^ -.-> :i-n^--w. -^ m GHiSCES OF DEATH, MATTERS ON WHICH THEY DEPEND REVEALED IN A BLUE BOOK. fiTfi UaillBs runtni »t D<-atta ta engUud - The rrcBllar AdraBtacm aad Prrlls of liUltmt rHnBlu-ruutllBg Rerurdii of lialrlde*-Alr.«liolliim'a Mauj' TIcllmii. CleTslaad Moffett haa been studying â- i Britisb blue book n htcta presents sta tistii'a of death in England in the years 1890, 1891 and 1892. In this book tie sa;s, the dead are classilied accord- ing tu ages, occvijtttions, disease, dis- tricts, etc., until there ifl not the poor est ohimney-flweep or loftiesi. cabinet minister who may not find, if he looks cArefuJiy, some precise statement us to 4kiw and why und wbea he is ai't to die. And it ia easy to see thut these death discoveries made in London and Lagland niu.st apply in the m»>D to other capitals «nd other countries where similar conditions eiist. All conclusions in this blue book are bus- ed ujMn the deaths of men, for It ap- i{«ar8 thut women make trouble e^en in the mortality statistics. One of the first tables shows that men who ba^e some regular occupe,- >tion may fa<:e death mure serenely tb:>n those who have none. This Is especially true between the a;,'es of 20 and 35, when the death rate for "unoccupied males" is from three to six times great- er than for those with occuijationN, six times greater at 'M, and tbreee times Creater ut 8S. It munt be boint- in cnind, howQTert that uxuong Mie an occtvpied are included not only persons retired from btuiness or living on pri- krkte menns, bat LDNATICS AND PBISONEHS The tables ehow that this excessiTe death rate among the unoccupied is due mainly to diseases of the nervous •ystem and to phthisis, the death rate from the foruier being seven times and from the I&tter nearly three times bigher than for men with ocuu}>ations. I W'e next aee the iwdvajata^e of living in agricultural districts away from large cities. Cumi>Hring the death rate of "occui>ied mules" (whom Mr. Ifoffett cuasidera exclusively now) we find that the mortality in London, tak- ing the v<i°io<i in 'if« from 25 to ti5, is M per cent. Above the average.while in the agricultural duitricts it, la >8 {Jer cent, below the average. And •till less favorable ia the lot of those who live in the industrial regions, the greut manufacturing centres like Shef- field and Birmingham since for them the death rate rises to 81 per cent, above the average. 1 he chief cuumbs of tJiese higher death rules, t>oth in Lon- don and the indiutrial districts, ure r'hthisis and xliseases of the lespiru- ory s.vstem. Btatistica are given uf twenty-four diseases or causes of death, and five of these, viz: phthisis, diseases of the Deitvous system, diiieases ol the circul- atory system, bronchitis, and pneu- monia, cawies more than half of the entire mortality. Cancer kilU more than influenza, while suicide is directly VBstJonsIble for more deaths th^n al- coholism. It ia, however, pointed out expressly that alcoholism contributes to many deaths that ara put down to other causes. In certifying the cause of deatli of inebriates it is the habit of some medical men to otate only the liathological condition of the orgaa or organs chiefl.v affected. 'I'ho experi- ence of the General Kesistry office â- liowB that CIRRHOSIS OF THB LIVER for instance, (the Uver Is the organ which, more than any other Is affected by intemi)erance), is frequently re- turned at) the sole causa of death iu mich circumstances, the fact that abuse of alcohol had induced the cirrhosis or other morbid condition being omitted from the certificate. There is a s|)ec- ial table given tor alcoholismi showing comparative mortality figures, and social philosophers will sbaku their beads wisely when they see, at the very bead o( the list, the keepers of inns and hotels, their servants, and the whole tribe of brewers and distillers. Men of thaee classes, that is, the dis- Ijensers of alcohol, die of its effects and three to ten timei faster than the (average of "occupied tnales," three times faster for the brewer, ten timns faster for the London hotel servant. On the other hand, the mottality from alcoholism among agricultural lal^r- ers, railway men, iron und tin and coal miners, clergymen, fiuhermeu, an<l others is far below the a-vorage, only iDine-thlrd or one-fourth of it,, while in the ease of 8oaj> manuCac.turerB, lead workers, copper minersv and car{>et xnanufacturers, no deaths whatever are recorded from alcoholism. It would Ix* of interest to know if there is somi' subtle, relation bet>^en soapmaking and total abBtinence. Mr. Moffett found the suicide sta- tistics full of eimilar nnoxplninablc concluHlons. Why, for Instance, should jiinc workers be five times as ready to kill themselTCS as ordinary "occupied males," whereas watohm.akers are only twice as ready, copper workers only one-third fts ready, while hotel sei- fvants in the industrial districts, co!>- per miners and tin miners apparentl.v never kill themselves at all t THK NORMAL AVERAGE requires that there be one suicide in every 100 deaths, but innkeepers, teach- ers, artists, nwisicinns, hair drcsHers, and commercial travellers kill them- selves muich oftener than this, while hoilermakers, brlckla.vers, clergymen, and coal miners, keep their self-de- struction well below the average. Far- mers, gardeners, etc., iu the matter of suicide are above the average, while their servants are U-lnw it. Physici- ans kill themsulves three times us oft- en as ordinary men, and in that diffi- cult period of their lives between the ages of 29 and dT) Jlhcir mortality from suicide is even grei^ter. Publishers are singularly free from ui tendency to suicide. Coming to the table of phthisis, whirh kills more people every year than any other dlseaae, it is seen that the great- est sufferers here, as was the case wit h alcoboli.sm, are those who have to do with the running of inns and hotels; indeed, the presentment of dangers connected with these two callings Is quite appalling. It is plain that ni-ith- er hotel keepers nor their servants have anything to hope for from mor- tality statistics. Not only do they head the death rale ILsts in phthisis an<l alcoholism, but they hold the same unenviable position for influenza, gout, rheumatic fever, pneumonia., diseases of the liver, diseaues of the digestive organs, und, finally, they show the highest mortality figures for diseases of all sort.s. "The mortality amoni.; publicans, in London," remarks the statistician, "is nearly double that of all occupied males tuken us a stand- ard. They die nearh' l" times as fast from alcoholism. 5 1-2 times as fast from gout, 31-2 times as fust from dlaletes, 39-4 times us fast from dis- eases of the liver, and twice as fast from phthisis, rheumatic fever and sui- cide." Looking over other lists Mr, Moffett finds that cbinmey sweepe have nearly four times the tendency of ordinary men to contract cancer, that gener- al laborers axe the most fortunate in esrefiiing gout, lead workers und file makers die about three times often- er than the ordinary eltizen from BRIGHT'S DISEASE, which is almost never contracted by tallow soap munuiucturers (here we have the mystery uf soi4>-making again^ that coal miners #nd lace mak- ers show only half the general lia- bility to liver disea«es; that seven or- dinary men die from accidents for every schoolmaster who so dies; that paier manufacturers are prai-ticully free from rheumatic fever, although bookbinders suffer from it cruelly; that coal heavers, porters and metal work- ers seldom die from diabetes, although that disease carries off three times as many (laaa manufacturers and four times as ma,ny lawyers a« the aver- age calls for. The blu«) book statistician has a poor Idea of musicians, whom br finds "sad- ly addicted to Intemiierance." They die more than tw ice ujl rapidly as or- dinary men from alcoholism, nearly twice as rapidly from phthisis, and very much more rapidly from nervous diseases, Uver discuses and suicide. Commercial travi-llers show a high mortality, considering tb» large am- ount of time they spend in the open air. Alcoholism and liver diseases are the chief causes of this heightened death rate, which increases as they pass mid- dle life. Commercial travellers die from dial>etes ii1m'>st us fast again as the averivge, and from cancer faster than the average by 43 per cent.; they also ^^^fer exceptionally from Brigbt's disease. Their mortality from iihlhisis and from diseases of the respiratory .system is, however, below the aver- *g«" Among many othier tables are t»-o imiiorlant ones, showing the effects in mortality statistics of breathing foul air and breathing dust^laden air. The conclu-sions are that ooal dust and the dust of such woods aa are used by oar- jenters and joiners are much less in- juriinis than the dust of metals and stone, while flour ilust and the dust of textile fabrics oorae between the two in point of harmfuffness. As to the biteathin* of fo'il air. it Is proved that in occupations where it is inevitable, as in printing and nhoemaklng, the mortality figures from iiulmonary dis- ea«e« are materially increased. What You Get When You Buy Medicine Is a Matter of Great Importanoe. Do you get that whii;h has the power to eradicate from your blood all pois- onoiLs taints and thus remove the cause of disease f Do you buy HOOD'S Barsaparilla and only Hood's? If you do you may take it with the utmost comfidenoe that It will do you good. Hood's Sarsaparilla la Canada's Greatest Medloin*. Sold br all druggUu. |l ; six tor ti. Get only Hood's. Hood's puis are the favorite oathartio. tSo. PEARLS OF TRUTH. Comduct is three-fourths of life.â€" Matthew Arnold. Every noble work Is at first imjios- siblhâ€" Carlyle. What hair been dose can be done again.â€" Disraeli. No one oan <li-sgrace us but our- aelvea,â€" J. G. Holland. Oux only greainesa ia thu.t we as- pire â€" Jean Ingelow. Self respect is the cornerstone of all virtue.â€" John Her.schel. Success in most things is in knowing how long it takea to succeed.â€" Mon- tasQuieu. , A qUIRV ANSWMU. Anxious questioners a^ "Is there no sure cure for cornaV" Wa ore glad to be able to tell theoe sufferers that Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor will relieve them in a day, and extract corns without pain. It never fails. BOl'H TflUB. Faxâ€" The diamond is the hardest knoiwn suiietancB. Do Witte-Yejiâ€" to get. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. T»ki, Uinlitf lliuBo giiinim TiblM«. All Drnr liito rWiind Uw meatj it iK»iU to Out». »«. ( FROGS IN BELGRADE. In the chief square of Belgrade. Ser- via, innamerable little frogs hop about a» unconcernedly ua if they were far away in the ooutitry. How they came there and how they wujvive, no onq seems to know. TOPICS SF TH* OKI, Every one is surprisedt at the rapid- ity and efficacy with which Xerviline â€" nerve-ipain cureâ€" relieves neuralgia and rheumatism. Nervilino is a speci- fic for all nerve \>a\ns and should l)e kept oo hand by every family. I find nothing so singular in life as IhLs, that everything oi>lX)Bing .ip- pears to lose its sulistance the moment one actually grapples with it.â€" Haw- thoi-ne. Quickcure for SoaJds, 15o, 25o, 50o. Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.â€" Confucius, Quickoure for Toothache, l.'io, '2Bo, 60o. A LUCKY GIRL. Maudâ€" Clara Hlghtly is just the luckiest gtrl. Bdithâ€" She has many lovers? Maud â€" JEver so many, and she has only one little brother, and he was brought up in Paris, and doesn't know a word of English. â- Addllloaul tiiMcrttUM-nl OepukK by Mnlual BrM-rve FubU l.lfe .tnnurlutlon. The Mutual Reserve Fund Life As- sociation of New York have recently Increased their deposit with the Insur- ance Department at Ottawa by the sum of one hundred and fifty thouHiind dollars, now making over a quiiiter of a million dollars deposited with the Dominion Government for the He<:urily of its policy -bolder:! in Canada. This will, ii(f douljt, be gratifying to the Canadian policy-holders, as evidencing the good faith on the part of the assoc- iation und its ability to meet all the re- quireiueiiUi uf tlie Insurani-e Depart- ment at Ottawa. â€" Toronto Globe. LV LOVB. They seem to be a very devoted cou- ple. I should say so. They've been mar- ried three years and atill ride u tan- dem. mm mum Hartford & Vim Tires Bead Olttt- â- â- Aitol^t St. V . Tsroato. Character Is [ower ; It makes friends; creates friends, draws putronugo and support ; and 0(>enB a sure and easy way io wealth, honor and hBi>pinese.â€" J. Hawes. Quickcure for Bruises 15o, '^5c, 60o. NO CHANCE WHATEVER. talk when Jimmy, y<*u Ditmt not older i>cople are bilking. Well, Is'poee you. uant me to (row up diuub. Stats ok Ohio, Citt of Tolcdo, \ luc*i coi nty. / • Fkank I.Chink.v make* oKth thut hall the ••nlorparliierodhoHriii of f J. f'liirMKY ft Co., (lolnKbUHinflMlin the City of Toledo, Coiiniy iknu State aforusald. and thateuid llrm will pay the •iim of ONK IIUNDRET) DOLLaIUS for eaih | mad every eaiw of Ciitarrh thai cannot be cured bi ibr u«« ol Hii.i.'B Catabkii ( uhk. ' FRANK .1 CHKNBY. .Sworn t« before me nnd M«li4crlbed In my presence, tbia Uth day of Uooember, A. D., 188)1. / 'â€" 'â€" - •! A. W. QLKASON, I ^^ ) Not&ry Pubilo. Hairarnlarrli Cure U taken Internally and aoti directly on the blood and muooiii f.urfacea of the !<Thteni. Send for testlnianinln free. K. J. CHKNKY & CO.. Toledo, 0. Sold by Uruggi«l«, T.'k-. Hair* FuiMy Fill* are the bckU DIFFERKNCE OF OPINION. 'Tis love that makes the world go round. Oh, no; it's too much liquor. ThomEphosphatePowoer There Is a limit to the work that can he got out of a human body, or a human Irrain, andi he is a wise man who wa.stas no energy on pursuits for w.lioh he is not fitted.â€" Gladstone. Quickcure for grains Ifio, 25c, 50o. _^ »» P C »«» RiauaIas '''"w $60 wheel fir M5 -].Adle's DII»yCIOe or a..i.i«'. win tie i nt for In- spociioB on reooiplof $1. whiphwill lieallowot If wheel is rotaiiiud. Single ordoiihle mbetlroi iHj pair. Clapp Oyols Oa, 463 Yong»»t, Toronto. %A #||in MILLt-Steel. aalvanjsed. Holler WW â- â- •â- ' kD<l Ball Bearln(i), Iron I^umoa, * « t^prK/^n, and Grain Qrlndars. OOMliI, thap^oy Jk Mulr Oe.. Umlted, Irantftrd, Oanada, rvllVVi ronWOâ€" «conni l> li«lf. yfa cl>ln> w» havo I h« be«t nod moat pr«ottoal ff noe nn earth. Fonr niil'io! It. innioattha Kxnnri- •neotal Farm, QnoKih. Ont,. Send for orloea .VddioaB Toronto Ploket Wlro reno* Oo ' lai Uver St. Toronto, Ont. 1 WELL, WIHIYiaiT? Is this where you answer questions T he Inquired. It is where we answer some quea< tlans, WAS the guarded reply, for a man who undertakiea to answer questions Hoon learns lo lie cautious. Well, I have one that really ought to be ansAverod, ho asserted. .1 tdiall lie glad to huve a chance at it, returned the younii man ia charge. Well, why Is It thiut the omly match you have always goes out f" (Portunaitely tl» young man in charge had expressly stated that it was the place where some questions were answered. Otherwise he would have been in a tight place. w patrena . E eatlmate that ATery penoa we lat' try our Taaa briaifl at least MONSOO, INDOCEVLON TBA Is put up In lead packet* only. NoTuT'^iSI bulk. Urop a post card for Samfle PiMket. THI MONtOON TIA M., r tfireiiiagtoii tt tiâ€"t, .... ToaoNra Rn D F I N fi Ml' 9hn»t IMtal Works, ** T â- W " RdU/INd •LATB, 1» Blaak, |{«4arOrMn. SLATE BLACKBOARSi (W* uiapli Pvblle ud Hifh HchooU. Torpsto) RooHai {fiU, Pitok, DoaJ T»r, .to. ROOFINO f ItE (Baa K«w Olty BnUiU inn. Tarrnto. dona by our Irm) Uatal Oallliin, Oai« Irfoaa. alo Rstlraalat f urDlitaad for work oamplata ar tm eattrltli ihlrpad fi aar part uf tbn ooiutry. rhoaalMII , •tlTHIlAtOMS, *M^MAWtrimorM*.,T«reirt£ SKIP YOUR PRGDUGE, Butter, B(ga. Applaa, Prult. Ac, ta TNI SAINSOH OOMMIMION 00., timltta Oar. of WMt Markot and OollMrna tta. TORONTO INERAL8 TI8TED '" °«"' •"" M Wrlta for pr,i;ai. MILTON U HKnBBY, B. A. 9c ieS( - ~ â- St. Saorament Bh. Montreal. Qoa BOATS and CANOES. _.. Writa for cMaluiUf ItALTM DIAW, • I7 tl. Qu««n »t. Uf.. Tereta AHO MTATM honght. Mid ft , 7.- 1.â€"- „''*'^''»"l'«d. Torma malltd (rea , tt. M. SI.MPSON. Real BHate and inancial Agent. Mooimal. Qae. LAW Milia Miiia a Haie^ BarrUt«ra.eto., remoT«4 to W«ler Bldn.. Rlalk â- ODd Si W- "roix: roroata Ilallaa and Hvbrldiâ€" baal On, illeaâ€" boat qiulll •ad Patent Pr PotmdaUan. Wax WmIMI All Baa SappllMâ€" boat qiialTlT I ui., W««d Patent Praoiao I !•â- " ^otmdulan. 1 0^".- VvtH)|>.\l'lU»UVI ^(.IfAMSt. reodrod (ho hl|rh> •tt airarda at (â- • Wwld'> Fair laW iNOOVa PATSNV niABB Tora haTO mat wltk â- nob anlvarsal fi^ Tor, that eUiaa Bianntaotarore ara now aakinf interior iHlUtl. •aa. iDiltteaharlac the Ooabey mako aa Imttationa are never as good a* th* genuloe. >» S' y ll'ri.'OMO CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savlnxs Company. IMOORPOBATSU lUS. ^ Paid-up Oapttal t «,m,IW Aaoete n 40aoOO Haail Oirioii-Toronto Bt, Torsnta Braiwh Otnoe* iVInnlpac, Man. Vanooinrar, B.gL Dki'Osits reoelTod ai inioreat yayablo half yearly. DnsENTURBS itaued (or money deposltedfot Chroo or live r«ari>. MONBT ADV.1NCKD CD Real Ratal* at lew mtea of intaroat and un favoraUo eondltloaa Land Mort«agaa and MuDleipal or Bolioel DebenlurftH purohased. IiiformntioB mar tw obtained from, and ap. pllcatloni, maj be in,ule to O. T. R. liAnniB Ooneral Agenti Wbinlpes, Cesau J. Maiii.ni, General Agent, Vaa- oourer. or to J. HIBBCBT tlAtOM. ManacliiB Olraetar, Toroato WWTBR RUORT. ST. Charles, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. OPBN ALL THE YBAR. FINEST HOTEL ON THE COAST. Sun parlor SOO feet lone overlooking ooaan snd baaoh esplanade. Vaouunt tt^WIUIom tt., Toronto. Phono 17M. 'teara heating syrtem. Elevator ta i otreet level. Hot and oold, freah and ' salt water in all baUia. Rooma •â- â- uita. l»thB attached. ; JAdCES B. REILLY, Owoar and Prop, STAMMERERS. AOPHtaa CHrROHS AUToVOCK INSTITUTE, • Fomhroka at.. Tarento, Banate. CURE GUARANTEED. Love Your- self. Harris Buys Scrap. (l«.M.A«BUtON,M.BL,NaiOMMc»«t. ( !l TORONTO. °,.^ , Ratablithad IBM. ""^B.•<ja"^«o•^f'""â- C. p. R haa cat tho railroad rates. We haviioutlbeprkea nt oiir Wind Mllle, l^un'R". oyolea (ind Hardware. Bond forprii-ea befuropurctiaaluRuod tav. money Tbo Bailey Oonaldaon Co.| MO.NTHEAU Dominion Lino Steamsliips. MoDtrttal bail (^iirhc-o tt Lltf,i|K>ui lit .utuinttr. I,.r|t and fast iwtn screw .traiii.^ljii,* ' LAbraiior. ' Vftti- couver.' 'Dnininlon,' 'S^^dlBiiiaM. ' Yorkohiie,' Superior aovomDiodaMon >or Kirxi Cabin, Sao- ond C'ltblii itDd !*leeragc paMengere. R«iaa of pntinage-rirBl Cal)ln. J,V,!.M) ; t-'eronti Cabin, |34 : HieuniKR tri M aiiii unwarda uccording to â- teanifr and borlh. Kor all Inforinnticm npnly lo IxH'al Aiinnia, or DiVio TokhaNik & Co.. OOD'I AKanla. t7 8t. SaorKiiirnt kit.. .'Vlnntraal. ALLAN LINE Royal flail Steainstiip C«., Montreal to Liverpool. Steaman aaH from MonlTMd •'WT Saturday Sorning on arrival of tr&lna from Toronto ana e Weal about So'olooli. CabJT- to LiTrrpeef, indondorr^ ev RATKB or P Cabin U3.M and 'ip $84 and and t3e.-.'S; 8 fjondoD, Glaaicovr, Elelf^t, QiieanatowD tii.fiu und pB.n. A reduoMon of dvu par coot, is allowed •â- round trip Brat ami »acundoabln iloketa. Fa# aallinga of uteameri or other Information appir to any autliorlsod ncent. H. Bonrllar. I KIbb St. W. Tor«a«« ar H. * A. Allan. MontraaL THE PURITY OF LUDELLA Oeyion Tea Hae made It an eaay winner. Vou have ool/ to ask any of ha many dnnkaf* to find thii ouL fJtAO PACKAGES, SA.4«.ftOtBd60t. '•**^ KlBBlNG I jj KJACHINE H ^L iJ^I KNITTINQ MACHINES. OLD AND RELIABLI TWO II ro* ro Cloth* roar famllr from bMd to foot with ear U7I MONEY MAKER Pricoa only SIS, $20 030. mum BROS., Georgetown, Ont. NO TTPawMTuo t>iim ua BOO MMi ^mi^m ^ l» Hamilton. fOOO Hi Tor4to%lo m^d L.oi|tloa|. Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cured Itcliins: of the Scalp. Pi^vents Breaking of Hair. Stopd Faliins: Out. rOOITIVElaY GROWS HAIO. imMONIAIi MMT MO. an m T