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Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1898, p. 4

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AUGUST i8 1898 THE I- L E S H E K T O N ADVANCE i ' I I 4 !}iTABLI5HED 3 f J .IS8J- rrBLI.SIIKt> WKKKLY AT THU OKKUJK, KYll- ENUAM HTHKKT, FI.KHUKRTdN, OXT. , BY W. II. TliritXTOB. 191 |ier aiinnin strictly in advance Advertising Bates: OaeUoluiua, I year, $.'>0 ; bslf col., 1 voar, •SS quarter year, #15, Transient adrertisoinent cbarscfl attho rate of i cents por line for first inportion und 3 ci^rit eacb Bubsequ'-nt tiiscrtion. The Spanisb'.U. S. protocol was sif^ucd last week and Spain has monrn- fully accepted all the Uiiiicd States dciinnds. Previous to the signing Commander Dewey bombaided Man- illa which capitulated to him and is iu potosessiou of the Amcr cm\%. 'i'liuac nre Among lliu ixiintN cuvfreil lay the ])r<it<)Col : The cewiiuii of Pmto Rico to thi! I'nileJ StateN, togother with otiier SiNiiiuh Wt'ht Iiuhn lahtiulH.nnt iiiclu(lii><{ ('uImi. The reliiiqumhineiit of roveruigiity ovurCuba. Tliu cesbiuii of an i.slniiil in the Ludioncs. Ilecogiiition tliat ilio I'liitud States shall tenipornrily occupy tlit; city uiiil harbor of Mnnila, until tlie lin'il Uu- ciHiun OS to the di.spoKition of tl<t' Phillip ines is reached . The appointnvnt of a commisHion to ili'turminu tliH tiiinl diHiM>- sition of the Philllpiiioa The constitu- tiou of a peace coniiniiuiioii to arrange the futuru of (he Phillijiinuc, witl> the place and time of meeting. Tliu NuapensiMii of huHtilities to follow the fi.rninl Kilning of tho protocol. The cVHCualion of CiiImi to be ariAh<{ed by a conimiHaion of capitxln. tion. The disposition of tlio S|iiiiii.'<li warshipa now iu blockatli'd Cubitn ports to be settled by tliucoinniitiion of capilu- lation. Raising of tlie lili/ckadu ugainst Cuba. Certain furiitiol pninta sucli lis Morro Castle and Fort Caljaiin-i to be occupiid by U litud States tn>i>|s at tho discretion of thu ProBidoiit, Span sh soldiers rtniaining in C iba un- til tho end of tho rainy .siason to perform police duty and preserve order. A epe. i 1 comiiiiHjtoner to bo :>i:poiiit(!(l to c}-o|>ei- ute with Capt.- Oeii. HIanco iu tho diro<- tiuii of aflTaira. Thu Spanish municipal guvuriiiiients to be continued, HNwasdnoo at Santiago, until such time a: tho evacu- ation shall have been completed. Span- olhcialK to bit p<Tinitt<il to collect - eiiaes with the ixevptioii of tlioso impos- ed upon the iinpoilaiioii of food prtHliicts. Arranijenionts to be mado for feedin-, if not couipensatiii|{, such Spniiish S'lliliera as shall be employed in police duty. Minos in tho hiii'lior of Havana to lio re moved by Spanish autlioritii's. .\ll unnor details rcgAiiliii',; the evacualioii uf Cuba and I'oito UiC'i will In- left to the Com- misaion of Capiluliitiou. This in dmie in order that there may bu no coiifusinn in the prutocol. Artoiueitin Council ho |>aid $15 for e(|uali:'.iiig throe union scho 1 sections, \'\/.., No. 1, .\. and (i., No. 1, A. and E , and No. 12, A. and tl., and that the niaount be chut-fjed to said school aeotioiiH.â€" Carried. ThoiupHoii McTavish â€" That the follow- amouiitH be paid the severul partitts nieii- tioiiud, being for gravel furiii.shed for roads, the accounts bbviiig hcon duly certi- tied by overseers : G. Moore, $0.!>0 ; \V. Davis, 8-'<.«0 ; J<,hn Wright, «!H.20 ; Albert Thoinpsmi, $5; H. Hewett, ^80; (J. Stewart, ?u.60 ; K. McUrulher, 85.4J; J. Haigrave, *2.20; Wm. Knight, 20c; Jas. Hill, «5.75 ; Win. Pedlar, 82.i)0 ; L, Uroskurth ^5 ; John Teetor, $4 45 ; II. Oliver, i?2.85 ; C McMillan, Sa ; John Huiiey, $1.70 ; John Teetur, 82.90; Allan McLc-aii, 1.05, â€" CarrieJ. Kella â€" McMillan â€" That the Reeve's re- port re ajvlo of school dubonturea under hy-law 651 bo rocoived and Kletl â€" Ca-ried Kella â€" McTavish â€" Tlul the asseaaineiu of the Kle.sher mill property, beiii)» pait of Lwt 150, 1 S W bo reduced to jjfloOO.^ Canied. McTavishâ€" McMillanâ€" That in refer- ence to ri solution of Ci>uiity Council upon a petition of cei tain parties a.skiiig the opening of tiiwn line bHlwet-n Arte- luesia and Usiney in c<aicesaioi.s 111 and 14, I li:s council deems it int-xptidiciil as well as loo costly to grant their request, and propose and hcruby appoiiit T. Kells and Li. 'I'hompson of this Council its a coiiimittue tM set witb a coinmr.tue ol t)s ploy Council to oXHinine stid road and ru- [loit its condition as well as the utility of said wo:k and piesoiit such report to the County Council as wull as to nacb of the towiiNliip CMiincilv, at the earliest opjior- tuhity, and that a copy of this ri Rolutiun be sent to Ospiey council. â€" Carried. McTavmh â€" Tlioinpsoii â€" That tho Reeve bn autliua/.ed cu di^fcnd the suit oiitei'i'd against this corporation and the corpoiation ..f Proton by Messrs. Rest aiul Runey, and that he confer with the council of Proton and employ a aidicitor jointly with Proton. â€" Canied. McTavish-McMillun- That Council lots Kella and Thompson and tho Clerk be a coniii.ittoe to wait on Euphrasia council with a view of settling the inalter of statute labor un town line between said towusbijw. - -Carried. Mc'l^«vi^ll- Thompson â€" That §20 bo expended mi town line Artemesia and I'lotoii as an eipivalent granted by Proton Cnoncil, also tha< the dram on town line Aru-iiii-.tiii aii<H)s|iiuy in Coll. 1 and 2 S. I). It be coiiiplet<-d]ointly with the council of Ospi'oy. â€" Carried KulU-- McMillan -That u|M)n deposit with the clerk o' suttioieiit funds to pay all o.X(H-iiaes of doting and conveyiiiu to the Itaptial congregation of Klesherton the Clerk IS hereby reipiired to give the proper IK itice to close up and i;rant t<i aaiil cinigix"_'atnin that jwrt of ltceclier» Ktieet survey of Pleitlierion ai.d that a hj- law be iiitriHhiced at tho pMper time for said ]iurp(>.seâ€" Carried. Council adjourned to meet on the first Saturd.-iy in Septoniber. The municipal council of the Township of Artoinesia in.:t in the Town Hall, Kloslionon, on Saturday, the sixth day of August, l«il8, Tho nienibeis were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Tho inoinbers of 1 mt session were road and coiilinned. The following conimiiiiications were hmiI : The Clerk of Proton asking an eipiiveleiit to 020 granted for town line. (1. A, Kirkpalrick reg.vtdiiig sorve^s ami Sur- vey .\ct. .1 ThonijxiiMi and T. Wliition re closin/ part of Itoecliol Street and dis- posing of tliu same to tho lliptis^ cbuicli Thu County Cleik re town \'\\\m Artcoiosia and Euphrasia. ManauuiH of Wnlsioi's (tank ht.ttument of a ooiioi of dep<i.sit for «;nkiMg fund piirpusos, Kiom the tins tees of thu folloniiiL! scIkioI's, eatiniates for IH'.tH, viz : Ni>, 1. A., (i , an-l M.; No. 2. :i, 4, 5, (i7,:<,r',:i,12, a. and (i.; 14, 15. A. aud.U ; l(i, A. and ; 1, A. and E.; 5, A , M. and () By laws 552 ti levy rate.s for Counly, Tiiwiihhip and S.:hool purposes, and .'k),'!, appointing collectors for I8U8 were indo- duced and road a hint time. McMillan â€" McTavish That bylaws 552 and 55:< be now rend asicond lime, - Carried. MoTaviah â€" McMill.ui- Thai cmiuil go into coininibtee on bylawH 552 aod 5o;i â€" (,"«,! ried. Council went into ciMiimittee, Mr. Thompson in the ch;iir. Coiiiiniiteu 10. e and loimrted bylaw 5ii!i tilled up and asked luate to sil a.;aiii on bylaw 5i"i2. Kellsâ€" McMillan - That bylaw TmW as filled up in Coininitteu lio now ii«ad a a third time, sisiie il, sealeii i.nd eiilured in Hy-laW b io<, ami thai, bylaw 5.')2 bu ruadatlUu iiixc in •utiii.; of cou:ic.l. â€" C'airii il. Thompioii -K'lls â€" ^Tiat Thomas IL^p- burnu b.i p.tiil 9't.'>0 fir plow broken while dun.; Situ . I labor, also 50 loiils fu;' gun po'vdi r and fuao for blahtiii|^ rock on l-oid .--Cairied. Kella â€" MoTavish -That Hi. Iinid (lenne be paid ^ for cutting and i' niovi.ig tun- bor olT Viklloy lloal. â€" Oaninl Tliompaon -McMlllaii -Tint W. H. Thurston be paid $70 on account of print- i(ig contract.â€" Carried. "Kella- McT.ivishâ€" That Ih" a»nei>soi of Fergus ia asaistai t teacher. We ex tend to them both a cunbiil Molconie. Miss Lizzie Roy, who baa been in Moiitclair, N .J., f r si. me time, and who haa been aerimisly iil, accoinp.inied by her sister, Minnie, letuntd home to recover her liealth. Their fiieiiilH were pleased to s.-o tlieni. Miss Rei'ii u Mnll^)lllw i.s visiting Kith Toronto fi».-"il.-'. Mr. ,.\;nurican non«ul at Cilliin^- wood, and vrife, were -.oiest-s Mt tlia Eu- genia Iiou^e ihi- past we- k. J. E. King < f the Kaiik of ilimiilton. Oraiigeville, ao.l ivi.'e, »• er>- alsogues'sat this popular ro»in' la-.t w, i-U. % M. Richardson & Co m Jfv ^'p SOI at for ^ugust 0fi This month we clear out a lot of goods to ;>rcpare iif iij (f\ for dehveries of fall purchases. In numcrou-; ^ fijl we reduce prices sotliat profits reach the vanishing ^ (ji point and a little bcvond â€" but no matter, the j^onds ^ /fi must go. A time like this presents qVie'i oppontinit- ^f fjf\ ies to the careful ami economical purchaser which ^^) Mr. Thomas Spence and family of tlie |^ should HOt be m PSfd- ^j Toronto fire department, are visitors at | /|ji vVc havc gonc cirefully through our stock and can ii; '(ty olTer genuine bargains n every line of seasonable -^ the home of Mr, Wm. Purvis. Mrs. McNally of Toronto »fa;nt the past week visiting her aiater, Mrs. Fen- wick. Mrs, John Sherwood of Toronto, and Mias Culo of Fleaherton arc «l«u the UUeatH of friendH here. ji rien's Straw 2 Hats (f^ Special prices this 2 month. We have a good â- !L assortment of fashionable ^ shapes, which must be i(i cleaied regardless of cos^. broke inwardly from the effects of j jm gge our 25C Special, wliich the child died. When the doctor i Mr. E Duncan uf Iniatioge lost a young child on Friday last under peculiar circuinatancuK. For some time there bad been a growth on the child's throat but at thu child had a good appetite and was apparently not troubled with the growth a doctor was net called in. Tlie lump "ood s. was callutl in it waa too late to save its life. Thu growth should hare been lanced by a physician. Under tlie circumstances thu ]iareiits feel the bereavement very s uely. â€" HernM, LATHING Tweed Remnants We have a number of short ends of Tweeds re- maining from the r.easonV, business, which are spec- ially suitable for Boys' clothing. We oflTer then^ at less than cost while they last. I am prepared to ilo lathinR in flmt class Rtyle anil at raasonablu rates. I'artiob duiiriug my ncrvices ean ihtip a pontal to. J. A. KELSTEAD, Flcshertou P. O- 1 1 July 3 ni '2 : J Oi/7 7(merican Waah Soods % !Pur chase ===^^^.^ ||\ \jmX week we diatributed a large number of samples of our r JM purchawe of Wash GixkIh by mail. \Vu shall Ikj pleased to mail a seh •J- of samples of our leading linuj to anyone on application. ^ tpleiidid value and are selling rapidly. w iif it/ Hi \i/ iH \ii \& TIte goods are i^ Seasonable Novelties ('•â- liars, Cutis, Neck Ribbons, Belts, Uloves, Mitts, Blouse Setts, White VTLLAGB PROPERTY FOR SALE , % P''l"e t-rash Suitings, lllouse Mualins, etc. I'arli lota iu tliu Villaueof Eueunia.cuuiprls- InK 'iat acres iu two blucliK. On tneso am ercct- uil a naiiioaiiil a lug house. There Ih Moud uol II 1,01(1 bill, ;«ii I III I. ite Alight H, FK.SWlCK.Uugtnla. Eugenia, Deo. G, 180T ff Three Clothing Specials Kami tor sale cheap. SI acres, wall watered i!i oiMuauait of thiK villaKckuowu at llia Fen wick farm. Apiiljr to .M.Uichardaon, •'•isneo NO. 1 Men's Tweed Panta, All Wool Special wonr resisting ipiality NO. 2 Twelve Men's Suita, ditfeiont slzos. \ regular $().oO, a|iecial j NO, 3 Children's Blonae Sui^s, assi.rted siEos Very special 90 $4 .'>U \i/ \1/ 0/ \«/ FArn^ *or Swintoii I'nrk Fiiitn our 011)1 ^'onrniiniiilntt Tho ri'fre.shinii hhow r.s of l,ist week were very niiiuh welemiied, as the root and other ero|i« have been sufleriiiv; from drought. Ilnrvesting and thiesbing is the order of tlie day. Thu urnin er<i)i will bu a liithi light thiisuai-'iHi onnccount of the diy weather. Mr. diiH I'littersiin is busily engaged Imviiig 11 I. i'elien orectod. Tho second rnion of the E. L. and C, K, wiut held in the Methodist t^hurch, WediioMilay Inst. A very large en ivv 1 w«» present. Tlio topic liuiiig on Teinpornnce, was ably ibalt willi liy tho Itevs.Mr. Mat thewson ami Mr, Humphreys, Mr. Ilnn> phreya, sr , also gave 11 touching address, ,iiid a fo-r otheis in the sncioties iiIko i(iiiku on this suhji-et. Thene fiieetiniin ire, wo beliove, a hb-sMJiig lo the sofie- tiia, Mr. .\lex Hardy of l>ele\vaie, Man,, who has 111 en spending a few d lys ht his paientnl home, rulurnud lust week, ae- 1:1 in|ii>iiiud by lii:i aLstoi^Mias .M.C Hardy, who « ill 111! very iniieli niisH.d as organist in Siiiiil.iy !ii:hi ol an. I Kiiieivor Horli.hnt • e hope sill) may lie lilu.sseil and prmsiaii'- ed in her new lioinu . Mrs. U. Csiiipb. 11 and faniilv, f..rim'rly of .Mr. Forost, nre tho guests of Mr. iS Caiiiiiliell at prnsent. F^v.i Smiley of T' ronl n is the guest of Mri, (<. Mai tin. Mm. liiigL's of Haiiiilion and ebildrtti nru visiiini; the fi>riiier'« [mrunt.s, Mr, and Mrs .), McDonald. R!is. Moian and family re'iiiii il to the Qneeii C.ty un Tiii-day, after a piolonged titsy with their aunt, Mm. ,la.s. Feriis, Mi.s.i M, Scott of Duihiiiii wa^ a very welei-tiio vin'loi innniii;st her old iicpiiiiiit iiiuu bore limt wo,k . , Tho Hiv. -I, .McMillan was rho uue'-l i.f l.i« unele, Mr I), .McMillan, last week. /"'rum iiiir otcii Ci)rrfspiniili >if narveatitii; isalinost coinpleteil in tli's loiali'v. Thu line w ha( n;adecrop Kuthering i'a<y this year. School started on Monday with a very good attendance. The children wore glad to welooinc hack an-oiig tl.ini their old I leaoh' 1, .'di 1>. Wii-ht, Mi-^s Wilson Kor Hale cheapâ€" Ijot :i7,rnii U, Artonicsia Avplv to II, J.BPAOIJIjK, FleahertOD l-'lu'i>nurtaii,Nov, IS, iw;. 2J HARr>linrAREI>EI>ART»(IENT \^ SCIiIG I M\ Our lur«e slock <if Fancy (j'asswa-e, Chiiiaware Silver platn, Fine ji; i.; Cutlery, etc., presents the liaeat aasortnicnt in this district for presentation t* ".' or domestic u«e, \y FARMS FOR SALE Lot HO anil 117. con, S N,K., T.8U.. lOOaoiea, lOolearelaiid .'Ml biieh. (iood hoDkO tuil baru, i mi Ins from Klunliiirtou, Lot :iS, roil. 4, 100 aorea. OockI franiobarn aad aiinl' li)( hiiiiFo. About 4S acres ulvaieil and t<i>< b.ilance well tiiiilwriil. Oooil water. Tilt) above propertiuH will lie aolil oa easy terms to auit purcliaaer. Kor particulars apply o W. A AHMSTno.NO FlofhertoD. iy 0/ IM. Richardson & Co. ? BULL FOR SERVICE IIolHtelli-Frleciall Imll 1 I'rotoii fhluf, Sn.OT.'S or Herviie 011 lot I'li, oon. 1!, VV. T.* 8. H. \itenio8ia. A fine yonii>! tliorouKlibreit animal I'eiligruo on applicatiou Terms one dollar. JOKL wt'urz. ! I^OTICE r Isliereby RiTeii tbkta bylAw was i«u»il by thct Council of thi' Towimliip of Artt-uteHia oh nth lUy ot Jun» IHUH, |Movi(.lii>}{ (or tlio Wniie of (Ipbeutuintto (ho amount of !?t;t(iO for purponca of tlip tniHtee« ol 8.8 No. 14 uf Hairl towiifiliip and tliRt r-uch bylaiv waHrtisUtervd lii tho Kvfj- istry cHU'i; fur tlH'^outli rliuii;^ of tlio Couuty of (iri'v on tho IHtli day of Jtino 1H"JH Any inotlon to (jui^h or Het aalile tlio ba'tii e or any par: the* of, iiiufit be ina'^le within three innntliH fiom th«^ dato uf rot;iHtration an £ cati- nut bu iiiHfh- thuruaftur. naied tt Blosborton thiH 2Hth day ot Jnuo leoe. W.J. BBLLAMY^Tp. Clerk BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned liavinf; purcliased from »fr. r. Muir that Mai;! iflccut tburtiunUbruJ Herk- sbireboar," Muuntafn Stjelk," um now thj same for fervice on lot IX\ I-;. T., it fi. R., *r-u- niesia. Terms i^l. I'edlijrce on appplioation. MlU nil HI SlE^ltE, For service in Fleshnrton, aiuo podiweeil Jersey oiill. TK.RMS-*J at time of soivice. J. H. HF.AKD J. F. VANDUSEN, AGENT, FLESH ERTON, ONT.

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