WERE FOUND BY ACOEENT. A GREAT MANY FAMOUS INVEN^ TIONS DUE TO CHANCE. Cnpowdrr, Tele«<!*p«« and Hiram Awoat Thrm-How Etilwa «•! ob tke Track or the Phouogcraph. Maay things of the greatest service to the world in general owe their ori- gin entirely to chance. The rubbing of a piece of amber "evoked" to iise Faraday's words, "an inviaible agent, which bus done for mankind far more wonderful things than the genie of Aladdin did or could have done for him;" the up-forcing of the lid of a cooking vessel discovered the mai'vel- lous power of steam, and the falling of an apple from its parent stem de- monstrated the law of natural attrac- tion. The simple swinging to and fro of a suspended lamp gave birth to the application of the pendulum, to which the precision of modern astronomy owes BO much; while the finding of the na- tural magnet loadstone, "did more," Bald the grave philosopher John Locke, "for the supplying and increase of so- cial commodities than those who built workhouses." The manufacture of gunpowder, ac- cording to Sainte t'oli, was thus re- vealed. An Au^uslinian monk, Barth- old Schwartz, having put a composi- tion of sulphur and saltpetre in a mortar, it took fire, and the stone that covered it waa blown off with great violence, which accident led the chem- ist to think It might be used to much ' advantage in attacking fortified placfs. 1 He accordingly added to it a quantity i of charcoal to render it more apt to . take fire, and increase combustion. | Leaden shot are attributed to a I Bristol plumber, who, one night about the year 1783, "had a dream, which waa not all a dream," that he was out id a shower of molten Irad, which fell id the form of spherical drops. His curi- i osity being aruirsed, he went next day l to the top of a church, and pouted som» melted lead into a vessel of water lying below. To his great delight, he found that the lead had gathered into beauti-, (ulJy-formed globular balls, and he at i once TOOK OUT A PATENT. | A Nuremberg gbai-culter happened to let some aquaiorcLs fall upon his •pectacles and noticed that the glass | v/im corroded and softened where | the acid had touched it. Taking the , hint, he m,'ide a liquid, then drew some figures upon a piece of gbuss covered them with varnish, applied his corrod- ing fluid, and cut away the glass ruun<l his drawing. When he remo.ed the rurnisb, the figure.'i appeare 1 rai.sed up- on a dark ground ; and etching upon .glaai was added to the ornam<-ntal arts. One day nearly three hundred years ago a [xjor optician was working in bi>i aliop in the town of Middlebur^, in th» Netherliiuds his children helping biiil or amusing themselves with the tuold and olijects lying about, when hud..i -denly his little girl e.xcbiimed; "Oh* I papa. Bee ho.v near the steeple comes I' | A!S»ious to learn the cause of the' ohild'B amazement, he tuined towards Ijep, and saw that she was lookiuj? through two lenses, one held close to lier eye, the other at arm's length ; amj culling her to hi» side, he noticed thad the eye lens was plano-concave, whilo the other was plano-convex. Taking tho two glasses, h? repeated his daugh- ter's experiment, and .soon discovered that she had chanced to hold the lenses apart at the proper focus, thu-s pro.< ducing the wonderful effect that she | observed. Uis quick wit saw in this a.| wou<l6rtul discovery, and he at once seti' about making use of his new know- ledge of lenses. Kre long he had fash-.: ioned a tube of pasteboard, in whirb he set the glasses at their proper focus ana so the tele.scope was invented. The following year; 1609, Galileo, while in Venice, heard of the discovery; and, beini? greatly struck with the im- IK)rtance of such an instrument, soon dia«;overed the principle of lenses in .» ahifiing tube, and made a ti'lesco()e fof his own use. To having been the first astronomer in whose hands so valuable a gift was placed, Galileo owed both bis reputation and persecution. Amoni? the many traditions concern- ing William Lee and i THE STOC'KINXJ-FRAME is one that he %\as exi)elled from the university for marrying, ami that, be- iui; very poor, his wife was obliged to contribute toward the housekeeping by knitting. It w.is while watching the motion of her fingers that he conceived how to imitate those movements by ai m^icfaiue. Arkwright accidentally derived the idea of spinning by rollers from seeing a red-hot bar elongated by being pa&s- e<l between two rollers. The ordinal y practice of taking n bath solved for Archimede.s the question of hoiv to test the purity of the gold in Hieroscrovvn. Ho olwerved that when he stepped Into a full bath the quan- tity of water which overflowed waa equal to the bulk of his body, and it oc- curred to him that the worth of the crown might be tested by such means. He thereupon n).^de two mus«es of the same weight, as the crown, one of gold the other of silver, and immersed theuj separately in a vessel filled to the brim, measuring exactly the quantity of water that overflowed in each case. Having found by this means what measure of the fluid answered to the quiintitv of each metal, less in the ca.sa of the gold than of the silverâ€" the bulk of the former being less, weight for weightâ€" he next immersed the crown itself, and found that it caused more water to overflow than the gold, but les3 than th? silver. Having found the difference between the two masses of pure gold and silver, in certain knowrn proportion*, be was able to com- pute the real quantity of each metal in the crown, and thus discovered tha fraud that bad been practised on tba ICin^, to whcnn he huriied, ezclainting, "Kureka I Eureka!' "1 have found it I 1 have found it I" an exclamation that has ever since been used to express exultation over a discovery. Coming down now to oux own time, the account of the rUSCOVERY OF SACCHARINE, one of the numt^rous by-producta of the gas-maker's refuse, whose sweetness is three hundred times more inten.se than that of cane-sugar, reads almx)8t liko a romance. Or. Fnhlberg had entered the Johns Hopkins University in America, in order to devote himself exclusively to .a study of the chemistry of coal-tar derivatives. Some, months had pas.s- ed, when one evening at tea time he dftectedac intensely sweet flavor up- on his bread and liutter. He traced the sweetness to his fing^s, to his hands and to his coat' sleeves; and it da^vned upon him that it must have been derived from one of the new com- pounds whic-h ho had that day .succeed- .il III [-reducing. He promptly return- paI to his laboratory, and tasted the contentS'Of every vessel with which ho had been working. His idea was cor- rect. One of his lieakers contained the sweet material. Professor Kontgen Ciime upon his marvellou-s "X" rays â€" which have open- ed out new fields of research in iihysi- cal science, besides being of farroach- ing practical utility in surgery, and other departmentsâ€" quite by chance. He was experimenting in the dark willl a Crooke's va:-cum tube, which was cov- ered with sotnt* sort of cloth. A strong electric current was passed through it, M hile close by was some prepared pho- tographic paper, but no camera. Next day he noticeti several lines on this piper, for which he couJ'l not account. By restoiing everything to exactly lh« .iimu condition as on the preceding diij. hi was able to ascertain the real origin of these mysterious marks. "I was singing. " says Mr. Kdison, "to the mouthpiece of a telephone, wher* the vibration of thi; voice sent the fine steel point into my finger. That wet me thinking. If I could record the ac- tions of ihe point, an<l send the point o.-er the same surface afterwards, 1 saw no rejison why the thing should not talk. I tried the experiment first on a strip of tele^jraph paper, and found that the point made an alphalx-t. I shouted the words "Halloa! halloa I" into the mouthpiece, ran the paper back o.'erthe stiel point, and heard a faint "Halloa! halloa!" in return. I de- termined to mak" a m.^chine that would work .iccuralely , and gave my as- sistants instructions, telling them w hat 1 had discovere<l. Th y laughed at me. That's the whole story. The phono- graph is the result of the pricking of a. finger." HOPE. Dollieâ€" My music teacher says I hav« the most remarkable voice he ever j heard for one of my age. i Nellieâ€" I've noticed it, dear; but you should not worry alKiut itâ€" you're young yet. t)o||ie_\Vhy, what do you mean? Nellieâ€" Tb<> chance.s are that you. w ill outgrow it in time. i TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tfckt. LniKttru Brum') CJuinitie Tabtets. All Drag, giftt* rvluad tba mouef U it fftiU to Cuie. tV SIGHTS OP TWO EYES. The two eyes really .see two objects. If the two forefingers be held, one at the distance of one foot, the other two feet in front of the eyes, and the former be looked at, two phantoms of the latter will be oliserved. one on each side. It the latter finger be regarded, two phantoHiS of the nearer finger will be observed mounting guard, one on either sitle. AMICABLE ARBANGEMENT. The Wifeâ€" IHjn't you think it is alxjuk time we were declaring our in- dependence of our parents? The Huslxinilâ€" Id rather make soine sort of autonomy arrangementâ€" we will Ije bo.ss in oux own borne, and let them continue to pay the bills. A LONG WALK. J. Good Friendâ€" T have reason to sus- pe;-t that your husband is flirting wnh other women. You ought to follow him wherever he goes. Great Heavens; My husband is a letter carrier. LIKE SOME OF HKR ELDER.S. Every morning on the way to school said the little miss, the boys catch me antl kisB mo. ^, , , Why don't you run from them f ask- ed her father. ,. ,. . , Because, replied the small edit ion of Eve, maybe they wouldn't chase me. A JUVENILE FINANCIER. That eight-year-old boy of Bond- clipper's is a chip of t.he old block. In what way ( • He's treasurer of his Sunday-school cla-ss. and all the pennies that come in- to hus hands ho loans to his mother at fifteen per cent. THE USUAL WAY. Bessieâ€" Ha.ve you finished that novel? T,6naâ€" Yea, but I haven't begun it yet. Is is true that Pid«er la financially cmtiarrassed » He is awfully in debt, but it doesn't seem to embarrass mm a bit. Ho"w About Your Blood Is It [Mire, and is your akin clear, fresh and fair ? Or do you have pimples, blackheads, boils, sores and eruptions 1 Hood's Sarsaparllla will make your blood pure. It will cure all blood dis- eases, give you a good appetite, streng- then your nerves and make you feel strong and healthy. To-day buy and begin to take Hood's Sarsaparllla t'anada'H Greut«Ht Mfy l"ine, and he cur it Hood's puis act u, elly, eire.>liv«iy. 2i uuni , SUHMER SMILES. Some girls keep a diary, remarked the observer of men and things, while oth- ers destroy it the following year. Banks has four unmarried daugh- ters. Well, it might be worse, you know. It is worse. He has a fifth one married to a count. Margie, who.se mother had forgotten to prick the upper crust of her pieâ€" Oh. mamma, look I Yuu haven't luade the buttonholes. Mrs. Joggin.sâ€" Willy, has your moth- er been buying a new rug ! Willyâ€" Y'es. You wouldn't know there Wius a hole in the carpet now, would you I None but the Brave â€" Could you love a man who was cowardly, Julia ?" Well, I should want him to have courage enough to propose. A Theoryâ€" What a numlier of conso- nants they use in the Russian lan- guage! Yes; whoever originated the Russian language must have got it "pied. " Jimmy â€" Is your aunt on your moth- er's or your father's side I Tommyâ€" Sometimes on one an<l sometimes the other. It depends on who is getting the best of it. She â€" A captive bee striving to escape has been made to record as many as 15,510 wing strokes per minute in a test. He â€" No wonder the bee is culled busy. A Receptive Pupil â€" Mistress â€" Brid- get, I hese are ewers. I hope you'll not call them jugs any more. Bridget- Thank yez, mum. Sure, an' is these cups mine, too. Cause and Effectâ€" What's the mat- ter between Slims and his wife i They only seem to speak when it is abso- lutely necessary. Oh. she belongs to a cooking-scliool, and every time she prepares a meal by way of experience he refuses to say grax;e. MBASUMNG. The Fair One â€" I suppose you will i marry, though, when the golden op- > portunity offers, won't you ? ! The Cautious One â€" It will depend up- , on how much gold thexe is in the oppor- tunity. THE REQUIREMENTS. She â€" It requires money to get Into society nowadays. i He â€" Yes ; and it requires brains to keep out of it, TERMS. Bon.l â€" Don't you realize that mar- riage broadens a man 1 Benedictâ€" Oh, yeji ; 1 suppose it can be put that way, but "flattens" is the word I've always used. The tea that gooa tha farthest MONSOON INDO-CEYLON TEA not only goes farther, but is pure, health- ful and delicious. All grocers sell it, ia lead oackets only. lead packets only. 2(, W, «J, M uid (U*. parpouo^ Oil *P'ia .%n|ivii>€M m;; KWOiNm ? SHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Eggii, Apples, Fruit, &c., to THE OAW30N 00MMIIS10H CO., Limited, Oor. of Wast Market and Oolborna 8U., TORONTO. Hiivr yfiii written on the ENTRANCE or P. S LEAVING Examination IhiB' car • Itmwrml naiiu-. '»iMrP!-«. tc-.ch- -r and achtK*). U, the Princlpttl of the CENTRAL BUSI- NESS COLLEGE, VONGE a (jkhhaku «ts,, to- I{ONT(t, iiQii rereire full pttrtictilarw about (hu F*-** Koh(•la^^hl|l^ Miia ttrhoo) will give ru iriitcve&dful csnihdat«a (or the Fall tieCBit'ii >)<-einninK on Kept, litt next. AddreHfi W. H. SHAW, Prtnotpal. OTAMMERERS. rBRESHER.^ ENtilNEi CASTOIt MACHINeI CYLINDER^ ISNGDiE PACKINO and THRESHERS' BELT9, Get our prices. Wa waat your tradab WILLIAM C. WILSON & CO., LIMITED, â- TUMBOAT, RAILROAD and MIU tUrPUn^ »4 Front St. East, • • • TORONTOl ^^^^ I Only fDBtitution io Cauikda (or tho oara ol •Tory pb&M of speetib 'lefeot K»t«01lfthM in Torant't, 18&U, C\u» ^nrant««il. OHUECU'.« \tJTOVO0B I-NHTITUTE. 8 Pambrok* St^ Toronto^ Oaniilfc Quickoure For Bunions, Corns, all In- flammatipn or Pain. reoeiTed ihalilgli* sal award« iir th* \V<»rld'nFairltJ8Ig tOHBOV'S PATem ROLLCB TOPS bavo met wltk aucli unlvcrMd (a* vur. tti&l othoa mannfaotarera aru novr making Inferior imltso! •na, ImM on having tbuGonboy mnka ltd ilnllJLtluna &^ never aa good M the genuine. A HaniTsoiM QoM Afiig Ml WIHl Qenuifift Rarneta and Pearto FREi:! YoO par nettilnir. litB] ply neiia jour .Vame ao* A<l(lrr8apl»4Rlr '.rrittoik Ttie MtMn's Influence. T'pon the wciilhi'r i« ,[<(c|)l('il by some as real, by others it is di.spuled. The ti-ncler, a<hii)g spot. Putnam's PninlcsH Corn Kxtriictor reuiovcM I hi' most p.'iin- ful corns in thri'c iliiys. This great remedy ruuJies no sore spots, doesn't go fooling around a man's foot, hut I get.H to bu.siness nt once, iinil effects a cure. Don't he iniposefl upon by suh- ,stitutes and imil;itions. Get "Put- nam's." und no other. HIS STATL'.S. AHkin,s â€" What c!o you think of Puf- fingtoii? Grim diawâ€" Oh. he is the kind of a man who think-s that when \w steps on one end of the country the other end flops up In the air. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury. as ninrciiry will suruly doscioy the senn* at smell nnl completely uuriiiiiie the whole i-ys. tern when eiitcriiiK it throuith the mucous nur fa-oe. huch »riiolc» i-houla novor bu used ex. cupt on pru,^cripbion'4 from reputable phynlO' lanK, ai the <loinnge they will do in ton fold to the good you ca'i iiOHclhly doi-ive from them. Uilra Cfitnrrh Cu e, inknuracturid by F". J. Uhoney & C"., Tulcilo.O., cuntiiiih no mer-.nry iind Ih t:ikcn Internally. actlOKdirecUy upon tha blood and niucnux uurfaceHof the syntoni. In buyloK H iil'fi Catarrh L'uro bo sure yon got the uenuino. It is taken iiiie.nallj and made In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. Cheney « Co. Toitl. monlal- tree. Sold by Di ui;gi"t«, ptico 7^o. per bottle. Hull's Family Pills aro the bedU HER VIEW AND HIS. She â€" What an imposing figure M.ijor Borrows has. He â€" Oh, yes; naturally so. Pho And why naturally? Ho â€" He's always imposing on some one. Rn (I F I N ft uMi SX'at Matal Worfca. w u r I n u nooFi.s-,-, .slatb. in Biiujk. RadorODvn. SLATIt BLACKBOARDS IWr nippljp Public and High 8choi.lf.Tr.r.,m.)| Ro<.fiiii[ P. 11, Pitch. Co»l T»r. etc. ROOriNf; TII.E Ifie* N'tw ijij Build. lurft, Toronto, done hy uurllmi). .Motsl CejHnfn, Cor- pio«*. «>ia K.^timite" f'lmliOuHl for work c(>nipl."!e or fnp Eararialt thlppc'l to anv p:\rt uf thf oountry. PliODslMQ < , DUTHII a SONS, Adatolda AWIdmar Sta.,Toronto. I THE TRIUMPH^ ADJDSTABLB8T0VB PrPBS. Bft»r put up ftarl taken iluwn. Can ba olciuieil, netted, rtuJ yut awa7 in a Bmi.ll 8pftO«. Aftk /..ur daaian for tliem. Muaufa«turod br G. B. BARGLAr, â- 68 Adelaide 3t. W,, Toraato. Dominion Line Steamships. M<>iilrr»l ,inii Q'lPhcc tv (.tvcrpuul lu nuintni-r. I.ikrga uid fart iw:n tcrew ateauishipi ' LtiLriidttr, ' Vko- oouvor,* 'Dnminion,' 'ycotHinan.' ' Vorkahire.' Superior aouuinmoilHliun lur Kirt^l Cabin, Seo- ond ('abin aud .'ricoraK" pn.^fOUKtTH. Harea of na^naK«â€" firnt Cablu, 9<j2.oO : second Cabin, |3i ; 4(eerHtfu|l'2 JO and nuwarde iicoordiiiK to •t«amer HncI burtb. For all fnfornintinn itpply to Local Akuuim, or David ToitUAN(;K Sl Co., OodI AtcoDta.!? £J6. Bacrament BU, Montreal* For 5ale.... Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch «wing>, â- ix foot bed, rod and gear full, counter- shall complete, good as new, VERY CHEAP. Apply. The WILSON PUBLISHING CO., LiMimi 73 to tl Adelaide St. W., Toronttk L COFFEE & CO., '^ """"""^ "»% GRAIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, looma 408.12 Board of Trade Building, TORONTO. ONT. Thomab Fithn. Jobi« L, Cowwm^ r)l»4niv '.rrittai^ a;id w* trill iitna roa B ciotn, a i.uvriiiia.Tery whlQh tar turMfltoa aur other pei iumir'-a {-r the Ili»tln» (iuattl«»'>i.tllj sweet and trai^ant odor, to Sen for oa (Ir Tou oaii) amcmjf friend.* al lOc. per r*"^*C*v v.'ben Sold jamit us the mouer, and v* «UI send yon frea for your troub'le th^i abure d^ acrllieu rinu, which :• itaniiiea and warrsaf^ •d Quid, art with genolna Gameu and Poaria â€" Send address at unca, mention thU paper aod STAta TiiiT TOO WiKT i<Cni.«ln''aui wa will aend it no monpy OunvlU reouired. "W» take all rlak. Ooiids retuhiabla. Han* sucaa premiuma ta proportion to aaount sold. a<Bi i cl» Agen cy, »4 McCaal St., Torout^ ALLAN LINE Hoyal IHail Steamship Co., Montreal to Liverpool. Btaamora nsti from Montreal STanr Thnrsdaf morning on arrlral of trains from Toronta aai the Weal about 9 o'clock. RATES or PA8SAQB Cabin ti2.M and upwards ; Second CablB 134 and and $3ft,29: St«erage to Urnrpoal London. OlasRiw. Relfaxt. Londonderry ai i Queenatown K'J. VJ und 823.90. ; A reduoilon of Uvo por oent. la allowed a« I round t.rip llrht itn'l <4eoond cabin ttoketn. Fot saillni{s of Hi.<iHmarn or other Information applj to any anthorlzed atfenU H. Bonrllor. 1 King St. 'W. TorMUM^ or H. « A AU«n. BtoatrMO. PR SALEâ€" Highly Improved Farm near WInnlpegi ;V_'Oacr€H. No. 1 .oil ; luipruvciiient.s .none cohl §i','<00; pnCL! ^J",*),;!), t^ay Iwo lliou..*,'tDd ciwh, balnnco In lea yuurly payinont-i ; iiaurusl. per cent..; will :^el! imploiuoni-^ coriting 41,3&<) tur $£riO, say flvo hnn Ireil uaxh, balancu 3 yearly puyiuenti; : liiuresi, Spor cent. >ddr> s^, Kraiik S, Nugont, Harristor, Winnlpig, Mills, Idllla Jk Hales, Biirrl^ur-s orr.,'oni.ivtjl to ^Vcloj Blil^s., Uicli moiid ai, VV'., loronto. LAW nrORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offera special ' indnoaments to -young men desirous ul taking up Onltjna, _^FuU^piirUoiiliira_pn appll oatlon. Ij YONQB ST.. TOKONTO. naiUT an mCAD Toe ean nae it an old rflin I eu UnKftr .hingle root, or «ii!e« of bull4inB«.-UMd 22 jeiira. W;th a jood •iirayir ycu nan ualnt a barn Iti half a day. Write il. for oircular. anil Inforniatlon about palnllug. The FInoh Wood Prasarra tlTe t Paint Compao;, 870 Qneeu Weat, Toroato. THE INCREASING Popularity of LUDELLA Geylon Tea toavss BO doubt that it is well worth your most careful attention. Tvj ^ L««<i packagMb »$, 40, 50 and 60c. :l """""^unocA throat;; IeYE, EAR, HOSE &^^^,^^„;i I »-%/%'%^'%^k%%«^%'%'%'%^*/%^< I The Dominion of Canada % Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company. Authorized Capit.1l $1,000,000 Government Deposit 81,000 Head Office, - TORONTO aEOROE aOODERHAM, President. J. B. ROBI2KT3, Qeneral rianager. I A CASADIA.N COMPANY-WITH CANADUIT Capita], akd Canadian Duutcrona. ira/namaJt What? ^>^"AIVIBERINE" SOB %>Â¥mr 1000 I9 ToroQ^o Aiyil LOip^OQ. Removes Dandruff in One Weeka Cures Itching of the Scalp. Prevents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. POSITIVELY QICOWS HAIIk •V won namiMavLi tm nel *s twwlp* of v«le« (• SS\ SURE 1 />***