HIB l^AJESTTS CANBS. »â- • â- ••â- ! la tlrtvrht't Raltr ruie<l If Ilk | WalblBn »llek>. Sint4 tbe innrmitiu of Quoen Victor- ia made it necessary (or hjer to uae a ua king 6ti!'k, she has besn th; re- cipifot of many canes. Her fritnds, relatiTes and subjeots have s«>ized uji- OD every possible occasion to pre- •eat ber with a d«w cane. One entire room of bej private suite is stoclied with these special gifts. Whv?never â- be ez^jressi's ber intention of attend- ing a function, like a royal wedding or christening, ihe interested parties con- aider it fitting to send ber another cane. Every anniversary she in forc- A WOXnurRTOT. MAW. There wkfi a mtia io Kn^land named George MuUer who usel to read the Bible (juite ttrougb e,Tery four years. H« died Tec«Titly, 1£t, JluUer was a remarkable main. Besides preaiihing ooniitantly in Englisih. G«rnsan and Fr*«n'ih be disiriliuted o,er ioOOOO Bibles and 100,000,000 relLgiouB lx>okH Bad tracts. H« built In Bristol orpliaq didn't get as macb as Im> needed be , hrtmes oca' in? $57S,0C0 anl maintained ma.ae wlfc^t be had answer. It was sina- 2000 r/Tphaa-i in tAein at an annual cost pie ani It wT/rked. | v{ $130.000 â€" c-Jieap and practical, by the j way. He dealt im his long career â- w-itb 125X100 orphans and spent tin them in all nearly 97.000 000, yet be ne^.er directly asked any man f'>r a penn.y. All the mcney tiha-t <ain«! in for the sup- AN OPISIOM. Sheâ€" I had the impression that she hsd as evf'n temper. !!•?â€" It mav '- •sven; btrt it is on a port of bis work be prayed for. If be ratber high plane. CoiMtantl|r iacrfMUijr aslss speak voIunir» for MONSOON I W â- INDO-CBYLON TEA, Ta lead packets only. Black and atjzeA AU grocers l(^ap II at M, au. M. SO ia4 8Qc umors That pimple on your arm, those blood purlflor and tonic it is just what little boy, three years old, had erap- eruptions, itching and burning hives, you want. tions on his face, wbi^h the doctors juat as surely indicate impurities in This cur» is ciiaracteristic of Hood's caile<l eczema. liis face became one ed to acknowledge a score or so more, ^j^ y^^^^ which should have proropt Saruaparilla. No other medicine effects soUd sore. When he was lii months Hers is a collection of priceless val- ne. There are eolid gold slicks, silver sticks, exquisite!} engraved sticks that are a marvei of the carver's art and sticks that contain many jewels. Qneen Victoria has leaned mora hea- vily on her stick of late years, using it to cross tbe room even, instead of only on long walltt about Windsor Cas-j tie, and after a long, tiresome cere- ' mony. She always places it against her chair, and when she rises it is the duty »f the highest cowrt official present to band It to ber. The sto/y of the prank p:ayed upon her by the son of the Duke of York has never appeared in print before Queen, who is not fond of court u^L'^u?„h'!?"° ^^^^'^•'â- •^•'"T,''*' and careful attention, as do boils, car- was at Windsor, and had dismissed her . , , ,, . .,. attendants, who bad withdrawn to an arl>or near by. She was very niU'b in- terested in her favorite {asiiuie.tcDii- tlng socks tor the Prine of Wa'es, wbsn that small embodiment of mls- obief, ber greatgrandson, s ipped away wiuh ber can? aoU 'played borsey'' with It oTsr the awA. Me had to be cajjtuied before the Ouean could enter <ti« houso. There â- er Majesty proceeded to tea'h him that even the future King of England cannot tamper with the dignity of the present powers that be. Of recent years her subjects have hoped in vain tu see her use tbeir gifts. She has used only one cane. It is one of great historic va ue, having been presented to King Charles II. by ose uf bis merry court. Very propsrly it was out from an oak tree. Wben Char- les accepted the gift it had a plain gold head, which was round and apt .o hurt the tuind if the cane was culled ui(on to support much weight. It was whispered about the court recently that Her Majealy used no longer the historic stick. This is not true : only the top has been changed. An idol, which graced the temple of an iil fated Indian prinie.bas been add- ed for a lisndle. This is an exquisit- ely wrought affair In ivory, on an in- finitesimal pedestal of aUlja-stt-r. Tbe eyes and forehead are jewelled, and on the tongue is the rarest of rubies. buncles, ulcers, rait rheum and tl>e sev, reest forms of scrofula. Hood's Sarsapa- riUa cures all humors of the blood of every form and degree. As a spring such cures. No other b-.s such power , ot<l *« l»ad to tie his hands to ke*p to purify the blood. The letter is writ- ten by Mrs. O. F. Cbamberiain, of Glen Sutton. Quebec: "C. I. Hix>d & Co., Lowell, Miss.; "DearEirs: â€" My busbaul hns been a great sufferer from dyspr-puia for years and was unable to attend to any busl- neas. After trying the pre3cripiicHa.sof several physicians with little or bo benefit, he CO.VCLUDED TO TAKE HOOD'S Sttrsaparilla. He used two bottles and now eats three hearty meals a day and says he never felt better in his life. My husband's father, past eighty years i of age has been a great sufferer from ' bim from tearing his fa.-e on accourt rbeumatlsm for over forty years. He of bis great suffering. We gave him was also troubled with his stomach ?»• bottle of Hoo^^ls BarsapariUi and .,,.., OB nas never bal as much as a pimpls but he waa cured by taking leas than or a sore of any kind on his face or three bottles of Hood s Sarsaparilla. My body since." Mrs. 0. F. CbamberlaiB. r KORBA-V PAPEa, I Korean paper Is superior to tliat o| : either China or Japan In Ijoth ol whicJi I countries It is in denuind for umbreli* icovera roofing and as a Nibstitute for { window glass. Hartford & Vim Tires MONrWKNT TO POTATOES. A seven-£ooc granite monument ia the upper Hari, Germany, has an iixm taUet inacribed: 'aiere in ube yea^ im, the first trials were mads witi tbe cultivation of the potato." To cure Catarrh ustt vapont of Quickcure. BALLOON VS. IRO.VCLAD. The use of the ba'looo in warfare will be one of ttie deve:opments of the near luture. A first -<â- ass modern iron.lad costs aliout »B.ODO,0O0. This would cou- H ^^^9 • It • s Sarsaparilla is Canada's Oreateat Medicine, beoaoae it snres when all c.bers fail. B« sure to get Bcxid'ik 26th ANNUAL REPORT - eF Tits â€" Confederation Life Association STEADV PROGRESS OP A MO.ME INSTltliTION. Attention maj' be. called to the very | „{ n^, affairs of the Association, and large aojount paid by tbe Association ! ,tated ttLai the new tmsm.ss for tn. during the p«dt year to lU policy- y^^^ im sliowed a saiisiactory in- hoiden. and annuitants, ani especially , rease over that for 18»7 at the same to the sum of alujpiit $M,UUU CASH (j.r, PHOl-ire TO POLICVHOLDEHS. Tbe ; ^eieral of the po;i< yholdera and TO MAKE HOME HAPPY. An epicure says six things are neo- essary in oirder to make home tappJ^ The firs* is a go'rf oouk. and tie oth^ fj?e are money. HANDSOME RECrLAR FEATURES Do not constitute a tieantiful face. U the skin 1« covered with those unsight- ly pimples. By removing all impuri- ties from the Mood, and regulating tbs digestive functions Celery King pro- duces s clear, healthy complexion One month's treatment. 25 cents. At all druggists, or Woodward Medicine Co, Toronto, Canada. total paymients including $b.031, tbe ainojnt received for re-in'»arances. and which is deducted from the death claims in tbe financial slateinenl, were »511,7&5!.&!. it maj>' also be mentioned that this Ahso iatiun since its organization has rai.d a total of $1,034,214 7} CA?H FHO- EITS up to (.be close of last vtar to Us pol icy bolde rs, un aimount equal to 43 per cent, of tbe total death claims dur- iing tbe i>aine time. rtie financial statements herewith submitted exbinlt tbe Irajisactions of A PAPER CHir.TRCH. Bergen. Norway, l«ai»ts of a paper church lafga mougb to seat 1.000 per> sons. The Ijuildin? is resdered water* proof by a eolutitjo of qnicklims. cui^ died milk and wlhites of eggs. w p r 9IS mERALSTISTED'-JtV^ .MIl.T IV k HlLK.-«tV. B. A Se.. I< S«. S^erauient 9 . llentreal. Qaa Lmrf IscroM in PontHs te PallcybolScii â€" laiitctt C»ltccll«D> I* Advaace el Aay Prevlrat Year Tbe twenty-sixth unnual meeting of tbe Confederation Life Association waa held at the Head Uffi(>e of tbe com- pany, Yonge. Richmond and Victoria tbe AteOviatiuc and its condition on atreets, 'Toronto, on Tuesday. March 15, the Slst December last. 1898, at S p.m. I The audii'ora ha e givein strict at- Tbt're was a fair attendance of share- t<-nt;oii to tbeir autiea. maJiiug tbvii holders and policyholders. inv^wtigatious frutu month to mouth, Mr. W. H. Beatty. Vice-President, and their repoit «ill Ij* found ap- was appointed to act as Chairman and pended to tbe financial statements. Mr. J. K. Macdonald. Managing Direo 'I he directors are also p1*-ased to re- tor, as Secretarv. sto<.'kio!derB present referred in com- pllmt-ntary terms to the success whi^'fa Las attended the operations of the Association, and the report was nnaui- Bioualy aiJoi'ted. Resolutions of tlanits. which were suitably resj^ionded ta. were also passed to the Dire tors, Officers. Audilora. Medical Examiners. Field and Office Staffs, for t.Teir faithful services dur- ing tbe year. AK tLe retiring directors were re- elected, viz.. Hon .'^ir W. t*. How and. Edward Hooi>er. Esq., \V H. Beatty. Esq.. Hon. Jas. Young. S. Nordheimer. Ksq . W, H Gibiji, Eaq.. A Mcl/ean Howard, tsq.. Waiter i*. 1-ee, Esq., A. L. Uooderl am, Esq., AV. D. Matthews. Esq., Geo >ritthell, Esq.. Frederick Wy!d Esq.. J K M* dona'd, Esq. At a meeting of tbe new- board held imiuediately after the annual meetioj WIND â- " *p a>» MtLLt-Sue . Qalrtaized, ReUes kii * Bill tiear*L(». Iron Pumpa, 'P'sven. ttud Or^:n G-inde:-* Ceaitf, sitaa ey * •••••' *a, ltiM(e«, Bnuitfars, >sit»as MITCT/*' ^fo'* wanted to iatrednoe osS WUML <-»t»l««a« sad tenuh. Wb wlH l'll/cra\^ mail pTe-* « -Dar lib. »?JimS Mla«iB'." wiMt mi* . lor S '-enrs. •;*"ip" MMUM MU«M BU>gT, M Alexia It. Montraal. ix>.v' THK HiuBvonny br «irea(« I>o yeurow. ihin'tnc Wo « li upo-i*ie ti gt -tn^ ^ 1 (MfWlD^ roa'^hia lat fucu*rf »ric-i )li.aO le ra.l lellTf |w «d free withla 'â- 00 rallen mt Montr. aL a*nJ fe/ spaoiat c ,tftl^ipi': aa4 t r ' â- T1U iAII.BV SMALDSSH M, UijKTaiui. After the usual formalities tbe fol- port thit the field and office staffs con- Ug^ ^ij. \\ p Howlan !, K C.M.G.. t atru<'t au'l equiiy for war purposes a low ing report and statements of tbe af great many balloons, and it would sefiu ts if tbey might b« used by tbe) inhabi- tants of a l)eselged city with which to sail over an invading fleet and drop explosives upon the warships under- seatb with deadly effect. Tbey might also be used to droc> these explosiv- es over the elties orru£>ied by an op- ponent. Of course there would be con- siderable risk in .<4iuh an enterprise, unless the hallooni could l>e properly steered, but the dirigible >>alloon is one o( liu- inventions that w« may ez]^sot to see in tbe nar futufe. Quick as Thought The maddening toothache sto|ie when Nervilineâ€" that wonderful nerve-pain cureâ€" is applied to the tooth. Nervi- line is the only rositive never-failing remedy for tootha,cbe and all nerve pains, lie advised and try it. MAXIMILIAN. Tliough 30 years have passed since Maximilian was shot in Mexico, his liro- tber. the Emperor of Austria, always hoIdH memorial services on June 19. the anniversary of tiiat tragic event. At lihe castle of Miraniii.r, near Trieste, »n the Adriatic, the rooms occupied liy Archduke Mnxiuiilian Iwfore leaving tor the new woTid are kept, by the Kmperor'ji orders just as his brother left them wlipn he went to hie death. tiae Quickcure for Lame Back,Sprains,Stralns,&c. AN "IF," If we moved cvuT legs proportionately ts fast as an ant, it is calculated we Bould travel UNirly 800 miles an hour. TO CURE A COLL) IN ONE DA\ . Takv LiittttiTP Bronio Qiiiiiins T«bletf>- AU Dni|- flkU rrfund Ihc rnon^v If it. fatls toOuff ' 4^5. HOW TO REACH MARS. An eminent ast roncMuer says tbat for pommunicatinn with the inhabitants of Mars we .should require a flag as large as Ireland and a pole 500 miles long. CROWN OK PORTUGAL. The gems in the crown of Portugal are wo-rth JHtHtO.OOO. Those in Uie roy- al diadem of England are valued ai 11.800,000. , , Indls:estion Strrnathani tb* aioaiaah: al4t ilaiilliaj aMi ' P«^»n"y,on ia« bowato. LamBMkaaa,a|eu., Sold by ai dnirltta, at WDtiWui umSHM to., ToaexTO, uauu. fairs of the Assoi'ialion for tbe year H<97 were presented. REPORl The year J897, like sooie of those which preceded it, was one tbat called for the exerciiie of much care and pru- dence, Iwtb in regird to obtaining new insurance and iu tbe imestment of the funds. It would have tiern quite with- in the ability of your directors to have largely incieaaed llw volume of new buaanesa but it waa deemed the wiser uourse to continue the cunaervative policy of tbe p;tsl. an 1 do a aafe, though moderate business at a reason- able cost. • Tbe policyholders and shareholders will note with satisfaction tbat while an amount of new insurance was st*- cured slightly in excess of thut for IMHi. it w as obtained, and the entire business ciif the association conducted, at a cost actually lees than for ttiat year. Tbe total aj plications received during tbe Tear were 2, 104 lor «»,332.4g3 of in- surance; i.VJZ for 18,143,285 were ap- proved and policies written; 85 for $182, aOO were declined, and 7 for fl.COU, bt-ing incomplete were deferred. In- clutling U>nus additions, tlje new busi- ness for the year was $3,168,172. Tbe total business in force at tbe close of the year »a.s «28.332,005.OU under IH,»15 policies on 16.427 lives. In the mutter of the valuation of llie lK>Ii>'y anil annuity obligations, for all busineas taken since Deceml>er 31. liW5, liuue to dis^-biirge their duties with efficiency and diligence. All the directors retire, but are eligible for re-election. W. P. HOWLAXt). President. J. K. MACUONALU. Mtacagiug Director. FINANCIAL ,'<1A1EME.NT. Receipts. PremiuuiS net .... 9931,561 02 Interest and rentSt net. . ibi,%6 )i3 IS., was re-elei ted President, and Mes- srs. Edward Haoi)#r and W. H. Beatty Vice-Presidents. XaE STARS' RAYS. It requires four years and four months fof a ray of light to reach us from the n>-area( star and yet light travels at tbe rale of lM'i,33'l miles in a seconil. At this rate a first-class ex- 91,184,5^ 25 i'reiss irain running at a speed of 37 DISBUiRfiEMCENTS. To Policybulders. Death claims, net $243,525 75 Endowments. . b3353 00 Annuiuea. !).t«54 M S'urrendered poll i'S tki,iiy3 84 Cash profits . . HS.Wi ti9 Kxpenses. salaries, commis- sions, et« l<i iciends to st o'^oboldeo's Balance. - . ... •50S,721 62 206.411 10 15 tHJO 00 . 459. 9M4 53 *1,184,5;.'7 25 miles an hour would require a con- j tinuous run of '75008.000 to reach Alpha jCentauri. It wvuld lake 250 000 years I foe a cannun l>all, travelling at. th^ us- I ual speed of such proijectilea. to reach I this s^iue |«>iiktt viihicb is lAir nearest bt&T neigblnr. Com Sowiugr hi conducted t'y tight boots. Corn reai>tng is liest condmted by Putnam's Painless Corn Kitractor the only .safe, sure prompt and painless corn cure. Beware of Imitatioos. COMBINED. ITY FOR POLI0YH0LI>- ERS $1336,806 74 Au«liiiors' Report. We beg to report that we have cojn- a J ate of 31-2 iier cent, only has lieen ; pleted tie audit of the hooks of the aasumed. Association for the vear ending Decem- V our directors are vileased to lie able I ber 31st. 18l>7, and "have e.\aniined tbe to report a very fair increase in the vouchers connected therewith, and returns fionu property taken oyer in ,-ertify that the financial statements Total assets 96.237.1)89 28 1 Total liabilkies. . . . 6.900.8»! 54 I My SOD wants me to buy him a troJ- $ 336 806 74 lev linf. end I thinlc he would make a Capital Stock. . . . 1.000.000 00 a "lawyer. In the on- case he would cut people up. and in the other me.rely TOTAL SURPLUS. SECUR- ' pull their legs. What would you sug- gesitr T'U make a dwtor of bim. Then he can do liolh. the City o( Turooto, and with the im jsrovement w bii-h seems to l* very gen- eraJly anticipated a still higher return ia loiikod for during the present year. T'he.v are also very glad to reiwrt that the "laymeot of interest on mortgage a- o.m't has l^een very much better than for some years past. The actual col lections were aliout 16 per cent, in advance of those for 18l«i, while the amount due and oulstandina at the 31st December las.t was almost i5 per cent., less than at the corresponding date of lK»ti. It mace also le stated that sev- eraJ house properties have been sold during the year to realize all the rom- lany had against them. The death claims arising in the year aggregated the sum, of $243,824. These o-.-curred under 140 jKiiiciea, on 119 lives. WhUe well w-ithin the tabular rat«, it is la-rger tbaat the usiial experience of this company, and arises largely from tbe fact that aeiveral lives fell In on which there were large inauranees car- ried, which coinsidetahly increased the average. The above, considering the lives at risk and the age of the com- pany will aitrongly atte<»t the care ex- ercised by the directors is the ad- aueeion uf onilgr bealthy lives. agree with the books and are correct. Hows This? Wa offar Oce Ilundiod Po'ara Reward fci any oa^^i of ( at^rrh that ca'.inot b« cured L .v Hall t- CaWrrh Cure, T) tPKNUY SCO., Proia Toledo. (>. We tha uad*r«gn»d. havo kmwn F. .' Chcaar (or t.io lii»t 15 > ears, and ballave hi I J. M. ««»C«MM, H.B., aa • â- aaaca^L '^^'''^^n.c A throat; EYE, EAR, NOSE &,^^^, Dominion Line Steamships. M'->- t'e*! nod Q ia!)yc u> Liverpool in •'jminar, tot' a 'd le Livenwol in w:a'-^r. l.aria ase fS't twin »rrew atna-Jiship* L^brider ' •â-¼Â»* cenvar.' •Dominion.' 'iVxitaruM,' Ynrkthjre/ BuMrlor Ac.--ec siodvtioB 'or rir*t Caoln. !*ae ona Cubia ar d Stoaraf" vmrnf^fn. R»'.a« el pnwai-a- r;r«t Cabiu. fW ; i-atan'l Cakio. $34| ^tafr&yt f.l a<j aod up»a:da iraar<.<lnK t« a'aawerand ^rth. Tot all iafariiiOtoD apply to LiHjal Aitenu. or luvio TciaUcs » fo.. Caal Aceato. 17 t^l. Sa orameat 8l. MoB-raitl. EstabliKbed ISM. t3 Steamer" anraKatlnC tS5.<KKi Toa» ALLAN LINE Royal flail Steaiuship Co., Montreal to L iverpool. Sieaaiera .<al! fro n Moiitrial •^••y SaturdaT morning on nrrlvil of Irains from Tor'n'o aD« the Weat at>oui 9 o'clock. RATKS or PASSAGB Cabin 452.30 »rd upwards ; !?jcond Cabia S34 and an.! r^.iH: 3'eara«» %â- > Liv-.rpoai, London, aiaa«'>w Be.fa»t, Uindonderry d Q learstown t22.iii and t23.W. A rednotlon of nre per cent. l« aUowea o« round trip flrat -'n ; iecoi d cabin ticket**. Foj â-ºaillog» of ~:e«m»-»or other intomiatlon apply Lo any authoriised utent. B. Bonrlter. ) King St. W. TorontSb or B. * A. AllakB. MoatreaL Tbe securities represented in the as- I ^rt.cfljhenr.r^i.Je laailbviain aa tr.B»acilon sets (with the exception of those loUg- | aad financially nblaiocairy out any oblltatio- ed with tbe Dominion Government, ! m* a by t*«lr flrnv , .^ , „, . amounting to $84,««. and th<.se d^ i ^v««,^fj,';^*- .^^rf^''^'!^"^^^^ losited vMth tbe Government of New- ( Urug«lat*. Tolado-'Ohio, foundland. amounting to $25.0(»0l have! Mall's Catarrh cnrw i« taken iniernally, act been examined and compared with the i"« directly uron the blood and m-icoiiB «ib' - 'aoaa of thaiyaiein. rrii»T5c per lotla; Sola iTji 1 DrUKgiaU Taatinoulals b Hall'a Tamllv Pir.« nratbs beat. ^."^^'."J, '.^!_*''*.":l''lHi".' »° V V^'â- °^-j S;^,f,;j;g';;u.*%tin,oulal»Tlraa rect, and corresj ond with the schednles and ledgers. The lank I aJances and tbe cash are certified as correct. W R. HARRIS,. R. F. SPENCE. •mE CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE. What happened to 8lmpkins? J He had a disi^Kite with a policeman. Audiitors,' You know. Simpkias is 'very quick at Toronto. February il'nd, IgitK. repartee? The Chairman, Mr. \V H. Beatty. In Ves. moving the atioi lion of the rei>ort com- Well, the policeman wa^^n't. Simpkins mented on the very satisfa'-tory state will le out in a wee^ oir so. Cevlon Tea. is what housekeepers say about LUDELLA ^* â- uggest â- trial. Laad pacliag»s. *5, 40, 50 and 60c. Jack at All Trades "Ataruief should be able tu cuasliuot every tbicag needed 00 the farm.' (t) if be warns a wagon i.>uy a faw looAs, spokes bu^«, eU'. acl make it. Ui* time is Du'i'bingâ€" ' be can I afford ta help aupport Ug fjktoiries." I'oa aver- age farmer will acirise you to tell •vbet to tbe maxinca," l>ut. many Ckf ibesa listen to Jus^ Buoik argumcnib tn tbs tenoe question Are lioey wisaf \Vs can sell you Fage fenve al Iroai 4b to t»5 cents per rod. For illustrated ad- â-¼ertiaing matter apply to t^e UkjU Page dealer, off to ue direct. III m w \m cwsKi Limited, WALKERVILLE, ONT. F. 6.â€" -Sae out "ad." Va next isana.