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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1898, p. 5

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THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE JUNE 9 1898 Oil Tried anl Selialils On^slorB; FLESHERTON V At \\ » A 'â- f We do net cut prices but sell at our re- gular rates fur cash. limalfiioii (if CihI Liver Oil 26c up .Syrup of HypophoHpliitoB oOc up Butter Coll •r(8iini;)U' free) lOi: up iSootliiiii; Syrup lOj up Worm Poivdv r to ago 10c up <3..u^li Syrup .li)jup Liver PjUs KV- up Kxtriict nf Black hcrry . 10 ; u p Cauadiau UlouJ Tonic Sou Tooth Guiu or iliv'pi which you li!<o...lOc heuJiiche Powdi-r.s oc And all other gooes as low as any rc- liab'.e druggist can supply yoi'.. We buy for cash and sell for cash and do a cash business. Vicinity Chips C^iiiracteristics of the Past Week Cnrefiiliy Culled for the Curious Bii»iiiei$ iii/ticcB amoiKj U/ccila mill bx t cli.irged at tiie rate of ten cnita t per liite fur each ituerliuu. A t reduction wiU be iiuule on cun t tracts for 100 lines or over. It ia hot weather and cuul hvadfjear is ill vogUH. The iiicuHt, uoulost ;;oo<l8, trimmed iii gauzy chilfuus, lacvi, etc., lateat stylen, at Mra. Triiuble'i. A pile uf slabs caught lire from the , auiukeHtuuk uf Mr. Phillipv' mill oil â-  Tuewiay iiit>iU. About tliiity cordH were burned, hIhu a saiuU aaw used fur cuttiii){ alubfe. Othwrwide no damage was duiie. The Twronto Methodist Conference opened ycstenliy in Toronto. Roll cauriii}; lit PricevilK) carding mill. Sitisfaclion guaranteed. G. Waltbr, Prop. Mr. Tucker t'hillips has completed hi» cut of 1(i!;h hero and propose*) removing uow to near Durham, where he ha» a coiitruet. Money to loan on debentures at 4. per cent, and (11 farm security in sums of $400 and upwards at 5. per cent. Ex- t>eu«04 '.^(i.irautuod hnv. Ajiply to Gko. RvTHKWouK, Box 57, ijlielburno. Mr. Fred Uyder h-is the conliact of the IrickworU of Dun.bilU wo^llfu mid «l)i>ut coii^iileled. ll i» up to the lafttrs. The hiMldiny is a lu'^i; 01. e and the liiick- v,o*'k itself re'lfcts much cr(.dit 0:1 Mr. Ryder, the contracuir. We uiiderstiind the Clurksbui'g baird tins secured the services of Mr. Tucker, bandmaster of Fleahenon to teach them. He will visit Claiksbuig and give the land one practice each week. \% an iiibtructor we know notliiiif, cf his ability I ut (III tbe cornet he is clever. â€" Thorn- I'ury Herald. Advcrtiseiiicii's Imve been posted stat Sng that comniissioncrH will be at the liorse-shoo hill, just taut of this villugo, t'> let n job of cntiin;^ on Friday, June 10 â- (to moin^w.) It is proiKwed to cut throU'^h tlie liilI,K'rai)>hteM the road and till in the l.dllow. Here is a :{oi)d lii^ coiitiact for bitiicono wlio wantii work. Iii'-poctor Chiiipbell dci-iresus to state that tl.e(.(iuiity pn motion examiiialioiis V ill be held on Juno 93 and 24 in^teHd of .Juii'^ Ifi aid 17 as at first intendod. .Many teachers liiid the weeks folluwipg the e.xiiiiiiiiaiioiis poii'y attended, hence the d(siie for a later date. A public meetii.u was held in the toAii hall oil Wednesday evening of last week to discms cutting down the horse shoe hill. It was decided that a grunt of $100 .â- should be given by the village for this purpose, and t)ve lownship afsiinies the l^alaiice. TUu contract is to bo let to- morro'y. F(;r pwiplo who are trying to make a dollar go as far as poHsible, ne wimiUI udvisc you calling upon McFarland & son, Markdalc. This week you can purchase white spot muslins !) cents, regular price 12^ cents ; g(>iit's handsunie satin ties, 15 cents, regular 25 cents ; men's uii- laundried white shirts, all sizes, 25 cents, uood value for 50 cents ; 379 yaids fine Swiss embroideries, 5 inches wide, 7 cents, woith 12 cents ; 25 sewing needles 1 cent ; 25 duz. fine lawn handkerchiefs embroidmed, refiular price 10 cents each^ 5 for 85 cents. - Ci^t «n McFarland A ion, M«rkdiUe« The war situation remaina practically unchanged. Gabbago, cauliflower, tomato and cel- ery plants at W. Bariihouse's. A fresh supply of turnip seed at Medical Hall. Viz.: Elephant, Bruce '« select. Carter's, Grey Stone and Yellow Aberdeen, also seed corn. S. Shearddwn, Diatriot Master ol Artumeaia, was down to Ottawa litst week M delegate to the Grand Lodge of Bnt- sh America. A pleaaant trip and a profit- tiible time was enjoyed. An extended report of tlio Woman's Misbionary convention held in Oweii Sound Week, by our invn special repoiter, is uuad.iidably hold over thia week. It is paKlj' ni type a«d will be publiaiiod next week. One of U itoii Boa,, Owen Sound hor.iea, waa se Xjd wilh iudummatioii on M -iiUay evuiiiiig uliUe i:i town. Dr. Utlevtell Kpoiii ail ii>glit Willi the auimal Uu'. to no a\ail. Tiju po. r i r jtu uied on Tuesday. We learn that Mra. Geo. Buckingham of the 12lh coll., Osprey, died on Saturday last and was buried on Monday. Her age was 23 yeiu's.. Full particulars have not been received. Our Volunteers will go to camp in a couple of wueks, and we give space in this issue to .tii article fur their especial benefit, written by one who has been " through the war, " and is quite com- petent to give advice. We believe it will be read with interest by many, ae giving an insight into the routine and duties of soldier life. The Advance has beeu rei^uested \jy several property owners between Eugenia and Feversliam to state eiiiphutically that the entire river is oiosed property. While they are loth to prosecute treshasaers this will have to be dona if the practice of fishing on these properties is not dis- continued. No man with gentlemanly iiistiiieti •eould f(iree a pioseculion, and those who have not got this invaluable C "iiiniodily will have to b(! treated accord- ingly. Obituary. M«, Samcki, Ramby. Th« subjxdct of this sketch was born in Co. Antrim, Ireland, in the year 1839 and wai^cou8e(|Uently 59 years of age. He removed to this country with his parents, who si-tUed in Artemesia, 2^ miles north of Flcaherton, in 1847. Here he remained uaul the year 1870, when he removed to Avening, Siincoe County, where he did n successful mercantile busi- ness for five or six years. From there he removed to Severn Bridge, Muskoka, where he conducted a shingle mill until the time of his death. Deceased was iiiariied to a Mias Maruaret Thompson, daughter of the late Alexander Thomp- son, back line west, whom he leaves bo- hind, and by whom ho had 110 issue. He was a mail very highly ivispected by all with whom he came in contact, and was a vigorous worker in church and Sunday school work. The remains arrived at Flesherton Station on the noon train, Friday last, from where they were con- veyed to the residence of relatives on the back line, and on Saturday were interred in the Proabyterian burial ground, Ornnge Valley. The funeral services- were con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Philniore of Chesley^ a relative of deceased. Many relatives were (iresent from New York Slate, Sev- ern Bridge, Tecumsolh and elsewhere- PERSONALS The tent ciitepillar, which ia (b'ing so much d Ullage t(^ fruit iiees tliioughout thecouiiiry, can eit-sily be kept wi'hiii biiunda ii a little cure and labor ate taken at this sea.<!(iii uf the year, .ilthougli it would have been much easier had the twigs been runioved earlier in the season on whiuh iJieir nesta were placed. Mr. J. W. Thiii.ston of Kiiiiherley recently gave us his iiiethod of destnyitig tlicin, whieh, he says, is veiy effective, and it : also has the met it of being entirely oriui- iiii! with liiiii. The worms have ,1 pecu- liar huiiit of coii^jit gating in bundles or nebs at night on I lie tivea upon which they feed during the day. Upon the least disturbance they all fall to the ground among the grass and are therefore propaied to mount up.viu'd and resume their dep'odalioiis. Tbi.s gen'.leiiiMn's iiioilidd is as foil iws : He has placed a temporary handle on an old tin pan. At dusk he goes to the orchard, having proviileil hiiii-elf wiih paper satuiated in Coal oil. I'iiicim; a piece of this |)ap"r in the pan he .sets Hre to it and holds it under the web .if ivorni^. As .soon the warmth is felt the caterpillars drop, as usual, but liiid a hot reception awaitiu'.; theui. By this meihod, he says, an orchard can be cleared in short crdei. Our Eugenia con ecpoi. dent and ollieis ns well should take note. Church Notes Miss Cai-tinell of Hainiltim, a returned niiasioiiary from Japan, occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday morning and evenini<. The evening seivice toik the form of a lecture on Japan. Mi:'S Roth well of Shelburne sang a lioau- tiful solo at the methodist service on Sunday evening, entitled " Jesus, thoa art standing." This young lady is a teach- er in the Shelburne public school and possesses a contralto voice of rare power and scope, and lich in the extreme. Her iniiunciation is clear and her tones very perfect. Shelburne Methodist church possesses k gem lu Miss Rothwell and a rare treat was onjriyed hj (hoso who lk«»(d her b«(e. Mrs. R. Colton of Torou to is the guest of Mrs. F. Defoe. Mrs. F. McLocklia of Chatsworth is the Kuest of Mrs. Mark Wilson Mr. Charley Richardson returned last week fniii Woodstock Baptist college. Mrs. Mahoiiey and Miss Calberby of were guests of Mrs. Vanzant over Sun- day. Mrs. (Rev ) R. Koefer and Mrs. Fr» aer of Whitby were the guests of friends here over Sniid.iy. Mr. R J. Baskervillo, medical student of Detroit, was in town for a couple of days last week. .Mrs. Dr. Keel and Miss Rothwell o( Shelburne spent Sunday with the form et's sister, Mrs. W. W. Trimble. Mrs. W. L. and Mrs. R, H. Wright spent a few days this week at the home of Mrs. Jus. Ciirbett of Corbetton. Me-ssrs. F. Tucker and F. Vandusen viaited Tboriibury and Collingwood fiieiidsoii 'riinis'lay and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Glendinning of Dntidalk paid The .Ailvance a short call on Friday last. Soiry we could nek have had a longer visit. ^ Mr. and .Mrs. W. Hoaid, Mr. Join, H aixl and Mra J. H. Heard at, en led tile funeral of a lelativu, Air .V Liixoii, at Alt. K(.rest on Sunday, n turning .Men- d;iy. Mr. Kuhis Wiiitby of Cliici go, who so. lie years a 'o learnod the w.ii'dwoiking business with J. H. Heard, was in town Mil Moi d ly. He ia at present travel. ing for a ('rug lirii . Mr J. A. Miles, implement a; ont, T.ioriiliury, wiu in town on Monday. If his siih 8 111 lii.s own |)eculiar I n.i aie lu large ill pro|"rti(iii as his corpis, .T. A, must be a hui-tlcr. We were glad to re now (hi acipiiiintaneeship. k BOOTS and SHOES I WM. CLAYTON Has a large and complete Stock of Summer Boots and Shoes iu the latest styles. For quality and price we cannot be undersold, as wo sell at the lowest C.\SH prices. t^ CALL AND SEE THEM -^ Rep&iring and Custom Work Promptly Attended to jiyant for *Dominion rffoney Ord»r £jepres* A SAFE AND CHEAP WAY TO REMIT MONEY. vJ June Barirai FURNITURE I N [: Som e of our seasonable goods in stock now at proper prices are : Dining Chairs, Easy Chairs and Chairs of all kinds. Tables, Lounges, Sofas, Parlor Suits, Dressers, Sideboards in many b eautiful pattrons. We claim to have one of the best stocks north of Toronto and at the moat reasonable prices. Jiut allow us to verify this statemeut. A Costly Hearse in connection and good service guaranteed. Undertaking and picture framing in all its branches. 7l/. J!f, iSuntf J'lesherton, r Give the ♦ The only food r^ a that will build \ VjiXijj up a weak cons- ! ^^^ * titution gradu- CnanC6 ally but surely is! Martin's Cardinal Food| a simple, scientific and highly* \ nutritive preparation for infants, i \ delicate children and invalids, j «l KtRHV WACaON * CO.. F.i,>r.,.To... 2 • MONTKIHe. A ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ FARMS FOR SALE Lot liCaiul H7, oon.3. X.R.. T.SU.. ino no'os, lOclonroi fttu) .10 biuh. Cioodliouso and ham, ) uiiluH froui KlcRhortoii, I..<)t 17fi, con 'i. N.K., T S It.t)3noreH. About 70 cl( ftittf), niirllH iicrofl I'lW Innd. Will tfu rrndy foi fall wheat. Liood liou^o aud watci'. i^ niiloH fioni Hcliool. Tl)o Hbovu iiropoititiB will ho sold on oafjy iurtuH to unit i)ui'cha»ar. For particularH apply to W. .\ AHMBTHON'O. FloFhertou. J^n////o 2J3or By .\ntevo 210), one of tliu sreat Gloctioneer'a bu8t Kons. Data Lady C. trial 2-29. alBo tlio (lam of KiiiK Warlock a, 14i. LadvC.iaby Car- liin'a HaaliBW I7<M. 'iJT,}, second daiu Uolly Grey, dHiii of Clara CIcvulsnd 'i.'i3 and utllors in tlie ;iOl|Ht. TliK KIcctioneer'earn still iu tliql|wal laaka an raeo horaep aud mco horse ^isQuoSiB. iiiK tliu rseinK Keanoii nf 1Hti7. the Klootioneern liiniiKlicd the tBht*!(t >t>nilii|g of tlio ynar, Tlio Merchant 'i'ilii : tint fahtest Swo >tiar old, 4aiiio T. 'J.! 1 ; ll:i) fustest tlirta y/ar old ally, Aia(?ri- can IJ(dl'J.12i: tlio faiautst four year old, Tlio ' Monli:^' s^.ttliuis tliu ' aHtvst urueii trottor that (!ver apiii iiie'l. .M»o tlio nhenon.eual oiRht >oar uM Stallion Klcotric widi ^ new standard. iierfoiiiiovy mid the leading f^iiii of IHU?. 1 A NTIT T fl '» " maud t\ im of Mio Uleotioii- 1 i^iillULiU i,„|- niiKBf Skill;,, ill u niarkud do- HiT(i iliuir Hiiinotli friotionl(,'*is sjato, iind is vary faht . Btiindi Hi liaiiilH, woIkIih over I'XO, aud in ' I't)!,) and cdtifoniiatioii is pel fovtioii. He won flrst prize, siivor Mudnl ami Kwcepfctakeii at llu' Industrial Fair in Toronto in 1HU6. Hiii cdltH are all lar^o. liundRoinu and i;auiu. Ho id ncknowlddLifid liy nil to bf^ tlio lih.t Htock liors(. in tint! country' IIIh (.Idt-pt coltH rUiug two t'.mt woi« liroiioii tlii.s wintui- slmw gieat speed and hcatitifiil action. Tliift i{o(>:l luirso produces tlio vory beet Car- rinKo Colts from our coiniii(»n roii^h mares aud fast trotters from niarop with a little bvoediiig. Kvei\ Olio of Aiitillu> Colts are Inrt^o. strong and niHtcliloHH ill bi-autv. He will mako the season of IHUS at lilKown stablo. E RHS "'""•â- â€¢ ,^ J. E, MARSH, Proprietor. MARKDALE, ONT. MJLSSCSY-HARRIS COMPAVTY, I^IMITED J. R VANDUSEN, AGENT, FLESHERTON, ONT.

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