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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1898, p. 1

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|fksb^rt0n Jliiiana, jgMi. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLE 8 NOT MEN." VOL. XVn, NO 899 Flcslierton, Ont., Ttiursday, June 9, 1898 W. H. THURSTON, ""V^b^o^pSietob € r fe^ IN jnenoRV op mrs. nAoaiE raoley i Tandclenr THOSE - WASH FABRICS AND' - Fancy Blouse Goods Our assortment is well nigh perfect. Never before has such a collection at such moderate prices been shown. We think were you to see themâ€" to eKamine for yourself the fine qualities and dainty coloringr, with a word from us teUing you the price,this list would be onnecessary. However.since you haven't as yet seen them we itemise a few including some decided novelties shown tkis week Tor the first time. Fancy Pawn CiJored Linoii, with Cii«li»«l igarea, 30 iixA, per yard 12^ Fiiiicy Muslins, in checked Blue and and White, etc., 25 inches wide, j)or yard •• "^ Fiincy Mu«lini,ielf colored, in Craauu iJreenii, etc, bright (iniah, 32 i«ob, ^ler yard v 16" Bouclo stripuH, ill pretty color com- liinntioo, very new, 27 inoliea, per yard 12Jc Pl»iJ MubHiu, newoit colors.decided- ly pretty, 30 inch, per yard X2Jc Veloultes, in Blue, Gmy and Butter coIorH, self-colored figures, novel- t'wit, 30 inch, per yard 85c «Ut.»B«, pretty fl.«ra< Amig«N ixrft xic^colored KiKjds28 inch, per yd. Wc Spot Mudiins, Scotoh Novelties, in e«lf-c<<l(ire<l Navya, Pinks, Whites, etc., 38 inch, per yard 16o Stripe Muslins, Bonolossnd Mottled effects, nowest, 28 inch, per yurd I5c Fancy Musliiin.Silk 6iiished, Klectric Blue and Brown mottled effects, rich, beautiful, 28 inch, per yard. l8o Fancy Muslins, such as Pulo Blue with white dot and black flower ; white with groon stripe and black dsHh j white and blue gri^ boucle 28 incli, per yard 20o 1280 yarJs fine American Prints, beautiful colors, very suitable for niousra iir Dresses. Some are nelliirf; sruue anodii at 6ic- -we ca;i uivc )-.u tweiity-tivo ditfertm* |Mt(oms to wlccl inmi at per yiii4 5c -Fancy and Plain Lawn, ()rK»iidi«., itc , in *b«nd»ncu-*^ The saving you will effect by selecting something Irom this lot will be more apparent wh!.n contrasted wiih wfaat other merchants expect you to pay fm}i ^oi\ mt,% Vvira tor saJa ebosii. »1 a«r6«, w«ll watyrod 2i rallBi ust ol thi« »II1»K«>. known •« tU« J'oo «icktaru>. AppI; ko U. Kichardion, anUjcoo BOAR FOH SERVICE The niidarsicnad hafliiK pureliaiMl (ram Mr. I'.Miilrthai Magnlficeot thuruuRhbrod Itork- •hiro boar, " Mouuufii Sli«ik," lina now the «aine(or >rrvicc> ou lut I&6. K.T„ & K. It., \rta> •isWla. Tarvis II. t'cUifree ou aiiiipliration. A. MOV U VIU.A6I PHOPERTT FOR SALE PHfc lots la tb* VillsAsof Rniraoia,«ODipr|g. tMMtawa ia two bloofcs. Ou tUM* ara araok' M^anrausaad a log boaaa. Tbara it a goo4 Jt n m, •rahai4, tw« Bataa, aM. Applr to _, H. rilMWloC.ilBgMia B«flMta,OM.|I.U*T The Markets. still sacred in the memory Of her whom all did love. Prom pain and Borrow she has gona Into the relms above. True death's dark fignro stands between, Claims berwe lovo<l so dear. But though by mortal ayes unseen To His sba still is uoar. Should it be so that sad we mourn And weep wbilo well we know That she is whoro the fount of bliss UaccBseiuRly doth Uuw ? Mo, rather lot us think that still Hvr ber (or us is yearning And that the flame u( love wbicfa glowed For us is brigntly burning. Another prooious ransomed soul Has oroiisad our death's dark river, And in realms of li^ht and joy Will praise the Lord for ever. Dear woiuories, dray tlios* noodlesa tears, Your loved ones i?a(e at home ; With radiant bot u slio waits you there, And bid you all to cuwel Eugenia. Fiom our mmt, Correspoiufetit. News it rather neaitse, but cannot say the aaiae of the pest of caterpillars. They are makiug great havoc in the orehar<ls, and in the bush the trees are covered with tbem. The Kev, Mr. I'lunkott has gone to Con- ference this V eek. Mr. Oarr, as the dele- Kale from EuKenia, asoonspSDieil him. Everyone hopes Mr. Plonkett be re- turned to Eugfnia. Mr. \\ esley Latimer of Toronto is the guest of bis parents at present. Baia is very much needed, as the ground is getting very dry. Another viotim of that dreadtui desease, oooHUmption, has gone to rest. On Wed- nesday at the tosi<leuce of ber father, Mr. John English of the CoUiiigwood gravel road, Mrs. J. \\. Radley, after great suffer- ing, which she bore patiently and with OhriaUiu fortitude, pasiied away at the early ags of aineteeu years. A loving hus- baad and a baby tru moutlia old are now OBounuDR the loss of one wliow all dearly lovod. Hei family has the niuoera sym- pathy of all in their sad bureavtuient. A large pumber of sorrowioK friends followed her remains to Flcsherton oewietery, on Thursday last, where the Kuv. Mr. Plunkett ofBoialed at the burial. She Is now laid -to rest to awsit^the glorious resurrection morn. Mrs. A. QrahBui, nee Miss Laura VViUon of ^bis place, was pmeotod with a music rack and another article, accompanied by tbs following address : Dsaa Mrs. GniJiAif,â€" Wa, the undersignedl ou behalf of Eugenia Methodist congregation, take the opportunity af.'xpreisiug our adiiiira- tiou aud warai appiacistioii of your vary faithful and elUciMit scrrives as organist of tbo churoh duiing tboroiifenmou yuar nowonJiuf;, and as a sliubt tokon of our gratitude aud of our good wishes for your prosporit>|wa desire to present you with this address and tho aocumpauying small praiaut, h )piug t'uat they Miay aarva to remind you from time to tilde otourfi^udalaip and esteem. 4. V. PtCHSBTT, Maa. J. IlnwKaMiLN. Uua H FRNWicx: [ Mrs. Qruham dctiras thrctiuh The Ad- vance, to publicl/ tluujk the fraends who so kindly reiueuibsredhcc,â€" Eit.j From Our Own Correspondent Mr. Wm. Cliadwick from Toronto, who has been vising friends here, has returned home. Mr. Samuel Gilbert took a business trip to Owen Sound on the 24ih, Miss Sarah Johnston who is toachinK achool in St. Vincent., spent the 24tb with her parents here. Mrs. Geo. and S, Warling attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Geo. Warling of Moaford, on Sunday week . Mr. Robert Wright has been laid Jup for some time with inflammation of the nerves. Dr. Cummings is in attendance. Mr, Clark and daughter and Mrs. Sillcox of Moaford visited at Mr. Geo. Pritchard's a short time ago. Mr. Albert Hutchinson has taken unto himself a wife in the person of Mrs.Tsy lor, daughter of Walter Taylor of Euphrasia. They have taken up their residence in Feversham, where Mr. 11. [will take charge of the cheese factory there. Mr. Bob. Wright is building himself a new house. Mr. George Richardson is the contractor. * The 24th of May passed away pleasantly here. Tho Ladies' Aid garden party in the afternoon was well attended. The concert given by the string band in the evening was also voted a success. The proceeds of garden party, $15 ; concert, 910. Mrs, Shulton Kniitht of Chilliwack, B. C, who has been visiting friends here for sometiiuu, has gone to Toronto with her brotlior, Mr. Win. Chadwick, where she will visit for a short time before re- turning to her home in B. C. PricevUle CarefuUv Corrected Ea«h Week Following arc the mnrkut i|uotaiionB for Fleahertou for tho present wepk, corrected up to 10 30 of Wudiieiday ; Flour $4 70 to $G 00 100 106 m 13 10 60 fl 70 G 00 7 00 50 9 ()..jta :t3 ',o Wheat, white !»6 to Wheat, red I 00 tp lUrloy 20 to Peas 00 tu Butter 13 'o Bgu'*) fresh .....,,, 10 to Potatoes bag 60 lo Pork ., 500 to Hav per ton 6 00 to Hides. ...,,,,,..,(• T 00 to Sheepskins .,', , . 25 to Geese to Turkeys,,, 9 to Chickaus per pair.. , , SO to Dusks per [»tr 40 to wmi :. 18 U 80 SO l^rom our oiwi Correspotident. The innual outing of the S. O. T. will take place next Saturday in tb« shape of a picnic to Eugenia Falls, Kverybodjr and a big basket are inriteid. The directors and mouibers of the Art' Honor RoUit Honor Roll for S.S. No. 10, Artemesia, for the month of May. IV Classâ€" Carrie Rutledge, Gordon McMullen, Wni. Rutledge. Ill Classâ€" Anna Chislett, Euarl Wans- brougli, Maggie McAulcy. II Class Sr. â€" Beatrice Lawrence, Eva Lawrence, Maggie Rutledge. il Class .Ir.â€"Ottie Tack<ir, Boy Piper, Eddie Sargxnt. H PU Sr. â€" Wm. Hawkc. Sanley Mc- Mullen. II Pt. Jr.â€" Jno. MoAuley, Ida llut, ledge, Annie Hawks. I Pt. Maudio Hemphill, Freddie Mo. Mullen. A. I. Ci'SBMiK, Teacher. Annual Meeting Centre Grey Farmers' Institute held its aimual luuctiug in tti« town Imll on Tuosd*^ iiftertuMm, fur Una pur|Hise uf eltvliiig officers, eis. The (!%ecativo re. port showed that six niuotipgs had been «niesia Agricultural Sok'iety are very hold during the past year. The member- busily engaged at present erecting their ghip was : Fl< slicrton 42, Thornbury new showroom. 50, W.ilt. ra Falls «1, KijjiberleyJl.Price. The annual piomc of the bon» of Scot- • " ^' '' ' hvnd will be hold in the schcwl ground o» *>llo 21, Ifevonhaq) 37. Tho officers ap. Tuesday afternoon, June 31st, A good |^)(fc«d were : Pres., John Irwin ; Vice- time is «xpecto«l, Pres, J.M. Davis ; Sec-Troas. J. I. Gra- Mr. R. J. Atkinstinof Mt. Forest paid a visit to his homo this week. VVheii nine inilvs from h<>uie bis oioyole got out of repair aud he had to foot it .the rot of the way, Mr. Leo. Gricr of Dui>4alk spent Sun- day and Monday of phin if ouk nt his home ill this hui^. The Rev'. ,T, J. Uumiihreys and Mr. ham. Directors â€" Artemesia, It. Buo- }ian#n, U, Douglas; Proton, Jas Corbett, Wm. H,ipdry ; Euphraaia, J. M. Davis, John Bulaud, Fred Carry, Jos. Buchan-- an ; Osprey, D. W. Clinton, F, T. Spoff ord. Regular meetings will be held during the yonrs at Thuinbury and li, H. Ruiiiphr«y, are in Toronto this Markdale, with supplementary meet, wetk Htt«iidi..K theConfo-.'i.ce. ' jms at Dundulk, Fevershain, Rocklyn, Miss Edith Webster spoilt tho forepart „ - , ., . , / of this week in Oaledon, Ku>;eni«, and the next annual meeting Miss Flo. Hurlley of Pnlnjorston is will be htld at Floshertcm. visiting friends in this village at present. Miss Joimii^ Carson of Cleveland is visiting friends in tliis vi,:iiiily_ Keep this a Secret rfly Wo arc occasionally enjoined by a buyer of an engagement or a wedding ring to " keep this a secret.^' Wo ALWAYS doso ; we divulge nothing of the kibd ; our interest in uucH sales being guaged not by sentiment but by hard cash, our profit. Strict confidence is therefore invaluable. Parties buying from us can do so privately if desired. In Eiigagemeut Rings we are carrying a large stock and of greater variety than heretofore and at prices rang- ing from $1.50 to $15.00. Wo liave recently added i new line of Wedding Rings in 10k. g^'ld, which are bound to be favorites. nmn I am just now making a specialty of Watches, and if you are desiring a timepiece •â€"or •*'«n if yo« don't nee»l one very bad â€" it will pay yoit to buy now while prices are at the bottom with McGiiity. I have some fresh, now'goods in Japanese Stick Pins, Ep- worth League and Oddfellow Guprds, Ladies' Skirt and Belt Holders, fancy Hat Pins, etc., the nicest, nobbiest things up to date. Just come in and look at them, anyway. W. %. Armstrong JEWELLER. FLESnmttoN. The Rev. Mr mid Mrs. Hartley of Palmorstvn niadu a brief call on fiioi'ds ip iho village this week while on t|)»jr H'ay to Collinunood to attend the iredding "f ihcir son, tho Uuv. John Hartley, of Grand Rapids, Minn. Mr. Sidney Blakeston returned hnino after a plaiiKant vinit among friAU'ls in Canipbullford,PdlmerHt(in ^pd HarriHton. Died- On Saturday, Juno 4il», Francis A mo^t uiifxpecttid case of suicide occurred at HoItt4»»|, last week. Our readers will ron.onibur that wo montioiied in a local returring to the death by blood poisoning of Mr. Fergus<in that Dr. Brown of ILilstoin was first summoned to dffSR the injuries. The wounds were dre^eJ and Hewf-'d up but when Dr. Jamieson of Durban) wi)s aftern'arda cal- led in he oondemned the treatment. Dr. Brown who had always been more or leu Wait, aged 82 yearn. The deceased, who has been ill fur s(iH|0 l(ii)p, wan one uf the . i. a i â-  i. > i.- . oldest rcsa«BU of ogr village. He leaves * hard d.inker aq4 vpyy seosilive to pub- one son Hud two daughters to mourn his '^ opinion regarding his professional luas, 1'ho funeral ou Monday was largely skill went on a rather prolonged* spree. ^^ a' tended, Thus one by one our oU Af'cr he had sobered up an intimate ja , roMMlmits are ,mas>n« awa; . j j^,^^,, ^^,^j ^^^^ ^.^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ prowontories and 2,000 rive... room looked. An entrance was effected through a window. The doctor was found lying on the floor with a bottle of prussic acid in his hand. At his side lay a rifle. He had been dead when discov- ered probably about a day He had tho nerre olid preacnce of mifid to replace ttie ntnpper in the bottle. Prusiic acid is a most deadly poison and almost instantane- ous in its action. His nerve was some- thing remarkable. The body was taken to Stratford for interment. Dr. Brown was considered a very skilful practitioner. -Dundalk Herald. Dr. Oldham is now in possession of tho trout fishing rcc->rd for this section, hav- ing captured in Wjlliema Lako Ust week a speckled beauty weighing 5 His. 11 n?.., and mcAsuriiig in leiiKth 21 in. and 18 in. around the l>ody. This is tho largest apeclcd trout tluit has ever keen seen hereabouts, and has been viewed by many «f the villagers. The fi»h is being pre- pared and stuffed by Harry ColliiiH. â€" Chatswoith Banner. An eastern farm paper thus answer!* a correspondent who wanted tu know how to keep his neighbor's hens out of his garden : " Take a lot of stiff cards about 1x2 inches ; write on them " Please keep your darned hens at home.' Tie a short string to each card with a kernel of corn at the other end of tho string, noatter them where the hens oongrugate. When the hungry biddy gobbles up the grain tiiat draws the pri7e, iiie follows np tho string, stowing it away until she conies to the card. Then you will see her pull out for her home, carrying in her mouth your polite reqi|ost." Tfie New York Tribune bears the fob lowing testimony to the aizo and import, ance of Great Britain's possessions: â€" "At tho present moment the British Empiro is fifty threo times the size of France,and fify-two times that of Germany, threo and a ))«lf tinios that of the United StJituH of Amerion, thrice the siee of Europe, with treble the poputabior. of all the Rusaiiis. Its e;(tenda over 11,000,000 square miles, occupiee one-fifth of tho globe containing ono-fifth of the human race, or 3S0, 000,000 poople, embraces four oontinentR, 10,000 islands, HOQ *.;- ' i itfi

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