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Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1898, p. 6

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m^^^s^r^nm . mmmm imnt ^wUfmBat ^mm T II V i May 19 i8g8 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE a ilUUM> ru]Liv^ iM VaiVMMiu;ilVVM «MUMMMUIUMIU^^ D. McTavish FLESHERTON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Por Massey-Hnrrifi, Nuxan, Fleury and Wilkinaon farm implemeritH. Fleury ami Verity plowM uii hand all tbe time, hIihi all kindn of rcpaira for the aiimo. Wo manufacture Wugoni, Buggies, Cutterti, Sleigh*, etc. Horseahiieiiig promptly attended to. Special attentiun to tender cc^- tracted foel. Lugging and Plow CliainA constantly on hand. fOQiSQilanjQiinShKhiUUUtnuuutn^ a Mi, â- IV, •si? Buggies, Carts, Wagons, Harrows, Plows of the best kinila and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse liakea and Corn Soufflers and repairs. Chains of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at 4 John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms i& ^Ik i^i&iV*; ^:^^I<:^!&^!4^Jfe ^!&^'<' S'i-^t- ^<' ^'«- •»'«• -Wfe :}'<- ^!^ ^'"^ ^t- •&•<• •&'<• ^'f' ^'t- Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOKOUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip St".^rtri,.„'ii VolloKoi and Gonimorclal DepartuieatB in Canails, theu visit the Northern liusiuefifi Collv|,'a ; examine • Viirytliiufj tliuroughly. U wo fail to proiluco thu inudt tiiorouffh, completo, prnctfcal and ^^Ktennivo course ot study ; tlie lient collcgo "pr>iiuiit*(M aud tlio tMtnt and irruHt coiupieio aud moat KiritablB (urniture and aiipliaiioeH, we will Rivu you a full ooarsu FKISh!. For aunual aiiaouticttiaontB, giving full particulars, free Address C. A. FLEMING, Priocipal WrBARNHOUSE Wishes to dniw the attention of the Public to the following : ILOUR IN BAGS Of all aizas and a> Cheap a» the cheap- Mt. Special Bargniiig in 3 aixl & Borrel loti. Fruit and Confectionery Oyster in Season . . . Groceries and t^rovisions. nOO and COON MITTS and LKGO- •IK J.S Mi!klo to orclor and on Shortest Notice. ^SUt I *' I Photos I â€"TAKEN ^ â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph Gallery | are done in firat-class style and at ^ lowest rates. Special attention |^ xivoii to copyinc. Babies' photos. Ife jM a specialty. Pictures framed. u, I MRS. BULHER | BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Wn. BARNHOUSE, Flesherton Beaver Planing Mills EUGENIA Wj mtnufuarturo BftKli. doors frames. (I'or- tm, h.iHi'. â-ºli'iin!, joint shoctinR, vor^ndnU ig-ittirialK. Wo h'lvnoii iiand a larco stoitit <if itiiir t'lniink'K. stair riill, Ini iipd cornor l>locl<(, Udso Gloclts.nlso ull thu Fknttdnrd tizi'sol nasU aa.l doK'H on haul, Wn li.kvo a first oUis.4 kilu ffir ilryiug luuibiir ond will ^u.rantse our ri*t<irliils tlioroniihly dry. Kilii-drlod hard w,-.o I (1 Mriiiy alivikya on hand. Itrinc Tonr own liliniiiir and ii;>vo it Itilu nriud and plani-d here. Il.nniiiiibui', yjn rnn no ; we willRUkrau ce to m lite a porfect joli. Our |(i«in cliopiiin:{ ri|( in In portect order .and luurdarto rahow vu>i vi- appreciate tlio verv l»r«>' Ira 111 that wo do in that lino v> « hivudiioi.lnl to reduce tl.o pi ices of cho)>|>ing UraiiH t.i Ic pur baa. A first class shed fur )aar teiiuiit while waitlui;. Wo grind crcry day. Mra. A. Wilson, Prop. T. W, WILSON, MANAQER Winter Goods In Vo£:ue at the Flesherton . . . HARNESS SHOP BBLLS, BLANKETS, SASKATCHEWAN and GOAT UOBK8 Wiiips, Rulibnr Knno lltius, lined and unliiivd. Curry Cninbaund Brushes. CHoice : GoodLo â-²t roasoiinblu Prices. Ratisfaotiun gnarantoed in nrpairini). Trade Mark* DEaioNS COPVRtOHT* Ac Anyone sending a sketrb and (Irscrlptlon mny qulrkly aspertfthi onr otrtnion free whether an iuvniitioii iH t>r».l>sMf i>ftteptnM«». <'oniniunira. tionni'lrlrtlT'oMldmilial. llnndliooli on I'nieuts BWVA fief. OIToBt nK*'nry for srtunnu [intpnts, Patents taken tnn>uirh Munn A Co. rocelTe tprrf^if noti^r, without c harg i. In the Scientific Jhierican. A bnnrtsoinelT lllnitrated weeklT. Inmost cli\. en,ation of any sclentiUo loarnal. Terms. Sa a year ; tonr months. It. Bold byoll newsdealers. Ml)NN&Co"""~*«» New York Braach Offlee. Ok r Bt, W•shUlctaâ- ^ IX Q, Cash : for : Hides! Sheppskins and all kinHs of fuis pur. chasiid, fur which liigliost market price will be paiOl, Uoniemadi! sausages on hand, aUo all kinds of nivats. . WILSON Fleslievkon MentEmpoiium !â-  H â-  J. B. Sloan & Son Pi?opi:*letoi?s lar GET YOUR -».n, Sash, Doors, Flooring, Sheeting, Newel Posts, Baluster^ BTFROM U8-«!«; Hand l?ailing, Corner Blocks, the best of Spruce Lath.No.i and 3 Shingles Veranda and I'lttings, Sidings, etc. TBrDiiij of all IMs Dbdb to Orlir MOORE i i ' flifikertt'i Horse Routes Young French Lion Monday, Mvy 2â€" Leare bis own stable, on Fleslierton uu t ColliDKwood road, and proceed to Maxwell, for nu.ia ; theocauurlb to Hth line, aud ilowo to the townliue, Arteasesia and Osprey ; :benca nortli to ?(aAiael Uaborn'a, (or oDu buur ; tbenos to bis own stable, Tuesdayâ€" I'roceed by Eugenia to John O'Brieu's, for ntion ; (hence by Cooper's sj(te road down tb^ I'Jth, con mile and a quarter ; tlience south by Halem, 10 bis own stable, for DJ^ht^ Wednesday â€" ttytbe wayofLonok's mi'l, and np tbe back line, Marsh's hotel, Markdale, for noon ; tnence down the grarel road to FleabcrioD, and home where be will leiniiin till tVidny moroinK. Fridayâ€" Proceed to I'oitcoua' corners and to tbe 3rd line, by Taylor's ; thence to Geo. Fisher's foi noon ; thrnee usrth oiko lAile and a quarter, and down the ^th line, to bis or n stable. Saturdayâ€" I'roceed by way of LeOard's corPLTB down the past back line, to Old Durham Corners ; thence down the gravel road one mile and n qnaitcr, and to Wm. Park's, Tyrone, for noon ; then op the back line to Cairn's hotel, Flesberiou Sta- tion, one hour ; thence to bia own stable, where he will remain nil Monday mornini;, contiouii'K the abore rente during the >ea- Hon, health and weatbvr prrmittiuK. Riciuup lIoY, Manager and Prop. * Qlancer ' J Mondayâ€" SVill I'-av* his own stable and proceed to Alex. McLeod's, north line Art- eniegia, for noon : theicx by Flesherton to Robt. Best's, T. A 8. K , for the night. Tuesday- To.laniC'B McO<-e'a, Hth con., Arlemesia, for d»ob i tbense to Maxwell, for the night. Wednesday- -To Pred Harifrave's, Ware- baui, fornooo ; tbcnue to Juines Russell's, T. & S. a., for nijjbt. Thursday â€" To Siimuel St'ck'a, for noon ; tbenoe to Robt. Fraier's, Ventrj, fur the oiKbt. Fridayâ€" To Mr. Henry's, 12th con., for na<in ; thence to .\iigas McDougal's Sacket's corner, tor uighi. Saturday â€" Will proceed home, where he remain until tbe following Monday morning. Jona Ra\, Jak. Paton, .Manafier. Proprietor. Castlemore Bob Monday â€" Will leave bis ooro stable and uroceep to HopevUle for noon ; ibxuoe to Macolm McUiiTary's, Uili con., E^runiont, for night. Tueaday â€"To Robert Isaac's for noon ; thrnee to Thos, Tucker's, 1st eon., Oleoelg, for the night. Wednesday â€" To James Brown's, 2nd con., Qleueig, for noon ; thence to Knapp's hotel, Ddrhain, (or the night. Thursday â€" To Wm, Ilitcbia's near Edge Hill, for noon ; thence to Wm. Anderson's, iih con., Ulenalg, for the nightr Fridayâ€" To Marsh's Hotel, Markdale,for noon ; thouce to John HiU'a. west back line, Artemesia, fur the night. Saturdayâ€" To Munshaw's hot.l. Flesber- tou, (or noon ; thouce to hia own stable, where he will remain antd the following Monday morning. Jaa, Paton, Proprietor. Tumlinson MonHsy, May 2â€" Will U»to bis own blaoli', Qiicru s hotel, Flesbartoii Station, i>nd(ruL>ed to T. Thonipsoi.'e, Aiteitiesia, for iioi.ii ; tlifuoe by way i( Waielism to tiiahhfolli'ii bote), Mdiwrl;, for uiglit. Tursiiay-ITill proceed to lirowu's hotel, Siu^bampioK, lor noun ; tbince to Ueurge A lister's lor uight. Weduebday â€" Will proceed to J.ibii Spoer's, Ouproy, (or niH>n ; tbeu-se 10 .'obn Lin ey's, I'ith con,, Artemesia, for nigbt. Thursday â€" Will proceed by viny of VundeUur to '.Vm. Smith's, Meafoid Road, for noon -, ihtiice home to bis own itable, (or nirhl. Kiiday â€" Wi:l proceed oc west lack line to TbiiUipson's corner ; thence acru-s to gra\el road ; tlieuce home (or tlie nigbl. Sutnrday â€" Will remain in bu owus'allo Jos. Cairnh, doBX Uajjiraitii, Propiietor. MaUAger. heard a terrific roar which made erery hair in their head point skyward. They investigated and in the marsh near Stokes Bay they saw thu monster with ita head six feet in the air aud the extended mouth emitting belluwiuKR which shook the ground, but John and Oliver didn't stop for further investigation, they breathed a ailent prayer for safety and aon^jht it as fast aa posnible.â€" Wiarton Canadian. Harbisox ts. Ward. â€" This was an actinn brought by the executors of the estate of the late Alfred Ward, a( Arte- mesia, to recover from R. J. Sproule of Flesherton, and Harrift Ward, widow of of the late Alfred Ward, possession of certain notes which executors claimed f<>t!»ed part of the estate, and which IMrH. Ward contended did ni>t. The case was referred by Justice Mahoii to Judj-e Creasor to find as referee the facts. Mrs. Ward ende&vured to set up a will niatle subsequently to the one under which the executors were acting, but, aftei giving some evidence, withdrew it. She aitso' delivered up certain of the notes, the judge aKsessing the damages for reten* tion at 91 §. The case was arc(aed about a month ago, and on Tuesday last .Judge Creasor delivered judKemeut in favor of Sproule and Mrs. Ward. With reference to the Quigg notes which the late Mr, Ward had handed to Sproule during his lifetime for Mrs. Ward, His Honor found that at the time of the delivery of the notes to Sproule he be- came a trustee for Mrs. Ward, and that they were her projierty. On the counter chtim which Mrs. Ward In-ought aijainst executors for value of certain farm stock which she owned before she was married to Ward, and which he sold, the judge allowed her $516. â€" O. S. Times. On Tuesday evg last week, Mr. John Kennedy of took bis life. Previous , to coining Cii Tara he h»d l>een a farmer in Arran Tp He had been Froticed act- ing strangely and when he wei>l to the local gruogists to puichase strychnine one drUKgist said he had none, and the other gave hioi a harmless powder. Mr. Ken- nedy took the powder home aud getting a glass of water drank what he thought would end his life. Tbe druggists noti- fied the fasaily and after this a very strict watch was kept over him. But those who are determined to take their lives are very hard to guard, and one of the sons who had been watohing his in- sane father tdti asleep aibvut 3 a. m., and when he awoke an hour and a half later, he found his father had loft the house and waa hanging from a beam in the barn. Mr. Kennedy »as buried in Tara ceiuclory hut Wednenliy. â€" CWeslcy Enterprise. i'ttttulyuud Uistrlct t mmtmta §Vi^inm €»¥di{ MCtJLIX)UGH * YOl;.NO Bankers, Msrkdale Do a fieoersl banking business. tloBey losneu at a reasonable rate. Call on as. A B TAHDUBEN. J f ^ Oerk 8th Dlv Court, Co Orey Issuer of Marria^re License*, Conrevaueer Notary, Public, Auctioneer. Money to loaaed from Sto 6 per cent. Cbargee moderate. FLE8HEBT0X P t» nEBTS COU.ECTBD •" The uuilersignsd Is prepared to undertake tbe colleotiou of all kinds of detrta^ Notes traught, accounts col'.eeted, etc. U N HBNDEBSOM, Fleeb.rt<Mr T CHISLETT 'â-  Flesherton Station Postmaster, Coaouiibsiouer in R C J, Convey-' ancer. Deeds, niortgaijes, leases aud willir drawn. Monej tw lend st fij per cput and av- wards. Oebu collected. Charges moderate. p J 8PB0UI.E " Postmaster, Flesherton COmm^eloner in H. C.J. , Auctioneer Coi/- veyaaior, Appraiser aud Money Letotr Keal Estate and Insurance Agent, lited* uiort^Bijes, ieascs and wills carefully drsurt up ani valuations made on shortest nctite. Monuy to loan at lowest rates of interest. CcJ lections attended to with promptntsa (.barges low. Ayent for Octao Dominion bteamship Company. A call solicited. ABHUOE "'• prK«s. First class ; LICBKOKt^At Qoveronieo; DoEens el »>i«m ; New Version, U. F. and Jubilee, Forslugle ucr- i>ou,in pairs or six at a time. R. McLeak PcRDT, Issora. EcoEiiti. org* a , MISS SAn.AIi STRAIN. *â- * Teacher 00 piano, pianoforte, etc. Holdi ttrst cl«-s teachers' certificate In music with honors from Alma College ; pupil of Pr.jf.8t.John Uytteorauch of Copeuhaeeu, Denmark. Reaideucs cpiKJsite Methodist. chucr.b Flesbertoo ^^0aetifji A O C W meets erery lijit ami third Monda-< ** 10 each month, in .mir lo<'go rccuT, Ibristoe's block. Flesherton, at s p ni Ja». hlajiol.y, WM ; A M Gibson, hecorrter; \V. Ilellamy, Financier. Visitiug brutbreo juvitetl. pKINCE ARTHTB LODGE, Ko, .lar,.« â-  . ..â- *,."• "«•'• in the Masonic baU. Strain » bloc». HeshertoD. uverv Fridav on or before, the fnll moon. R UsGUl, ' W U ; W ,* Uellauiy, basratary. nOUBT FLESHEBTOX. ^ Chnstoe's Block the I. O. F. meets in - olock the last Frida) eveninc in each mouth. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. T. Henry, Chief Kancfir, W. A. Aruv* strong. Secretary. f cntijJttii \R. A. e. |HhK*w Nn ef Slo«<« Ivr Ckepfiikl. Rio' aid Tiolttr, one of Owen Sound's <ddest citizens, died suddenly lusi week in his 88ih year. The expeiiHos of Mr. Cleland in ti.e Ni>v'h Gicy elaotion were $701.13 ; Mr. BolKiid'sin CVutTe Qrey were $125.40 ; Mr Luciis let Io<>su $278.35. Wiirk ba» bo'.-n coinmencod on the re» htii|ding of Clarksburg's bicycle riw f».;tt>ry. Five hundi<'xl tons of coal sank five foi't with Smith A Company's dock at Owen Sound. Fifty yards of C. P. R. track t^lsu settled. Owen Suuii»\, M«y 15.â€" (Special.)â€" Mr. Oliver Miiwat, accountant of tho branch of the Bapk uf Uitniilton here, cmnniitteil suicide liy gh<lfttini! himself yesterday. Mr. Mowut, who wn)i fofty-cigbt years of age and unmarried, had been a resident of Owen Sound for a number of years and was highly esteemed. He had an apoplectic fit some time n'i<> aud had tu take a holiday; un rcai|iiung work a thuit lime ago another aeixure op^iurred, and it ia thought! that tiespond»ncy was the cause of his taking his life. Hit accounts wt-ro perftcily correct, and he was highly esteemed by the authorities of the bank. lliat monster of the deep, the tea ser- pent, has made its appeantiioe in the neiuhlio'houd of Stokes Bay, and John Kent and Oliver Sprint'steAd have seen it. " It's as long as a telegraph pole and it ruara like a hull " said one of them in describing i(. They ww« wgiking in !, that iowlHy • f«» dAfji »fp> when tboj Heart Spasms ^ DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART A W ONDERFUL LIFE-SA VER. No organ in thtbiinaan anatomy to-day whose diaenars tni. bj more readily d*- tected titan thoNO of tb. heartâ€" and medical cllscovtry has mod* tiktm amenable to proper treatment. If fOB baro pitlpliatlou or flntterins, sbMt- Des.5 o( breath, weak or Irregular poias^ swelling; of feot or anklea, puki In th* left side, r.'iinling spells, dropsical tan- deney, any of these Indicate nearC dis- ease. Xo matter u( bow loni; standlsB Dr. Ag.iL'w*a Cure for the Heart wlH cureâ€" It's tt heart apeclflcâ€" acts qutcklj â€" acti surelyâ€" nets Huflely. "I was gn^'^B sp to die by pbystctaa* and friends. One tlose of Dr. ABnew% IHiro for the Heart gave me sos., and â- Ix bottles cursd mr rase of fllMea yesr's standing. MRS. J.L. UEL,Llll, 'Whitewood.N.W.T. A reltef la 80 mtni KieLardsoB LnTLE •' Dentist, Graaaate Vnirenirtw »f Toronto aad BovaJ College of Dental Bargeoas.. FIcehertonâ€" Monday and Tuesday of eacl> wee It. ^Dundalk-ThorKlay, Friday and Saturday ot T P MARSeiLft. " M 1»»..BDS,LDS. Visits F1~.hertoo tbm 1st aud Srd" KSBiy oS each mouth. I O CA.MPnEI.L " L D B, U D S, Dental Surgeon, Uarkdalu HoiuB-SJU a ui tc ti p ni. Visits Fletheitois tho second sod fourth Thur«.iay of eacS mouth. oiBcoat kluusbaws hotel * D D B, U D », Dentist ef Tor.ato (Gol.l Medalist) wiil ,iM* yieskerf.3 wro- fe«sionallv tb.- »r»t Wednesday 01 each aici.ta and Dondalk the foilowiug da/ (Thur'day ) g:f!)«i JOHN WFKOST, LLB Mai rister, Solicitor Conversueer. ttff OlMce-Next to iK-stolTice, Spronles llcck. Mosheriou, every Saturlay and court dax.. H-(jw<.u bound oBice, Fust's bloik 'si Poulutt street eaat. r UCAS * WRIGHT ** Harristers, Solicitor rcn Sound, Out WlllOlI'l- O W H N Uâ€" Flesherton every Wednesday. Conveyanetirr, etc klorkdale. Out I II IVCAli office, ilitchell'B b»LK, TUCKER A PATTERSON * Barriste: s. Solicitors, etc UoUou's Hank, Owen SotiDd HABRY G TUCKKta GEO W P.VTTt.KaOM Ooq- A G. U.^OKAY. M. A. **•â-  llarrUtiT. solicitor. Notary voyaucer, etc. Crown Attorney for Grey. 0&1COS-3U Pkultftt street. Oweu Sound ; an>l .Uaiu street, DuSKlalk, Saturrtaj » fr:>m i p. id to» p. ui„ and on Divisiou Court days. * §UAm\ F. VanDUBEN KLK8HERT0N I Lave just placed in stock a nieo lot of staple jowellerjito bo sold at rook bottom piiocs. Call and examine our watches before bnying. Ite- pairing in all Hues. A(;eQt for Mas8cy-Harris-<^ rtR HCTTON f M D C M, M C P & B Cot, Pricevllle Oaice next door to Browti's store ; re»ldc»oo opposite at the old post office, residence of laSo Alex Urowu. Ofllcc da/sâ€" A'uesdavs audSatui* days. nB CABTKR Flos) Mnushaw's Hotel. M C P & S Ont. Physician, Surgeon, e»o Flesherton officeâ€" Stralu's block. Bcsid<De« - JOHN A SCOTT, M B •» Member College Physic, /i SnrveoDS Ontario Orailuate in Uedieit.e ol Toronto l)DiVHrsity, Fellowship Diploma, Post liradv- ate Meilical School and, ChlcaoD- Dlseases ot eye, ear, nose aud throat s|>««ia)ly treated. Kesldaceu, Maxwell, vlaitaP.varahaBk Tburedyaa 1â€" t JP OtTKWBLI. Veterinary Sargeon Graduate of Ootarlo Veterinar? OoMtM wood Resldei'oe â€" Second door south ea wsM from Mary streiS. This strMt. r^^ tiMW sida Presoyterlao cbuit^k,' \ P J i l^^a '*1,i^ • ^'* ^H ^ >., Mii

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