tb» Moaev if it fwU to Our«. Vc ONE Or THE iVIANY advsmt«yesofusmj LUDELLA CEYLON TEA Is that its excellent quality never vaines â€" alwayi the same. Lead packages. • - -2$, 40, 50 and 60c. BIS SURMISE. Yar-as, I've been thinking about it, he said. About what T they adced. About that girl I met on the veran- da lawst evening, he replied. What about her I they inquired. Why. I said, the deuced trouble with the girls was, don't you know, that when a fellah tried to kiss them they screamed, and tJien she said she had a bad cold, don't you know, and bad lost her voice. Ya^-as. I've been thinking about it. and I've pretty nearly made up mv mind Uhat the next time I get her alone I'll kiss her. Ya-as. There are people who might be hit with a club and never find it out un- til the next day. t A SEVERE THL^MP. He â€" I wa£ reading somewhere the other day that no woman should ever marry a geniufi. pheâ€" Oh. wpII; don't let that worry yoo. even if ! he girU were disposed to ! heed such advice the bars wotlld bs â- down for you. I THE TRIUMPH^ ADJUST ASLX STOTB nfjl- â- mt put at •ad uk«a ianm. Cim ba aluaaa. mrnttd, »mt patuwa; >â- s mn»ll m»n A>k foar 4mUn tor tkam. HjknatxMral br C. B. IAJI0UIY, i«8 A4aUi4a>t.W.. T( Th» RaM IrM. Mfg. Q^^ rABLM»»« gOWl !N.) AI.LXY- rii ti.r Cau.«(U*. 2:; }Lmt St. VmL. tUMX STAMMERER ObIt iiutiUltlaa la Olaiii * •KIT fhu* •' «*aih Wi* cmnaSnivTtjotm •fc. Farms for 8i|to Three Farms for Sale, on easy t^ nt Property situated convenient t* C. F. Railway. Specially adapted far atsck raising. For further particulan a^ly I M. McNAM ARA, B&rrisitr. Nsrtli lay, »ni Persons suffering from Bunion-s or! Corns should spread a. little "Quick- cure" on the Lmnionor corn, before re-1 tiring at night, cover the "yuickcure" I with a piece of tissue paper, and ti>- a piece at linen over the paper to keep it in place until th- morning, th.n _ , , remove linen and the "Quickcurecov- DOminlOII LillV StSAIIIShlMt ered with tissue paper makes a p^'r- '" feet plaster : reduiiog all inflamma- tion causing pain. fall to the lot of some forty picked men act ng under Mr. Melville's diiec- tions. 'ib:-y are in daily communica- tion with the police department of ev-ry foieign (jovernmeut, and cer- tain mem'j«rs are frequently ( de.-*- pati'h.Hi on secret misbions abroad. Thi» specLil department was formed in 1883. at the time of the dynamite out- rages, and remained for i<ome years supplies only the smallest proportion under Chief-In.-pect.«r Litlleohild as a of the men who are responsible for temporary estubli.-hment. Finally, maintaining the law amongst Cock- 'h- H me Office, being convinced of £, . .u » . J tl>' enormous imporUince of the work neys. &.me of the greatest detec- ^^^^ j^ ^^^^ jle. formed by the new tives of th.' age have been Irishmen, service. re.solved that it should be es- but only very few are accepted by the tabli h'd on a perminent basis. He- authorities nowaday* At one time a P'e.entatives are siaiioned at the chief ,, / •! / „ poits not only in ih' Lniied Kingdom small percentage of recruits came from ^^^^ ^„ ^^^ Coniinent. aio,t of the th' EmiMQld Isle, but since the time m.-n l>eli>oging to ihn department are i>f the Fenian and dynanite outrages t he re has not been a st roug demand for canJldatas from that quarter. EARLY TRAINING. Every detective legins his career at th' lowest rung of the police ladder. of -upeiio e uaioa an 1 have 1 een selected on account of ! he :>pecial apti- I tude th<?y have displayed in the oap- i ture of law-breakers. It enjoys the I pleasant reputation of being the only police department whore a lil eral al- lowance for expea>as is made. When a man accepts duty as a temporary de- When seeking employment in the Lon- tactive he is only allowe 1 'Z thillings. (i j„_ . , K _ #,„.„ <h. pence per vseek in addition to his uon force, the vouns nuin from tne â- . _ *^ . , , , l * j u vc, luc juiuie »»«.i. wagcw-i as a conotal>le. but th- favoured country Ls promptly directed to S;ot- nieml-er of the "Special Service " en- Joy practically a free hind. It would be ol'viou-lv irapois-ible to tr.ace uiu.h land Yard, where the work of winnov%- grain is lieguu. Physical fitness is an important qualificaton, and the candidate mu.st be prepared to pass a very stiff medical e.xamiuation. This may be one of the facts account- ing for the large number of provin- cials who aie accepted. After the doctor comus a itut of the man's edu- cational aiiaiuments. A writer m ih'.se colutuus haj already pointed out i that the clumpy criminal is fast be- coming eitinct, and, acting upon the ! principle of "diamond cut diamond. ' Scotland Vard mu.-.t have men able to deal with skilled 'professiouals, "whose ' weapons are the chlorofoi m-pad, elec- ' trie drills, and other resoaices of ; science unknown to the Bill Sites of j an earlier generation. It is for this ] reason lh.it the standard of education i-s being gia<iually increai>ed. Uiviug been proved sound in mind aud 1 ody trea''On-felony on so niggardly a scale as half a crown for expanses extend- ing over seven days. NECESSITIES FIRST. Wa.* that the landlord again after the rentf Yes; <ui<i I told him that we hadn't paid for our wheels yet. GOOD AS CAPITAL. Dinks â€" New man in your office, I see. Locks like a prize-fighter. Winks â€" He's my silent partner. Kh .' Loea he foot the bills* No. He foots the collectors. th.i cuudidates are sent to Wellington "This seemed to please the child, and ! Bacracks, where they are drilled every I she placed the copperheads in the path I day for three week..i, or for such longer | They then saw Mrs. Loan for the first 'period as may lie deemed necessary, j time, and their manner changed in- ' lhi< course flni^hell. the novice is <it- 1 stantly. Ths copperhead, unlike the , tachpd to one of the police divisions | rattlesnake. Is aggressive, and these j of the Metropolis, and another stage of I two. showing all the fierceness of their ' training begins. His first duty nature, at once moved toward the is to attend the police-courts daily. child's mother, plainly with bostil* in- tent. The child clapped her bands and started to catch the snakes. Her mother rushed around the snakes and snatching the child up in her arms, flew to the hovise, closed the door be- tiiiMl her, and fell fainting to the floor. The copperheads were killed later, and ion, ;hiws him the little girl mourned for her deadly playthings for days. "That is only one of scores of inci- dents one may hear over in' that p«rt of Pennsylvania about the immunity from danger the copperhead snake grants to children, and the New Jer- sey case is also one in point. Still, al- though it looks *o 'me as it the) start- ling Welsh Mountain belief had good grounds, I don't believe I would take a copperhead home as a plaything for my children, just the same." the object beiug to teach him the details of procedure, the manner of giving evidence, aud tho best way c'f conducting a ca-e. I ho young con- stable is next entrusted to the care of an experienced officer, who pilots him rouml iho various streets of his divis- the chief resorts of crime, and generally furnishes him with a fund of ustiful "tips." After a few days of this class of work he Is supplied with uniform and truncheon. The days of apprenticeship are eixled LONG LIVED HOLSES. There are botises still stamling in Nuremberg. Bavaria, that were built in 1080. NOT SEEKING OTHERS. Hewitt â€" Come to dinner with me. Jewett â€" Wheref Hewitt â€" At my boarding house. Jewett â€" No, th.xnk you. I have stom- ach troubles of my own. A CLINGING DELUSION. What is force of habit, ma? Force of habit f Well, it is the way your father keeps on thinking he is not fat, after he ha.s had to have a, special porch chair made for himl The Learned Societies Though their members have testified to the great efficacy of Putnam's Pain- less Corn Ejtractctt'. It provokes no line of demarcation, securing alike the THE ONLY ONE OF THE KIND. Grim haw â€" I hardly know what to make of Poorchap. I never knew an- 01 her fellow ju^t like him. Askins â€" Wh,it is there peculiar ab<jut himt Grim-haw â€" Why, although he is in very straightened circumstances he never brags aliout having squmder- ed A forttme in hi> younger days! Daafoesa Cannot T>e Cored 1 )• lacal aiplii'iitionii. aa itiey onaaot -a-ich the l«ea-i'd portion of the ear. There la only ana vay 10 cure du.i/newt. «ad that u by cpn»titu- ianal teinarfi-'ii. Uanfni.iis ia oaund bjr »a 'a- lainxd c nMtion ot the piu'-ou« lining of tha ' H:aritachiaa Tnli*. Whm h a tubaxeiii Inflitm- i •<l .rou kaT* a rumhiinf o ind or Imparfaoc •earing. 'id wh^o It iK<n raly do oddiafnaaa ' ithariifiult.aau un.«.^ii •laAamumtioD can be akrn ouiand tl:ii tuh«r-<tarrd tilt normal â- ondl iOD. hoariTiK will b« dab!r>ye4 forarrr: I D» ca«e« oa'. of trti an cauaa4 br oatarrh. «hlcb la nethlna but aa iafl&iaed oondltlOD ot ^a mucoaa -urfu< a<. Wawili lira ' ne iliindrod DoUan for any .ua at Lia.ifnetji (.anard by catarrhi that can- lot ba cured by Hall"* Ca arrh Cun. Send for â- Ircnlarn, fra'*. o ,. V r. *â- • f CHENEY JC CO., TolaJe. a Sold by Dniml^t-. 7.v?. HaU'iTamiijr PUitaratba beat. W P C !»:17 Moatnal awl Quakac tc LiTi-ryaal la â- aal la« wia aciew atasai.hfa ' Lakia caavar,' ' OoBiBlna.' '>caUaaa. ' T^ Suparlar aocamDiadailaa er Plait Cat on4 Cfibln and 9tt)«rafa aaa#aBg_ B»-Hajio-rir«t Cailu. ia.««- i«a«aaA 0aM^ |34 : :4ta«nut« AN 50 and aawards â- iMiiiaiB itaamor and bartA. Far aJ! af ainlM tul ta Local AKaaja, ofDavib TnaaiMia ITM Oan'l Acenta. IT a*. Baciaaatat I Heating •UH SPIOtALTY. Mrr WATIft- ear a«w «•â- t9m vita natf FftAaMaa WkRM *ie-Oaal ar waai t-.::it»â€". W« ka>a uaf •:T!t» aa4 MHB la lalMa eoMiiMATie*- â- •• w*«« ka<I « maar raaa WrIlaaaU raakant* I ihiaf M kaa m^ *• aitr |* I abia la napM MK«ili4at tf 'ftdvaataaa W( MND rail l)«T*LOQUI AIM ON APPLMATie*. CLARE BROS. &C0^^ Braaak al WlaaiHt U<MMWliMM"n>'kVi/i'i'i>>'i<'^'f>mVAVin'tViiVViM WANTED. I A Thorouc hly rslltbia wonaa (mar- f rle.i or widow prfarrad) In every city, ^ towa aad Tillage In Cana< a, to act a'< ^ selioltinK ag'nt for a well adrertlMd ^ and aotabliahad artio a. Kvy to atll ^ and salsf-w-'tioa on«urad. No dapotit J required. Q.v< roforanooa when reply 3; ing. Addrea'S S: E. A. SPRONQ, I Hamilton, Oat. £ rrOROVra CUTTINQ ACHOOL aArt epactal * ladaoamanu ta ;*ane man daairona of taking ap Cuitina. Hull parfoabtra on apall- aatlaa. uj YONUB IT.. TOkONTO. ALLAN LINE Koyal .^ail Steainxkii C«., Montreal to Llvorp*ol. Staatneni aail from MonCr«ala*ar7 'PiarKlaf laarnlnK on arrival of train* fiata Tavaata .na the wetft aboQt 9 o'claok. KATBS or PASSAoa Cabin tSXM an4 ipward* : 134 and ami $.1<l.iU^ Staeraaa ta U-r^f*tL m^mtn of IF you want to either buy or lell Applea in car lots, writeus. The Dawtori Comm'tsion Ca., Lin\it«d, LAWr ilia MMIa Jk Nail«a, *a:T'*:«r-*,etr.,rettioTeil K> tVa-li'TBIilga., Rich oad 8t. W.. Toronto. Neuralgia; Naadaahe, Faaa^Mha, A ».l >e»«re iniwciilar p&in., _ n.t»ntij rflievetl by Crpa- MotN«ira:g aCiira Pri»itio CtiaU'M ]}^a. itampa for trial paokaaa. Tha HuUkiugs Xa^aina Co., Tetaate. London, Ulafff'W. BaliMl. Q'leanacown Kl'id nnd ni.%. Aroduailan af flva percent, ta round tr p tint ao'i leaond eabla •ailing* af >t«amaa or oibai lafon taaaj aulhorltad ageat. a. BaurUer. 1 Klag »t. CaMa Laaiaa*i»ry OB Pd* »»»iy 'W. Tavaata, For 18 IK. STURTAVANT BLOW FAN 7 in. Outlet, 4x3 PulUy. Good as New. ^'• The Wilson Pubiisuiu^ Lmi'i'cu, 73 Adelaide St. Wmk and he goes forth to take a pl:.ce good will of the highei.st and the mo.st amongst (he rank aud file of the Me- humble, and with strict impartial- WOULDN'T MISS tBopolitan polices, ' HAVID ADVANCKMENT. There are three grades of imiformed con.^table3, and it is the ambition of most men in the.se to enter the deteo- lity, removing with equal celerity the corns of each. Try Putnam's Corn Kxtractores. live force, promotion to which is ac- THE CHANCE, compauied by higher salary and im- ' 1 proved social position. lEven to the 6he says that he proposed to her, third-<lass policeman the chance of but that tney are not engaged. Put they knew her and they laugh- ed long and loud. The only problem, they said, is to decide which of the two statements is » proving his quality soon comes, and. In many ca.-'ea; adyancemeut to the first claw is vary rapid. It is from the latter section that our detectives are chiefly recruited, bat no man is accept- ed until be has succeeded in satisfying the divisional chief that he ha.n soma natural faculty tor the investigation Have you been tight- j ot crime. When Sir Howard Vincent itngt' Jimmy-^eâ€" I'v* >>«en tonght. w&s in autlkority at Scotland Yard, k« Sympathetie you poor boy I Maiden â€" 'Wky, Jimmy. AN EXCEPTIONAL CASE. Tomâ€" Love Is a disease that physi- cians axe unable to cure. Jackâ€" Yes. as a rule, but a friend of mine, who bad a I>ad case of love was completely cured by a doctor. Tom â€" Is It possible t Jackâ€" Straight gucxls. You see, he wao In love with a female M. D. and married her. i^nMASPHOSPWPOWDFP PAINT *" •^""»* SIS ton r L& I I V I o'tl "binKle roofs or -idrt t rXXl 1 A. of bnildisK*. I'ard M r i> .m^m m,^^^ T*itro. A<li yonr li-a.ar i'i'"JL..r'?,- -'^'* """^ >'l«E»"»ATiyi A PAIHI MMPAWY. n o Q. I an «aat, Taronta. R§ 9 F ! fj C *^ W>Mt Matal Wvrka. * " * •"« RooriNG -ilATE, in Bliok, ItadarOrMn. SI.kTIt Bl..\CK80AKlm IW. nippl; Paklla aa4 High (toho.iW.T.'r-ui..) Roi./iTif r.Jt. Pack. Oaal Tar, Mc. ROOFIXa TILK I«m .S-» 0I>; 9»,li- tttia, "Tarvatn, ^lun. by »u.' ina) MttikJ Oeillnfit, Oar- £aai«ata Brt)mit«i fMrui^4*J for w.rk oaaplct. or m a*«r1ali .hl^p«>1 'o ^n* .art .if th. cuntry PboB. l^ol â- U'nitlASONS,Actaliilda*WiamerSta.,Tera«ta. iMVITATIflM '• barab; ait.ii.l»l In all Touna practical ..liiciltou tc iTite for tho N.w Pr'»p.fctu« of tha 0ENTR4L Ilrwsia^OoLLKuR orTiiRoHT'-t. Maaa- beraadmitud at.^u; tiiiiA. Sight r«'gular U.ch.ra. an* aiaalM faoil'*;«« for AcoouulUig, Tcegrsphy. Short- baud, elo. Mtiiv ntii<l«(ita aacur. aplBtittid poalliona eaab term. Geti>articii!»ra. A<I<lras> W. VL SUAW, Prinoipal, Ton^ia aad Ovrrard Sta. , Torouto. >%%^»^^%^»<»^^^^%^»^ • jLlLMIMaaM, M. •.,â- »,• MN«»«t a a^im^MT^ A-* - Brantford Galvanized Steel Wiadmllls. For POWER & fWmQ «tth PATENT ROLLEII And BALL â- EARINCS. T5S??!.T?!i^«: - THROAT »'%'%^'%^^%^^'^'^^'%' j^ throat! M>«CIAUST 4 k%%'»'%%^%« I. COFFEE & CO., ^'"""" "^ GRAIN AHO OOMMISSION MERCHANTS, â- sama 4M-11 â- aar« af Trade •ulHlltic, Tt)RONTa ONT. fMMaa FLn& Joaa U Oorraa Makers of the lightest running and best constructed Galvanized Steel Wlnifmills and Towers made. Write for A^^^ ItLUSTRATBD \jS/"ArLEY r.. W^MUIRi CiKcutARs. ^LoaojN dMiHiiMi MHMWi .. W»^.