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Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1898, p. 8

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AUGUST i8 1898 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE D. McTavish k^?? Feversliuin. FLESH ERTON ON HAND ^ • ...REPAIRS F..r iftadsey-HRrris, Noxon, FIciiry and Wilkinson farm inipluinciitK. KIcnry Hiiil Verity pl.iws on liuiid (ill tlio time, al»o h11 kindH of ropmrs It , for tim sfimM. We iimnufHOturo Wiiguns, Buggies, CiitterH, Sleighs, etc. t| ra I'.iirrtuslioeini; promptly atteiidcd to. Special attention to tendwr cij'>- te &â-  trnctod foet. Loi;s{ing and Plow Clminrt constantly on hand. l^ B^ ui:p£n5iii!nirilfiniUlri!nliuQi)itn:it^^ 1 <*4 #lf^0^1 Buggies, Carta, Wagons, Harrows, Plows of the boBt kinds aud rcpairR. Binders, Mowersi Horse Hakes aud Corn Bculilors and repairs. Cbaius of all kuids. Horseshoeiii!,' (\ specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ^mt^^mm^mmm^fmm^^^mMimm^^m Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip St^trHS'nii," â€" CoUoffe. .ud Uommerol.l DspftrtnienU in CBnad., thuii viait the Northvru HukIiimh CnltuKe ; .xainliia «verythioi{ tliorouRbly. II we (»il t" >>toJuc« Uie moat ttiorou8>i, complete, pructicsl mul oxtanaivu cotirae of atiiily ; the boot uolleije f remiwn and the beat aa<t uioat complete anil moat aultabl. furniture and appliance*, wu will Kive you a full courH* KUKK. Kor annual • iinounceiuauta, glriug full particular*, tree Addreaa C. A. FLEMING, Principal W. BARNHOUSE V WUIiesti draw llio alleiitinn >A Hie I'ublic to the foUowiiiu' : FLOUR IN BAGS Of all Hixei and a« CliiMip lu. the cheap- ent. Si>ooial BnrKnina in 3 and i> liarrtd Inta. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and Provisions. DOG and OOON MITTS and LK(if!- INGS nia,le to order aud on Hliortest Notice. Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Beaver Planing Mills EUGENIA Wo iitannnmctiiroaaHli. rtoora fiiinioB, floor- In^', huH(j, Hl(*iii;;, joint BluiutiiiK, rt^ranrl ill matorialx. Wohivnoii Imuil n lariic i.t')i-,k of utalr tiirnliii(ii, stair rail, turniiii tin nur liliicloi. barfu blockri. alHiT nil tliu atandard i*\7.i-n<'t hhhIi and doiirn on hand. Wo h ivii a il.Ht iilii«< kiln for drying' Inmbor and \fill [;n rnntoo onr iiiiterialH thorontjiily dry. Kiln-ilii.ul Iwinl woo I (loortn{j alwtiyM on Irind, UilnK yonr own Itinibrfi' Biiil liiivi) It kllit nrietl a ul planud litno Kuiii'Mnbiir, yon rnn no ri«k ; wo willKuaran oi to nt'ikii II pnrfect job. Our iji'iilnchoppiiiu rlt! la in piirfi'clonlnr.nnd inoi-'Uirto hImw von thit vr * iL)ii>rui-.iiitu llui vei'v lar({-« trade that we do in that linn ve have dociibul tai'Mdiico tl.ii pricta of ohopidnu Uriilna to 4o por hai^. ,\ llrnt i Ina^ hIu-iI for your 'eani., while waiting. We |,m iiid nvury ilay. Mrs. A. Wilson, Prop. T W, WI130.\ MANAQBR 9^a J^li»s on B ECAU5 EII I U.SE Moore's Fly Noti, loither or Cordjd Axle (Sri'fue llmif Oiiitmrnt HiiK-fy VViiKhprw HarvpR'. Mitts Swoiit ("iillara Moo's Leailicr [linens \Vliin« and IjaKh>»H Haiin.'ss Oil Folish All kiiida of h.i'ncss kept on linnd and made fo order. Eierytliino in harnosg qriodH and at right pricuH. WM. MOORE Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photog:raph Gallery I are done in firat-clats itylc and at lowest rates. Special attention Kivrii to copyinii. Bshiet' photoa. a .specialty. Picture* framed. I MRS. BULHER ^W" 'IIP 'HI' 'IK' HI' Ml'^ff ^IF'^^f^l^^lf ^jt- eo YEARS' EXPERIENCK TitADC MMINS DcaioNS COPVRIQHTS Ac. Aayone awidinn a ak.trh and doRrrlptUm may qolrkly asrortatn rmr ophiton fri-e wiu'llii>r an Invantton la prolmhlv i>utc>NtiiM(>. Cuniniunfca' tianiacrictlynnnllilenllal. lluniltKHik on Patent, aont fme. oldeat u&tinry for nvr-unn^' patent*. Patent* tak.n throueb Muiin A to. reclT. 9pteUU notict^ without c hanc e. In the Scientific Hmerlcatie A >iiindaoTn*lT Wnidmtnd weoklr. T.arKmt dr. OQiiitton of Any Hclontitlc ti>iirTml. Tornis, (3 a iiiyNNJCo.""'-'^', New York Bran.h Omno. (36 K St^ WaahlDgtoD. II. C. Cash : for : Hides! SI eepakins and all kind* of fiiia pur- clin ed, for which liigk«!8t market pricf will be paid. Homomada aauiagea on hand, niro all kindi of meat*. W. WILBON Flesherton Meal Emporium J. B. Sloan & Son P ropr-letors Kaf- GETVom va^ Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, BTFROM US'*iii Hand Kailing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath.No.i and 2 Shingles Veranda and Fittings, Sidings, etc. TDrDlg) of all Kinils Done to Order »»*Now r«n of StonsA fer Ohoppiag. FtWtJMtioa io all cur linei jHanii.tfod From our inmi Currnpniident Mrs. Janma Madden of 8tli liiiu,()-;prey, has recently died and the ruinains will be interred in the Catholic cemetery in Stayner Tuesday, Aug. Kith, she luiv- iiig been a resiidcnt on the farm on which she died fur uliout 45 years, Friends and relationn hnve the syuipa liy (if the community. School hna startod again and the children arc very woU suited with Mr. UeubKn Jowitt, their respected teacher, but the boys think he ifi better now ilhin he will be next week, Mr. H. Perigo and wife have ju«t re- turned homo to Toronto after payiiij; a visit to his brother, I. H, Perigo. Mr. J. J. Clutf haa been the i^uu^t uf Mr. J. Grithu of this village for the pist week. Misa Minnie Rinnp iias just got back ^o town after a visit to frioiids in Honey- wood. A number of the boys of this town wheeled jut to Mr. W. Brewster's lake last Sunday to iMse the Mennoni ts immcis-ingand they say they had a very ciijoyablu time. Two young ladies of this tnvrn went out wheeling the oiher day and upon their arrival home reported Mr. Pedlar at Maxwell a very m>-jA blacksmith. Miss Maud WhiteiMtk is visiting friends in Maple Valley at present. One of our moat ptncninent citizens undertook laat week to baptise himself in the mill dam aixl bad seiious trouble gutting out, but he helped to lay the dust going u]> the hill. ThingH look very fnvorable aa to having s good exhibition here this fall. Giound has been purchased ami a new hall erect- ed. Oapcey council met here Monday and the directors of the agrieultunsl society waited upon them and reciired a crant of 9*25 to help )>ay .xpensus on the agricultural hall. HUbc's Hettlemeal From Uiir Own CinmpviiiirHt By some, the harvest is just abuut Hnished, while others will yt^ have to l.ustte to get through by the cud of this mimth, or even later. The \fun spell of dry weather was brokenjon Thursday night by a down |)0ur of rain whKli raised the drooping spirita of tliuso who wera beginning to fttsr tho (Miotr prospncts ol their (>otato and turnip cropn. Should the weather prove favorable for the rest of tlie harv- est people in thia aeolion will have abundant cause to bo thankfol, as the crops had not beeu so gixxl fur many years. Mr. Tom McArthur ia eipcrimentim; thii year o«i raisinif chn'or so<'d. We notice he has a coimideiablu tjuantity Io g.ither in yet. Wo hope the experiment will prove to be ruinun.-rative. Mr £>lward I'urdy has about twelve acres ot Imck wheat, which baa a beauti- ful upiwnrance just now. Sli'>uld the crop turn out well Ed.will hare iMiK-akis giilore." On Thursday evening lust our young people's league look the form uf atemper- Hhco enterlaiiiment. .Mr. K. II. Hum phrteya of pricevillo occupied the chair and WHH au vntertaiiimunt in himself, civntino lots of mirth for the youog folks by his iiuaint old Duvmvihire dialect uvA humor, Ueadings, ruciiatiuns, etc. , were admirably rt'iulered liy mumlh'K of the League and all sooniud to be well pleased with the tntertainniont. The Missos Edna and Ida .M. Stone left on Snturday t<> rosnme their du'i.s at thuir respective schools near Owen Sound aiitl HnlUind Ceiitn*. After a ivnl of six weeks the iron toiiguo of onr public aoh'ol bell, on Mon- dty morning annonnood the re «>penin)i of school, but wo noticed that the pupils' rerpond WH8 less jidihnit tliiin when the same iron ton(.'ue si^nt fiiili its jocund sound on the lust day irf .Jui o proclaiming' a six weeks' hoi d»>-. â- lock canna nmk oot wha's gaed wiatig wi the ivpoiter fra ihi.s ]wirt o the kinliy, a'i he has nn gied na niiiokh' i ews o' late Weel, .lock, ye ken ivs wecl its I do nirsel the sinnn<M hue bin verra ho> and dry, an reportois i>et dry, too, soii:ettn»en,iind dry nowh is aboot as unid sa no news iit a'." The cam pel s at Wiiaiign I'.oach wi-ro fir nishod with a topic for convtr.sation lust week by what senMttinnal papers would Oiill the unique cxp'n-it'nce of Mr. K. E. Kinghnm's cow. On Tnp,sday young Mr. D( uglivs Gray st.trted to lead the cow down to iho Biuiihani cjimpat I ho river. They went via the town lino and on the rojtd they disagreed in some way, and the boy til (I tl e cow to a tree in the bush and wi lit I'll Io the river. When seau h WHS niido for tiU! c<>* it coulJ not be fouiiil. On Sal unlay it w,-»» disiiovered, still lied lothotrce, by Ernoft .'V>er», who lives in Iho neiohbnrliood. Tlie aiiit:>al had 1>( en f;r (ivo i!iijs without food or water, but *;ih hi ought around nl! ri^ht. â€" Staymr Sun, Pll«s, whether Kchins:, blind or bleadlngr, are relieved by one Application of Dr. Agrnow's Ointment £5 CENT£. iind aur.d in 3 to 5 alghts. Dr. M. Burkmait, Bincbamton, N. Y^ writes: 8«nd tn» 13 dozen more of Ac* â- â€¢w'. OlDimtfnt. I prc.crib* large qaao* tlttaa ef it. It ts a wonUor work.r In skta < l â€" s.ssod • (real ear. for pU.s,â€" 0. For sale by W UicharJnoil Summer Clothing Get it Made by proctor - - The Tailor Suits Cut to Order 5aUstaction Quaranteed Giayton's Block, Flesherton FOR ~ Priceville Rollei? Flour and Saint Infills To the Faruiereand reaidcnts of Price villeandsurronndingc luntry and villages: Having leased the above mills for a term of years, I would respectfully solicit a iair share of your custom and patrioi' age. Hoping hy fair and honest deal- ing to retain all old and avw cuMtomcrw^ of the mill. t^Hest Brand of FLOUR. OAT MEAL.ORAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, aU> all kinds ot Feed kept Constantly on hand. Highest Prices paid in cash for atiy quantities of wheat. Planin'.<, Match- ing and Hawing done to order, also Saw L.'gn purchased, Special reduction on 4 and 5 barrel lota of Flour. Farmers brint! your grist and chopping and give us a f>iir trial and we will he aure to usu you right. Chopping done every day at 6»o Pex* loo 11>8. G. II. WALTER Priceville, Jan. 25th 1898. WANTED At the FhiahertMii \V(H>ll,-n Mill, any C)U:uttity of f^ood W(M>I, fur which the highest market price will he paid in cash or goods. ^ Jfavo on J^and-^^^^^^ k large (luaiitiiy of cosrso and tine Tweeils, Heavy Fullc'oth, wtiite and gray Flannels, She; tto>rN, Cottm- ndis niid Blanko:s. Also a larjfo •piantily of Yarns of the very boat ipiaMty, Kuarantoed pure sti^k, to excliaiuje for wool or well cheap for raah. Roll eanlinsr, spinning and manufac- turing dime on shortest notice and in the bi'sl {loasiblo niaiim r I will pay i» good price fir Hue wool fir my own manufacture. \ V turn my sincere Ihanks to my n'lmcrous customers for the libonil I itronagp oxtendwl to niewliilo in ;'.r,s!iorton and I hofje hy strict nt- UiiMon (o hnsiness fo merit n share ill llio future. Woollen Mills, - - Flesherton. Bu5iiifr=$ (t> V UULLOUCrH it YOU NO ^ 1 Ki'liuis, .>.'ai jcdal» Do a Honer»» bmikinn toisino*.-. Money luaie.) at » ijoauudi/ju ,»ie » on as. A 8 VANT.l--.f:N-, J p ** Cie; fc oib Div Coni-t. Co 'ire/ JjiFser of Vanijfc IJecntct, t • i,v. v.ircer Notary, rn!.:.o,-ftiialo»:c»r. V./u.jt:,> kiuni ' liruoi j(o Opar cent. c;b,u-Rw ino.t».»:r rjElSTS COLLECTED 1 . , '"'i." u'i<lerB;BOffc3 i« prfyartd m muliTtftko ttio collection ot all kin.:. ,.i tiebf -Notti bought, uccounts COl'lcttd, it.:. K M HESDin.sU,"-. >Ieshe,to.i r cniBLRTT * l.'lf^herSoa Station Pi>.<liua»:-r. foatrul«8iou(-r in M C J, Coatey ai.«r. Uov.,l8, nioitiiageg, leases and will, diawn. M«ii-> fo leoj at 5^ [.v-r c.tuI ana u-i)- \7«iua. Do»r<..< ..oliMted. CUmj;..!s aodera-.j n J SPUOLtE *<- Foatiiiaskr, Flesbertrni ' In H. C. .7., Anctir-n.-tt- Con- -.vyanter. ApyiaUtr and »i,,rf" I < i . , . II. n] |..i.tatu and Iuf.nranct) Ani-itt 1 ,'i. â-  Mii..t);oBCT, leuBM ,n.| willu cuu-Jniiv <huv a up .in., vnliiatlom made .in thctus " u' ti-c aoiifv <; loan atl.jWBiit ratet .,i uitin-t ti.l' l«>.i..n« ..ttcn.le-l to w«tl, il, u,p-i:t.^, Uia,|io» low, AKcnt fox (..cfsi, I'mTsiuioo ht^anialiip Comysiry. A e«Jl :<.;.S!H«>. JfAKllIAOR l.lCENCR:i-A» "* fric-as. Itezuna or tLer. . New Vor»ioi,, L.''.'''.?'*''.*! l.-i;. aiiJJubU.e. I.'of silicic tier- "Oil, in i>ain> or all at a ttio«. El'UK>'M. MISS HARAH STBAIN. . "Teacher on |4aiio. pJanoforte, .rcaD. etc. HoKU Hi.stcla-B teuctiurs' teniacate in niiijtcwitb houoTilroio Aluia CollfB. : o( I'rof. St. Jobn Hjttonr.och ol Co..ouaaii;i. Ucimj«rk. Kusklence tpi.osite ij.tboUiH cuucrii > leab.rtoo ^mttm A U W msataiivary tit at ami tkird Monday ,,7. '" *""^*' ""ulli. iu .uiirlonco term C iristoea bli>c», PlB.berton. at M p lu. Ja» ' »lak«l»y. \y SI : A M Ciibson, Btco.dei ; W. Hellamy.tiaaocier. ViaiUng brctlir.c lnvite<> pRINCE .tRTirni LODGE. JTo. 333 A . 1 i.*^^' •»•«'• '" tbo Masonic hall, btraiu • ?il"* . f.'^liertoii, avery Fridav ou or before the full moon. It MeOUl, W M; W J Uollauiy, Secretary. noLK'T FUESHEKTON. L O. r. Bi..t. In y ChriHtuv K Block th. teat Ktidaj evcninB In i-acta month. VUitins Foraaters beartilv welcome. T. H.ury.Chlol Banker, \V. A. Arm- alroiig. Soeretary. i(nttjiti| DR. A. E. LITTLE Ueutial, Oradttat. L-nlvuriity of Toronto and Boyal CulloKv ol Dental Unrgeons. Fleatim-tuBâ€" Monday and Tucadsy of aacb WMk. DundaJh-Tkarntay, Friday au.l Balaraay ol each wtia. TrUAKBHAU. ' " MU8, DD8. LD Viaita Flaabevtou tb« l.t aud 3rd Friday ot «aob uioDSb. I U CAMTOEIL " L D s. D U S, Cental SnrgecD, Markdal. OlHcs over McC'allough .I- Yenii.'s bank Hou,a-SJ»i a m loC, A.. Visits "â- lesh.rtoo the »«'Coml and lourtt. Tlinuday of .acb nioiiib. oaic« at Usuabaw a liM.l T HENUKMSON * U D 8. M D 8, Dentist of Toronto Uiolcl will TUit Hfslierton nro- and Unndalk the lollowinK -lay (Tbui-sday.) §ml JOHN W FK08T, I, L U " IJan later. Solicitor Conveytnc.r. etc Olllco-Next to vonloflflce, Spienl.', block, Flc»herton. ejory Satnrlay aud ccOrt da" u ~.i'*?" *'*'"'"'' •"â- Â«â€¢â€¢ rrost'e block ;» Poulctt strrut east. "fva „v T UCAS A WKIGHT ** Harriatora Solicitoir Owen Sound, Out W H WRKiHT N IIâ€" |.')«wliertoa office ovory Saturday. Conveyancers, etc Miiikdalc, Out 1 II LUCAS MHcDulfk Bank TUCKEll A PATTERSON * Harriatera, Solicitors, ete Molaou's Bank, Oweu Sound HAURY G TUCKER GEO W lATTEKSO.N H. I ,„ ^ ,''.'.*"''*'. -"Owwii Scnnd, Merchant a M '.U^"V^- ^":»"-o acxn Hoiia'.. uS^alk .viBiii Stioet, every Sktinday. A.(i MACKAY, M A , M,K. SAMPSON. L.L.D . Crowo .\»torni>y lor Urey. ".".x'.. §Mkn\ nn IILTTON " MDOM, MCPAS Ont, Pricevillo Ollko next door In Hrown'.s »toie ; residence omio»it» at eii" old pnst oWoc. realdonce of late Alex Ihowr. . Office daysâ€" iii.isdov." and Satur- days. rjR CARTKR t, ^ " ^' 1.* ^ °»'' Phvai.iap, Snrpeoi'. cfc Floahcvton oflle.-sUain'« Mock, l-'oi-ldtnre- Mnniilmwa Hotel JOHN A SCOTT, M B M M«-niIier Tollepe riivsio. * Pnrppona Ontario Graduate in Mef'idii'O of Tcunio Univcrsitv. Korowalilp I)i|i|on!i. , f, »t (rrf'n- Bto Modioal Sclicolnnd Hosil, ( ! i.i-i.o- Discaccs of e\ o, car, nope ai i1 ihr.i..' tvi cinlly tioalnd. Rr«ide>:cc, Maxwell, visU^ rcverslii m Tlinradyas 1â€" a TP Ol'TRWKLI, " Veterinary Sorgeon Graduate of Ontario Vfitorinarv CellllKt wood HoHidenceâ€" Second door south on west from Mnrv street. Tbia streets runs soatlt aide I'lcabyterian ohureh. \ A

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