THE F L E S II E H T O N A D V A I C E APRIL 21 1898 Ill Trid M liliaila Miim, FLESH ERTON ^ â€" :i-s=ii==;jj â€" .« <r A fc tl > A V We do not rut prices but sell at our re- gular rates tor cat h. â- tnalNJoii of C'd Liver Oil 25c up Cyrup of Uyp^iphdHpliites 50c up HutiiT Culir(.s,i iiplt free) lOi- up Huotliiiii Syrup .. .10c up Worm Pi)«'il.-r to age , . . . 10c up <_"i>u-j!i Svriip". . 10c up iAvvr Pills 10c up JKitittcC of Black lierry . lOc u p Oaii.idiau liloDil Tunic . ..3r)u Toutli Uuiii or ili-u|j:i which you hkt'...10c SiHtdaclie P»*-diKti> Sc And all other gooes as low as any re- liable druggist can supply you. We buy for cash and »ell for cash and do a cash lausiness. Vicinity Ciilps C'i:ir:tcterl8tics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Carious â- â€" â€" Mitfineiii noticea anunig locaU wilt bt t charyed at the rate of ten ci-iita t per Hue fur each huertion. A t redtintion will be made on con t tract* for 100 line$ or over. Division onuri will b« held here ou S-'ndiiy. Feversham correspondeuco came too 4«.te. Get your spring suit mode by Proctor, Th« tailor, Clayrnn's block, Fieiiherton. The first boat for the Sutil:, left Owen Jtuun'i on Tuusday, uiid 1 r Duluth on Weduusday. A nudibor of <((iutleiueii inspected the 9«i«croft (k Tiilbot .iiill here latit week w tb a view to buying. Dr. Little'x dental office will be in $proultiii block, next the puKtotlJce, 4ioud»yH and Tuuwliiya. Mr. Tuckur Phillips has been uianu- facturing lumber with bis portable steam mill at the mill yard during the past week. Our sidewalks need repairing, many boards being loose and others br>kuii. Somebody is li»ble to have their shins 4autaL'ed. Mr VV. KicliurUsoii baa one of the Knout Easter lilies in bloom it has ever fcuen our fortune to sue. It stands just mix fei-t h'gh. Still a few of our stylish spring sailors, turbans and fedorikS left, at thonu pupu'ar j»rice« peculiar to Mrs.Triiublo'e millinery rooitis. The result and succods of the early •priiig millinery opening at Mrs. Tnm- fcle's have been very encouraging and we pri.' having a inidsumuier opening Mrly in M.iv. A heavy wind and rain storm nigud all «Uy Tuesday. The rain was much needed. It was noticed that the wind ciiiiie frcni the south, aiid doiibtles had its origin in the vicinity .if Washinuton, D. C. UcFnrliiitd & S..n, Markrlslo, want •(J,000 pounds wool lIigluKt prices i»aid. They hiive g.od blankets an. I lannels to exchange at ninuufiiciureis' prices, Bo sure and call on McFarland <fc Son, .Vlarkdnlf, with your wool. Mr. C. iMosicr inforuw T .0 Advance khat he aocidentaly cauglit a sptckled trout on Saturday while fi hinu for auckers that would lot-asuro at 1 ast kwenty inclie*, but just as he got it lo the lop of the water it broke loose and g.'t away. This may be considered the <ir.'.t •f the season. One day last week several fish plates were found placed on the railway track below Proton Station with the evident intention of derailing; a train. An •flicial camo up from Toronto to investi- gate the matter and discovered the cul- J>rit8 ni some boys of rather tender age. After giving them a salutary fright Ihey WÂ¥* allowed to go with the warning tln&t if thoy were ever aL'nin discovt-iu'. in the vicimty of the track oratation, unl.-sou leji'.in.ate busiiiesa, they would lie ar- est'd. €vanty and Uistriet Mr. John Flesher entertamed a hitg'i namb.'r<jf ymiiiu ;ieop|e on Monday even iiig at a private exbibitiou of his phoie- LEinph and niHg'c lateru at the residence of his moilier, Mrs. W. K. Flesher Buth iii.struments are good ones and those preset. t lliorou^thly enjoyed thi^maeives. For S.ile by private saleâ€" Two bed room suits, 2.spriii{s, 2 msittreases, nesi- ly new ; 3 fancy chairs, 1 crank churn. 2 j.a«r houselii.ld scales, weialis 281bs. ; 1 hall st:ind anit about 30 yaids ng carpet. Mrs. J. E M<K)re, Flesherton Wr. Thomas Genoe had James Sainph' up Mauii-trate VanDuaen on •Saturday on a charge-of usini; abusive and profane laiiguaL'e. It was prove" that Mr. Sample had used very nanuhty 'iari(;ua^'u and ho aceordiniily had to Miuander dollar and costa, ainou:it' i:ig in all toS6.89. Tfot'ce â€" It baa come to tny ear» that a ctTtain I icycle huckster has been report- ing thai he can sell and had sold tlu MsBsey-Harris bicycle for $55. This is a straight f Iseliood, as these wheels canoft bepurcha»td whoIe»ale at that fienre, and moreover the cmipany does not and would not do husinest with men i>f this class. F. VanDusbn, agent, Flesherttin. McFarland 4 S'ln, Markdale, have purchasi'd upwards of 300 ladies' »hirt wai'ts at less than iiianufactnrers' prices, will he si'lil from 30 cents up ; also one case 42-iiich dress goods, regular price 25 cents, going at 17^ cents. McFarland it S>n, the ladies say, have the prettiest show rooms and nobbiest ladies' hats in the country. Prices to suit every pocket. PeR50tllAL5 Mr. and Mra. A. 8. VanDusen are visitinn friends in CoIIingwood this week. Miss Reenie Munshaw of Eu"eiiia spent the past week with friends in town. Miss Ebberly, teacher, Osprey, spent a day or two with Miss Gertie VatiZant durini; the past week. Mr. Thos. Ijcitch returned on Mon- day from a two niontha' visit with relatives at Sprinizhank. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. VanDusen attend- oil the funeral of Mr. Jus. Galbraith at Uulland Centre on Friday last. Mr. TlioB. Gamey of Alalmma was in town on Mondiiy on his way to Osprey Mr, Gamey left Alabana on Friday and he met many troops on the way which are being mobilized in the gulf states. lie will return to the sunny south in n lew days. Uo kicks about the cool weather we have up here in the north, and cays strawberries and vpgefables are Uow in vogue down where he came from. No vi'lage in Ontario has better or more substantial ntreets than has Flesh ei ton, and the boulevards are kept in most instances with a fair amount of taste and c-ire, while a consideralo expenditure is made each year upon renewing and build- ing sidewalks, but the cows still roam ai lars;o aiiu are already in evidence. What one citizen attempts to build up anot'ier ( or rather his cow) breaks down, tramples under foor, defaces and destroys. .Inst now the sidewalks are suffering consider ably from bovines dancing upon them. Canaot some scheme be employed where hy this pest can be suppressed i It is not only unsii;htly to have these hoh-s in the sidewalk, but it is (Uingerous, and continuous repair is costly. By the way. while in a grumbling mood, we would like to ask if there is any near pronpect of kiettiiii; (lire tights authorized l>y a pui.'I'C meeting of the citizens last wiutcr. A mock breach of pomise trial was 111 id in Meaford recently under t' e au-piees of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist cbuich, and appears to have been a unique tiling by way of ciiler- taiiiiiieiit. Mayor Hannll presided as jiiilge. Tho phmtiff was a Mias " Wild Rose." The jury yave a verdict lor the plaintiff ofSl,000.000.26.There was much humor in connection with the affair, and it ended as follows, according t<i the Minor; " The court was about to ad- journ when a boy rushed to the front «ith a cablegram announcing that the detoijd.'iiit's uncle had died in England leaviut; him a foituiie provided ho aL-reed to chanuo his name and marry Miss Wild Rose. To this Mr. Bucll aitreed and the fair plaintiff readily aojuiesced." It sl^rikes us that auch an entertainment would be exceedingly interestiing and we cumm«nd the idea tu vur ladies iu Flesh- erton. J. C. Davidson, town treasurer of the town ut Bracebridite, atole over $3,000 of tuu t'lwii'a funds. For using this money that diu nut eloiig to him he will spend just one year in Barrie jail without labor. U.tU he iiHeu a pool man and atulen a few sticks of wootl off the curpora> ion's wood pi.e lie viuul.i have tieen sentenced tu out; or two years at tlie Central with hard I'loui. Such is the justice our judges are lueteing out to our high toned thieves. Aiiutiier problem has lieoo handed in for muihematicians to sirug;ilr with. No ai.swera are wanted in this ottice. We have prolilsms of our own. Tell the an- swer III the policeman, " A man owed $1 and bad Out 75 cents. He wmt to the pawnshop and pawned the 73 cents for 50 ccuis. He met a friend and soid him the pawn ticket calling tor 75 cents fur 50 ceiiib. Ue thus had two 50 cent pieces â€" #1, in fact â€" with which he paid his debt. W.,8 anybody out and bow much ?" â€" MinneapuliH Journal. Mr. Robt Maxwell, Hepworth, who has been eonductinij a dry goods business in parineiship with his brother in-law, Mr Smellie, oomniilted suicide by taking < arbolic acid. On Saturday Mr Maxwell attempted suicide by drownini:, but WHS reiiciied. Althi>u>ih a careful watch was kept on his actions he succeeded in ohiainiiii! a bottle of carbolic lUiid that wad in the, and it. a few n<inutes afier taking it, died. He was for several years in business in Piiikertoii, sndafter- wards in Chetdey. His mind has been nomewhat clouded for .some time past. The heaviest projectile that was ever fired from a gun weiuhed 2600 pounds, or GOO p'>unds mure than a ton. The kuii from which it was tiied was made at the works of Messrs. Krupp, at Essen, for the Russian Government, and has taken Its place in the fortifications of Croiistadl. Its calibre is l(i^ inches, leni<th of barrel, 44 feet ; it is made of the finest sieel^and weiulis 135 tons. It has a range of twelve miles, and can bo discharged twice in a minute. The cost of each shot is £300. The heaviest English gun weit^hs HI tons, aii(< fires a shoe weighing 1,800 pounds. The heaviest projectile ever fired in Eng- htnd WON thai fired by the Ariiibtruiig IIO- ton gun. The shut weighed 2000 pounds, tiie powder charge 0(50 pouiidsithe powder and shut together stood 9 feet hi'jh. With fairly good fortune it is calculated that the 110 ton gun is limited to seven- ty five rounds, fired with full charges. The enormous size and weight of the gun are serious objections to its use in board ship. .Moreove.-, a miss with such a gun means I he discharge of £160 worth of public pi open y into space. The Markets. Carefuilv Corrected Each Week Following are the market <|uiitaiionB for Flesherton for the present week, corrected U|j to 10 30 of VVudiiesdaJr : Flour $4 70 to $6 00 O.ns 27-0 27 Wheal, white 80 to 80 Wheal, red .. 84 tu 80 Barley 20 to 30 Peas 53 t;o 53 Butter 16 to 1(5 E:{!ts, fresh '.o 9 PoNitoes bag 50 tu 50 Pork ., 500 to 5 75 Hay per ton .. 5 00 to 6 00 n ides 7 00 to 7 00 Sheepskins 25 bo 5t( (j'HSe .... 6 to G Turkeys 9 to 9 C.iiiiiens per pair.... 20 to 80 Ducks per pair .... 40 to 61 Wool .... 17 ti» 20 RBLIEVES IN 30 MINUTES. A MAQIOAL LIPK-SAVBR. The most proiioiinc«!d symptoms of heart disease are palpllstton or flullerlng of ll)i> heart, shortness of breath, weak or Irreculiir pulse, Biiiolhfrtng nnells nt night, palus In region of heart. Tno t)raln may o© coiijjp«te,l, canning h*adnoh(*s, dizzi- ness OP vertigo. Ill short, whenever the heart flutters, scheg or palpitates. It Is dUeased, and If life Is Talued treatnioni miiBt be taken. Dr. Ajcnew's Cure for the Hesrt Is the onlr remedv .yet dlseoverej whieb will alw'iTs lire relief In 99 ml» â- tea, and cur« absolutely. 28. For saU) by W. UicbarUson House to Rent or Sell Gne4 dwelioK houM »nd half ah Mrs of lam] at Pleihertaa Htallou. Will ejiti*;' reat ei' . â- all on easy (orraa. f Vlm^kerten Bta»ioa, A»rU tOU, tW. B, COUXi ZJ^'::Z^Z^LZ^S--.^^jrr.^:Sir^/:^ I III order to supply our increased buaiiiesv, we have received a very lar|{e assort men t of all kinds of foul wear. 1« Ladies* wear the lateat and iiiost fashionable styles In Men's wear tine Dongola to heavy uhiugh boots. Children's wear in sfreat vaiiety. ^PRICES LOW AND QUALITY GOOD-tS^ |CLAYT0N'5, - - Flesherton. Repairing and Custom Work Promptly Attended to ._ J .^TuK:^jr!^.<r^^.. ,r-;/Ti;r^:sAi-,.-.\^t.'j^.^::%^.^^^^ Furniture Announcement H ivintt purchased the furniture hUHiness from Mr, J E M"ore, I wish to stale, by way of iiitroduciioii.i<i the people of Kb sher- toii and vicinity, that I find in tne stock a larje iiiiniber of articles which I am specially desirous to dmpo-e "f witbunt delay and to thai end will offer them at very clo.<io puces. Let me enumerate u few things : ^ ^fe» So/a from $5 up iSedsteada from S2 up Windouf Shadas and J'txinys from 25o up Dining Chairs, Common Chairs, Hall Chairs. Parlor Suns, Baby Car- riages, Hall lUcks, and odd piec-s of furniture. These thiiiL's will all ao at very cloBB prices during .â- \pril. I want to make the acquaintance of every person who buys furni- ture Th'S is the seisou of liou.secleaning and many tbiiifis will be re<iuired 111 my line. Let ine serve yrui. The uiiJertakim: business, which was so satinfaemrily carried on by Mr. Moore, will be continuid hy me, .-ind with, I trust, as laigu a degree of success. Awaiting yours esteemed orders. W. Jt. !Suni, S^lesherton. Furniture Dealer J. F. VanDUSEN FLESHEKTON Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewellery. All kinds of repairing douo a( lowest rates. Agent for Massey-Heirris-^^ ^^BICYCLBS Call in and see this favorite wliecl before you buy yonr raount. Nice New â- Ab Nobby NEW YORK . . Patterns in gent's suits, LATEST STYLES, . Just 10 hand. Older your spring suit nude hy The Tailor Nice - New Nobby m Roller* FlouiT and Sa.'w IMLills To thn F!«riiiers and residents of Prioa- villeandsiirroimdingu luntry and villages: liaviiii> leased the above mills for a term of yoais, 1 would respectfully solicit a fair share of your ciistoin and patron- age. Hoping l>y fair and honest deal- ing to retain all old and new customers ufthe inill. t^Best Brand of FLOCR, OAT MEAL, UKAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WUEAT, al.soail kinds 01 Feed kept ciiiisCaiitly on hand. Hit.'lio.«t Prices paid in cash for aiij iliiantiiio» of wheat. Planini;, Match- ing and Sawiiii< done to order also Saw Logs purchased. Special reduction on 4aud5bairel lots of Flour. Farmer* hrini,' your ^rist and chopping and giv« una fair trial and w« will be sure to use yiiu right. Chiippim; done every day at 5c Pex* loo lbs. G. ri. WALTER Piiciville, Jan. 25th 1398. F les}i.ex*ton. O having !rarlor J^ jCoyard - - !Proptteior Hairdressing in the Latest Style SCISSORS SIIARP1;NED aii.l IlAZOliS FJOiNED jiist class styU. C^ .\gfint for 1 olatin's Laund^ and Pa:ker's Dye Works, Toronto. STRAYED Btrayod from th*iiremi»os of the undersigned, about the niiildio nt May, 1807. one 8 year-olil Hereford heifer, white and red, more wbito Shftii red. white fncfl. two {>e]o red ears. Any In'nrniatioii as to hor wherenhuuta will he «Ukiikfully received and iDitattlv revarde<1 by H. DAVlDSOn. Grafs ofBeil ?"d';r^s Spruce Cum tkra«l,etc ^*A, '••eurraa*. wmm ,.«i \ .1